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Chapter 9: Speech Act Activity

1. Consider the phrase: “I now declare Martial Law.” Who among the following can say this phrase and
make martial law actually happen?

a. President of the country

b. My pregnant neighbor

c. A retired veterinarian

d. A famous rock star

2. What do you think does the speaker means when he/she says, “Can you open the door?”

a. The speaker wants to know if I have the ability to open the door.

b. The speaker is requesting me to open the door.

c. The speaker does not make sense.

d. The speaker is asking me a question.

3. You and your friend who has a fever enter your room. She shivers and tells you, “It’s cold in here!”
How would you interpret what she said?

a. She feels cold.

b. She wants me to increase the temperature in the room.

c. She does not feel well because of the cold.

d. She is complimenting the temperature in my room.

4. Based on the scenario in item number 3, what would your next action be?

a. I will thank my friend.

b. I will agree with her and say that the room is cold.

c. I will increase the temperature to decrease the coldness.

d. I will ignore my friend.

5.In which of the following statements is the speaker making a commitment?

a. “I checked her Facebook profile yesterday.”

b. “I’m in love and I’m happy!”

c. “I promise to love you for better or for worse.”

d. “I think following my suggestion will get us a high grade.”

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