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Excel Professional Services, Inc.

Management Firm of Professional Review and Training Center (PRTC)

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AT.300 9 – Internal Control R.C.P. SOLIMAN/ K.J. UY
Considerations MAY 2021

a. PSA 315 (Redrafted), Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement through Understanding the
Entity and its Environment


Introduction—Importance of Understanding the 5. In obtaining an understanding of a manufacturing

Entity's Internal Control entity’s internal control concerning inventory balances,
an auditor most likely would
1. According to PSA 315, an auditor uses the a. Review the entity’s descriptions of inventory
understanding of internal control to: policies and procedures.
a. Identify types of potential misstatements b. Perform test counts of inventory during the entity’s
b. Consider factors that affect the risks of material physical count.
misstatement c. Analyze inventory turnover statistics to identify
c. Design the nature, timing and extent of further slow-moving and obsolete items.
audit procedures d. Analyze monthly production reports to identify
d. All of the above variances and unusual transactions.

2. Reasons to evaluate internal control would not include 6. Which of the following is not useful for obtaining an
a. Basis for planning the audit. understanding of internal controls?
b. Determining the nature, timing, and extent of a. Make inquiries of the client’s personnel.
substantive procedures. b. Examine documents and records.
c. Basis for type of opinion to be rendered. c. Read industry trade magazines.
d. Formulating constructive suggestions for d. Observe client activities and operations.
improvements. (byproduct of internal control)
Nature of Internal Control
RAP to Obtain Understanding of Internal Control
7. The process designed and effected by those charged
3. The auditor’s understanding of the accounting and with governance, management, and other personnel
internal control systems significant to the audit is to provide reasonable assurance about the
ordinarily obtained through previous experience with achievement of the entity’s objectives with regard to
the entity. In addition, the auditor may perform the reliability of financial reporting, effectiveness and
following procedures, except efficiency of operations and compliance with applicable
a. Inquiries of appropriate management, supervisory laws and regulations.
and other personnel at various organizational a. Internal Control c. Administrative control
levels within the entity, together with reference to b. Accounting control d. Control environment
documentation, job descriptions and flow charts,
although inquiry although is not sufficient. 8. The financial statements are not likely to correctly
b. Inspection of documents and records produced by reflect GAAP if the:
the accounting and internal control system. a. controls affecting the reliability of financial
c. Observation of the entity’s activities and reporting are inadequate.
operations, including observation of the b. company’s controls do not promote efficiency.
organization of computer operations, management c. company’s controls do not promote effectiveness.
personnel and the nature of transaction d. company’s control do not promote compliance with
processing. applicable rules and regulations.
d. Reperformance of internal control procedures.
(Test of control) 9. Among the three objectives of internal control, which
is of most importance to the auditor in an audit of
4. Risk assessment procedures performed to obtain financial statements?
evidence about the design and implementation of a. Reliability of financial reporting.
relevant controls include b. Effectiveness and efficiency of operations.
a. External confirmation. c. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
b. Recalculation. d. All of the above.
c. Analytical procedures.
d. Tracing transactions or walkthrough.

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10. What is the relationship between an entity’s objectives entity transactions, events and conditions and to
and the controls it implements to provide reasonable maintain accountability for the related assets,
assurance about their achievement? liabilities, and equity. INFO SYSTEM
a. Direct. c. None
b. Inverse d. Both A and B 17. Monitoring
a. Is the entity’s identification and analysis of
11. An entity’s internal control encompasses its relevant risks as a basis for their management.
a. People. c. Processes. b. Support the identification, capture, and exchange
b. Units and function. d. All of the above. of information in a form and time frame that
enable people to carry out their responsibilities.
12. The primary responsibility for designing, implementing c. Is a process that assesses the quality of internal
and maintaining internal control rests with control performance over time.
a. Internal auditors c. The external auditor d. Sets the tone of an organization, influencing the
b. The CFO d. The management/TCWG control consciousness of its people.

