Salmiya Indian Model School, Kuwait

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Salmiya Indian Model School, Kuwait

Assignment number: 1
Subject: Environmental Science (EVS)
Topic- Plants Around Us (Refer L-5 of EVS Reader)

I. Complete the table of characteristics of different types of plants. Identify and name the
picture given for each of them.

1. Trees 2. Herbs
 Trees are ____________ plants.  They have __________ and

 The stem is __________ and ___________ stems.

___________ called trunk.  They have __________ smell.

 They live for __________ years.  They have ____________________


Eg- _____________________ Eg- ________________________

3. Shrubs 4. Climbers
 They have many __________ _ and  They have long ______________

____________stems. stem.

 Shrubs are _______________in size  They need ______________ to grow

than trees.

Eg._____________________________ Eg- ____________________________

5. Creepers
 They have ____________ and

_________ stems.

 They grow and spread themselves on

the _______________.


II. Colour the picture and label the different parts of a plant. Use either colour pencils or
crayons. Do not use sketch pens/ water colours.

III. Fill in the blanks

1. _______________ plant grow in deserts.

2. Aquatic plants grow in _______________.

3. ____________ fix the plant to the ground.

4. Tulsi and Neem are the __________________ plants.

5. ______________ are called the food factory of plants.

6. The part of the plant that grows below the ground is called _________.

7. Plants that grow on hills, plains and deserts are called ________________________.

8. Place where plants or animals live in their natural environment is called ______________.
IV. Choose the correct answer.

1. Leaves have…

a. heart b. brain c. veins

2. The process of making food by the plants is called_________________.

a. compost pit b. chlorophyll c. photosynthesis

3. The season of shedding leaves.

a. Summer b. autumn c. winter

4. Leaves that heal wounds

a. Betel b. Coriander c. Banana

5. The part of the plant that is above the ground is called ____________

a. Root b. Shoot c. Boot

6. Which of the following is a type of spice?

a. Black pepper b. Mango c. Walnut

7. _____________ is the largest flower in the world.

a. Daffodil b. Lotus c. Rafflesia

V. Mention any four uses of plants.

Name of the plant Uses

VI. True or False

1. Plants give us carbon dioxide. ______________

2. The smell of the leaf is called aroma. ______________

3. Dry leaves are used for making manure. ______________

4. Mango leaves are used to heal wounds. ______________

5. All leaves are of same colour, shape and size. _______________

6. Neem leaves are used to colour hands. _______________

7. Banana leaves are used as plates called pattals. _______________

8. Coconut and palm leaves are used as roofs of kutcha houses. _______________

VII. Identify the plants and circle the correct habitat.

________________________ __________________________

Habitat - Water / Hills / Desert Habitat - Desert / Plains / Water

_____________________ __________________________

Habitat - Water / Hills / Desert Habitat - Water / Hills / Plains

Read and understand

SL. Plant vocabulary Meaning
1 Root The part of a plant that grows under the ground.

2 Shoot The parts of plant that grow above the ground.

3 Aroma The smell of a leaf.

4 Habitat The natural home or environment of a plant, animal or other

5 Minerals Essential substances that bodies need to develop and function

6 Adaptation A very slow change by plants/animals to suit themselves to their

surroundings or environment.

7 Chlorophyll A green colour material present in the leaves which helps in

8 Aquatic plants Plants living or growing in water.

9 Terrestrial plants Plants living or growing on land. (Hills, Plains or Deserts).

10 Photosynthesis The process by which plants make their food.

11 Manure Organic matter used as fertilizer in farming. It increases

nutrients in the soil.


1. Take leaves of different shapes and sizes, dry them by keeping in old books or
2. Use the dry leaves to make two different types of animals.
3. Stick them on A4 size paper.
4. Write your name, class and section.
5. Sample pictures are attached below for understanding. Use your imagination and
creativity to complete the graded activity.

Note: Incase unable to get the leaves, use printout of leaves or draw and colour leaves on
paper and use their cutouts.


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