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HCM Fundamentals

Course Manual and Activity Guide

This booklet is for the personal use of only the individuals who have enrolled in this specific Workday training course. You may
make copies only as necessary for your own use. Any distribution, even within your organization, is strictly prohibited unless
Workday has authorized such distribution in writing.

© 2018 Workday, Inc. All rights reserved. Workday, the Workday logo, Workday Enterprise Business Services, Workday Human
Capital Management, Workday Financial Management, Workday Resource Management and Workday Revenue Management are
all trademarks of Workday, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
holders. Version 30 v2 (April 2018)
HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30

Workday Pro
This customer-focused accreditation program helps drive greater Workday
competency and self-sufficiency for your organization.

Workday Touchpoints Kit

The Workday Touchpoints Kit helps you identify cross-functional impacts across the
full suite. By providing a macro view of the Workday components and the
relationships among them, it ensures higher quality and smarter implementations.

Adoption Kit
This collection of templates and resources accelerates student training and your
Workday rollout. It includes a combination of videos, job aids, and facilitation and
marketing materials. All content can be tailored to your needs, or used as-is.

The Next Level

A series of online demonstrations that show Workday in action and give you tips on
deploying features.

Enablement Workshops
In-person training with hands-on configuration in your own sandbox tenant.

2 HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30

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HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30

Learn Independent
This learning experience combines videos, interactive exercises, quizzes, and tests
into a comprehensive, online learning curriculum that students can complete at their
own pace. Students also experience hands-on activities in a Workday tenant.

Learn Virtual
Our virtual classroom offers the advantages of live instructors without the expense
and time associated with travel. Students connect to our training environment and
participate remotely, complete hands-on activities, and interact with instructors and
other students.

Learn On-Demand
As a supplement to instructor-led offerings, this training provides immediate access to
specific courses and includes short, topic-specific videos and job aids.

Learn In-Person
This instructor-led, in-classroom training prepares students to meet their job
requirements. It combines lectures, social learning, product demonstrations, and
hands-on activities.

Learn more about our training opportunities on Community:

HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30 3

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HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30

HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30 ......................................................................................... 16

Overview .................................................................................................................................... 16

Section One: Workday Framework ........................................................................................... 16

Section Two: Working in Workday ............................................................................................ 17

Section Three: Workday Tools .................................................................................................. 17

Course Structure ....................................................................................................................... 18

Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics ................................................................. 19

Overview .................................................................................................................................... 19

Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 19

Core Concepts ........................................................................................................................... 20

Activity 1.1 – Core Concepts.................................................................................................. 21

Business Objects ....................................................................................................................... 22

Basic Navigation ........................................................................................................................ 23

Additional Navigation Topics ..................................................................................................... 27

Guided Tours ............................................................................................................................. 31

Hide and Require Fields ............................................................................................................ 32

Tenant Setup ............................................................................................................................. 32

Language and Terminology Considerations ............................................................................. 33

Actionable Reports .................................................................................................................... 35

Activity 1.2 – Search and Navigation ..................................................................................... 39

Chapter Review ......................................................................................................................... 41

Chapter 1 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................... 42

Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday ...................................................................................... 43

Overview .................................................................................................................................... 43

Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 43

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Supervisory Organizations ........................................................................................................ 44

Creating Supervisory Organizations ......................................................................................... 45

Characteristics of a Supervisory Organization.......................................................................... 47

Managing Supervisory Organizations ....................................................................................... 51

Activity 2.1 – Create a Supervisory Organization .................................................................. 53

Activity 2.2 – Create Subordinate Supervisory Organizations .............................................. 56

Additional Organization Types and Organization Hierarchies .................................................. 58

Activity 2.3 – Explore Additional Organizations ..................................................................... 66

Activity 2.4 – Create a New Location ..................................................................................... 67

Organization Hierarchies ........................................................................................................... 69

Location Hierarchies .................................................................................................................. 70

Reorganization .......................................................................................................................... 70

Activity 2.5 – Modify a Location Hierarchy............................................................................. 72

Organization Assignments on Supervisory Organization ......................................................... 74

Activity 2.6 – Set Up Organization Assignments ................................................................... 76

Organization Reports ................................................................................................................ 79

Chapter Review ......................................................................................................................... 80

Chapter 2 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................... 81

Chapter 3: Staffing Models ........................................................................................................ 82

Overview .................................................................................................................................... 82

Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 82

Staffing Models .......................................................................................................................... 83

Hiring Restrictions ..................................................................................................................... 84

Differentiating Staffing Models .................................................................................................. 84

Activity 3.1 – Select a Staffing Model .................................................................................... 87

Maintain Staffing Models ........................................................................................................... 88

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Chapter Review ......................................................................................................................... 89

Chapter 3 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................... 90

Chapter 4: Jobs and Positions .................................................................................................. 91

Overview .................................................................................................................................... 91

Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 91

Job Profiles ................................................................................................................................ 92

Differentiating Job Profiles, Job Families, and Job Family Groups .......................................... 96

Activity 4.1 – Create a Job Profile .......................................................................................... 98

Creating Positions and Jobs ................................................................................................... 100

Activity 4.2 – Create Positions ............................................................................................. 104

Activity 4.3 – Set Hiring Restrictions on Job Management Organizations .......................... 107

Activity 4.4 – Approve Positions and Hiring restrictions ...................................................... 109

Activity 4.5 – Assign a Position to an Assignable Role ....................................................... 111

Job Requisitions ...................................................................................................................... 112

Activity 4.6 – View a Job Requisition ................................................................................... 114

Managing Filled and Unfilled Positions and Jobs ................................................................... 115

Chapter Review ....................................................................................................................... 118

Chapter 4 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................. 119

Chapter 5: Overview of Compensation .................................................................................. 120

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 120

Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 120

Compensation Overview ......................................................................................................... 121

Compensation Eligibility Rules ................................................................................................ 122

Activity 5.1 – Create Compensation Eligibility Rules ........................................................... 125

Compensation Eligibility Reports ............................................................................................ 127

Compensation Elements ......................................................................................................... 127

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Currency Exchange Rates ...................................................................................................... 128

Compensation Grades ............................................................................................................ 128

Activity 5.2 – Create Compensation Grade and Assign to Job Profiles .............................. 132

Compensation Plans ............................................................................................................... 135

Compensation Package .......................................................................................................... 139

Activity 5.3 – Create Compensation Plans and Compensation Package ........................... 140

Compensation Events ............................................................................................................. 143

Total Rewards Report ............................................................................................................. 145

Compensation Reports ............................................................................................................ 147

Optional Activity 5.4 – Employee Compensation Audit Report ........................................... 148

Compensation Defaulting Troubleshooting ............................................................................. 149

Chapter Review ....................................................................................................................... 151

Chapter 5 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................. 152

Chapter 6: Hiring Workers ....................................................................................................... 154

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 154

Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 154

Hiring and Supervisory Organizations .................................................................................... 155

Process Overview.................................................................................................................... 156

Hire Process ............................................................................................................................ 159

Activity 6.1 – Hire into a Position Management Organization ............................................. 162

Activity 6.2 – Hire into a Job Management Organization .................................................... 166

Chapter Review ....................................................................................................................... 168

Chapter 6 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................. 169

Chapter 7: Overview of Configurable Security...................................................................... 170

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 170

Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 170

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Configurable Security .............................................................................................................. 171

Configurable Security Framework ........................................................................................... 171

Security Policies ...................................................................................................................... 174

Security Policy Change Control .............................................................................................. 179

Activity 7.1 – View Security Policy Permissions .................................................................. 182

Activity 7.2 – Modify a Domain Security Policy ................................................................... 185

Security Groups ....................................................................................................................... 187

Workday-Assigned Security Groups ....................................................................................... 190

Activity 7.3 – Manage Workday-Assigned Security Groups ................................................ 191

User-Based Security Groups .................................................................................................. 193

Activity 7.4 – Assign User-Based Security Groups ............................................................. 195

Role-Based Security Groups ................................................................................................... 197

Activity 7.5 – Explore Role-Based Security Groups ............................................................ 202

Security Reports ...................................................................................................................... 204

Chapter Review ....................................................................................................................... 205

Chapter 7 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................. 206

Chapter 8: Overview of Business Process Framework ....................................................... 207

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 207

Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 207

Configurable Business Processes .......................................................................................... 208

Business Process Framework ................................................................................................. 209

Business Process Terminology ............................................................................................... 210

Business Process Definition Overview ................................................................................... 210

Copying or Linking Business Process Definitions .................................................................. 211

Activity 8.1 – Copy a Business Process .............................................................................. 213

Business Process Configuration Options................................................................................ 214

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Business Process Step Types ................................................................................................ 214

Business Processes and Subprocesses ................................................................................. 216

Approvals for Business Processes ......................................................................................... 219

Editing Business Processes .................................................................................................... 221

