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Chapter 1: Introduction........................................................................................................................3
OFDM Without CP in Massive MIMO...............................................................................................3



1.3.1 OFDM with CP in Massive MIMO........................................................................................3

1.3.2 OFDM without CP in Masssive MIMO.................................................................................4
1.3.3 OFDM-based OTFS for massive MIMO using 2D matched filter in the delay-Doppler
Chapter 2: Literature Review and Background....................................................................................4
2.1 OFDM.......................................................................................................................................4

2.1.1 Orthogonality.......................................................................................................................4
2.1.2 OFDM modulation and demodulation................................................................................4
2.2 OFDM with CP.............................................................................................................................6

2.2.1 Role of CP in OFDM...............................................................................................................6

2.3 OFDM without CP.......................................................................................................................6

2.4 OTFS Modulation........................................................................................................................7

2.5 Equivalent Channel Response in Delay Doppler Domain...........................................................7

2.6 OFDM based OTFS.......................................................................................................................8

Modelling and Performance Analysis of OFDM...................................................................................9

3.1 Mathematical description of OFDM...........................................................................................9

3.1.1 Insertion and removal of CP in OFDM......................................................................................9

3.1.2 BER analysis of OFDM for 16 QAM as function of SNR....................................................10
3.1.3 BER analysis of OTFS..........................................................................................................11
3.2 Multipath Intensity Profile.......................................................................................................12

3.2.1 Power delay Profile (PDP)..................................................................................................12

3.2.2 Spaced Frequency Correlation...........................................................................................13
3.2.3 Implementing Rayleigh channel with PDP........................................................................13
3.3 Time Reversal and Equalisation...........................................................................................14

3.3.1 Analysis of MRC and ZF utilised in CP-OFDM...................................................................14

3.3.2 OFDM without CP with TR_MRC and TR_ZF Techniques.................................................16
3.3.3 OFDM with CP with ZF and MRC Equalisations................................................................17
Conclusion and future work...............................................................................................................19
4.1 Contribution to the project..................................................................................................19


In this paper, we study the overhead of CP (cyclic prefix) removing possibility in systems of MIMO
(massive multiple-input multiple-output) from the OFDM (Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing).
In this, we include both the downlink also the uplink transmission in the result. Cyclic prefix (CP) absence
raises the efficiency spectral in intercarrier interference (ICI) and inter-symbol interference (ISI) expense.
In MIMO massive it is called that; the multiuser interference and uncorrelated noise effects disappear as
the antennas of base station (BS) number manages to infinity. If distortion of the channel investigate in
CP absence will fade away, study the standard MRC (maximum ratio combining) performance for the
receiver. In such receiver, the analysis reveals that, there remains always few residual interferences
leading to the saturation of ratio of SINR (signal-to-interference-plus-noise). We utilize the technique of
TR (time reversal) as propose for resolving such issue. Furthermore, reducing the multiuser interference,
zero-forcing equalization was proposed to get deployed after combining the TR. Compare the proposed
system achievable rate with CP-OFDM conventional. In the channels that are realistic, from OFDM the
CP is attained by removing the higher spectral efficiency, while decreasing the complexity

Chapter 1: Introduction
OFDM Without CP in Massive MIMO
MASSIVE MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) is a technique for multiuser which enable users to
instantaneously use the similar resources in frequency and time. This substantially enhances the
multiuse networks capacity, for 5G (fifth generation) making it strong candidate technology of networks
that are cellular and the interest topic for the community of research, [5] – [7]. Here, where the base
station (BS) number antennas are much greater than the users number, optimum performance can get
accomplished through the most precoding/detection straightforward methods, specifically, maximum
ratio transmission/combining [5].

In context of massive MIMO, with CP (cyclic prefix) the OFDM (orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing) is attractive due to enables the adaptation of the channel for frequency-selective among
every antenna of MT (mobile terminal) and antennas of BS into the set of channels that are flat-fading
over every band of the subcarrier.

