Addis Ababa Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

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Global Designing Cities Initiative
Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety
World Resources Institute
As the Mayor of Addis Ababa, it is my great pleasure to launch the Addis
Ababa Non-Motorised Transport (NMT) Strategy. The city of Addis Ababa
is growing rapidly and requires well-coordinated planning and manage-
ment to create an urban environment that is safe, comfortable, and inclu-
sive. For too long, transport planning has focused on the needs of private
car users, without considering the majority of Addis Ababa residents who
walk, cycle, or use public transport. This approach has exacerbated prob-
lems of congestion and road safety, both of which affect economic growth,
productivity, and public health.
Moving forward, the Addis Ababa City Government commits to investing in
sustainable transport systems that help tackle climate change, facilitate
trade, and improve access to education, health, and jobs. Drawing from
the Transport Policy of Addis Ababa and Ethiopia's Climate Resilient Trans-
port Sector Strategy, the NMT Strategy outlines a holistic set of measures
to expand the use of non-motorised modes. Over the next ten years, we
will develop a citywide walking and cycling network that makes sustaina-
ble modes safe, convenient, and easy to use. Better street designs will be
complemented by innovative mobility services such as bicycle sharing to
give more residents access to clean, healthy mobility. Greater investment
in non-motorised transport will bring a number of benefits, particularly
for low-income residents.
Transformation of our city will only be possible through close collabo-
ration among government departments, civil society, the private sector,
and city residents. I call on all stakeholders to redouble their efforts to
develop an efficient, green mobility system that serves all residents of
Addis Ababa.

Takele Uma Chere

Deputy Mayor of Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy iii
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................1
2. Emerging mobility challenges in Addis Ababa ............................................... 3
3. Design principles for walking & cycling............................................................ 8
4. Vision & goals........................................................................................................ 10
5. NMT initiatives.......................................................................................................11
5.1. Pedestrian network......................................................................................11
5.2. Pedestrian priority precincts................................................................... 14
5.3. Bicycle network........................................................................................... 16
5.4. Greenway network...................................................................................... 18
5.5. Public transport access............................................................................. 19
5.6. Intersection improvements.......................................................................21
5.7. Bicycle sharing system.............................................................................. 23
5.8. Parking management................................................................................. 26
5.9. Vendor management................................................................................. 28
5.10. Street design standards.......................................................................... 29
5.11. Review of building control & planning regulations.......................... 30
5.12. Communications and engagement....................................................... 32
6. Institutional framework...................................................................................... 34
6.1. Agency roles.................................................................................................. 34
6.2. Design review............................................................................................... 35
6.3. Monitoring and evaluation....................................................................... 36
7. Design checklist.....................................................................................................37

iv Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

Addis Ababa, home to 17 percent of Ethiopia’s urban population, is at a piv-
otal moment in its modern history.1 The city is undergoing a wave of rapid
population and economic growth. The number of private vehicles in the
city is rapidly increasing, contributing to the worsening congestion, loss
of the public realm, air pollution, and traffic fatalities. As the city contin-
ues to modernise and motorise major investments and strategic decisions
will be required to keep the economy humming and avoid the negative
impacts generated by private motorised mobility and traffic congestion.
At present, most residents depend on walking and public transport, and
there are relatively few personal motor vehicles in the city. Nevertheless,
pedestrians face many challenges, including inadequately sized footpaths,
dangerous crossings, inadequate illumination and poorly maintained in-
frastructure. Going forward, the city seeks to prioritise non-motorised
transport (NMT), including walking, cycling, and other forms of non-motor-
ised mobility. Greater use of NMT is likely to bring several benefits, includ-
ing better access to jobs and educational opportunities; improved public
health due to active lifestyles; reduced emissions of dangerous pollutants;
and a reduced burden of injuries and fatalities from traffic crashes.

1 UN-Habitat. (2017). The State of Addis Ababa 2017: The Addis Ababa We Want. Retrieved from

Figure 1. The Addis Ababa NMT Strategy aims to develop a comprehensive network of high-quality
walking and cycling facilities to address the burgeoning demand for better access in the city.

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 1

Better walking and cycling facilities also will complement the city’s mass
transit network, including two existing light rail transit (LRT) corridors and
seven planned bus rapid transit (BRT) corridors. To guide efforts to im-
prove the walking and cycling environment, the Addis Ababa Road and
Transport Bureau (AARTB) has developed a comprehensive NMT Strategy.
The NMT Strategy is consistent with the Transport Policy for Addis Aba-
ba, which calls for giving "special attention to non motorised transport"
by expanding pedestrian and bicycle networks.2 The Strategy also reflects
the Addis Ababa City Master Plan, which aims to promote “cost-effective
movement systems” and “accessibility through improving relationships
between people, places and activities.”3 The plan also envisions redevel-
opment, compact settlement, and integrated development of transport
and housing. The NMT Strategy is also closely related to the Addis Aba-
ba Road Safety Strategy, which calls for increased attention to pedestrian
safety and convenience.4
At the national level, Ethiopia's Climate Resilient Transport Sector Strat-
egy calls for “an affordable, integrated, safe, responsive and sustainable
transport system that enhances the environmental, economic, social and
cultural wellbeing of Ethiopia’s population.”5 The Strategy calls for an in-
creased mode share for walking and cycling in urban areas. In addition,
Ethiopia's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) calls for a re-
duction pollution from transport as part of an overall strategy to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.6 The NMT Strategy, once fully implemented, will
help lay the foundations for a more accessible, inclusive, sustainable, effi-
cient, healthy, and attractive city.

2 Ministry of Transport. (2011, August). Transport Policy of Addis Ababa.

3 Transport Research Laboratory. (2013). Provision for non-motorised transport in Addis Ababa
and recommendation for improvement
4 Addis Ababa City Administration. (2017). Addis Ababa Road Safety Strategy.
5 Ministry of Transport. (2017). Ethiopia's Climate Resilient Transport Sector Strategy.
6 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. (2015). Intended Nationally Determined Contribution
(INDC) of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

2 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

Ethiopia is undergoing a decade of rapid economic development. The ur-
ban share of the population has more than doubled in 35 years, from 8.5
percent of the national population in 1967 to 17.4 percent in 2012, making
Ethiopia among the fastest urbanising countries in sub-Saharan Africa.7 As
with many rapidly developing economies, the hope of new opportunities
and better quality of life offered by major cities has fuelled rural-urban
migration. As of 2017, the city was home to 3.2 million inhabitants, and is
projected to reach 4.7 million by 2030.8 The city contributes to approxi-
mately 8 percent of the national gross domestic product (GDP), with an
annual GDP growth rate of around 15 percent.9
These unprecedented growth rates have resulted in a rapid expansion
of the urban area, which in turn has generated many transport, housing,
and infrastructure deficits, as well as alarming environmental degrada-
tion. Where the formal economy has failed to absorb growth, the informal
economy has thrived, creating a complex economic structure. Unplanned
expansion has led to rapid sprawl into the city outskirts, consuming 4-5

7 World Bank. (2016). Project appraisal document on a proposed credit in the amount of SDR
2013 million (US$ 300 million equivalent) to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for
a transport systems improvement project. Retrieved from
8 UN-Habitat. (2017).
9 Ibid.

