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[Form No.

Birth Registration Form ※ Please complete this form according to the instructions on
( Day Month Year) the reverse side. Circle where appropriate.

Korean (surname) /(first name) Place of

Name family origin Sex
 Male  Birth in wedlock
(surname) /(first name) (Chinese characters)  Female  Birth out of wedlock

① Hour Minute Day Month Year (Please enter in 24 hour clock format based on
Time & Date of birth
Person the local time of birthplace)
of birth Birthplace address  Own residence  Hospital  Others
Permanent address designated by parents
Address Relationship to the head of household of
If the child has dual nationalities, please indicate this fact and enter the other nationality.
Place of family origin
Father Name (Chinese characters) Resident registration No. -
(Chinese characters: )
② Mother Name Place of family origin Resident registration No. -
Parents (Chinese characters: ) (Chinese characters)
Father’s permanent address
Mother’s permanent address
When reporting a marriage, did you submit the agreement certifying that your child will carry his/her mother’s surname
and the place of family origin? Yes⎕ No⎕
③ Indicate below if you are registering the birth again after the Family Register was closed in accordance with a court
judgement confirming the non-existence of parent-child relationship.
Particular details in the closed Name Resident registration No. -
Family Register Permanent address
④ Remarks
Name Seal or signature Resident Registration No. -

⑤ Applicant
Relationship  Father  Mother  Cohabiting relative  Others (Eligibility : )
Tel. E-mail
⑥ Submitting person Name Resident registration No. -
※ A person filing a false registration form making a fraudulent use of other person’s signature or seal or causing a false entry on the Family
Register as a result of a false report is punishable by imprisonment for not more than five years or fine of up to KRW 10,000,000 under the
Criminal Act.

※ The following information is required for national population policy. You are obliged to provide accurate information in
a faithful manner according to Articles 32 and 33 of the Statistics Act. All personal information will be strictly
Details of the Person of Birth

⑦ Duration of pregnancy Pregnancy Weeks Days ⑧ Weight of the new born baby . ㎏

⑨ Number of births &  Single  Twins →  First or  Second of the twins

Birth order
 Triplets or more → out of
Details of Father Details of Mother
 Korean (by birth) Korean (by birth)
⑩ Nationality  Naturalized Korean (Previous nationality: ) Naturalized Korean (Previous nationality: )
 Foreign national (Nationality: ) Foreign national (Nationality: )
⑪ Actual date of birth Solar / Lunar Day Month Year Solar / Lunar Day Month Year
 Uneducated  Elementary school  Uneducated  Elementary school
⑫ Highest level of  Middle school  High school  Middle school  High school
education  (College) University  (College) University
 Graduate school and above  Graduate school and above
 Manager  Professional  Manager  Professional
 Clerk  Service worker  Sales worker  Clerk  Service worker  Sales worker
 Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery worker  Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery worker
 Craft and related trades worker  Craft and related trades worker
⑬ Occupation
 Plant and machine operator and assembler  Plant and machine operator and assembler
 Elementary worker  Elementary worker
 Student  Househusband  Student  Housewife
 Member of armed forces  Unemployed  Member of armed forces  Unemployed
⑭ Date when your actual marriage began From Day Month Year
⑮ Total number of children born to the mother Including this child : (alive : , deceased : )

※ For official use only (Please do not write below details)