Activity 8.2 – Edit a Business Process ................................................................................ 225

Business Process Step Configuration ..................................................................................... 227

Activity 8.3 – Configure Business Process Steps................................................................ 234

Business Process Notifications ............................................................................................... 239

Activity 8.4 – Create a Business Process Notification ......................................................... 242

Activity 8.5 – Test Business Process Configuration ............................................................ 244

Visualization............................................................................................................................. 247

Activity 8.6 – View Business Process Diagram ................................................................... 248

Designing Your Business Process .......................................................................................... 249

Chapter Review ....................................................................................................................... 250

Chapter 8 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................. 251

Chapter 9: Additional Staffing Transactions ......................................................................... 252

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 252

Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 252

Contracting Contingent Workers ............................................................................................. 253

Activity 9.1 – Contract a Contingent Worker ....................................................................... 255

Activity 9.2 – Convert a Contingent Worker......................................................................... 257

Staffing Movement................................................................................................................... 259

Activity 9.3 – Transfer a Worker .......................................................................................... 266

Position Swap .......................................................................................................................... 270

Switch Primary Job .................................................................................................................. 270

Termination .............................................................................................................................. 271

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Activity 9.4 – Terminate a Worker........................................................................................ 279

Job Overlap ............................................................................................................................. 281

Activity 9.5 – Overlap Jobs .................................................................................................. 283

Staffing Reports ....................................................................................................................... 285

Chapter Review ....................................................................................................................... 286

Chapter 9 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................. 287

Chapter 10: Event Management .............................................................................................. 288

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 288

Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 288

Finding an Event...................................................................................................................... 289

Task Reassignment and Request Reassignment .................................................................. 289

Request Delegation Change ................................................................................................... 291

Activity 10.1 – Request Delegation ...................................................................................... 296

Cancel and Rescind Business Process .................................................................................. 298

Activity 10.2 – Rescind an Event ......................................................................................... 301

Correct Business Process ....................................................................................................... 302

Activity 10.3 – Correct a Hire Event ..................................................................................... 306

Managing Supervisory Organizations ..................................................................................... 307

Activity 10.4 – Move Workers and Inactivate a Supervisory Organization ......................... 308

Chapter Review ....................................................................................................................... 310

Chapter 10 Knowledge Check ................................................................................................ 311

Chapter 11: Overview of Reporting and Custom Fields ...................................................... 312

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 312

Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 312

Report Writer ........................................................................................................................... 313

Report Writer Navigation ......................................................................................................... 313

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HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30

Standard Reports .................................................................................................................... 314

Activity 11.1 – Run Standard Reports ................................................................................. 316

Custom Reports ....................................................................................................................... 317

Creating Custom Reports ........................................................................................................ 323

Activity 11.2 – Copy Standard Report to Custom ................................................................ 328

Report Security ........................................................................................................................ 331

Scheduling Reports ................................................................................................................. 334

Configurable Alerts .................................................................................................................. 335

Worker Trending Reports ........................................................................................................ 337

Custom Fields .......................................................................................................................... 337

Activity 11.3 – Create a Custom Object............................................................................... 343

Chapter Review ....................................................................................................................... 346

Chapter 11 Knowledge Check ................................................................................................ 347

Chapter 12: Self Service........................................................................................................... 348

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 348

Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 348

Workday Accounts................................................................................................................... 349

Employee Self Service ............................................................................................................ 350

Worker Profile .......................................................................................................................... 352

Onboarding .............................................................................................................................. 356

Manager Self-Service .............................................................................................................. 359

Activity 12.1 – Employee and Manager Self Service .......................................................... 363

Chapter Review ....................................................................................................................... 365

Chapter 12 Knowledge Check ................................................................................................ 366

Chapter 13: Workday Mobile ................................................................................................... 367

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 367

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Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 367

Inbox ........................................................................................................................................ 368

Analytics .................................................................................................................................. 368

Mobile Notifications ................................................................................................................. 369

Directory Search and View Team ........................................................................................... 369

Setup........................................................................................................................................ 370

Workday Mobile Solutions Features ....................................................................................... 371

Video Activity 13.1 – Workday Mobile ................................................................................. 372

Chapter Review ....................................................................................................................... 373

Chapter 13 Knowledge Check ................................................................................................ 374

Chapter 14: Overview of Integrations and High Volume Events......................................... 375

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 375

Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 376

Workday Web Services API .................................................................................................... 377

Workday Integration Tools ...................................................................................................... 377

Integration Cloud Platform....................................................................................................... 377

Custom Integrations ................................................................................................................ 377

User-Built Integrations ............................................................................................................. 377

High Volume Events ................................................................................................................ 378

Demo 14.1 – High Volume Event – Hire.............................................................................. 382

Chapter Review ....................................................................................................................... 384

Chapter 14 Knowledge Check ................................................................................................ 385

Chapter 15: Resources............................................................................................................. 386

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 386

Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 386

Workday Community ............................................................................................................... 387

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HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30

Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 391

Adoption Kit ............................................................................................................................. 393

Training Catalog ...................................................................................................................... 395

Learning Management System ............................................................................................... 396

Chapter Review ....................................................................................................................... 398

Chapter 15 Knowledge Check ................................................................................................ 399

HCM Fundamentals Lab ........................................................................................................... 400

Part One .................................................................................................................................. 400

Part Two .................................................................................................................................. 406

Appendix A – Challenge Activities ......................................................................................... 408

Challenge Activity 1 – Supervisory Organizations, Jobs, and Positions ................................ 408

Challenge Activity 2 – Compensation and Hiring ................................................................... 415

Challenge Activity 3 – Business Process Security Policy ....................................................... 422

Challenge Activity 4 – Business Processes and Transactions ............................................... 425

Appendix B – Daily Review Questions ................................................................................... 430

Day 1........................................................................................................................................ 430

Day 2........................................................................................................................................ 432

Day 3........................................................................................................................................ 434

Daily Review Question Answer Key ........................................................................................ 436

Appendix C – Knowledge Check Answer Keys .................................................................... 441

Chapter 1 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................. 441

Chapter 2 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................. 441

Chapter 3 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................. 441

Chapter 4 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................. 442

Chapter 5 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................. 442

Chapter 6 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................. 443

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Chapter 7 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................. 443

Chapter 8 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................. 444

Chapter 9 Knowledge Check .................................................................................................. 444

Chapter 10 Knowledge Checks............................................................................................... 445

Chapter 11 Knowledge Check ................................................................................................ 445

Chapter 12 Knowledge Check ................................................................................................ 445

Chapter 13 Knowledge Check ................................................................................................ 446

Chapter 14 Knowledge Check ................................................................................................ 446

Chapter 15 Knowledge Check ................................................................................................ 446

Appendix D – Activity Answer Keys ....................................................................................... 448

Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................................. 448

Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................. 449

Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................................. 451

Chapter 5 ................................................................................................................................. 451

Chapter 6 ................................................................................................................................. 452

Chapter 7 ................................................................................................................................. 452

Chapter 8 ................................................................................................................................. 454

Chapter 9 ................................................................................................................................. 455

Chapter 10 ............................................................................................................................... 456

Chapter 11 ............................................................................................................................... 456

Chapter 12 ............................................................................................................................... 456

Chapter 13 ............................................................................................................................... 457

Appendix E – Touchpoints ...................................................................................................... 458

Touchpoints ............................................................................................................................. 458

Appendix F – Workday Pro ...................................................................................................... 459

Customer Accreditation program ............................................................................................ 459

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Learn more: ........................................................................... 459

Appendix G – Class Evaluations ............................................................................................ 460

Available at the Start of the Last Day of Class ....................................................................... 460

Available After Class Ends and Roster Submitted ................................................................. 460

Class Evaluation (Session Within a Curriculum): Available at the Start of the Last Day of
Class ........................................................................................................................................ 461

Class Evaluation (Within a Curriculum): Available After Class Ends and Roster Submitted . 462

Appendix H – Deployment ....................................................................................................... 463

Deployment Overview ............................................................................................................. 463

Appendix I – Shortcuts, Tips, & Tricks................................................................................... 464

Workday Streamlined .............................................................................................................. 464

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HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30



This course includes the Workday Human Capital Management (HCM) Fundamentals that will
help you progress through your Workday HCM deployment. We will cover how to execute the
major HCM business processes, perform administrative activities, and set up core system
functionality. In addition, we will cover an overview of business process configuration,
configurable security, and Workday Report Writer.

