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VMAX Management Elm (9.

Finbarr O’Riordan/Tim OConnor PM
Paul Martin CSE
 Unisphere for VMAX HTML5 implementation
 VMAX Management Role Based Access
 Troubleshooting an SG Response Time Issue – Noisy Neighbours
 Real Time Data Collection for Storage Groups
 SRDF Topology View
 Fully Integrated Application and DB awareness
 Unisphere/SE Host Installs
 Deprecate Solutions Enabler support for Platforms/OS versions and certain legacy features

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Unisphere HTML5 Implementation for VMAX

– Security
– Moving to a modern interface
– Reduced Application response times
– Produce Alignment with other Dell EMC products.

 All existing functionality in previous versions of Unisphere are present, with the exception of DMX
which is not supported in 9.0

 Improved flows and content but the functionality remains the same.

 We have iteratively demonstrated the product and consulted extensively with customers which has
helped us in design improvements. Feedback has been extremely positive with customers
impressed with the responsiveness and flow of the new product.

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Unisphere HTML5 Implementation for VMAX

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Unisphere HTML5 Implementation for VMAX

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VMAX Management Role Based Access (RBAC)
 Currently VMAX management provides limited role based access. Access is either at Storage
Administrator level with full access to the entire array or at the monitor level with view only access.

 After multiple customer engagements, it became clear that a requirement existed for more granular access to
limit what a user can view and manage on the VMAX. SymACL's is not a solution and is seen as
cumbersome to implement.

• Technical Details
– This requirement is to provide a set of roles that can be assigned to users to limit what resources can be
accessed and what functions a user can operate on those resources.
– These users and associated roles can be created using Solutions Enabler Symcli, Unisphere or REST
– Roles will include Device Manage, Local replication and Remote Replication at the entire array or an SG
– A full audit log of users and actions performed for tracking.

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RBAC in practise
C:\Program Files\EMC\SYMCLI\bin>symauth -sid 008 list -role


Role Name Capabilities

-------------------- ------------------------------------
Admin Security and Storage control
SecurityAdmin Security control
Auditor Security auditor
 StorageAdmin Storage control
LocalRep Local Replication
 RemoteRep Remote Replication
DeviceManage Device Manage
Monitor View storage environment and status
PerfMonitor Monitor Performance
None None

C:\Program Files\EMC\SYMCLI\bin>

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Slide 7

OT1 OConnor, Tim, 9/6/2017

Troubleshooting an SG Response Time Issue – Noisy Neighbours

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Real Time Data Collection in Unisphere for VMAX
 This will provide the ability to our customers to troubleshoot at a more granular level for a set number of
Storage Group’s for a limited set of metrics at a 30 Second level.

 This feature will be available for all customers running Elm code.

 In our ongoing engagement and consultation with customers this is a request that keeps coming up and has
become even more prevalent since the release of the AFA. Increasingly our customers require the ability to
drill down to an increased level of granularity on the performance of their storage group and/or devices.
Currently through Unisphere for VMAX we only allow customers to look at performance over a 5 minute time
window, we propose to reduce this to 30 seconds on a per array basis for a set number of SG’s and a set
number of metrics.

• Technical Details
– This will be limited to 1 array per time, a maximum of 5 SG’s at a time and a certain number of KPI metrics.
– The metrics we will report on as follows: Response Time, Host I/O's Per Sec, Host MB's Per Sec, Host Reads
Per Sec, Host Writes Per Sec.

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Real Time Data Collection in Unisphere for VMAX

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SRDF + Metro Topology View

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Full VMware and DB Integration

• DSA for Oracle and SQL now fully integrated with Unisphere, no separate login or page launch
required. We have also streamlined the DB mapping procedure to make it more user friendly.

• VMWare discoverable at the vSphere level, requires just a read only vCenter login to be setup.
This will help customers so they can see an end to end view from their application to their storage
device. This is a new feature within Unisphere and customer feedback has been very positive.
One customer was quoted as saying this could potentially reduce my troubleshooting process by
20 minutes.

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Full DB and VMware Integration

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Full DB and VMware Integration

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Full DB and VMware Integration

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Unisphere for VMAX & SE Silent Installs.
 This will provide the ability to our customers to roll out installations of our Unisphere and SE products by
invoking a automated script which will handle the various steps involved.

 We have heard from our larger customers that handling manual upgrades is a very labor intensive task and
were looking for us to build more automation into our products.

 Technical Details

– A silent install version of SE and Unisphere will be made available for download for fresh installs and
upgrades. It will be only be available from 8.x onwards.
– This package will include a response file containing default values that the user can edit.
– Where there is not enough space or memory on a host the install will be aborted.

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Deprecate SE support for Platforms/OS versions and certain legacy features

 This will allow us to simplify our offerings as over the years the amount of Platforms we are supporting is
putting a strain on our Dev and QE resources. Our REST API offering is platform agnostic so customers have
this option as well as the more traditional big platforms e.g. Windows/Linux.

 Technical Details
– O/S & Platforms being dropped;
– AIX 6.1 (IBM EOSL April 30, 2017)
– z O/S 1.13 (IBM EOSL December 2016)
– OVMS Alpha (No customer usage)
– Red Hat 5.x (End of Production Support March 2017)
– HPUX RISC H/W Platform (HP no longer supports platform)
– Minimum microcode level to run 9.0 will be 5876
– Support for Infomover (product went EOSL in 2015)

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