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DJIA 21892.43 À 0.12% NASDAQ 6368.31 À 1.05% NIKKEI 19506.54 À 0.74% STOXX 600 371.01 À 0.70% BRENT 50.86 g 2.19% GOLD 1308.10 g 0.38% EURO 1.1922 g 0.43%

U.S. Hits
What’s Escape
News Route for
Business & Finance

U ber’s new CEO said he

would aim for an IPO
as soon as 2019, setting the
stage for what would be one
of the most highly anticipated
debuts in recent memory. A1
The U.S. military on
 The U.S. economy ex- Wednesday carried out two air-
panded at its most robust strikes aimed at stopping hun-
pace in more than two years dreds of Islamic State militants
in the spring and appears to evacuated from the Lebanese-
have momentum going into Syrian border from relocating
the second half. A7 to an extremist stronghold in
Syria near the border with Iraq.
 The FDA approved No-
vartis’s first-of-its kind
By Nancy A. Youssef in

cancer therapy aimed at

bolstering a patient’s own Washington and
immune cells, while the Margherita Stancati in
drugmaker attempted to al- Beirut
lay worry over the cost. B1
The first of the strikes came
 Amazon introduced this shortly after the U.S. criticized
week hundreds of Whole a deal brokered by the Lebanese
Foods products to its web- militia Hezbollah that allowed
site, a new impetus for on- hundreds of Islamic State mili-
line grocery shopping. B1 Household items damaged by Houston’s flooding sit outside a home, above. Below, a volunteer sorts donated clothing. tants and their families free

Harvey Douses Louisiana

passage out of an area strad-
 GOP plans to scale back tax
dling Syria’s southwestern bor-
deductions on firms’ interest
der with Lebanon. Their convoy
payments risk pushing more
left Monday and was headed to
borrowing outside the U.S. B1
a part of eastern Syria’s Deir
 One of the U.S.’s largest Ezzour province very close to
securities clearinghouses Storm comes ashore While waiting in the rain to the border with U.S. ally Iraq.
said it would no longer settle get into the George R. Brown “We created a crater. It was
Venezuela bond trades. B1 again as Texas officials Convention Center downtown, to block them so they could not
 Hyundai was forced into scramble to deal with Ms. Brown burst into tears, continue on the road,” a U.S. de-
realizing she had likely lost fense official said on Wednes-
a weeklong production halt the extensive flooding her home in Dickinson, a day, adding the coalition didn’t
in China amid a dispute be-
badly flooded area southeast strike the buses because family
tween Beijing and Seoul. B3
HOUSTON—Tropical storm of the city. members were present.
 Toyota plans to dive Harvey came ashore again Mr. Long said the best indi- That airstrike, which also
deeper into the ride-hailing early Wednesday, bringing cator of the number of people destroyed a bridge, took place
business by teaming up with heavy rains and whipping who have been affected by after the convoy entered Deir
Singapore startup Grab. B3 winds to southwestern Louisi- Harvey is that nearly 200,000 Ezzour province, one of Islamic
individuals have asked FEMA State’s last strongholds in

 1MDB said it paid the

By Cameron for financial assistance. Syria, from territory controlled
second part of a missed in-
McWhirter, “That number is going to by the government of Syrian
stallment to an Abu Dhabi
Jon Kamp climb,” he said. President Bashar al-Assad.
state investment fund. B7
and Russell Gold For five days the storm The U.S. Central Command
 Apple is allowing Chinese moved along the coast, dump- said that within two hours of
customers to use local mobile- ana, but far less destruction ing more than 50 inches of rain the first strike, it conducted a
payment system WeChat Pay than it brought to Texas. on parts of the state—a record strike west of Deir Ezzour on a
for App Store purchases. B4 Harvey, which weakened as for the contiguous U.S.—and handful of logistical vehicles
it turned inland, has been leaving damage and death in that were known to be affiliated
World-Wide linked to 22 deaths, though its wake. with Islamic State. That strike
an accurate death toll is un- ment Agency Administrator this the end of the world?’” Police in Beaumont, near may have killed Islamic State
certain because Texas offi- Brock Long said Wednesday. said 74-year-old Norma Please see HARVEY page A6 fighters, the U.S. military said.
 The U.S. carried out two cials aren’t releasing state- Texas officials have said Brown, cradling two of her “Irreconcilable #ISIS terror-
airstrikes aimed at stopping wide figures. more than 725,000 people dogs in a Houston evacua-  Economic heft gives Houston ists should be killed on the bat-
Islamic State militants evac- There were 230 shelters were under a mandatory tion center on Tuesday after an edge in recovery............... A6 tlefield, not bused across
uated from the Lebanese- taking care of 30,000 people, evacuation order. fleeing the flood on a neigh-  Insurers’ drones win after- #Syria to the Iraqi border with-
Syrian border from going to Federal Emergency Manage- “I asked my daughter: ‘Is bor’s boat. storm role.................................... B5 Please see ISIS page A4
a stronghold in Syria. A1

 Harvey came ashore
again, bringing heavy rains
and whipping winds—but
far less destruction—to
Uber’s New CEO Is Aiming
southwestern Louisiana. A1
 The storm is upending
petroleum flows world-
wide, a consequence of the
For IPO as Early as 2019
U.S.’s growing influence in BY GREG BENSINGER and 36 months, though he in- resigned in late June under in-
the global energy sector. A6 dicated that wasn’t a firm vestor pressure. Mr. Kalanick

 The U.N. Security Council Uber Technologies Inc.’s deadline, according to a per- appeared emotional as he
condemned North Korea in new chief executive, Dara son who attended the meeting. praised Mr. Khosrowshahi and
the aftermath of its mis- Khosrowshahi, said he would The wide range gives Mr. said he would support the new
sile launch over Japan. A3 start on Tuesday and aim for Khosrowshahi some leeway to CEO however he could, accord-
 Trump and his national se- an initial public offering as restore order to a company ing to the person who at-
curity team gave mixed mes- soon as 2019, setting the stage beset by months of scandals tended the meeting.
sages about the U.S. approach for what would be one of the and legal issues, as well as to “This company has to
to North Korea, with the KICKING THE AMAZON’S most highly anticipated mar-
ket debuts in memory.
shore up losses that totaled
more than $3 billion last year.
change,” said Mr. Khosrow-
shahi, according to Uber. “What
president suggesting the win-
dow for talks has closed. A3 TIRES ON A GROCERY At his first appearance in Mr. Khosrowshahi was in- got us here is not what’s going
 NATO said it would send NEW PLANE GAMBIT front of employees for the
ride-hailing firm Wednesday,
troduced to employees at the
San Francisco headquarters by
to get us to the next level.”
The 48-year-old CEO told
three observers to Russia’s Mr. Khosrowshahi set a time- the man he is succeeding, Tra- employees he wants to bring in
Zapad military exercise but THE MIDDLE SEAT, A9 BUSINESS & FINANCE, B1 line for an IPO of between 18 vis Kalanick, who reluctantly Please see UBER page A2
said Moscow’s invitation
fell short of obligations. A5
 Trump called on Congress
to approve a steep cut in How Big Tiger, an Orange Tabby, Is One
Of the Last Cats at Sing Sing
Oracle #1
corporate tax rates and sim-
plify the U.S. tax system. A7
 U.S. officials are worried
Mergers i i i

that politics could threaten Can Have New York prison once had hundreds of
funding for a children’s
health-insurance program. A7
Downsides resident felines; fewer than a dozen remain SaaS Enterprise
 American and Iraqi of-
ficials are concerned next BY GREG IP BY CORINNE RAMEY cell block at Sing Sing Correc- Applications Revenue
month’s referendum on Kurd- tional Facility. The tabby is
istan’s independence will lead Corporate America is get- OSSINING, N.Y.—Tiger, a among the last cats of Sing
to the breakup of Iraq. A4 ting more concentrated. The pudgy orange tabby, broke Sing, which once had hundreds
country’s largest internet re- into a maximum-security of resident felines freely roam-

 At least 18,000 Rohingya tailer just acquired its largest prison in ing its buildings and
Muslims have fled violence in standalone or- Westchester County grounds. While other
Myanmar and crossed into ANALYSIS ganic grocer, about a decade ago. prisons have strug-
Bangladesh in recent days. A5 and two of its
largest aviation-
Now, he turns his
nose up at tuna from
gled with feline in-
vaders, the position
CONTENTS Middle Seat............ A9 parts makers plan to the mess hall, but of cats at Sing Sing,
Business News...... B3 Opinion.............. A10-11
merge. From health insurance will gladly chow where the creatures
Crossword.............. A12 Review........................ A8
to internet search, fewer com- down on tinned tuna once had remarkable
Oracle Salesforce
Heard on Street.... B8 Technology............... B4
Life & Arts......... A9,12 U.S. News............. A6-7 panies control more of their inmates buy for him privileges, was un- Cloud Cloud
Markets...................... B8 Weather................... A12 markets. at the commissary. usual. 14.5% 12.4%
Markets Digest..... B6 World News........ A2-5
That can be good: size and While men lift Today, fewer than
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; scale can enable companies to weights outside, he a dozen remain.
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20
reduce costs, invest in bet- meanders through This is a tale of 1,000+ Employees Segment, 2015
ter products and compete the yard, supervising men and cats. A tale
globally. But a provocative from the picnic table or rub- of how hardened convicts can
new study concludes the op- bing up against their legs. be softened by furry tails
posite. It found that in recent “I think this is the best among them. And of how, in a
decades a lack of competi- thing that ever happened to suburb 30 miles north of New
tion has driven up prices, him,” said one inmate, of the York City, unsanctioned felines Source: IDC “Worldwide SaaS Enterprise Applications Market Shares, 2015: The Top 15 by Buyer Size,”
s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones & hurting U.S. growth, wages cat’s living situation. “He has a once thrived behind the aging doc #US41913816, Dec. 2016; Table 4. For the purposes of this report, SaaS enterprise applications include
the following application markets: CRM, engineering, ERP, operations and manufacturing, and SCM.
Company. All Rights Reserved
and labor-force participation. family.” walls of a formerly notorious Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Please see IP page A2 Tiger’s family is an 80-man Please see CAT page A2
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A2 | Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Uber Faces Probe Under Bribery Law

Justice looks at ment on the preliminary signed in June after months of rately pursuing a criminal in- protections for its users. The eign transactions.
investigation. scandals, legal issues and an vestigation into “Greyball,” a company didn’t admit nor Companies sometimes self-
whether managers “As a matter of policy, the internal investigation into al- software tool employees used deny the allegations as part of report infractions of the FCPA
breached Foreign department generally neither legations of sexism. to evade law-enforcement offi- the settlement. to the Justice Department and
confirms nor denies the exis- Mr. Khosrowshahi said cials, people familiar with the The FCPA, a 1977 law, has the Securities and Exchange
Corrupt Practices Act tence of an investigation,” a Tuesday he plans to accept the matter said in May. seen an increase in enforce- Commission, which jointly en-
Justice Department spokes- job once his employment con- Uber hasn’t commented on ment over the past decade. It force the law. Other times, the
BY DOUGLAS MACMILLAN woman said. tract is ironed out. the probe. bars companies from paying agencies pursue their own in-
AND ARUNA VISWANATHA Under former Chief Execu- As Mr. Khosrowshahi steps And this month, Uber set- bribes to officials of foreign vestigations.
tive Travis Kalanick, the eight- in, Uber faces growing pres- tled Federal Trade Commis- governments and requires —Newley Purnell
The Justice Department has year-old company spread rap- sure from U.S. authorities. The sion charges that it didn’t of- firms to keep accurate books and Greg Bensinger
taken preliminary steps to in- idly to more than 70 countries Justice Department is sepa- fer sufficient privacy and records, including on for- contributed to this article.
vestigate whether managers at in part by giving regional
Uber Technologies Inc. vio- teams authority to adapt to lo-
lated a U.S. law against foreign
bribery, according to people
familiar with the matter.
The agency has begun to re-
cal markets and expand as
quickly as possible, sometimes
flouting local laws.
In South Korea and France,
UBER sexism and sexual harassment
led to the dismantling of those
corporate values.
“If culture is pushed top
the work and character,” of Mr.
Khosrowshahi, “and are thrilled
to have him leading @Uber
2.0.” Media magnate and Uber
about 13% of Uber, has argued
Mr. Kalanick has reneged on a
contractual agreement to turn
the board seats over and de-
view allegations that Uber for example, it was found to Continued from Page One down, then people don’t believe director Arianna Huffington frauded the company by not
may have violated the Foreign violate transportation laws. In a chairman “to be my partner in it,” Mr. Khosrowshahi said, tweeted a “special selfie” photo disclosing questionable busi-
Corrupt Practices Act, which Singapore, local managers at the board level.” according to Uber. “Culture is of her, Mr. Kalanick and Mr. ness practices, including a pro-
bans the use of bribes to for- bought more than 1,000 defec- Uber’s current chairman is written bottoms up.” Khosrowshahi beaming arm-in- gram to evade authorities
eign officials to get or keep tive cars last year and rented co-founder Garrett Camp, who Uber directors who have arm in front of employees. through use of a phony app.
business, these people said. them out to drivers, fixing the is expected to be replaced in been battling for months over And yet behind the scenes, Mr. Kalanick in filings has
Based on what it finds, the safety defect only after one of that role but remain a director the future of the $68 billion the legal battle dividing the called the lawsuit a personal at-
Justice Department may or the cars caught on fire, a after the board mandated it company took pains to demon- board and shareholders contin- tack and pledged to fight it.
may not decide to open a full- probe by The Wall Street Jour- hire an independent chairman. strate broad support for Mr. ued. A Delaware Chancery Before the all-hands meeting,
fledged FCPA investigation nal found this month. Uber One of Mr. Khosrowshahi’s Khosrowshahi. Court judge sent to arbitration another investor who has
into Uber. said it has since added safety first duties is to fix the com- In an email to employees on a suit from Benchmark against aligned himself with Mr. Kalan-
It is unclear whether U.S. measures and fixed all of the pany’s employee culture, which Tuesday announcing his hire, Mr. Kalanick seeking the return ick, Shervin Pishevar, released a
authorities are focused on one defective cars in Singapore. under Mr. Kalanick was guided the board emphasized the vote to board control of three board letter in his defense that he said
country or examining activi- News of the preliminary by a list of 14 corporate values was unanimous. Benchmark seats he oversees, which would was meant to “defend what is
ties in multiple countries bribery investigation comes as including “toe-stepping” and Capital, which sued Mr. Kalan- effectively push him out as a di- right and to protect the interest
where the company operates. Uber plans to usher in a new “principled confrontation.” An ick to try to oust him from the rector. That marks a victory for of not only shareholders but
An Uber spokesman con- chief executive, Expedia Inc. internal investigation earlier board, said in a message on its Mr. Kalanick who had contested most importantly the far more
firmed the company is cooper- CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, to this year into allegations the Twitter account late Tuesday a public trial. important stakeholders of em-
ating with the Justice Depart- succeed Mr. Kalanick, who re- company ignored complaints of that “We’ve been admirers of Benchmark, which owns ployees, drivers and customers.”

IP This, they say, is proof that

companies are increasingly
able to exert “market power,”
that is, charge higher prices
economic growth has been so
tepid since.
The paper’s novel approach
and audacious claims have at-
the way business models are
De Loecker.

Last week, the Federal


Continued from Page One so as to boost profits at the tracted widespread atten- Trade Commission
The study is causing a stir expense of consumers. tion in the blogosphere. blessed Inc.’s
among economists, some of Other studies have come to Dietrich Vollrath, an econo- purchase of Whole Foods
whom are skeptical of its con- similar conclusions. One by mist at the University of Market Inc., no surprise
clusions. Yet its basic finding former President Barack Houston, calls it “an intrigu- since the combined company
is eye-opening. Obama’s Council of Economic ing (and very large) step for- would control only a small
In the study, Jan Advisers found return on cap- wards.” slice of the grocery market.
De Loecker of Belgium’s Uni- ital had become astronomical But some of its claims in- And Amazon, whose profit
versity of Leuven and for the most profitable pub- vite skepticism. Ample evi- margins are infamously thin
Jan Eeckhout of University licly traded companies, which dence already links depressed anyway, immediately cut
College London shouldn’t be possible if com- wages to globalization, prices on dozens of items—a
CAPITAL start from the petitors could freely enter weaker unions and the de- move sure to depress rather
ACCOUNT economic as- their market. mand for skills. Growth has than raise markups.
sumption that in The latest study goes even been weak globally since Critics worry that once
a competitive further, arguing the preva- 2009 and seems due mostly Amazon has eliminated its
market, a company can’t lence of market power helps to aging and repairing the competitors, it will be free to
charge much more for a prod- explain deeper economic mal- damage of the financial cri- jack up prices or squeeze sup-
uct than the cost of making adies. A company with such sis. The link to market power pliers. Yet the very thing
one more (what economists power often restricts produc- thus far appears mostly cir- that in theory makes
call the “marginal cost”). If it tion to prop up prices cumstantial. that possible, Amazon’s
did, another company would and profits. Messrs. By focusing on variable i.e., a handful of companies, time, increasingly contain size, also justifies the invest-
swoop in and undercut it. De Loecker and Eeckhout ar- costs the authors may under- each of which exercises some software that is costly to de- ments in technology and real
The authors analyze data gue this reduces demand for state how companies’ fixed market power, without gener- velop but almost costless to estate that make its offerings
on every publicly traded com- labor and thus explains why costs have risen, to pay for ating excessive profits be- reproduce, such as Tesla Inc.’s so irresistible to custom-
pany in the U.S. back to 1950 wages for low-skilled workers things such as software, com- cause these companies have self-driving software, an en- ers and difficult for competi-
to determine how much its have stagnated in recent de- puters, research and develop- to invest so much. The study’s hanced version of which the tors to match. For instance,
revenue exceeded its variable cades. Lower wages also dis- ment and marketing. One ma- authors say profits have company sells as a $5,000 op- Whole Foods doesn’t just give
costs, such as labor and com- courage people from working, jor fixed cost, depreciation, risen, but Mr. Cowen disputes tion. Amazon a big footprint in
modities. That excess, what which depresses labor-force has risen from 12% of GDP in their data. The question for trust groceries, but a network of
they call the markup of price participation. the 1960s to around 16% as One example of this is busters is whether this move physical pickup locations
over marginal cost, fluctuated They add that markups companies spend more on banks that now spend more toward companies with higher close to its most affluent cus-
between 16 % and 32% until may be evidence of barriers tech equipment that quickly on information technology to fixed costs and more market tomers.
1982 and has since climbed to entry by new competitors, becomes obsolete. manage risks and to design power is benign or malign. The latest study doesn’t re-
steadily, to 67%.The trend which is corroborated by Tyler Cowen, a blogger and and market products rather The policy implications are solve these tensions. But the
holds across industries, and is slumping business startup economist at George Mason than on branches. This favors either “‘We’re being too le- questions it raises about how
more pronounced in smaller rates. The especially sharp University, writes large banks that can spread nient,’ which is what we corporate size is reshaping
rather than the biggest com- rise in markups since 2009, that this might lead to more those costs over many more heard in the corridors of Eu- the economy beg for further
panies. they say, may explain why “monopolistic competition,” customers. Cars, mean- rope, or it could be, ‘Here’s investigation.

CAT ple, but you would see them

caring for these cats, and nur-
turing and protecting them,”
Mr. Jimenez said.
enter the prison through barred
windows but has since gotten
too fat to squeeze through.
Current inmates extolled Ti-
Continued from Page One Among inmates’ favorites: ger’s virtues: He obeys the of-
prison. A different Midnight, who took ficers. He scared off a ground-
“You’re in a place where ev- up residence in the school hog that menaced lettuce in
erything is stripped from you, building and was later adopted the garden. He beat up a pos-
and you can’t go to the bath- by the librarian. “She finally sum. He lets a favorite inmate,
room without permission,” got parole,” the inmates joked Ace, play with his back paws.
said former inmate Sean Pica, of the cat, who died last year. “Only Ace,” an inmate said.
who left Sing Sing in 2002, Among guards’: Mama, the On a recent morning, the
“and you find this animal who tortoiseshell kitty who lives tabby sat on a prison stair-
doesn’t look at you differently.” outside the prison entrance. case, cautiously eyeing a visi-
Rikers Island, which holds “She’s my second officer,” said tor. “Tiger’s scared of women,”
New York City’s jail complex, one guard, referring to her another inmate explained, not-

once had about 1,000 outdoor pawed partner. “From the mo- ing a previous female caller
cats, said retired Capt. Gloria ment I come in she’s by my carted him off to the vet.
Murli. side.” “It’s kind of ironic you have
In the early 2000s, volun- As for Tiger, Mr. Jimenez, violent criminals ready to de-
teers neutered about 400, 47 years old, was among the fend him,” said inmate Jer-
neatly clipping the tips of one early inmates adopted by the maine Archer, 44. The cat, Mr.
ear to keep track. Once a jail orange tabby. Then, Tiger Archer said, was getting old, fat
kitty, always a jail kitty, Capt. would catch mice, proudly sit- and slow. “But we love him.”
Murli said. “You can’t just take ting by his trophies at the cell
the cat and throw it into some block’s entrance. The cat, trot- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
other neighborhood.” ting with his tail in the air, Europe Edition ISSN 0921-99
She hopes to neuter at least pounced on joggers in the yard. The News Building, 1 London Bridge Street,
London, SE1 9GF
100 more. The tabby slept in Mr.
At New Jersey’s Bayside An inmate tries to coax Tiger outside at Sing Sing Correctional Facility in Ossining, N.Y. Jimenez’s cell. At 6 a.m., Tiger Thorold Barker, Editor, Europe
Grainne McCarthy, Senior News Editor, Europe
State Prison, inmates used to would jump on his bed to get Cicely K. Dyson, News Editor, Europe
catch and raise cats, stashing sweetness of the way inmates fused, the guard did it himself. comment. Court papers say he his attention, then leap to the Darren Everson, International Editions Editor
them in lockers during counts treated the animals was beau- Midnight, the mother cat, contended the kittens were window and wait for him to Joseph C. Sternberg, Editorial Page Editor
and inspections. In 2014, after tiful to me.” jumped out of the compactor sick, dangerous and violated get up.
Anna Foot, Advertising Sales
prison officials and the non- When inmate Todd Young, and came back to Mr. Wil- facility rules. Tiger, Mr. Jimenez noted Jacky Lo, Circulation Sales
profit Alley Cat Allies clashed who was at Sing Sing from liams’s cell, meowing, pacing Outrage generated by his with disapproval, could once Andrew Robinson, Communications
over a cat-feeding ban, the 1996 to 2011, talked on the and looking for her kittens, trial led to animal-welfare Jonathan Wright,
nonprofit helped neuter and phone in the yard, a black cat “black furry little things and groups neutering Sing Sing’s Global Managing Director & Publisher
return nearly 150 cats to the
grounds the next year, said
named Stinky and a gray one,
Mita, would climb all over him.
very cute,” he wrote in a letter
this month.
cats and returning many to
prison. Cat life at Sing Sing CORRECTIONS  Advertising through Dow Jones Advertising
Sales: Hong Kong: 852-2831 2504; Singapore:
Becky Robinson, its president.
As for Sing Sing, no one
“Stinky would be on my left
and Mita on my right,” said
That “horrific” day remains
fresh in his memory, he added.
took on a semblance of order,
with inmates building wooden
AMPLIFICATIONS 65-6415 4300; Tokyo: 81-3 6269-2701;
Frankfurt: 49 69 29725390; London: 44 207
842 9600; Paris: 33 1 40 17 17 01;
knows how the cats got there. Mr. Young, adding he’s “like “I’m a 3x offender for armed feline houses outside the New York: 1-212-659-2176
Rumor has it tomcats were Dr. Dolittle with animals.” robbery’s [sic], but God is my buildings and officials install- Printers: France: POP La Courneuve; Germany:
Dogan Media Group/Hürriyet A.S. Branch; Italy:
brought in to control ubiqui- Kitty-human relations witness; I’ve never physically ing outdoor feeding stations. Labor Department data Qualiprinters s.r.l.; United Kingdom: Newsprinters
(Broxbourne) Limited, Great Cambridge Road,
tous rats at the aging prison, purred along peacefully until hurt anyone, nor have I ever Joel Jimenez, who spent were the source for a chart Waltham Cross, EN8 8DY
said Mr. Pica. The problem one fateful day. On March 11, harmed any animals!” wrote from 2005 to 2011 at Sing showing unadjusted U.S. job- Registered as a newspaper at the Post Office.
was they weren’t all toms. 2001, correction officer Ronald Mr. Williams, who is now incar- Sing, said cats were still “ev- less claims that accompanied a Trademarks appearing herein are used under
license from Dow Jones & Co.
Others say feral cats, lured Hunlock searched under an in- cerated at Attica Correctional erywhere” when he arrived. Heard on the Street column ©2017 Dow Jones & Company. All rights reserved.
Editeur responsable: Thorold Barker M-17936-
by mess hall scraps, simply mate’s bunk, where he discov- Facility in upstate New York. Inmates who worked as custo- Wednesday about wage 2003. Registered address: Avenue de Cortenbergh
showed up. In the 1970s, cats ered a box with five kittens, Mr. Hunlock was convicted dians cared for cats around growth. The chart incorrectly 60/4F, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
lived out in the open among court documents say. Mr. Hun- of one felony per kitten and their housing areas. Friendly said that the source was the NEED ASSISTANCE WITH
officers and “really rough lock ordered the inmate, John sentenced to a year in the ones sat on prisoners’ laps. Bureau for Labor Statistics. YOUR SUBSCRIPTION?
guys,” said filmmaker David Williams, to crush the kittens slammer—as an inmate. The “Some of the most hard- By web:
Readers can alert The Wall Street By email: [email protected]
Hoffman, who taught a drama and their mother in a trash former guard and his lawyer ened inmates were totally an- Journal to any errors in news articles By phone: +44(0)20 3426 1313
class at the prison. “The compactor, and when he re- didn’t respond to requests to tisocial and hated other peo- by emailing [email protected].
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, August 31, 2017 | A3

South Koreans Feel Sidelined in Crisis
‘Korea passing’ enters
the lexicon to describe
the view that the U.S. is
bypassing Seoul

SEOUL—Like many in this

gleaming South Korean capital,
Kim Hyun-soo says he feels like
a helpless bystander in the nu-
clear standoff between the U.S.
and North Korea, even though
his fate hangs in the balance.
South Koreans are watching
from the sidelines as U.S. Presi-
dent Donald Trump threatens
North Korea with “fire and
fury” and North Korea’s leader
Kim Jong Un vows to reduce
the U.S. to “huge heaps of
ashes.” It’s an unnerving posi-
tion, locals say, since this city of
10 million could be leveled in
the first minutes of any conflict.
The South Korean feeling of
being bypassed in a debate af-
fecting their future even has a
name: “Korea passing.” The
phrase, which gets increasing
use these days, is pronounced
in English with a South Korean
inflection—and often with a
healthy mix of frustration, res-
ignation and irony.
“It doesn’t feel good to be


excluded. South Korea is the
party with the most at stake,”
says Mr. Kim, a 38-year-old ac-
countant from Seoul.
Many North Korea watchers
in Seoul say the U.S. looks
first to China and even puts
Japan ahead of South Korea
when it comes to dealing with
the North. The Trump admin-
istration has yet to name an People prayed for peace on the Korean Peninsula during a religious service near the U.S. Embassy in Seoul on Tuesday, the day the North fired a missile over Japan.
ambassador to Seoul, for ex-
ample, while it has sent en- tweet, or North Korea’s Mr. Kim North Korea, but he rarely
voys to Beijing and Tokyo. issues a threatening statement. mentions South Korea. On U.S. Missile Defense
Following North Korea’s South Korea’s defense minister, Wednesday, he tweeted that
launch Tuesday of a missile Song Young-moo, met with U.S. talking with North Korea isn’t Gaining Acceptance
over Japan, Mr. Trump spent Defense Secretary Mattis on the solution, taking a different
40 minutes on the phone with Wednesday in Washington. approach from President


Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Mr. Moon is seeking to as- Moon’s emphasis on dialogue SOSEONG-RI, South Korea—
Abe. No such call happened sert a stronger role for South with Pyongyang. Climbing to a high outcropping in
with South Korean President Korea. In a recent speech, he Meantime, South Korea is this rural corner of South Korea, a
Moon Jae-in, a left-leaning for- said any military strikes against ignored by North Korea, add- hiker can spot a pair of U.S.-made
mer human-rights lawyer. North Korea would require ing to the local perception of antimissile launchers parked on a
Still, U.S. officials have re- South Korea’s approval, even “Korea passing.” After North golf course in a forested valley,
peatedly reiterated the U.S.’s though many analysts say the Korea tested an intercontinen- aimed high over jagged moun-
commitment to protect South U.S. is unlikely to seek permis- tal ballistic missile July 4, tains toward North Korea.
Korea. Mr. Moon met with Mr. sion if its security is threatened. South Korean President Moon The bucolic scene is at odds
Trump in June in Washington, On Monday, Mr. Moon proposed a round of North- with the controversy around the
while U.S. Vice President Mike vowed to upgrade South Ko- South talks at a border village. launchers, part of a Terminal
Pence, Defense Secretary Jim rea’s military capabilities, in- North Korea never responded. High-Altitude Area Defense, or
Mattis and Secretary of State cluding developing greater of- Critics say Mr. Moon’s cam- Thaad, battery installed here in
Rex Tillerson have each made fensive capabilities that would paign-trail opposition to the April amid mass protests and a U.S. military officers visit the Thaad site in South Korea.
visits to Seoul, in part to reas- allow the country to forcefully installation of a U.S.-made an- presidential race in which the
sure South Korea that the respond to attacks from the timissile system risked pushing winning candidate, President go-ahead for the completion of such as the Lotte Group, a con-
Trump administration stands by North. Adding military muscle the U.S. away. The system, Moon Jae-in, questioned the de- the Thaad battery after the glomerate that provided the golf
its security alliance. The U.S. could give South Korean diplo- known as Terminal High-Alti- ployment. launch on July 28 of a second course for the Thaad battery.
State Department didn’t re- macy more weight. tude Area Defense, or Thaad, For months, a mix of antiwar North Korean ICBM. Anti-Thaad activists question
spond to a request to comment. South Koreans’ sense of be- was partly installed before Mr. Buddhists, university activists These days, only a handful of whether Thaad, which doesn’t
The administration of South ing left out grew in April, Moon took office in May. and local villagers protesting the protesters remain camped in even cover Seoul, is meant to
Korea’s Mr. Moon says it when Mr. Trump met with Mr. Moon has warmed to Thaad system from a roadside blue tents draped with “No protect South Korea. They sus-
doesn’t recognize the term Chinese President Xi Jinping the missile-defense system encampment seemed to be gain- Thaad, No War” along the coun- pect the system’s true purpose is
“Korea passing.” The phrase, as part of an effort to enlist since taking office. But now ing the upper hand. After taking try road leading to the now- to pick off missiles aimed at U.S.
initially used by experts in China to pressure North Korea members of his more-progres- office in May, Mr. Moon halted closed golf course where the bases in Korea, Japan and Guam,
Asian policy-making circles to economically. sive voter base, including Bud- the deployment of four addi- Thaad battery sits. They have or even the U.S. mainland.
describe the state of U.S.- After the summit, Mr. Trump dhist monks, attack him for tional launchers needed to com- vowed to block delivery of the Protesters from the village of
South Korean relations, has said Mr. Xi had explained to being a lackey of Washington. plete the battery, pending envi- remaining launchers. Soseong-ri, close by the Thaad
become more commonplace in him that Korea was part of “Thaad is now one of the ronmental review. South Korea is paying a price site, complain about the installa-
recent months to describe how China dating back to antiquity. main examples of ‘Korea pass- Then, North Korea tested an for Thaad, however. Rankled by tion. “Thaad means everyone in
Seoul is seemingly ignored by Mr. Trump’s statement—dis- ing,’ where the U.S. gets what it intercontinental ballistic missile Thaad’s ability to peer into Chi- this valley will die in a war,” said
other regional players as well, puted by many historians—was wants,” said Kang Hyun-wook, a July 4. Public approval for deploy- nese airspace with powerful X- Do Geum-nyeon, an 81-year-old
including North Korea. interpreted in Seoul as another Moon supporter and Buddhist ing the system has surged to band radar, the Chinese are mak- resident. “If President Moon likes
South Korean officials say sign of dwindling relevance. monk who is helping to orga- 72% from around 50% earlier in ing fewer tourist trips to South Thaad so much, he should bring
their government is being heard Since then, Mr. Trump has nize protests against Thaad. the year, a recent Gallup Korea Korea and boycotting its car it to his house.”
and they don’t need to respond issued Twitter messages call- —Min Sun Lee poll showed. Mr. Moon gave the makers and other businesses, —John Lyons
every time Mr. Trump fires off a ing on China to do more about contributed to this article.