This class is designed for members of the deployment team prior to the planning stage of
deployment. While customers who are in production will also find this class useful for new
workers, it is not designed to be an HCM transactional class. Recorded training modules and
HCM transactional virtual classes for in-production customers will meet that training need more


We will review basic navigation and core configuration of the Workday HCM system, as well as
introduce you to security and business process framework, and how to modify a business
process. We will hire employees to test configurations. Below is a list of the areas we will

• HCM Core Concept Overview

• Navigation
• Organization Structures
• Creating Supervisory Organizations
• Other Organization Types and Hierarchical Rollups
• Staffing Models
• Job Profiles
• Jobs and Positions
• Creating Jobs and Positions Using Different Staffing Models
• Configuring Basic Compensation Components
• Hiring Workers
• Security Overview
• Assigning Security Permissions to Workers
• Business Process Framework
• Modifying Your Business Processes

16 HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30

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HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30


Workday allows you to manage, administer, and support your workforce. This includes tracking
employee, pre-hire, and contingent worker data. In this section, we will generate examples of
basic transactions and discuss the steps involved. These activities help you become more
familiar with the Workday system and the methods of navigation. We will perform the following

• Contracting Contingent Workers

• Converting a Contingent Worker to an Employee
• Job Changes
• Termination and Job Overlap
• Task Reassignment and Delegation
• Event Management
• Employee and Manager Self Service Actions
• Using Workday Mobile


Once your data is in the Workday system and your business processes are configured to meet
your business needs, it is time to start using the tools and resources available to you. Below is a
list of the areas we will include:

• Workday Standard Reports

• Creating a Custom Report
• Custom Fields
• High Level Overview of Integrations
• Defining High Volume Events
• Resources
• Workday Community
• Administration Guide Overview

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HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30


You will use this manual throughout the class. There are interactive elements in this class,

Demos Demos show concepts, configuration, and functionality within a

Workday training environment.

Activities You will use your individual training tenant to perform activities in the
Workday system. These activities reinforce concepts discussed in the
videos, demos, and course manual.

Knowledge At the end of each chapter, you will answer questions to check your
Check knowledge of that chapter’s content.

18 HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics



Navigating through Workday is made simple through the use of powerful search capabilities and
multiple navigation tools. In this chapter, we will review these tools and discuss the multiple
methods you can use to find tasks, reports, and business objects. In many cases, there is more
than one way to perform an action on an object.

Additionally, we will learn about the core concepts of Workday HCM. This overview will provide
you with an understanding of what is needed to perform transactions in Workday.

Keep in mind that all tasks and reports are secured and require you to be in the appropriate
security group to access them. If you cannot see a task, report, or the data described in this
guide, it is because you do not have permission to view it. Security is configurable, so during
class we use configuration that is specific to this Workday training tenant.


By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

• Describe Workday HCM core concepts.
• Log into a Workday tenant.
• Demonstrate navigation techniques including searching for objects, accessing and
removing worklets, and locating and running standard reports.

HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30 19

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics


• Supervisory Organizations: The foundation of Workday HCM. This type of

organization groups workers into a management hierarchy.
• Staffing Models: Defines how jobs and positions are created and filled in a supervisory
• Job Profiles: Defines generic features and characteristics of a job and of a position that
is built off that profile.
• Compensation: The umbrella term for compensation packages, grades, grade profiles
and plans.
• Security: A security group is a collection of users or a collection of objects that are
related to users. Allowing a security group access to a securable item in a security policy
grants access to the users associated with the security group.
• Business Processes: A sequence of one or more tasks that accomplishes a desired
business objective.


Staffing Model

Security Job Profile


20 HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics


Business Case: In this activity, you will demonstrate comprehension of HCM core concepts
by matching the terms below with the definitions listed in the first column.


Definition Core Concept

1. Allows a group of users to access an item in A. Business Processes

B. Job Profiles
2. Defines how jobs and positions are created and
filled in supervisory organizations. C. Compensation

3. One or more tasks that accomplishes a business D. Staffing Models

E. Security
4. Groups workers into a management hierarchy.
F. Supervisory Organizations
5. Defines the characteristics of a job.

6. Includes objects such as packages, grades, and


HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30 21

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics


Workday uses a very powerful object-action model that drives navigation and reporting. The
power of objects is that when you see something in Workday, you can perform an action on it.
When you view a page in Workday, most of the items on the screen are links, and many of
those items have a Related Actions icon next to them. These features make Workday reports
and viewable pages actionable.

Workday stores data as business objects (e.g., organizations, workers, positions) that are
similar to database tables or worksheets in Excel. Just as a database table or worksheet has
columns and rows; a Workday business object has fields and instances. Workday automatically
links related business objects together. For example, a worker is associated with a position, the
position is associated with a job profile, and the job profile is associated with a management
level, job classification, exempt status, etc.

In the diagram below, the “Worker” is the object and the attached rectangles are examples of
related objects or groupings of objects related to the primary object.

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics


Workday is designed to give you multiple ways of doing the same task. To navigate the system,
you need to be familiar with:

• Standard screen elements

• Navigation tools
• Single and multi-select fields

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics

The following chart describes elements of the Application Header and Workday Worker Profile

Elements Description
This icon on the upper-left corner takes you back to the Home landing
You can search for tasks, objects (such as workers, pre-hires and
organizations), and reports in the search bar. Predictive suggestions
return common matching results to which you have access based on your
security configuration.
Indicating a Category to the left of your search results page allows you to
target your search to an area of interest, thereby producing faster and
more accurate results. You can set a preferred search category in your
Preferences. That default category is used when you sign into Workday. If
you manually select a different category, it applies for that search and
returns to your default category for the remainder of your session.
Search prefixes also allow you to narrow down your results to a specific
type of search result. When using a search prefix, Workday searches all
items of that type and returns all the results available to you. Examples of
common search prefixes include “org:” for organizations and “bp:” for
business processes. To find all search prefixes you have access to, type
“?” in your search box. You may also choose to use categories to further
refine your results when using a search prefix.
If enabled and configured, you can search on synonyms for Workday
terms that you want to find when searching, as well as hide certain results
that you do not want to see in search results.
Workday Icon Click on the Workday icon to return to your Home page.
Click on your name or picture to view your worker profile, access all
menus including your Inbox and notifications, manage your user
preferences, or sign out of your Workday session.

24 HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics


Elements Description
The Home landing page uses one consolidated view to display
worklets giving employees, contingent workers, and managers access
to information and commonly used tasks for self-service and manager
The Inbox will contain all activity that is required of you. When Inbox is
selected, your Inbox opens in full-screen mode.
The Notifications link displays notifications regarding business
processes and rules-based alerts such as birthdays and time off.
This landing page provides technical administrators and implementers
easy access to all the tools needed to create and manage custom
reports, calculated fields, analytic indicators, and other administrative
tasks and reports.
A list of the standard reports and tasks available to you, sorted by
functional category.
This page provides access to a configurable list of favorite business
Favorites objects, reports, and tasks. Favorites can also be used when
searching in prompts.
A list of all the audit reports and tasks available to you, sorted by
functional area.
The Workday drive is a virtual drive in which you can store generated
reports. Users can find the same information through a Reports
W: Drive (My worklet on the Home page. When a new report is available in your W:
Reports) Drive, a notification will display in the application header and in your
Inbox. You can also tag reports sent to your W: Drive to make them
easier to locate.
Workday documentation can be used to obtain information on
attributes of objects, system configuration, or procedures. The
Documentation link will take users to the Administration Guide section
of the Workday Community.
To direct your end users to your training and help documents, use the
Edit Tenant Setup - System task and enter your training and help
Help website's URL in the 'Help' Link field. To add other links, such as one
to your support center, create Quicklinks worklets and include them as
required worklets on the Home page.
This allows you to change your password and user account
My Account

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics


Icon Description
Brings you back to your Home page.

Clicking on the Worker Profile opens all sections available from the home
page. This includes Inbox, Notifications, Workbench, Favorites, W:Drive,
Documentation, Help and My Account.
Displays the Related Actions menu for an object (available only if the
user has permission to perform additional actions on that object).
This Actions button is displayed on the header of many pages in
Workday. Just like the Related Actions menu described above, this
button provides a menu for an object.
Used to narrow down data. Clicking this icon allows you to add a filter to
your data.
Click to view this page as a PDF file that you can print. This can be
restricted using the domain Export to PDF and Excel.
Click to view this page as an Excel file. This can be restricted using the
domain Export to PDF and Excel.
Used to indicate that the report can be viewed as a chart.

Click the Pool Tag icon to put worker(s) into a selected talent or
succession pool.
Returns to the previous page and allows rerunning either a report or a
task with new values.
An up or down arrow will appear in the column heading of a report if you
have clicked on it to change the sort direction.
Appears in the upper-right side of worklets and landing pages and acts
as a menu or settings option.
Opens the associated instance, replacing the current view page (only
available on select view pages).
The Alert is a warning message that alerts you about system limitations
based on configuration. You may continue your process or configuration
when an alert message displays.
The Error is a warning message that alerts you there is a critical error. An
error must be corrected to move forward in a process or to enable your

26 HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics


Icon Description
The Required Field indicator contains an asterisk that indicates that you
must enter a value for this field before saving or submitting the page.
Clicking the Prompt icon displays see a list of available values sorted in
folders (if applicable).
The Calendar icon opens a calendar to select your date.

