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The​ ​Be the Change initiative​​ provides an opportunity for all of us to better “walk
the talk” when it comes to the ​Sustainable Development Goals​ (SDGs) and help
encourage people around us to live more sustainably.

This toolkit offers step-by-step guidance and materials on how to organize a “Be
the Change” week or one-day event. It’s easy to take action, and this toolkit will
help you and your organization to make a bigger impact!

Who is “Be the Change” for?

Everyone! Because every little step matters. Inform your colleagues, family, friends
and community about simple actions that they can take in their daily lives to help
achieve the SDGs.

For inspiration, check out what has been done in the past on the online sharing
platform ​Trello​ and feel free to use the materials available there.

In the next few pages you will find more information on how to plan your event.
Why “Be the Change”?

● Individual actions are important. Personal adoption of the SDGs moves us

closer to achieving them.

● Small changes can make big differences. Living sustainably leads to better
personal health, greater prosperity in our communities and a healthier

● The Be the Change initiative is a fun way of doing good for your household,
business, local community and the world.

● Living sustainably is easy and fun! Many things can be done around the
house and office that do not take much effort but make a positive impact.

Available Resources

➔ Be the Change Toolkit

➔ Trello: Online sharing platform with example materials
➔ Be the Change Handbook
➔ Lazy Person’s Guide to Saving the World
➔ Branding: promo flyers/digital cards/cups/banners

Key dates in 2019 to consider

3 March - World Wildlife Day

30 March - Earth Hour
22 April - Earth Day
5 June - World Environment Day
8 June - World Oceans Day
23 June - UN Public Service Day
7 October - World Habitat Day
16 October - World Food Day
31 October - World Cities Day
28 November - Giving Tuesday

How to organize a Be the Change event?


Start identifying who will be on your planning committee: Hold a kickoff planning
meeting and continue to have weekly/biweekly meetings to maintain momentum
and prepare. For example, we held an Open House meeting and invited everyone
to come, learn and see if they want to participate.


➔ Arrangements:​ Set the dates and duration of the Be the Change week,
identify specific SDGs to the themes of the day.
➔ Team:​ Brief departments and potential partners, and pick ambassadors from
each team, assign roles and responsibilities, determine how you will
communicate and start planning the event.
➔ Partner engagement: ​Seek the involvement of local organizations to find
speakers, learn about sustainable development practices and brainstorm
➔ Sponsorship: ​Identify possible sponsors for the event who can provide
services or goods (e.g., free day pass to the local gym, bicycle rentals).
Explain what “Be the Change” can offer them (exposure, visibility,

➔ Branding: ​Ensure you have branding materials (banners, pins, cards). Use
the official logo and the other materials available on our dedicated online
sharing platform Trello.

➔ Activities:​ Come up with the activities that would best help engage people
around a specific theme (e.g., workshops, demonstrations, brown bag lunch
and movie, conversation with a field expert, panel of speakers, or any other
event where people can interact in an informal atmosphere and share
➔ Speakers/moderators:​ Identify relevant speakers/moderators for the events.
➔ Side events: ​Connect your Be the Change events with existing events in
your area (e.g., visit a weekly farmer's market and ask producers for a short
briefing on how products are grown, encouraging participants to buy and
consume local products).

➔ Tracking activity and evaluating the event is a great way to learn how you
have engaged with the audience and how you can improve in the future.
➔ Find an evaluation method that will help you effectively track and measure
the impact of your event, e.g. pre- and post-event surveys. Collect
multimedia material to record the Be the Change week activities for your


➔ Determine what is needed to conduct the activities during the week and
accommodate side events (space, equipment).
➔ Set up an online registration system to start building a database of
➔ Compile a local resources guide (e.g. where people can bring a reusable
food container for lunch instead of using a disposable one).

➔ Determine relevant topics for discussions (trends, importance of the issue
for the participants/local community);
➔ Choose speakers. We suggest starting with key figures and advocates for
specific SDGs (e.g., environmental department of the local government,
activists. Involve youth if possible).
➔ Ensure participants’ engagement online prior to and during the event:
Create topics for online discussion, allocate time for questions from the
audience during discussions.
➔ Think about ways to promote Be the Change before your event.

➔ Online:​ Build a website, start a social media group for participants (we used
Facebook) and start teasing the event on your social media channels
(Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc.).
➔ Dissemination list:​ UN system, partners, media.
➔ Announcements and updates:​ Create buzz and spread the word about Be
the Change, share your plans for the week with participants, e.g. via
iSeek/intranet, send a “save the date” announcement to your participant list.
➔ Products and outreach:​ Develop promotional materials, e.g. pins, fliers,
digital cards, video messages. Invite people to promote the hashtag
➔ Multimedia:​ Make sure you have the equipment and dedicated person to
take pictures and videos during the week.


➔ Confirm all details (arrangements, invitations, programme) against your
master plan, ensure backup plans for any situation (rain, no-shows, etc.)
➔ Check registration, side event and access arrangements.
➔ Ensure all promo materials are ready and up (banners, posters).
➔ Collect relevant contact details for team members working on Be the
➔ Use WhatsApp or a similar platform for fast communication and

➔ Finalize the programme for the event and post on your website.
➔ Make sure all the activities are interactive.
➔ Create promo flyers featuring programme highlights to post them around
your workplace, inviting people to participate.

➔ Go big on social media! There’s less than a month to go — post and share
often in your participant group and on your public channels. Send an email
reminding all partners that you are in the final countdown for Be the Change.
➔ Keep everyone updated and excited! Share the preliminary list of invitees,
create digital cards for social media with short announcements about
attendees of the events (keynote speakers, VIPs, etc.) and "Did you know?"
tips on living sustainably.
➔ Announcements and updates: Create buzz and spread the word about Be
the Change. Share your programme with participants and partners through
email or a social media story, send a “save the date” announcement to your
dissemination lists.
➔ Determine photo and interview opportunities during the week.
➔ Keep sharing the information about Be the Change with partners and


➔ Send a “get excited” email the day before the week begins.
➔ Each afternoon, send an email reminder with the next day’s challenge and

➔ Ensure daily activities are on track, check if equipment and visual materials
are in place.

You planned a full programme​ — ​enjoy your activities!

➔ Prepare and share social media messages with photos/videos from your
event (don’t forget to use the hashtag #BeTheChange). Share them in your
daily emails to showcase active participation of colleagues.
➔ Encourage participants to create a short video of themselves taking part at
home or in the office with their family, community or staff.
➔ Encourage/moderate audience engagement in discussions online and
during the event.


➔ Express gratitude to your staff, participants, partners and community for
their contribution to the success of Be the Change.
➔ Promote the highlights (e.g. popular social media posts, experiences,
achievements) on your website, company intranet and social media.

Let’s be the change!

Share details about your event with us!
We may feature your event on our ​website​ or ​@GlobalGoalsUN​ accounts on social

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