U.S. Signals Mixed on Pyongyang U.N. Condemns


Missile Launch
Donald Trump and his na-
tional security team issued BY FARNAZ FASSIHI fusal to comply and didn’t
mixed messages about the U.S. specify whether the council
approach to North Korea on UNITED NATIONS—The was considering further ac-
Wednesday, with Mr. Trump United Nations Security Coun- tion, such as tightening eco-
suggesting that the window cil adopted a statement con- nomic sanctions.
for talks has closed. demning North Korea “for its The U.S. has maintained
“The U.S. has been talking to outrageous actions and threats that all options, including a
North Korea, and paying them against another U.N. member military one, are on the table.
extortion money, for 25 years. state” in the aftermath of its But Russia and China, two

Talking is not the answer!” Mr. latest launch of a missile that countries that hold veto power
Trump said in an early morn- flew over Japan. on the Security Council, have
ing Twitter message. The “presidential state- made it clear that they would
Defense Secretary Jim Mat- ment,” which counts as the block the council from handing
tis, appearing later at the Pen- council’s fastest form of reac- the U.S. endorsement or per-
tagon with his South Korean tion to events, reiterated that mission for military escalation.
counterpart, said the U.S. is North Korea is in violation of Earlier Tuesday, U.S. Am-
“never out of diplomatic op- multiple Security Council res- bassador Nikki Haley said the
tions.” olutions banning ballistic-mis- council must get serious in re-
Last week, Secretary of sile and nuclear tests. acting to North Korea’s re-
State Rex Tillerson praised “The Security Council ex- peated provocations. In a
Pyongyang for exercising “re- South Korean soldiers took part in annual joint military exercises in Yongin Tuesday. presses its grave concern that statement after the Security
straint” by not conducting the DPRK is, by conducting Council meeting, she said:
missile tests during joint an- Moon Jae-in, also has said it The Trump administration coast of Hawaii, the Missile De- such a launch over Japan as “The world is united against
nual exercises between the wants to pursue a peaceful has been ratcheting up sanc- fense Agency said Wednesday. well as its recent actions and North Korea. The United
U.S. and South Korean militar- resolution to expanding hostil- tions and has sought the help In the test, the U.S. guided- public statements, deliberately States will not allow their law-
ies, which began on Aug. 21. ities. of China and other countries missile destroyer John Paul undermining regional peace lessness to continue. And the
However, Pyongyang then It wasn’t clear what Mr. to pressure Pyongyang, which Jones successfully intercepted and stability and has caused rest of the world is with us.”
launched a battery of missiles Trump meant by “extortion has continued missile tests a medium-range missile target grave security concerns U.K. and French ambassa-
last Friday, following them money.” Previous U.S. adminis- and other provocative ac- off the coast of Hawaii using around the world,” the state- dors, close allies of the U.S. on
with an intermediate-range trations have employed both tions. Standard missile-6 guided mis- ment said, referring to North North Korea policy, told re-
ballistic missile launch on carrots, such as humanitarian The U.S. Navy and the Mis- siles, the Missile Defense Korea by its acronym. porters that the international
Tuesday. aid, and sticks, including sanc- sile Defense Agency also con- Agency said. The statement stopped community must stand united
The government of South tions, to try to confront North ducted a previously scheduled —Nancy A. Youssef short of spelling out conse- in sending a strong message of
Korea, led by new President Korea’s nuclear program. missile defense test off the contributed to this article. quences for North Korea’s re- condemnation to North Korea.
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Kurdish people gathering this month in northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk in support of a controversial plan to hold a referendum on Iraqi Kurdistan’s independence, to be held on Sept. 25.

Kurdish Statehood Plan Alarms Iraq, U.S.

Independence vote is
Contentious Vote
to be held in an Iraqi Kurdistan's Sept. 25 independence referendum, which Baghdad
ethnically mixed opposes, will also be held in areas Kurdish fighters helped free from
Islamic State.
region in September
TURKEY 50 miles
Ibrahim Mahmood has been
waiting to return to his home- 50 km
town of Zummar in Iraq’s AQ
Mosul I IRAN
Kurdistan region since Kurdish K
militias kicked him out three Sinjar Erbil

years ago, early in the battle

against Islamic State. Makhmour



Deir Ezzour
By Maria Abi-Habib
in Beirut and Ghassan
Adnan in Baghdad SYRIA Tikrit

But a referendum on Kurd-


istan’s independence—planned
for next month and certain to
Ramadi Baghdad
pass—will likely dash the
hopes for return Mr. Mahmood
shares with thousands of Disputed territories
other Arabs displaced from
the semiautonomous northern Peshmerga forces clashing with Islamic State militants in November 2016 in Bashiqa, east of Mosul. Source: United States Institute of Peace THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
region during the latest war.
American and Iraqi officials semiautomous region roughly dum, they say, would solidify ernment, or KRG, denies that Kurdistan. Kurdistan’s government has a
say they are worried the vote, the size of Ireland and home demographic changes wrought Kurdish forces forcefully dis- “We oppose the referendum cash-strapped economy heavily
hailed by Kurds as an exercise to some 5.2 million people. by the conflict, feed long- placed Arabs, and Majid Shigali for a number of reasons,” a se- dependent on oil revenues,
in democracy, will lead to the Since 1991 Kurdistan has en- standing grievances of the a senior Kurdish member of nior U.S. official said. “The key which fell to historic lows this
violent breakup of Iraq just as joyed broad self-rule under the Sunni Arab community, and Iraq’s parliament, defended the one is the potential for vio- year. A regional real-estate
it is on the verge of expelling Iraqi constitution, with its possibly set off clashes be- referendum and the ambition lence, particularly if it is held in boom ended in 2014 and con-
Islamic State. own security forces and immi- tween Kurds and Arabs over to make Kurdistan independent. disputed territories like Kirkuk struction cranes dotting the
“We will lose everything in gration controls. contested areas across four “We don’t expect there to be with its ethnic mix and various skyline of its capital, Erbril,
this referendum,” said Mr. While Washington and Bagh- provinces. any problems as all sides want forces.” now stand idle.
Mahmood from a refugee dad oppose the independence Mr. Mahmood’s hometown to live in peace,” Mr. Shigali Arab Iraqis accuse the KRG The U.S. is concerned the
camp in Baghdad, where he vote even within that region, of Zummar has a recent history said. “The only problem may of taking advantage of Bagh- referendum will break down
lives in a cramped tent with they have expressed particular typical of many such disputed surface is that of the disputed dad’s preoccupation with fight- the close cooperation between
his wife, three children and his alarm that it is to be held territories. Islamic State briefly territories and in this case, we ing Islamic State to seize Kir- Kurdistan’s government and
brother’s family. across the far broader, ethni- controlled the town until U.S.- will craft a constitution to ad- kuk, where the regional Baghdad, an alliance that has
“We thought the end of Is- cally mixed swath of northern backed Peshmerga fighters ex- dress it.” authorities voted on Tuesday to been crucial to defeating Is-
lamic State in Mosul would be Iraq where Kurdish Peshmerga pelled the group in August But U.S. and Iraqi officials take part in the referendum, lamic State. The Iraqi military,
an end to this violence,” the 32- fighters played a key role in ex- 2014. But then the Kurdish mi- say disputes won’t be easily re- over the protests of representa- backed by the U.S. and working
year-old said. “But the Kurds pelling the Sunni Arab extrem- litia kicked out the town’s Arab solved, particularly in the oil- tives from the Arab and Turk- with the Peshmerga and Iran-
are now making their demands. ists of Islamic State. residents and laid claim to their rich province of Kirkuk, claimed men communities. backed Shiite militias, has
We need to take the defense of In three years of chaotic homes, according to residents by Kurds and Arabs alike. The While optimism over the ref- pushed the radical group out of
our people into our hands.” fighting, Peshmerga fighters and human-rights groups. Peshmerga seized the ethnically erendum runs high among the main northern city Mosul,
The referendum, set for have grabbed disputed terri- “The Peshmerga treated us mixed city in northern Iraq in many Kurds, an independent and the same partnership-
Sept. 25, is an initiative of the tory from their Arab neigh- like Islamic State did,” Mr. June 2014, after Iraq’s army Kurdistan would face consider- scored a key victory on Sunday
Kurdistan Regional Govern- bors, human-rights groups and Mahmood said. fled south as Islamic State able financial challenges. Like in the strategic town of Tal
ment, which administers a Iraqi officials say. The referen- The Kurdistan Regional Gov- blitzed across lands bordering the government in Baghdad, Afar, near the Syrian border.

ISIS near the Syrian border. Syrian

government officials in the past
have accused the U.S.-led coali-
tion battling Islamic State of al-
it was necessary to establish
what had happened to the
missing soldiers.
The Lebanese military says
Continued from Page One lowing some of the group’s it doesn’t cooperate with Hez-
out #Iraq’s consent,” Brett fighters to flee Mosul into Syria. bollah, Lebanon’s most power-
McGurk, U.S. President Donald The Lebanese army earlier ful group and a close ally of Mr.
Trump’s special envoy for com- this month launched a ground Assad’s government. Many in
bating Islamic State, tweeted operation in the country’s Lebanon, including people close
ahead of the airstrike. “Our mountainous northeast to clear to the military, criticized the
@coalition will help ensure it of Islamic State militants who deal, saying it undermined the
that these terrorists can never controlled the territory for regular armed forces and gave
enter #Iraq or escape from about three years. Syrian gov- militants a free pass.
what remains of their dwin- ernment forces and Hezbollah But many others said they
dling ‘caliphate.’” pressed a simultaneous but were relieved that Islamic State
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider separate offensive from the no longer had a foothold in
al-Abadi criticized the deal. Syrian side of the border. Lebanon, even if removing
“We consider it an insult to The fighting stopped on Sun- them was partly the result of a
the Iraqi people. Moving this day after Hezbollah negotiated negotiated settlement.
number of terrorists for such a the cease-fire and evacuation “It was a nightmare that has
long distance through Syria is agreement with Islamic State in been lifted,” said Rev. Ibrahim
unacceptable,” Mr. Abadi told return for information on the Nehmo, the senior pastor at the
reporters on Tuesday night. “We fate of nine Lebanese soldiers Roman Catholic church in Ras
are fighting terrorism in Iraq who were kidnapped by the Baalbek, a Lebanese village lo-

and we are killing them in Iraq. group in 2014. Eight bodies be- cated on the foothills of the
We don’t send them to Syria.” lieved to belong to the soldiers mountains that Islamic State
U.S.-backed Iraqi forces are have since been retrieved by controlled. “Not only has secu-
battling Islamic State, recently Lebanese authorities. rity returned to us, but there is
ousting the group from Mosul, Hezbollah leader Hassan also hope for a better future.”
Iraq’s second-largest city, and Nasrallah on Wednesday de- —Nour Alakraa in Berlin
the strategic town of Tal Afar fended the agreement, saying contributed to this article. A convoy of Islamic State fighters and their families leaving the Lebanon-Syria border.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, August 31, 2017 | A5


To Monitor
Russia Drills


Moscow says 12,700 Thursday, replacing four Pol-
ish F-16s.
troops will take part in NATO officials have warned
the exercises. Western the Zapad maneuvers, planned
amid a military buildup in the
officials expect 70,000. region by the alliance and Rus-
sia, could serve as a screen for
BY JULIAN E. BARNES Russia to deploy more military
equipment and heighten the
BRUSSELS—The North At- risk of an accident or miscal-
lantic Treaty Organization an- culation that could touch off a
nounced it would send three crisis.
observers to Russia’s Zapad NATO will send two ex-
military exercise but said Mos- perts to Belarus and one to The U.S. began flying seven F-15C jet fighters out of Lithuania on Wednesday as it took over the Baltic air-policing mission.
cow’s invitation fell short of Russia. The experts will be al-
Russia’s international obliga- lowed to attend the official in Europe. ance of mandatory transpar- NATO and U.S. officials have won’t hold any of its own ex-
tions. “Visitor Day” of the exercise, The Vienna Document, ency only raises questions disputed that saying that they ercises during Zapad.
The statement from NATO NATO said. which has no enforcement about the nature and purpose expect 70,000 or more troops While the alliance has in-
came as the U.S. took over the Oana Lungescu, chief mechanism, requires briefings of the exercise.” to take part in Zapad and in- creased the number of planes
Baltic air-policing mission in NATO spokeswoman, said on the exercise scenario and Russian officials said terconnected exercises. conducting the Baltic air-po-
Lithuania. that although the alliance events, access to individual Wednesday that the Zapad ex- NATO ambassadors met for licing mission, it intends to
The U.S. began flying seven welcomes the invitation “they soldiers and overflights of the ercise would be under the an update on the Zapad exer- keep the size of its ground
F-15C jet fighters from the are not a substitute” for the drill area. threshold set by Vienna for in- cise on Tuesday, according to force, roughly 4,000 person-
U.K. out of Lithuania on kind of observation required “Russia and Belarus are in- viting formal observation allied diplomats. While Poland nel, steady in September, to
Wednesday. The U.S. fighters under the Vienna Document, stead choosing a selective ap- teams. and Sweden, a NATO partner, avoid any moves that look like
will begin standing alert to in- an international agreement proach that falls short,” Ms. Russia plans to have 12,700 are conducting drills in Sep- provocation, allied officials
tercept unknown aircraft governing military exercises Lungescu said. “Such avoid- troops participate in Zapad. tember, the alliance as a whole said.

More Rohingya Flee Myanmar Europe Economic


COX’S BAZAR, Bangla-

Confidence Soars
desh—At least 18,000 Roh-
ingya Muslims have fled fresh BY NINA ADAM 2018, economists said.
violence in Myanmar and “Robust survey indicators
crossed into Bangladesh in FRANKFURT—Economic in euro area countries suggest
less than a week, with hun- sentiment in the eurozone that growth should accelerate
dreds stranded in no-man’s- reached its “highest level in through the rest of the year,”
land at the countries’ border, more than 10 years” in August, while the consumer confidence

the International Organiza- led by rising confidence indicator close to a 16-year

tion for Migration said. among industrial companies high bodes well for the con-
Sanjukta Sahany, a spokes- and in the services sector, the sumer-driven recovery, said
woman for the organization European Commission said Madhavi Bokil, a vice presi-
in Cox’s Bazar, on the Bangla- Wednesday. dent at Moody’s Investors Ser-
desh border with Myanmar, Its Economic Sentiment In- vice.
released the figures as hu- dicator, which aggregates An improving economic
man-rights advocates for the business and consumer confi- outlook also prompted
Rohingya said the Myanmar dence, jumped to 111.9 from Moody’s to raise its forecasts
army was retaliating for at- 111.3 in July. That marked the for growth in the eurozone to
tacks last week by Rohingya highest level since July 2007. 2.1% in 2017 and 1.9% in 2018.
militants by burning down Economists surveyed by The The European Commission
villages and shooting civil- Wall Street Journal had ex- said industrial companies in the
ians. pected a stable outcome. 19-country euro currency bloc
The Myanmar government Displaced people arrived at the boat jetty in Sittwe, in Myanmar’s Rakhine state, on Wednesday. Italy recorded the sharpest raised their employment plans
blames Rohingya insurgents rise in economic sentiment in August and their selling-
for the violence, including the hundreds of civilians may neighborhoods in the town- estimated one million Roh- among the region’s largest price-expectations increased,
arson. Government figures have been killed in army ship of Maungdaw burned ingya live in northern Rakh- economies, followed by France too. However, consumers’ price
put the death toll since last raids. down on Sunday and Monday. ine, where they have faced and Spain—a sign the recovery expectations remained “virtu-
week at a minimum of 103, A report issued Wednesday Maungdaw, in the northern persecution in the Buddhist- is spreading. The mood, how- ally unchanged,” the commis-
including 12 members of the by Myanmar’s Information part of Rakhine state, is a majority country that refuses ever, eased slightly in Ger- sion said.
security forces, 77 persons Ministry said that 45 impro- center for the violence, to recognize them as a legiti- many and the Netherlands, the But some economists cau-
described as insurgents and vised explosive devices were though villages over a much mate native ethnic minority, region’s traditional power- tion that a rising euro and
14 civilians. detonated and seven villages, wider area were also hit. leaving them without citizen- houses. geopolitical tensions pose
Rohingya advocates fear one security post and two A majority of Myanmar’s ship and basic rights. The pickup in confidence risks to the upswing.
underpins expectations that While it remains to be seen
the eurozone will remain on if the euro’s appreciation since

India’s Financial Hub Hit by Floods

its solid growth path in the the start of the year will put a
second half of this year de- damper on exports, it is be-
spite a stronger euro, and will coming “an increasingly im-
be assisted by domestic de- portant part of the debate
Associated Press and thousands of commuters city's local government asked also been issued for parts of mand. around the next policy move
were stranded in their offices all schools and colleges to shut Maharashtra’s neighboring It also fuels economists’ ex- for the ECB,” Angel Talavera,
MUMBAI—Torrential mon- overnight. Commuter trains down for a day. states of Goa and Gujarat. pectations that the European an economist at Oxford Eco-
soon rains paralyzed India’s fi- shut down, buses were half- Every year the city strug- India’s monsoon season runs Central Bank will soon begin nomics, wrote in a recent note
nancial capital for a second day submerged in water and the gles to cope with the annual from June through September. to wind down its massive to clients.
Wednesday as the streets turned deluged airport had to divert monsoon deluge, drawing crit- Since the start of the sea- stimulus program, following in A rising euro threatens to
into rivers and people waded flights to other cities. icism about its poor planning. son this year, devastating the footsteps of the Federal hurt the international compet-
through waist-deep waters. By Wednesday morning, Heavy rain warnings have floods across South Asia have Reserve in the U.S. itiveness of goods produced in
On Tuesday, about 5 inches most trains were running but also been issued for other killed more than 950 people ECB President Mario Draghi the eurozone. A rising euro
of rain fell on the city and its traffic remained chaotic. parts of the state of Maha- and affected close to 40 mil- could signal as soon as the could also weigh on the out-
already hamstrung infrastruc- According to the Meteoro- rashtra, where Mumbai is lo- lion across northern India, bank’s next policy meeting on look for inflation as it reduces
ture collapsed. logical Department, more heavy cated. southern Nepal and northern Sept. 7 that stimulus will be the prices of many imported
Public transport stopped rain was expected and the A heavy rainfall alert has Bangladesh. gradually reduced from early goods.

GAZA STRIP pay tribute to their mother’s
charity work on the eve of the
Guterres Urges Israel 20th anniversary of her death.
To Ease Blockade The princes, accompanied by
William’s wife, the duchess of
The U.N. secretary-general on Cambridge, huddled under um-
Wednesday urged Israel to ease brellas in the pouring rain as
its blockade of the Hamas-ruled they strolled through the Sunken
Gaza Strip and called for large- Garden, which is planted with
scale foreign aid, saying the situ- white flowers and dedicated to
ation in the isolated territory is the princess at her former home,
“one of the most dramatic hu- where she once strolled and

manitarian crises” he has seen. where she used to talk with the
Speaking at a U.N.-backed ele- gardeners about their ever-
mentary school in the northern changing displays.
Gaza Strip, António Guterres also William and Harry, who have
called for unity among the Pales- both promised to carry on their
tinians’ warring factions—Hamas, mother’s charity work, also chat-
which rules Gaza, and Fatah, the ted with representatives from
party of Palestinian Authority groups that Diana supported.
President Mahmoud Abbas. The princes then left the pal-
“The division only undermines ace grounds to meet with mem-
the cause of the Palestinian peo- SHELTER FROM THE SUN: Bishops at Pope Francis’ weekly general audience in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican on Wednesday. bers of the public, who had braved
ple,” he said. In an apparent the rain for a chance to share
message to Hamas, he said “mil- VENEZUELA to repress political dissent and in- “I think we would argue that some documented cases amount- memories of Diana with her sons.
itantism” was causing damage still fear,” the U.N. human-rights over the course of time we have ing to torture, the report said. The weeks before the anniver-
to the region, adding that he U.N. Accuses Caracas office said, in a report that called seen an erosion of democratic life —Reuters sary of Diana’s death have been
had a dream to “come back to Of Rights Abuses for investigation and accountabil- in Venezuela,” the official said at met with reflection in Britain as
Gaza one day and to see Gaza ity. It called on President Nicolás a news conference. “It must be UNITED KINGDOM the public remembers “the peo-
as part of a Palestine state in The United Nations said Ven- Maduro’s government to release barely alive, if still alive, is the ple’s princess” and considers her
peace and prosperity.” ezuela’s security forces had com- arbitrarily detained demonstrators way I would look at it.” Princes Pay Tribute contributions to the country and
Mr. Guterres is on his first mitted extensive and apparently and to halt the unlawful use of Some 882 people are believed To Princess Diana the monarchy.
visit since taking office in Janu- deliberate human-rights viola- military courts to try civilians. to be in custody, among 5,341 de- Many brought flowers, which
ary. During his visit, he met with tions in crushing antigovernment U.N. High Commissioner for tained in street protests since Princes William and Harry the princes gathered and laid in
Israeli and Palestinian leaders to protests and that democracy Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad al-Hus- April, U.N. human-rights official visited a memorial garden at front of the black and gold gates
encourage peace talks. was “barely alive.” sein was asked whether the Hernan Vales said. Detainees are Kensington Palace in London of Kensington Palace.
—Associated Press The actions indicated “a policy country was now a dictatorship. often subjected to ill treatment, in dedicated to Princess Diana to —Associated Press
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A6 | Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Economic Heft Gives Houston an Edge

City is equipped with need weeks before traffic re-
sumes normal levels, accord-
means to recover faster ing to analysts.
than New Orleans did Regina Mayor, Houston-
based head of energy at
from Hurricane Katrina KPMG, said any damage at re-
fineries had been relatively
BY CHRISTOPHER M. MATTHEWS contained so far. While compa-
nies are losing millions of dol-
Houston’s economy will suf- lars a day while their facilities
fer a significant and perhaps are idled, “they’ve been
unprecedented blow from through this before and
Tropical Storm Harvey. But planned accordingly,” she said.
economists project that unlike Longer term, Ms. Mayor
New Orleans following Hurri- said, oil-and-gas companies
cane Katrina, Houston’s res- may need to think about where
urrection is nearly certain. and how they build offices.
By some estimates, Harvey Houston’s energy corri-
could be the most expensive dor, where many of the world’s
U.S. storm ever. Kevin M. Sim- largest oil-and-gas companies
mons, a disaster economist at have offices, sits in between
Austin College, estimated that two decades-old reservoirs
$145 billion in property is at built to contain floodwaters.


risk of being damaged. Those reservoirs are expected
Adam Kamins, an economist to flood for the first time ever
for Moody’s Analytics, esti- after water levels reached his-
mates the price tag could be toric highs, according to the
as much as $75 billion Army Corps of Engineers.
for southeast Texas. He pre- Richard Fisher, the former
dicts that the city could lose president of the Federal Re-
as much as $10 billion in eco- serve Bank of Dallas, said that
nomic output, and that busi- construction would provide a
nesses might suffer some $10 The greater Houston area is better equipped to absorb the blow from Harvey because of its size and prominence as the nation’s energy hub. short-term boost to the econ-
billion to $15 billion in prop- omy, but that there could be
erty damage from flooding. $503 billion in 2015, according trina’s effect on New Orleans largest medical centers in the residential and is unlikely to constraints on the available la-
Economic output could be flat to the most recent data from and found it lost 190,000 jobs world. Its health-care and edu- be covered by insurance. That bor force if people leave and
for two months following the the Department of Commerce, and employment fell by more cation industries were the could prevent a full-scale re- don’t return and President Don-
storm but would likely grow making it roughly the size of than 30% from August 2005 to city’s largest employers as of construction effort and even ald Trump pursues tighter im-
thereafter, he said. Sweden’s economy. December 2005. “I would be 2014, according to a 2017 potentially slow the region’s migration policies. “All these
Hurricane Katrina is esti- At the time of Katrina, New surprised if there’s a compara- study by the Greater Houston rapid population growth, he business will have to be recon-
mated to have cost about $100 Orleans had a population of ble net loss in Houston,” he Partnership, the region’s said, but it wouldn’t spark a structed,” Mr. Fisher said.
billion in property damage in roughly 450,000 and an econ- said. Mr. Richardson said part chamber of commerce. Katrina-like exodus. “That’s an enormous opportu-
2005, the most costly storm in omy largely dependent on of Houston’s resilience lies in Houston and the surround- The storm had disrupted nity, but you can’t rebuild Hous-
U.S. history to date. tourism. Following the storm, its diversified economy. ing region are also in the midst more than 15% of U.S. refinery ton without Mexican labor.”
But unlike New Orleans, the tens of thousands fled the city While the city has long been of a petrochemical boom, with capacity located on the Texas Mr. Fisher also said the doz-
greater Houston area economy and never returned. Its popu- tied to the boom-bust cycle of more than $50 billion of capi- Gulf Coast by Tuesday, and ens of Fortune 500 companies in
is better equipped to absorb lation today is less than the oil industry, it has diversi- tal investment projected to that figure is climbing. Em- Houston are unlikely to relocate
the blow because of its size, 400,000. “New Orleans was fied in recent years. Some 84% create thousands of jobs. ployees in all industries could but that the city’s small-business
diversity and prominence as hurt because people didn’t of Houston’s economy was de- Mr. Kamins of Moody’s pre- be prevented from reaching community could face chal-
the nation’s energy hub. come back,” said James Rich- pendent on the oil-and-gas in- dicts the real “economic trag- their offices for days to come lenges. Nearly 40% of small busi-
Houston is the country’s ardson, an economics profes- dustry during the 1980s, ac- edy” will be for homeowners. as roads remain impassable. nesses never reopen their doors
fourth-largest city by popula- sor at Louisiana State Univer- cording to data from the Dallas He predicts that most of the Trade in the Houston Ship following a flood disaster, in
tion and economic output, with sity. “We’re still not back to Federal Reserve. But that had property damage—$30 billion Channel, the second busiest in part because many are unin-
2.3 million people and a gross the pre-Katrina population.” dropped to about 44% by 2016. to $40 billion in damage to the country by tonnage, has sured, according to the Federal
domestic product of more than Mr. Richardson studied Ka- Houston boasts one of the homes and vehicles—will be also come to a halt and could Emergency Management Agency.

