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Grammar 4 Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete

the text.
1 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
text. Before I came to university, I didn’t know what to expect. I
(1) ……………………… live in a small village and the university
(1) To lose/Losing your mobile phone is always a problem!
is in London. I was worried about (2) ……………………… to a
I can’t stand (2) to be/being without mine. I (3) lost/had lost
big city that I (3) ……………………… been to before. I thought
my mobile phone a couple of days ago, so I asked my best
about staying in my village but a friend told me that I
friend to call me and I (4) went/had gone all round the
(4) ……………………… nothing to worry about. She was right!
house, listening for it! Finally, I heard it in the garden! I
I’m having a great time. If I (5) ……………………… here,
(5) dropped/had dropped it in the grass!
I would probably be bored in my village!

/5 1 A use B use to C used to

2 A moving B to move C move
2 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of 3 A have never B is never C had never
these verbs. 4 A have B had C have had
5 A wasn’t B isn’t C ’m not
be (x2) • can • make • want
A: Hi, Emily. Are you feeling any better?
B: No, not really. Did Miss Davis give out the test marks in Total / 20
class today?
A: She didn’t give us the marks but she said she
(1) ……………………… very pleased. Some of us got 100%!
B: Wow! When do we get the marks? Vocabulary
A: She said she (2) ……………………… to talk to each of us
about our progress. She asked us (3) ……………………… 5 Complete the sentences with one preposition in
time to see her next week. each gap.
B: If I (4) ……………………… better, I (5) ……………………… talk to
1 I get ……………………… well with all my classmates.
her but I think I’ll be at home for the rest of the week.
A: Well, if you like, I can make a time for you. 2 I use an app on my phone to look ……………………… words
B: That’s great. Thank you. I don’t understand.
3 I don’t know what the problem is. My emails keep
bouncing ……………………… .
3 Complete the blog post with a modal verb or 4 Briony and Anneka have fallen ……………………… . They
have to and these verbs. There are two extra had an argument about something.
verbs. 5 If you turn the photo ……………………… , you’ll see our
names on the back.
do • give • go • look • see • stay • work
I don’t feel very healthy at the moment and I feel tired a lot
of the time. My dad thinks I (1) ……………………… the doctor
but I think the problem is that I have too much school work.
We (2) ……………………… homework every evening and if we
don’t do it, the teacher (3) ……………………… us even more.
Sometimes I’m doing homework all evening. Luckily we
(4) ……………………… at the weekends. I need them to catch
up on my sleep! In fact, I’m so tired I (5) ……………………… to
bed now.


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6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 8 Complete the text with the correct form of these
the words given. words. There are two extra words.
1 There was a lot of ……………………… (excite) when they come • flick • guidebook • hard drive • log
announced the winner of the competition. manual • turn
2 The man’s face went red with ……………………… (angry)
when the boy kicked his car. I’ve just bought a book called Computing for Idiots. It’s like a
3 I enjoy reading ……………………… (history) fiction because (1) ……………………… which explains how to use a computer. It
it’s very educational. talks about everything from how to (2) ……………………… on to
4 Harry’s ……………………… (friend) with Paul started about how to create simple programmes. I was (3) ………………………
ten years ago. through it last night and I (4) ……………………… across a section
5 Jack is a very ……………………… (create) boy. He loves about how to change a (5) ……………………… . I’m not going to
drawing and painting. do that but I might try a little programming!

/5 /5

7 Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the Total / 20


At school I’m working on a project with my (1) ……………………… .

We have to find out about different jobs. We’re mostly using
Use of English
the Internet to get our information, but we’ve also got access
to some old (2) ……………………… . I was (3) ……………………… 9 Complete the second sentence so that it means
through one the other day and there were some unbelievable
the same as the first. Use no more than three
jobs in there. For example, one that I came (4) ………………………
was a human alarm clock. This was before alarm clocks were 1 ‘How long have you lived in Hamburg?’ asked Sam.
invented and they had to visit different houses to wake people Sam asked her how long ……………………… in Hamburg.
up. They had to be very well-(5) ……………………… . If they 2 It is not permitted to stay out after ten o’clock.
weren’t reliable, other people would be late for work! You are ……………………… stay out after ten o’clock.

1 A family B classmates C circle of friends

3 On this holiday you can swim with dolphins.

2 A dictionaries B guidebooks C encyclopaedias

On this holiday ……………………… is one of the activities.

