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GR No. 164790, Aug 29, 2008
Verbena D. Balagat

Doctrine: AN ESTRANGED wife who was not dependent upon her deceased husband for
support is not qualified to be his beneficiary.

Antonio de los Santos and respondent Gloria de los Santos, both Filipinos, were married on
April 29, 1964 in Manila. Less than one (1) year after, in February 1965, Gloria left Antonio
and contracted another marriage with a certain Domingo Talens in Nueva Ecija. Sometime in
1969, Gloria went back to Antonio and lived with him until 1983. They had three children.

In 1983, Gloria left Antonio and went to the United States (US). On May 8, 1986, she filed
for divorce against Antonio with the Superior Court of Orange, Sta. Ana, California. On May
21, 1983, she executed a document waiving all her rights to their conjugal properties and
other matters. The divorce was granted on November 5, 1986.

On May 23, 1987, Antonio married Cirila de los Santos in Camalig, Albay. Their union
produced one child, May-Ann N. de los Santos, born on May 15, 1989. On her part, Gloria
married Larry Thomas Constant, an American citizen, on July 11, 1987, in the US.

On May 15, 1989, Antonio amended his records at the Social Security System (SSS). He
changed his beneficiaries. Antonio retired from his employment on March 1, 1996, and from
then on began receiving monthly pension. He died on May 15, 1999 and upon his death,
Cirila applied for and began receiving his SSS pension benefit, beginning December 1999.

On December 21, 1999, Gloria filed a claim for Antonio's death benefits with the SSS Cubao
Branch. Her claim was denied because she was not a qualified beneficiary of Antonio.


Whether or not the respondent is still qualified as a primary beneficiary of the deceased SSS
member Antonio?


As found by both SSC and CA, the divorce obtained by the respondent against the deceased
Antonio was not binding in this jurisdiction. Under Philippine law, only aliens may obtain
divorces abroad, provided they are valid according to the national law. The divorce was
obtained by the respondent Gloria while she was still a Filipino citizen and thus covered by
the policy against absolute divorces. It did not sever her marriage ties with Antonio.

However, although respondent was the legal spouse of the deceased, the courts find that she
is still disqualified to be his primary beneficiary under the SS Law. She fails to fulfill the
requirement of dependency upon her deceased husband Antonio, basing from Social Security
System v. Aguas which is instructive in determining the extent of the required "dependency"
under the SS Law.

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