Figure 2. Addis Ababa has experienced rapid outward expansion over the past decade, leading to
increased trip distances and reliance on motorised transport.

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 3

sq km of new land per year.10 Since 1986, the urban footprint has quadru-
pled, resulting in longer distance trips and contributing to other transport
Walking and public transport are the dominant forms of mobility in Addis
Ababa, making up an estimated 85 percent of trips.12 The fraction of trips
made by foot varies widely across the city. For example, in the Addis Kete-
ma sub-city, walking accounts for 78 percent of trips, while in Bole sub-city
only 40 percent of trips are by foot.13 The average trip length in the city is
3.3 km, while the trip length for walking trips is 1.5 km.14 While not captured
in official statistics, cycling is also a mode for short-distance trips, primar-
ily among low-income and risk-taking males. However, cycling is typically
perceived as a recreational activity for children, with cycles seen as toys.

Figure 3. NMT and public transport are the dominant forms of mobility in
Addis Ababa.

While the mode share for personal motor vehicles (PMV) is small, account-
ing for 15 percent, this mode has a disproportionate impact on the city’s
transport system.15 Approximately 70 percent of the cars present in the
country are registered in Addis Ababa.16 In spite of high import taxes on
cars, the number of vehicles is rapidly increasing, with 110,000 cars im-
ported in 2016, a 50 percent increase over the level of imports during the

10 Ibid.
11 World Bank. (2015). Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Enhancing Urban Resilience. Retrieved from http://
12 World Bank. (2016, May 5). International Development Association Project Appraisal Document
on a proposed credit in the amount of SDR 213 Million (US$300 million equivalent) to the Fed-
eral Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for a Transport Systems Improvement Project. Retrieved
13 Transport Research Laboratory. (2013).
14 Ibid.
15 World Bank. (2016).
16 Ministry of Transport. (2011).

4 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

Figure 4. Despite the dominance of walking in the mode split for Addis Ababa, pedestrian facilities
are poor in many parts of the city.

previous two years.17,18 Many of the imported cars are highly-polluting used
vehicles. One is quick to observe the negative impacts of an outdated and
poorly maintained vehicle fleet. Congestion, localised air-pollution, and
noise have become an inescapable part of daily life.
Traffic collisions and fatalities are becoming increasingly common, with
395 fatalities in 2016, increasing to 463 in 2017, of which 80 percent in-
volved pedestrians.19,20 The high rate of fatalities is due in large part to the
fact that just 14 percent of city roads were rated acceptable for pedestrian
safety, compounded by the high prevalence of risky driver behaviour, in-
cluding over-speeding and drunk driving. These trends are exacerbated by
a wide range negative externalities related to physical and mental health,
environmental degradation, socio-economic development, and resource
Street design in Addis Ababa has taken a car-oriented approach and has
prioritised vehicle speed over pedestrian safety. Streets in the city tend
to be wide and often lack footpaths, crossings, and traffic calming fea-
tures. These concerns are particularly acute at intersections. Intersections
are where streets and users come together; they are also where the most
conflict and crashes occur. Oversized intersections with large turning radii

17 Private motor vehicle import tax depends on engine size, year of manufacturing and vehicle
price. Import tax typically increase the vehicle price by 60 per cent to 100 per cent (Ethiopian
Revenue and Customs Authority)
18 BBC
19 Observational Surveys of Risk Factors by JHUIIRU, 2015-2016
20 BIGRS, Road Safety Strategy 2017-2030.

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 5

and long signal cycles contribute to speeding. Lane misalignment causes
bottlenecks and unpredictable vehicle movement, while street markings
and signage at intersections are inadequate. Good intersection design
could dramatically reduce road injuries and fatalities while at the same
time improving public transport and vehicle flow and unlocking civic and
economic potential. Finally, a lack of dedicated public transport lanes and
loading and unloading areas create unsafe conditions for public transport
riders and add to congestion.
The trend toward increasing motorisation is especially concerning for chil-
dren, for whom increasing use of personal motor vehicles consumes safe
spaces for play and travel. There are fewer opportunities for children to
engage in physical activity, such as walking or biking to school, because
of long travel distances and hazardous streets. In many cases, a child’s
personal mobility extends no farther than the edge of a residential neigh-
bourhood or compound. Urgent interventions are needed to address the
need for high-quality walking and cycling facilities across Addis Ababa.

Figure 5. Data on traffic crashes indicate a high number of fatalities,

particularly on high-speed corridors such as the ring road.

6 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

Figure 6. Transport challenges in Addis Ababa (clockwise from top left): local air pollution; children
navigating a wide intersection without refuge islands at Dembel; a street without cycle tracks; a
dangerous pedestrian crossing on Bole Rd; and parking encroachments on a footpath in Ayat.

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 7

Making non-motorised modes of transport viable and convenient requires
rebalancing street space so that it caters to all modes transport. The phys-
ical design of streets and the provision of sidewalks, crossings, and other
walking infrastructure is crucial to creating a high-quality walking environ-
ment. Accommodating NMT involves two basic techniques:
• Systematic traffic calming on smaller streets to reduce motor vehicle
speeds and provide safe places for the mixing of pedestrians and other
modes (shared lanes); and,
• Pedestrian and cycle infrastructure that is physically separated from
motor vehicle traffic on larger streets, paired with traffic calming or
traffic control to facilitate safe crossings. Pedestrian footpaths should
provide clear space for walking, with other elements positioned in a
strategic manner. These elements include paving, landscape planting,
street lighting, street furniture, public facilities, underground utility ac-
cess points, and other sidewalk amenities. There are also features that
make streets more accessible, including curb ramps, tactile paving, and
accessible traffic signs. Similarly, dedicated cycle tracks should be pro-
vided, separate from the mixed traffic carriageway. Large streets require
signalisation or traffic calming at crossings and intersections to enable
pedestrians and cyclists to cross the street safely.
The Addis Ababa Master Plan, developed by the Addis Ababa City Govern-
ment Plan Commission, incorporates provisions for NMT, recommending

Shared lane Shared Footpath Carriageway Bus rapid transit Cycle track

Slower Faster Slower

Slow zone Slow zone Mobility zone Slow zone

Figure 7. Smaller streets can function as shared spaces where pedestrians walk together with
slow-moving vehicles (left). On larger streets with heavy vehicles and faster speeds, separate space
for pedestrians and cycles is needed (below).

