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An Introduction to Tsubaki Leaf Chain

Leaf Chain is the most simple of steel chains, consisting only of link plates and pins. This chain generally has greater tensile strength
than roller chains and runs over sheaves rather than sprockets. They are suitable for hanging, balancing or motion transmitting
applications. Leaf chains are often used as counterweight chains for machine tools, elevator and oven doors, fork lift truck masts,
spinning frames and similar lifting or balancing applications. Plates are connected by pins and hold the tension loaded onto the chain.
The pins are designed to resist the shear force from tension loading applied by the link plates. The pins are also designed to
withstand abrasion from the middle plate holes when the chain articulates.

AL type: Plate configuration and thickness are the same as ANSI Standard RS Roller Chain. Pin diameter is almost the same as ANSI
Standard RS Roller Chain.

BL type: The outside dimensions of the plates are the same as ANSI Standard RS Roller Chain inner plates of the same pitch. The
plate thickness is the same as one size up Tsubaki RS Roller Chain. BL series can in most instances replace the older AL series leaf
chains – consult Tsubaki Technical Support for interchange information.

Tsubaki of Canada Limited, 1630 Drew Road, Mississauga, ON L5S 1J6 Tel: 905-676-0400 Fax: 905-676-0904 Toll-Free: 800-263-7088 e-mail: [email protected] Drive Chain A83



1. Obtain the following factors that are specific to your application:


• Chain Speed (Operation Speed)


• Number of operations (reciprocations) per day

• Working load (Including: attachment weight, inertia force and impact force)
When the chain speed exceeds 100 ft./min, and/or, the number of operations (reciprocations) exceeds 1,000 times/day, wear
problems may happen. In these cases, Tsubaki RS Roller Chain is recommended - not leaf chain.

2. Determine leaf chain type.

• BL type is generally recommended.
• AL type can be used when the application has no impact load and wear problem.
(Number of strokes does not exceed 100 times/day)

3. Determine Chain Size:

Working load X Service Factor X Safety Factor < Minimum Tensile Strength
(Table 1) (Table 2)

4. If the chain is operated with a lesser safety factor than the one shown in Table 2, the pin may rotate and lead to chain breakage.
Even if the chain is operated with the proper safety factor, the lack of lubricant may cause pin rotation, so the chain must be
periodically lubricated.

5. In case the safety factor and/or chain selection are subject to some official law and/or regulation, compare the outcomes of both the
specified selection and this selection, and select the safer of the two.

Table 1 Service factor

Impact Applications Service Factor
Start and stop are smooth.
Smooth Transition 1.0
Load fluctuation is low (eg. suspension of counterweights).
Small Impact Frequent start, stop, load fluctuation and reversing (eg. fork lift). 1.3
Heavy and rapid start, stop and load fluctuations are required.
Heavy Impact 1.5
(eg. Mining machinery and construction machines).

Table 2 Safety factor

Safety Factor
Plate Lacing
2x2, 2x3, 3x4, Plate Lacing
Type of Leaf Chain Maximum Number of Reciprocations/Strokes 4x4 4x6, 6x6
less than 10 times per day 8 9
AL Type
less than 100 times per day 11 12
BL Type less than 1,000 times per day 8 9

Drive Chain A84 Tsubaki of Canada Limited, 1630 Drew Road, Mississauga, ON L5S 1J6 Tel: 905-676-0400 Fax: 905-676-0904 Toll-Free: 800-263-7088 e-mail: [email protected]

How to Order Tsubaki Leaf Chain


• For odd numbers of pitches, inner links at both ends will be provided as standard.

• For even numbers of pitches, a clevis connector or press fit/rivet outer link can be supplied. The clevis

connector or press fit/rivet outer link are both available from stock in popular sizes.