Click the Delete Row icon to remove the current row from the grid.

Click the Add Row icon to add a row to the current grid.

When you click the OK button, the system accepts your changes.

The Submit button accepts your changes and moves you to the next
step in the business process.
The Done button closes a confirmation screen and returns user to the
page which the task or process was initiated from
The Cancel button disregards all changes.

The Save for Later button saves the item in your Inbox until action is

The More option gives you several additional choices depending on the
business process.


The Inbox can be found on the Worker Profile Menu, and contains an Actions tab and an
Archive tab. The Actions tab is an activity stream that displays business process tasks,
approvals, and to dos which require an action. The Archive tab displays historical actions and
business processes within the last 30 days. You can also choose to add the Inbox as a worklet
on landing pages.

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics

The Inbox displays filter options and sorting capabilities. You can choose to edit your own filters
using condition rules you configure. Under Archive, you can refresh or view more processes.
The standard filters for the Actions tab are:

Filter Description
All current business process tasks, approvals and to-dos awaiting your
Favorites Inbox items you starred as favorites.
Overdue Business process items past their due date.

Bulk Approvals
Under the Actions tab of your Inbox, there is a pull-down icon on the top right which gives you
the option to Bulk Approve items in your Inbox, refresh your Inbox, or begin delegations.

When you select this option, a Bulk Approve screen opens up with approval items from your
Inbox. You can choose the “Select All” checkbox, or you can select individual items to approve
in bulk.

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics

The Notifications section on the Worker Profile Menu displays notifications regarding business
processes and rule-driven alerts such as birthdays and time off. When working with
notifications, you can “Mark all as read” or refresh.

Worklets are reports that can be displayed as tiles on a Workday landing page. They provide
users quick access to frequently referenced data and tasks common to a specific functional
area. Worklets can be identified as required or optional on landing pages based on the user’s
security group(s). Required worklets cannot be removed or rearranged from the page, while
optional worklets can be added or removed by the user.

Security determines which worklets are available. For example, the Personal Information
worklet is available to Employee-as-Self, in which every employee is a member, while the My
Team Management worklet is only available to managers.


At the top right of each landing page you will see a gear icon. By clicking this icon, you can
personalize your landing page. You can add or remove any recommended or optional worklets
to or from this page. You can also specify the order in which you would like these worklets to

HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30 29

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics

Workday utilizes prompts to help users navigate in search fields. Prompts display all content
available to that field, allowing you to navigate through levels to find information more easily. As
you navigate through prompts, the top of the pane displays which level you are currently in,
allowing you to return to a previous level. If the prompt only contains one folder or available
level to choose, it will default to open.

If a field displays a prompt list icon, you are required to use one of the prompt values. In single
select fields, only one value is allowed and the prompt list will disappear once a value is chosen.

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics

If a field permits more than one value, the prompt list will stay open to allow you to choose as
many values as necessary. The field expands as you enter additional values and you can click
the X to remove entries.

Your favorite business objects, tasks, and reports are found on the Favorites link in the worker
profile menu. You have the ability to mark any item in Workday as a favorite by using the
Favorite > Add related action off an item in the system. This allows for easy access to those
items which you use most often and your prompt boxes will display a folder for easy access to
your favorites.


Guided Tours help users complete tasks by displaying customized instructional text for selected
fields as part of business processes. Unlike Step Help-Text which appears at the top of the
page, Guided Tours appear next to each respective field.

When Guided Tours are configured, a question mark icon displays on the task header to
indicate that help text is available for fields on the current screen. If the user would like to
expand and view the help text, they can click on the question mark in the upper-right corner of
the screen, and descriptions will display on each configured field to help the user complete the

Use the Configure Guided Tours task to add tenanted titles and text that you want to appear on
specific fields within a selected business process. The Translate Guided Tours task will allow
you to manually translate the Guided Tour title and text into any of the language translations
that Workday supports.

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics


To have more control over what users see in tasks, you can determine which users see certain
fields within business processes. Fields can be configured to be either hidden or required for all
users or for specified security groups.

Use the Configure Optional Fields task to specify a field based on business process or
functional area, as well as the criteria used to determine for whom the field is hidden or


A tenant is a unique instance of the Workday system with data separated in a database that is
securely segregated through password-controlled access. You can configure the tenant to meet
your unique business needs. Workday performs most of the tasks that support your tenancy
during your initial deployment; however, you may need to:

• Customize the Workday sign in page.

• Establish the default settings for a variety of data and information formats.
Workday provides several tasks for configuring specific areas of your tenant, as needed. These
tasks are accessed by navigating to the Tenant Setup report and selecting a tenant setup task
specific to the changes needed. Throughout this guide, there will be reference made to different
Edit Tenant Setup tasks to assist with various system configurations.

Resource: More information about Tenant Setup and Tenant Management is

available on Workday Community.

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics


The basic tenant language for Workday is English, but there are a series of terminology and
translation configuration options available to you.

Workday can deliver Employee Self Service and Manager Self Service into over 20 languages.

Resource: A full list of languages is available on the Workday Community.

These languages are primarily allocated based on the location the worker is hired into.
However, the individual user can change the language they view the system in (e.g., if they live
in a country with dual languages such as Belgium or Canada) by going to My Account settings
and selecting Change Preferences. A Preferred communication language can also be
designated for business communications.

The choice of languages can be restricted using Edit Tenant Setup – Global.

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics

If certain terms used by Workday do not match up with the language used in your enterprise,
you do have the ability to override some of these objects’ labels. The Maintain Custom Labels
task enables you to create, edit, and delete custom labels, which will override the original
Workday terms in certain tasks and reports. You can define override values for different
variations of the term when relevant, such as the singular, plural, and possessive forms of the
terms. We also provide a Preserve Case option that always displays the custom label in the
case you define.

Customers can create synonyms within the system. These are used as search criteria to find
information in the system. The advantage of this is that it allows customers to map their
terminology with Workday terminology. Then users can be accurately directed to information
within their tenant. These synonyms can be maintained in Edit Tenant Setup – Search.

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics


Workday uses a very powerful object-action model that drives navigation and interactive reports.
When you view a page in Workday, most of the items on the screen are links and many of those
items have a Related Actions icon next to them. These features are what make our reports and
viewable pages actionable.

One example of an actionable report is the Find Workers report. You can use the Find Workers
page to filter search results by various criteria, such as location, job profile, and supervisory
organization. As you select a value for any filter category, or facet, the Find Workers page
immediately updates the resulting list of workers and facet value counts. The facet value counts
help you understand the worker population that satisfies the current filter criteria and guide your

Workday displays search facets on the left side of the Find Workers page. Facets are non-
tenanted; they correspond to generic categories such as location. Each facet contains one or
more facet values. Facet values are tenanted; they correspond to specific values in your tenant.
For example, the facet Location would display facet values for your specific locations.

Each facet value is followed by a number indicating how many workers have that facet value.
For example, if you have a Chicago Sales Office location with eight workers, the location facet
would display a facet value of Chicago Sales Office (8).

By default, no facet values are selected. As you select facet values to narrow your search,
Workday dynamically updates the facet value count numbers for other facet values. For each
facet, Workday displays the facet values with the most workers. If there are more facet values
for that facet, click the More... link to display them. For facets with many possible facet values,
Workday provides a prompt to select an additional facet value.

To create a custom Find Workers report, copy the standard version, and then modify the report
to your needs.

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics

In the Find Workers report, you have the ability to Compare Workers by selecting the box next
to their name in your results and selecting the Compare button. You can compare up to five
workers at a time.

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics

Compare Workers opens up a window to view a side-by-side comparison of key worker

attributes from the Talent, Compensation, and general HCM areas:

Dashboards are worklets that can be included on your Home landing page. Workday provides
pre-configured dashboards for distinct functional areas. In addition to using the pre-configured
Workday-delivered dashboards, you also can create an unlimited number of custom
dashboards. Each custom dashboard can display a set of custom reports that have been
enabled as worklets. Workday allows you to have unlimited amount of types under Dashboard,
but still six worklets per type. The Maintain Dashboards task will give you the ability to set up
which dashboards you want to allow users to set up.

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics


Business Case: You are a new Workday user. Sign on to your system and follow the
instructions below to get a feel for searching and navigating in Workday.

Your assigned training tenant # (replace “X”s in the url above):

https://_________- host _____/login.htmld


1. Log in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil) using the following password:

2. Enter Termination in the Search box and click the magnifying glass or press your
Enter key. How many search results do you receive?

3. Using a search prefix, type bp: termination and click the magnifying glass.

A. How many search results do you receive?

B. What type are these search results?

4. Enter Benefit Events Status Report in the Search box and view the predictive search
results. Then enter ben even stat in the Search box and note your results. Notice that
searching on partial and abbreviated words will still return the result you seek.