8 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

Figure 8. Speed reduction is critical for safe pedestrian environments be-
cause the chance of pedestrian death in a collision increases dramatically
when vehicle speeds exceed 30 km/h.

that cross sections for streets in the city centre allocate 60 percent of the
right-of-way to footpaths, cycle tracks, and other NMT facilities.
Safe street design also aims to encourage moderate vehicle speeds. Street
designs that reduce motor vehicle speeds can significantly improve pedes-
trian safety since the likelihood of pedestrian death in a traffic collision
increases dramatically when motor vehicle speeds rise above 30 km/h. A
pedestrian has a 90 per cent chance of surviving being hit by a car travel-
ling less than 30 km/h, but only a 50 per cent chance of surviving impacts
at 45 km/h.21
A high-quality NMT environment recognises city streets not just as spaces
for the movement of vehicles but also as inter-connected spaces where
people walk, talk, cycle, shop and perform the multitude of functions that
are critical to the health of cities. Streets are the most valuable assets in
any city and maximising their potential requires a “complete” approach
to street planning and design. This can be achieved by applying a set of
well-defined principles and standards that target street design, building
design, and network design.

21 WHO (2013). Pedestrian Safety: A Road Safety Manual for Decision-Makers and Practitioners.

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 9

Addis Ababa has adopted the following vision for NMT in the city:

Addis Ababa will provide safe, efficient, and accessible pedestrian

and cycling networks to improve access to opportunities and mo-
bility for all residents, foster equitable allocation of street space,
and create a dignified walking and cycling environment.

Investment in high-quality NMT facilities is expected to yield numerous

benefits, including improved convenience for pedestrians; a reduction in
fatalities and injuries from traffic collisions; improved economic vitality;
cost savings for the government; improved public health; greater social
cohesion; enhanced security in the public realm; foreign exchange savings
due to reduced fuel use; and reduced emissions of local air pollution and
greenhouse gases.
The following table summarises the key goals that AARTB aims to achieve
over the next ten years. Central to achieving these outcomes is a holis-
tic approach to NMT promotion, incorporating a variety of interventions
ranging from infrastructure improvements to more effective street man-
agement. Besides the NMT initiatives outlined in this Strategy, improved
public transport services will form the backbone of a sustainable trans-
port system in the city and are critical to meeting the targets listed below.

Table 1. Ten-year goals for an improved NMT environment

Goal Contributing actions Targets for 2028

• Safe crossings, redesigned • Fatalities of pedestrians and
Improved road safety intersections, and dedicated cyclists are reduced 80 percent
facilities for NMT below 2018 levels
• Mode share of NMT remains at
Increased mode • Investments in high-quality walking or above 60% of trips
share of walking, and cycling facilities • Public transport constitutes
cycling, and public • Improved last-mile connectivity to 80% of motorised trips
transport public transport • Women constitute 50% of
Reduction in the use • Measures to manage vehicle use • Vehicle kilometres travelled
of personal motor • Improved attractiveness of (VKT) by PMVs are no more than
vehicles (PMV) sustainable modes 2018 levels
• WHO ambient air quality norms
• Investments in high-quality walking are met 350 days a year
Improved air quality and cycling facilities • Greenhouse gas emissions
• Measures to manage vehicle use follow the targets set in
Ethiopia’s NDC

10 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy



All major streets in Addis Ababa require high-quality footpaths. Well-
planned footpaths provide continuous space for walking. They also sup-
port other activities such as street vending and waiting at bus stops with-
out compromising pedestrian mobility. The success of a footpath depends
on the integration of multiple elements in a coherent design. Footpaths
need to be unobstructed, continuous, shaded, and well lit. Footpaths
should consist of three zones:
• The frontage zone provides a buffer between street-side activities and
the pedestrian zone.
• The pedestrian zone provides continuous space for walking. The pedes-
trian zone should be clear of any obstructions, level differences, or oth-
er obstacles to pedestrian movement and should have a clear width of
at least 2 m. Larger widths are required in areas with high pedestrian
• The furniture zone offers space for trees, furniture, lights, bus stops,
signs, benches, public toilets, and private property access ramps.
In addition, footpaths should have a moderate height above the carriage-
way level and should have a smooth surface. Footpaths and crossings
should be designed without abrupt level differences, especially at proper-
ty entrances and intersections, to ensure that the pedestrian environment
is accessible to persons with disabilities. For persons with visual impair-

Frontage Pedestrian Furniture

zone zone (2 m) zone

Frontage Pedestrian Furniture

zone zone (4 m) zone

Figure 9. Well-design footpaths have three main zones: the frontage zone, pedestrian zone, and the
furniture zone. The width of the pedestrian zone is context-specific and should be at least 2 m.

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 11

ments, tactile paving can be installed to indicate locations where vehicles
and pedestrians interact.
Crossings and junctions are also essential components of a well-connect-
ed street network. When properly designed, crossings and junctions allow
pedestrians, cyclists, and other NMT users to cross busy streets safely and
conveniently. At points where pedestrians need to cross multiple lanes of
traffic, it is important to reduce vehicle speeds to safe levels (e.g. below
15 km/h) or incorporate signals to stop traffic. Refuge islands should be
provided whenever pedestrians need to cross more than two traffic lanes
at a time. Crossings also require proper signage and road markings.
In many parts of Addis Ababa, barriers have been erected to prevent pe-
destrians and cyclists from crossing at grade. NMT users are thereby forced
to use footbridges. Such facilities are poorly lit, often devoid of users, and
potentially unsafe with regard to sexual assault and theft. Footbridges and
subways are inconvenient to use and increase barriers to persons with dis-
abilities, people carrying luggage, and parents with strollers. Ramps may
be installed to accommodate wheelchairs and bicyclists, but long crossing
distances and steep slopes still discourage use. Thus, footbridges should
be provided only on high-speed expressways where no access for pedes-
trians and cyclists is permitted. In other cases, street designs should in-
corporate safe at-grade crossings that are accessible to all.
Many recently constructed streets in Addis Ababa have basic footpaths,
often with generous widths of up to 5 m. However, these streets lack other

Figure 10. Tabletop crossings that are raised to the level of the footpath reduce vehicle speeds and
offer universal access for pedestrians. Bulb-outs into the parking lane reduce the crossing distance.

12 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

essential elements of a high-quality walking environment, including safe
intersections, mid-block crossings, universal access features, and contin-
uous tree cover. In addition, haphazard arrangement of light poles, utility
elements, and vending compromises footpath usability. Street lighting is
typically poor, contributing to poor personal security.
Under this initiative, AARTB will develop a continuous and complete pe-
destrian environment on all streets with high speed differentials and safe-
ty risks—typically those with a right-of-way (ROW) of 20 m and above. Some
narrower streets with high traffic and pedestrian volumes also require
dedicated footpaths. (On streets without dedicated footpaths, shared
space designs with traffic calming are needed to allow pedestrians and
vehicles to mix.) Implementation phasing will prioritise streets with large
volumes of pedestrians and streets in school zones with large numbers of
children present. Wide footpaths and safe crossings will be developed on
all planned BRT corridors, and existing footpaths on LRT corridors will be

ff 600 km of new and existing streets incorporate a continuous pe-
destrian realm with high-quality footpaths, safe at-grade cross-
ings, and adequate street lighting.
ff All schools have safe pedestrian access.