HARVEY ing, but the water keeps com-

Meanwhile, Harvey is losing
strength as it moves inland,
the coastal areas, and several
tornadoes blazed through
fields and forested areas. But
no fatalities or injuries have
Continued from Page One said Phil Grigsby, a meteorolo- been reported in Louisiana,
where the storm made landfall gist with the National Weather where the storm is losing
again Wednesday morning, Service office in Slidell, La. force.
have confirmed a woman died As the storm moves off the “It has been weakening,”
there after getting washed Gulf Coast, tornadoes are pos- said Andy Tingler, a National
away into a canal with her sible in neighboring states as Weather Service meteorologist
young daughter clinging to the weather system moves up based out of Lake Charles, La.
her. The girl survived after a toward western Tennessee and “It is expected to drop below
dramatic rescue, police said. Kentucky, according to the Na- tropical storm force winds
Five people have been con- tional Weather Service. later this afternoon.”
firmed dead by the medical In much of Louisiana, in- Back in Texas, Gov. Greg

examiner in Harris County, in- cluding New Orleans and Ba- Abbott said federal funding
cluding a veteran Houston po- ton Rouge, “rain totals are sig- for recovery efforts will need
lice officer. Officials in nearby nificantly lower than what we to be greater than the
Pasadena also said that a fam- expected” in part because of roughly $120 billion provided
ily—four students and two of drier air from Mexico that to New Orleans after Hurri-
their great-grandparents— wrapped around the storm and cane Katrina.
were swept away by the flood- weakened its bands of heavy The damage caused by Har-
waters. rain, Mr. Lindner said. vey is “far larger than Katrina
There are three confirmed “Obviously, things are not and far larger than [super-
deaths in Galveston County, Nuns join a line of people Wednesday waiting to volunteer at an evacuation center in Houston. as bad as has been forecasted. storm] Sandy,” Mr. Abbott, a
Chief Medical Examiner Erin We’re very thankful for that,” Republican, said.
Barnhart said. Floodwaters urged residents who are still through the middle of Hous- Wednesday morning whether said Louisiana Gov. John Bel He said he expects “ongoing
have made it hard to coordi- in homes near the levee to ton, is expected to rise slightly to believe assurances that Edwards, a Democrat. “We’ve challenges” with flooding for
nate with outlying funeral leave. throughout the day and then their homes would remain dry. fared much better than we up to a week even though
homes, she said. If there is a breach, the wa- hold steady. Jake Emery, 42, who lives feared might be the case.” floodwaters are receding in
Jeff Lindner, a meteorolo- ter can rise “very fast” and “it Ed Russo with the U.S. in a multistory brick home, Harvey touched down at the Houston area and the
gist with the Harris County is going to be very deep,” he Army Corps of Engineers said surveyed the water at the edge roughly 4 a.m. in the south- storm is moving eastward.
Flood Control District, said the said. In some areas, the water officials plan to release a com- of his front yard. He said it western corner of Louisiana “The worst is not yet over
city’s watersheds have crested could rise to the rooftops, he bined total of 16,000 cubic feet came within an inch of the near the town of Cameron, for Southeast Texas as far as
and up to 30% of the county said. per second of water from the house Sunday night, then re- which is about 50 miles from the rain is concerned,” he
has been flooded. Mr. Lindner said officials two reservoirs. ceded—though it looked to the Texas border. said, referring to a region that
He added that officials were plan to continue to release wa- “The decision to make the have risen about 5 inches The far western reaches of includes Beaumont and Port
concerned about a levee near ter from the Barker and Ad- increased controlled releases since midnight as water the state already experienced Arthur.
a subdivision in northeast dicks reservoirs near the city, was difficult but necessary,” pushed up through storm up to 30 inches of rainfall over —Tawnell D. Hobbs,
Houston that “has sloughed a a move intended to relieve he said. drains. several days, and Wednesday’s Dan Frosch, Ben Kesling,
little bit.” pressure on dams and prevent In the west Houston suburb “You think you have it landfall accelerated flooding. Christopher M. Matthews
The likelihood of a breach more widespread flooding. of Memorial, residents on wa- beat,” he said. “You look up Harvey also packed a sev- and Erin Ailworth
remains low, he said, but he The Buffalo Bayou, which runs terlogged streets weren’t sure and it’s a beautiful cool morn- eral foot storm surge across contributed to this article.

Storm Jumbles Global Oil Trade as Key Link Severed

BY ALISON SIDER climbing as Harvey has started
AND STEPHANIE YANG High Output Nation’s Largest its 603,000-barrel-a-day Port would have to do a full closure. to track eastward.
Gulf Coast exports of crude oil Arthur refinery began at 5 a.m. Otherwise, the refinery might “While everyone is watch-
Tropical Storm Harvey is and other liquid fuels as a share
Refinery Shutters Central Time “in response to in- have been forced to do a risk- ing the impact from a U.S.-
upending the flow of oil and of global demand creasing local flood conditions.” ier, emergency shutdown. centric perspective…disruption
petroleum all around the It said the refinery would stay The nation’s second-largest to U.S. product exports to
world—a consequence of the 6% The U.S.’s largest refinery, in shut until flood water recede in refinery, Exxon Mobil Corp.’s places like Latin America
growing influence of the U.S. 5 Port Arthur, Texas, said the area. “Our priority remains 560,000-barrel-a-day Baytown could actually end up being a
in the global energy industry. 4 Wednesday that it has initiated the safety our employees and plant in the Houston area, shut bigger story,” said Michael
Since the last time a major 3 a full shutdown because of community.” down Sunday, while more than Tran, director of energy strat-
storm passed through the Gulf flooding, as Tropical Storm Har- The Motiva Port Arthur re- a half dozen smaller refineries egy at RBC Capital Markets.
Coast, vast quantities of oil vey pushed east of Houston, finery, located 90 miles east of along the Texas coast have Market participants are al-
and natural gas have been un- 1 dumping a foot of rain on the Houston, had already begun re- also shut. ready starting to respond.
locked from shale formations 0 region overnight. ducing production rates on In all, some three million Trade flows should start to
in the U.S. 2010 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17* In an emailed statement, Tuesday as Harvey’s rains barrels a day of refining capac- shift to bring more fuel from
While production from Motiva, owned by Saudi Arabia poured down, and analysts ity has been taken offline, about Europe to Latin America,
*Through May
these fields accounts for just a Source: Barclays analysis of U.S. Energy state oil giant Saudi Aramco, warned then it was only a mat- 20% of total U.S. capacity. which would typically get fuel
fraction of the global oil mar- Information Administration data said the controlled shutdown of ter of time before the plant —Dan Molinski from the U.S., analysts said.
ket, that output now feeds a THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. It isn’t clear how disruptive
huge volume of gasoline, Harvey will prove to be. If re-
chemicals, plastics and crude Barclays PLC. effects, analysts said. have continued to rise this Netherlands and Peru. fineries sustain significant
exports, which means Harvey That means Harvey, which “The consequences of a ma- year. Some 17% of gasoline Harvey has shut off much of damage, they could be down
will have repercussions of was the most powerful storm jor disruption on the U.S. Gulf made at the Gulf Coast and that flow. Vessels that planned for months. But even if pro-
global proportions. to hit Texas in half a century, Coast will be felt in the pric- 39% of the diesel produced to come in to be loaded with ducers, pipelines and fuel-
And the U.S. Gulf Coast has is likely to cause shortages ing of oil product markets in there this year has been ex- crude destined for foreign making plants can ramp up
been at the center of this shift. that affect consumers from Latin America and Europe and ported, according to consul- markets changed course be- relatively quickly, analysts
The area has become a critical Houston to Beijing. Countries crude markets as far away as tancy Turner, Mason & Co. fore entering Corpus Christi said its effects may linger.
link in the global energy chain. such as Mexico, which relies Asia,” J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Exports of crude oil itself, last week. “Back to normal is months,
Shipments from the region on the U.S. for as much as half analysts wrote. which were largely banned be- And fuel production has not weeks, for exports and for
now satisfy 6% of global de- of the gasoline it consumes, The U.S. became a net ex- fore 2015, have grown from a been curtailed. About 20% of the industry and the region.
mand for oil and other liquid according to the U.S. Energy porter of refined products in trickle to surpass one million U.S. oil-refining capacity has We have to acknowledge that,”
petroleum fuels—twice as Information Administration, 2011. Gasoline exports surged barrels a day at times this been shut because of the said Barclays analyst Michael
much as in 2012, according to are the most likely to feel the 33% to a record last year and year, winding up in China, the storm, and that number is Cohen.
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Economy Grew 3%
In Second Quarter
BY BEN LEUBSDORF chief U.S. economist at Mor-
gan Stanley. But so far, she
WASHINGTON—The U.S. said, the pace of growth has
economy expanded at its most remained steady: “It’s incredi-
robust pace in more than two ble to sustain this kind of mo-
years in the spring and ap- mentum this far into a busi-
pears to have momentum go- ness expansion.”
ing into the second half of the Wednesday’s report was an
year, supported by solid con- upgrade from the 2.6% GDP
sumer spending and a pickup growth pace the government
in business investment. had reported last month.
Gross domestic product, a Hitting 3% growth was no-
measure of the goods and ser- table because President Don-
vices produced across the U.S., ald Trump has said he wants
rose at a seasonally and infla- to lift annual economic growth
tion-adjusted annual rate of above 3% in a sustained fash-
3% in the second quarter, the ion by rolling back regulations,
Commerce Department said overhauling the tax code and

Wednesday. That was the enacting other policy changes.

strongest quarter in more than “We just announced that we
two years and some forecast- hit 3% in GDP, it just came
ers expect growth will remain out,” Mr. Trump said Wednes-
near that pace this quarter. day during an event in Spring-
Since the recession ended field, Mo. “And on a yearly ba-
in mid-2009, economic growth sis, as you know, the last
President Trump, on a visit to a Missouri factory, called for lower corporate taxes but offered few other specifics for the tax plan. has fluctuated from quarter to administration during an eight-

Trump Stumps for Tax Cut

quarter while averaging a lit- year period never hit 3%. So
tle more than 2% a year. It is we’re really on our way.”
far from clear that a sustained The quarterly GDP growth
breakout from that modest rate was above 3% eight times
pace was building as the ex- during President Barack
pansion entered its ninth year; Obama’s eight years in office,
BY MICHAEL C. BENDER “If we want to renew our understand?” Mr. Trump said wealthiest 1% of Americans, similar past accelerations have and GDP growth exceeded 3%
AND RICHARD RUBIN prosperity and to restore op- to loud applause from workers period. Not one penny of tax proven fleeting. But some in four quarters on a year-
portunity then we must reduce at Loren Cook Co., a business cuts,” for the top 1%, Senate promising trends are under over-year basis. The U.S. econ-
SPRINGFIELD, Mo.—Presi- the tax burden on our compa- that makes industrial fans and Minority Leader Chuck way, including a global pickup omy didn’t have a full calendar
dent Donald Trump called on nies and our workers,” Mr. blowers. Schumer (D., N.Y.) said in growth supporting exports, year of 3% growth during the
Congress to approve a steep Trump said. Mr. Trump called for the Wednesday. “It’s middle class rising employment supporting Obama administration.
cut in corporate tax rates and But while he called on Con- tax plan to be bipartisan and Americans, not those in the household income and spend- Many forecasters expect
simplify the U.S. tax system, gress to put aside partisan the core principles he laid out 1%, that deserve tax relief.” ing, and robust corporate growth will remain modest in
saying the moves will boost politics and unite behind a appeal to Democrats, including Independent analyses of profits and confidence, sup- the coming years, shaped by
the middle class, as he urged goal of “letting Americans simplification, assistance for prior tax plans from Republi- porting investment. long-term demographic and
bipartisan support for a tax keep more of what they earn,” middle-class families and eco- cans and Mr. Trump show the For now, at least, there is other forces including slow
plan that is still being written. he also took aim at U.S. Sen. nomic growth. biggest benefits going to high- little sign of an imminent worker productivity growth.
Mr. Trump’s remarks were Claire McCaskill, a Missouri But the policies that Mr. income households. The Trea- downturn. “Typically in a Federal Reserve policy makers’
a broad-brush opening pitch Democrat seeking re-election Trump has proposed as a can- sury Department and the con- business expansion, you would median projection in June was
for the major tax bill that Re- next year. The president said gressional Joint Committee on see growth start to arc down- for 2.2% growth this year fol-
publicans aim to pass ahead of the state should vote her out Taxation estimate that work- ward as we get later into the lowed by 2.1% growth in 2018
the 2018 midterm elections. of office if she doesn’t commit ers do pay some corporate cycle,” said Ellen Zentner, and 1.9% growth in 2019.
They have deep support from to supporting his plan.
The president said he taxes in the form of depressed
corporate America and strong “If she doesn’t do it for you, wants to lower wages, but that the bulk of the
GOP desire to rack up a major you have to vote her out of of- cost is borne by owners of
legislative victory, but they fice,” he said. “She’s got to
business rates to 15% capital.
have to grapple with the com- make that commitment.” from the current 35%. Faced with the political ur-
peting factions and interest Ms. McCaskill said in state- gency of needing something to
groups that have bedeviled ment last weekend that she show to voters in 2018, Repub-
previous tax proposals. supports lowering the current licans hope to push a major
The president said he wants 35% corporate tax rate and didate and as president have tax bill through Congress by
to lower business rates to 15% that she was optimistic about turned many Democrats away. the end of the year.
and make it easier for compa- finding common ground with His plans to dramatically They are still working on
nies to repatriate foreign prof- Mr. Trump. lower business taxes, lower in- the legislation and they have TRAVIS DOVE/BLOOMBERG NEWS

its, but he offered few other The president also nodded dividual tax rates for high-in- obstacles to overcome. They
specifics. Instead, he repeated to Congress’s central role in come households and repeal haven’t settled on which tax
broad goals to make tax filing getting tax changes passed, af- the estate tax have found little breaks would go away, or
easier and lower tax rates on ter Republican lawmakers’ support among Democrats. whether they want a net tax
corporations and individuals. failure to get a health-care “Tax reform should not in- cut, or how much revenue the
He also said he wants to elimi- overhaul passed. crease the tax burden on the new tax code would raise.
nates “loopholes” that benefit “I don’t want to be disap- middle class and there should —Peter Nicholas
the wealthiest Americans. pointed by Congress, do you not be any tax cut for the contributed to this article. The GDP reading partly reflected stronger business investment.

Pressure Grows to Fund Health Program Expanded

BY STEPHANIE ARMOUR within the Finance Committee CHIP funding by December, ac-

WASHINGTON—State offi-
cials increasingly worry that
CHIP at a Glance to ensure funding for CHIP is
continued and services for vul-
nerable children are main-
cording the Medicaid and CHIP
Payment and Access Commis-
sion, or MACPAC, a nonpartisan
Is Halted

this year’s turbulent health- tained,” the spokeswoman said. legislative agency that provides
care politics could threaten The uncertainty reflects the analysis and recommendations
funding for the Children’s political dynamic after the to Congress. An additional 27 BY TED MANN
Health Insurance Program, a failure of the hard-fought Re- states would exhaust their fed-
popular initiative that usually publican effort to topple most eral funds by March. The White House said it
wins broad bipartisan support. of the ACA. Some Republicans say the would halt a planned Obama-
Federal funding for CHIP is CHIP supporters face other reserves mean there isn’t an era rule that would have re-
set to end Sept. 30. The fed- obstacles. Congress must pass urgent need to reauthorize quired businesses to begin col-
eral-state program provides a broad spending bill by the funding. But some state offi- lecting data about how much
health coverage to more than end of September to avoid a cials say they would run out of they pay workers of different
eight million low-income, un- partial government shutdown, money sooner than projected. genders, races and ethnic
insured children whose family and lawmakers also face pres- Virginia is estimated to ex- groups, saying that it posed a
incomes are too high to qual- Sen. Orrin Hatch was a chief sponsor of the 1997 CHIP legislation. sure to raise the government’s haust its federal funds in burden to employers.
ify for Medicaid. debt limit in coming weeks. March, but due to its payment The data-collection require-
Republicans are looking to  Serves more than eight million uninsured children CHIP is authorized through procedures the state’s CHIP ment was proposed by the
possibly attach a repeal of Af-  About $16 billion allotted to states in fiscal 2017 2019, but federal money for the program would actually wind Obama administration in 2016
fordable Care Act taxes—in-  Federal funding set to end Sept. 30 if not extended state portion of the program down in January, said Linda as part of its efforts to ad-
cluding levies on certain isn’t. Congress last reautho- Nablo, chief deputy director dress pay disparities among
health-insurance plans and rized that funding in 2015 for a for the Virginia Department of workers of different groups.
medical devices—to a CHIP re- Washington next week after its chairman of the Senate Fi- two-year period that ends Sept. Medical Assistance Services. The Trump administration
authorization bill, people fa- August recess, it isn’t clear nance Committee, was a chief 30. In fiscal 2017, federal CHIP Families would get a 60-day will stay implementation of
miliar with the thinking said. how hard lawmakers will push sponsor of the 1997 CHIP leg- allotments to the states came notice that their coverage was the rule, which would have re-
Members of both parties to attach measures to the CHIP islation along with the late to roughly $16 billion. ending, she said. quired employers to report the
have also discussed using the bill. But some state officials are Democratic Sen. Edward Ken- States have some cushion if More than 121,000 children pay data for the first time in
CHIP bill to extend payments worried enough that they al- nedy of Massachusetts. the federal funding is delayed, are covered in Virginia, includ- the spring. “It’s enormously
to insurers under the ACA. ready are looking at whether Mr. Hatch is working with with unspent federal funds re- ing 1,100 with cancer. About burdensome,” said Neomi Rao,
The risk, lobbyists and state they may have to wind down fellow lawmakers and the distributed to states that have 70,000 would be at risk of los- administrator of the Office of
health officials say, is that their programs if Congress fails Trump administration to find a used up their allotment cover- ing coverage at January’s end, Information and Regulatory
such brinkmanship could en- to reauthorize the funding. way to ensure funding is pro- ing some of the shortfall. she said. “We have kids in the Affairs, which analyzes the
danger quick passage of a CHIP has earned bipartisan vided, a committee spokes- Arizona, Minnesota, North middle of lifesaving treatment. cost of federal rules and regu-
funding reauthorization. support from the outset. Sen. woman said. Carolina and Washington, D.C., What do we say to those fami- lations. “We don’t believe it
When Congress returns to Orrin Hatch (R., Utah), now “There is a bipartisan desire would run out of their federal lies?” said Ms. Nablo. would actually help us gather
information about wage and
employment discrimination."

Wisconsin Suit Aims to Cut Through Butter Laws The Obama administration
proposal directed the Equal
Employment Opportunity Com-
mission to begin collecting
BY QUINT FORGEY devotees of the popular Kerry- should not restrict our liber- their state fairs, Wisconsin, cess, equal protection and wage and pay data from private
gold brand of butter, which is ties—particularly our ability home of a $43.4 billion dairy commercial speech clauses. employers with 100 or more
A new lawsuit is churning produced in Ireland and hasn’t to engage in a legitimate busi- industry, plays it straight. Wisconsin laws have employees and federal contrac-
up trouble in America’s Dairy- been tested by the state. Local ness and make a living.” The Wisconsin State Fair’s shielded the dairy industry tors with 50 or more employ-
land. Attorneys with the Wis- retailers say their inability to An Ozaukee County Circuit only butter competition is a from out-of-state competition ees. The proposal effectively
consin Institute for Law and sell the grass-fed, gold-pack- Court judge this month denied mostly corporate auction for decades, but have often expanded the range of data em-
Liberty are taking the state to aged spread has affected their the state’s motion to dismiss where networking bidders from crumbled under judicial scru- ployers were required to report
court over a 1953 law that bottom line. WILL is repre- the suit. “The Attorney Gen- a who’s-who list of the state’s tiny. The Wisconsin Supreme beginning this year on a form
mandates all butter sold in senting four consumers in eral will defend Wisconsin dairy world vie to purchase the Court in 1927 ruled unconsti- called the EEO-1. That form has
Wisconsin be graded and la- counties across Southeast Wis- laws against challenges and first-place winners from a tutional a law prohibiting the been used to collect informa-
beled on factors such as flavor, consin in the suit, as well as a we plan to represent the State cheese and butter contest held sale of oleomargarine and tion on the racial and gender
texture and color by state-li- health-food store in Grafton. of Wisconsin as this lawsuit two months prior. “The people other butter substitutes in the makeup of the workforce.
censed tasters. “I think the issue is impor- proceeds,” a spokesman for that enter the contest are pas- state, and in 1952 turned back In a memo, dated Tuesday,
Those convicted of selling tant because it’s a specific in- the Wisconsin Department of sionate,” said Katy Katzman an attempt to ban the sale of to Victoria Lipnic, the acting
unlabeled butter in the state stance of a larger problem,” Justice said in a statement. with the Wisconsin State Fair Dairy Queen soft-serve. chairwoman of the EEOC, Ms.
more than once could pay up Rick Esenberg, WILL president Butter is serious business in Dairy Promotion Board. In 1895, Wisconsin forbade Rao said the White House Of-
to $5,000 in fines and spend a and lead counsel, said of the Wisconsin. While other states WILL is alleging Wiscon- the sale of artificially colored fice of Management and Bud-
year in county jail. obscure, 64-year-old ordi- elect butter queens and honor sin’s butter law violates the margarine. That law wasn’t re- get would stay the rule and
The statute has enraged nance. “The government massive butter sculptures at state constitution’s due pro- pealed until 1967. conduct a review.
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A8 | Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


schools and junior leagues, mysteries set in the

surrounding towns and villages—all find their
way to a permanent place on summer-house
bookshelves and bedside tables.
If there are mysteries and thrillers, and
there almost always are, you’ll probably find a
selection of books by James Patterson, Sue
Grafton, Walter Mosley, Louise Penny and John
Grisham, alongside dozens of Agatha Christie,
Ngaio Marsh and Erle Stanley Gardner novels.
And if there are children’s books, you are
pretty sure to come across Louisa May Alcott’s
“Little Women” and an assortment of Nancy
Drew and Hardy Boys books.
Then there are the books of summer—the
ones whose covers feature a baseball diamond
or Adirondack chairs on a sun-dappled dock.
No summer-house library is complete without
a few of these.
Some houses are frozen in a particular time,
with every book a best seller from the same
era. In those, “Love Story” by Erich Segal,
“The Love-Machine” by Jacqueline Susann,
“Rich Man, Poor Man” by Irwin Shaw, “The
Lord Won’t Mind” by Gordon Merrick and “A
White House Diary” by Lady Bird Johnson, all
best sellers in 1970, might sit together, waiting
patiently for today’s summer readers to dis-
cover them. Some cottages feature yards of
Reader’s Digest condensed books, allowing vis-
itors to whip their way through every decade’s
most popular works, year-by-year.
One friend reports that she and her friends
stay every year at a turn-of-the-century hotel
in Maine that has a library overflowing with
books from decades past. They start each din-
ner by taking turns reading aloud from books
chosen at random. These run the gamut from
essays on archery to novels about zoology.
Summer is also a time for rereading. Re-
cently, I came across Ken Follett’s “The Key to
Rebecca” while spending a weekend with a
friend. I’ll never forget racing through it and
other Follett thrillers the summer I turned
20. It’s still every bit as thrilling as it was
then. As are “The Day of the Jackal” by Fred-
erick Forsyth and Octavia E. Butler’s “Parable
of the Sower,” a masterpiece set in a dysto-
pian future.

But there is a different thrill that comes

from the glorious oddities and unknowns.
What makes summer house books so delightful
is that they are often books I never knew ex-
isted and wouldn’t have chosen to read if other

Summer Books
options had been available. And yet it’s aston-
life some of this elusive summer spirit. In fact, ishing how often my friends and I find our-
I think we all might benefit from doing so. selves engrossed in random books. My most
Summer is a time when we remember to put recent was “Thatched With Gold: The Memoirs
our smartphones down, even if only for a few of Mabell, Countess of Airlie”; another was

For All Seasons

hours a day, and pay attention to things that “Fillets of Plaice,” a 1971 book of “vignettes”
last: the sea, mountains, friendships, a fool- by the memoirist and naturalist Gerald Durrell.
proof recipe for blueberry pie, great ideas and Often these are diaries, collected letters, or
books—books of all sorts, whether published books of poetry by writers and public figures
last week or centuries ago. who were previously complete strangers to me.
When you are in a rented home or staying Sometimes these are books I had heard
Aimless, whimsical reading the early morning hours, lying in bed and
waiting until he heard some other family mem-
with a friend for a weekend, you can be the
kind of person you aren’t for the rest of the
about but thought would be of no interest. I’ll
find myself transfixed by the memoirs of a
shouldn’t just be for the ber putting away the previous night’s dishes year: someone who canoes, plays Parcheesi teen idol or happily exploring a topic in sci-
beach and summer cottage and making the morning coffee.
My friend didn’t take any
and reads detective novels from decades past
and political memoirs from
ence or natural history that I had assumed
would be as dry as the dust that covered the
of the summer-house books both sides of the aisle by poli- book itself. We could all spend more time read-
BY WILL SCHWALBE home with him—that would
be more than bad manners. He The ticians long dead. The seren-
dipity is thrilling. What’s best
ing books other than ones that simply confirm
beliefs we already hold, or cater to interests
left them all, and even added serendipity about books left behind in we know we have.
This summer, a friend told me that he was to the pile. Next year’s visitors summer houses and country There’s a simple way of re-creating the ser-
surprised to find himself sharing a cottage will find George Eliot waiting of a random inns is that they so often offer endipity of summer reading. It involves a su-
with Tom Brokaw, Tina Fey, John Irving, Mary
Higgins Clark, Amy Tan, Al Gore and Condo-
to greet them.
The rest of the year, we
book is random and unexpected
perstition. I believe that if I knock over a book
in a bookstore, I have to buy it. So in the dark-
leezza Rice. Not with any of those people tend to be purposeful about thrilling. There is some predictabil- est days of the fall or winter, when I need a
themselves, of course. He had rented the cot- what we read. Most of us ity, however. It is fairly likely break from everything, I’ll take my clumsy self
tage for a week with his family, and those were carefully choose the books we that if you’re staying at a sea- to my favorite local bookseller and buy the
the authors of books left behind—by the own- buy or borrow, gaining inspi- side cottage, you’ll find Anne first volume I topple. Or if that fails, I’ll let a
ers or by previous renters and guests. ration from friends, reviewers, podcasts, li- Morrow Lindbergh’s “Gift From the Sea,” the random stranger choose a book for me. I’ll
He had brought with him George Eliot’s brarians and booksellers—or we simply follow 1955 classic that sought to teach everyone, but then cancel any plans and stay home and read
“Daniel Deronda,” a book he’d always intended the choices of our book club. But summer days especially women, how to bring balance back it. Instant summer, year round.
to read; this he left unread while he devoured spent in someone else’s home or at a B&B into their lives. In a cabin in the woods, you’ll
John Irving’s “The Water-Method Man,” Amy make possible a different kind of reading: probably encounter Henry David Thoreau’s Mr. Schwalbe is an executive vice president at
Tan’s “The Kitchen God’s Wife” and several more aimless, whimsical, promiscuous. “Walden.” Geography is destiny, as well. Macmillan Publishers and the author, most
Mary Higgins Clark mysteries. The other books As I savor the remaining days of summer, it Guides to local flora and fauna, books of maps recently, of “Books for Living,” out in
he didn’t read cover-to-cover but sampled in occurs to me that I could incorporate into my and trails, cookbooks from the neighboring paperback from Vintage on Tuesday.


BY BETSY MCKAY “The name ‘antivenom’ is so perfect that peo-
ple think the problem is solved,” says Mr. Har-
John Heenan stepped over a fence while rison, who is now a music producer and works
volunteering at an organic farm in Novato, with technology and startup companies.
Calif. earlier this month and felt a sharp burn- Other scientists are seeking more modern
ing pain. “I’ve been bitten by a rattlesnake!” approaches. Andreas Laustsen, a bioengineer
the 68-year-old yelled to fellow volunteers at the Technical University of Denmark, is de-
nearby, after looking down to see that he had veloping a new type of antivenom that would
stepped on one about 5 feet long. be made with mixtures of human, rather than
Mr. Heenan staggered a few steps and col- animal, antibodies. These so-called “recombi-
lapsed. He foamed at the mouth and felt like nant antivenoms,” produced in a fermentation
he was suffocating, and his muscles rippled tank, would be safer, more effective and less
uncontrollably. By the time he arrived at the expensive than current antivenoms, says Dr.
hospital minutes later, his airway was so Laustsen. The idea is to develop an antivenom
swollen and clogged that doctors struggled to that would neutralize a range of toxins from
put a breathing tube down his throat, and his different types of snakes, he says. He is using
blood pressure had plummeted. He was given techniques, he adds, that were developed in
antivenom and put on life support, and re- the course of research on cancer and autoim-
mained unconscious for two days. mune disease.
Now recovering at home, Mr. Heenan faces Still others are working on ways to im-
extensive physical therapy and follow-up prove existing antivenoms. Some veterans of
care. But he considers himself lucky to have snakebite research say that should be the pri-

gotten medical attention so quickly. “I’m ority, given limited funding. “At the moment,
alive,” he says. “I can’t ask for much more we need to fix the current system because
than that.” people are dying literally over 100,000 a year,
Many others aren’t so fortunate. Every SNAKEBITES kill more than 100,000 people a year world-wide. Above, a cobra. and they can’t wait 15 to 20 years for a won-
year, more than 100,000 people world-wide der drug,” says David Williams, a toxinologist
are killed by snakebites, and about 400,000 travenously in hospitals or clinics, far from victim can get antivenom and medical care. and herpetologist at the University of Mel-
undergo limb amputations or are otherwise where many victims are bitten. And it is still “We’re just trying to fill the gap between the bourne in Australia and CEO of the nonprofit
disabled, according to the World Health Or- manufactured using the same basic method bite and the hospital,” says Dr. Lewin, who Global Snakebite Initiative.
ganization. Experts say the real toll is likely created in the 1890s, which involves milking helped to treat Mr. Heenan. Dr. Williams sees an urgent need to im-
much higher because so many poisonous snakes through their fangs, injecting the Lab tests show that the drug, known as an prove the prevention and treatment of snake-
snakebites go unreported. venom into horses or other large animals and sPLA2 inhibitor, blocks one of the deadliest bites, to tighten regulations to keep poor-
Yet the problem attracts little investment. collecting their antibodies. toxins in venoms from an array of snakes, Dr. quality antivenoms off the market, and to
Snakebite “envenoming,” or poisoning, is Scientists, including some from outside the Lewin says. The drug was originally devel- make antivenom production more efficient.
largely ignored by public-health authorities field, are working on ways to modernize oped by Eli Lilly and Shionogi for other pur- He supports both immediate and long-term
and drug developers, though experts hope snakebite medicine, but it isn’t easy: Venom poses but was shelved. Eli Lilly recently pro- approaches. “I think we need to innovate
that it will attract more attention and funding is a complex mixture of enzymes and proteins vided documents to help Dr. Lewin further his across the board,” he says.
after being added to the WHO’s official list of and varies by species of snake. research and development. As for the farm where Mr. Heenan was bit-
neglected tropical diseases in June. Matthew Lewin, an emergency-medicine Snakebite science needs groundbreaking ten, it has put up signs warning about rattle-
Antivenom can be hard to find in Africa doctor in Corte Madera, Calif., is developing solutions, says Jerry Harrison, a member of snakes. Once he recovers, Mr. Heenan is de-
and Asia, where snakebites pose the largest an antidote that could be administered to a the bands Talking Heads and the Modern Lov- termined to get back to work there. “I
threat. It can also be of poor quality. It usu- snakebite victim on the spot, blocking many ers, who co-founded a biotech company called guarantee you I will religiously watch every
ally has to be kept cool and administered in- immediately life-threatening effects until the Ophirex with Dr. Lewin to advance the drug. step from now on,” he says.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, August 31, 2017 | A9

tray tables, turn all lights on and
off. Then they recline each seat
with knee-knocking force.
One squeaks like a mouse on an
exercise wheel. “Write it up,” says
THE MIDDLE SEAT | By Scott McCartney Joyce Adkins, a veteran flight at-
tendant from Los Angeles who’s

How to Inspect
been part of the new-plane inspec-
tion team for 17 years. “No one
wants to hear that in the middle of
the night.”