• Also available in Ultra Wp and Neptune anti-corrosive coating. Please consult Tsubaki technical support for more

Clevis connector link Press fit and

rivet outer link

How to Connect with a Clevis

1. When an inner link is used for the end, a clevis pin is normally supplied by the clevis manufacturer.
2. When an outer link is used for the end, the press fit outer link provides the most integrity.

Clevis Pin Clevis Connector

Clevis Inner Link Clevis Inner Link

Note: Tsubaki does not supply clevises. Consult original equipment manufacturer for more details on clevises.

Tsubaki of Canada Limited, 1630 Drew Road, Mississauga, ON L5S 1J6 Tel: 905-676-0400 Fax: 905-676-0904 Toll-Free: 800-263-7088 e-mail: [email protected] Drive Chain A85

AL Type

Leaf Chain

Chain Diagram: Lacing Combinations Available:

Connecting Link



2x2 4x4 6x6



All dimensions in inches unless otherwise stated.

Link Plate Pin
Hole Tensile Approximate
Chain Pitch Thickness Height Diameter Length Length Length Diameter Strength Weight
Number P Lacing T H D L1 + L2 L1 L2 S (lbs.) (lbs./ft.)
AL422 0.500 2x2 0.060 0.409 0.156 0.374 0.165 0.209 0.158 3,700 0.25
AL444 0.500 4x4 0.060 0.409 0.156 0.628 0.293 0.335 0.158 7,500 0.50
AL466 0.500 6x6 0.060 0.409 0.156 0.882 0.419 0.463 0.158 11,200 0.74
AL522 0.625 2x2 0.080 0.512 0.200 0.488 0.214 0.274 0.202 6,200 0.42
AL544 0.625 4x4 0.080 0.512 0.200 0.823 0.381 0.442 0.202 12,300 0.82
AL566 0.625 6x6 0.080 0.512 0.200 1.156 0.547 0.608 0.202 18,500 1.21
AL622 0.750 2x2 0.094 0.614 0.234 0.573 0.249 0.324 0.236 8,600 0.58
AL644 0.750 4x4 0.094 0.614 0.234 0.963 0.444 0.519 0.236 17,200 1.15
AL666 0.750 6x6 0.094 0.614 0.234 1.352 0.639 0.713 0.236 25,800 1.70
AL822 1.000 2x2 0.125 0.819 0.311 0.754 0.322 0.432 0.314 14,600 1.01
AL844 1.000 4x4 0.125 0.819 0.311 1.283 0.587 0.697 0.314 29,100 2.00
AL866 1.000 6x6 0.125 0.819 0.311 1.811 0.850 0.961 0.314 43,600 2.97
AL1022 1.250 2x2 0.156 1.024 0.373 0.915 0.395 0.520 0.377 22,000 1.80
AL1044 1.250 4x4 0.156 1.024 0.373 1.571 0.722 0.848 0.377 44,000 3.56
AL1066 1.250 6x6 0.156 1.024 0.373 2.224 1.049 1.175 0.377 66,000 5.31
AL1222 1.500 2x2 0.187 1.228 0.437 1.098 0.476 0.622 0.439 31,700 2.39
AL1244 1.500 4x4 0.187 1.228 0.437 1.878 0.866 1.012 0.439 63,400 4.75
AL1266 1.500 6x6 0.187 1.228 0.437 2.659 1.257 1.402 0.439 95,000 7.07
AL1444 1.750 4x4 0.219 1.433 0.500 2.197 1.010 1.187 0.502 83,600 6.95
AL1466 1.750 6x6 0.219 1.433 0.500 3.112 1.468 1.644 0.502 125,400 10.18
AL1644 2.000 4x4 0.250 1.638 0.562 2.482 1.143 1.339 0.564 105,800 8.70
AL1666 2.000 6x6 0.250 1.638 0.562 3.522 1.663 1.859 0.564 158,000 13.00
Also available in Ultra Wp and Neptune anti-corrosive coatings. Please ask for details.