1.3.1 OFDM with CP in Massive MIMO – The data streams of MT can get recognized
from each other throughout the corresponding responses of the channel. Therefore, with massive
MIMO most of literature deals while using OFDM with CP (CP-OFDM) [5], [7] – [9]. Therefore, duration
of CP additional an extra overhead to network and decreases the efficiency of the spectral. Thus,
transmission rate raise, it is advantageous to eradicate from OFDM the duration of CP. Therefore,
intercarrier interference (ICI) and inter-symbol interference (ISI) at expense, enforced by the channel of
multipath. The impact of noises that are uncorrelated also different imperfections/interference types
like phase noise, imperfections that are hardware, information of imperfect channel state, MUI
(multiuser interference), etc., will evaporate the BS antennas number grows big [7], [8]–[9]. Thus, the

main question is: “Can MIMO massive average out ICI and ISI that are introduced in OFDM by multipath
channel without CP?”

1.3.2 OFDM without CP in Masssive MIMO – For investigating the distortions of

channel (i.e., ICI and ISI) in the CP absence that fade away as BS antennas number grows big, primarily
study the conventional frequency-domain performance for combining techniques, like detectors of
MMSE (minimum mean square error), ZF (zero forcing) and MRC (maximum ratio combining [9]. In this
paper, analyse mathematically the performance of SINR (signal-to-interference-plus-noise) ratio of
above detectors from signal of OFDM when CP is eliminated. Our analysis of SINR exposes that when
above combining techniques are employed, the distortions of channel occurring from CP absence, i.e.,
ICI and ISI, do not average out the BS antennas number that are tends to infinity.

1.3.3 OFDM-based OTFS for massive MIMO using 2D matched filter in the delay-
Doppler domain – The two critical issues are Doppler and Multipath effects that require to get solved
in high frequency or high-speed systems of wireless communication, especially in beyond the networks
of 5G mobile/ forthcoming 5G. [1]-[6]. Delay-doppler domain are deployed by OTFS for transmission of
the data rather than the domain of time-frequency. Therefore, the OTFS signal detection challenge is to
contract with ISI in both Doppler and delay dimensions that is affected by the wireless channels of time-
varying. [7]

Chapter 2: Literature Review and Background

2.1 OFDM
2.1.1 Orthogonality – In 1971, by Ebert and Weinstein imposed OFDM with the guard
interval introduction, giving in transmission channels the better orthogonality that is impacting by
multipath propagation.[1] At the low rate of the symbol, through conventional schemes of the
modulation every singal or subcarrier is modulated. In similar bandwidth, same to modulation schemes
of sonventional single-carrier this provides total rates of the data.[2]

The subcarrier spacing that is needed by orthogonality is Hertz, where the useful duration
of the symbol is T U seconds, and positive integer that is = 1 is k. Thus, with subcarriers number N, the
total bandwidth of the passband is B ≈ N*Δf (Hz).

This permits efficiency of high spectral, with total rate of the symbol neat the rate Nyquist for equivalent
signal of the baseband.

2.1.2 OFDM modulation and demodulation - Arioua, M. and Hassani, M.M. in 2014
presents a comparison of multiplicative among the efficient structures of pipeline radix and developed
design of IFFT/FFTs that are applied for OFDM demodulator/modulator to get utilized in systems of IEEE
802.16a and IEEE 802.11a. This helps in reducing the complexity of the multiplicative with utilizing
architecture of the feedback and reducing the complex multiplications approach. Based on architecture
analysis and algorithm of developed IFFT/FFTs efficient and comparison outcomes, low arithmetic
complexity was reached by the proposed designs.

Ye (Geoffrey) Li et al. in 1998 states that OFDM modulation is the method for achieving the rates of high
bit that are needed for a service of wireless multimedia. The estimator of the robust channel can
substantially enhance the OFDM systems performance in a fast channel of dispersive fading.