Every Piece of a
The team leaves the seats re-
clined during a lunch break to see
if any creep back up, which would
indicate a mechanical defect.

Widebody Plane
In galleys, flight attendants ver-
ify temperature readings on ovens
and chillers. (On one plane, Ms.
Adkins says she discovered a
chiller wired backward, so off was
on and on was off.) They flush all
American Airlines pilots, mechanics and flight the toilets, blow fake smoke into
attendants kick the tires on a new Boeing 787-9 smoke alarms, make sure all prere-
corded emergency messages sound
when required. They check to
make sure carpet seams line up.
They look for scuffs and scratches.
“We basically touch everything
on the airplane that the crew and
customers contact,” says Steve
Young, a Los Angeles based flight
attendant. “We’re all airplane
geeks, very detail-oriented.”
In the cockpit, Gary Beam, an
American pilot whose main job is

to test new and overhauled air-

planes, checks systems on the
ground with a Boeing analyst sit-
ting beside him. He shuts off sys-
tems to see if backups kick in and
warning lights come on, tests he’ll
repeat the following day in the air.
Capt. Beam cuts all the power—
emergency lights illuminate the
cockpit, as expected. He tests
evacuation alarms and fire alarms.
With no air conditioning in the
cockpit because normal electrical
North Charleston, S.C. ciency. Five years ago, American’s American Airlines employees check the rudder and inspect the paint on a new power has been cut, sweat runs
IMAGINE YOU’RE BUYING a fleet averaged 15 years old. Now 787-9, above. A technician tracks problems found in the cabin, below. down his face.
$270 million car. You’d want to the average age is 10 years. The next day, Capt. Beam and a
kick the tires pretty hard. That’s But getting that new airplane Boeing test pilot fly the plane
what airlines do with new air- smell into service isn’t like order- south from Charleston to the Flor-
planes. ing pants on Amazon Prime. Boe- ida panhandle, taking it up to
Some carriers station their own ing does its own testing, but most 38,000 feet. Capt. Beam flies the
engineers at Boeing and Airbus airline buyers repeat the same jet to its limits, making sure
factories to watch their flying ma- tests and do their own extra in- alarms sound when he increases
chines get built and check parts as spection. Some carriers are more air speed or slows the plane down
they arrive. Finicky buyers send persnickety than others, Boeing to stall speed. Even at 690 mph,
flight attendants, mechanics and executives say, but the airline is the ride is smooth, he says later.
pilots for what are called shake- always right. Unhappy customers After three hours of flight test-
down inspections. They get to be could lead to lost future orders. ing, Capt. Beam is pleased with
the worst passengers and pilots “If I was buying the airplane, I’d the product. “It’s really kind of an
ever—yanking seat backs, punch- probably want to fly it, too,” says amazing flight. You learn so much
ing all the call buttons and flying David Carbon, Boeing’s vice presi- about the airplane doing this,” he
the plane aggressively right up to dent of 787 operations in South says back on the ground.
its limits before the deal is done. Carolina. Flight attendant Tom Baldwin
“The rubber meets the road Tagging along with a team of says about 20 cabin items needed to
here,” says Timothy Jackson, an experienced American tire-kickers be checked after the test flight. One
American Airlines aircraft acquisi- at Boeing’s factory here over two major squawk: The crew couldn’t
tions manager, as he begins check- steamy days last week shows just connect to the Wi-Fi system.
ing a brand new Boeing 787-9 how carefully airlines check out engine or mechanical compart- But not everything is perfect. The day before, 120 issues were
Dreamliner. “It’s inspected and it’s their purchases before passengers ment. Another mechanic shows him a recorded, most of them cosmetic
inspected and it’s inspected. And ever board. Joseph Maloy, American’s direc- cooling tube inside the General and minor, like seat squeaks. “It
yet we still find things.” Armed with rolls of red tape tor of aircraft acquisition, disposi- Electric engine that appears bent. was pretty routine,” he says, ex-
Delivering one widebody air- used to mark problems, five flight tions and records, heads straight Mr. Maloy thinks it’s probably cept for the Wi-Fi failure.
plane is a big deal—each plane has attendants, a couple of mechanical to the tail of the airplane to in- within limits, but the tube gets Those 140 punch list items,
a list price roughly the cost of a experts and a test pilot attack the spect the auxiliary power unit—a written up for GE inspection. about average for a widebody, Mr.
high-rise hotel. 285-passenger plane. All the doors small engine that provides power Inside the cabin, flight atten- Baldwin says, will be addressed
American is taking delivery of and panels are opened for inspec- on the ground and in emergencies. dants shake each seat violently, this week by Boeing and its suppli-
57 new Airbus and Boeing planes tion. In the cabin, everyone wears He checks the oil level and insula- grab the headrest and pull it up as ers.
this year, or more than one a booties over shoes to keep dirt tion and looks for any leaks. He if curling weights and jerk the The airplane will be officially
week. Like other carriers, Ameri- out. Like an operating room nurse makes sure safety wiring is correct cord on each entertainment con- delivered to American on Friday,
can has been using profits to up- counting sponges, Boeing counts and fire-detection tubes are prop- troller. They test power ports, USB 74 days after assembly began, with
grade to jets that have more seats, flashlights and mirrors to make erly positioned and haven’t been ports, audio jacks and the enter- tail number N830AN and Ameri-
longer range and better fuel effi- sure nothing gets left behind in an bumped or bent. It all looks OK. tainment system. They open all can’s fleet number 8LL.




years ago after department store buyers
balked at designs touting champagne and
beer. “It was, ‘How do you capture the fun. .
DON’T LOOK, but there’s a taco on your T- .without alcohol?’ ” Ms. Baca says.
shirt. More broadly, food seems to be having a
Tacos have gone from one of America’s fashion moment. While many trends start
most popular restaurant foods to a serious on the runway and trickle down to the
fashion statement. A $59 tank top from Los masses, the food-symbol trend is going the
Angeles-based clothing brand Chaser reads reverse, says Mark-Evan Blackman, assistant
“tacos are my life.” New York-based Nylon professor in the fashion design department
Media’s online store sells taco-themed jew- at the Fashion Institute of Technology. High-
elry and sunglasses while Kate Spade offers a end Italian brands such as Milan-based
$358 purse in the shape of a taco truck. Etro are incorporating foods such as
Online retailer Etsy says taco searches spaghetti into designs, he says. Ta-
were up more than 65% in the first half cos, Mr. Blackman says, remain
of this year. planted in U.S. fashion. “They are
Kevin Palarz, a 36-year old structural en- cool and they are sexy.”
gineer in Barrington, Ill., has a thing for ta- Tacos are among the top five foods
cos. He and his friend Mark Lanctot track ordered at U.S. restaurants, according
their taco consumption—including restau- to NPD Group. Their influence has
rants and ratings—on a shared spreadsheet. crossed into other restaurant cuisines.
Mr. Palarz, who has consumed, 881 tacos Part of the fun is that some taco de-
since January, owns several taco-themed T- signs make people laugh and some leave
shirts and socks. “When I wear my taco T- others scratching their heads. Ms. Owen
shirt, people on the street talk to me,” he authors an annual report titled Slanguage
says. “It’s a social thing.” which deconstructs popular new catch
The public taco obsession has been stoked phrases and symbols for marketers. The re-
in recent years by teens and 20-somethings, port explains that teens and 20-somethings
experts say, who are exposed to celebrity- have created their own vernacular, “with an
magazine images of a chilled-out, West injection of humor and irony that transcends
Coast lifestyle. “There is something funda- parents and anyone over the age of, say, 35.”
mentally California about tacos,” says Megan Tacos, which have attained street credibility
Baca, vice president of design for Chaser, Bell and others, the nonprofit Unicode Con- as well as shirts that say “It’s Taco Time” or among 20-somethings, she says, are part of
whose beachy T-shirts and dresses are sold sortium, which regulates coding standards “There is no We in Tacos.” that. “The microtrend of food,” Ms. Owen
in department stores such as Bloomingdale’s for written computer text, approved the taco Clothing with symbols and statements are says—designs containing symbols and ex-
and Nordstrom. Celebrities such as singer as an emoji. Graphics of tacos began trick- like wearable tweets, says Ms. Baca at pressions of love for certain foods—“is a
Katy Perry and model Chrissy Teigen have ling in after that, says Sarah Owen, senior Chaser. “It’s little soundbites of ourselves,” backlash to this huge wellness and clean-eat-
recently been photographed waiting in line editor of digital media and marketing at she says. “I’m trying to capture the emotion ing movement. Now, it’s that girl who says
for tacos or eating them. Tacos got a major fashion forecasting firm WGSN. Everything of a mini-mental vacation in a T-shirt.” ‘I’m going to treat myself to a doughnut and
break in 2015: After much lobbying by Taco from rugs, towels and baby booties followed, Ms. Baca designed her first taco shirt two talk about how much I love tacos,’” she says.
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A10 | Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

First Resilience,
The Hurricane Learning Curve Then Boondoggle
urricane Harvey is still pouring torren- preparing to deploy overseas. By Monday more
tial rain on Texas and Louisiana, which than 12,000 Guardsman were assisting with An arrow straight up cars found their way blocked by a mas-
in recent decades has sive cattle drive down U.S. 90, as ranch-
means more damage to come. But it search and rescue, and preparing to help with
been the rising sever- ers moved their herds to higher
isn’t too soon to point out recovery. ity of hurricane dam- ground.
some compensating news: The lessons of failure The state ramped up more age. The culprit is the Disrupted drivers didn’t mind; they
Storm responders are putting in Katrina are saving than 200 buses to transport ever larger number of stopped to take pictures, according to
into practice the lessons of people out of coastal areas, people and their stuff the Houston Chronicle, eyewitnesses to
past extreme weather and sav- lives in South Texas. and more than 40,000 shelter BUSINESS
in the path of these a phenomenon seen only in John
ing lives as a result. beds in safe zones. Houston By Holman W.
storms. Wayne movies. Another expression of
By late Tuesday the storm Mayor Sylvester Turner gave It has nothing to do resilience.
Jenkins, Jr.
had dropped 50 inches of rain on parts of Texas— clear instructions to residents to stock up and with climate change. At the time of Sandy, New York’s
breaking continental records. Harvey appears to avoid roads, and he quickly deployed police and During the past de- Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Gov. An-
have claimed at least 15 lives, including a family firefighters. Dallas opened a megashelter at its cade that we keep being told was the drew Cuomo blamed the damage, non-
hottest on record (the record being sensically, on global warming. They had
of six swept away in a vehicle that remains miss- convention center and put hundreds of buses on
skimpy), the U.S. also saw a dearth of an eye on the administration in Wash-
ing. The Houston police by Tuesday morning had standby for flood victims. Officials in smaller, hurricane landfalls. A major storm ington. They knew its hobbyhorses and
rescued at least 3,400 people from rising floodwa- coastal towns worked with state authorities on hadn’t hit the U.S. since 2005. talking points. Their blather was aimed
ter, and the Coast Guard rescued 3,000 on Mon- mandatory evacuations. Sandy, as many in the press played at creating an atmosphere conducive to
day. Officials are predicting the storm will force One theme is communication and clear lines down at the time, had actually been the billions in federal rebuilding grants
30,000 people into shelters and the economic of authority. Every analysis of Katrina has pointed downgraded to a tropical storm when it that soon would be flowing.
damage will be at least $30 billion. to confusion between Louisiana and Washington reached the New York and New Jersey
Yet as terrible as the toll is, it’s impossible to about who should be in charge. In this case, Gov- shore in 2012. The impact was worse
ignore the improved response compared to ernor Abbott and local officials appear to be tak- than it might have been for a simple Maybe we should start
storms past. Hurricane Katrina in 2005 left New ing the lead but are working closely with the feds reason: The storm followed an unusual budgeting for the kind of
westward track, and a garden-variety
Orleans a chaotic scene of failed evacuation, to marshal resources. These agencies are also us- bailout Houston will need.
storm surge happened to coincide with
stranding 100,000 people in the low-lying city. ing social media to provide instructions to vic- a full-moon high tide.
It killed 1,833, left three million without power tims, cut through rumors, and work with Housto- Harvey has been an energetic storm
and cost an estimated $100 billon to $130 billion. nians rushing to help neighbors. but also an uncharacteristically station- Two-thirds of Katrina’s damage in
A few weeks later more than 100 people died at- Corporate America also learned from Katrina. ary one. The deluge that fell and con- New Orleans wasn’t covered by insur-
tempting to leave Houston, part of a panicked Telecom companies have upgraded their networks tinues to fall on Houston is created by ance. Less than half of Houston com-
evacuation before Hurricane Rita. against natural disasters after Katrina knocked a storm hovering in place, sucking up mercial buildings and homes in the wa-
The federal government, local officials and out more than 1,000 cell sites and put 911 calls and moisture from the Gulf of Mexico and terlogged zone are covered by flood
private and charitable interests are now apply- other networks in gridlock. As Harvey neared, dumping it on land. insurance.
ing the lessons of these past failures. Katrina ex- AT&T and Verizon dispatched fuel for emergency Even press accounts that noted a It wouldn’t be politically realistic to
posed the Federal Emergency Management generators and deployed mobile cell sites. lack of discernible connection to cli- expect the Trump administration to
mate change somehow, by paragraph resist opening the spigots as every
Agency’s dysfunction, and Congress responded The Federal Communications Commission re-
three, were quoting climate-change other administration has. The back-
with reforms that altered how the agency ported Sunday that just 4% of 7,804 cell sites in campaigners. ground chant may not be “climate
works—particularly on prestorm preparation. Harvey’s path were knocked out. While Texans are This is a counsel of despair. Daily change”—perhaps the political sound
Prior to Katrina, FEMA waited until governors certainly getting busy signals, many emergency tides rise and fall along the East Coast effects will dwell instead on Houston’s
requested assistance, often arriving late as it did calls are getting through. By Friday Wal-Mart had anywhere from 2 feet to 11 feet. Storm role in protecting America’s “energy
in New Orleans. already dispatched more than 1,000 trucks of surges associated with hurricanes range independence.”
FEMA was on the ground in Texas nearly 48 goods to Houston, and Bass Pro Shops is handing from 7 feet to 23 feet. These dwarf the Only 10% of California residents have
hours before Harvey made landfall, working with over 80 of its Tracker boats for rescues. effect of any global-warming-caused in- earthquake insurance; 85% of the public
local partners and unifying a larger federal ef- The Texas stretch of the Gulf Coast is home crease in the steadily rising sea levels assets in San Francisco are “self-in-
fort. In addition to thousands of FEMA employ- to nearly five million barrels a day of oil and gas of the past century. sured”—i.e., uninsured. What will be
ees and the Coast Guard, the Energy Department refining capacity. Post-Katrina, refineries hard- The U.S. economy consists of mil- the accompanying music then?
lions of Americans who aren’t waiting If Gov. Jerry Brown is still in office,
was on hand to monitor oil and gas facilities, and ened their facilities against the flooding threat
around for someone to tell them what maybe he will find some way to con-
Health and Human Services sent 650 staffers to by investing in systems that guard electric to do. This makes it resilient. Private nect an earthquake to global warming.
provide medical assistance. The Department of equipment. They stacked up on emergency gen- boat owners in Houston leapt into ac- Otherwise taxpayers in the Midwest
Homeland Security on Saturday activated a erators and fortified against wind and storm tion to rescue the stranded, many can expect to hear how vital Silicon
post-Katrina program that stands up a “surge” damage. So while refineries are closed as they whose pleas were transmitted via social Valley is to America’s global leadership.
force of non-FEMA federal employees trained to ride out the storm, they should be back online media, bouncing server to server until If the U.S. were a private business,
assist in natural disasters. quickly when weather and roads clear. they reached the guy with a skiff down such “contingent” liabilities would
Former Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco daw- The storm isn’t over, and no doubt some will the block. show up in measures of the federal
dled about getting her National Guard on the find reasons to point fingers. But at a time when Gasoline prices ticked up on reports debt and deficit. In Washington, they
streets to help with rescues and maintain order. Americans have so little trust in government, it’s of damage to the Gulf’s massive refin- do things differently.
ing industry, encouraging some to forgo One of the most interesting quotes
Texas Governor Greg Abbott quickly activated worth noting when it shows it can learn from
filling up and leaving more fuel avail- collected by Journal reporters this
the entire Texas National Guard, including those previous failures. able for those who value it most. For- week comes from Michael Williams, a
eign refiners are eyeing the higher mar- ballpark maintenance worker for the

Nixing the $520,000 ‘Footlong’ gins available in the U.S. and

dispatching cargoes our way.
Houston Astros, whose position atop
the American League West will be a

Thousands in Houston have been solace to the hard-hit city. He noted
merica’s Seventh Circuit Court of Ap- attorneys were to collect $520,000 in fees. flooded out, and thousands more are succinctly: “Houston floods fast.
peals has given the plaintiffs bar some- Enter Theodore Frank, who directs the Center without power and likely to be so for They’re doing all this construction but
thing to chew on. Writing for a three- for Class Action Fairness at the Competitive En- days. The outages Americans experi- we still got no [storm] outlets.”
member panel, Judge Diane terprise Institute. He objected ence nowadays aren’t more frequent, Between the immediate displays of
Sykes on Friday threw out a A U.S. appeals court to the settlement on grounds but tolerance for them is lower, hence self-help and resilience, and the pre-
a growing number of householders dictable federal spendathon that’s com-
class-action lawsuit settle- tosses the Subway that while the lawyers were
who outfit themselves with emergency ing, let Mr. Williams be heard too. A
ment involving the Subway “handsomely compensated” generators. few such lessons and better planning
food chain’s “Footlong” sand- sandwich settlement. the class received “negligible Even those Houston-area residents might help lighten the burden of those
wich on grounds that the only to no relief.” who were free to move around in their facing future emergencies.
beneficiaries were the lawyers. During litigation it emerged
The case started in 2013 after an Australian that though the baked length of a roll may vary,
teenager posted a photo on Facebook of a Subway the amount of dough is uniform. Judge Sykes also
Footlong next to a tape-measure showing it to be noted that “after the settlement—despite the new
11 inches. The post went viral—and so did the law- measuring tools, protocols, and inspections—
Those Who Commute
yers. Nine class-action suits were launched there’s still the same small chance that Subway
around the U.S., later consolidated into one. will sell a class member a sandwich that is slightly
Subway soon announced steps to ensure its shorter than advertised,” owing to the inherent
Deserve a Salute
By James Bruce flourish, and too many unmarried fa-
baked rolls would be at least 12 inches. In 2016 vagaries of food production. It’s safe to assume,

thers don’t, as Charles Murray ex-
a lower court approved a settlement under wrote Judge Sykes, that Subway customers ramped almost to the point of plains in “Coming Apart.”
which Subway promised to maintain practices “know this as a matter of common sense.” These suffocation, surrounded by hard • For the schools. If you can afford a
to ensure more uniformity in its bread. The suing days we’ll take any victory for common sense. plastic and metal, you glide private education for your little angels,
through the darkness, wondering then good for you. But for many par-
whether you will survive. You’re not pi- ents, choosing a school means chang-
Nuclear Missiles Over Tokyo loting a submarine or a spacecraft
headed toward Mars. You’re just a New
ing districts. So get into that car, dad.
Take that train, mom.

esidents of northern Japan awoke Tues- their own nuclear arsenal, but that could change York commuter trying to get home, as • For the opportunity. What do New
day to sirens and cellphone warnings to if they conclude America isn’t reliable in a cri- the “Summer of Hell” for public transit York, Washington and San Francisco
nears its end. Or perhaps you’re leav- have in common, apart from terrible
take cover as a North Korean rocket flew sis. Or Japanese may simply decide they can’t ing Los Angeles on Tuesday to beat the
overhead. The intermediate- have their survival depend on Friday traffic.
range missile test will further Accepting a nuclear even a faithful ally’s judgment. Nearly 40% of American workers— Your daily grind
roil the politics of security in North Korea probably Some Japanese politicians are more than 50 million people—travel 30
Northeast Asia and is another already talking about their minutes or more to work, according to
brings prosperity
prod toward Japan acquiring means a nuclear Japan. own nuclear deterrent. And the Census Bureau. It’s a grind: the de- to me—and the world.
its own nuclear deterrent. while public opinion currently layed trains, the stink of sweaty dress
Pyongyang tested long- opposes nuclear weapons, fear shirts, the motionless traffic on the
range missiles over Japan in 1998 and 2009, could change minds. Japan has enough pluto- “freeways.” traffic? The answer is good white-
claiming they were satellite launches. The first nium from its civilian nuclear reactors for more But the worst part is the incessant collar jobs and a chance for a better
reminder that you are the world’s life. Cities are America’s economic en-
shocked Japanese and led to cooperation with than 1,000 nuclear warheads, and it has the
problem. Walking doesn’t pollute. gines, and they can take you to success
the U.S. on theater missile defense. After the know-how to build them in months. Cars and trains do. Today’s cultural only if you hop on board.
second, Tokyo curtailed the North’s funding This prospect should alarm China, which trends protest your lifestyle. Think • For America. According to Mark J.
sources within Japan’s ethnic Korean commu- would suddenly face a nuclear-armed regional about it the next time you drink your Perry, in terms of economic output,
nity. Tuesday’s launch is even more threatening rival. The U.S. also has a strong interest in pre- fair-trade coffee on a train built be- New York state rivals South Korea, but
because U.S. and allied intelligence agencies as- venting a nuclear Japan, not least because fore the Hogwarts Express. Your trip with 17 million fewer workers. Califor-
sess that North Korea now has the ability to hit South Korea might soon follow. East Asia would isn’t recyclable. nia beats France, but with six million
Japan with a miniaturized nuclear warhead join the Middle East in a new era of nuclear pro- As you face the day ahead—and the fewer workers. This kind of perfor-
mounted on a missile. liferation, with grave risks to world order. This straphanger next to you, who really mance wouldn’t be possible without
Much of Japan is protected by its own missile is one reason that acquiescing to a North Korea needs a shower—you may begin to for- millions of American commuters. Your
defenses as well as systems operated by U.S. with nuclear missiles is so dangerous. get why you commute. Here’s a fresh disagreeable journey helps support the
reminder: productivity that delivers prosperity to
forces in the region. Japan also recently de- Yet this is the line now peddled by former
• For your family. How you used to the country, indeed the world.
ployed four Patriot PAC-3 missile-defense bat- Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice love the city when you were single and That includes the small town in Ar-
teries to the west of the country, but these and former Director of National Intelligence carefree! But that cute neighbor be- kansas where I live. I walk to work,
didn’t cover the northern island of Hokkaido James Clapper, who says the U.S. must begin came your spouse, and then came mar- which isn’t without hazards. One time
overflown by Tuesday’s missile. “accepting it and trying to cap it or control it.” riage and maybe children. A kitchen I was bitten by a duck overeager (in my
Japan’s ultimate security is the U.S. defense Having said for eight years that a nuclear North the size of a waffle iron felt hip when estimation) to protect its nest.
and nuclear umbrella, with its treaty guarantee is unacceptable, they now say that President you were eating out all the time, but But, overall, it’s wonderful. Yet I
that the U.S. will respond if Japan is attacked. Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe then you learned to cook. know how much I depend on you, the
But the logic of deterrence depends on having had better get used to it. • For the community. If you drive big-city commuters: You set up my re-
a rational actor as an adversary, and rationality But “control it” how? North Korea has made from suburbia to an office downtown, tirement account, approved my mort-
can’t be guaranteed in North Korea. Its recent clear it won’t negotiate away its nuclear pro- you’re leaving a place where first gage application and routed my new
comes love, then comes marriage, shirt from a distribution center to my
development of an ICBM capable of hitting the gram. The U.S. can threaten mutual-assured de- then comes a baby in a carriage. In doorstep. So thank you—and have a
U.S. mainland also changes the equation. If struction, but Tuesday’s missile test over Japan cities the baby often comes first, safe trip home.
North Korea attacked Tokyo and the U.S. re- shows how North Korea will use its nuclear sometimes with no marriage at all.
sponded with an attack on Pyongyang, U.S. cit- threat to coerce and divide the U.S. and its al- That’s a crucial difference. Married fa- Mr. Bruce is an associate professor
ies might then be endangered. lies. Accepting a nuclear North Korea means ac- thers work to make their neighbor- of philosophy at John Brown University
Japanese leaders have long resisted building cepting a far more dangerous world. hoods places where children can in Siloam Springs, Ark.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, August 31, 2017 | A11


Trump’s Reassuring Hurricane Response

By Tevi Troy Two reasons suggest themselves Outside Twitter, the administra-

for the apparent success: person- tion has relied on experts like
resident Trump visited nel and preparation. Mr. Trump Messrs. Long and Bossert to reas-
Texas Tuesday to assess has surrounded himself with lead- sure the public, which seems an
the damage from Hurri- ers experienced in this area. John appropriate strategy. Message dis-
cane Harvey and show Kelly, the president’s chief of staff, cipline matters. When responding
concern for its victims. is fresh off his stint as the secre- to a disaster, Mr. Cilluffo says, you
So far, his administration is tary of homeland security. He “can’t have one message here, an-
largely getting praise for effective brought to the White House his other message there, and a tweet
handling of the crisis. Washing- own deputy, Kirstjen Nielsen, a saying a third thing.”
ton’s disaster authorities appear veteran of George W. Bush’s Home- It’s reassuring that the White
to be in sync with the state on land Security Council. House understands the importance
roles and responsibilities; the Fed- Tom Bossert, another Bush of relying on trusted messengers
eral Emergency Management alumnus now advising Mr. Trump during a crisis—especially given
Agency and its leader, Brock Long, on homeland security, has acquit- the backlash to Mr. Trump’s com-
deployed resources as Harvey ap- ted himself well on television, pro- ments this month after the violence
proached; and the government re- jecting calm and expertise as he in Charlottesville, Va. During an
sponse as a whole appears well discusses the hurricane response. emergency, the government needs
coordinated. It may be premature to conclude wide cooperation from the public,
that Mr. Kelly has succeeded in which may not be possible under

bringing order to the Oval Office, any president with credibility prob-
The White House has but Harvey has demonstrated a re- lems. Messrs. Long and Bossert
assuring ability to focus on a di- Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and President Trump in Corpus Christi, Texas, Aug. 29. have the standing to appeal to
shown a focus on Harvey saster when needed. Americans across the partisan di-
that extends even to the Beyond the White House, Mr. emergency management. Frank the White House is actively moni- vide during Harvey and whatever
Trump still lags behind his prede- Cilluffo, a homeland security aide toring events. On Tuesday he disaster may come next.
president’s Twitter feed. cessors in filling political appoint- in the Bush administration, says retweeted an urgent alert from Mr. Trump’s handling of the
ments, but he appears to have pri- this showed the White House was Brazoria County saying that a levee hurricane response thus far is to
oritized the right ones. taking disaster readiness seri- at Columbia Lakes had been be commended, but this is no
“I give FEMA a grade of A-plus, The president has made nomi- ously. “Training is everything breached and residents needed to time for complacency. The recov-
all the way from the president nations for about half the slots at here,” he told me. “You want to get out immediately. ery in Texas will take a long time,
down,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott the Department of Homeland Secu- make mistakes on the practice Mr. Trump’s tweets about the and new disasters are always in
told “Fox News Sunday.” Yes, Mr. rity, more than at most depart- field, not in the actual event.” storm have been informative and the offing. The Trump administra-
Abbott is a fellow Republican, but ments. Some nominees, such as Then in early August, weeks be- responsible, with a tone appropri- tion would serve Americans well
he is also interested in protecting Mr. Long’s two deputies at FEMA, fore Harvey showed up on the ra- ate to the human tragedy. To the by following its successful ap-
Texas and would not have said “A- await Senate confirmation hear- dar, Mr. Long hosted the president extent he has been criticized, it has proach to this first crisis with a
plus” if the state weren’t getting ings. Mr. Long is an experienced and other cabinet officials at been mostly for tweeting on unre- continuing focus on disaster man-
what it needed. hand, having previously served as FEMA for a briefing on the com- lated topics, such as his pardoning agement. Today it’s Harvey. To-
That assessment is backed up Alabama’s head of emergency man- ing hurricane season. of former Sheriff Joe Arpaio and morrow, who knows?
by Rear Adm. W. Craig Vanderwa- agement. He has been a reassuring Thus far, the most controversial the “great” new book by Sheriff Da-
gen, a former career emergency and take-charge presence through- part of the president’s hurricane vid Clarke. Although it isn’t realis- Mr. Troy, a former deputy sec-
manager who is plugged into the out the Harvey response. response has been communications. tic to expect the White House to retary of health and human ser-
Harvey effort. “Early read,” he told Mr. Long began preparing for On the positive side of the ledger, eschew all other subjects during a vices, is author of “Shall We Wake
me in an email, “is that Executive the next disaster the day he was Mr. Trump has used his vast Twit- crisis, perhaps the president could the President? Two Centuries of Di-
Branch is performing well under sworn in, when he presided over a ter following both to provide use- avoid tweeting about unessential saster Management From the Oval
this President.” cabinet-wide tabletop exercise on ful information and to convey that matters until the storm passes. Office” (Lyons Press, 2016).

