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UM Tagum College

Mabini St., Tagum City

Marketing 2 Professional Salesmanship

Test I. Choose the best answer.
1.It includes scripted sales calls, memorized presentation and automated
a. Canned Sales Presentation c. Organized Sales Dialogue
b. Written Sales Proposal d. Customer Prospecting

2..It includes scripted sales calls, memorized presentation and automated

a. Canned Sales Presentation c. Organized Sales Dialogue
b. Written Sales Proposal d. Customer Prospecting

3.It allows flexibility to adapt to buyer feedback and the most frequently used format
for sales professionals.
a. Canned Sales Presentation c. Organized Sales Dialogue
b. Written Sales Proposal d. Customer Prospecting

4. Tom Sant, author and consultant who works with many Fortune 100 companies,
gives these reasons why proposals may fail, which is not?
a. Customer knows the seller.
b. Proposal does not follow the specified format.
c. Executive summary does not address customer needs.
d. Proposal uses the seller’s (not the customer’s) company jargon

5. It is a complete self-contained sales presentation, but it is often accompanied

by other verbal sales presentations before or after the proposal is delivered.
a. Canned Sales Presentation c. Organized Sales Dialogue
b. Written Sales Proposal d. Customer Prospecting

6. The salesperson may make a comprehensive sales presentation, but it should be

designed for dialogue with the customer throughout. This type of sales presentation
is referred to as
a. Canned Sales Presentation c. Organized Sales Dialogue
b. Written Sales Proposal d. Customer Prospecting

7.Typically relate to the economics of the situation,including cost,

profitability,quality,services offered, andthe total value of the seller’soffering as
perceived by thecustomer.
a. Rational Motive c. Psychological Motive
b. Emotional Motive d. Physical Motive

8.Includes motives such as security, status, and need to be liked; sometimes difficult
for salespeople to uncover these motives.
a. Rational Motive c. Psychological Motive
b. Emotional Motive d. Physical Motive

9.A characterictic of a product or service that is designed to provide value to a buyer.

a. Feature c. Benefits
b. Attribute d. Accessory

10.The favorable outcome derived from features of the product or service seller
a. Feature c. Benefits
b. Attribute d. Accessory

11. The following are the keys to Effective Sales Dialogue, which does not belong?
a. Planned and practiced by customers.
b. Encourage buyer feedback
c. Focus on creating value to buyers.
d. Engage and involve the buyer.

12. Questions salespeople use throughout a sales dialogue to generate feedback

from the buyer.
a. Check- backs or Response Checks c. Sensing
b. Evaluative Questions d. Pay-Off Questions

13. The following is one of the examples of Visual Aids, which is not?
a. Product demonstrations and models
b. Printed materials
c. Photographs and illustrations
d. Statistics

14. Claims of benefits and value produced and provided to the buyer need to be
backed up with evidence to highlight their believability are evidenced by_______.
a. Proof Providers c. Testimonials
b. Statistics d. Case Histories

15. An important part of marketing that relies heavily on interpersonal interactions

between buyers and sellers to initiate, develop and enhance customer relationships.
a. Advertising c. Sales Promotion
b.Personal Selling d. Public Relations

Test II. Essay (10 pts. Each)

1. Why is sales dialogue and presentation preplanning important?
2. Explain why organized sales dialogues and presentations are more frequently
used than canned presentations or written sales proposals.
3. How does the use of Visual Aids help in marketing your product?

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