Inherent Limitations of Internal Control Control Environment

13. When considering internal control, an auditor must be 18. Which of the following is incorrect regarding control
aware of the concept of reasonable assurance, which environment component of internal control?
recognizes that a. The foundation for the other components of
a. Employment of competent personnel provides internal control to function as control environment
assurance that the objectives of internal control provides discipline and structure.
will be achieved. b. To understand the control environment, the
b. Establishment and maintenance of internal control auditor considers programs and controls
is an important responsibility of the management addressing fraud risk implemented by
and not of the auditor. Not related management and those charged with governance.
c. Cost of internal control procedures should not c. The absence of programs and controls addressing
exceed the benefits expected to be derived from fraud risk of control environment may not
the control. represent a material weakness.
d. Segregation of incompatible functions is necessary d. The evaluation of the design of the control
to ascertain that the control procedures are environment includes considering the seven
effective. Not related elements of control environment.

14. Which of the following is not one of the inherent 19. Which of the following factors are included in an
limitations of internal control? a. Faulty human entity’s control environment?
judgment. a. b. c. d.
b. Collusion. Integrity and ethical values Yes No Yes Yes
Commitment to competence Yes Yes No Yes
c. Management override.
Participation of those charged
d. Lack of proper segregation of incompatible duties.
with governance Yes Yes No Yes
Management’s philosophy and
15. Which of the following is most likely to be a direct operating style Yes Yes No Yes
consequence of the fact that internal controls have Organizational structure No Yes Yes Yes
inherent limitations that normally cannot be Assignment of authority and No Yes Yes Yes
completely eliminated? responsibility
a. Inherent risk must be greater than zero. Human resources policies
b. Risk of material misstatement must be greater and procedures Yes No Yes Yes
than zero.
c. Audit risk must be greater than zero. 20. Which of the following relates to human resource
d. Detection risk must be greater than zero. policies and practices factor of control environment?
a. Effective communication of standards and values
The Five Components of Internal Control and The and removal of incentives and temptations for
Auditor's Required Understanding dishonest or unethical acts. INTEGRITY
b. Management’s approach to taking and managing
16. Control environment component of internal control business risks. TCWG participation
a. Consists of the policies and procedures that help c. Consideration of key areas of authority and
ensure that management directives are carried responsibility and appropriate lines of reporting.
b. Includes the governance and management d. Recruitment, orientation, training, evaluation,
functions and the attitudes, awareness, and counseling, promotion, compensation, and
actions of those charged with governance and remedial action.
management concerning the entity’s internal
control and its importance in the entity. 21. In obtaining an understanding of control environment
c. Is the entity’s process for identifying business risks component of internal control, an auditor should
relevant to financial reporting objectives and evaluate whether
deciding about actions to address those risks, and a. Management, with oversight of TCWG, has created
the results thereof. RISK ASSESSMENT and maintained a culture of honesty and ethical
d. Consists of the procedures and records established behavior.
to initiate, authorize, record, process, and report

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b. The strengths of control environment elements c. The safeguarding of assets, records, periodic
provide a foundation for the other components of counts, and reconciliations that creates asset
internal control. accountability. PHYSICAL CONTROL
c. Both a and b. d. The separation of the functions to minimize the
d. Neither a nor b. opportunities for a person to be able to perpetrate
and conceal errors or fraud in the normal course of
Risk Assessment his/her duties. SEG DUTIES

