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DESCRIPTION: Hinilawod is an epic poem orally transmitted from early inhabitants of a place called Sulod in

central Panay, Philippines. The term "Hinilawod" generally translates to "Tales from The Mouth of the Halawod River".
o Alunsina / Laun Sina “The Unmarried One” – goddess of the eastern sky
o Kaptan – king of the gods
o Datu Paubari – the husband of Alunsina, mortal, the mighty ruler of Halawod
o Maklium-sa-t’wan – god of the plains, called the meeting of the council of gods
o Suklang Malayon – goddess and guardian of happy homes, sister of Alunsina
o Bungot-Banwa – high priest
o Labaw Donggon – eldest among the three sons
o Angoy Ginbitinan – first wife of Labaw Donggon, lived in Handug
o Monster Manalintad – part of Labaw donggon’s dowry
o Abyang Durunuun – sister of Sumpoy, the lord of the underworld and whose beauty was legendary in Tarambang
o Sikay Padalogdog – giant who guards the ridge, has a hundred arms
o Malitong Yawa Sinagmaling Diwata – young bride of Saragnayan
o Saragnayan – lord of darkness
o Aso Mangga – Angoy Ginbitinan’s son
o Abyang Baranugon – Abyang Durunuun’s son
o Humadapnon – second son of Alunsina and Datu Paubari
o Buyong Matanayon – aid from Mount Matiula, who was well known for his skill of swordsmanship
o Piganun – seductive sorceress, lived in a ridge called Talagas Kuting-tang (in Tarambang Buriraw)
o Datu Umbaw Pinaumbaw – ruller of Piniling tubig, his daughter was married to humadapnon
o Burigadang Pada Sinaklang Bulawan – beauty of the goddess of greed
o Goddess in marriage
o Buyong Makabagting – son of the mighty Datu Balahidyong of Paling Bukid, challenged Humadapnon in a duel for
the love of Burigadang Pada Sinaklang Bulawan.
o Dumalapdap – third son of Alunsina and Datu Paubari
o Lubay-Lubyok Hanginun si Mahuyokhuyokon – maiden, lived in Burutlakan-ka-adlaw
o Dumasig – who Dumalapdap brought along, the most powerful wrestler in Madya-as
o Balanakon – two-headed monster, guarded a narrow ridge leading to the place where maiden lived in Tarambuan-
o Uyutang – a bat-like monster with sharp poisonous claws

CONFLICT: The triplets’ struggles and adventures for their desired wives (Man vs. Man)
o Siklot – things necessary for childbirth
o Mount Madya-as – the mountain abode of the gods
o Biday nga inagta – black boat, Labaw Donggon’s boat
o Biday nga rumba-rumba – sailboat of humadapnon and buyong matanayon

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