Language Sample Test

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Language sample test

Q.1 Read the given passage carefully:                                                     (5 Marks)

My next pet was a pigeon, the most revolting bird to look at, with his feathers pushing through
the wrinkled scarlet skin, mixed with the horrible yellow down that covers baby pigeons and
makes them look as though they have been peroxiding their hair. Because of his repulsive and
obese appearance, we called him Quasimodo.
Since he had an unorthodox upbringing, without parents to teach him, Quasimodo became
convinced that he was not a bird at all, and refused to fly. He walked everywhere. He was always
eager to join us in anything we did. He would even try to come for walks with us. So you had to
either carry him on your shoulder, which was risking an accident to your clothes, or else you let
him walk behind. If you let him walk, then you had to slow down your own pace to suit his, for
should you get too far ahead you would hear the most frantic and imploring coos and turn around
to find Quasimodo running desperately after you.

Q1. Read the questions given below and write the option you consider the most appropriate
in your answer sheet.

1. The narrator describes the pigeon as a ‘revolting bird’ because

a)      he could not fly
b)      he had to be carried everywhere
c)      he had wrinkled skin covered with yellow feathers
d)     he was fat

2. Quasimodo got his name because

a)      he was a fat and ugly
b)      he was attractive
c)      he could not fly
d)     he love behaving like human beings

3. We know that Quasimodo was always eager to go on walks because

a)      he walked everywhere
b)      he did not know how to fly
c)      he complained loudly if he was not taken along
d)     he always copied whatever humans did

4. Quasimodo protested when he was

a)      left at home
b)      lifted on human shoulders
c)      taken for a walk
d)     left behind during walks
5. The phrase ‘risking an accident to your clothes’ means
a)      the bird pecked at their clothes
b)      there was a chance of the bird soiling their clothes
c)      the bird risked a fall
d)     the bird did not like their clothes

Fill in the blanks with a or an.

1. Have you ever seen ………… lion?
2. Does Sohan have a ……….. car ?
3. Is there ……………. bank nearby?
4. There isn’t ………….. airport nearby.
5. Ram is …………… honest man.
6. He will return in ……….. hour.

Use the prepositions and adverbs in brackets to complete the sentences

1. Everybody on the staff is ________ suspicion. The chances are that even the
boss might be the murderer.

2. He held a handkerchief ________ his face.

3. They discussed the matter ________ a cup of tea. 4. They all left the
gambling house when the deal was ________.

5. Jack cannot drink in a pub because he's ________ age.

6. Our village is several metres ________ sea-Ievel so it is frequently flooded.

7. When Charles went to Malaga he stayed in the same hotel ________ I did.

8. Tom behaves ________ a child when it comes to eating sweets

9. There were such nice pullovers that it was really hard to choose ________

10. We used to live in a little hut ________ trees.

11. I suddenly spotted a young boy standing ________ the two posts.

12. On realizing that his wife was still inside, the man started to run ________
the burning house.
13. The girl began to run to get ________ the angry cloud of bees.

14. In order not to get a deep suntan he preferred to sit ________ us.

15. When I saw her sitting by the lake I began walking ________ her.

Circle the appropriate Pronouns.

1. If she borrows your / yours coat, then you should be able to borrow her I

2. Each pot and pan in her kitchen has it / its own place on the shelf.

3. Mary and Mike invited their / theirs parents to see their / theirs new

4. When my roommate paid her / hers half of the rent, I paid my / mine.

5. All students need to bring their / theirs own pencils and answer sheets to
the exam.

6. All of her / hers secretaries are working late tonight to finish her / hers

7. The horse trotting around the track won it's / its race a few minutes ago.

8. Before the report is finalised, the information in their / theirs notes and
our / ours must be proved.

9. She worked all day cooking food and making decorations for her / hers
son's birthday party.

10. The weather in the mountains this weekend will be extremely cold, so
please take your / yours heavy jackets
Degrees of Comparison

1) This summer is _________ than the previous summer. (hot)

2) Harsha is the _________ boy in the class. (intelligent)

3) Her doll is _________ than yours. (pretty)

4) Name the _________ city in the world. (big)

5) He is the _________ friend I have. (good)

6) Iron is _________ than any other metal. (useful)

7) Ram’s work is bad, Hari’s is _________, but Govind’s work is the _________.

8) Silver is _________ than gold. (cheap)

9) The Eiffel Tower is _________ than the Qutub Minar. (tall)

10) Akbar was the _________ Mughal Emperor. (great)

11) Prevention is _________ than cure. (good)

12) Mathematics is the _________ subject. (difficult)

13) Apples are _________ than oranges. (Costly)

14) Mr. Sharma is the _________ person I have ever seen. (fat)

15) This suitcase is _________ than that one. (heavy)

16) The number of boys present was _________ than the number of girls present
in the class. (many)

17) Sita was the _________ tired of them all. (little)

18) Rohan’s house is the _________ from college. (far)

19) Have you heard the _________ news? (late)

20) He is the _________ member in the Rajya Sabha. (old)

Change the following complex sentences into simple sentences.

1. After he had learned his lessons, he went out to play.

2. While I was walking along the street, I saw a dead cobra.

3. Although he was wealthy and educated, he never made a name.

4. If you follow my advice, you will win your object.

5. As he was driven out of his country, he sought asylum in a foreign land.

6. A gypsy who was wandering across the fields found the baby.

Choose the correct adjectives

1.I am so (relaxing / relaxed) I don’t want to move.

2.I find horror films really (frightening / frightened) and not at all fun to

3.Sometimes I get really (frustrating / frustrated) when I can’t express myself

well in English.

4.We were stopped by a man with a knife who took our money. It was
(terrifying / terrified).

5.The programme was really (interesting / interested).

6.She was (overwhelming / overwhelmed) when everyone cheered and we

gave her presents.

7.If I feel stressed, I find taking a bath is often (relaxing / relaxed).

8.I am really (tiring / tired); I think I’ll go to bed.

9.He’s very (interesting / interested) in history.

10.The trip was (overwhelming / overwhelmed), with so many things to do

and it was all so new.
11.She is never (satisfying / satisfied) with her work.

12.Cleaning is so (tiring / tired)! I think I’ll have a rest!

13.She thought the ride on the rollercoaster was (thrilled / thrilling).

14.I was really (surprising / surprised) when I saw you. I had thought you
were on holiday.

15.My grandmother was (shocking / shocked) by the man’s bad language.

16.My niece is (terrifying / terrified) of dogs.

17.Thank you so much for the prize! I’m (thrilled / thrilling)!

18.My job is very (satisfying / satisfied), I love helping people.

19.The news was so (shocking / shocked) that she burst into tears.

20.My exam results were great! It’s really (surprising / surprised) but good,
of course

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