Figure 11. Implementation of footpaths and pedestrian crossings will pri-

oritise streets with a ROW of 20 m or above, beginning in locations with
high pedestrian volumes, school zones, and rapid transit lines.

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 13

In areas where the demand for pedestrian activity is the greatest, AARTB
can develop pedestrian priority precincts with improved footpaths, pe-
destrian crossings, and public space. These zones should use bollards and
other barriers to physically prevent vehicles from encroaching on NMT
space. Pedestrian priority precincts must ensure compliance with disa-
bility access guidelines and provide adequate cycle parking. High-priority
locations for pedestrian precincts include the following:
• Piazza, the old economic heart of Addis Ababa, continues to thrive to-
day. Piazza’s architecture and urban form are a legacy of Italian influ-
ence. Street designs have failed to evolve and adapt to the ever-increas-
ing number of pedestrians and vehicles. Piazza is a centre of activity
with many restaurants, bars, shops, and small industries. A network of
pedestrian-only, shared, and public transport streets can enhance the
walking environment. Physical improvements should be complemented
with access policies for freight loading.
• Megenagna, located east of the city centre, serves as one of Addis Aba-
ba’s biggest intra- and intercity public transport terminals. The area
generates exceptionally high pedestrian volumes yet has poor walking
facilities. Footpaths should be widened and resurfaced. Large intersec-
tion spaces are in urgent need of improved crossings and refuge islands.
Parking areas can be re-purposed as pedestrian spaces.

Figure 12. Improvements in the walking environment can help accommodate the large numbers of
pedestrians in busy commercial districts like Piazza.

14 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

Figure 13. Wider footpaths and organised vending areas are urgently needed in the busy Merkato

• Merkato: Popularly known as the biggest open-air market in Africa, Mer-

kato is a bustling commercial district. The area enjoys connectivity to
the existing LRT, the planned B2 BRT corridor, and numerous bus and
public taxi stops. The pedestrian environment can be enhanced through
improved drainage, wider footpaths, the pedestrianisation of some
streets, and proper public transport stops.
• Churchill South is a financial and office district characterised by car-ori-
ented streets and a lack of accessible footpaths and safe crossings.
Obstructions are frequent, in the form of displaced street paving and
poorly located tree pits. The Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety
(BIGRS) with support from the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture (EiABC)
has prepared designs for Churchill Avenue and Urael-Sarbet Street for
better public use and the project. The vision is for a more people-ori-
ented street network, offering improved walkability, great public spaces,
and universal access.

ff Pedestrian zones, public spaces, and comprehensive street im-
provements implemented in Piazza, Megenagna, Merkato, and
Churchill South.

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 15

Cycling is a sustainable non-motorised mode of transport. Cycles offer
low-cost, pollution-free mobility and occupy just one tenth of a car space.
Cycling in a segregated track is often faster than using a private motor
vehicle, particularly for short- to medium-distance trips in urban environ-
Currently, cyclists witness inconvenience and safety hazards from fast-
er moving traffic. Especially on wider streets, dedicated cycle tracks are
needed to create a safe and convenient cycling environment that can
attract new users. Cycle tracks also will benefit persons with disabilities
who use non-motorised tricycles and can accommodate emerging modes
such as electric scooters. Cycle tracks require physical separation from the
carriageway—painted lanes and “sharrows” are not sufficient to provide a
safe cycling environment. Cycle tracks track should have sufficient clear
width for cycle movement, a smooth surface material (concrete or asphalt,
but not paver blocks), shade from trees, an elevation above the carriage-
way, smooth transitions where level differences are present, and a buffer
between the track and carriageway. Wider cycle tracks are needed to ac-
commodate two-way movement. Cycle tracks should incorporate proper
signage and road markings.
On smaller streets, separate cycle tracks may not be needed. Instead, traf-
Figure 14. Cycle tracks fic calming in the form of speed bumps, chicanes, and other elements can
should be physically help to reduce motor vehicle speeds, making it easier for cyclists and ve-
separated from traffic hicles to travel together.
lanes and should be
elevated above the The planned network of cycle tracks will cover key urban corridors, in-
carriageway. cluding arterial roads (generally with a ROW above 30 m, with two lanes

Figure 15. Dedicated cycle tracks can improve safety and encourage new users to take up cycling.

16 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

of mixed traffic per direction). These corridors are easily accessible from
surrounding residential areas and help connect high density residential
areas to commercial districts. The network also will to facilitate first- and
last-mile trips to LRT, BRT, and public transport terminals. Implementation
phasing will prioritise streets near rapid transit corridors as well as streets
with high cycle volumes, particularly those within the coverage area of the
bicycle sharing system.

ff 200 km of cycle tracks constructed.

Figure 16. Cycle tracks will be built along streets with heavy vehicle traf-
fic. Implementation will prioritise streets with large cycle volumes, streets
near bicycle sharing stations, and streets along rapid transit corridors.

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 17

To supplement walking and cycling improvements on city streets, open
spaces in the city can be developed as NMT corridors that support com-
muting as well as recreational uses. The term “greenway” is used to de-
scribe walkways and cycle paths that utilise an independent right-of-way
(ROW), such as in a park or water body. In this way, greenways can provide
safe, convenient connectivity to important destinations, such as schools,
colleges, and markets.
The presence of several rivers across Addis Ababa presents the opportu-
nity to build a network of high-quality greenways that improve mobility
for all NMT users while creating vibrant public spaces. Waterways can be
cleaned through interception sewers and the removal of encroachments.
Greenways should incorporate universally accessible walkways and ded-
icated cycle tracks, both of which should offer ample width for two-way
movement and should be integrated into NMT networks along adjacent

ff 20 km greenway network implemented.

Figure 17. Greenways can offer pedestrian and cycling paths along clean waterways.

18 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

Well-designed crossings allow pedestrians to cross busy streets safely and
conveniently. For LRT and BRT lines in Addis Ababa to function well, peo-
ple must have safe access to stations. At-grade crossings are the preferred
mode of access for rapid transit stations. Pedestrian crossings at rapid
transit stations must meet the following standards:
• A raised crosswalk should be provided, elevated to the level of the ad-
jacent footpath (i.e., 150 mm above carriageway) with a speed table for
motor vehicles. The slope for vehicles should be at least 1:8. Since table-
top crossings may alter the flow of storm water, they should incorporate
measures to maintain effective drainage.
• At unsignalised crossings, pedestrians should not have to cross more
than two lanes of traffic before reaching a pedestrian refuge. On streets
with more traffic lanes, signalised crosswalks should be provided.
• Speed bumps in mixed traffic lanes in advance of pedestrian crossings
can help reduce motor vehicle speeds further.
Another important element of public transport access is the placement
of bus shelters in the streetscape. Recently installed bus shelters some-
times reduce the clear width available on footpaths, forcing pedestrians
to walk in the carriageway. In addition, many shelters have been installed
at a different level from the surrounding pavement, making it difficult for

Figure 18. Safe at-grade pedestrian crossings, such as this speed table crossing in Dar es Salaam,
provide easy, convenient access to rapid transit stations.