3 A turning B crossing C flicking

4 I never hung out with friends after school.

4 A across B on C at
I didn’t use ……………………… with friends after school.

5 A paid B organised C known

5 ‘Please turn to page 34, everyone,’ said our teacher.
The teacher ……………………… turn to page 34.
6 Riding a bike with one hand is not easy.
It is difficult ……………………… a bike with one hand.
7 I left for school and then I found out the news.
I found out the news after ……………………… for school.
8 You go to bed late. That’s why you’re always tired.
If you didn’t go to bed late, you ……………………… tired.
9 ‘You must go to school tomorrow,’ said Mum.
Mum said that I ……………………… to school the next day.
10 You must complete the form before you can join.
You need ……………………… in the form before you can

/ 10

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10 Read the article about a children’s magazine. Six sentences are missing from the article.
Choose from the sentences A–G the one which fits each gap. There is one extra sentence.

Be Happy! for kids
Magazines are a part of most people’s lives. (1) ……………………… As adults, we often choose magazines to suit our own
interests: cookery, gardening, cards, health and so on. And what would we do without magazines to look at in waiting rooms
or read on trains? Reading is important, and if we don’t have time to read novels, then magazines can be a good alternative.
There is one age group, however, that has not had a great variety of magazines to choose from. (2) ………………………

Jenny and David Myers believe that many children’s magazines have things wrong with them. (3) ……………………… They also
say that there aren’t any magazines that are suitable for both boys and girls. Most of them are either about monsters and
cars (boys) or princesses and clothes (girls). So, Jenny and David decided to start their own children’s magazine, Be Happy!,
which has now become extremely successful.

Be Happy! is produced by the Myers from their own home in New York. There are craft projects, recipes and stories, as well
as lots of interesting information about different things from various places. (4) ……………………… The magazines are fun and
educational, and both parents and children love them. Be Happy! has become so popular that there are plans to produce
the magazine every week instead of every month.

(5) ……………………… Jenny is practical and works in a bank, but David works as a designer. Until now the magazine has been a
hobby for both of them but now Be Happy! is starting to take over their lives completely! (6) ……………………… And it only
started as a hobby!

A The two writers are quite different but they work very well together.
B Although children can buy comics, there aren’t many magazines designed especially for them.
C For example, last month’s magazine had a special feature about children’s art from around the world.
D Jenny and David both have to decide if they should leave their jobs and work on the magazine full-time.
E Jenny and David both have similar jobs.
F When we are teenagers, we read them to look at pictures of celebrities and get advice on fashion and
relationships, as well as to get the free offers!
G They think that there aren’t enough educational features and that the content is more about popular
children’s TV programmes and celebrities.


11 Read the article again. Are these statements True (T), False (F), or is the information
Not Mentioned (NM)?
1 Special interest magazines are popular 6 The two authors of Be Happy! are very
with older people. T/F/NM similar. T/F/NM
2 Comics are a good introduction to reading
for children. T/F/NM
3 The writers of the magazine think there
are problems with some children’s
magazines. T/F/NM
4 Be Happy! is a new magazine published
by a well-known publisher. T/F/NM
5 At the moment, children can get Be Happy!
every four weeks. T/F/NM

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12 Complete the summary of the article with one
word in each gap.
David and Jenny thought that (1) ……………………… magazines
could be better. Their magazine has been very
(2) ……………………… . Be Happy! is popular with both children
and (3) ……………………… . Jenny and David might
(4) ……………………… their jobs to work on the magazine


Total / 16

13 Listen to five people talking about reading. 14 Listen again and choose the best answers,
Match the speakers (1–5) with the comments A, B, C or D.
(A–F). There is one extra comment.
1 Speaker 1 doesn’t read many stories because
1 ……………………… A they don’t have many at the library.
2 ……………………… B she doesn’t like them.
3 ……………………… C she reads books for school instead.
4 ……………………… D she only wants to read text books.
5 ……………………… 2 Speaker 2 likes to read on the train because
A the journey can be boring.
A I only read when I’m not well. B he doesn’t have time at school.
B My reading habits have changed. C he doesn’t know what else to do.
C I read a lot of adventure stories. D he has a lot to read for school.
D I don’t enjoy reading fiction.
3 Speaker 3 prefers to spend her time
E I can read very quickly.
F I read when I am travelling. A in bed.
B with a book.
/5 C at school.
D outside.
4 Speaker 4 likes to relax
A by not reading.
B by reading a new book.
C by playing football on the beach.
D by learning about the world.
5 Speaker 5 likes to read
A anything and everything.
B imaginative stories.
C books about real life.
D newspapers.


Total / 10

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15 Read this notice from your school magazine and write your article for the competition.

Write a short article called ‘Why we need our friends’ and we’ll
print the best one in the next magazine!

Write 125–150 words.











/ 12

16 Your teacher has asked you to give a presentation about the future of computers. Talk about what you
think computers will be able to do in the future.

/ 12

Total / 100

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