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Esquivel vs.

G.R. No. 79425, April 17, 1989
Paras, J.
Topic: Amendment of Judgment vs. Supplemental Judgment
Case Doctrine/s:

There is a difference between an amended judgment and a supplemental judgment. In an amended and
clarified judgment, the lower court makes a thorough study of the original judgment and renders the amended
and clarified judgment only after considering all the factual and legal issues. The amended and clarified decision
is an entirely new decision which supersedes the original decision.


The action is rooted from an ejectment case wherein herein private respondents was favored and before the
case was executed, the petitioners herein filed for reconveyance which was granted by the CFI of Albay. The
respondent spouses filed for certiorari to set aside the order granting the writ of preliminary injunction. The case
was remanded to the CFI of Albay with the decision of dissolving the injunction. Spouses Esquivel then filed a
supplemental complaint impleading the spouses Encinas. The petitioners then raised the issue to the CA,
praying that the petition be given due course and to have the supplemental case be declared final and
executory, and that the decision against the spouses Encinas be declared null and void.


Whether or not the supplemental complaint amended the original complain and amounts to an
amendment of the original decision



There is a difference between an amended judgment and a supplemental judgment. In an amended and
clarified judgment, the lower court makes a thorough study of the original judgment and renders the amended
and clarified judgment only after considering all the factual and legal issues. The amended and clarified decision
is an entirely new decision which supersedes the original decision.

Following the Court’s differentiation of a supplemental pleading from an amending pleading, it can be said that
a supplemental decision does not take the place or extinguish the existence of the original. As its very name
denotes, it only serves to bolster or adds something to the primary decision. A supplement exists side by side
with the original. It does not replace that which it supplements.

The supplemental decision cannot stand alone as a judgment on the merits as there was no declaration of the
respective rights and duties of the parties. It only declared the supplemental defendants as successors-in-
interest of the defendants in the original complaint, “such that whatever is the result of the appealed case shall
be legally binding upon them …”

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