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 19

Figure 19. The placement of bus shelters should ensure sufficient clear space behind the shelter for
pedestrians and cyclists. Bus stops should be sized per local public transport demand.

persons with disabilities to benefit from the shelters. Well-designed bus

stops offer a comfortable, weather-protected, universally accessible wait-
ing area for public transport passengers while leaving ample clear space
for pedestrian and bicycle movement behind the shelter.
The provision of bicycle parking at rapid transit stations and bus terminals
can further improve last-mile access. At major terminals, parking can be
provided within the paid area to improve security.

ff Safe, at-grade pedestrian crossings with traffic calming or sig-
nalisation implemented at all BRT and LRT stations.
ff High-quality bus shelters installed at all bus stops and integrat-
ed the design of footpaths and cycle tracks.
ff Bicycle parking provided at BRT and LRT stations.

20 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

In 2017, Addis Ababa launched the Safe Intersections Program (SIP), an ini-
tiative developed to help reach targets identified in the Addis Ababa Road
Safety Strategy and Action Plan by re-designing the city’s intersections to
protect pedestrians and encourage safe driving. The SIP is using the fol-
lowing design strategies:
• Tightening corner radii. Narrowing corner radii reduces vehicle turning
speeds as well as pedestrian crossing distances. Minimizing the size of a
corner radius is critical to creating safe and compact intersections.
• Adding medians and refuge islands. Raised centre medians and pedes-
trian refuge islands can be used to reduce lane width for vehicles, even
on relatively narrow streets. They can also be used to organize traffic at
intersections or to block access at strategic points.
• Creating direct pedestrian crossings. Pedestrian crossings should be
aligned as closely as possible with the pedestrian clear path. Inconven-
ient deviations create an unfriendly pedestrian environment.
• Narrowing and aligning travel lanes. Compact intersections encourage
predictable vehicle movements and increase visibility for all users. Nar-
rowing travel lanes helps to slow vehicle traffic, while aligning lanes
coming in and out of an intersection can help encourage efficient move-
ment of traffic.

Figure 20. Pilot retrofits at Le Gare have demonstrated how reduced turning radii and crossing dis-
tances can improve pedestrian safety.

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 21

• Reclaiming underutilised space. Following the above recommendations
enables the reclamation of underutilised space, which can then be
re-purposed to create public spaces, provide designated locations for
vendors, or add safe transit stops.
These strategies are being tested on a variety of intersections. Temporary
interventions have helped to evaluate changes in street geometry, intro-
duce planners and end users alike to new street designs. The interven-
tions already have proven to be effective at slowing vehicle movement,
providing safe spaces for pedestrians, and improving public perception of
the city’s streets. Lessons from the temporary interventions should be in-
corporated into design approaches for designing, building, and retrofitting
intersections across Addis Ababa.

ff All intersections on the arterial road network in Addis Ababa are
designed for pedestrian and cyclist safety and access.

Figure 21. An intersection retrofit at Sebategna.

22 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

Bicycle sharing will improve last-mile connectivity to public transport
and serve short trips in central Addis Ababa through a safe, healthy, and
environmentally friendly means of transport. To address the challenges
encountered during the earlier bicycle rental pilot, the bicycle sharing sys-
tem will employ the following best practice features:
• A dense network of stations across the coverage area.
• Cycles with specially designed parts and sizes to discourage theft.
• An automated locking system that allows users to check out cycles with-
out the need for staffing at stations.
• IT systems to track where a cycle is picked up, where it is returned, and
the user’s identity.
• Real-time user information provided through various platforms, includ-
ing the web, mobile phones, and/or on-site terminals.
• Real-time monitoring of station occupancy rates, used to guide the re-
distribution of cycles.
• Advertising space on cycles and at stations to generate revenue.
• Pricing structures that incentivise short trips, helping to maximise the
number of trips per cycle per day.

Figure 22. Bicycle sharing can improve last-mile connectivity and serve short trips. A user checks
out a cycle using a smart phone or RFID-enabled smart card and can return it to any other station.

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 23

In its first phase, the bicycle sharing system will serve central areas such
as Mexico, Meskel Square, Bole, and Urael/Atlas. An additional pilot zone
will be launched in a condominium area. The system will begin with 500
cycles and will be expanded in future phases, eventually reaching upwards
of 10,000 cycles and serving all of central Addis Ababa. Stations will be
placed at frequent intervals, serving public transport hubs; offices and
institutions; healthcare facilities; educational institutions; cultural hubs,
and tourist destinations. Close station spacing reduces the distance that a
user has to walk to access the bicycle sharing system.
The system will target user groups including commuters who travel by pub-
lic transport and need a “last mile” option to reach their final destinations;
workers and students who need to make short-distance errands during
the day; and tourists who will use the bicycles to explore the city centre.
People who already use bicycles will benefit from “safety in numbers” once
the bicycle sharing system begins to generate a larger number of cycling
trips in the city. In addition, bicycle sharing stations can be paired with
parking areas for personal cycles. The project will provide an employment
opportunity to the poor, particularly in the form of the semi-skilled labour
in support of system operations.
The registration system will incorporate safeguards to accommodate vul-
nerable users. While the majority of users may access the system through
the website or station terminals, it is important to have a face-to-face
platform at a central location where users can subscribe to the system and
make payments. Through creative approaches to user registration, pay-
ment, and system management, the project will overcome implementation
barriers related to purchasing power, credit card/debit card penetration,

Front basket seat post

Chain guard
Docking mechanism
with RFID tag Mudguards and
Sturdy tyres
Internal gears
Drum brakes
Special parts to Step-through Safe pedals Protected
protect against frame components
theft & vandalism
Figure 23. A unique, unisex, robust bicycle design is critical. Such as design increases brand aware-
ness and allows the bicycle to be used by anyone.

24 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

Figure 24. The bicycle sharing system will be launched with 500 cycles in central Addis Ababa and a
condominium area and will be expanded in subsequent phases (red = large stations, yellow = medi-
um stations, green = small stations).

smartphone penetration, and security.

