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Rule of the majority;

PRINCIPLES & STATE c. Accountability of public
d. Bill of Rights;
e. The legislature cannot pass
- Basic Political Creed of the
irrepealable laws;
f. Separation of powers
I. PROVISIONS: Sections 1 to 28
Purpose: Pangasinan
of Article II of the 1987
Transportation Co., Inc. vs.
Philippine Constitution
Philippine Service Commission
II. Principles vs. Policies
G.R. No. L-47065, June 26,
III. Self-Executing vs. Not Self-
Jose S.F. Bengzon vs. Franklin
Drilon, 208 SCRA 133, April 15,
1. Kilosbayan, Incorporated, Jovito R.
Salonga, et al. vs. Teofisto
Guingona, Jr., et al. G.R. No.
Case: Senate of the Philippines
113375, May 5, 1994 and
vs. Executive Secretary Eduardo
Kilosbayan, Incorporated, Jovito R.
R. Ermita, G.R. No. 169777,
Salonga, et al. vs. Manuel L. Morato
April 20, 2006 (E. O. No. 464)
(as Chairman of PCSO) and
Philippine Gaming Management
Corporation G.R. No. 118910, Principle of Blending of Powers
November 16, 1995 Principle of Checks and Balances
2. Wigberto E. Tañada and Anna
Dominique Coseteng, et al. vs. The Steel Seizure case, 343 US 579,
Edgardo Angara, et al. G.R. No. 96 L. Ed. 1153
118295, May 2, 1997
Role of the Judiciary
g. Non-delegation of powers
General Rule: Delegata
Case: Leon G. Maquera vs. Juan Potesta Non Potest Delegare
Borra, et al. and Commission on Elections
G.R. No. L-24761, 15 SCRA 7, September SECTION 2
7, 1965
Doctrine of Incorporation vs.
Manifestations: Doctrine of Transformation

a. Ours is a government of laws Cases:

and not of men (Nemo est supra 1. Shigenori Kuroda vs. Major
leges); General Rafael Jalandoni, et al.
G.R. No. L-2662, 83 Phil. 171,
Case: Zacarias Villavicencio, et March 26, 1949
al. vs. Major Justo Lukban, et al. 2. Secretary of Justice vs. Lantion,
G.R. No. L-14639, 39 Phil. 778, G.R. No. 139465, January 18,
March 25, 1919 2000
3. Pharmaceutical and Health Care vs. The Honorable Blas Ople and
Association of the Philippines Amado Inciong, et al. G.R. No. L-
vs. Duque G.R. No. 173034, 51254, 105 SCRA 75, June 11,
October 9, 2007 1981
4. Consolacion Duque Salonga vs.
Conflict between Municipal Law and Julita B. Farrales, et al. G.R. No.
International Law L-47088 105 SCRA 459, July 10,
Case: Lao H. Ichong vs. Jaime
Hernandez, et al. G.R. No. L-7995, May 31, SECTION 11 – 13
Case: Philippine Telegraph &
Case: Rizal Alih, et al. vs. Major Telephone Co. vs. NLRC and
General Delfin C. Castro G.R. No. L- Grace De Guzman G.R. No.
69401, 151 SCRA 279, June 23, 1987 118978, May 23, 1997


Cases: SECTION 16
1. People of the Philippines vs.
Tranquilino Lagman and People Case: Juan Antonio, Anna Rosario
of the Philippines vs. Primitivo & Jose Alfonso Oposa, et al.
De Sosa G.R. Nos. L-45892 & vs. The Honorable Fulgencio
G.R. No. L-45893, 66 Phil. 13, S. Factoran, Jr. G.R. No.
July 13, 1938 101083, 224 SCRA 792, July
2. People of the Philippines vs. 30, 1993
Pedro Manayao, et al. G.R. No.
L-322, 78 Phil. 721, July 28, SECTION 17
SECTION 5 1. Teofisto T. Guingona, Jr. and
Aquilino Q. Pimentel, Jr. vs. Hon.
SECTION 6 Guillermo Carague, et al. G.R. No.
94571, 196 SCRA 221, April 22, 1991
STATE POLICIES 2. Philippine Merchant Marine
School, Inc., represented by Juan O.
SECTION 7 – 9 Nolasco III vs. Court of Appeals, et
al. G.R. No. 112844, 244 SCRA 770,
SECTION 10 June 2, 1995
3. Professional Regulation
Cases: Commission, et al. vs. Arlene V. De
1. Maximo Calalang vs. A. D. Guzman, et al. G.R. No. 144681,
Williams, et al. G.R. No. L-47800, June 21, 2004
70 Phil. 726, December 2, 1940
2. Estrella B. Ondoy vs. Virgilio SECTION 18
Ignacio, et al. G.R. No L-47178, 97
SCRA 611, May 16, 1980 Case: JMM Promotion and
3. Marcopper Mining Corporation Management, Inc. and Kary
International, Inc. vs. Court of
Appeals, et al. G.R. No. 120095,
260 SCRA 319, August 5, 1996

SECTION 19 – 21

Case: Isagani Cruz and Cesar

Europa vs. Secretary of
Environment and Natural

SECTION 23 – 24


1. Sultan Alimbusar P. Limbona vs.
Conte Mangelin, et al. G.R. No.
80391, 170 SCRA 786, February 28,
2. Attorneys Humberto Basco, et al.
vs. Philippine Gaming Corporation
(PAGCOR) G.R. No. 91649, 197
SCRA 52, May 14, 1991
3. Honorable RTC Judges Mercedes
G. Dadole, Ulric R. Cañete, et al. all
of Mandaue City vs. Commission on
Audit G.R. No. 125350, December
3, 2002


Case: Rev. Elly Chavez Pamatong,

Esquire vs. Commission on
Elections G.R. No. 161872,
April 13, 2004

SECTION 27 - 28

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