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FINAL Test For IVth Graders

NAME …………………………………………………………….……. DATE ……………………

…………………………………………………………….……. MARK ……………………

(Time 50 minutes)


1 Look, read and choose. (20 marks)

0 1 2

a tall a sugar a shy

b fat b flour b noisy

a3 ocean a4 uniform a5 baker’s

b lake b jeans b butcher’s

6 7 8
a hop a hippo a baseball
b jog b elephant b volleyball

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9 10 11

a cave a curly hair a sleeping bag

b rock b straight hair b tent

12 13 14

a caps a museum a doctor

b gloves b theatre b vet

a15 discover a16 plant a17 crocodile

b scream b paint b snake

a18 surf a19 carton a20 drop litter

b sail b bottle b chew gum

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2 Read and choose. (20 marks)

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0 He is my brother. _______ name is Tom. 11 I’m going to ___________ this weekend.
A He B His A sailing B sail
1 _________________________ is Diane? 12 She’s singing. Listen to _____________.
A Where B When A she B her
2 How many _______________ are there? 13 Are there ________ grapes in the salad?
A child B children A many B much
3 The bank is _____________ the hospital. 14 I ______________________ to bed late.
A next B next to A go never B never go
4 My sister is ________________ than me. 15 I _____________________ a cute baby.
A taller B tallest A was B were
5 Frank _________________ got freckles. 16 Miss Johnson ______________ English.
A haven’t B hasn’t A teach B teaches
6 Did she ________________ you a card? 17 Steve _______________ his homework
A give B gave yesterday.
7 Look! Sue is ______________________! A did B does
A dive B diving 18 You __________ drop litter in the street.
A must B mustn’t
8 There __________ a lot of people at the
beach. 19 It’s the cutest animal ____________ the

A were B was world.

A in B of
9 I don’t like ________________ my room.
A clean B cleaning 20 We get up ____________ seven o’clock .
A in B at
10 There isn’t _____________ butter in my
A any B some


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3 Read and choose. (5 marks)

0 A: Can you skip? 3 A: Do you like painting?

B: a) Yes, I can. B: a) Yes, I do.
b) No, I don’t. b) Yes, I am.

1 A: What does Anna look like? 4 A: Can I have a can of cola, please?
B: a) She’s tall and slim. B: a) How much is that?
b) She’s from Italy. b) Here you are.

2 A: How old is she? 5 A: What did he do yesterday?

B: a) She’s my sister. B: a) He went to the cinema.
b) She’s eleven. b) He goes to the park.

4 Look, read and write. (5 marks)
0 1 2 3 4 5

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krco tiivs mcersa evca visderoc ttpforion
rock _________ __________ __________ ___________ __________
5 Write the missing months. (5 marks)

January, February, 0) March, April, 1) _____________, June, 2) _____________,

3) _____________, September, 4) _____________, November, 5) ___________ .


6 Read and match. (05 marks)


22 nd 0
third 1st
2 fifth
b 3 twelfth e

twenty-second 3rd
c f

17 th
12th 05
7 Read and underline. (05 marks)

0 Is there much/many salt? 3 There are a lot of/a lot grapes on the table.
1 There are much/a lot of cherries in the 4 Are there much/many mangoes in the
salad. kitchen?
2 How much/How many flour do you 5 We haven’t got much/many butter.
need? 05
8. Read and match. (10 marks)

0. a small a) snake

1. a slow b)panda

2. a scary c) penguin

3.a cute d) crocodile

4.a clever e) snail

5. a long f) dolphin
9 Look, read and match. (10 marks)
0 straight hair

1 freckles c

2 long hair

3 glasses
4 curly hair

0___________1___________ 2_____________3_______________4______________
10 Read and underline. (10 marks)
0 Judy get/gets up at seven o’clock. 3 Do/Does they go to the gym every day?
1 Steve and Andrew play/plays football 4 We don’t watch/watches TV at night.
every day. 5 Do/Does she always go to bed late?
2 I don’t/doesn’t clean my room on

11 Make sentences. (05 marks) 3 sometimes/bikes/to/our/ride/school./We

0 o’clock./I/at/get up/always/seven
4 10
I always get up at seven o’clock.
1 We/comics/at/read/school./never
5 plays/in/volleyball/She/morning./never/the
m 05

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