5. Enter betty liu in the Search box and press your Enter key. View all of your search
results using the current default category All of Workday.

6. Change the Category on the left side of your search results to People.

A. How many search results do you receive?

B. What are these search results?


1. Remove worklets from the Home page that you do not think you will use in your initial
deployment (perhaps Benefits Dashboard).

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics

2. Click the Add Row icon at the top of the table to add a new row.

3. Using the prompt, find Inbox and add to Logan’s worklets.

4. Click OK.

5. Run the Address Change Report with no date criteria. Who had the most recent
address change?

Hint: Use the Sorting feature in the Address Change Report rather than scrolling
down the list.

6. Find the supervisory organization that handles Payroll. How many workers are in the
Payroll department?

7. Navigate to worker Deborah Simpson. Viewing her Worker Profile, answer the
following questions:

A. What is Deborah’s position?

B. Who is her manager?

C. What is Deborah’s hire date?

D. Who reports to Deborah?

Hint: Use the Team icon to view Deborah’s organization.

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics


This chapter provided a brief introduction to the core concepts of HCM, which are Supervisory
Organizations, Staffing Models, Job Profiles, Compensation, Security, and Business Processes.
These six core concepts are essential for Workday HCM transactions. In following chapters, we
will cover each core concept in more detail.

When you see an object in Workday you can click on it to get more information or use the
Related Actions icon to open the menu and initiate an action.

Landing pages are a collection of worklets that allow users to access information, tasks, and

• The Home landing page is a consolidated view of information and tasks for both self-
service and manager self-service.
• The Workbench landing page provides quick and easy access to existing tasks and
reports for technical administrators and implementers.
All landing pages are configurable. Worklets can be added and removed at any time.

Worklets can be configured to be required or optional for specific security groups. Required
worklets will be pre-loaded when a worker first signs into Workday and cannot be removed.
Optional worklets will be pre-loaded when a worker first signs into Workday and can be
removed by the user at any time.

Most reports and Workday pages can be exported to either a PDF or Excel file.

Search can be used to find information in the Workday system because most data is indexed
and searchable.

The Inbox is where you find tasks that you are responsible for completing. The Inbox is found by
clicking on the Worker Profile on the top right of your screen, and will open to a fullscreen view,
which includes current action items and archive processes. The Inbox worklet can also be
configured on landing pages.

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Chapter 1: Core Concepts and Navigation Basics


1. What is the name of the icon that allows you to view information or perform tasks on
a landing page?

2. True or False: Search allows you to use partial searches, abbreviations and
misspelled words.

3. What is the name and location of the icon you should select when you want to act on
or make changes to an object?

4. True or False: Security and Business Processes are considered cross applications
and impact all Workday solutions.


1. Which worklets are required for your enterprise? Which worklets are optional?

2. What will be on the Home page?

3. What reports will you display?

4. What types of Dashboards will you set up and allow workers to choose from? Who
should see them?

42 HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday



An organization is used to group resources, workers, and costs to support a particular business
function. Workday supports several organization types, but the primary organizational structure
for HCM is the supervisory organization. Workers are grouped and tracked within supervisory
organizations, and other organizational structures can be put into the system to represent
alternate organization views.

In this chapter, we will begin by focusing on the supervisory organization, the foundation of
Workday HCM, and then look at other common organization types that can be created and
maintained. These include some more commonly used organization types such as Company,
Cost Center, and Region.

In addition, organization hierarchies will be defined and the purpose of these hierarchies
explored. Once your organizations and organization hierarchies are created, these structures
may change over time. The reorganization tasks covered in this chapter will allow you to
restructure as your business changes.


By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

• Build a supervisory organization hierarchy by creating and reorganizing supervisory
• Configure a location and include it in a hierarchy.
• Demonstrate and explain how roles are assigned and inherited on supervisory
• Configure and explain the purpose of default organizations.
• Navigate other types of organizations, including cost centers, companies, and
organization hierarchies.
• Define the purpose of at least two organization types.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday


Supervisory organizations are the foundation to HCM; they group workers into a management
hierarchy. A supervisory organization can be a business unit, department, group, or project.
Jobs, positions, and compensation structures are associated with supervisory organizations and
workers are hired into jobs or positions associated with a supervisory organization.

Business processes can be assigned to a supervisory organization. All business process

definitions are established for a supervisory organization hierarchy, with possible variations for
particular organizations within that hierarchy.

As the primary organizational structure, supervisory organizations are the focus of this section.
The following diagram is an example of the grouping of workers in supervisory organizations.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

There are four key characteristics unique to a supervisory organization that are covered in this

1. Positions are only created within a supervisory organization.

2. Employees must be hired into a supervisory organization.

3. Assignable roles have responsibilities within a supervisory organization.

4. Unique business processes can be assigned to a supervisory organization.


Information Why It Is Important
Superior and Subordinate Determine the organization hierarchy.
Primarily used to control when the organization
Availability Date* starts to appear in prompts and is fully viewable
using the View Supervisory Organization task.
Organization Name Name of the supervisory organization.
Optional field that can be used as an additional
Organization Code
identification field.
Tenanted data. Can create hierarchies and is
Organization Subtype*

• Role Assignees
• Role Assignees and Members
Organization Visibility* • Role Assignees of Current and
• Everyone
Allows you to identify a URL associated with the
External URL
supervisory organization.
Required data when creating a supervisory
organization; inherited from the superior
Primary Location*
supervisory organization if not entered. Used for
security routing and reporting purposes.
Each of the staffing models provides a different
Staffing Model (Tab)** level of control over staffing and supports
different staffing goals.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

Denotes the manager and other support

Assign Roles (Tab)**
personnel. Drives business processes.
Appears during the create/edit supervisory
Identifiers (Tab) organization task to provide government

* Required fields

** Subordinate organizations will inherit information from the superior supervisory organization.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday


The supervisory organization can have organization subtypes, like division and/or department.
You define each organization subtype (managed with the Maintain Organization Subtypes task)
for your specific needs. All organization subtypes are tenanted data.

If your business needs to, you can also set up and enforce the hierarchy of your organization
subtypes. For example, you might have three organization subtypes of department, division,
and team. In your organization, departments are always superior to divisions, which are always
superior to teams. Therefore, you could create and enforce this structure, ensuring that no one
in your organization creates a team that is superior to a department. To configure a subtype
hierarchy, use the related action off the organization (e.g., any supervisory) and navigate to the
action of Hierarchy Structure, and the Create task. Once created, you can use the related action
off the organization to view and correct any exceptions before using the Enforce task to not
allow future exceptions.

You also have the option to allow levels to be skipped whereby an organization can report to
any superior organization subtype, not just the organization subtype indicated as immediately
superior. If the option to skip levels is not checked, then once the hierarchy structure is
enforced, the superior's level must be the level immediately above the subordinate's level.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

An organization's visibility determines who can view the organization. Visibility options are:

Visibility Definition
Anyone can see this organization. Most supervisory organizations are
set up this way.
Role Assignees Only members of the organization and workers assigned to a role to
and Members support it can view the organization.
Only a worker assigned to a role on the organization can view the
Role Assignees
organization (whether assigned directly, defaulted or inherited).
Role Assignees of Only workers assigned to a role in the organization or a superior
Current and organization can view the organization. Workers who can view the
Superiors organization can also view all subordinate organizations.

Assignable roles manage security tasks, access to employees, and involvement in business
processes. Assignable roles are in each type of organization (e.g., Supervisory, Location
Hierarchy). Roles are used in business processes to assign tasks; they can either be inherited
from a superior organization, specifically assigned to an organization, or roles can be defaulted.
These role assignments and the security groups to which they are linked are critical for business
process routing and notifications.

Depending on your security access, roles can be assigned on an organization using the related
action Roles > Assign Roles, or directly from a worker using the appropriate Assign Roles task
in the worker’s related action Security Profile menu.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

In Supervisory Organizations, roles are assigned to a position (if you are using the Position
Management staffing model) or a job (if you are using the Job Management staffing model). The
worker who fills that position or job accepts the role and their name is displayed in the Assigned
To field. If a position is unfilled, the Assigned To field will display the position title, indicating that
the position is unfilled. A role can be assigned to any level in a supervisory organization
hierarchy; however, if the role is not assigned directly, it is inherited from the superior.