22. Which of the following risks should be considered by 27. Proper segregation of functional responsibilities calls
the entity’s risk assessment process? for separation of the functions of
a. b. c. d. a. Authorization, execution, and recording.
b. Authorization, execution, and payment.
Changes in operating
c. Custody, execution, and reporting.
environment. Yes Yes Yes Yes
d. Authorization, payment, and recording.
New personnel. Yes Yes Yes No
New or revamped 28. Which of the following statements is correct with
information systems. Yes Yes Yes Yes respect to separation of duties?
Rapid growth. Yes No No Yes a. Employees should not have temporary and
New technology. Yes Yes No No permanent custody of assets.
New business models, b. Employees who authorize transactions should not
products, or activities. Yes Yes Yes Yes have custody of related assets.
c. It is permissible to allow an employee to open cash
Corporate restructurings. Yes Yes Yes Yes
receipts and record those receipts.
Expanded foreign Yes Yes Yes Yes d. Employees who authorize transactions should have
operations. recording responsibility for these transactions.
New accounting
pronouncements. Yes Yes Yes Yes 29. Physical controls to safeguard assets would include:
a. hiring only trustworthy cashiers
23. In obtaining an understanding of an entity’s risk b. segregation of duties
assessment process component of internal control, an c. locks on the warehouse doors
auditor should evaluate whether the entity has a
d. safety audits on the production-line
process for
a. b. c. d. 30. Controls that enhance the reliability of the financial
Identifying business risks. Yes Yes Yes Yes statements may be classified as prevention controls
Estimating the significance and detection controls. Which of the following is
of the risks. Yes Yes Yes No primarily a detection control?
Assessing likelihood of a. Separation of duties between recording cash
receipts and depositing cash. P
occurrence. Yes Yes No Yes
b. Bank accounts are reconciled monthly by persons
Deciding actions to address
independent of cash recording and cash custody.
those risks. Yes No No Yes
c. The human resources department authorizes the
hiring of only those persons for accounting
Control Activities positions that meet the written job requirements
specified by the corporate controller. P
24. Control activities are policies and procedures helping d. An accounting manual, accompanied by a detailed
to ensure that actions are taken to address risks to chart of accounts, carefully and clearly describes
achievement of entity’s objectives. Control activities each type of transaction affecting the entity. P
may be
a. Manual.
31. Internal controls may be preventive, detective, or
b. Automated. corrective. Which of the following is preventive? a.
c. Manual and automated. Requiring two persons to open mail.
d. All of the above. b. Reconciling the accounts receivable subsidiary file
with the control account. D
25. Control activities component of internal control include c. Preparing bank reconciliations. D
a. b. c. d.
Performance reviews Yes Yes Yes No Information System and Communication
Information processing Yes No No Yes
32. An information system consists of __________ that
Physical controls Yes Yes No No
interrelate to achieve a business goal.
Segregation of duties Yes Yes Yes Yes
a. b. c. d.
Authorization Yes Yes Yes Yes
Physical and hardware
infrastructure. Yes Yes Yes No
26. Which of the following control activities refers to
information processing control? Software. Yes No No Yes
a. Reviews of actual performance versus budgets and Data. Yes Yes No No
prior performance. PERFORMANCE CONTROL Manual and automated
b. Checking of accuracy, completeness, and procedures. Yes Yes Yes Yes
authorization of transactions, which include People. Yes Yes Yes Yes
general controls and application controls.

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33. An information system 39. An auditor typically follows a _____ approach in

a. b. c. d. obtaining an understanding of internal control.
a. Top-down.
Identifies and records all
b. Bottom-up.
valid transactions. Yes Yes Yes No
c. Parallel.
Describes transactions
d. All of the above.
sufficiently for proper
classification. Yes No No Yes
The Entity's Transaction Cycles and Controls
Measures transactions. Yes Yes No No
Determines the proper 40. An entity’s transaction cycles typically include
reporting period for a. b. c. d.
transactions. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Revenue and receipt cycle Yes Yes Yes No
Presents transactions and
Purchasing and
related disclosures Yes Yes Yes Yes
disbursement cycle Yes No No Yes
Personnel and payroll cycle Yes Yes No No
34. Communication component of internal control includes Inventory and production Yes Yes Yes Yes
providing an understanding to employees about their cycle
roles and responsibilities. Communication, electronic, Financing and investing Yes Yes Yes Yes
oral or by management actions, may be through cycle
a. Policy manuals.
b. Financial reporting manuals. 41. Which of the following statements with respect to the
c. Memoranda. independent auditor's evaluation of internal control is
d. All of the above. correct?
a. The auditor should decrease control testing when
Monitoring weaknesses in cash receipts are mitigated by
strong controls in cash disbursement procedures.
35. A component of COSO’s internal control system b. The auditor should increase control testing when
concerns the process that provides feedback on the weaknesses in billing procedures are mitigated by
effectiveness of the other components of internal strong controls in collection procedures.
control. This component is called: c. The auditor generally should not evaluate the
a. Information & communication c. Monitoring overall effectiveness of internal control, but should
b. Control activities d. Risk separately evaluate each of the transaction cycles.
assessment d. The auditor should evaluate all internal control
weaknesses before determining the control
36. The monitoring process of internal control does not procedures that should prevent or detect errors or
involve irregularities.
a. Ongoing activities and separate evaluations
b. Actions of internal auditors 42. Why does the auditor divide the financial statements
c. Communications from external parties. into smaller segments?
d. None of the above a. Using the cycle approach makes the audit more
37. An entity's ongoing monitoring activities, which are b. Most accounts have few relationships with others
built into normal recurring actions, often include and so it is more efficient to break the financial
a. Periodic audits by the audit committee. statements into smaller pieces.
b. Reviewing or supervising the purchasing function. c. The cycle approach is used because auditing
standards require it.
c. The audit of the annual financial statements.
d. All of the above are correct.
d. Control risk assessment in conjunction with
quarterly reviews.
Internal Control in Smaller Entities
Entity-Level and Transaction-Level Internal Controls
43. An important issue that arises in the context of a small
business is whether the enterprise is auditable. Which
38. Statement 1: Entity-level internal controls are
pervasive controls that relate to the overall operations of the following factors would be most likely to indicate
of an entity. to a CPA that a small business enterprise was not
a. The inherent risk of material misstatement is high.
Statement 2: Transaction-level internal controls are
specific controls that ensure transactions are b. The company relies solely on manual data
accurately and timely recorded, authorized, and processing of basic transactions.
processed. c. There are a limited number of employees and poor
a. True, true segregation of duties.
b. True, false d. Underlying source documents for transactions are
c. False, true not retained.
d. False, false
44. Which of the following is most likely to be a
Evaluating Entity-Level Controls characteristic of an owner-managed small business? a.
A formal organization structure
b. A strong control environment

