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Running head: PHARMACOLOGY



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The common risk factors for polypharmacy

One of the common risk factor associated with the polypharmacy is the age. The elderly

people are affected by the polypharmacy and this is specifically due to metabolic changes as well

as the reduced drug clearances. Another common risk associated with the polypharmacy is the

increasing number of the drug usage which increases the chances of the drug to drug interactions

due to multiple uses of the drugs (Rushabh & Akanksha, 2014).

The most important intervention in preventing the polypharmacy

The most effective approach is conducting a monthly evaluation of the patients. This is

important in revealing whether the drugs worked or there was more complication which was

caused by the drug which was prescribed to the patient. This is also important in changing the

dose as well as the type of the drug to be given to the patient when the previous ones were not

effective (Abdulraheem, 2013).

The most interventions towards the prevention of the polypharmacy as a nurse

To prevent the cases of the adverse impacts of the polypharmacy medication regimes

amongst the elderly individuals, it is always important to prescribe a single drug contrary to

many medicines for the purposes of treating one disease. It is important to start the medication

with a low drug with clinical indication. It can be increased later if the need arises. The drugs can

be given once or twice on a daily basis as opposed to thrice a day. The drugs which are alleged to

be creating more complications have to be discontinued. Those drugs with no therapeutic

benefits have to be stopped.


Abdulraheem, I. (2013). A risk factor for the geriatric syndrome, morbidity &mortality. Aging

Sci., 1, e103.

Rushabh, J. D., & Akanksha, S. (2014). Polypharmacy: A global risk factor for elderly people.

Journal of International Oral Health: International Society of Preventive and

Community Dentistry, 6 (6), i-ii.

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