In the following example, the HR Partner Role for Global Modern Services is assigned to a
position, Senior HR Representative, which Susan Jones fills. All subordinates of Global Modern
Services will inherit Susan Jones as their HR Partner, unless the role is directly assigned
differently to their organization, as is shown in the Human Resources supervisory organization.
The Staff HR Representative position, which is Mark Davis’ role, is assigned the HR Partner role
for Human Resources. All subordinates of Human Resources inherit Mark Davis as their HR

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

If a position assigned to a role becomes unfilled, then that role will inherit the role assignment
from its superior. Using the example from the diagram above, if Mark Davis were to vacate the
Staff HR Representative position, then Human Resources will inherit the HR Partner role
assignment of its superior, Executive Management, which would be Susan Jones. When the
Staff HR Position is filled, the worker filling that position automatically assumes the HR Partner

In job management, the job that is assigned to a role is always filled by a worker. If the worker is
terminated, the job becomes inactive and no longer displays as assigned to any roles. The role
will inherit from its superior, until the role is reassigned to another worker.

You can assign multiple managers to a supervisory organization, which is a common
requirement in some industries where shift workers report to multiple managers. When an
organization has multiple managers:

• More than one position can occupy the manager role.

• Two or more managers share equal responsibility for workers in an organization.
• All managers have the same abilities to initiate, view, and approve transactions on a
group of workers.
• All managers display as equals on organization charts.
• All managers will be seen in the assigned role of Manager for the supervisory
• Multiple managers will appear on the worker’s profile and display in reports.
• You can select one Manager as the main manager for reporting fields and integrations
using the Single Assignment Manager section under assigned roles.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

Touchpoint: Assignable roles are used for security and business process routing
and approvals. The same role may have access to multiple functional areas across
HCM and Financial. For this reason, it is important to have all teams review how
roles are used across the application.


Managing changes to the supervisory organization is part of life. Workday easily facilitates any
structural changes you may require.

Below is a screen shot displaying the reorganization options for existing supervisory

Recall that within the subordinate organizations you create, the organization subtypes that are
allowed depend on whether or not you have an enforced hierarchy structure.

Reorganization Options Description

Provides the ability to move a supervisory organization by
Assign Superior
making it a subordinate of a different supervisory organization.
Allows you to quickly create a new supervisory organization
and include it in the hierarchy as a subordinate. The new
Create Subordinate supervisory organization will inherit the same staffing model,
assignable roles and organizational assignments as the
superior organization, if configured to do so.
Allows you to create a new related organization and select
which subordinate organizations will move into it. Divide does
Divide Organization
not assume as much inheritance and will require fields to be
populated, such as Location.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

To inactivate a Position Management or Job Management

Inactivate Organization organization, the individual positions and workers need to be
removed from the organization prior to inactivating.
This administrative task allows workers to be moved in or out of
Move Workers a supervisory organization (provided that they use the same
staffing model).

These reorganizational activities utilize the business process framework, which means you can
route the organizational changes to relevant parties for approval before they take effect. You
may also rescind or cancel a reorganizational activity, if needed. These topics will be covered in
more detail in later chapters within this guide.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday



Business Case: You are leading the team to set up a supervisory organization structure for
Wealth of Knowledge, a training organization within GMS that will be headquartered in San
Francisco, with an additional location in New York.
In this activity, you will create the supervisory organization of Wealth of Knowledge (WOK).
WOK will be a part of the Human Resources organization, and its primary location will be in
San Francisco. You will assign Logan McNeil as the Manager of the Wealth of Knowledge
supervisory organization.


1. Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil).

2. Enter Human Resources into the search box.

3. Select the Human Resources supervisory organization.

4. Answer the following questions about the Human Resources supervisory


A. What is the Superior Organization?

B. What are its Subordinate organizations?

C. Review the Members tab. Who are the members of this supervisory

D. Select the Details tab. What is the primary location of Human Resources?

E. Select the Roles tab. How many Assignable Roles support Human

F. Who is assigned as the Manager of Human Resources?


1. On the top of the page, click Actions next to Human Resources to view the Related
Actions menu.

2. Select Reorganization > Create Subordinate.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

3. Leave today’s date as the effective date.

4. Click OK.

5. Enter the following Subordinate Organization information:

Field Name Entry Value

Availability Date Leave default of today’s date
Organization Name Wealth of Knowledge
Organization Code WOK
Include Manager/Leader in Name (Selected)
Organization Subtype Division
Primary Location Leave field blank

Tip: We are not entering a Primary Location for Wealth of Knowledge because it will
inherit the primary location of its superior, Human Resources. If we wanted to
override the primary location, we could do so.

6. Click Submit.

7. Click Done.

8. You should be back on the Human Resources supervisory organization page. View
the Subordinate organizations, including the supervisory organization you just
created. Click the Wealth of Knowledge link.

9. Answer the following questions about the Wealth of Knowledge supervisory

organization you just created:

A. Are there any Members in this organization? Why?

B. Click on the Roles tab. Why are these roles assigned to this organization?

C. Who is currently assigned as the Manager of Wealth of Knowledge?


1. Click the Related Actions for Wealth of Knowledge, and select Roles > Assign

2. Leave today’s date as the Effective Date, and click OK.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

3. You would like Logan McNeil’s position to be assigned to Manager of Wealth of

Knowledge. In the empty row, enter Manager in the Role field.

4. In the Assigned To field, search for Logan McNeil and select her position, Vice
President, Human Resource.

5. Do not put anything in Single Assignment – this is for organizations that want to
select a single assignment manager for reporting purposes and in integrations where
only one name should be used. Click OK.

6. Click Done.


1. Select the Related Actions for Wealth of Knowledge and click the Org Chart button.

2. Review the org chart of Human Resources and its subordinate organizations,
including Wealth of Knowledge.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday



Business Case: To continue building the Wealth of Knowledge structure, you will create two
subordinate supervisory organizations, Course Development and Training.


1. Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil).

2. Navigate to the Wealth of Knowledge supervisory organization by typing Wealth of

Knowledge or WOK in the Search box.

3. From Wealth of Knowledge’s Related Actions, select Reorganization > Create


4. Leave today’s date as the effective date, and click OK.

5. Enter the following Subordinate Organization information:

Field Name Entry Value

Availability Date Leave default of today’s date
Organization Name Course Development
Organization Code CDEV
Include Manager/Leader in Name (Selected)
Organization Subtype Department
Primary Location New York

6. Click Submit, and then Done.

7. In the header section of Wealth of Knowledge, notice that the Course Development
Department is now a Subordinate to Wealth of Knowledge.

8. Click on the Course Development Department link and view the Roles tab to see
the assignable roles that inherited from Wealth of Knowledge, including the Manager.


1. Click on the Wealth of Knowledge link on the top of the page to navigate back to
the Superior Organization.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

2. Create a second subordinate supervisory organization, effective today, using steps

from the previous task above and the information in the table below to guide you:

Field Name Entry Value

Availability Date Today’s date
Organization Name Training
Organization Code TRN
Include Manager/Leader in Name (Selected)
Organization Subtype Department
Primary Location New York

3. Click Submit to save your changes.

4. Navigate to Wealth of Knowledge’s org chart to view the new Wealth of Knowledge

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday


An organization is used to group resources, workers, and costs to support a particular business
function. Organizations can be included in a hierarchy to represent a structure, such as a
reporting hierarchy used to view reporting relationships. New organizations can be added and
existing organizations can be split or inactivated.

Different types of organizations track different information. Supervisory organizations track

workers and enable business process approvals. Cost center organizations track costs.
Company organizations provide a vehicle for statutory reporting.

You can create unlimited numbers of each type of organization and then use them for different
types of reporting.

Workday defines and delivers the most common types of organizations. Within each type, you
can define organizations to reflect your company’s requirements. You can create unlimited
numbers of each type of organization and then use them for different types of reporting. Some
types of organizations can be combined in a hierarchy to represent a structure. The following
table lists some of the types of organizations provided:

Organizational Use
A functional organization that has an assigned manager(s) and support
roles. When placing a worker in a supervisory organization you are
assigning one or more managers to the worker and including them into
a management hierarchy.
Matrix Establish an indirect manager relationship.
An organization used to hold retirees; tracks and provides access for
retiree administrators and partners.
Company An organization that represents a legal entity. (Based on configuration)
An organization used for financial reporting, such as a financial
Cost Center
department, to track revenue and expenses.
Customer-specific regions reflect the area of responsibility for a worker
instead of work location.
Location Group workers by their physical location.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

Organizational Use
Pay Group Group workers with similar payroll processing parameters.

Academic Unit A unit of an academic institution, such as a School of Medicine.

Company Hierarchy Allows for multiple relationships of companies for reporting purposes.
Cost Center Allows for multiple relationships of cost centers for reporting purposes.
Region Hierarchy Allows for multiple relationships of regions for reporting purposes.
Location Hierarchy Allows for multiple relationships of locations for reporting purposes.

Academic Unit Allows for multiple relationships of academic units for reporting
Hierarchy purposes.
Union, Configurable Organizations that allow you to group workers into logical
Growth/Share, etc. constructs that are not defined by Workday-provided organizations.

Resource: A complete list of all Workday-delivered organization types can be found

on the Workday Community.