Drive Chain A86 Tsubaki of Canada Limited, 1630 Drew Road, Mississauga, ON L5S 1J6 Tel: 905-676-0400 Fax: 905-676-0904 Toll-Free: 800-263-7088 e-mail: [email protected]

BL Type

Leaf Chain

Chain Diagram: Lacing Combinations Available:

Connecting Link



2x2 2x3 3x4 4x4 4x6 6x6



All dimensions in inches unless otherwise stated.

Link Plate Pin
Hole Tensile Approximate
Chain Pitch Thickness Height Diameter Length Length Length Diameter Strength Weight
Number P Lacing T H D L1 + L 2 L1 L2 S (lbs.) (lbs./ft.)
BL422 0.500 2x2 0.079 0.472 0.200 0.488 0.214 0.275 0.202 5,300 0.46
BL423 0.500 2x3 0.079 0.472 0.200 0.571 0.255 0.316 0.202 5,300 0.56
BL434 0.500 3x4 0.079 0.472 0.200 0.738 0.339 0.400 0.202 7,900 0.76
BL444 0.500 4x4 0.079 0.472 0.200 0.825 0.382 0.443 0.202 10,600 0.86
BL446 0.500 4x6 0.079 0.472 0.200 0.990 0.465 0.526 0.202 10,600 1.11
BL466 0.500 6x6 0.079 0.472 0.200 1.155 0.547 0.608 0.202 15,900 1.32
BL522 0.625 2x2 0.094 0.591 0.234 0.573 0.249 0.324 0.236 8,800 0.72
BL523 0.625 2x3 0.094 0.591 0.234 0.669 0.297 0.372 0.236 8,800 0.85
BL534 0.625 3x4 0.094 0.591 0.234 0.866 0.396 0.470 0.236 13,200 1.14
BL544 0.625 4x4 0.094 0.591 0.234 0.963 0.444 0.519 0.236 17,600 1.27
BL546 0.625 4x6 0.094 0.591 0.234 1.158 0.541 0.616 0.236 17,600 1.61
BL566 0.625 6x6 0.094 0.591 0.234 1.353 0.639 0.714 0.236 26,400 1.88
BL622 0.750 2x2 0.126 0.713 0.312 0.756 0.323 0.434 0.314 14,300 1.13
BL623 0.750 2x3 0.126 0.713 0.312 0.888 0.389 0.499 0.314 14,300 1.37
BL634 0.750 3x4 0.126 0.713 0.312 1.152 0.521 0.631 0.314 21,500 1.90
BL644 0.750 4x4 0.126 0.713 0.312 1.284 0.587 0.697 0.314 28,700 2.14
BL646 0.750 4x6 0.126 0.713 0.312 1.547 0.719 0.829 0.314 28,600 2.69
BL666 0.750 6x6 0.126 0.713 0.312 1.812 0.851 0.961 0.314 42,900 3.18
BL822 1.000 2x2 0.157 0.949 0.375 0.920 0.397 0.523 0.377 23,100 1.74
BL823 1.000 2x3 0.157 0.949 0.375 1.079 0.476 0.602 0.377 23,100 2.15
BL834 1.000 3x4 0.157 0.949 0.375 1.407 0.641 0.767 0.377 34,800 2.98
BL844 1.000 4x4 0.157 0.949 0.375 1.579 0.727 0.853 0.377 46,200 3.39
BL846 1.000 4x6 0.157 0.949 0.375 1.898 0.886 1.012 0.377 46,200 4.25

Also available in Ultra Wp and Neptune anti-corrosive coatings. Please ask for details.
BL866 1.000 6x6 0.157 0.949 0.375 2.224 1.049 1.175 0.377 69,400 5.07

Tsubaki of Canada Limited, 1630 Drew Road, Mississauga, ON L5S 1J6 Tel: 905-676-0400 Fax: 905-676-0904 Toll-Free: 800-263-7088 e-mail: [email protected] Drive Chain A87

BL Type

Leaf Chain

Lacing Combinations Available:


Connecting Link



2x2 2x3 3x4 4x4 4x6 6x6 8x8


All dimensions in inches unless otherwise stated.

