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Roll No. ..........................

Total Pages : 03

GSQ/M-20 1750
Paper XVIII (CH-304)
Inorganic Chemistry
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 32

Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting two questions

from each Section. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.

1. (i) Why Carbonyls are generally diamagnetic ?

(ii) What are Levelling solvents ?
(iii) Name the element present in Chlorophyll.
(iv) What is inorganic rubber ?
(v) Write IUPAC name of ---(Si(CH3)(C6H5)–O---)n
(vi) Draw structure of staggered ferrocene.
(vii) Why is HNO3 stronger acid than HNO2 ?
(viii) Draw structure o-Phenylene mercury. 1×8

Section A

2. (a) What are hard and soft acids and bases ? 2

(b) What is relationship of electronegativity with
hardness and softness ? 2

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(c) Explain, how BF3 and CO2 behave as Lewis acids.

3. (a) Explain Bronsted Lowry concept of acids and bases.

(b) Explain the feasibility of the following reaction : 2
CH3HgF + HSO3–1  CH3HgSO3–1 + HF
(c) Why Cl-OH is an acid while NaOH is a base ? 2

4. (a) Discuss bonding in Zeise salt. 2

(b) Give important uses of organomercury compounds.
(c) Complete the following : 2
(i) AlR3 + SnCl4  .................
(ii) [Fe(CO)5| + Ph3P  .................

5. (a) How can you increase the stability of metal-alkyl

compounds ? 2
(b) Explain 3C–2e bond in Trialkyl aluminium
compounds. 2
(c) Give three methods of preparation of Organo-
Lithium compounds. 2

Section B

6. (a) What are essential and non-essential elements ? 2

(2)L-1750 2
(b) Discuss the role of Mg+2 in biological system and
in ATP. 2
(c) Discuss reason, why Fe[II] in myoglobin does not
oxidise. 2

7. (a) What are similarity and difference in the structure

of Haemoglobin and Myoglobin and give their
functions ? 2
(b) What is the difference between N2 fixation and
nitrogen assimilation ? 2
(c) Sodium pump is electrogenic in nature. Explain. 2

8. (a) Discuss Island model of bonding in cyclic (NPCl2)3.

(b) How are cross-linked silicones prepared ? 2
(c) Sketch the conformations of tetramer (NPCl2)4. 2

9. (a) State three major classes of silicone elastomers and

write their uses. 2
(b) Give three uses of Phosphazenes. 2
(c) Complete the following : 2
(i) (NPCl2)3 + NaF  ..................
(ii) (NPCl2)3 + RONa  ..................

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