Modern Liberalism’s False Obsession With Civil War Monuments

Visit the American “my Bible.” The New Yorker maga- rates in black neighborhoods to achieve due to the legacy of slav- the education you need for gainful
Museum of Natural zine once described Grant as racial gaps in education, employ- ery and not enough about what employment, work hard, and avoid
History in New someone who “extended a passion ment and income. Yet outcomes in they did in fact achieve notwith- idleness. . . . Be respectful of au-
York City, and be- for preserving bison and caribou all of those areas improved mark- standing hundreds of years in thority. Eschew substance abuse
tween exhibits of into a mania for preserving the edly in the immediate aftermath of bondage followed by decades of le- and crime.”
dinosaur skeletons, ‘Nordic race.’ ” slavery and continued to improve gal segregation. The professors noted that disad-
Asian elephants Given their options, why are for decades. In the post-’60s era, these posi- vantaged groups have been hit
MOBILITY and Alaskan moose liberals so focused on monuments tive trends would slow, stall or in hardest by the disintegration of
you might notice a to Civil War figures? Politically, it some cases even reverse course. these middle-class mores and that
By Jason L.
bust of Henry Fair- makes some tactical sense. The Black accomplishments in The homicide rate for black men the expansion of the welfare state,
field Osborn and a GOP has spent decades warding fell by 18% in the 1940s and by an- which reduced the financial need
plaque honoring off claims of racism, and forcing 1940s and ’50s America other 22% in the 1950s. But in the for two-parent families, hastened
Madison Grant. Osborn and Grant Republican politicians to defend prove today’s setbacks 1960s all of those gains would van- social retrogression.
were two of the country’s leading prominent displays of Confeder- ish as the homicide rate for black “A strong pro-marriage norm
conservationists in the early ate statuary keeps them on the aren’t due to slavery. males rose by nearly 90%. might have blunted this effect,”
1900s. They also were dedicated defensive. Are today’s black violent-crime they wrote. “Instead, the number of
white supremacists. On another level, however, liber- rates a legacy of slavery and Jim single parents grew astronomically,
Osborn, a former president of als make a fetish of Civil War Between 1890 and 1940, for ex- Crow or of something else? Unfor- producing children more prone to
the museum, founded the Eugenics monuments because it feeds their ample, black marriage rates in the tunately, that’s a question few peo- academic failure, addiction, idle-
Education Society—now known as hallowed slavery narrative, which U.S. where higher than white mar- ple on the left will even entertain. ness, crime, and poverty.”
the Galton Institute—which sought posits that racial inequality today riage rates. In the 1940s and ’50s, Just ask Amy Wax and Law- For the suggestion that some-
the improvement of humanity is mainly a legacy of the country’s black labor-participation rates ex- rence Alexander, law professors at thing other than continuing racial
through selective breeding. slave past. ceeded those of whites; black in- the University of Pennsylvania bigotry and the legacy of slavery
Grant, a co-founder of the Bronx One problem with these assump- comes grew much faster than and University of San Diego, re- has contributed to racial inequality,
Zoo, is known today for his influ- tions about slavery’s effects on white incomes; and the black pov- spectively, who were taken to task a coalition of faculty and students
ential 1916 best seller, “The Pass- black outcomes today is that they erty rate fell by 40 percentage for co-authoring an op-ed this at the University of Pennsylvania
ing of the Great Race,” a pseudo- are undermined by what blacks points. month in the Philadelphia Inquirer promptly accused the professors of
scientific polemic arguing that were able to accomplish in the first Between 1940 and 1970—that is, that lamented the breakdown of advancing a “racist and white su-
nonwhite immigrants—which in- hundred years after their emancipa- during Jim Crow and prior to the “bourgeois” cultural values that premacist discourse.”
cluded Eastern and Southern Euro- tion, when white racism was ram- era of affirmative action—the prevailed in mid-20th-century The reality is that there was a
peans by his definition—were pant and legal and blacks had big- number of blacks in middle-class America. time when blacks and whites alike
tainting America’s superior Nordic ger concerns than Robert E. Lee’s professions quadrupled. “That culture laid out the script shared conventional attitudes to-
stock. likeness in a public park. In other words, racial gaps were we all were supposed to follow,” ward marriage, parenting, school
Osborn, who was a zoologist by Today, slavery is still being narrowing. Steady progress was they wrote. “Get married before and work, and those attitudes
training, wrote the introduction to blamed for everything from black being made. Blacks today hear you have children and strive to abetted unprecedented social and
Grant’s book, which Hitler called broken families to high crime plenty about what they can’t stay married for their sake. Get economic black advancement.

Misusing U.S. Sanctions Will Sap Their Power

By Jarrett Blanc fluence derives from America’s changed with the investment of icy that prompted sanctions, it partners and the intelligence com-

central position in international fi- time and resources by banks, gov- likely will have other problems munity agree that Iran is fulfilling
ince taking office, President nance—particularly its control ernments and regulators. So far with the U.S. its commitments.
Trump hasn’t hesitated to over the invisible plumbing that there haven’t been sufficient in- Some members of Congress will The U.S. built an international
threaten or implement sanc- allows money to move around the centives to make those changes, be tempted to promote these re- consensus that Iran’s nuclear pro-
tions against countries such as world. but governments and banks will maining issues as new reason to gram was a problem. European
Venezuela and North Korea. Sanc- Recognizing how much of their reconsider if the U.S. abuses its keep sanctions in place. That’s why and Asian partners took appropri-
tions are useful tools, but Mr. work touches the U.S., major for- position. the 1974 Jackson-Vanik restrictions ate action, suffering real economic
Trump and bipartisan majorities in eign banks will often go so far as Policy makers and regulators in on most-favored-nation status for harm by ratcheting back oil pur-
U.S. Congress run the risk of mak- to treat themselves as “U.S. per- the U.S. have long been sensitive to chases and other commerce with
ing them less effective. sons” for legal and regulatory pur- this risk. They have taken it into Iran and then working to negoti-
The U.S. economy’s size isn’t poses. Countries or entities subject account in the application of new America’s central role in ate the deal.
the primary reason its sanctions to U.S. sanctions thus have a very sanctions and have worked closely If the U.S. cannot take “yes” for
are so powerful: Countries without difficult time with even simple with foreign banks to ensure finance gives it unique an answer, those same partners
a significant trade relationship banking transactions, which is cat- they’re doing permissible busi- clout, but this could erode likely will be at least as concerned
with the U.S. can still be severely astrophic for trade. ness—even business barred to their about the threat posed by Amer-
damaged by bilateral sanctions. Yet America’s dominant place in American competitors. if Congress isn’t careful. ica’s financial power as the threat
Though the European Union’s international banking, like its posi- For example, outreach surround- of Iran’s nuclear program.
gross domestic product almost tion in the broader international ing the Iran deal was designed to In a time when U.S. consistency
matches America’s, EU sanctions system, can be lost. The interna- assure foreign businesses and reg- Russia stayed in place for a gener- and reliability is openly questioned
are much less devastating. This in- tional financial plumbing can be ulators that remaining U.S. sanc- ation after Russia opened up emi- by some of America’s closest allies,
tions were tailored and not a back gration restrictions, the legisla- threats of permanent sanctions
door to enforcing the sanctions tion’s original aim. will draw more attention to the
lifted by the deal. Thanks to these Mr. Trump is right to say the risks of being dependent on the
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY efforts, major foreign banks work- shift in power toward Congress U.S. financial system. America’s
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson ing with Iran have largely chosen will make it harder to use sanc- importance as an international fi-
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp to work with U.S. officials and stay tions as a chit in international nancial hub won’t disappear over-
Gerard Baker William Lewis in careful compliance. negotiations. night, and neither will the reach of
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher Washington’s caution seems to For those who are deeply con- U.S. sanctions.
Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: have been lost with the latest cerned by Russian meddling in If the U.S. comes to be seen as
Deputy Editor in Chief Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer; sanctions against Iran, Russia and other countries’ elections—and by an untrustworthy custodian,
Edward Roussel, Innovation & Communications;
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North Korea—legislation that Mr. Trump’s apparent noncha- there will be a slow and inexora-
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy;
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Katie Vanneck-Smith, President passed with overwhelming sup- lance—congressional authority ble erosion of America’s role and
Washington; Andrew Dowell, Asia; OPERATING EXECUTIVES: port from both parties and was over sanctions may feel like prog- influence.
Christine Glancey, Operations; Ramin Beheshti, Product & Technology; signed into law by a hesitant Mr. ress. For banks, governments and Sanctions compare favorably
Jennifer J. Hicks, Digital; Jason P. Conti, General Counsel;
Neal Lipschutz, Standards; Alex Martin, News; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; Trump. The new sanctions will do regulators abroad, it looks as if with any other tool the U.S. has—
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; little to change the kinds of com- the U.S. is turning sanctions from and certainly very favorably to
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Kristin Heitmann, Transformation; merce allowed with the target a means of achieving particular military action. They can help ad-
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Nancy McNeill, Advertising & Corporate Sales;
Jonathan Wright, International countries. The law’s main function ends into permanent stigmas. That dress real problems in the world,
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page
DJ Media Group: is to shift influence over lifting makes it more attractive to find which is why the U.S. shouldn’t
Almar Latour, Publisher; sanctions from the White House ways to leave the U.S. banking fritter them away.
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business: to Capitol Hill. system.
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; Congress has historically found Mr. Trump also is threatening Mr. Blanc, a senior fellow at the
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head it more attractive to levy sanctions loudly to trash the Joint Compre- Carnegie Endowment for Interna-
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: than to lift them. Sanctions gener- hensive Plan of Action, better tional Peace, was the U.S. State
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 ally target adversaries, so that known as the Iran deal. Never Department coordinator for Iran
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even if a country changes the pol- mind that America’s international nuclear implementation (2015-17).
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A12 | Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



‘Truth-to-Materials’ Sculpture
Tom Joyce’s monumental works are a love letter to abstract shape, paying homage to forebears dating back to Brancusi
thought possible from forged steel.
And the same is true of several of
the outdoor sculptures, like “Stack
Santa Fe, N.M. VI” and the “Surge” series
THESE ARE strange times for (2015-17), five discrete plump
monumental sculpture, whether sculptures, whose gentle folds
outdoors or indoors, sited in public have an almost erotic charge. In
spaces or ensconced in the capa- the same gallery, a couple of huge
cious lobbies of high-rise buildings. charred drawings, made up of exu-
Yet for ambitious artists, big works berant circular shapes burned into
in durable materials can prove irre- wood fiber through “pyroengrav-
sistible. And while contemporary ing,” are impressive in size but
art may not carry the controversial oddly inert, like giant doodles with
charge of Confederate statues, it’s a protractor and compass.
still a cultural landscape dotted And what to make of the last in-
with extremes: Jeff Koons’s giant terior gallery, an installation called
balloon dogs and Damien Hirst’s “Tenet” (2017), which is literally
flayed vision of the Virgin Mary on the sculptor’s studio turned upside
the one hand, and on the other, down? A desk (with gloves, a note-
works by younger artists like Carol book and other implements of the
Bove and Roxy Paine, who riff on a artist’s trade attached), bookcases
Modernist tradition that the unini- and tools are all affixed to the ceil-
tiated may find hard to understand. ing. Mr. Joyce told me it was a
But another strain of sculpture kind of farewell, a notion I had
is still adventurously at work, and trouble grasping. To the average
this one stems from the venerable visitor, the dimly lighted installa-
“truth-to-materials” aesthetic and tion will seem spooky, threatening

love of abstract shape that runs and surreal.

from Constantin Brancusi through Mr. Joyce is an artist of huge
David Smith right up to Richard gifts with perhaps too many ideas
Serra. Tom Joyce—who is the sub- percolating at once. I’m generally
ject of a mini-survey here at the not one to complain about the ab-
Center for Contemporary Arts sence of lengthy labels (and I’m
called “Everything at Hand,” com- Installation view of ‘Everything at Hand’ at the Center for Contemporary Arts with ‘Bloom V’ (2016) in the foreground told a catalog will be available
prising 45 works made in the past soon), but visitors to this show will
12 years—falls squarely into this whether his sources are weapon also provided the schematic geom- look like crusty canvases cooked need more hand holding to grasp
tradition, with noble monuments parts or the soil from battlefields etries for a series of three seven- up by, say, Larry Poons 40 years the most promising direction sug-
weighing up to 21 tons made from around the world. A little wall text color lithographs. This is a kind of ago, these are in reality photos of gested by this survey: the interface
cast iron and forged steel. might have lent more resonance to high-tech recycling that could be the ends of the massive ingots that between technology (CT scans, 3-D
The show, however, runs into visually pleasing sculptures that tied together better through wall provide Mr. Joyce with his raw computer imaging, video, high-tech
trouble almost from the start. Out- otherwise haven’t much new to text. material. Again, some explanation photography) and traditional large-
side the main gallery doors are gi- say. Another gallery presents ghostly would be helpful. scale abstract sculpture.
ant clusters of stainless-steel A couple of silent videos near 3-D printed tools used by the art- This reviewer felt on firmer There is much here to delight,
spikes, like frozen sparklers, with the reception desk show the artist ist, primitive shapes that look like ground in the largest interior gal- and many works that puzzle. A
cast-iron modeled hammerheads at work in the studio and the they’re made from quartz, sus- lery, where big steel sculptures better edited exhibition, one that
providing a central core. Those in- foundry, where clumps of red-hot pended from the ceiling (they are give full rein to Mr. Joyce’s dexter- connected the disparate strains of
ner elements are a reference to metal emit showers of sparks as a “stereolithography printed clear ity with shape and surface, talents the artist’s fertile imagination
Mr. Joyce’s history as a black- layer of steel is sheared off. Not polycarbonate-like plastic [with] that tie him to the grand Brancusi- through text and placement, would
smith, a trade he learned almost much explanation needed here, but LED lights,” according to the exhi- to-Serra tradition. “Bloom IV” and leave visitors with more of a sense
50 years ago as a teenager in El “Core Value” (2015), a high-defini- bition checklist). In the same gal- “Bloom V” (both 2016) have a of “Aha” and less of “Huh?”
Rito, N.M., and an important leit- tion video projected on an interior lery is a series called “Well” quirky organic life, blocky shapes
motif that runs throughout a dis- wall is truly baffling. In conversa- (2017), described as “dye sublima- rounded at the top and clustered Tom Joyce: Everything at Hand
tinguished career that includes a tion with the sculptor later, I tion photographs on aluminum.” together, rising from a bed of peb- Center for Contemporary Arts,
MacArthur award. The spikes are learned that this was an animation They are painterly, with a nubbly bles and suggesting Brancusi’s through Dec. 31
made from steel filings retrieved of a CT scan of the compact sculp- texture that’s illusory because the “The Kiss.” “Lignifact I” (2017),
from earlier projects, and recycling ture “Core IX” (2013/2015) near prints are flat and affixed to alu- tucked in a corner, has a pillowy Ms. Landi writes on the arts and
is another concern of the artist’s, the entrance. Those test results minum boxes. Though they might aspect one never would have culture from Taos, N.M.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 67 MC of NWA 30 Dalton’s
-10 predecessor
Riga -5 14 15 16 68 Temporarily
g w Copenhagen
C p h g 0 inactive 31 Lemon
osco 17 18 19
5 69 1974 Sutherland/ 32 Stars sometimes
10 20 21 22 23 Gould spoof have big ones
D b
Dublin 15
Berlin Down 33 Fictional warrior
20 24 25 26
A t d
Warsaw 1 “Abort, Retry, from Amphipolis
25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
London Fail?” software 34 Personal nature
Brussels k
Frankfurt 30
Prague Kiev
35 34 35 36 37 2 Salad spheroid 35 Higher than
h 3 Observe closely 39 Uppermost limit
Paris 38 39 40 41
V Warm
Budapest 4 Though 41 Tournament
Geneva 42 43 44 45
Cold Cyberball 2072
5 Sex ed subj.
Milan Bucharest
h Stationary 46 47 48 maker
6 NYSE listing
43 Elation
49 50 51 52 7 Sounds from the
Showers 44 “The Shining”
Rome Istanbul
b 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 pros
d id 8 ___ Music (Brian 47 Spa treatment
60 61 62 63
L b
T-storms Eno’s old band)
64 65 66
48 White sale goods
Al i
Algiers Athens
9 Worked on a sub
T i
Tunis Snow 51 Item flattened
67 68 69 10 Incense in a souvenir
Flurries ingredient machine
Ice KING ME! | By Brendan Emmett Quigley 11 Allowing 52 Precincts
Global Forecasts City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 26 Tesla creation 45 Grp. that perhaps 53 Lift variety
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Wee speck 27 Mailroom confiscates 54 Pressure
Geneva 20 14 r 17 10 r Ottawa 16 5 c 17 6 pc 12 Be on the fast
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; tape? water bottles 55 Hammerhead’s
Hanoi 32 26 pc 33 26 t Paris 20 12 pc 20 12 t 5 Amulet for track?
Havana 32 23 pc 32 23 pc Philadelphia 29 14 pc 23 13 pc
Amenhotep 34 One who has 46 Stipulation that end
Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 33 25 t 32 27 t Phoenix 43 29 c 42 30 pc 13 Eschew modesty
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W a lot of things are on the 56 Narrow point of
Honolulu 30 23 pc 30 22 s Pittsburgh 25 11 c 20 13 pc 11 Circumference 19 Cast
Amsterdam 18 11 c 19 11 sh Houston 32 22 pc 33 21 pc Port-au-Prince 38 23 pc 38 22 pc screwdrivers? house at an old land
segment drugstore?
Anchorage 14 9 r 13 8 sh Istanbul 26 19 pc 27 18 s Portland, Ore. 27 14 pc 33 17 s 21 Capital on the
Athens 30 21 s 31 23 s Jakarta 33 24 pc 33 24 pc Rio de Janeiro 24 19 c 24 18 c 14 Serb or Sorb 36 “Count me as 57 Absence of
49 Graduation time Balkan peninsula
Atlanta 28 22 t 27 20 t Johannesburg 23 8 s 24 4 s Riyadh 42 26 s 42 26 s well” challenge
Baghdad 48 29 s 48 29 s Kansas City 28 16 pc 26 14 s Rome 29 20 s 27 18 t 15 Sequoia, e.g. 50 Home of Presque 25 Relieved
37 Fight for 15 58 Singer of a
Baltimore 29 15 pc 20 13 pc Las Vegas 38 28 c 41 30 pc Salt Lake City 32 19 pc 33 18 s 16 Mason’s Isle State Park,
Bangkok 34 25 t 35 26 t Lima 21 15 pc 22 15 pc San Diego 30 22 s 29 22 s concern 26 Wall St. bigwig complex song
creation briefly
Beijing 28 18 pc 29 20 pc London 19 10 pc 19 11 pc San Francisco 27 17 s 31 19 s
38 “The truth is 28 Huddle in fear 61 Chorus line
Berlin 25 12 t 16 11 pc Los Angeles 36 23 s 37 24 s San Juan 32 26 pc 32 26 pc 17 Big bank, of a 53 He had a beef syllable
Bogota 20 7 pc 21 8 pc Madrid 26 12 pc 26 12 pc Santiago 22 5 s 19 6 pc I never left you” with Biggie 29 Region beyond
Boise 33 15 s 33 18 s Manila 30 26 t 31 27 t Santo Domingo 33 24 pc 33 24 pc
sort singer the ozone 62 “Claws” network
Boston 27 12 c 19 11 s Melbourne 15 4 s 16 9 pc Sao Paulo 17 14 c 19 13 pc 18 Mexican treat 56 Patch things up?
Brussels 20 10 c 18 11 pc Mexico City 21 15 c 22 15 pc Seattle 25 13 pc 27 16 s 40 “Doesn’t sound
at a Philadelphia 59 Put to rest Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Buenos Aires 17 12 s 21 16 c Miami 33 27 pc 32 26 t Seoul 26 16 s 27 17 s familiar”
Cairo 35 23 s 33 23 s Milan 30 20 t 25 14 t Shanghai 28 24 c 29 23 pc university? 60 Role Nigel Farage
41 Composer M I MO S A M E N O R A H
Calgary 25 9 pc 25 11 pc Minneapolis 23 12 pc 22 15 pc Singapore 31 26 t 31 26 c 20 Pizzeria sights played in a 2016 A G E G A P B U C K A R O O
Caracas 31 25 pc 32 25 pc Monterrey 35 19 pc 36 20 pc Stockholm 17 11 r 18 8 sh Webern L U N G S T O I C H AM S
Charlotte 27 20 t 27 19 t Montreal 19 8 pc 16 7 pc Sydney 16 8 pc 17 7 s 22 “Gangnam Style” 42 First name in L Y D I A A R R A Y
Chicago 23 13 pc 21 12 pc Moscow 20 8 s 21 12 s Taipei 33 27 sh 34 28 pc rapper 63 Seacoast flyer C B S K O B E C H E A P O
Dallas 32 21 pc 31 21 pc Mumbai 30 25 sh 30 25 sh Tehran 37 23 s 36 22 s the Solidarity O A T H N O R T H E T T U
Denver 31 16 pc 31 15 pc Nashville 27 19 r 23 17 r Tel Aviv 29 23 s 30 24 s 23 Constant nag movement 64 Personal number WH A MM Y T E AM E A R
Tokyo 25 21 r 22 21 r G O O O P T I C
Detroit 22 10 pc 20 13 pc New Delhi 32 26 t 33 26 pc
24 One in the 43 Give the Bronx 65 No longer lying R O E C A NWE L A R AM
Dubai 40 30 s 39 30 pc New Orleans 31 22 t 31 23 t Toronto 19 7 s 18 9 pc I V A N D A N E S L O G O
Dublin 16 9 pc 16 8 pc New York City 28 13 pc 22 13 pc Vancouver 22 13 pc 23 14 s upper class cheer 66 Bubbie V I C E C O P S U P L O A D
Edinburgh 16 7 pc 17 8 pc Omaha 30 17 s 26 17 s Washington, D.C. 29 18 pc 22 16 pc E N T R A P S I S I T M E
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© 2017 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, August 31, 2017 | B1

Euro vs. Dollar 1.1922 g 0.43% FTSE 100 7365.26 À 0.38% Gold 1308.10 g 0.38% WTI crude 45.96 g 1.03% German Bund yield 0.362% 10-Year Treasury yield 2.145%

Novartis Cancer Therapy Wins Approval Swiss pharmaceuticals giant and its expected high price within a month of treatment.
Drugmaker defends
Novartis AG said it would had cast a shadow over what The company also said it would
$475,000 price tag charge $475,000 for the treat- has otherwise been seen as a offer financial assistance—such
for treatment, which ment, which involves extract- groundbreaking treatment. as help with copay, travel and
ing a patient’s disease-fighting The treatment, called accommodation costs—to pri-
breaks new ground blood cells, modifying them to CLT019 but re-christened by vately insured patients.
attack cancer cells more vigor- Novartis after the FDA ap- “We have taken a very re-
BY DENISE ROLAND ously and then reinjecting proval as Kymriah, has been sponsible approach” to pricing,

AND PETER LOFTUS them in the patient. The shown to dramatically raise said Bill Hinshaw, Novartis’s
$475,000 price tag was signifi- the chances of survival for U.S. oncology head. He cited
The U.S. Food and Drug Ad- cantly lower than many ana- children and young people independent cost-effectiveness
ministration approved a first- lysts had expected. with an aggressive form of leu- estimates that showed Kym-
of-its kind cancer therapy The procedure can only be kemia who don’t respond to riah could command a price
aimed at bolstering a patient’s undertaken at a limited num- standard treatment. of $600,000 to $750,000. He
own immune cells, while the ber of facilities in the U.S. It is In a bid to blunt criticism said that because patients will
drugmaker behind the treat- highly tailored to individual over the price, Novartis said it be children or young adults—
ment attempted to allay patients and can take the bet- would take payment for pa- who typically fall under their
worry over the high cost of ter part of a month to com- tients covered by Medicaid parents’ or caregivers’ private U.S. health regulators approved Novartis’s Kymriah treatment,
the procedure. plete. Those logistical hurdles only if they respond to Kymriah Please see GENES page B2 which uses a patient’s own immune cells to fight cancer.

High Returns Wither for Marijuana Growers Red Flag

Is Waved
On Bonds
Over GOP
Tax Plan

Republican plans to scale

back tax deductions on compa-
nies’ interest payments risk
pushing more borrowing over-
seas, say analysts and market
participants, eroding the com-
petitive advantage of the
$6.053 trillion U.S. corporate-
bond market.
Rep. Kevin Brady (R.,
Texas), chairman of the House
Ways and Means Committee,
said this month that he
wanted to curtail companies’
capacity to deduct net interest
payments from taxable income
to pay for tax cuts. The com-
ments virtually ensure the

topic will feature prominently

in the coming tax debate,
which is expected to begin in
earnest after Labor Day.
White House officials and
top House Republicans say
they are optimistic about fin-
ishing a major tax bill this
Since peaking in September 2015 at about $2,133 a pound, average U.S. wholesale cannabis prices dropped to $1,614 in July, according to an industry research firm. year, but they have a long way
to go. President Donald Trump
BY JACOB BUNGE For marijuana smokers, the a gram it fetched in Septem- In response, some produc- was set to cite the importance
Cheaper High price drop is sweet news. Rec- ber 2015, she said. ers are taking a page from the of a tax-code revamp in a
Cannabis’ U.S. wholesale price After decades of dodging reational users and those pre- But for growers—ranging food industry, where farmers speech Wednesday in Missouri.
law enforcement and fighting scribed cannabis for health rea- from high-tech warehouse op- and food companies increas- Any U.S. limits on interest
$2,200 a pound for legalization, U.S. marijuana sons have seen prices decline erations to backcountry pot ingly appeal to health- and en- write-offs would diverge from
growers face a new challenge: as wholesale prices have fallen, farmers gone legit—the price vironment-conscious consum- the policies in many other rich
low prices. though some retailers have drop has been painful. ers. Growth in organic food countries and likely prompt
2,000 From Washington to Colo- pocketed part of the difference, Since peaking in Septem- products for years has out- companies to shift some bor-
rado, wholesale cannabis according to New Leaf Data ber 2015 at about $2,133 a paced conventional grocery rowing to places where de-
prices are tumbling as dozens Services LLC, which researches pound, average U.S. wholesale sales, and products made ductibility would still be in ef-
1,800 July of states have legalized the the U.S. cannabis market. cannabis prices fell to $1,614 without genetically modified fect, many analysts say. Large
$1,614 drug for recreational and me- At Hashtag Cannabis, a Se- in July, according to New crops, gluten and artificial fla- U.S.-based companies such as
dicinal uses, seeding a boom attle-based retailer running Leaf. That is the sort of mar- vorings can command pre- Apple Inc. and Microsoft Corp.
in marijuana production. two dispensaries, co-owner ket decline that hit Midwest- mium pricing and shelf space. routinely borrow billions of
The market is still tiny Jerina Pillert said wholesale ern corn and soybean growers Stephen Jensen, who se- dollars in the U.S., knowing
compared with the U.S. to- price declines show up on the in recent years after a string cured a state license to grow that interest payments will
bacco industry’s $119 billion in plastic vials holding green- of record-breaking crops. cannabis in Washington in 2015, lower their tax bills.
annual retail sales, but the na- and-tan nuggets of “Super Sil- “There is an increasing rec- has yet to turn a profit. He is Ironically, a tax revamp
scent cannabis business has ver Lemon Haze” marijuana ognition, on the part of the in- promoting what he described meant to boost U.S. competi-
grown to more than $6 billion produced by Longview, Wash.- dustry and those that grow and as natural growing methods. tiveness and bring overseas
2016 ’17 a year at retail, according to based Bondi Farms. A gram dispense, that this market is a “We needed to give people a earnings home may weaken a
Source: New Leaf Data Services LLC data from Euromonitor Inter- sells for about $10 currently, commodity,” said Jonathan Ru- reason to select us,” said Mr. central pillar of the U.S. capi-
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. national Ltd. and Cowen & Co. down by a third from the $15 bin, New Leaf’s chief executive. Please see FARMS page B2 Please see PLAN page B2

Clearinghouse Is the Latest Amazon


To Crimp Venezuelan Debt Lures

BY JULIE WERNAU plication for traders of Vene- Fitzgerald LP stopped trading
The Depository Trust &
Clearing Corp., one of the
zuelan bonds and shows a ris-
ing awareness of the risk of
dealing in these securities.
Venezuelan debt. The move
was the first blanket restric-
tion on Venezuelan bonds by a
largest securities clearing- Fears of falling on the wrong large U.S. financial institution. BY LAURA STEVENS
houses in the U.S., said it side of U.S. or Venezuelan pol- This month, Credit Suisse AND HEATHER HADDON
would no longer settle Vene- icy have pushed some major Group AG said that it prohib-
zuela bond trades, the latest institutional players out of the ited its traders from buying Inc. this week
blow for investors in the and selling two existing Vene- introduced hundreds of Whole
South American nation in the zuelan bonds because of the Foods products to its website to The online retailer is adding Whole Foods products to its site,
wake of U.S. sanctions. risk the trades would finance encourage consumers to buy and it is likely to introduce grocery pickup in the chain’s stores.
The New York-based clear-
DTCC says it won’t human-rights abuses. their groceries online.
inghouse said in a notice on settle the country’s An executive order from Online grocery shopping picking out my tomatoes or shopping. Amazon has expanded
its website that, based on a President Donald Trump on accounts for less than 5% of my zucchini. I’m just going to its catalog with Whole Foods
recent executive order, it has
bond trades following Friday prohibited U.S. institu- the nearly $800 billion in food get shoveled whatever is on groceries at the same prices as
suspended settlement ser- U.S. sanctions. tions from trading new bonds and beverage sales in the U.S., top of the bin,” said Skip in stores, and could use Whole
vices that allow Venezuelan with the government of Presi- despite Amazon and others Olinger, a 64-year-old retired Foods’ 470 stores as hubs for
bonds to change hands, in- dent Nicolás Maduro. Offi- rolling out deliveries in major shipping-container executive online pickups and deliveries.
cluding those of state-owned cials said the move aims to U.S. metro areas. Buying gro- from Sonoma, Calif., who Food retailers that have both
oil company Petróleos de market and driven down li- punish Mr. Maduro and his ceries online has been slow to spends upward of $100 a week physical stores and e-commerce
Venezuela SA. A clearing- quidity. That is causing con- administration for a move to- take hold because of shop- at a local Whole Foods. offerings have done better in
house acts as an intermediary cerns that bondholders will ward authoritarianism and pers’ desire to touch and Amazon’s $13.5 billion acqui- capturing the online grocery
between buyers and sellers to find it difficult to find buyers that more financial sanctions smell fresh produce, as well as sition of grocery chain Whole Please see AMAZON page B2
exchange payments, and is when and if they decide to sell would come if the repression price concerns and limits to Foods Market Inc., which closed
crucial to bond trading. those securities. continues. where it is available. this week, is providing a new  Heard: Worries over Amazon
The move is the latest com- On Tuesday, Cantor Please see BONDS page B2 “I don’t want some guy impetus for online grocery leave Costco at a discount..B8
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B2 | Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

Abbott Laboratories...B2
Alibaba Group.............B4
Allstate ....................... B5
Fresh Direct ................ B2

Cardiac Software Updated
Honda Motor...............B3
Peapod.........................B2 Abbott releases Abbott’s software update “to re-,B4,B8 duce the risk of patient harm
Apple...........................B4 Hyundai Motor............B3
Petróleos de
patches to protect due to potential exploitation of
B I Portfolio Resources pacemakers against cybersecurity vulnerabilities”
Group.........................B2 for the pacemakers, which use
Bank of America.........B5 International Petroleum
Investment ............... B7 S
threat of hacking electrical jolts to maintain a
Bank of New York
Mellon.......................B7 J regular heartbeat in patients
Shenhua Group...........B8
Berkshire Hathaway...B5 BY PETER LOFTUS with abnormal heart rhythm.


