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mVizn Pte. Ltd.

Deep Learning and Computer

for Video Analytics

Dr. Sambit Pal

Director & CTO

mVizn Pte. Ltd.
Block 81, JTC Launchpad
81 Ayer Rajah Crescent,
#03-61, Singapore 139967
Computer Vision:
Indispensable in a human-centric environment

Vision is our
predominant “sensor”

Machines need the


mVizn Pte. Ltd.

Video Analytics

●  Video recording is
all pervasive in
modern world

●  Making machines
understand what’s
in the video

mVizn Pte. Ltd.

Video Analytics: Key Objectives

1.  Identify patterns, features, objects in a snapshot/

2.  Identify how these patterns, features, objects
change over time
3.  Implement rules to check how they are supposed to
change/behave over time and flag out exceptions

mVizn Pte. Ltd.

How it was “traditionally” done:
Detecting edges, corners, thresholding
colors/intensity, matching a bunch of
edges and corners (so called features)

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How it was “traditionally” done:

Subtracting background, tracking “flow

of features” across frames.

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Traditional/Rule-based Computer Vision

Works great for tasks involving regular shaped objects and tasks where
rules can be defined reasonably.

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Traditional/Rule-based Computer Vision

Not so great to tell what’s going on here:

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Describing “irregular” objects with rule-based
Computer Vision
Computer, what is this?

Just less than 10

years ago this was
pretty much
impossible to solve!

mVizn Pte. Ltd.

In past few years something radically changed

Computers have become almost as good as humans in

understanding images.

mVizn Pte. Ltd.

In past few years something radically changed

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What changed?


mVizn Pte. Ltd.

Recognize objects: Teach computers by
showing examples!
Neural Network

Image Source:

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Is it enough for practical applications?

Instead of two separate images on

the left, what if we feed in, an
image like this one?

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mVizn Pte. Ltd.
Why didn’t it work?

Neural Network

Image Source:

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Locate Objects in a scene: Teach computers by
showing examples, once again!

Image Source:

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mVizn Pte. Ltd.
So far, we saw …

1.  Recognizing Objects à Image Classification

2.  Locating Individual Objects à Object Detection

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Can we make a useful VA application already?

Yes, because …

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Can be trained on any kind of images

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A big change!

No need for rewriting of detection rules for each use

case, as was necessary for traditional computer vision!

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Let’s look at a practical problem within PSA

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mVizn Pte. Ltd.
How to solve this problem?

Train to identify and extract

corners of containers:
Object Detection

mVizn Pte. Ltd.

How to solve this problem?

Train a classifier for twist-lock

cone / no-twist-lock cone:
Image Classification

TLC: Yes

TLC: No mVizn Pte. Ltd.

Recognize objects: Teach computers by
showing examples!
Neural Network

TLC: Yes

Image Source:

mVizn Pte. Ltd.

… and let’s see the result

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mVizn Pte. Ltd.
How we typically start a new VA project?

1.  Identify a “problem” in a job/process flow

•  “Problem” needs to be visible to human eye
2.  Collect sample footages
3.  Train deep-neural-network model
4.  Test model on a new unseen footage to verify

mVizn Pte. Ltd.

What mVizn specializes in!

1.  Identify a “problem” in a job/process flow

•  “Problem” needs to be visible to human eye
2.  Collect sample footages
3.  Train deep-neural-network model for customized
use cases
4.  Test model on a new unseen footage to verify
mVizn Pte. Ltd.
Let’s look at some other examples of what
deep-learning-based computer vision can do…

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Video prepared by PSA EARTG TEAM

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mVizn Pte. Ltd.

mVizn Pte. Ltd.

A new industrial revolution

mVizn Pte. Ltd.

But there are still many unsolved problems in
computer vision…

Thank you!
Reach us at: [email protected] mVizn Pte. Ltd.

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