Matrix organizations allow you to create and manage dotted-line relationships between workers
and managers. You can assign workers who are working in more than one group to a matrix
organization in addition to their supervisory organization. A matrix organization reflects a
worker’s dotted-line relationship to one or more managers. For example, a marketing worker
and an engineer, reporting to the Marketing manager and Development manager, respectively,
can be assigned to a group that reports to a product manager.

Reports Description
View all matrix assignments for workers based on
Matrix Assignments
selected organizations.
View the details of a matrix organization including
Matrix Organization
visibility, members and supporting assignable roles.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

Tasks Description
Use to add members to an existing matrix
Assign Matrix Member organization by worker name or position as of an
effective date.
Assign worker to a matrix organization. This is a
business process that can be added as a
Assign Matrix Organization
subprocess in business processes such as Hire
Employee and Job Change.
Create Matrix Organization Create a new matrix organization.
Remove a worker from matrix organization of
Remove From Matrix Organization
which they are currently a member.
Use to select a matrix organization and remove a
Remove Matrix Member

Matrix managers can be involved in approvals of HCM business processes, such as job
changes, merit increases, and performance reviews, for the workers in their matrix
organizations. Business process definitions must be configured to include matrix managers in
order for them to participate. This input supplements and informs the staffing decisions made by
the worker's primary supervisory manager. You can configure the role so that the manager can
or cannot view workers' compensation information.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

Companies are the primary organization type used by Workday Financial Management. A
company in Workday equates to a single tax ID within your enterprise, based on your
configuration. Most of the delivered financial reports are run in the context of a company, such
as balance sheets and income statements.

Applicable to the businesses located within United States, an Employer Identification Number or
EIN (also known as Federal Employer Identification Number or FEIN) is the corporate
equivalent of a Social Security Number, although it is issued to anyone, including individuals,
who have to pay withholding taxes on employees.

You can specify a base currency for each company, which enables you to use multiple
currencies across Workday. Even though different companies may use a different currency, a
base currency can be defined so that all currencies are converted to the base for accounting

Company organizations are set up when you want to record business transactions, produce
financial statements, or create other statutory reports.

Cost centers are organizations that are used to record financial transactions, including revenues
and expenses. Employees and contingent workers can be assigned to a cost center during a
staffing transaction. HCM may use cost centers for workforce or headcount planning as well as
tracking HCM transactions with financial impacts, such as hiring and terminations.

Touchpoint: HCM may be assigned with assigning workers to cost centers and
company organizations. The HCM deployment team should consult with the
Financial organization to define these organizations correctly.

In the Workday system, a location can be created as a business site, business asset, campus,
instructional, inventory, or work space. The business site location is used to account for the
physical location of workers and provides a page to enter time profile, time zone, and locale
information. This is the type of location that would be associated with a supervisory organization,
while a business asset location is linked to finance.

Reminder: A minimum of one location must be entered into the system prior to
creating a supervisory organization because Primary Location is a required field
when creating a supervisory organization.

Characteristics of a location include:

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

• A work location that will include the physical address as well as additional details such
as email and phone number(s).
• Postal Code Validations can be set up using Maintain Localization Settings > Contact
Information. You can validate or require codes, and be country specific.
• Time Profile defines the standard number of hours worked in that location each week.
Usually this is 40 hours (8 hours per day), but in locations such as Paris the work week
might be defined as 35 hours. The Time Profile is created prior to creating the Location.
• Locale controls the format for dates, times, and currency. If you specify a locale for a
location, users belonging to that site inherit that locale.
Note: If locale is not set at the location level, users inherit the locale set in the
tenant. Users can override any inherited locale by changing it in their preferences.

Touchpoint: If you are using Workday Recruiting, be aware that locations may be
visible to all candidates, both internal and external. Consider devising a naming
convention that is meaningful and easily understood.

Organizations enable you to group together resources, workers, costs, and other organizations
for business process routing, security, analytical, and reporting purposes. Generally,
organizations have members and roles that support a specific business function. Workday
delivers a number of different organization types for different functional purposes that are
independent from one another. For example, your supervisory organization organizes the

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

reporting structure, and this may be completely different from your costing structure for which
cost centers and regions are used. We recommend that you use delivered Workday
organization types when possible, but if you need organization types that Workday does not
deliver, you can also create your own Custom Organization types.

You can use Custom Organizations to:

• Aggregate data for reports.

• Use roles for the custom organization for business process routings.
• Compensation (based on membership in an organization you might give special
allowances, etc.).
• Security (organization membership based).
Some types of organizations have a corresponding hierarchy for grouping organizations to
represent a structure. Hierarchies provide the ability to inherit roles and consolidate results. You
can use custom organizations to group workers into logical constructs that are not defined by
Workday-provided organization types.

Use the Maintain Organization Types task to define custom organization types. You can
configure a custom organization to be a worktag in financial transactions, and assign a worker
to the custom organization in organization assignment so that the custom organization defaults
as a worktag into transactions that involve the worker. Custom organizations cannot be
subordinates of roll up Workday-provided organization types.

Steps to creating a Custom Organization:

1. Maintain Organization Subtypes

2. Maintain Organization Types

3. Create Custom Organization

4. Create Subordinates (if desired)

5. Assign Members

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

Workers can reside in a number of organization types. They must be hired into a Supervisory
Organization, but can also be part of a Company, Cost Center, Region, and Custom
organizations. Oliver Reynolds is a member of all of the following organizations:

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday



Business Case: The Wealth of Knowledge supervisory organization, as well as the workers
hired into it, will be associated with several other organization types including a Company
and a Cost Center. You will explore those organizations so you are familiar with them.


1. Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil).

2. Search for org: global modern USA, and navigate to the Global Modern Services,
Inc. (USA) company.

3. Answer the following questions about this organization:

A. What is the organization Type?

B. How many Members are in this organization?

C. Click on the Roles tab. What types of Assignable Roles are assigned to a
Company organization?


1. Navigate to the 41600 HR Services Cost Center.

2. Answer the following questions about this organization:

A. What is the organization Type?

B. How many Members are in this organization?

C. Click on the Roles tab. Who is the Cost Center Manager?

D. Click on the Details tab. Which cost center hierarchy is this cost center
included in?

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday


Business Case: As GMS increases their global customers, you would like to create a
training center in the UK. You will create a new location in Reading where you will hire
Wealth of Knowledge workers in future activities.


1. Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil).

2. Enter Create Location in the search box.

3. Select the Create Location task.

4. Enter the location information:

Field Name Entry Value

Location Name Reading
Location Usage Business Site

5. Click OK.

6. On the Details tab, select the Location Type of Training Center.


1. Click on the Contact Information tab.

2. In the Phone section, click the Add button.

3. Enter the following Phone information:

Field Name Entry Value

Country Phone Code Preferred Countries > United Kingdom (+44)
Phone Number 01635 201 325
Phone Device Landline
Primary (Selected)

4. In the Address section, click on the Add button.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

5. Enter the following Address information:

Field Name Entry Value

Effective On Leave default of today’s date
Country United Kingdom
Address Line 1 204 Stephens Rd
City or Town Reading
County Berkshire
Postal Code RG1 1DA
Primary (Selected)


1. At the top of the page, click on the Business Site tab.

2. Enter the following Business Site information:

Field Name Entry Value

Time Profile Standard Hours – 37.5
Locale English (United Kingdom) – en_GB
Time Zone GMT United Kingdom Time (London)

3. Click OK and review the location you created.

4. Click Done.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday


Organization hierarchies are used for reporting to reflect different organizational roll ups. You
can change how you roll up organizations at any point and can have multiple views (hierarchies)
of your data, as long as the lowest level assignments are correct. Hierarchical organization
types support inheritance of organizational roles down the hierarchy.

Organization hierarchies do not store positions, workers, or transactions, only organizations of a

relative type. Therefore, cost center hierarchies store cost centers, company hierarchies store
companies, and regional hierarchies store regions. Organizations group positions, workers, and
transactions. Positions and workers are created within/hired into supervisory organizations and
locations. They are then assigned other organization types such as companies, cost centers,
regions, matrix, and any custom organizations.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday


Location hierarchies allow you to define locations within a multilevel structure. Location
hierarchies are most often built to represent geographical areas. For example, a location
hierarchy of Northern Europe can be created, and could include locations such as London,
Stockholm, and Dublin. The Northern Europe location hierarchy could be included in a location
hierarchy of Europe.

Roles can be assigned at the location hierarchy level, but not to locations directly. The roles of
HR Partner (by location) and Compensation Partner (by location) allow you to assign these
types of support roles by geographical location, rather than supervisory organization.

Location Europe

Location Northern Southern

Hierarchies Europe Europe

Locations London Dublin Rome


When creating organizations such as supervisory organizations, companies, cost centers, and
regions, a reorganization event needs to be created. A reorganization event enables you to
group reorganization occurrences into an event that can be tracked in the Workday system. You
can apply a common effective date to the reorganization activities and view and manage those
activities in delivered reports and queries.