Following the completion of preparatory activities, AARTB will contract a
private operator to install the system and handle day-to-day operations
and maintenance over a six-year period. To ensure long-term sustainabil-
ity of the project, AARTB will identify full-time staff to manage the bicycle
sharing system. The system will be funded through a combination of rev-
enue sources, including advertising, sponsorships, user fees, and the city
The launch of the system will be accompanied by a number of communica-
tions and outreach activities aimed at encouraging use of the system, par-
ticularly among women, and building a stronger cycling culture in the city.

ff 10,000 shared bicycles serve short trips and improve last-mile
connectivity to public transport.

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 25

On-street parking should be provided only after adequate provisions have
been made for higher priority transport modes, including walking, cycling,
and public transport. Where on-street parking is provided, market-based
parking fees can help manage demand. In addition, robust parking en-
forcement mechanisms are needed to ensure that walking and cycling fa-
cilities, once built, remain well maintained and free of encroachments.
Over time, the rationalisation of on-street parking can help reclaim street
space for sustainable modes and manage the use of personal motor ve-
Existing parking fees are very low, ranging from ETB 1-6 per hour. At such
low levels, parking fees have a minimal impact on parking demand. Pay-
ment is manual and the city lacks a formal mechanism for the enforcement
of parking rules. As a result, chaotic vehicle parking compromises the mo-
bility function of streets, occupying space that could otherwise facilitate
mobility of public transport, pedestrians, and cyclists. Double parking and
parking on footpaths are common in busy commercial areas. The city does
not receive meaningful compensation for the use of valuable public space
by private vehicles.
The Traffic Management Agency (TMA) is currently developing a parking
management strategy for the city. Successful implementation of a parking
management system will rest on an effective service contract with parking
operators. Parking management also involves providing clear, consistent
customer information on parking rules and fee levels. Parking fees should
be set according to demand, with higher fees in areas with higher parking
demand. Revenue gained from parking fees can help fund street improve-
ments such as footpath maintenance and tree planting, helping to estab-
lish local buy-in for parking management.
The new management system will incorporate the following elements:
• Hand-held devices that field executives will use to administer parking
fees and the enforcement personnel will use to check whether vehicles
have paid the requisite parking fees. The devices will be used to issue
fines in cases of default.
• Management software will serve as the interface between the field exec-
utives, system managers, and the municipal corporation.
• On-street signage, consisting of static signs indicating the parking rules
on each stretch of road as well as dynamic message boards alerting driv-
ers about the available capacity in nearby parking facilities.
• Customer centres, a telephone hotline, and a mobile app to offer live
information on parking availability and customer service.
Enforcement can be improved through IT-based monitoring of enforce-
ment agents, such that the government receives regular updates on the
number of vehicles checked, the payment status, and the number of en-
forcement events. Individual attendants will be tracked through a GPS-
based system, with minimum benchmarks for the number of vehicles to
be checked each hour. To have a meaningful impact on parking behaviour,

26 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

Figure 25. IT-based parking enforcement can improve compliance and prevent revenue leakage. The
map shows the real-time locations of parking attendants in Budapest.

fines for parking in no-parking areas should be increased. Physical meas-

ures are also needed to supplement enforcement activities. In particular,
bollards and other physical measures are needed to prevent cars from
parking on footpaths and cycle tracks. In commercial areas, car parking
spaces can be replaced with bicycle parking.
On-street parking management can complement efforts to manage the
overall supply of parking. The restriction and control of parking within
developments, especially in areas which are readily accessible by other
modes of transport, can help promote more sustainable choices and re-
lease land for more productive uses. Minimum off-street parking require-
ments should be omitted from development control regulations, and
parking maximums should be introduced for locations along major public
transport corridors. Moving forward, the government will avoid creating
new off-street parking spaces to the private sector rather. Park and ride
facilities will be provided only at terminal rapid transit stations until such
station areas are redeveloped with affordable housing and other higher
priority land uses.

ff 30,000 on-street spaces are managed through an IT-based park-
ing system, generating revenue for sustainable transport.
ff Bollards are installed on all footpaths at high risk of parking en-

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 27

Street vending provides essential goods and services to a wide range of
the population. It also makes public space safer by contributing “eyes on
the street,” particularly on streets lined with compound walls. If designed
properly, vending can be accommodated in the streetscape without inter-
fering with other uses. The furniture zone of the footpath or a bulbout in
the parking lane are ideal locations for vending.
The use of parking lanes, furniture zones, and public spaces for organised
street vending can help ensure that clear space remains for the movement
of pedestrians and cyclists. The city can issue licenses to street vendors,
set standards for vending stands, and monitor the upkeep of vending are-
as. Formalising the relationship between the government and vendors will
improve compliance with vending norms and ensure that vending does
not interfere with NMT movement.

ff A comprehensive street vending management system ensures
that organised vending complements other road uses.

Figure 26. Street vending provides essential goods and can be enhanced through formal manage-
ment measures.

28 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

The Addis Ababa City Roads Authority (AACRA) Design Manuals comprise
several volumes that provide guidance on geometry, drainage, road re-
habilitation, and other elements of the NMT environment.22 During an
planned revision of the manuals, attention should be given to updating
the following elements to ensure that the manuals reflect best practices:
• Geometric Design Manual:
• Design speeds: The recommended design speeds for arterial, sub-ar-
terial, and collector roads are too fast to ensure safety for pedestrians
and cyclists and should be reduced.
• Footpath geometry: The manual should clarify the zoning system as
a framework for footpath design and should recommend a minimum
clear width of 2 m on all footpaths.
• Cycle track geometry: Guidance on cycle track design should be added
to the manual.
• Pedestrian crossings: The Manual should encourage the use of at-
grade crossings and incorporate specific guidance on the use of traffic
calming and signalisation to improve safety.
• Intersections: The manual should provide guidance on intersection
design elements such as pedestrian crossings, refuge islands, accessi-
bility ramps, corner radii, kerb extensions, and public transport stops/
• Carriageway design: The revised manual will incorporate nuanced
guidance on carriageway lane widths, indicating how narrower lanes
can improve safety while accommodating buses and trucks.
• In many cases, the manual presents multiple options, but does not
necessarily recommend which is best to implement. The manual
should provide clear recommendations and minimum design stand-
ards to help guide the design review process (see section 6.2).
• Street Lighting Design Manual: The document should provide informa-
tion on lighting requirements on pedestrian footpaths.
• Bridge Design Manual: The Manual should provide guidance on how to
integrate pedestrian or bicycle access when designing bridges.

ff Revised Urban Geometric Design, Street Lighting Design, and
Bridge Design Manuals incorporate best practice standards for
walking and cycling design.