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c. Management tendency to override internal controls misstatement. In determining whether a control is

d. Effective segregation of duties relevant, an auditor shall consider
a. Materiality and significance of risk.
45. Which of the following risk assessments or values is b. Size and nature of entity.
least likely to be characteristic of a small business c. How a specific control prevents, or detects and
audit? corrects, material misstatement.
a. Business risk is low. d. All of the above.
b. Control risk is low.
c. Inherent risk is low 53. Which of the following statements is false with regard
d. Detection risk is low. to the auditor’s consideration of an entity’s internal
46. In auditing smaller entities, an auditor usually finds it a. An entity may have controls relating to objectives
more efficient to apply that are not relevant to audit and need not be
a. Tests of controls strategy. considered.
b. Substantive procedures strategy. b. Understanding internal control relevant to each
c. Combination of a and b. operating unit or business function may not be
d. Any of the above. necessary to perform an audit.
c. The auditor’s primary consideration of internal
control is whether the control affects financial
47. Under what circumstances is testing of controls
statement assertions.
required when auditing a small business?
d. Internal control is considered relevant to the audit
a. For those accounts where the auditor has
of financial statements when the control addresses
determined that there are significant inherent risks
all business risks.
of material misstatement
b. For those accounts for which substantive testing
alone does not provide sufficient assurance 54. Which of the following statements is false with regard
to the auditor’s consideration of an entity’s internal
c. For those accounts where the auditor has
determined the risk of fraud to be higher than
a. Controls over financial reporting objectives are
usually relevant to audit of financial statements.
d. For all accounts containing one or more
b. Controls over operations and compliance
transactions that are individually material in
objectives are totally not relevant to audit of
financial statements.
c. Controls over operations and compliance
48. Which of the following best describes the level of
objectives may be relevant to audit of financial
engagement risk when a CPA audits the financial
statements if they relate to information or data
statements for a small business client? a. Low
involved in performance of audit procedures such
b. Moderate as those controls related to nonfinancial data used
c. High in analytical procedures and noncompliance with
d. Maximum laws and regulations.
d. Controls over safeguarding of assets such as limit
Scope of Internal Control Understanding— access to data and programs (e.g., passwords)
Determining Relevant Controls that process cash payments are relevant to audit
of financial statements.
49. PSAs require the auditor to obtain understanding of
the entity’s internal control structure a. For first time 55. Which of the following internal control is most likely
audit clients. relevant to an audit of financial statements?
b. For every audit. a. A TV manufacturer’s computerized production
c. Whenever the auditor wishes or sees necessary. scheduling system.
d. Sufficient to find any frauds that may exist. b. An airline’s automated controls that maintain flight
50. In all audits, the auditor should obtain an c. A furniture manufacturer’s controls for incidental
understanding of _______ components of internal sales of scrap materials that accounts for less than
control sufficient to assess the risk of material 1% of total sales.
misstatement and to design further audit procedures. d. A bank’s loan approval process.
a. Depends on the management’s permission.
b. Majority. 56. When an auditor uses information produced by the
c. At least four. entity, which of the following controls is(are) relevant?
d. All the five. a. Controls over completeness.
b. Controls over accuracy.
51. With respect to the client's system of internal control, c. Both a and b.
the auditor is concerned that the existing policies and d. Neither a nor b.
procedures provide reasonable assurance that
a. Operational efficiency has been achieved in 57. Identifying relevant controls is least likely facilitated
accordance with management plans. by
b. Errors and fraud have been prevented or detected. a. Previous experience.
c. Controls have not been circumvented by collusion. b. The understanding of the entity and its
d. Management cannot override the internal controls. environment.
c. Information gather during the during.
52. An internal control is relevant to an audit of financial d. Rate of responses to bank confirmation letters.
statements if it addresses risks of material