The reorganization event might include one change to the organization structure or it can group
multiple reorganization activities for one or more organizations and track these activities in the
reorganizations report.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

Matrix organization creation and changes do not require a reorganization event.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday


Business Case: To keep our locations organized and to report on them in various hierarchy
groupings, Logan will add our new location of Reading to the existing location hierarchy of
EU – United Kingdom.


1. Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil).

2. Navigate to the EU – United Kingdom location hierarchy. Notice that this is included
in a larger, EU – Northern Europe superior location hierarchy.

3. On the Members tab, which locations are already included in this hierarchy?

4. From the EU – United Kingdom’s Related Actions, select Reorganization > Assign
Locations to include existing locations in your hierarchy.

5. Click on the Reorganization field prompt, and then select the Create
Reorganization task.

6. Enter the following Reorganization information:

Field Name Entry Value

Reorganization Name Wealth of Knowledge Expansion Project
Reorganization Date Today’s date
Description Reorganization of Wealth of Knowledge
organizations and organization hierarchies.

7. Click OK to save and continue.

8. Click OK to confirm your new Reorganization event.

9. Click on the Locations prompt icon, and select Reading.

10. Click OK, and note that the Reading location is now a part of the EU – United
Kingdom location hierarchy.


1. Click on the Roles tab. Who is the current Compensation Partner (by Location)?

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

2. Logan would like to make Yolanda Torres the Compensation Partner for the United
Kingdom. From EU – United Kingdom’s Related Actions, select Roles > Assign

3. Leave today as the Effective Date, and click OK.

4. Assign the following role to the location hierarchy:

Field Name Entry Value

Role Compensation Partner (by Location)
Assigned To Staff HR Representative – Yolanda Torres

5. Click OK and Done.


1. Sign in as Yolanda Torres (ytorres), using the class password.

2. Navigate to Lucy Collins, a worker in the London location.

3. Select Lucy’s Related Actions, and hover over Compensation. Notice that you can
Add Stock Grant for this employee.

4. Navigate to Jeff Gordon, a worker in the Dallas location.

5. Select Jeff’s Related Actions. Notice that Yolanda cannot add a stock grant for Jeff,
because he is not in the EU – United Kingdom location hierarchy.

6. Sign out as Yolanda Torres.

Note: You will learn more about role-based security in a future chapter.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday


Supervisory organizations have an Organization Assignments tab. Use this to identify other
organization types you can assign as defaults during staffing changes. This allows employees
who are hired or moved into a supervisory organization to automatically become members of
other types of organizations such as companies and cost centers.

These default organization assignments can be set up for each supervisory organization or for
an individual position and the assignments can be edited for individual employees. These
assignments are inherited by the supervisory organization's subordinates unless overridden.

There is an Allowed Organizations field in which you can enter one or more organizations. This
controls which organizations will be available in the prompt list when assigning organizations to
a position or an employee. The Default Organizations field is the organization that the position
or employee is automatically associated with when moved into the supervisory organization. If
the default organization values need to be adjusted during a staffing event, select from the
prompt list any allowed organization.

If this needs to be changed, you can use the organization assignments for individual employees
or use the Change Organization Assignments task to change the organization assignments for
one or more workers in a supervisory organization.

Since Change Organization Assignment is not a template-driven business process, each

organization can be secured using its own domain.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday


When creating or editing a location hierarchy, you also have the ability to restrict other types of
organizations that can be assigned during staffing changes based on the location of a worker's
position. You can designate these restrictions on the Organization Assignments tab on the
location hierarchy.

When using the Change Organization Assignments task, the organization prompt list displays
allowed values on the location hierarchy (or hierarchies) intersected with allowed values on the
supervisory organization. If you do not specify values on the Organization Assignments tab, all
values are assignable for that organization type.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday



Business Case: You would like to ensure that workers hired in the Wealth of Knowledge
hierarchy become members of other organizations as well, including a Company, Cost
Center, and Region. To help ensure this, Logan McNeil will set up default and allowed
organization assignments for Wealth of Knowledge and its subordinate supervisory


1. Sign in as Logan McNeil (lmcneil).

2. Navigate to the Wealth of Knowledge supervisory organization.

3. From Wealth of Knowledge’s Related Actions, select Supervisory Organization >

Edit Supervisory Organization.

4. Enter the following Organization Assignments in the Allowed and Default

Organizations fields, replacing any values that were inherited from Human

Organization Type Allowed Organizations Default Organizations

Company Global Modern Services, Inc.
Cost Center HR Services 41600 HR Services
Region Headquarters – Corporate Headquarters – Corporate
US – Northeast
EU – Northern

Important: After entering an allowed cost center hierarchy (HR Services), the only
values available in the default Cost Center prompt are those within the defined

5. Click OK to save.


1. Navigate to the Training Department (TRN).

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

2. From Training Department’s Related Actions, select Supervisory Organization >

Edit Supervisory Organization.

3. Using the prompts, replace the bolded Organization Assignment in the Default
Organizations column, leaving the values in the Allowed Organization column as is.

Organization Type Allowed Organizations Default Organizations

Company Global Modern Services, Inc.
Cost Center HR Services 41600 HR Services
Region Headquarters – Corporate US – Northeast
US – Northeast
EU – Northern

Important: The only values available in the default Region prompt are those you
assigned in the Allowed column.

4. Click OK.


1. Navigate to the Course Development department, and use the steps above to
configure the following organization assignments:

Organization Type Allowed Organizations Default Organizations

Company Global Modern Services, Inc.
Cost Center HR Services 41600 HR Services
Region Headquarters – Corporate US - Northeast
US – Northeast
EU – Northern

2. Save your changes.


1. Why were there existing organization assignments when you opened Wealth of

HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30 77

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday

2. If the Allowed column has the HR Services Cost Center Hierarchy, what are the
alternative Cost Center organizations that can be selected if the default of 41600 HR
Services is not the correct value?

3. Describe the difference between a Region and a Location.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday


We have many delivered organization reports available within Workday. Below is a list of just a
few of the reports:

Report Description
View a directory listing of workers for one or more supervisory
Directory by and/or matrix organizations. Details include worker, supervisory
Organization organization, phone number, email, title, and location. Enables
you to audit workers for organizations.
View an organization spreadsheet of the selected hierarchy and
Organization Hierarchy subordinates. Accesses the organization as its primary object.
The organization object returns one row per organization.
View an organization chart of the selected organization to see
the relationship between this organization and subordinate
Org Chart
organizations. You can expand organizations to see a workers'
reporting structure.
View the organizations you belong to with assignable roles,
location, organization type, organization subtype, and
Organizations I Belong assignable roles you fulfill. Enables you to check your
To organization memberships and if you have security access, you
may use the Related Actions menu for these organizations and
View the organizations you manage with organization roles,
Organizations I location, organization type and subtype, and organization roles
Support or Manage you fulfill. Enables you to access Related Actions for these
organizations and roles.
Similar to the Org Chart, this report allows you to view and
navigate through the hierarchy structures without displaying
Navigate Hierarchy
workers. This improves performance results when you want to
view only the hierarchy structure.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday


The main organization type within Workday is supervisory organization. This is a critical
component to the setup of HCM. Supervisory organizations are used to run business processes,
collect data, and assign workers to their management and support teams.

You must have a reorganization event when creating an organization. Reorganization activities
such as inactivating, dividing, creating a superior or subordinate, and move workers utilize the
business process framework and allow you to require approvals and cancel or rescind the
process, when necessary.

In addition, other organization types drive different behaviors in Workday. Workday provides
different types of organizations and you can create custom organizations to meet your unique
business needs. Some types of organizations can be combined in a hierarchy to represent
structures for reporting and tracking. You can create an unlimited amount of organizations within
Workday to reflect your company’s requirements.

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Chapter 2: Organizations in Workday


1. What is the primary organizational structure within Workday HCM?

2. Which of the following are changes that can be made to supervisory organizations?

A. Create Subordinate

B. Dividing Organization

C. Assign Superior

D. Inactivate Organization

E. All of the above

3. True or False: All workers in a supervisory organization must be assigned to the

same company.

4. True or False: If a worker changes positions, any roles assigned to them will follow
them to the new position.

5. How are workers included in a location hierarchy?

6. Which organization type groups workers based on a Tax ID?


1. What is your supervisory organization structure?

2. What organization subtypes represent your terminology? Do you need to implement

a hierarchy structure?

3. Which locations represent your organizations? (e.g., headquarters is in San


4. What are the standard weekly working hours (time profiles) for each of your

5. What other organization types will you use?

6. When assigning other organization types to a supervisory organization, what is

allowed and what is the default for each?

HCM Fundamentals for Workday 30 81

Confidential © 2018 Workday, Inc.

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