Johnson Controls Shipt............................B2
Boeing.........................A9 The FDA said the Abbott
International.............B2 T
Abbott Laboratories re- pacemakers had vulnerabilities
J.P. Morgan Chase......B7
Tencent Holdings........B4 leased new software updates that, if exploited, could allow
Cantor Fitzgerald........B1 K Toyota Motor..............B3 designed to protect hundreds of an unauthorized user to access
China Guodian.............B8 a patient’s device using com-
Key International........B3 Toyota Tsusho.............B3 thousands of implanted pace-
Kik Interactive............B3 Travelers ....................B5 makers from external hacking mercially available equipment.
M U that could harm heart patients Hackers could modify pro-
Costco Wholesale.......B8
and to guard against dangerous gramming commands to the
Credit Suisse...............B1 Microsoft.....................B4 Uber Technologies ...... B3
battery depletions in a different The move comes amid growing concern about cybersecurity. pacemaker, which could result
F N W cardiac device linked to two pa- in patient harm from rapid
Facebook......................B3 New York Times.........B3 Wells Fargo.................B5 tient deaths. firmware—a type of software The doctor administers the battery depletion or adminis-
U.S. health regulators flagged embedded in the device’s hard- update through a wand held tration of inappropriate heart

INDEX TO PEOPLE the safety risks of the devices

and issued a blistering warning
letter earlier this year criticiz-
ware—is intended to reduce the
risk of unauthorized access to
pacemakers that use radio-fre-
over the site of the implanted
pacemaker. The update itself
carries small risks of causing a
pacing, the FDA said.
Abbott also released a new
software update for more than
A F-K S ing Abbott’s handling of the quency communications. device malfunction, Abbott said. 398,000 implanted cardioverter
Ardid, Inigo.................B3 Fields, Bruce...............B7 Skyrm, Scott...............B7 problems. “This firmware update pro- About 465,000 implanted defibrillators, which are de-
B Kong, David.................B3 Sosa, Juan I................B2 Abbott acquired the products vides an additional layer of se- pacemakers are eligible for the signed to prevent cardiac arrest
Ball, LaVar...................B3 L-M W with its $23.6 billion purchase curity against unauthorized ac- update, and Abbott said the up- in patients with rapid heart-
Bezos, Jeff..................B4 Livingston, Ted ........... B3 William Dudley...........B7 of St. Jude Medical in January cess to these devices that date will be built into all newly beats.
Bokil, Madhavi............A5 Murrieta, Jarrod ......... B5 Y and said the issues cited in the further reduces the potential for implanted devices. The pace- The software update pro-
Bouzid, Ahmed............B4 P Ydreos, Mel.................B8 warning letter occurred before a successful cybersecurity at- makers are sold under brand vides doctors with earlier warn-
Buffett, Warren..........B5 Patel, Amit..................B3 Z the deal closed. tack,” Abbott said in the letter. names including Accent, An- ings of the potential for prema-
C R Zaretskaya, Victoria...B8 The software patches under- Abbott said it doesn’t recom- them and Assurity. ture battery depletion.
Cook, Tim....................B4 Robinson, Mark...........B7 Zentner, Ellen.............A7 score the growing concern mend that patients have their The Food and Drug Adminis- In its warning letter this
about cybersecurity of medical pacemakers replaced. Rather, tration said Tuesday there are year, the FDA said Abbott
devices that are increasingly the company advises doctors to no known reports of patient hadn’t properly investigated

AMAZON Amazon’s strategy for selling

Whole Foods online is likely
twofold, analysts say. Private-
label products are typically
connected via the internet or
other networks.
Abbott said in a letter to
doctors Monday that the new
discuss the matter with patients
at their next visits and to ad-
minister the software update if
it is deemed appropriate.
harm related to cybersecurity
vulnerabilities in the implanted
pacemaker devices.
The agency said it approved
and resolved the cybersecurity
risks of its pacemakers or the
risk of premature battery deple-
tion in the defibrillators.
Continued from the prior page higher-margin because of lower
market. Twenty-two percent of production and marketing
consumers surveyed in April by
Morgan Stanley had shopped
for food from a nearby super-
market’s website, while only
costs, so the grocery chain’s ad-
dition brings a new profitable
line to Amazon’s site. And
Whole Foods’ cachet as a
FARMS smokers and secure shelf space
in the 29 states where mari-
juana is legal in some form.
Another label, Clean Green
catch consumers’ eyes, often
sell at a higher price and can
be costlier to produce.
Proponents of marijuana
“The socially conscious,
premium customer is going to
want us because we’re sus-
tainable,” he said. “It only
13% had done so from an on- healthy lifestyle brand could en- Continued from the prior page Certified, is modeled on U.S. grown outdoors and in green- takes me 30 seconds to con-
line-only grocery service. tice more shoppers to add food Jensen. He said his Green Barn organic standards. It bars syn- houses say indoor facilities vert somebody wearing Pata-
While shares of traditional to their online shopping cart. Farms eschews synthetic pesti- thetic pesticides and empha- rely on synthetic fertilizers gonia and driving a Prius that
grocers have tanked in the past Amazon’s push into food cides and relies on natural sizes what the program deems and heavily consume electric- they should never smoke in-
week as Amazon implements started in earnest in 2007, when light over high-powered lamps, fair labor practices. In May, ity. They point to a 2012 paper door weed again.”
price cuts in Whole Foods it launched AmazonFresh in Se- which he said helps his canna- Washington state passed a law by University of California se- At Hashtag Cannabis in Se-
stores, the greater menace to attle. Fresh costs $15 extra a bis stand out among more than that would set up a state-level nior scientist Evan Mills, who attle, Ms. Pillert said custom-
their business could be Ama- month on top of Amazon’s $99 1,100 other Washington farms. organic-certification program, estimated that indoor canna- ers occasionally ask for pesti-
zon’s grocery ambitions online, annual Prime membership fee. Because cannabis remains though it may need to have a bis production accounted for cide-free or sun-grown
especially if Amazon drives But it is tricky to handle perish- illegal under federal law, grow- label that doesn’t use that 1% of national electricity use, varieties. Smokers’ main fixa-
down prices further, analysts able items, such as ice cream in ers can’t get their crops certi- word. though some growers have tion, she said, is the potency
said. the summer heat, and the busi- fied as organic, a label that can That push to differentiate is been adopting LED lights, rating for the key active ingre-
ness is costly, requiring refrig- only be bestowed by the U.S. splitting pot farmers into rival which consume less electricity. dient, tetrahydrocannabinol,
erated storage that thins profit Department of Agriculture. camps. Jeremy Moberg, owner of or THC: “They want to make
margins. After testing the deliv- Cannabis farmers instead Indoor-grown cannabis, Riverside, Wash.-based Canna- sure they are getting the big-
Amazon’s strategy for ery service for about six years have turned to alternative la- where climate controls and Sol Farms and head of the gest bang for their buck.”
selling Whole Foods in its hometown, Amazon rolled bels such as SunGrown Certi- high-powered lights allow sev- Washington Sungrowers In- Many in the emergent in-
it out to more than 20 U.S. mar- fied, which requires that grow- eral crops a year, typically is dustry Association, says mar- dustry expect marijuana to
online is likely twofold, kets, as well as London, Berlin ers use sunlight and water- of a more consistent quality, ijuana smokers will come to eventually resemble the beer
analysts say. and Tokyo. conservation practices. They industry officials say. Its care about the environmental business, where pricier craft
But online grocery has be- hope such labels will entice dense, often bright-green buds cost of their high. brews have built followings in
come increasingly crowded. De- the shadow of cheaper mass-
livery services such as Instacart market beers like Budweiser
“The biggest threat is what Inc., Peapod LLC, Shipt Inc. and Busch.
Amazon can do online. There’s and FreshDirect LLC have ex- While high-quality strains
only so much reach the stores panded nationally. Instacart has and specialty brands may se-
can achieve,” said William Kirk, handled Whole Foods online or- cure premium prices, more
an analyst for RBC Capital Mar- ders since 2014. (Instacart exec- low-quality marijuana will be
kets LLC. utives have declined to say processed into oil used in va-
Amazon declined to com- what Amazon’s merger with porizer cartridges or adult-
ment beyond its statement is- Whole Foods will mean for its oriented baked goods like

sued last week that several business.) brownies and cookies, growers
Whole Foods private labels, in- Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and and retailers said.
cluding 365 Everyday Value, Kroger Co. have rolled out in- Mr. Jensen, the Washington
would be available on Ama- store pickup for online orders. cannabis producer, said he and via some of its While Amazon hasn’t de- hopes that his sun-grown, nat-
grocery-delivery options. scribed exactly how it might urally produced plants over
Whole Foods also declined to use Whole Foods to bolster its time will yield a 20% to 30%
comment. online delivery options, people premium over the average
The new Whole Foods cate- familiar with the matter have market price.
gory on for cus- said that it is likely to introduce “I always buy organic prod-
tomers of AmazonFresh, its on- online grocery pickup in stores. ucts at the store and think
line grocery-delivery service, In an announcement last week, there is a future for that in the
displays nearly 900 results for Amazon said it would be adding [cannabis] industry,” said Mr.
everything from $4.99 organic lockers for package pickups in Jensen. But, he said, “it’s a bat-
vanilla ice cream to $6.99 Whole Foods stores. It is un- A shopper considered medicinal cannabis at a dispensary in Santa Ana, Calif., this month. tle getting that awareness out.”
creamy almond butter. On Ama- clear if the lockers will be used
zon’s Prime Now app, which of- for food orders. Still, the higher
fers faster delivery, about 90
products are available to start.
Amazon said previously it
would add other private label
prices charged by Whole Foods
for its organic store goods
could limit sales on a mass-
market platform such as Ama-
PLAN changing the tax code could
push some borrowing into for-
eign markets, Mr. King said.
Debt is popular because it
to their benefit, said Brian Kit-
tle, a tax lawyer at Mayer
Brown LLP. Companies includ-
ing Mylan NV, Medtronic PLC
brands to its selection. zon, analysts say. Continued from the prior page is cheaper than selling equity. and Johnson Controls Interna- Continued from the prior page
tal markets. “If you remove in- Its low cost is enhanced by de- tional PLC have in recent Bond traders said that the
terest deductibility in one lo- ductibility, which began in the years moved abroad in part to majority of Venezuela bond

GENES drugs more affordable in the

U.S. “Novartis should not get
credit for bringing a $475,000
drug to market and claiming
cation and retain it in others,
then of course companies will
want to move their borrow-
ing,” said Matt King, a credit
early 1900s when railroad and
real-estate executives per-
suaded the federal govern-
ment that their businesses
lower their U.S. tax bills.
Removing interest deduct-
ibility would create a “strange
and ironic” echo of such “cor-
trades are cleared through Eu-
rope-based settlement houses,
including Euroclear in Brussels
and Clearstream in Luxem-
Continued from the prior page they could have charged peo- analyst at Citigroup Inc. wouldn’t survive if they paid porate inversion” strategies in bourg, but that DTCC’s move
insurance plans, Medicaid or ple a lot more.” A spokesman for the House interest with after-tax profits, which firms move their head- raised concerns that other
other federal plans aimed spe- Steve Pearson, head of the Ways and Means Committee said Steve Bank, a professor at quarters overseas but keep clearinghouses would follow
cifically at children—few pa- Institute for Clinical and Eco- said the tax cuts will help revi- the UCLA School of Law. their main operations in the suit. Euroclear and Clear-
tients would likely end up pay- nomic Review, which studies talize the economy, which in U.S., said Citigroup’s Mr. King. stream didn’t respond to re-
ing near the full price out of the cost of drugs, said that turn will stimulate capital In this case, companies could quests for comment.
pocket. That cost will fall to while the price is lower than markets. Towering keep their funds in the U.S. Europe doesn’t have the
the employers, insurers and analysts expected, it should be A debt boom after the fi- Corporate bonds outstanding and borrow elsewhere. same restrictions on Venezu-
taxpayer-funded government judged on whether it reflects nancial crisis has only bur- as of Aug. 22, by region U.S. companies have also ela as the U.S. But the Trea-
programs that fund health- the benefit to patients. nished the U.S.’s status as the stockpiled more than $2.6 tril- sury Department has warned
care costs. “It will leave patients and world’s largest bond market. lion in earnings offshore, be- that even indirect bond trans-
Novartis Chief Executive others wondering” why Companies routinely borrow $6.1 trillion cause they don’t pay U.S. tax on actions involving Caracas,
Joe Jimenez said the company $475,000 is the right price “in- billions to build new factories, Europe any reinvested foreign earnings. such as through European
may charge a lower price in stead of 175 [thousand], 600, finance acquisitions and fund Apple, Microsoft and Pfizer markets, would violate its
cancer types where the benefit 750 or any other number,” Dr. share buybacks. Nonfinancial, $2.2 trillion Inc. have collectively bor- sanctions.
is less dramatic. Novartis is Pearson said. “And questions investment-grade companies China rowed almost $200 billion in DTCC is co-owned by in-
testing Kymriah in adults with will remain about how this in the U.S. have borrowed the U.S. investment-grade vestment banks and brokers
$2.0 trillion
diffuse large B cell lymphoma, price will affect patients’ abil- roughly $575 billion this year, bond market since 2008, ac- on Wall Street, and says it
another form of blood cancer, ity to access the drug, and how on pace to break the record of Source: Dealogic cording to Dealogic, even as processes trillions of dollars in
but its remission rates are it will be used to set a bench- close to $800 billion set in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. their earnings overseas rose. securities transactions each
lower than in childhood leuke- mark for other uses of this 2015, according to data pro- Foreign companies already day.
mia. drug and perhaps other cancer vider Dealogic. Ending or limiting that de- borrow in the U.S. to lower Venezuela’s Information
Still, the company has al- drugs in the future.” The U.S. corporate-bond duction is key to funding the their tax bills. German indus- Ministry didn’t respond to a
ready faced backlash over the On Wednesday, the FDA ap- market is almost triple the House tax plan. Repeal would trial conglomerate Siemens AG request for comment. In the
announced price. “While No- proved Kymriah for children size of the euro corporate-debt raise $1.5 trillion over a decade has borrowed $21.25 billion in past, Mr. Maduro has accused
vartis’s decision to set a price and young adults up to 25 market, the world’s second to replace some of the revenue the U.S. investment-grade Wall Street of being part of
at $475,000 per treatment may years old who suffer from largest, according to Dealogic. lost from a corporate rate cut market since 2015. Others are the “economic war” against
be seen by some as restraint, acute lymphoblastic leukemia The U.S.’s sophisticated and immediate deductions of spreading their bets. Apple is- his government.
we believe it is excessive,” said and who have not responded market infrastructure and am- capital expenses, according to sued a 2.5 billion Canadian- “This is only adding fear
David Mitchell, president of to standard therapy. The deci- ple liquidity give corporations the Tax Foundation, a conser- dollar (US$2 billion) bond in and uncertainty,” Juan I. Sosa,
Patients for Affordable Drugs, sion was expected, following better access to debt financing vative-leaning think tank. August, the largest corporate co-chairman of Portfolio Re-
a campaign group backed by the backing of an FDA advisory than anywhere else. While Multinational corporations borrowing by a foreign issuer sources Group Inc. in Miami,
the Laura and John Arnold committee of experts, who those advantages make a have shown they can deftly on record there. said Wednesday.
Foundation, which supports ef- voted unanimously in favor of wholesale shift to other bor- manage any difference be- —Richard Rubin —Anatoly Kurmanaev
forts to make prescription approval in July. rowing markets unlikely, tween countries’ tax policies contributed to this article. contributed to this article.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, August 31, 2017 | B3


Hotel Building Boom Stalls in U.S. Toyota,

Tighter lending, 10 lenders that were inter-
surging supply of
rooms are cooling
ested in the project,” said
Amit Patel, president of Win-
wood Hospitality Group, which
Grab Set
plans for new projects
owns and develops hotels in
North Carolina and has an ex-
isting hotel investment in
Hotel developers are slow- Nashville. “That number today BY SEAN MCLAIN
ing down new U.S. construc- is probably closer to three.”
tion projects after years of Miami’s growing supply and TOKYO—Toyota Motor
rapid growth, a result of recently declining lodging mar- Corp. said Wednesday it plans


tighter lending conditions and ket is a microcosm of the trend to dive deeper into the ride-
a ballooning supply of rooms and a warning; almost 3,500 hailing business by teaming up
in large markets. rooms were under construction with Singapore-based startup
as of March, which is 6% of Mi- Grab Inc.
By Sharon Nunn, ami’s existing supply, and the Separately, Toyota Group
Chris Kirkham city’s occupancy rates and rev- company Toyota Tsusho Corp.
and Sarah Chaney enue per room have ticked said it would invest an undis-
down by almost 7% since 2015. closed amount in Grab as part
Though consumer demand Houston was experiencing of a $2.5 billion fundraising
remains healthy, hotel con- similar perils before flooding round announced in July.
struction spending was down hit the city this week. The oil- Toyota says it will install
2% to $27.5 billion in June at a rich city had almost 5,000 tracking devices on 100 Grab
seasonally adjusted annual rooms under construction as vehicles to gather data on
rate from December, according of March, which is 6% of Hous- driver behavior to help de-
to Census Bureau data, after ton’s existing supply. Almost velop aspects of its mobility
more than tripling since bot- half of Houston-area hotel services, such as usage-based
toming in 2011. A combination A hotel project in New York City this year. Hotel construction spending in the U.S. fell in June. loans are distressed because insurance and financing pro-
of increased travel spending, of declines in hotel-room oc- grams.
growing consumer confidence largest markets, leading to Banks tightened commercial nomic recovery have seen huge cupancy and dwindling income Japanese auto makers have
and cheap credit prompted de- pockets of oversupply. Hotel- real-estate lending standards growth in the number of new to pay back mortgages, ac- been sampling the ride-hailing
velopers to pour money into room supply has grown 2.5% in the second quarter across rooms, dragging down revenue cording to Kroll Bond Rating and car-sharing business. In
hotel-construction projects in in the nation’s top 25 markets categories including construc- from each available room. New Agency. December, Honda Motor Co.
the aftermath of the 2007-09 so far this year, according to tion, nonresidential and multi- York, Miami, Austin and Dallas Still, some fundamentals point invested an undisclosed
recession. Now, growth in new STR Inc., a data company that family development, according all saw declines in revenue per in the sector’s favor. The average amount in Grab to explore mo-
hotel rooms is outpacing the tracks the hotel industry, com- to a July survey of 76 U.S. available room for the first annual U.S. occupancy rate at the torcycle ride-hailing.
number of consumers able to pared with 1.5% in all other banks and 22 U.S. branches of seven months of this year peak of hotel construction last Toyota’s deal with Grab is
stay in them in cities like New markets. foreign banks conducted by compared with a year earlier. cycle was 62.8%, and was rap- the auto maker’s second foray
York, Houston and Miami, Adding to the challenge: the Federal Reserve. Given the pipeline of projects, idly declining. By comparison, into the competitive ride-hail-
prompting banks and develop- Construction labor shortages David Kong, president and growth in new hotel rooms is occupancy was at 65.5% over ing market.
ers to take a breather. have pushed up the cost of CEO of Best Western Hotels & projected to accelerate over the last year, which is a slight Last year, Toyota said it
“As soon as they started building new hotels at a time Resorts, said his company cre- the next two years in these uptick from a year earlier. would work with Uber Tech-
seeing a lot of cranes in the air, when revenue growth for hotel ated a dedicated team last four major markets, according Unlike in past cycles, when nologies Inc. to lease vehicles
people started getting cautious rooms across the U.S. is also year to work with owners and to a forecast from CBRE Hotels developers overbuilt across to Uber drivers.
again,” said Inigo Ardid, co- beginning to slow. developers who were having Americas Research. the board, this last growth pe- In October, Toyota said it
president of Key International, “That kind of one-two difficulty getting construction Developers said the con- riod has been more moderate. was running a pilot program
a Miami real-estate investment punch doesn’t make it exciting financing. He said the com- struction-lending environment Average room-supply growth in the U.S. with car-sharing
and development company for to build another hotel,” said pany has been much more fo- has tightened as the cycle has was less than 2% across the startup Getaround, making use
hotels throughout Florida. Mark Laport, president and cused on acquiring existing gotten longer, with wounds U.S. in June, according to STR. of a Toyota technology that al-
Overall growth in the sup- chief executive of Concord hotels under its brands be- from the financial crisis and That is in line with long-term lows cars to be started with a
ply of U.S. hotel rooms has Hospitality Enterprises Co., cause “we recognize there are the recession still weighing on averages and lower than sup- smartphone.
been slower in recent years which develops, owns and going to be less and less new many investors’ minds. ply growth of about 3% going The deals are part of Toy-
than it was going into the last manages properties across the construction projects.” “If we were going to market into the 2007-09 recession and ota’s long-term plan to build
downturn, but there has been U.S. for most of the major U.S. Some large cities that with a new project three years 4% growth before the 2001 re- its own platform for mobility
rapid growth in the nation’s hotel chains. bounced back early in the eco- ago, we would maybe have had cession. services.

Hyundai Hits Political Roadblock in China In a Jam

China sales at South Korea’s
Hyundai and its Kia subsidiary
BY TREFOR MOSS roughly 4% after news reports while sales at the company’s start production this month, nese consumers to steer clear tumbled after Seoul deployed a
of the shutdown early Kia Motors Corp. subsidiary and in its 2017 business plan of Korean goods and switch U.S.-made missile-defense system.
SHANGHAI—Hyundai Mo- Wednesday, before recovering dropped 63%. Both operate in the auto maker said it ex- off once-popular Korean pop
tor Co. was forced into a to close off less than 1%. The China with state-run joint pected China sales to increase music and television shows. 150,000 HYUNDAI KIA
weeklong suspension of pro- company’s stock has lost 16% venture partners Beijing Auto 9.5% this year to 1.25 million When Mr. Moon took office Feb. 27
duction in China, as a political of its value since May. Hyun- Industry Corp. and Dongfeng vehicles. in May, he put additional de- 125,000
Seoul confirms
dispute between Beijing and dai posted its worst quarterly Motor Corp., respectively. But Hyundai only managed ployments of the new missile- deployment of
Seoul wreaks havoc at the results in five years in July, The dispute has led Kia to about 350,000 sales in the defense system on hold, in an 100,000 missile-defense
South Korean auto maker in citing the China situation as a cut production at its three first seven months of the year. apparent effort to mollify Bei- system
its biggest overseas market. primary cause. factories in Yancheng, about Hyundai sold 1.14 million jing, though he has since 75,000
Hyundai said Wednesday The production halt com- 965 kilometers south of Bei- vehicles in China last year, not come under political pressure
that its Chinese joint venture, pounds what has already been jing. Those plants employ far behind its domestic tally not to cave into China’s per- 50,000
Beijing Hyundai Motor Co., a disastrous year for Hyundai about 30,000 people, who of 1.67 million. China ac- ceived bullying tactics by dis-
halted production last week in China. Sales slumped after have been getting by on re- counted for roughly one-quar- continuing the missile system 25,000
because it was unable to pay a Seoul’s deployment of a U.S.- duced hours and lower pay as ter of its global sales. altogether.
supplier of essential fuel-tank built missile-defense system Kia tries to avoid full-scale South Korean President The missile-defense spat
parts, causing the supplier to in February amid North Ko- layoffs. Moon Jae-in urged Chinese came at the worst possible
halt deliveries. rea’s growing nuclear threat. The production suspension President Xi Jinping to re- time for Hyundai, which was 2016 ’17 2016 ’17
“The slowdown in China Beijing condemned the at Beijing Hyundai didn’t af- move the “constraints” being already facing a “fundamental Source: Car Sales Base
has put a strain on their fi- move, claiming it threatened fect the separate Kia joint placed on Korean businesses issue with product positioning THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
nancial situation. That’s why China’s national security. That venture, the Hyundai spokes- in China at a July meeting, and brand equity” in China,
they haven’t been able to pay sparked an unofficial cam- man said. but the pressure on Korean according to Janet Lewis, ers, Ms. Lewis said, while
their supplier,” said a Hyundai paign against South Korean Hyundai, previously the No. companies hasn’t eased. managing director of equity hoping that an end to the po-
spokesman. consumer goods in China, 3 foreign auto maker in China Chinese officials have de- research at Macquarie Capital litical backlash against Korean
Production resumed at with retailers and auto mak- by sales, had been planning to nied there is any official boy- Securities. products enables a quick re-
midday Wednesday after talks ers among the hardest hit. accelerate its China output in cott against South Korean The company needs to re- bound.
with the supplier, he said. Hyundai’s sales in China 2017. A fifth Hyundai plant in products, though state-con- fresh its “aging product —Min Sun Lee in Seoul
Hyundai Motor’s shares fell fell 55% from March to July, Chongqing had been due to trolled media have urged Chi- lineup” to win back custom- contributed to this article.

