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Elite Sportsperson / Ancillary Sportsperson Exemption Instructions to applicants

It is important that you read all the information and instructions carefully in this document as any incorrect
information supplied by you may void any application you make and may result in disciplinary action before
the Motorsport UK National Court.

Basis of requirement to Quarantine in the UK

To combat the fight against COVID-19 and reduce the risk of re-introducing the virus from overseas, the UK
Government has introduced quarantine restrictions on travelers from certain countries.

The list of countries and territories from where you can travel to England and may not have to self-isolate
can be found at;

Please note that this list is the subject of regular updates and passengers are encouraged to check the list
from time to time.

The UK Government has however made limited special dispensation for qualifying elite athletes and
ancillary personnel including Officials.

To be eligible for an exemption letter you need to fall into one of the categories listed below and meet the
requirements as set out in Stages 1 to 4 of the Elite Sport Return to domestic training and competition
guidance issued by the Government. The responsibility for determining whether or not any person falls
within the relevant exempt category has been delegated to sport national governing bodies.

Within the guidance, the definition of potentially exempt groups is as follows:

Elite Athlete: An individual as defined as an Elite Athlete in the Stage One guidance.

The definition of an ‘elite athlete’ means a person who is:

• an individual who derives a living from competing in a sport

• a senior representative nominated by a relevant sporting body (Motorsport UK)

• a member of the senior training squad for a relevant sporting body, or

• aged 16 or above and on an elite development pathway established by a national governing body
(Motorsport UK)

Elite Ancillary Sportsperson is an individual whose attendance at the Competition is essential to the delivery
of the Competition, and accredited by National Governing Bodies, professional leagues and clubs and
individual elite athletes.
Where an individual elite athlete is unable to fulfil the responsibilities of the Elite Sport Organisation then
they should consult with the Competition Organiser and/or their National Governing Body to agree how
those responsibilities can be met.

Who Is not covered by any exemption: No exemption can be granted to those who are not strictly covered
by the UK Government exemption criteria and who do not hold a direct relationship with Motorsport UK
through one of the following;

1. Having a valid competition licence of a level compatible with the elite sport event attended

2. Being an employee of an organisation who hold a valid Motorsport UK entrant’s licence

3. Being an accredited Licence holding official

Motorsport UK’s role in issuing Exemption Letters

Motorsport UK in its discretion, as the national governing body is required to confirm your status as an elite
sportsperson / ancillary sportsperson who has travelled to a non-exempt country or territory to participate
in an elite sports event, and that you will be continuing those activities on your return.

For the avoidance of doubt, the exemption is for the purposes of work related to motorsport events whether
in the UK or in preparation for international events and does not grant freedom of movement at all times
during the 14 day quarantine period from arriving from a country deemed by the UK government to be at a
higher risk.

The granting of an exemption letter does not exempt any such person from their obligations regarding PPE,
Social Distancing and the Declarations regime in place relating to UK Events.

People who do not self-isolate can be fined up to £1,000 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and £480
in Scotland. There are fines up to £5,000 for persistent offenders.

How to apply for an Exemption Letter

To consider your application for an exemption letter, Motorsport UK will require you to complete the
application form with the relevant information (i.e. if an official then 5 and 6 will not apply). To do so, we
will require;

1. Your full name as stated on your passport

2. Your passport number

3. Your residential address

4. Your Motorsport UK licence/ registration number

5. If employed as a mechanic or other ancillary by a team then the Entrant name and Licence number

6. Your team and manager / mechanics full contact details including address

7. The dates you wish to travel including the competitions you will be travelling to and for which you
wish to receive an exemption letter.

8. Full details of any Event in the UK that you are already Entered or intend to enter or to officiate at
on your return to the UK.

The information above should be provided via the link to form below and returned by email to
[email protected].

We reserve the right to call for additional evidence / information and / or to make enquiries.

Requests are reviewed on a monthly basis and any further travel beyond September will need to be through
further application to us at the appropriate time. If your application is successful you will receive a letter
electronically to the email address of the competition licence or entrant within 72 hours.

Further measures required BEFORE you can attend a Motorsport UK event:

It is your duty to ensure you protect yourself and those around you. For avoidance of any doubt and to ensure
you comply with the above elite sport guidance we have imposed the following COVID-19 security measures:

1. It is obligatory that no sooner than 48 hours nor later than 72 hours after returning from a non-
exempt country you must contact the relevant NHS and or other authorised laboratory and undergo
a COVID-19 test

2. The result of that test must be provided to Motorsport UK at the following email address:
[email protected] as soon as it has been received

3. You must when providing the copy test result provide us with a list of the competition that you
intend to undertake and the locations of that in relation to the period of 14 days commencing with
the first day of your return to the UK;

4. If you test positive for COVID-19 then you will need to immediately self-isolate.

You must not attend any Motorsport UK Event unless you have complied with the above.

Failure to do so may result in suspension from a Motorsport UK Event and further disciplinary action being
taken against you. Please be advised that this is for the safety of yourselves as well as those you may come
into contact with during these uncertain times.

Exemption letters are only applicable to international elite sportsperson or international ancillary
sportsperson / motorsport management/ engineers/ technicians and will not be valid for anyone other than
yourself and once again you are reminded that you must comply with these instructions in full.

Please note for avoidance of doubt:

1. Any exemption allows you during those periods only to undertake professional motorsport duties
where you are required to for the purposes of deriving a living or for training/competition. Other
than that you must continue to self-isolate.

2. If you compete you must follow the procedures as set out by the organiser and are in any event
required to be tested in accordance with the above rules. Motorsport UK does not by issuing you
with an exemption letter that you will be entitled to participate in a domestic Motorsport event; that
is ultimately the discretion of the club organiser;

3. The issuance of a letter is for individuals as specified above. The elite individual declaring on behalf
of themselves or anyone of their elite ancillaries, remains liable to action by Motorsport UK in the
event that they do not declare honestly and to the best of their knowledge the information about an
individual’s right to an exemption letter.

4. If you are returning to motorsport work domestically then please do remember that this is the only
eligible right but you must in any event check with your employer that you have followed their
procedures and that you are eligible to return to work. Motorsport UK takes no responsibility for or
has any part in the relationship between employer and employee.

5. These stipulations are subject to review at any time and may be withdrawn without notice.

If there are any queries regarding the contents of this letter, or you are in any doubt as to what you need to
do to comply in full please contact [email protected].

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