For wireless LAN and earth digital broadcasting this modulation method named OFDM is utilized.
Multicarrier modulation is the classification given to OFDM modulation. Below applet presents the
spectrum of the OFDM. It takes the sinc function shape.

Modulation principle

Below is the OFDM modulator block diagram of analog circuit. QPSK is the technique used for subcarrier
modulation, and 16 subcarriers are used.

Figure1: Block diagram of OFDM modulator

Demodulation principle

Below figure is the OFDM demodulation block diagram utilizing circuit of analog. The OFDM waves
intermediate frequency utilizing mixer that are down-converted and obtained needed signal with LPF.

Figure 2: Block diagram of OFDM demodulation

2.2 OFDM with CP

2.2.1 Role of CP in OFDM - In [10] and [11], authors use the property that is temporal
focusing of TR and propose the design technique for CP length to the needs that are specific in
underwater channels of acoustic. They balance trade-off among the resulting interference and CP length
because of residual ICI and ISI that are imposed by insufficient CP length. The scope is limited to
underwater networks of small-scale without any multiuser scenario’s consideration. Recently, an
emerging interest in TR application for wireless networks future generation [12]. Therefore, the TR
application has been extensively studied to massive MIMO in single carrier transmission context, e.g.,
[8], [13], [14]. In [15] – [17] CP-OFDM and application of TR has been studied where scenario of single
user MIMO massive is considered by author and it present how TR can get applied to system of CP-
OFDM wither in domain of frequency or time.

2.3 OFDM without CP

OFDM permits zero-forcing straightforward method after TR combining. BY this, level of MUI reduced
significantly and values of SINR can be attained larger as compared to TR techniques that are
conventional, whereas the issue of SINR saturation can also get avoided. Here, we refer TR-MRC for

conventional TR method, whereas with extra ZF equaliation of the TR-based technique is referred with
TR-ZF. Two intervals are used for the coherent channel time for communication system as:

1. data transmission
2. training period.

Here, we consider the period for data transmission and during such period remove the overhead of the
CP. It considers CSI (channel state information) perfect knowledge at BS and assume CP is contained in
training course for establishing the timing synchronization and frequency carrier and attain CSI
accurately. With the help of OFDM without CP higher spectral efficiency can get attained as compared to
the CP-OFDM. Higher rate of information is achieved if TR-ZF and TR-MRC methods are used in OFDM
without CP compared to situation where in CP-OFDM techniques of ZF and MRC detections are used.

2.4 OTFS Modulation

Wireless channel couple optimally with OTFS waveforms in such a way that it captures the channel
physics, yielding constituent reflectors having high-resolution image of delay-Doppler Radar. The
outcome is symmetric coupling among the information and channel that are carrying symbols of QAM. It
contains three fundamental properties:

 Orthogonality
 Separability
 Invariance

Invariance states that pattern of coupling is like all symbols of QAM. Separability states that paths that
are diverse are separated and every symbol of QAM experiences the channel diversity paths. Lastly,
orthogonality states coupling is localized, which states that symbols of QAM remain orthogonal roughly
at receiver to one another.

2.5 Equivalent Channel Response in Delay Doppler Domain

The frequency and time mathematical expression is captured by the uncertainty principle of Heisenberg
which means that signal cannot be localized to any required degree in frequency and time. If any of the
signal if localized in frequency it is non localized in time, vice versa is also applicable. This theory is
presented in below figure. There are signals that desired degree in both the frequency and time,
property that renders them both for wireless communication and multi-target detection of delay-
Doppler Radar. delayDoppler representation is the name given to these special signals. These are special
function type and are on domain of two-dimensional that are known as delay-Doppler plane. The two
variables that are used are (v, τ) where τ is known as delay and v is known as Doppler. [18]

Figure 3: Representation of Frequency and time complementarity

2.6 OFDM based OTFS

Block of M*N OTFS system transmition Doppler-delay quadrature amplitude modulated (QAM) symbols
of data x k ,l where l= 0,…..N-1 and k = 0, . . . , M – 1below equation for domain of time-frequency with
the operation of SFFT

b ( mKM −nlN )
where k ,l ( m , n) =
1 −j 2π
√ MN

Samples of time-frequency are fed directly to transmitter [19] of OFDM as below:

S= A CP F HM Y (2)

Where M*N matrix is Y that contains the samples of frequency-time y m , n.

is the matrix for DFT (discrete Fourier trasnform).