Messaging App Plans Initial Coin Offer NEW YORK TIMES in the Family,” which was created
BY PAUL VIGNA It also is experimenting with ada and the U.S. can match any new service Kik specifically for the social-media
a potential way for its inves- Kik also allows developers offers and sell it to a larger Court Dismisses Suit website’s recently redesigned
Messaging-app operator tors to essentially cash out of to publish games and services user base. Now, Kik is trying Brought by Palin Watch video tab.
Kik Interactive said Tuesday the company without actually within the platform. to recast its platform around Mr. Ball’s spirited and even
that it was aiming to raise selling their equity. The Ontario-based company an in-house currency and refo- A federal court on Tuesday theatrical promotion of Lonzo,
$125 million through an initial The market for digital coins has said it has 300 million cus its shareholders on the dismissed a defamation lawsuit who was selected second in the
coin offering in September, has exploded in 2017, with registered users. But Kik re- digital tokens it plans to issue. brought by Sarah Palin against National Basketball Association
one of the first established more than 100 firms raising vealed in the token offering’s Kik had previously disclosed New York Times Co., saying the draft this summer, has been the
companies to step into the more than $1.7 billion, up from marketing materials that it plans for a coin offering, but it former Alaska governor failed to subject of much media attention.
mushrooming, highly specula- 64 firms raising about $103 only has 15 million monthly hadn’t set a date until Tues- show that the newspaper acted Mr. Ball made headlines after
tive market for these digital million in 2016, according to active users, a key metric. day. maliciously when it made an error claiming Lonzo, who has yet to
tokens. research firm Smith & Crown. “We went on record two The new tokens, or coins, in an editorial about gun violence. play in an NBA game, is a better
In doing so, Kik, which has Most of these firms, years ago and said growth is a will have multiple purposes. The 2008 Republican vice- player than two-time MVP Steph
encountered growth issues, is though, are startups and in problem for us,” Chief Execu- They will allow Kik users to presidential nominee filed the Curry and that, in his prime, he
trying to tap into the surging many cases don’t have a work- tive Ted Livingston said in a purchase services within the suit after the Times ran an edi- himself could have taken on bas-
interest in cryptocurrencies ing product. In that, Kik is dif- recent interview. Kik has been app as well as enable pay- torial in June that suggested her ketball legend Michael Jordan in
and digital tokens associated ferent: Its messaging app is boxed out by larger rivals like ments between users. political-action committee helped a one-on-one contest.
with them. popular among teens in Can- Facebook Inc., he added, which The company said it hopes incite the 2011 assassination at- Trailers for the show indicate
that the tokens will entice tempt against former Demo- it will offer an inside look at the
more developers to build apps cratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. family, including LaVar’s efforts
for the platform. If they re- After publication, the Times to groom his three sons into
ceive the tokens as payment, corrected the article, noting that basketball legends, the building
and those coins then appreci- there was no evidence of a link of the Big Baller Brand business
ate in value, developers would between Ms. Palin’s activities and his wife’s rehabilitation after
gain even more from working and the shooting. a stroke.
on Kik. Representatives for Ms. Palin “We wanted to give our fans
At the same time, Kik is us- didn’t respond to a request for an unfiltered look into our lives
ing the initial sale of the to- comment. and show them a side of us that
kens to raise money for the —Imani Moise isn’t typically seen,” LaVar Ball
company and its investors. said in a statement.
Kik is creating 10 trillion FACEBOOK The video series is being pro-

tokens, called “kin,” and plans duced by Bunim/Murray Produc-

to sell 1 trillion in a Sept. 12 Site Scores Show tions, the company behind
offering. Its goal is to raise About Ball Family “Keeping up with the Kar-
$125 million. Kik said it al- dashians,” “The Real World” and
ready has raised $50 million of Facebook Inc. is betting a “The Simple Life.”
that through a private sale of family of media-savvy basketball The social-media site is hop-
tokens to venture-capital personalities can draw a dedi- ing the show will attract a signif-
firms, including Blockchain cated audience to its revamped icant weekly audience for ap-
Capital, Pantera Capital and original programming effort. pointment viewing similar to
Polychain Capital. The remain- LaVar Ball and his family—in- traditional TV programming and
ing $75 million worth will be cluding his son, Los Angeles Lak- also compete with the likes of
available publicly through the ers rookie Lonzo Ball—will star in Google’s YouTube.
‘We went on record two years ago and said growth is a problem for us,’ said Kik CEO Ted Livingston. coin sale. a new reality series called “Ball —Imani Moise
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B4 | Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Microsoft, Amazon on Speaking Terms

BY JAY GREENE some aspects such as email and year, a device that likely will
AND LAURA STEVENS calendar options, which it tie into millions of iPhones and
gains through the partnership, iPads and their calendar and
Microsoft Corp. and Ama- he said. email information. Inc., fierce rivals in One thing the companies Google Assistant is on about
cloud computing, are collabo- won’t share is data. An Amazon 150 million devices that run the
rating in another emerging spokeswoman said the compa- latest versions of its Android
field: voice computing. nies will only exchange neces- operating system, Mr. Moorhead
The companies on Wednes- sary information to process re- said. The company is racing to
day announced plans to allow quests that is consistent with catch up to Alexa with Google
their voice-enabled digital as- both companies’ privacy poli- Home, a voice-activated speaker
sistants—Microsoft’s Cortana cies. “Once you open Cortana, similar to Amazon’s Echo.
and Amazon’s Alexa—to work all voice data goes to Microsoft “There are going to be mul-
together beginning later this and not Amazon,” she said. tiple successful intelligent
year. The agreement provides Alexa, which surfaced in agents, each with access to dif-
each assistant with capabilities 2014 when Amazon introduced ferent sets of data and with


they lacked, and poses new the Echo, has focused on con- different specialized skill ar-
challenges to Apple Inc. and sumer and home-automation eas,” Amazon Chief Executive
Alphabet Inc.’s Google, which needs. Cortana, which made its Jeff Bezos said in a statement.
have their own voice-enabled debut in 2014, works in per- The tie-up is a signal the
assistants. sonal computers as well as Mi- companies realize the future of
Amazon customers who use crosoft’s Xbox One game con- voice assistants may be more
the company’s voice-activated soles. Cortana’s strength is in about the content rather than
Echo speakers will be able to its integration with Microsoft’s how it is delivered, said Ahmed
tap into Microsoft’s artificial- productivity software, said Pat- Bouzid, a former member of
intelligence capabilities by say- rick Moorhead, an analyst with the Alexa team and founder
ing, “Alexa, open Cortana.” Amazon’s digital assistant Alexa surfaced in 2014 when the company introduced the Echo, above. research firm Moor Insights & and CEO of Witlingo, which
They can check their Outlook Strategy. builds voice products for Alexa,
calendar for coming appoint- add items to shopping lists. on the 500 million computers Google. The digital-assistant market Google and Cortana.
ments, for example. At the By joining with Microsoft, running Windows 10—though “This is a great move for Al- is still emerging, with no clear “This development is mov-
same time, customers using Amazon expands Alexa’s reach. Microsoft said in May Cortana exa, but also a necessary leader. Apple’s Siri is on as ing towards that world where
computers running Windows Morgan Stanley estimates Am- has 141 million monthly users. move,” said Gene Munster, many as a billion devices, Mr. it really doesn’t matter if you
10 will be able to say, “Hey azon has sold more than 11 mil- Both services also run on apps head of research at venture- Moorhead estimates. The com- access the content through
Cortana, open Alexa,” to turn lion Echo devices through last available on the mobile operat- capital firm Loup Ventures. pany will start selling its Google or Alexa or Cortana or
on the lights in their homes or year, while Cortana is available ing systems from Apple and Right now, Alexa is lacking in HomePod speaker later this Siri or Bixby,” Mr. Bouzid said.

Apple Reaches Out to WeChat Users

BY ALYSSA ABKOWITZ convenient,” Apple said in a pay in November 2016 and as a partner. On an earnings
written statement. from state-backed network call with analysts earlier this
BEIJING—Apple Inc. is now In the second quarter of this UnionPay two years earlier. month, Chief Executive Tim
allowing Chinese customers to year, Apple’s App Store pulled WeChat has become an all- Cook said Tencent is “one of
use local mobile-payment sys- in more revenue in China—an purpose smartphone utility in our biggest and best develop-
tem WeChat Pay for purchases estimated $2.2 billion—than in China, with nearly one billion ers” and that Apple looked for-
in its App Store, underscoring any other market, according to monthly active users who rely ward to working with the com-
the expanding reach of the ser- mobile-analytics firm App An- on it for mobile payments, so- pany “even more.”
vice owned by technology firm nie. cial messaging and entertain- However, the decision to ac-

Tencent Holdings Ltd. Tencent’s latest victory ment, among other functions. cept WeChat Pay comes as Ap-
Apple’s decision to accept comes as it challenges the more Chinese smartphone users ple struggles to gain traction
payments from the service established Alipay mobile-pay- spend so much time on WeChat with its own mobile-payment
came despite recent tensions ment system backed by local ri- that some analysts say they be- system, Apple Pay, which made
with Tencent, including over val Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. lieve it could hurt sales of Ap- its debut in China in May 2016.
the Chinese company’s rollout As WeChat Pay, which controls ple’s 10th-anniversary iPhone The system’s footprint in the A sign indicates acceptance of WeChat Pay, at a restaurant in
this year of a so-called minipro- 40% of the Chinese market, has expected in September, because country’s market is negligible, Guangzhou, China. Apple’s App Store now accepts the service.
gram system that has been gained wider acceptance, Ali- consumers here won’t see the iResearch says.
seen as a competitor to the App pay’s market share has fallen need to upgrade their handsets Also, Apple has sparred with function to comply with App from mobile-wallet accounts.
Store. from 80% in 2014 to about 50% as long as they can access the Tencent recently over pur- Store rules. The function al- Apple considered these pay-
“We are committed to offer- currently, according to data platform. chases in the App Store. Earlier lowed WeChat users to give ments to be in-app purchases,
ing customers across our eco- from iResearch Consulting Apple has said it views Ten- this year, Apple forced the Chi- small amounts of money to au- of which it takes a 30% cut.
system a variety of payment Group. Apple began accepting cent, one of the world’s biggest nese company’s WeChat mes- thors and other content cre- —Xiao Xiao
options that are simple and App Store payments from Ali- competitors in mobile games, saging app to disable its “tip” ators as gratuities via transfers contributed to this article.


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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, August 31, 2017 | B5


Insurers’ Drones Win After-Storm Role

BY NICOLE FRIEDMAN spokesman said. Other insurers want to eval-
AND LESLIE SCISM There are potential compli- uate the situation further.
cations to the use of so many United Services Automobile
Property insurers are pre- drones at one time after a Association, or USAA, had
paring to fly dozens of drones storm. The FAA has temporar- 10,000 claims as of Tuesday
over homes and businesses to ily restricted flights of all from various places hit by Har-


assess damage in the wake of types, with exceptions, over vey, but it hasn’t yet made the
Tropical Storm Harvey, the most of Houston, meaning op- decision to use 12 of its own
first widespread use of un- erators have to get federal ap- drones and additional ones un-
manned aircraft to size up ca- provals to fly. der contract.
tastrophe claims. Federal regulations also It had adjusters in Corpus
Insurers have been testing prohibit drones from being Christi, Texas, on Tuesday as-
drones and using them on a flown too close to airports, sessing the situation. “We’re
small scale since getting Fed- and insurers can fly over a trying to survey what type of
eral Aviation Administration home only with permission, damage is there to know
approval in 2015 to use the preventing the companies whether or not we need to de-
technology for U.S. inspec- from filming over a wide area. ploy the drones,” spokes-
tions. Drones provide aerial To be sure, insurance ad- woman Rebekah Nelson said.
images that can help insurance justers will still be climbing on Chubb Ltd., a big business
adjusters inspect buildings thousands of roofs to inspect insurer that also specializes in
faster and more safely, execu- damage in person. State Farm, insuring expensive homes and
tives say, part of a larger in- the largest homeowners’ and other property of wealthy peo-
dustry effort to speed up time- Harvey is the first opportunity for some insurers to test their drone fleets on a large scale. personal car insurer in Texas, ple, will mostly use drones for
consuming claims. isn’t currently using drones in commercial property or to
The storm presents the first ready to be used in Texas and claims in Texas and three climb onto a badly damaged its Harvey claims handling, a reach areas that are inaccessi-
opportunity for some insurers about 200 Travelers employ- other states. roof and inspect it, according spokeswoman said. ble, like barrier islands, said
to test their new fleets on a ees certified by the FAA as Farmers Insurance, one of to Jarrod Murrieta, head of “Our claims adjusters will Fran O’Brien, who heads the
large scale. Harvey, which drone pilots, according to a the top homeowners’ insurers claims catastrophe response at likely need to inspect both the company’s high-net-worth
made landfall in Texas last spokesman. in Texas, has seven drones Farmers. interior and exterior of the business.
week and moved to Louisiana Allstate Corp. expects to available for use in Texas and “We are pretty confident” home to assess coverage and “If technology is the way to
on Wednesday, is estimated to make hundreds of flights a day 14 adjusters who are trained to that the adjusters can make damages,” she said. “For this give good service, we will do
have caused up to $20 billion and thousands a week with use them. Adjusters using accurate estimates based on situation, we find that the best that,” she said. “If it can be
in insurable damage. drones that it uses on a con- drones can inspect three photos, Mr. Murrieta said. The way to service our customers done through human adjusters
Travelers Cos., a large com- tract basis, according to a homes an hour, while an in- company has received more and evaluate coverage and with lots and lots of experi-
mercial and personal-property spokesman. It already rou- spector without a drone could than 14,000 claims reports as damages is through on-the- ence with these kinds of
insurer, has about 24 drones tinely uses drones to settle take more than an hour to of midday Wednesday, a ground claims handling.” claims, we will” go that route.


The Mart

BY ALEXANDER OSIPOVICH sion associated with the oc-

currence of significant news-
The New York Stock Ex- related price volatility on
change wants to impose a other markets during the brief
brief delay on the late-after- period between the NYSE’s of-
noon release of important ficial closing time and the
company news, saying that completion of the closing auc-
when firms publish such an- tion,” the notice said.
nouncements too soon after 4 Companies typically wait
p.m., it causes confusion and until after major markets close
undermines the NYSE’s closing at 4 p.m. to issue announce-
auctions. ments that could affect their
Under a proposed change to stock price, such as earnings
its rule book, the NYSE would releases.
make listed companies delay But 4 p.m. is also when the
news releases until 4:05 p.m. NYSE holds its closing auction,
or whenever the exchange a process that determines the
published their stock’s closing final end-of-day prices for
price for the day, whichever thousands of NYSE-listed se-
comes first. curities. In turn, the NYSE’s
The Securities and Ex- closing prices determine the
change Commission disclosed value of exchange-traded
that the NYSE, owned by In- funds and index-tracking mu-
tercontinental Exchange Inc., tual funds that hold those se-
was seeking the rule change in curities in their baskets.
a notice posted on its website All-electronic exchanges
Tuesday. SEC approval is such as Nasdaq Inc. can hold
needed for the change to take the closing auction nearly in-
effect. stantly, but the NYSE’s auction
“This prohibition would can experience short delays
mitigate the risk of market because of the role played by
disruption and investor confu- its human traders.

Bank of America hailed Berkshire Hathaway’s ‘continued support.’

Buffett’s Paper Profit

On BofA: $13 Billion
BY RACHEL LOUISE ENSIGN when the lender needed to
shore up investor sentiment.
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Bank of America’s share price
Hathaway Inc. officially be- was slumping as investors be-
came the biggest shareholder came worried about poten-
of Bank of America Corp., tially billions of dollars in le-
notching billions in gains on gal claims and fines related to
the bank’s recovery from the the crisis.
financial crisis. Mr. Buffett helped change
Bank of America said Tues- the market’s perception with
day that Berkshire exercised the investment and by calling
warrants to buy 700 million of the bank “well led.”
its shares at below-market The $5 billion deal also in-
prices, a deal that ties back to cluded warrants for Berkshire
a crisis-era investment. The to buy 700 million shares of
move makes the famous stock Bank of America common
picker’s firm the largest share- stock for $7.14 apiece. ANNOUNCEMENTS CAPITAL WANTED
holder of the second- and At the time, the strike price
third-largest U.S. banks—the was slightly above where Bank
third being Wells Fargo & of America’s shares were trad-  
Co.—while also providing a ing. Now, it is far below the
  Capital Needed


vote of confidence for Bank of current price of about $23.90 

Bridge loan of $3.5 mil or
 $5.5 mil term loan. Real estate
America stock. a share.           
“Berkshire is going to keep “In 2011, we welcomed       
   for collateral. Principals only,
      ! no brokers. 918-804-8030
every share for a very long Berkshire Hathaway as a   ""#$$   
time,” Mr. Buffett said in an shareholder, and we appreci-
email to the Journal. ate their continued support
Berkshire’s exercise of the now as our largest common
warrants, along with dividends shareholder,” Bank of America
the company has received on Chief Executive Officer Brian Save Up To 60%
Bank of America preferred Moynihan said. à As with all investments,
appropriate advice should First & Business
stock, brings its paper gain on The terms of the initial in- INTERNATIONAL
its investment in the bank to vestment were expensive for be obtained prior to Major Airlines, Corporate Travel
about $13 billion. the bank. The preferred stock entering into any Never Fly Coach Again!
Berkshire bought preferred paid a 6% annual dividend, or binding contract. à (800) 435-8776
shares in the bank in 2011 $300 million a year.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B6 | Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index Data as of 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
19506.54 s 143.99, or 0.74% Year-to-date s 2.05% 371.01 s 2.59, or 0.70% Year-to-date s 2.65% 2457.59 s 11.29, or 0.46% Trailing P/E ratio 23.53 24.71
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 20230.41 16251.54 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 396.45 328.80 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.73 18.59
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.01 2.11
All-time high: 2480.91, 08/07/17

Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.

20500 395 2500

65-day moving average

20000 390 2475

19500 385 2450

19000 380 2425

Session high
65-day moving average

Session open Close 18500 375 2400

Close Open

65-day moving average

18000 370 2375
Session low
Bars measure the point change from session's open
17500 365 2350
May June July Aug. May June July Aug. May June July Aug.

International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2830.87 0.40 0.01 2386.93 • 2881.15 12.0 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1915.56 –10.01 –0.52 1614.17 • 1955.39 11.6 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 1087.96 6.73 0.62 838.96 • 1088.07 37.0 2.750 Australia 2 1.885 55.5 53.1 46.3 65.9 1.848 1.818 1.457
2.750 10 2.688 54.6 50.5 40.0 27.8 2.635 2.693 1.846
Americas DJ Americas 591.73 2.41 0.41 503.44 • 599.20 9.5
3.000 Belgium 2 -189.8 -188.9 -187.2 -141.2 -0.572 -0.517 -0.615
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 70844.26 –485.60 –0.68 56459.11 • 71505.69 17.6
0.800 10 0.683 -145.9 -146.5 -147.4 -142.2 0.665 0.819 0.146
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 15138.15 55.45 0.37 14319.11 • 15943.09 –1.0
0.000 France 2 -0.515 -184.5 -182.9 -181.8 -137.6 -0.512 -0.463 -0.578
Mexico IPC All-Share 51195.44 –118.22 –0.23 43998.98 • 51772.37 12.2
1.000 10 0.674 -146.8 -146.8 -148.8 -141.9 0.661 0.805 0.149
Chile Santiago IPSA 3917.15 –5.05 –0.13 3120.87 • 3945.90 21.5
0.000 Germany 2 -0.756 -208.6 -206.6 -203.8 -141.0 -0.749 -0.683 -0.613
U.S. DJIA 21892.43 27.06 0.12 17883.56 • 22179.11 10.8
0.500 10 0.362 -177.9 -178.6 -174.9 -165.9 0.343 0.544 -0.091
Nasdaq Composite 6368.31 66.42 1.05 5034.41 • 6460.84 18.3
0.050 Italy 2 -0.026 -135.5 -134.0 -137.4 -88.1 -0.023 -0.019 -0.084
S&P 500 2457.59 11.29 0.46 2083.79 • 2490.87 9.8
2.200 10 2.082 -6.0 -6.4 -16.6 -46.0 2.066 2.127 1.108
CBOE Volatility 11.19 –0.51 –4.36 8.84 • 23.01 –20.3
0.100 Japan 2 -0.151 -148.1 -147.3 -146.8 -100.2 -0.155 -0.112 -0.204
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 371.01 2.59 0.70 328.80 • 396.45 2.7 0.100 10 0.008 -213.3 -212.5 -221.5 -164.4 0.004 0.078 -0.076
Stoxx Europe 50 3016.84 15.89 0.53 2720.66 • 3279.71 0.2 4.000 Netherlands 2 -0.712 -204.2 -201.1 -203.1 -141.3 -0.694 -0.676 -0.616
Austria ATX 3201.43 32.61 1.03 2311.88 • 3285.00 22.3 0.750 10 0.497 -164.5 -165.2 -163.9 -154.9 0.478 0.654 0.019
Belgium Bel-20 3873.58 26.98 0.70 3384.68 • 4055.96 7.4 4.750 Portugal 2 -0.053 -138.2 -133.6 -131.2 -30.1 -0.019 0.043 0.496
France CAC 40 5056.34 24.42 0.49 4310.88 • 5442.10 4.0 4.125 10 2.841 70.0 71.0 58.5 143.9 2.839 2.878 3.007
Germany DAX 12002.47 56.59 0.47 10174.92 • 12951.54 4.5 2.750 Spain 2 -0.352 -168.1 -165.9 -168.9 -99.1 -0.342 -0.334 -0.194
Greece ATG 823.65 0.98 0.12 548.72 • 859.78 28.0 1.450 10 1.578 -56.4 -56.2 -76.3 -62.4 1.567 1.530 0.944
Hungary BUX 37903.88 264.26 0.70 27466.59 • 38147.22 18.4 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.673 -200.2 -200.9 -205.8 -143.8 -0.692 -0.702 -0.641
Israel Tel Aviv 1390.99 9.38 0.68 1346.71 • 1490.23 –5.4 1.000 10 0.590 -155.1 -155.7 -158.9 -147.3 0.573 0.703 0.095
Italy FTSE MIB 21503.46 94.84 0.44 15923.11 • 22065.42 11.8 1.750 U.K. 2 0.188 -114.2 -115.6 -110.0 -64.8 0.162 0.255 0.150
Netherlands AEX 513.01 2.98 0.58 436.28 • 537.84 6.2 4.250 10 1.032 -111.0 -113.0 -107.5 -102.9 1.000 1.218 0.539
Poland WIG 64957.87 569.44 0.88 46321.24 • 65191.96 25.5 1.250 U.S. 2 1.329 ... ... ... ... 1.317 1.355 0.797
Russia RTS Index 1084.41 16.83 1.58 944.88 • 1196.99 –5.9 2.250 10 2.141 ... ... ... ... 2.129 2.293 1.568
Spain IBEX 35 10245.80 53.20 0.52 8512.40 • 11184.40 9.6
Sweden SX All Share 550.46 4.63 0.85 489.12 • 598.42 3.0 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 8851.26 36.72 0.42 7585.56 • 9198.45 7.7 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 56168.00 –241.62 –0.43 48935.90 • 56896.89 10.9 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 8/29/2017
Turkey BIST 100 110423.11 … Closed 71792.96 •110530.75 41.3
One-Day Change Year Year
U.K. FTSE 100 7365.26 27.83 0.38 6654.48 • 7598.99 3.1 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low

Asia-Pacific Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT 345.00 -3.75 -1.08% 417.25 345.00

Soybeans (cents/bu.) 932.50 -4.75 -0.51 1,047.00 907.00
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5669.70 0.70 0.01 5156.60 • 5956.50 0.1
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 429.25 -0.50 -0.12 592.25 422.50
China Shanghai Composite 3363.63 –1.60 –0.05 2980.43 • 3365.23 8.4
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 106.225 0.125 0.12% 122.850 99.125
Hong Kong Hang Seng 28094.61 329.60 1.19 21574.76 • 28094.61 27.7
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 1,940 -19 -0.97 2,301 1,794
India S&P BSE Sensex 31646.46 258.07 0.82 25765.14 • 32575.17 18.9
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 128.60 -0.05 -0.04 166.75 119.10
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 19506.54 143.99 0.74 16251.54 • 20230.41 2.1
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 13.91 0.09 0.65 20.50 12.74
Singapore Straits Times 3265.26 15.92 0.49 2787.27 • 3354.71 13.3
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 70.84 0.86 1.23 75.72 66.15
South Korea Kospi 2372.29 7.55 0.32 1958.38 • 2451.53 17.1 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 2075.00 -30.00 -1.43 2,272.00 1,892.00
Taiwan Weighted 10569.40 72.83 0.69 8902.30 • 10579.38 14.2
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 3.0880 -0.0165 -0.53 3.1215 2.5025
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1313.40 -5.50 -0.42 1,331.90 1,160.80
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 17.470 -0.046 -0.26 18.875 14.440
Currencies London close on Aug. 30 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 2,104.00 5.00 0.24 2,104.00 1,688.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 20,380.00 -100.00 -0.49 21,225.00 18,760.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Wed YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 6,813.00 87.00 1.29 6,813.00 5,491.00
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 2,390.00 24.00 1.01 2,481.00 2,022.00
10% Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 3,115.00 -8.00 -0.26 3,144.00 2,450.50
Bulgaria lev 0.6096 1.6403 –11.7 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 11,790.00 110.00 0.94 11,790.00 8,780.00
sWSJ Dollar index Croatia kuna 0.1609 6.217 –13.3 Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 216.10 0.60 0.28 n.a. n.a.
Euro zone euro 1.1922 0.8388 –11.8
s s Euro
Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0458 21.856 –14.9 Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2706.00 -7.00 -0.26 2950.00 2380.00
–10 Yen Denmark krone 0.1602 6.2403 –11.7 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 46.00 -0.44 -0.95 58.34 42.52
Hungary forint 0.003898 256.51 –12.8 NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.6515 -0.0025 -0.15 1.8138 1.3814
Iceland krona 0.009486 105.42 –6.7 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.6381 0.0362 2.26 1.6860 1.2902
–20 Norway krone 0.1284 7.7885 –9.9
0.2801 3.5700 –14.7
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 2.939 -0.044 -1.48 3.5660 2.7990
2016 2017 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01713 58.366 –4.7 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 50.66 -1.00 -1.94 60.08 45.19
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1255 7.9684 –12.5 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 486.25 2.50 0.52 534.00 408.25
Wed Wed
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0431 0.9587 –5.9
Turkey lira 0.2902 3.4461 –2.2 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1278 7.8255 0.9
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0391 25.5850 –5.5
Argentina peso-a 0.0573 17.4449 9.9
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
U.K. pound 1.2933 0.7732 –4.5 Cross rates London close on Aug 30
Brazil real 0.3165 3.1591 –2.9 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.009071 110.24 –5.8
Canada dollar 0.7930 1.2611 –6.2 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.002964 337.42 1.1 Bahrain dinar 2.6517 0.3771 –0.02
Chile peso 0.001588 629.70 –6.0 Australia 1.2658 1.6368 1.3201 0.0115 0.1617 1.5087 1.0036 ...
Macau pataca 0.1234 8.1034 2.4 Egypt pound-a 0.0567 17.6427 –2.7
Colombia peso 0.0003408 2934.65 –2.2 Canada 1.2611 1.6308 1.3153 0.0114 0.1611 1.5034 ... 0.9963
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2342 4.2705 –4.8 Israel shekel 0.2788 3.5866 –6.8
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.7207 1.3875 –3.9 Kuwait dinar 3.3171 0.3015 –1.4 Euro 0.8388 1.0849 0.8748 0.0076 0.1072 ... 0.6652 0.6627
Mexico peso-a 0.0563 17.7664 –14.3
Pakistan rupee 0.0095 105.175 0.8 Oman sul rial 2.5974 0.3850 0.01 Hong Kong 7.8255 10.1199 8.1626 0.0710 ... 9.3283 6.2055 6.1830
Peru sol 0.3086 3.2406 –3.3
Philippines peso 0.0195 51.214 3.2 Qatar rial 0.2717 3.681 1.12 Japan 110.2400 142.5700 114.9800 ... 14.0870 131.4200 87.4200 87.1100
Uruguay peso-e 0.0347 28.800 –1.9
Singapore dollar 0.7371 1.3566 –6.3 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2666 3.7503 –0.01 0.9587 1.2398 ... 0.0087 0.1225 1.1432 0.7603 0.7574
Venezuela bolivar 0.099691 10.03 0.4 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0008901 1123.43 –7.0 South Africa rand 0.0770 12.9896 –5.1
U.K. 0.7732 ... 0.8066 0.0070 0.0988 0.9219 0.6131 0.6109
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0065428 152.84 3.0 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.7900 1.2658 –8.8 Taiwan dollar 0.03317 30.144 U.S. ... 1.2933 1.0431 0.0091 0.1278 1.1922 0.7930 0.7900
Australia dollar –7.1 WSJ Dollar Index 85.82 0.25 0.30 –7.66
China yuan 0.1517 6.5911 –5.1 Thailand baht 0.03011 33.210 –7.3 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 4 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 1.23722% 0.52489% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 6019.00 0.75 24.49 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 241.20 0.04 3.70 Last: 164.57 s 0.11, or 0.07% YTD s 16.7%
Three month 1.31611 0.83933 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 326.60 2.13 72.17 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 2126.00 -0.07 -5.20
Six month 1.45333 1.24450 HK$ AIAGroup 1299 60.00 1.27 37.14 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 4370.00 0.53 -8.88 € SAP SAP 87.53 0.45 5.70 High 170
One year 1.71178 1.55711 80.75 -0.82 5.01
¥ AstellasPharma 4503 1388.50 -0.14 -14.47 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 6151.00 1.00 -10.57 € Sanofi SAN Close 165
Euro Libor AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 29.06 -0.21 -4.47 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 42.05 1.35 -0.21 € SchneiderElectric SU 66.52 0.53 0.62 Low 160
One month -0.40143% -0.37357% AU$ BHP BHP 26.95 0.30 7.54 AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 31.16 0.06 -4.42 € Siemens SIE 109.30 0.55 -6.42 t
Three month -0.37257 -0.32257 HK$ BankofChina 3988 4.13 0.73 20.06 AU$ Woolworths WOW 25.62 0.23 6.31 € Telefonica TEF 9.00 0.32 2.09 155
Six month -0.30757 -0.20486 43.23 0.65 -9.47
HK$ CKHutchison 0001 101.50 1.30 15.47 € Total FP
moving average 150
One year -0.20786 -0.07529 HK$ CNOOC 0883 9.44 1.29 -2.68 Stoxx 50 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 15.83 0.76 -0.75
Euribor AU$ CSL CSL 126.84 -0.01 26.32 € Unilever UNA 49.59 -0.05 26.78
CHF ABB ABBN 21.90 0.88 1.96
One month -0.37200% -0.37200% ¥ Canon 7751 3823.00 0.61 16.02 £ Unilever ULVR 4461.50 -0.83 35.50 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
€ ASMLHolding ASML 129.00 0.16 20.96
Three month -0.33000 -0.29900 ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 18440 0.85 -4.11 € Vinci DG 76.32 1.11 17.96 June July Aug.
€ AXA CS 24.25 ... 1.13
Six month -0.27300 -0.19200 HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 7.02 0.57 17.59 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 218.55 0.88 9.36
€ AirLiquide AI 102.45 0.54 -3.03
One year -0.16100 -0.05200 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 25.20 1.20 24.75 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 286.30 0.35 2.10
Yen Libor HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 88.35 0.28 7.48