22 Addis Ababa City Roads Authority. (2004). Design Manuals, Standard Contract Documents and

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 29

The built environment surrounding pedestrian routes must be conducive
to walking. Walking is safer and more enjoyable when sidewalks are popu-
lated, animated, and lined with useful ground-floor activities such as store
fronts and restaurants. In turn, being closer to passing pedestrians and
cyclists increases the exposure and vitality of local retail, bringing signifi-
cant economic benefits.
Architectural design elements such as building setbacks, the ratio of
building height to street width, and the articulation and permeability of
building street wall (i.e., the number of doors and windows) have a major
impact on the quality and safety of pedestrian spaces. Blank compound
walls isolate the street from private uses and contribute to unsafe condi-
tions for pedestrians. Similarly, parking setbacks diminish the connection
between pedestrian activity on a footpath and activity inside adjacent
buildings. They also increase the risk of parking encroachments on foot-
paths. Building control regulations for Addis Ababa should be updated to
ensure that private developments contribute to the public realm rather
than functioning as isolated islands of activity.
Besides active façades, another key to mobility for NMT users is a high
ratio of intersection nodes to road links so that streets and pathways are
well connected. The maximum recommended block size for people friend-
ly streets is 100 m.23 Prioritised connectivity creates finer grained networks
for walking, including pedestrian-only streets. A fine-grained walking and
cycling network helps to reduce trip distances and improves access to
public transport.
In Addis Ababa, many traditional neighbourhoods have organic street net-
works with closely spaced pedestrian access routes. However, connectivity
is often lost when these neighbourhoods are redeveloped and informal
layouts are amalgamated into large parcels surrounded by compound
walls. Moving forward, the redevelopment process should maintain fine-
grained street networks, ensuring that parcels are no larger than 100 m
on a side after amalgamation. The manual for Local Development Plans
(LDPs) should be updated to emphasise the need for fine-grained walking
and cycling networks.
Land use policies should encourage transit-oriented development (TOD)
within walking distance (i.e., 500 m) of mass rapid transit lines. TOD poli-
cies can include affordable housing mandates, incentives for mixed use,
and restrictions on off-street parking. All of these principles should be
taken into account when preparing layouts and designs for condominium

23 Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. (2017). The TOD Standard. Retrieved from

30 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

Figure 27. Planning and building control regulations should encourage active façades and mixed
land use to create a safer and more attractive pedestrian environment.

ff Condominium projects incorporate compact layouts and im-
prove NMT access to planned public transport corridors.
ff Building control regulations encourage active frontage; reduced
setback requirements; ensure that setbacks are publicly acces-
sible; mandate arcades along commercial streets; and mandate
a maximum block size of 100 m for all redevelopment projects.
ff Land use policies to encourage transit-oriented development
(TOD) within 500 m of existing and planned mass rapid transit
corridors. TOD elements will include affordable housing man-
dates, higher allowed densities, and maximum off-street parking

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 31

Communications and engagement activities will play a key role in building
public support for the NMT Strategy. Effective messaging about NMT and
public activities can build enthusiasm for NMT use and can begin to fos-
ter a changed culture that accepts walking and cycling as integral modes
of transport. In addition, participation of local residents, businesses, and
other stakeholders in the planning and design of streets can help improve
transparency and foster the community’s active use and sense of owner-
ship of public spaces. Communications and outreach activities will include
the following:
• Open streets events will help introduce the idea of streets as spaces that
provide equitable access for all users. During such events, where private
motor vehicles are temporarily banned and streets are opened for ex-
clusive access by pedestrians and cyclists. "Ciclovías" first emerged in
Bogotá, Colombia, in 1974, as an informal organised protest against the
negative effects of building cities for cars instead of people. Today, over
121 km of streets are closed to motor vehicle traffic every Sunday. Pro-
grammed activities during open streets events can include health and
fitness activities, dance classes, bicycle maintenance clinics, inclusive
recreation, and arts activities.
• Marketing campaigns will raise the profile of walking and cycling, en-
courage usage of the city's bicycle sharing system, and encourage safe
driving among motor vehicle drivers.

Figure 28. Open streets events such as those in Mexico City re-purpose streets for walking, cycling,
and other healthy activities.

32 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

Figure 29. A participatory planning process can increase stakeholder buy-in and generate creative
input for ongoing transport projects.

• Cycle trainings can introduce safe cycling techniques and encourage rid-
ership among new users, especially women and youth.
• Sustainable commuting days for AARTB staff will expose city engineers
and planners to issues faced by NMT and public transport users and will
give an opportunity for Bureau staff to "lead by example."
• Use of bicycles by city officials, including the Addis Ababa Police, will
help change the image of cycling.
• Participatory planning activities will give community members a chance
to offer input on plans and designs for NMT projects. AARTB will adopt
an open data policy to improve access to information.

ff Regular open streets events offer safe space for walking, cycling,
and other forms of recreation.
ff Active marketing campaigns transform the image of NMT and
drive growing usage of the bicycle sharing system.
ff City residents have open access to information regarding ongo-
ing transport projects and participate actively in the planning

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 33



A number of agencies have important roles to play in the implementation
of the NMT Strategy, as described in the following table.

Table 1. Roles in implementation of the NMT Strategy

Agency Role
Addis Ababa Road
• Provide political leadership and general oversight toward
and Transport Bureau
implementation of the NMT Strategy.
• Prepare and review plans and designs for transport projects.
Transport Programs • Develop and disseminate transport policies and standards.
Management Office • Host the NMT Cell.
(TPMO) • Monitor progress over time and update the NMT Strategy
Implementation Plan periodically.
Addis Ababa City Roads
• Design and implement high-quality walking and cycling facilities.
Authority (AACRA)
• Develop and maintain street landscaping.
Beautification Agency
• Maintain storm water facilities.
• Regulate traffic operations.
Addis Ababa Traffic Man- • Oversee operations of the on-street parking management system.
agement Agency (TMA) • Implement traffic calming facilities, including safe intersections,
speed bumps, and pedestrian crossings.
• Station installation, user fee determination, and service level
Transport Authority
monitoring for the bicycle sharing system.
Rivers and Riversides
• Develop greenway corridors with continuous walking and cycling
Development Project
Traffic Police • Control and manage traffic operations.
Construction Bureau • Develop pedestrian friendly building control rules.
Plan Commission • Develop pedestrian friendly planning regulations.
• Manage street vending.
Code Enforcement Office
• Prevent encroachments on NMT facilities.
Construction and Hous-
• Develop pedestrian friendly layouts for social housing projects.
ing Development Bureau
• Coordinate with stakeholders on road safety initiatives related to
Road Safety Council
the walking and cycling environment.

