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Internship 2020

Norwood Primary – Year 2

Mentor: Tania Bauerochse
Lesson Plan – Maths Money Unit
LI: ‘I can write and solve my own worded problem involving money’
Date: 17/9/20
Location: Classroom
Time: 50 Minutes

Area of Learning: Maths Learning Outcomes:,

Topic: Money Students will solve and write worded

problems involving money by using strategies
of adding and creating values of coins. .

Prior Knowledge Preparation/Organisation/Resources

Students have already: - Mini whiteboards and markers
Identified and named key features of coins - My money story printed
Add coins of the same denomination together - Play money
Skip counted coins to make a total amount
Created amounts using multiple strategies
Ordered items from least to most expensive
Showed monetary amounts using coins in multiple ways
Add coin together to make amounts
Record values and add to find a total
Solve worded problems involving money
Lesson Sequence Reflection Comments
Recap last lessons worded problems involving shopping

Ask students to find a partner in the same differentiated

group as them and sit together on the floor with a handful
of play money

Model writing up a worded problem on the board with

assistance from students and ask students to make the
answer with their coins

Explain the task – students will sit with their partner and
practice writing a problem and getting their partner to
answer it, after they can swap and write another one.

After students have experimented with writing the worded

problems for their partner to solve ask them to pack up and
sit on the floor before completing the My Money story

Students will write their favourite worded problem on their

sheet and the answer to be displayed

Make it clear that the students don’t need to finish the sheet
Internship 2020
Norwood Primary – Year 2
Mentor: Tania Bauerochse
today and we will be colouring them in another day.

Students have already been differentiated into groups based

on ability

Blue (Low)

Pink (Middle)

Green (High)

Bring students in blue group to the floor to come up with a

worded question together to answer.

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