Link Plate Pin
Hole Tensile Approximate
Chain Pitch Thickness Height Diameter Length Length Length Diameter Strength Weight
Number P Lacing T H D L 1 + L2 L1 L2 S (lbs.) (lbs./ft.)
BL1022 1.250 2x2 0.189 1.185 0.437 1.089 0.472 0.617 0.439 31,700 2.53
BL1023 1.250 2x3 0.189 1.185 0.437 1.283 0.569 0.715 0.439 31,700 3.15
BL1034 1.250 3x4 0.189 1.185 0.437 1.675 0.765 0.910 0.439 48,500 4.40
BL1044 1.250 4x4 0.189 1.185 0.437 1.853 0.854 0.999 0.439 63,400 5.03
BL1046 1.250 4x6 0.189 1.185 0.437 2.260 1.057 1.203 0.439 63,400 6.24
BL1066 1.250 6x6 0.189 1.185 0.437 2.659 1.257 1.402 0.439 95,200 7.50
BL1222 1.500 2x2 0.220 1.425 0.500 1.282 0.552 0.730 0.502 41,800 3.25
BL1223 1.500 2x3 0.220 1.425 0.500 1.512 0.667 0.844 0.502 41,800 4.39
BL1234 1.500 3x4 0.220 1.425 0.500 1.969 0.896 1.073 0.502 67,200 6.11
BL1244 1.500 4x4 0.220 1.425 0.500 2.198 1.010 1.188 0.502 83,600 6.98
BL1246 1.500 4x6 0.220 1.425 0.500 2.656 1.239 1.416 0.502 83,600 8.07
BL1266 1.500 6x6 0.220 1.425 0.500 3.114 1.468 1.646 0.502 125,600 9.80
BL1422 1.750 2x2 0.252 1.661 0.562 1.442 0.623 0.820 0.564 52,900 4.91
BL1423 1.750 2x3 0.252 1.661 0.562 1.701 0.752 0.949 0.564 52,900 6.09
BL1434 1.750 3x4 0.252 1.661 0.562 2.220 1.012 1.209 0.564 87,000 7.61
BL1444 1.750 4x4 0.252 1.661 0.562 2.482 1.143 1.340 0.564 105,800 8.71
BL1446 1.750 4x6 0.252 1.661 0.562 3.002 1.403 1.599 0.564 105,800 12.10
BL1466 1.750 6x6 0.252 1.661 0.562 3.522 1.663 1.860 0.564 158,700 15.13
BL1622 2.000 2x2 0.283 1.898 0.687 1.661 0.701 0.961 0.689 79,300 6.61
BL1623 2.000 2x3 0.283 1.898 0.687 1.963 0.852 1.111 0.689 79,300 8.17
BL1634 2.000 3x4 0.283 1.898 0.687 2.559 1.150 1.409 0.689 124,500 11.39
BL1644 2.000 4x4 0.283 1.898 0.687 2.853 1.297 1.557 0.689 158,600 12.75
BL1646 2.000 4x6 0.283 1.898 0.687 3.451 1.596 1.855 0.689 158,600 16.19
BL1666 2.000 6x6 0.283 1.898 0.687 4.045 1.893 2.153 0.689 238,300 19.31
BL1688 2.000 8x8 0.283 1.898 0.687 5.095 2.418 2.678 0.689 303,500 25.75
Also available in Ultra Wp and Neptune anti-corrosive coatings. Please ask for details.

Drive Chain A88 Tsubaki of Canada Limited, 1630 Drew Road, Mississauga, ON L5S 1J6 Tel: 905-676-0400 Fax: 905-676-0904 Toll-Free: 800-263-7088 e-mail: [email protected]

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