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Extent of Understanding of the Entity's Relevant Controls c. A written description of the process and flow of
—Design and Implementation documents and of the control points.
d. Diagrams of the client’s system that track the
58. The auditor must evaluate the design of relevant flow of documents and processing.
controls and determine whether they have been
implemented. Evaluating the design of the entity’s 65. Questionnaires consist of a series of interrelated
internal control would involve questions about internal control policies and
a. Considering whether the control, individually or in procedures. The questions are typically phrased so
combination with other controls, is capable of that a “Yes” indicates a control strength and a “No”
effectively preventing or detecting and correcting, indicates a potential weakness. An advantage(s) of the
material misstatements. questionnaire is(are)
b. Determining whether control exists and the entity a. Provide a visual representation of the system and
is using it. flexible in construction.
c. Determining the how, by whom, and consistency b. Help identify control concerns and prevents the
of application of internal control. auditor from overlooking important control
d. Determining whether the control is operating considerations.
effectively. c. Flexible to prepare, although difficult for a complex
59. Obtaining an understanding of internal control through d. Identify the contingencies considered in the
risk assessment procedures involves evaluating the description of a problem and the appropriate
a. b. c. d. actions to be taken in each case.

Design of internal control. Yes Yes Yes Yes

66. An auditor must document his/her understanding of
Implementation of internal Yes No No Yes internal control using
control. a. A narrative memorandum.
Operating effectiveness of b. A flowchart.
internal control. Yes Yes No No c. A questionnaire.
d. Any form.
60. When is the case that obtaining an understanding of
internal control is sufficient to test the operating Walkthrough Tests
effectiveness of control?
a. Controls are highly automated and the IT general 67. A procedure that involves tracing a transaction from
controls are effective. its origination through the company's information
b. Controls are non-complex in nature. systems until it is reflected in the company's financial
c. Controls are periodically evaluated by internal report is referred to as a(n) a. Analytical analysis.
auditors. b. Substantive procedure.
d. Controls are sophisticated and critical. c. Test of a control.
d. Walk-through
61. When obtaining an understanding of an entity’s
internal controls, an auditor should concentrate on 68. Which of the following statements is incorrect about
their substance rather than their form because walk-through test?
a. The controls may be operating effectively but may a. A procedure required to be performed every year
not be documented. of audit and to verify the identified “what can go
b. Management may establish appropriate controls wrongs” that have the potential to materially affect
but not enforce compliance with them. relevant financial statement assertions related to
c. The controls may be so inappropriate that the significant accounts and disclosures within each
auditor assesses control risk at the maximum. significant class of transactions.
d. Management may implement controls whose costs b. This procedure may be treated as part of tests of
exceed their benefits. control.
c. This procedure is performed to evaluate the
Documentation of Understanding of Internal Control effectiveness of the design of controls and
determine (confirm) whether the controls are
62. Which of the following is not a medium that can implemented (placed in operation) by the client.
normally be used by an auditor to record information d. The nature and extent of walk-through tests
concerning a client's internal control policies and performed by the auditor are such that they alone
procedures? would provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
a. Narrative memorandum. c. Flowchart. to support a control risk assessment which is less
b. Procedures manual. d. Questionnaire. than high.

63. Which of the following is not a medium that can 69. Which of the following best represents a walkthrough?
normally be used by an auditor to record information a. The controller reviews the bank reconciliation
concerning a client's internal control policies and prepared by the accountant and its resulting
procedures? journal entries.
c. Decision table. c. Check list. b. The auditor walks the production line to find
d. Policy manual. d. Questionnaire. inefficiencies in the inventory process and reports
them to management.
64. A decision table c. The controller takes a sample of write-offs to
a. Consists of a series of procedures to be performed. ensure they have been adequately documented
b. Logic diagrams presented in matrix form. and recorded.