Filed at Eup, Myeon, Dong Sent to the Family Relationship Registrar's office Filed and Processed by the Family
Relationship Registrar's office
Resident Registration No. -
Day Month Year (Seal)
Instructions for Filling the Form
※ Permanent Address : In the case of a foreign national, provide nationality.
※ Resident Registration No. : In the case of a foreign national, provide Alien Registration No. (Domestic Residence Report No.
or date of birth).
Item① : Chinese characters of the name of a person of birth should be Chinese characters which can be used for personal
names according to the Supreme Court Regulations. The number of Chinese characters should not exceed five
(excluding the surname). Please check Chinse characters in use for personal names on the civil service website of the
Supreme Court (
: Please indicate the time and the date of birth according to 24 hour clock format. (e.g. 2:30 p.m. → 14:30)
: If a Korean child was born overseas, please indicate the local time of birth as the time of birth. If daylight saving time
applies, please indicate that "daylight saving time applies".
: If your child has dual nationalities, please indicate the other nationality as well.
: As for the address of the place of birth, provide the street name only or suburbs. Street address is not necessary.
Item② : Details of the father - Please do not fill it in the case where the mother registers the birth out of wedlock. Please
indicate the father’s name as "undecided" in the case where the mother registers the baby and she gave birth within
200 days after she got remarried within 100 days after the dissolution of her previous marriage and as a result gave
birth within 300 days after the termination of her previous marriage.
Item③ : This item applies only to those who registers the birth after the Family Register has been closed as a result of the
court’s judgement on the non-existence of parent-child relationship and the denial of paternity, and others.
Item④ : Please enter the information required below and other relevant information necessary for clarifying the details in the
Family Register.
- In cases where parents cannot register the baby, please provide the reason.
- In the case of a birth out of wedlock, please indicate with which government registry office the biological father filed
the recognition of a fetus.
- In the case of birth abroad, please write the Korean local time of birth. If the birth was during day light saving time,
please indicate so next to the birth time.
- In cases where the baby’s birth was registered following a non-Korean father’s surname at a foreign registry office and
the birth is to be registered under a Korean name, please provide the foreign name registered overseas.
- In cases where there was an agreement at the time of marriage registration that the baby would adopt the mother’s
surname according to the Article 781 Paragraph 1 of the Civil Act, please indicate the reason.
Item⑥ : Please provide the name and resident registration number of the person who is submitting the form regardless of an
applicant. [ID to be verified by government officials]
Item⑦~⑨ Person of birth : Provide details of the baby to be registered.
Item⑨ : For multiple births (twins or more), regardless of the number of births, please indicate the number of fetuses in the
mother’s uterus. For each birth, please indicate the order of birth.
Item⑩~⑮ This section applies to the parents of the baby at the time of birth.
Item⑫ : Please choose the educational institution accredited by the Minister of Education, Science and Technology which the
parents last graduated from. For those who are currently attending or dropped out of school, indicate the last school
completed. For example, a junior student in university or a dropout should choose high school.
Item⑬ : Indicate the parents' primary occupations at the time of birth.
 Manager : Occupation related to planning, directing and management of government, business and other entities (public and private
enterprise executives, etc.)
 Professional : Occupation related to skilled work based on expert knowledge (science, medical science, education, religion, law, finance, art,
sports, etc.)
 Clerk : Occupation related to assisting managers and professionals (business administration, insurance, audit, counseling, reception, statistics, etc.)
 Service worker : Occupation related to public safety, protective service, medical assistance, hairdressing, beauty, wedding and funera
functions, transportation, leisure, cooking, etc.
 Sales worker : Occupation related to sales and marketing of goods or services (internet, shop, public place, and etc.), advertising, and PR, etc.
 Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery worker : Occupation related to cultivation and harvest of crops, animal breeding, farming and
development of forest, farming and breeding of aquatic animal ․ plant, etc.
 Craft and related trades worker : Occupation related to installing equipment and machinery, processing and maintenance related to mining,
manufacturing, and construction industries
 Plant and machine operator and assembler : Occupation related to producing and assembling goods, operating machines, machine control
by computers, driving transportation equipment, etc.
 Elementary worker : Occupation requiring simple, routine and physical work using simple manual tools
 Housewife and househusband : Full time engagement in household affairs
 Member of armed forces : Only professional soldiers excluding conscripted officers and ranks  Unemployed : No occupation in particular
Item⑮ : For total births of the mother, please indicate how many children she has given birth to. Please indicate both the
number of surviving children and those who passed away, and also include the children from previous marriages.
Required documents
1. A copy of birth certificate (choose one).
- A certificate issued by a doctor or a midwife.
- A certificate issued by a person who is aware of the birth if the person of birth was not born in healthcare facilities
(Article 283 of the Regulations concerning Family Relationship Registration).
- A certificate of processed birth registration issued by a foreign government office and its Korean translation.
※ Item 2 and 3 below are not required if the Family Relationship Registrar's office can verify the contents electronically.
2. A copy of the marriage certificate of a parent.
- In cases where a father registers a child out of wedlock, a copy of the mother’s marriage certificate should be attached.
- In cases where mother’s Family Register does not exist or its existence is not verifiable, a notarized document which certifies
the non-marriage of the mother or a documentary guarantees by two or more friends and neighbors is needed.
3. A document certifying that the mother was a Korean national at the time of birth (e.g. mother’s Certificate of Basic Personal Information)
in the case of a registration of a child born after 14 June 1998 between a foreign national father and a Korean national mother.
4. In cases where the Korean national father or mother does not have Family Register or it is not verifiable at the time of the
birth, a copy of an official government document containing the personal details such as the name and date of birth of the
father or mother (e.g. passport, a copy of resident registration record or other certificates).
5. Proof of foreign nationality in cases where the child has dual nationalities.
6. Identification [In accordance with Article 23 of the Regulations concerning Family Relationship Registration]
- In cases where an applicant is present, the applicant’s ID
- In cases where the submitting person is present, a copy of the applicant’s ID and the submitting person’s ID
- In cases where application is made by post, a copy of the applicant’s ID

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