34 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

To help facilitate implementation of the Strategy, an NMT Unit will be
formed within TPMO. The NMT Unit will be tasked with the following ac-
• Coordination among agencies responsible for planning, design, man-
agement, and maintenance of the NMT environment.
• Review of policies and standards for NMT facilities.
• Monitoring and evaluation of the NMT environment and review of pro-
gress toward the goals outlined in the NMT Strategy.
• Periodic review and revision of the NMT Strategy and Action Plan.
Through period inter-agency meetings, the NMT Unit can serve as a forum
for discussions about multiple issues surrounding pedestrian mobility. By
bringing stakeholders together on a regular basis, the group would facili-
tate the sharing of information among implementing agencies.
The NMT Strategy is closely related to the Addis Ababa Road Safety Strate-
gy, recently adopted by the Addis Ababa City Administration. Key elements
of the Road Safety Strategy related to NMT include reduced speed limits;
good quality footpaths, at-grade crossings, and traffic calming elements;
management of pedestrian space to prevent encroachments; NMT im-
provements in school zones; improved enforcement; and awareness cam-
paigns. Close coordination of the activities planned under the two Strate-
gies through the NMT Unit can help achieve optimal results.


In conjunction with the planned revision of the AACRA geometric design
guidelines, design review audits will help ensure that projects comply with
the new guidelines. The NMT Unit in TPMO will coordinate the design re-
view process. Designs that comply with the street design standards will
be approved for implementation. In case of designs that do not comply,
project sponsors will be requested to modify the design or provide a jus-
tification for the chosen design solution, after which the designs must be
submitted to the TPMO Unit for a subsequent review.

Figure 30. The design review process.

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 35

To facilitate access to information about the status of the NMT environ-
ment, Addis Ababa will conduct regular assessments of the walking and
cycling environment. The assessments will cover the following variables:
• Street environment: Footpath presence, footpath height, cycle track
presence, road width, crossing availability, presence of shade, lighting,
landscaping, frontage, etc.
• User counts, behaviour, and perceptions: Counts of pedestrians, cyclists,
and motor vehicles; observation of pedestrian behaviour; and user sur-
• Crash data: Records on vehicle crashes involving pedestrians, including
the location, time of day, and fault vehicle.
This information will be stored in a citywide asset management system
built on a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) platform. The database
will be used to identify the gaps between existing and desirable walking
and cycling facilities and can inform the prioritisation of NMT projects.
Data on the physical environment should be supplemented by citywide
information on mode shares and travel patterns obtained from periodic
household surveys.

36 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

Element Design criteria
• Height of at least 150 mm and no more than 200 mm.
• Minimum 2 m clear width in all locations.
• Wheelchair kerb ramps have a maximum slope of 1:12.
• Bollards installed along the edge of the footpath to
prevent driving and parking on the footpath.
• At least one set of bollards with spacing of 1,200 mm.
• The footpath surface is uniform and non-slippery, with
slope of 1:100 to avoid water stagnation.
• Tactile warning are strips located at transition points
(e.g., mid-block crossings, intersections).
• Physically separated from the carriageway.
• Elevated above the carriageway
Cycle track
• Clear width ≥ 2 m for one-way movement; ≥ 2.5 m for
two-way movement.
• The footpath remains at the same level through
property entrances.
Property • Bollards are installed on either side of each entrance
entrances to prevent driving and parking.
• Property access is provided at a discrete location for
each plot, with a maximum entrance width of 6 m
• Pedestrian crossings at intervals of 100-150 m.
• Crossing are raised to the level of the footpath with
Mid-block ramps for vehicles (minimum slope of 1:8) OR have
crossings kerb ramps at each end of the crossing.
• Median refuge islands are provided at crossing points,
with minimum dimensions of 2 m by 1 m.
• Kerb ramps on all corners of intersections to provide
wheelchair access to the footpath.
• Median refuge islands with minimum dimensions of 2
m by 1 m on all arms with more than 2 lanes to cross.
• Signalisation if any arm has more than 2 lanes to
• Pedestrian crossings are located along desire lines.
• Turning radii are no more than 5 m.
Shade • Tree pits least every 20 m.
Lighting • No dark spots on footpath or carriageway.
• Parking is provided in parallel orientation rather than
angled or perpendicular parking.
• Car parking bay size is no more than 5.0 m x 2.0 m
Street • The design includes designated spaces for organised
vending street vending

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 37

Accessibility: Facilities offered to people to reach social and economic op-
portunities, measured in terms of the time, money, comfort, and safety
that is associated with reaching such opportunities.
Average trip length: The average distance covered by a transport mode for
a trip, measured in kilometres.
Bus rapid transit (BRT): High quality bus-based mass transit system that
delivers fast, comfortable, reliable, and cost-effective urban mobility
through the provision of segregated right-of-way infrastructure, rapid and
frequent operations, and excellence in marketing and customer service.
Complete streets: Streets that are designed for all users, including pedes-
trians, cyclists, public transport passengers, and personal motor vehicles,
including all modes of mobility as well as street vending, trees, street fur-
niture, and other elements.
Greenway: A waterway or strip of land with exclusive facilities for cycling
and walking.
Mass rapid transit (MRT): A high quality public transport system charac-
terized by high capacity, comfort, overall attractiveness, use of technology
in passenger information system, and ensuring reliability using dedicated
right of way for transit vehicles (i.e. rail tracks or bus lanes).
Mobility: Conditions under which an individual is capable to move in the
urban environment. Mode share: The share of total trips carried out by a
particular mode of urban transport, including walking, cycling, bus, par-
atransit, rail, two-wheeler, or car.
Non-motorised transport (NMT): Human-powered transport such as walk-
ing and cycling.
Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC): National pledges to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions per the provisions of the 2015 United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties in
On-street parking: The space occupied by vehicles to park along the edge
of the street.
Paratransit: Service operated by the private sector on a shared or per seat
basis along informally organised routes with intermediate stops. The ser-
vice may or may not have a predefined fare structure. The term “interme-
diate public transport (IPT)” means the same but is avoided in this doc-
ument for consistency. Common paratransit modes include public taxis.
Public transport (PT): Shared passenger vehicles that are publically avail-
able for multiple users. In this document, the term “public transport” is
used to refer to MRT, paratransit, and formal road-based public transport

38 Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy

Parking management: Pricing, enforcement, and other mechanisms used
to guide parking operations to ensure the efficient use of street space.
Right-of-way (ROW): The width of the road, taken from the compound
wall/property edge on one side of the road to the compound wall/proper-
ty edge on the other side of the road.
School zone: All streets and greenways within a 200 m radius of a school.
Sustainable transport modes: The following modes are categorized as
“sustainable modes” of urban transport because when compared with
personal motor vehicles, they consume the least amount of road space
and fuel per person-km and also entail lower infrastructure costs: walking,
cycling, and public transport (including a regular bus service as well as
MRT systems).
Traffic calming: Traffic calming measures ensure pedestrian and vehicle
safety by reducing at least speed and potentially also the volume of motor
vehicles. Traffic calming slows down vehicles through vertical displace-
ment, horizontal displacement, real or perceived narrowing of carriage-
way, material/colour changes that signal conflict points, or the complete
closure of a street.
Vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT): Vehicle kilometres travelled by all the
personal motor vehicles (in a city) in one day.

Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau | Non-Motorised Transport Strategy 39


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