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d. The auditor traces three purchasing transactions b. the person performing the control does not
from the purchase order to the financial statement possess the necessary authority or competence.
for observation and understanding. c. Either a or b.
b. Employees in the normal course of performing and communicated this finding in writing to the client's their
assigned functions. senior management and those charged with
c. Management when reviewing interim financial governance. The auditor should statements and reconciling
account balances. a. Consider the weakness a scope limitation and
d. Outside consultants who issue a special-purpose therefore disclaim an opinion. report on internal control
structure. b. Suspend all audit activities pending directions from the client's audit committee.
78. The auditor is not obligated to search for deficiencies c. Withdraw from the engagement.
in internal control, although the he/she must d. Consider the effects of the condition on the audit. communicate
control deficiencies noted. Which of the following control deficiencies the auditor must 80. When a compensating
control exists, the absence of a communicate to management and those charged with key control: governance?
a. is still a major concern to the auditor.
a. Control deficiency. b. could cause a material loss, so it must be tested
b. Significant deficiency. using substantive procedures.
c. Material weakness. c. is magnified and must be removed from the
d. Both b and c. sampling process and examined in its entirety.
d. is no longer a concern because there is no longer
79. During the audit the independent auditor identified the a significant deficiency or material weakness.
existence of a weakness in the client's internal control

- now do the DIY drill –


d. Neither a nor b.
70. In considering internal control, what is the purpose of
a transaction walk through? 76. If the auditor finds a material weakness in the controls
a. To assure that employees are performing assigned of the client, it represents a deficiency in the design or
functions accurately. operation of a control
b. To confirm the auditor's understanding of the a. that adversely affects the company’s ability to
internal control structure. initiate, record, process, or report external
c. To select documents for detailed tests of controls. financial data reliably in accordance with GAAP.
d. To verify the results of the auditor's sampling plan. b. that negatively affects the company’s ability to
initiate, record, process, or report external
71. Obtaining knowledge about whether the control is financial data reliably in accordance with GAAP.
implemented can best be obtained by a. Inquiry of c. that results in a remote possibility that a material
client’s personnel. misstatement of the annual or interim financial
b. Performing tests of control. statements will not be prevented or detected.
c. Reading procedures manual. d. that results in a reasonable possibility that a
d. Tracing transactions through the information material misstatement of the annual or interim
system relevant to financial reporting. financial statements will not be prevented or
Deficiencies in Internal Control
77. In general, a material weakness in internal control
may be defined as a condition in which material errors
72. Which of the following is not one of the levels of an
or irregularities may occur and not be detected within
absence of internal controls? a. Control deficiency.
a timely period by
b. Significant deficiency.
a. An independent auditor during tests of controls.
c. Material weakness.
d. Major deficiency.
1. What is management’s primary purpose of effective
internal control in an organization?
73. Deficiency in internal control exists when:
a. Obtaining high-quality data for making good
a. A control is unable to prevent, or detect and business decisions providing reasonable assurance
correct, F/S misstatements timely. that the entity’s objectives are achieved.
b. A necessary control is missing. b. Completion of a successful audit for the entity.
c. Either a or b. c. Shareholder involvement in the company’s
d. Neither a nor b. success.
d. Obtaining profitability and financial strength.
74. A(n) _______ deficiency exists if a necessary control
is missing or not properly formulated. a. Control. 2. An effective system of internal control
b. Significant. a. Eliminates risks and potential loss to the
c. Design. organization
d. Operating. b. Can prevent collusion among employees
c. Can reduce the cost of an external audit
75. An operation deficiency exists when d. Cannot be circumvented by management
a. a properly designed control does not operate as

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3. When auditing a company, the auditor should obtain

an understanding of internal control sufficient to: 10. Internal control procedures are not designed to
a. provide reasonable protection against client fraud provide reasonable assurance that
and defalcations by client employees. a. Transactions are executed in accordance with
b. assess control risk. management's authorization.
c. provide a basis for suggestions to the client for b. Irregularities (frauds) will be eliminated.
improving the accounting system. c. Access to assets is permitted only in accordance
d. provide a method for safeguarding assets, with management's authorization.
checking the accuracy and d. The recorded accountability for assets is compared
reliability of accounting data, with the existing assets at reasonable intervals.
promoting operational efficiency, and
encouraging adherence to prescribed 11. Internal controls can never be considered as
managerial policies. absolutely effective because:
a. their effectiveness is limited by the competency
4. The control environment includes all of the following and dependability of employees.
except b. not all organizations have internal audit
a. management philosophy and operating style. departments.
b. methods of assigning authority and responsibility. c. controls are designed to prevent and detect only
c. personnel policies and practices. material misstatements.
d. control activities. d. internal controls prevent separation of duties.