AB InBev
ABI 99.03
0.25 13.69
1.98 -1.51 DJIA Stoxx 50
One month -0.04350% -0.07214% HK$ ChinaPetro&Chem 0386 5.97 2.93 8.55 £ AstraZeneca AZN 4453.00 -0.86 0.35 Last: 3016.84 s 15.89, or 0.53% YTD s 0.2%
Three month -0.02800 -0.02829 AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 75.37 -0.48 -8.54 € BASF BAS 81.48 1.00 -7.73
$ AmericanExpress AXP 85.68 0.30 15.66
Six month -0.00743 -0.00036 ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 10045 ... -0.54 € BNP Paribas BNP 63.16 -0.11 4.31
$ Apple AAPL 163.35 0.27 41.04 3275
One year 0.11086 0.09314 ¥ Fanuc 6954 21100 0.24 6.48 £ BT Group BT.A 290.70 1.03 -20.77
$ Boeing BA 240.39 -0.04 54.41
$ Caterpillar CAT 117.55 1.33 26.75 3200
Offer Bid ¥ Hitachi 6501 744.40 2.82 17.78 € BancoBilVizAr BBVA 7.34 0.25 15.57
TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 117.50 1.73 39.55 $ Chevron CVX 107.69 -0.16 -8.50 3125
Eurodollars € BancoSantander SAN 5.41 0.69 9.03
¥ HondaMotor 7267 3040.00 ... -10.98 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 31.99 1.62 5.86
One month 1.3100% 1.2100% £ Barclays BARC 190.70 0.18 -14.66 3050
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 143000 -0.69 -2.05 $ Coca-Cola KO 45.37 -0.18 9.43
Three month 1.3500 1.2500 € Bayer BAYN 107.05 -0.09 7.99
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 6.02 1.52 29.46 $ Disney DIS 102.87 0.29 -1.30
Six month 1.5600 1.4600 £ BP BP. 441.90 0.34 -13.28
$ DuPont DD 83.19 1.16 13.34
One year 1.7800 1.6800 ¥ JapanTobacco 2914 3736.00 0.62 -2.81 £ BritishAmTob BATS 4754.00 0.03 2.87 2900
¥ KDDI 2973.50 0.69 0.47
$ ExxonMobil XOM 76.09 -0.48 -15.70
Latest 52 wks ago 9433 € Daimler DAI 61.59 0.11 -12.91 $ GeneralElec GE 24.28 -0.65 -23.16 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
¥ Mitsubishi 8058 2532.00 0.22 1.69 € DeutscheTelekom DTE 15.12 0.10 -6.63 $ June July Aug.
Prime rates GoldmanSachs GS 222.41 1.11 -7.12
¥ MitsubishiElectric 6503 1642.00 1.33 0.77 £ Diageo DGE 2557.50 0.43 21.21 $
U.S. 4.25% 3.50% HomeDepot HD 150.03 0.13 11.90
¥ MitsubishiUFJFin 8306 660.50 0.64 -8.29 € ENI ENI 13.14 0.23 -15.06 $
Canada 2.95 2.70 Intel INTC 34.89 0.46 -3.80
1616.00 0.53 0.56 1517.00
Hong Kong
Mizuho Fin
8411 187.50 ... -10.63
GLEN 356.70
1.23 -2.88 $
1.06 28.61 $
-0.40 -14.11
0.23 5.82
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 20
¥ NTTDoCoMo 9437 2539.50 0.34 -4.64 £ HSBC Hldgs HSBA 749.10 0.88 14.04 $ J&J JNJ 131.03 -0.89 13.73 Last: 21892.43 s 27.06, or 0.12% YTD s 10.8%
Policy rates
ECB 0.00% 0.00%
AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 30.06 -0.07 -1.99 € INGGroep INGA 14.78 0.44 10.55 $ McDonalds MCD 159.48 0.66 31.02
Britain 0.25 0.25
¥ NipponTeleg 9432 5431.00 1.36 10.57 £ ImperialBrands IMB 3188.50 -0.11 -9.99 $ Merck MRK 63.12 ... 7.22 22000
Switzerland 0.50 0.50
¥ NissanMotor 7201 1087.50 0.18 -7.49 € IntesaSanpaolo ISP 2.82 0.14 16.08 $ Microsoft MSFT 74.01 1.31 19.10
¥ Panasonic 6752 1458.50 0.79 22.61 € LVMHMoetHennessy MC 218.85 1.23 20.64 $ Nike NKE 52.53 -0.38 3.34
Australia 1.50 1.50
HK$ PingAnInsofChina 2318 62.55 -0.56 61.21 £ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 63.60 -0.39 1.74 $ Pfizer PFE 33.45 -0.15 2.99
U.S. discount 1.75 1.00 21000
Fed-funds target 1.00-1.25 0.25-0.50
$ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 48.60 1.99 54.04 € LOreal OR 176.25 -0.14 1.64 $ Procter&Gamble PG 91.87 -0.49 9.26
Call money 3.00 2.25
KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 2310000 0.26 28.19 £ NationalGrid NG. 965.70 0.41 -6.98 $ 3M MMM 203.64 0.35 14.04 20500
¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 4359.00 0.23 -2.11 CHF Nestle NESN 80.95 0.43 10.81 $ Travelers TRV 121.79 -0.99 -0.51
Overnight repurchase rates 20000
U.S. 1.12% 0.55%
¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 8843.00 1.25 13.88 CHF Novartis NOVN 79.25 0.06 6.95 $ UnitedTech UTX 119.60 0.76 9.10
Euro zone n.a. n.a.
¥ Sony 6758 4321.00 2.88 31.94 DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 291.20 1.01 14.33 $ UnitedHealth UNH 195.83 -0.46 22.36 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 4032.00 0.05 -9.60 £ Prudential PRU 1789.50 0.11 9.95 $ Visa V 103.81 0.04 33.06 June July Aug.
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 127.30 1.52 29.90 £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 7299.00 0.03 6.00 $ Verizon VZ 48.12 -0.80 -9.85 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
Financial Information, Tullett TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 217.50 0.69 19.83 £ RioTinto RIO 3679.00 0.48 16.48 $ Wal-Mart WMT 78.55 -0.28 13.64 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, August 31, 2017 | B7


Worries Build on ‘Repo’ Market Safety

With one bank left to cial firms funded themselves surer at INTL FCStone. But he
“wholesale” by borrowing in said his fears have been al-
handle a $3.5 trillion the market overnight. Today, layed since his firm’s conver-
sector, investors fret repo borrowings tend to be sion on July 10, which he said
longer-term and backed by has provided access to a wider
segment is too risky stronger collateral, such as array of repo lenders than at
Treasury securities rather J.P. Morgan.
BY KATY BURNE than privately issued mortgage Beyond Bank of New York,
bonds. efforts to make the repo mar-
When ED&F Man Capital “When bad things happened ket safer continue. In May, a
Markets in June opened a set- in 2008, we saw that there unit of Depository Trust &
tlement account for govern- were virtually no bids in the Clearing Corp., a financial-in-
ment bonds at Bank of New market for anything other frastructure firm controlled by
York Mellon Corp., it was a than the risk-off sovereign large banks, got permission
watershed moment in an ob- market,” said Mark Robinson, from the Securities and Ex-
scure but vital corner of the a former managing director at change Commission to expand
global financial system. Bank of New York and most re- a repo safety net already in
That was when London- cently a business-development use for bond broker to cover


based ED&F became the first executive at financial-technol- institutional investors, too.
bond broker to change “repo” ogy company Broadridge Fi- Some view this as potentially
clearing banks in nearly a de- nancial Solutions. mitigating fire sales. Hedge-
cade. Regulators have been trying fund firm Citadel LLC joined
ED&F’s move, and other on and off for years to resolve the safety net in June.
brokers doing the same, shift concerns about problems in Trading volumes have
more of the market onto Bank repos spilling over to broader shrunk, owing to new rules
of New York, which already financial markets. that have levied extra capital
dominated that sector with an Federal Reserve Bank of New York President William Dudley has cited risks in repo markets. In April, Federal Reserve charges on banks. Other rules
85% share. That exacerbates Bank of New York President have meant more repos are
concerns many traders have concerns about the market’s market estimated by the Trea- been trying to reform the mar- William Dudley wrote that locked in for longer terms, re-
about the safety of repos, or stability began falling squarely sury’s Office of Financial Re- ket for nearly a decade. Those repo markets pose risks to ducing the incentives for firms
repurchase agreements, in on Bank of New York. The search at $3.5 trillion. efforts picked up as shortcom- market functioning and “are to borrow in the short term
which lenders such as money- company this past May formed Many worry that having all ings in repos were exposed in not settled yet,” in part be- while lending in the long term
market funds make short-term a new unit with a separate those transactions handled by 2008, when lenders’ retreat cause participants can still and creating an unsound con-
loans, often using government governance team to oversee just one clearing bank poten- from Bear Stearns Cos. and choose to raise cash in a hurry dition known as an asset-lia-
bonds as collateral. the repo business, acknowl- tially exposes the world’s saf- Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. by selling assets in a so-called bility mismatch.
Bank of New York’s onetime edging its unique role and re- est bond market to threats played a role in accelerating fire sale. Perhaps most important,
sole rival in the business of sponsibility. ranging from mundane power the financial crisis. Bank of New York this sum- the hundreds of billions of dol-
clearing U.S. Treasurys and re- Individual brokers’ transi- outages to cyberattacks and Troubles at those firms and mer began transitioning some lars in intraday loans that J.P.
pos backed by them, J.P. Mor- tions have by all accounts been terrorism. others, driven in part by their clients of J.P. Morgan. Besides Morgan and Bank of New York
gan Chase & Co., in 2016 de- smooth. But many traders fret “This clearing function is exposure to subprime-lending ED&F, it has also added as new once made every morning to
cided to exit from the over the risks of having a sin- only in one bank now and is so losses and reliance on short- clearing clients INTL FCStone bond brokers have been re-
business, prompting more gle bank handle all clearing systemically important,” said term loans to fund longer-term and Landesbank Baden-Würt- duced by 97%, according to
than two dozen brokers in- and settlement—the process of Scott Skyrm, head of repo at investments, helped pave the temberg. In all, about 30 are Fed estimates, virtually elimi-
cluding ED&F to move to Bank completing trades and distrib- Wedbush Securities, a Los An- way for an updated repo mar- expected to move. nating the exposure the two
of New York. uting funds according to con- geles broker dealer. ket. “We were nervous at first,” clearing banks had precrisis to
With J.P. Morgan’s retreat, tract—in a short-term-lending The Federal Reserve has A decade ago, many finan- said Bruce Fields, group trea- a broker default.

Delay for Europe Stocks Rebound;

Fiduciary Chip Makers Rally in U.S.


sponse to the launch, but the
Dow Jones Industrial Average
that growth remains steady
and consumer sentiment is up-
BY LISA BEILFUSS added 57 points that day after beat helped stocks to rise, said
The Nasdaq Composite rose trading down as much as 135 Masashi Murata, currency
The U.S. Labor Department for a third day in a row, points, its biggest intraday re- strategist at Brown Brothers
said it would delay the fidu- boosted by shares of chip covery in nine months. Harriman.
ciary rule’s final compliance makers, as stocks in Europe “I think the market has “The fundamentals remain
deadline by 18 months while and Asia rebounded from learned the wrong lesson, unchanged, so the bounce back
signaling it may eliminate a losses triggered by North Ko- which is to buy any dip indis- has been easier,” he said.
provision that would allow in- rea’s mis- criminately, and there are A measure of U.S. consumer A technician checks on wafers at an Applied Materials facility.
vestors to bring class-action WEDNESDAY’S sile launch risks out there that should be confidence rose in August to
suits against brokers they say MARKETS over Japan. factored into stock prices,” its second-highest reading ductor stocks helped the S&P on the way up and the way
breached their fiduciary duty. Tues- said Eddie Perkin, chief equity since late 2000 on Tuesday, 500 edge up 0.5%. The Dow in- down because chips are used
The latest notices shed light day’s mis- investment officer at Eaton while on Wednesday, eurozone dustrials were up 27.06 points, in so many consumer prod-
on how the government’s re- sile was the first that Pyong- Vance. economic sentiment in August or 0.1%, to 21892.43 in late ucts. Analog Devices is one of
evaluation of the fiduciary yang has fired over Japan’s On Wednesday, Japan’s Nik- reached its highest level in trading. several semiconductor and
rule, aimed at easing firms’ main islands since 2009, and kei Stock Average rose 0.7%, more than 10 years, according The gains in semiconductor technology stocks up more
regulatory burden, is taking the latest in a string of moves helped by a nearly 1% gain in to the European Commission. stocks came as Analog Devices than 30% in the past 12
shape. President Donald that have briefly weighed on the dollar against the yen from The Stoxx Europe 600 index beat earnings expectations. Its months.
Trump earlier this year or- financial markets in recent the end of Tuesday’s trading, a closed up 2.59 points, or 0.7%. shares rose 5.2% by late after- “They’re the ones that can
dered the department to reas- weeks. Still, many investors shift that supported shares of BioMerieux, a French biotech- noon in New York. Microchip deliver the top-line growth,
sess the economic costs of reg- said the economic and earn- exporters. Auto maker Mitsub- nology company, rallied 8% af- Technology, Advanced Micro which makes them kind of
ulation, with an eye toward ings backdrop for stocks re- ishi Motors gained 1% while ter lifting its guidance for Devices and Applied Materials unique in this marketplace,”
revision or repeal. The first mained favorable, keeping the Sony climbed 2.9%. Hong sales. The Swiss insurer Ba- were also among the S&P said Crit Thomas, global mar-
phase of the regulation went market within striking dis- Kong’s Hang Seng Index rose loise Holding rose 1.3%; its 500’s biggest gainers. ket strategist at Touchstone
into effect June 9, requiring tance of records. 1.2% while South Korea’s Kospi first-half profit soared 34%. Shares of chip makers have Investments.
stewards of tax-advantaged re- Asian and European mar- index nudged up 0.3%. In the U.S., the Nasdaq rose soared in the past year, often —Sara Sjolin
tirement accounts to act in cli- kets had fallen Tuesday in re- U.S. economic data showing 1.1%, while gains in semicon- leading larger tech companies contributed to this article.
ents’ best interest.
In a notice set to publish

1MDB Pays Abu Dhabi Fund After Two Delays

Thursday, the department says
it will delay the rule’s final
compliance deadline to July 1,
2019, as it conducts its eco-
nomic review through the end BY YANTOULTRA NGUI Malaysia’s central bank.
of the year. On Tuesday, the IPIC and 1MDB signed a set-
Labor Department won ap- KUALA LUMPUR—Malay- tlement agreement in April.
proval for its latest delay, a sia’s troubled state-investment The July 31 payment was the
move that experts have said fund 1Malaysia Development first to come due since the
suggests the retirement-sav- Bhd., or 1MDB, said Wednes- U.S. Justice Department in
ings rule will emerge from a day that it had paid the sec- June and Singapore’s public
re-evaluation with significant ond part of a missed install- prosecutor in July alleged in
revisions. ment to Abu Dhabi’s court filings that units owned
Labor is considering a con- International Petroleum In- by 1MDB in an offshore invest-
ditions-based system for com- vestment Co. ment fund were almost worth-
pliance, by which firms might While 1MDB is under pres- less. 1MDB had maintained
have different transition peri- sure and being wound up, the they were worth about $940
ods based on the steps they payment could alleviate some million. The fund hasn’t com-
have taken or where the tran- concerns about Malaysian mented on the allegations.
sition period is tied to the re- state securities for foreign in- The fund was launched by

view’s progress. The depart- vestors, who own a significant Prime Minister Najib Razak in
ment will reopen the comment share of government bonds in 2009 to spur economic devel-
period starting Thursday for 15 Malaysia. Allegations of fraud opment but accumulated $13
days, soliciting feedback from involving 1MDB, which is un- billion in debt. It began strug-
consumers and the industry on der investigation in half a gling in 2015 to make pay-
the latest delay and how it dozen countries, have already ments on its debts and later
should structure it. spooked investors by weighing was found to be missing bil-
The Labor Department also on the country’s currency, the lions of dollars. Investigations
is working on a change that ringgit. are under way in the U.S.,
would make it easier for firms The payment announced on IPIC had extended an emergency loan and other financial help to Malaysia’s state-investment fund. Singapore and elsewhere. U.S.
to operate in exemption of the Wednesday is a balance pay- investigators allege that at
rule while encouraging the de- ment by 1MDB to compensate deadline and 1MDB made a Kuala Lumpur-based Kenanga ship of Malaysian government least $4.5 billion was stolen.
velopment of investor-friendly the Abu Dhabi sovereign payment of $350 million on Research said. debt securities fell for the sec- 1MDB has denied wrongdo-
products. The department said fund—a former business part- Aug. 11, with the understand- 1MDB is due to make an- ond consecutive month, by 2.3 ing and promised to cooperate
it “anticipates it will propose ner known as IPIC—for an ing that the balance would be other payment, of around billion ringgit ($539.1 million), with investigators. Mr. Najib
in the near future a new and emergency loan and other fi- paid by Aug. 31. $600 million, to IPIC by the compared with a net outflow denied wrongdoing and was
more streamlined class exemp- nancial support extended after 1MDB, which is wholly end of the year. of 300 million ringgit in cleared of any wrongdoing by
tion built in large part on re- 1MDB was unable to service its owned by the Malaysian fi- In July, total foreign owner- June, according to data from Malaysia’s attorney general.
cent innovations in the finan- debt obligations. nance ministry, said that all
cial services industry” and The precise amount of the funds were “paid from pro-
that any such changes couldn’t
be realistically implemented
payment wasn’t disclosed ei-
ther by 1MDB or IPIC, which
ceeds of the ongoing rational-
ization program,” referring to
by the end of the year. stated earlier in a filing to the an effort to reduce debt by
“This is a carrot,” said London Stock Exchange that it selling assets. [ Search by company, category or country at ]
George Gerstein of a new po- had been made. The market has been
tential exemption, an attorney IPIC said the payment ful- watching closely to see if NAV —%RETURN—
at Stradley Ronon who repre- filled the obligations that were 1MDB would be able to meet
n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866
sents financial-services firms. initially due July 31. 1MDB its payment deadline. Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website:, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Gerstein said Labor is missed an original deadline of A default would likely erode CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 08/25 USD 308853.70 2.2 -2.3 6.7
signaling that it will propose a July 31 and an initial five-day investor confidence toward
new, more flexible exemption extension granted by IPIC to Malaysian government securi- Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the
For information about listing your funds,
track for products that pose pay $628.75 million. The Abu ties and raise the risk of capi- U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United
States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies.
please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
few conflicts of interest. Dhabi fund again extended the tal outflows from the country, All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 2504; email: [email protected]
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B8 | Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Emerging Markets Pick Up LNG Slack
Gas demand is rising $400 million annually selling
imports to the domestic mar-
in developing Asian ket, but that isn’t enough to
nations as it weakens cover the annual $1.8 billion in
estimated costs to import the
in richer neighbors LNG.
Petrobangla is seeking $1.4
BY DEMI GUO billion in financing from the
government to offset the im-
Emerging-market nations in port costs.
Asia are turning to imports of Even so, the first pipeline to
liquefied natural gas to offset transport gas from the termi-
dwindling domestic supplies, nal was completed this month
bolstering LNG trade in the re- and Petrobangla expects the
gion as demand from bigger project to be finished in 2018.
markets eases. The World Bank’s IFC also
Nearly 90% of global LNG helped finance Pakistan’s first
demand growth will come floating LNG terminal in Port
from emerging and frontier Qasim, which became opera-
economies by 2022, the Inter- tional in early 2015, to facili-
national Energy Agency esti- tate imports from Qatar.
mates. Natural-gas prices fell Pakistan’s gas demand in
to their lowest in a decade in 2015 was 6 billion cubic feet a
2016, according to the IEA, day, while its domestic sup-
making it a more affordable plies covered 4 billion cubic
source of energy for develop- feet a day, according to num-
ing countries. LNG is a form of bers provided by Engro Elengy


gas that is converted into liq- Terminal Ltd., which runs the
uid form so that it can be Port Qasim terminal.
transported from producing to As of the beginning of 2017,
consuming countries, where it the terminal covers roughly
is converted back into gaseous 30% of that deficit, according
form. to Engro Elengy Terminal
While most of the demand data.
growth will come from eco- Emerging markets’ surging
nomic behemoth China, as it demand for LNG stands in con-
competes with Singapore and trast with slowing growth in
Japan to establish itself as an An LNG tanker near Tokyo. Asia relies on liquefied natural gas because it is hard to build pipelines to isolated markets such as Japan. developed markets in the re-
LNG hub, the rest will come gion.
from smaller economies, the kaya, lead operations research such as banks, is why nations Natural-gas demand from
IEA says. analyst at the U.S. Energy In- Gas Demand such as Bangladesh, which has Australia, Japan, South Korea
Domestic LNG reserves are formation Administration. Non-OECD Asia* countries are increasingly turning to liquefied a low international credit rat- and New Zealand is expected
running low in countries such Metropolitan areas such as Ka- natural gas. ing, have struggled to find to decline to 206 billion cubic
as Bangladesh, Pakistan and rachi, a major city in Pakistan, lenders. meters in 2022 from 218 bil-
the Philippines, forcing them experience rolling blackouts to 200 billion cubic meters A cheaper alternative is to lion cubic meters in 2016, ac-
to seek outside sources. Ban- conserve energy. Residential/ Industrial Power generation put the import terminals off- cording to the IEA. Emerging-
gladesh has only 12 years’ “They do load shedding. 150 commercial shore. A floating LNG terminal market demand, meanwhile, is
worth of domestic natural gas That means you don’t provide costs significantly less than an expected to jump to 375 bil-
left, said Lance Crist, global electricity 24 hours a day,” she 100 onshore one. The leasing pe- lion cubic meters in 2022
head of oil, gas and mining at said. riod is also shorter, said Mel from 312 billion cubic meters
International Finance Corp., a Historically, Asia has de- 50 Ydreos, executive director of last year.
private branch of the World pended on natural gas shipped public affairs at the Interna- While LNG prices will likely
Bank. in LNG form because transna- 0 tional Gas Union. stay low for the foreseeable
As demand growth slows in tional pipelines are hard to Bangladesh’s state-owned future, the real question is
2000 ’10 ’16 ’18 ’20 2000 ’10 ’16 ’18 ’20 2000 ’10 ’16 ’18 ’20
traditional consumers such as build in geographically iso- national energy company, what happens when natural-
Japan and South Korea, those lated areas such as top con- Estimates Estimates Estimates Petrobangla, is building the gas prices rise, Mr. Ydreos
smaller players will make up sumers Japan and South Ko- *Excludes China country’s first floating LNG said.
20% of the global LNG trade rea. Source: International Energy Agency THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. terminal off Moheshkhali Is- “It depends on how demand
by 2022, the IEA says. But the construction costs land in the Bay of Bengal, par- will increase and how all these
“What really drives the de- for onshore import facilities to find lenders to fund large least $4 billion to build,” Ms. tially financed by International projects on schedule are com-
mand is the shortages of elec- are prohibitive for some devel- infrastructure projects. Zaretskaya said. Infrastructure Finance Corp. pleted and can actually deliver
tricity,” said Victoria Zarets- oping nations, which struggle “A typical plant takes at cost, often funded by investors Petrobangla expects to earn to the market,” he said.

Email: [email protected]

Megamerger Stars Line Up in Emerging Bonds OVERHEARD

Shows Off Low inflation has gone yet rise. J.P. Morgan Asset According to The Urban

China’sPower global. But while it is prov-

ing a test for central banks
like the U.S. Federal Reserve
Low Pressure
Aggregate emerging-market inflation
Management points to Mex-
ico, Indonesia and Turkey as
offering potential.
Dictionary, “Kanoa” is slang
for having your girlfriend sto-
len by someone good-looking.
China is trimming the and European Central Bank, 10% The foreign-exchange part “I went to the gym with my
number of its state-owned it is a different story in of the trade that has boosted girl and I got Kanoa’d” is the
enterprises, the huge gov- emerging markets. Investors 8 returns may be more risky. A sample sentence.
ernment-backed companies in local-currency government sharp rise in the dollar, per- Kanoa may soon become
whose inefficiencies are of- bonds are the winners—and 6 haps because markets start slang in Silicon Valley for los-
ten blamed for holding back could have more to come. to worry more about U.S. in- ing money given to a startup.
the economy. But it is doing The gains so far in 2017 4 terest-rate rises, could be a A company with the name
so only by making even big- are pretty remarkable. The big problem for many emerg- Kanoa had raised funds by
ger state-backed entities. J.P. Morgan GBI-EM index of ing-market assets, and could offering a set of its planned
Witness this week’s emerging-market local-cur- reverse investment flows high-tech Bluetooth ear-
whopping merger of Shen- rency bonds has returned into these countries. But phones for upward of $150, a
hua Group, China’s top 14.6% in dollar terms this 0 brighter growth prospects 50% discount for paying up
miner and a major power year. That performance has 2007 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 for emerging countries are a front for a nonexistent prod-
producer, and electricity been powered by the combi- Note: Covers 52 emerging economies, excluding Venezuela and Argentina countervailing force. uct. The earphones were sup-
firm China Guodian. The nation of falling bond yields Source: Capital Economics THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. The yield on the GBI-EM posed to arrive about a year
combined company will and rising emerging-market index is still north of 6%, far ago, but now the company
have assets of $270 billion. exchange rates. viously has waned. But it The Central Bank of Russia’s above the yield on devel- says it is going out of busi-
Chinese power producers A key factor is easing in- also reflects contained un- policy rate is 9%, Brazil’s is oped-market government ness and they never will.
have suffered from intensi- flation. An aggregate mea- derlying price pressures. 9.25% and Mexico’s is 7%. bonds. Even without the tail- “Over the past 2 years you
fying competition in the sure calculated by Capital Crucially, that may allow But that gives emerging- wind of foreign-exchange have joined Kanoa on this
past two years as the gov- Economics that covers 52 central banks in emerging market policy makers more gains, that is a tempting journey to create something
ernment has started to lib- emerging-market economies markets to cut rates. Interest room to maneuver. India, prospect in a world where special,” reads a message on
eralize part of the market. held at an eight-year low of rates in many emerging-mar- South Africa and Indonesia low yields are depressing its website, explaining that
Return on equity in the sec- just 3% in July, down from ket countries remain high, are among those to have cut prospective bond returns. they were “emotionally over-
tor is expected to plunge to 3.8% in January. In part, that after central banks had to re- rates in recent weeks. Fur- The stars may still be whelmed” with the turn of
3.6% this year from 14.4% is because the influence of act in recent years to rising ther easing might not be aligned for emerging-market events and that they “genu-
two years ago, according to food and energy prices that inflation and weakening cur- priced into debt markets, bond investors. inely tried.”
Credit Suisse Group. pushed inflation higher pre- rencies by tightening policy. meaning bond prices could —Richard Barley
Part of the predicament
stems from China’s central
planning. Power producers
have suffered from surging
coal prices since last year
Worries Over Amazon Leave Costco Shares at a Discount
thanks in large part to un- One of the few ways for Amazon said it would be cut- need to subsidize the cost of was 64% in the second quar-
timely Beijing-mandated ca- retailers to compete against ting prices on certain Whole Prime benefits, such as free Food Fight ter of 2017, up from 28% in
pacity cuts. As both the the growing might of Ama- Foods items when the deal shipping or the e-commerce Costco’s stock price the first quarter of 2013, Co-
largest producer and con- is to offer some- closed on Monday. giant’s online video-stream- wen estimates. But that
sumer of coal, China has a thing different. Costco Investors typically buy the ing service. The fee essen- $190 Amazon announces overlap hasn’t put a dent in
Whole Foods deal...
big interest in stable coal Wholesale does that, but the rumor and sell the news. In tially flows directly to the 180
Costco’s sales growth. The
prices, yet its all-too-visible market has been unwilling of this case, they sold the ru- bottom line. Its membership- ...and price company reported 5% same-
cuts at
hand has added more vola- late to give it credit for its mor as well as the news. For renewal rate exceeded 90% in 170 the grocer. store sales growth in its fis-
tility to prices recently. uniqueness. a company that isn’t just a the U.S. and Canada during cal third quarter ended in
Sure, less competition in The discounter, like other typical grocery store, its most recent quarter and 160 May. Late Wednesday, Costco
the power sector, as rivals grocers, was punished twice though, that degree of pessi- was 88% world-wide. was set to report same-store
bow to the new giant com- by investors fearful that Am- mism seems unwarranted. Costco’s low pricing also sales for August, the final
pany, could help to reduce azon’s acquisition of Whole The primary way in which is enabled by the higher M A M J J A month of its fiscal year.
China’s electricity glut in Foods Market would mean Costco differentiates itself is margins it gets on products Source: FactSet The market hasn’t been
the short term. Yet in the aggressive price competition by offering the lowest prices made under its private-label THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. cheered by Costco’s recent
long run, letting market sig- in grocery. Costco shares fell on bulk food, dry goods, ap- Kirkland Signature brand, top-line strength amid fears of
nals dictate capital alloca- 13% in the week following pliances, electronics and ap- which accounts for 25% of chooses to stock. Costco what Amazon might do. That
tion rather than creating Amazon’s June 16 announce- parel. The company is able to sales, according to Cowen. It members also can buy gas edginess should ease now that
larger state-owned behe- ment of the deal, shaving undercut competitors in part has a meat-processing plant for about 20 cents less a gal- the Whole Foods tie-up is
moths is a better way for roughly $10 billion off its because of its annual mem- and is building a poultry lon, on average, than na- complete. At 24 times forward
China to reform. Unfortu- market capitalization. Its bership fees of either $60 or farm. In contrast to “the ev- tional prices—a perk that earnings estimates, Costco
nately, Beijing looks un- shares then fell another 5%, $120 a year. The fees are erything store,” Costco limits Amazon can’t match. shares trade below their five-
likely to give up its med- representing an additional similar to Amazon’s Prime the number of items it sells, Granted, the portion of year average multiple. Inves-
dling in the market just yet. $3.5 billion of value, on membership fee, except that giving it greater purchasing Costco members who were tors should buy them in bulk.
—Jacky Wong Thursday last week, when in Costco’s case they don’t power on the items it also Amazon Prime members —Miriam Gottfried

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