After transmission receievd samples of the signal obver LTV (linear time
varying) is as below:

The OFDM demodulation output once OFDM symbol received at n is as below:

The process of converting back to domain of Doppler-delay with the help of operation SFFT [20] is as

Below figure shows the process of OFDM-based OTFS demodulation and modulation.

Figure 4: OTFS receiver and transmitter structure

Modelling and Performance Analysis of OFDM

3.1 Mathematical description of OFDM
3.1.1 Insertion and removal of CP in OFDM
The method of direct CP insertion is applied and system of direct cyclic prefixed as OQAM/FBMC, where
the input symbols of OQAM/FBMC are grouped with size 2 Nd of blocks. Before insertion of CP the signal
of lth block that is modulated is as below:

After insertion of CP the transmitted signal of baseband signal for lth block is as below:

The signal convolution with the response of channel impulse ɧ(n) of length S, assuming S ≤ K + 1 is as

After CP removal the equation will be as below:

Therefore, after CP removal the received samples are just the sent signal circular convolution.

3.1.2 BER analysis of OFDM for 16 QAM as function of SNR

The most common type of modulation method that is used is QAM (Quadrature amplitude modulation)
in OFDM. QAM needs higher rate of the data, higher efficiency of the bandwidth by sacrificing the
utilization of the power. For maintaining lower BER (bit error rate) higher SNR needed for QAM. Below is
the diagram for 16QAM constellation:

Figure 5: 16-QAM constellation diagrams

Quadrature and in-phase component are independent in the scheme of QAM modulation [21]. Below is
the equation for correct detection of probability:

For 16-QAM the symbol error probability is as below:

The error probability is as below:

For 16-QAM the probability of bit error is as below:

Below figure shows the SNR function for BER with 16-QAM systems.

Figure 6: BER function of SNR (y) average, for OFDM 16-QAM system

3.1.3 BER analysis of OTFS

Here, analyse the lower bound of OTFS on BER. Below equation presents the lower bound on BER as:

Below table shows the parameters used in the simulation

Table 1: Simulation parameters

Below equation shows the PEP as:

Using above equation the value for lower bound is as below [22]:

Below equation is classified more at higher SNRs:

3.2 Multipath Intensity Profile

3.2.1 Power delay Profile (PDP)
Power delay profile (PDP) is represented by p(l), which normalized the PDP channel which considered as

The average singl of power that is transmitted by every MT = 1

At BS input the aveareg ration of SNR is . For transmission of data, OFDM modulation is utilized
with total N subcarriers number. Do not insert interval of graud/CPO among successive symbols of
OFDM for increasing the efficiency of badnwidth. Thus, the symbol of OFDM terminal k is as below:

x k ,i=F HN d k , i

Elements of d k , i are independent and distributed identically with zero-mean random variables havinvg
unity variance.

3.2.2 Spaced Frequency Correlation

Figure 7: Spaced Frequency correlation

is calculted with RMS delay spread as below:

where, below equation contain mean delay:

RMS delay spread for the discrete PDP can be calculated as below:

Where, ith power is , ith path delay is and is mean delay as below:

3.2.3 Implementing Rayleigh channel with PDP

Express the stochastic procedure μ(t) and μt (t ) as below:

Below is the exponential PDO for narrowband channel as:

In above equation, PDP is regarded as propagation delays of pdf, the narrowband channel average

power is normalized = 1 as . Below equation shows the PDP Fourier transform:

Below is the correlation function for above equation as:

3.3 Time Reversal and Equalisation

3.3.1 Analysis of MRC and ZF utilised in CP-OFDM
In domain of frequency, in CP-OFDM systems, ZF and MRC combiners are applied. Below is the matrix

For casting the mathematical formulation and analysis, the OFDM demodulator at antenna of BS is as

Output of combiner is as below:

Below equation expressed as:

The value of ISI and ICI coeffeicient as:

3.3.2 OFDM without CP with TR_MRC and TR_ZF Techniques

For provided terminal, TR-MRC received at BS antennas the signal and conjugated among the
corresponding BS antennas and terminal. The mathematical expression of this is as below:

Below is the compact notation:

Once, DFT block applied N-point the equation is as below:

Problem of the SINR scenario is solved with the help of the TR-MRC.

The ZF equalizer remove the corresponding interference to elements of off-diagonal as below:

The extra step of equalization leads to the SINR substantial performance enhancement that are
compared to conventional TR-MRC.

3.3.3 OFDM with CP with ZF and MRC Equalisations

Study the complexity of the TR-ZF and TR-MRC receiver and compare the output with conventional

Below is the equation and diagram with TR-ZF receiver

Figure 8: Proposed method of Baseband system execution with TR-ZF receiver

Below is the table containing the conventional complexity

Table 2: Conventional complexity for ZF and MRC detectors in CP-OFDM systems

Below table shows the complexity with CP systems

Table 3: Different parts complexity for OFDM without CP system

Figure 9: OFDM without CP against CP-OFDM with ZF and MRC equalization.

and future work

4.1 Contribution to the project
In MIMO massive channels the multiuser interference and uncorrelated noise vanish as BS antennas
number grows high. Here, it shows OFDM without CP where channel gets distorted and average out in
regime of large antennas. Mathematically analyze the performance of ZF and MRC on OFDM with and
without CP. Also, analyzed about the BER with 16-QAM as function of SNR. It introduced the
equalization of ZF to get incorporated after TR combining for reducing further the interference of

It also presents that removing the overhead of CP and utilizing proposed methods, it is achievable higher
spectral efficiency compared to system of conventional CP-OFDM.

1. Weinstein,iS.;iEbert,iP.i(Octoberi1971).i"DataiTransmissionibyiFrequency-
2. AhmadiR.iS.iBahai,iBurtoniR.iSaltzberg,iMustafaiErgen,iMulti-carrieridigitalicommunicationsi-
3. Arioua,iM.iandiHassani,iM.M.i(2014)i―AiLowiMultiplicativeiComplexityiofiProposediFFT/IFFTsiDe
4. Yei(Geoffrey)iLiietial.i(1998)i―RobustiChanneliEstimationiforiOFDMiSystemsiwithiRapidiDispersiv
5. T.iMarzetta,i“Noncooperativeicellulariwirelessiwithiunlimitedinumbersiofibaseistationiantennas,”i

6. E.iLarsson,iO.iEdfors,iF.iTufvesson,iandiT.iMarzetta,i“MassiveiMIMOiforinextigenerationiwirelessis
7. F.iRusek,iD.iPersson,iB.iK.iLau,iE.iLarsson,iT.iMarzetta,iO.iEdfors,iandiF.iTufvesson,i“ScalingiupiMI
8. J.iHoydis,iS.iteniBrink,iandiM.iDebbah,i“MassiveiMIMOiinitheiUL/DLioficellularinetworks:iHowima
9. H.iQ.iNgo,iE.iG.iLarsson,iandiT.iL.iMarzetta,i“Energyiandispectraliefficiencyiofiveryilargeimultiuseri
10. Z.iLiuiandiT.iC.iYang,i“Onitheidesignioficycliciprefixilengthiforitime-
11. Z.iLiuiandiT.iYang,i“Onioverheadireductioniinitime-
12. Y.iChen,iB.iWang,iY.iHan,iH.iQ.iLai,iZ.iSafar,iandiK.iJ.iR.iLiu,i“Whyitimeireversaliforifuturei5Giwirele

Proof of results


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