5. The essence of an effectively controlled organization 12. Which of the following best describes the inherent
(i.e., control environment) lies in the: limitations that should be recognized by an auditor
a. effectiveness of its independent auditor. when considering the potential effectiveness of
b. effectiveness of its internal auditor. internal control?
c. attitude of its employees. a. Procedures that depend on segregation of duties
d. attitude of its management. can be circumvented by collusion.
b. Competent and honest client personnel provide an
6. A component of COSO’s internal control system environment conducive to accounting control and
concerns the process of identifying, capturing, and provide absolute assurance that effective control
exchanging information in a timely fashion to enable will be achieved.
accomplishment of the organization’s objective. This c. Procedures designed to assure the execution and
component is called recording of transactions in accordance with
a. control activities. proper authorizations are effective against
b. information and communication. irregularities perpetrated by management.
c. monitoring. d. The benefits expected to be derived from effective
d. control environment. internal accounting control usually do not exceed
the costs of such control.
7. A proper segregation of duties requires
a. An individual maintaining custody of an asset be 13. When evaluating a client's system of internal control to
entitled to access the accounting records for the determine whether the necessary procedures are
asset. prescribed and have been implemented satisfactorily,
an auditor must
b. An individual authorizing a transaction records it
a. Develop questionnaires and checklists.
c. An individual recording a transaction not compare
the accounting record of the asset with the asset b. Obtain an understanding of internal control.
itself c. Perform tests of internal control procedures.
d. An individual authorizing a transaction maintain a d. Evaluate administrative policies.
custody of the asset that resulted from a
transaction 14. Which of the following would an auditor least likely
perform when obtaining understanding of the entity’s
8. Which of the following is a detective control designed internal control?
to detect the occurrence of a misstatement? a. Access a. Re-performance of internal control
controls. b. Inquiries of appropriate personnel
b. Edit controls. c. Inspection of documents and record
c. Reconciliations. d. Observation of the entity’s activities and
d. All of the above are detective controls. operations

9. Which of the following statements about internal 15. The auditor observes client employees during the
control is correct? review of the client's system of internal control in
a. Properly maintained internal controls reasonably order to
assure that collusion among employees cannot a. Prepare a flowchart.
occur. b. Update information contained in the organization
b. Establishing and maintaining internal control is the and procedure manuals.
internal auditor's responsibility. c. Assist in obtaining an understanding of the client's
c. Exceptionally strong control allows the auditor to internal control policies and procedures.
eliminate substantive tests of details. d. Determine the extent of compliance with quality
d. The cost benefit relationship should be considered control standards.
in designing internal controls.

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16. Why will the external auditor typically interview the

internal audit department as it relates to its risk-based
a. To appropriately change internal controls.
b. To comment on the deficiency of internal audit
c. To understand and assess management risk
d. To perform effective analytical procedures.

17. In an auditor's consideration of internal control, the

completion of a questionnaire is most closely
associated with which of the following? a. Separation
of duties.
b. Understanding the system.
c. Flowchart accuracy.
d. Tests of controls.

18. A major control available in a small company, which

might not be feasible in a big company, is: a. a wider
segregation of duties.
b. a voucher system.
c. fewer transactions to process.
d. the owner-manager’s personal interest and close
relationship with personnel.

19. Which of the following evidence-selection techniques is

most likely to be useful in the context of an audit of a
small business?
a. Block sampling
b. 100% examination
c. Stratified sampling
d. MUS sample selection

20. Which of the following is least likely to be a motivation

for the owners/managers of a small business to
misstate income?
a. Minimization of corporate income taxes
b. Showing sufficient growth and profitability to keep
lenders happy
c. Compliance with debt covenants
d. Maximizing potential dividend payout

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