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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 8, August - 2014

Design and Static Analysis of I-Section Boom

for Rotary Jib Crane

Mr. Subhash N. Khetre Ms. Priyanka S. Bankar

Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
RSCOE (IInd Shift Polytechnic) Tathawade, Pune, India RSCOE (IInd Shift Polytechnic) Tathawade, Pune, India

Mr. Arun M. Meshram

Department of Mechanical Engineering
RSCOE (IInd Shift Polytechnic) Tathawade, Pune, India

Abstract—In this paper, the method of final designing of the reliability, performance and effectiveness of such
I-section boom for Material handling jib crane system. The structures.
basic functions are determined for certain parameters of jib
cranes as yield strength, deflection of I-section using Static stress II. ACTION PLAN
analysis, displacement analysis .A requirement for movement ,of
heavy loads which is correspondingly difficult. Jib crane is
design, analyze and develop from three most prevalent material Phase 1: Selection Of Crane:
handling devices.
They are Tower jib crane, free standing Jib crane and jib While selecting the crane type, numbers of different factors
crane with trusses. Among them the best design, higher strength are taken into account they are capacity, operation
and greater life span crane has to be designed for future work . requirement, application, design,

During the analysis, the Solid Works and COSMOS is used

the analysis is carried out in two load steps. The total analysis
time is approximately two-three hours taken by the software.
Phase 2: Selection Criterion:

Keywords— Jib crane; I-section boom; Static analysis; Today’s industry demands versatile, efficient equipment while
Solid Works and COSMOS. at the same time providing more flexibility along with
significant savings through increased productivity. A jib crane
can help to improve materials handling efficiency and work

Today’s industry demands versatile, efficient, and cost Phase 3: Work Requirement:
effective equipment while at the same time providing more  Capacity : 2 tons
flexibility along with significant savings through increased  Rotation: 360 o
productivity. A jib crane can help to improve material  Support: floor
handling efficiency and work flow. Serious consideration
 Site : outside weatherized work station
should be given to jib cranes for applications requiring
 Height of lift: 6000 mm.
repetitive lifting and transferring of loads within a fixed arc of
rotation.  Boom Length: 6000mm.
According to the above requirements free standing Jib crane is
The need of continual improvement in material handling best suitable.
technologies is a common feature of many modern III. DESIGN DETAILS OF BOOM :
engineering endeavors. Engineering structures now
encompass a wide range of technologies from structure A. Selection of I Section:
development, analysis, design, testing, production and  Type -I section of “S” type i.e. fillet type
maintenance.  Size – 500×180 mm2
 Material – Structural Steel
Advances in material handling technologies have been largely
 Mass per unit length – 86.9 kg/m
responsible and major performance improvements in many
engineering structures and continue to be key in determining  Weight – 564.85 kg.

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 8, August - 2014

B. Selection of Material of I Section: Structural steel (M.S.) E. Actual load carried by the boom:

Table No. 1 (A) Indian standard medium weight beams 1. Lifted Load (LL) = 2000 kg
2. Hoist Load (HL) = 500 kg
Designation Area Depth Width Web Thk. 3. Dead Load (DL) = 243.10 kg
(cm2) (mm) (mm) (mm)
F. Total load acting on the boom:
A H b Tw = LL+HL+DL = 2000+500+243.10
MB500 110.74 500 180 10.2 = 2743.1 kg

Table No. 1 (B) Indian standard medium weight beams

Designation Root Root radius Toe Radius MI

Thik. (mm) (mm) (cm4)
R r Iz
MB500 10.2 17 8.5 45218.3

C. Properties Of Material Steel:

I. Young‫׳‬s Modulus : 2×105 MPa
II. Poisson‫׳‬s Ratio : 0.3
III. Density : 7.85×10-6 kg/mm
IV. Thermal Expansion : 1.25×10-5 per oC Fig.2 - Dimensioning Of Free Standing Jib Crane
V. Tensile yield strength : 250 MPa
VI. Compressive yield strength : 250 MPa This is the total load carried by the beam. To balance the
VII. Tensile Ultimate strength : 460 MPa load and to check the yield strength of I section following
calculations are given.
VIII. Compressive Ultimate strength : 0 MPa
IX. Thermal conductivity :6.05×10-2 watt/mm oC G. Calculatons:
X. Specific Heat : 434 J/kg o C
1. Calculations For 300×140 I-Section:

D. Loads Defined : To find reactions,

RX = 0 ; ∑MO = 0
The loads acting on boom are defined as follows: RY = 442 × 5.5 + 20 × 103
 Dead Load (DL): The weight of the beam and any = 22431 N
other fixed item supported by the beam.
 Trolley/hoist Load (HL) The weight of the hoist and
any other equipment attached to the hoist.
 Lifted Load (LL): The weight of the item lifted along
with all associated lift devices such as slings,
shackles, etc.

Fig.1- Indian standard medium weight

beams with tapered Flanges.

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 8, August - 2014

Fig.4-Static stress analysis of I-Section

Boom for 20 KN loading condition
The purpose of static analysis is to insure safety of the I –
section and supporting structure. Sustained loads are by using
Fig.3. SFD and BMD diagrams for 20 KN loading condition.
self weight and operating conditions. The analysis, the Solid

Works and COSMOS is used the analysis is carried out in two

Bending Moments: Bending Moment @ A
load steps.
B.M. at A = 0
 Stress (σ): The highest calculated stress will be in the
B.M. at 0 = - 20 * 103 * 5.5 – 442 * 5.5 * 103
order of 108 MPa.
M = 116685.25 Nm
By Using Flexure Formula,
M/I =  / Y = E / R
(11668.25 / 8306.3 * 10-8) = ( / 125 * 10-3)
 = 175.59 N/m2
 = 175.59 MPa
As Yield strength  (yield) = 250 MPa……… (ISO Std.)
2. Check the Deflection in I Section:
The Deflection calculated as below
l = (wl3/3EI) + (wl4/8EI )

For Steel, E = 210 * 109 N/m2

E = 210 * 109

l = {(20*103 *5.5) / (3*2.1*1011*5131.6*10-8)} +

{(442*(5.5/ 2)4 *5.5) / (8*2.1*1011*8603.3*10-8)}

l = 0.006156 m or l = 6.156 mm


The Static stress analysis is applied to calculation, which Fig.5-Static displacement analysis of I-section
address the static analysis and displacement analysis resulting. Boom for 20 KN loading condition.

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 8, August - 2014

 Deflection (δ): The maximum deflection of the end point V. CONCLUSIONS

will be in the order of 8.38149 mm.
 FOS: 2.5 Jib Cranes vary widely in configuration, capacity,
mode of operation, intensity of use, working environment.
IV. RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS: The variety of forms, operating conditions, environmental
factors make the design of jib cranes challenging. Usually a
At first point of crane boom the load applied is 20 new design need arises when existing cranes do not meet the
KN. At this point load is carried with the help of a hook. requirements for a new application. However, in most of the
The maximum displacement is 8.38 mm and maximum cases the required knowledge on configuration and structure
3-D element stress is 175MPa near the upper portion of a jib crane can be obtained from previously accumulated
where the assembly is done. In the figure it is shown by red technical information.
colour. The technical information is generally standardized.
Table. 2. Static stress analysis by using Besides that, the available jib crane components are also well
Analytically for 20 KN loading condition. standardized all over the world and suitable for computer
automated design procedures. Since jib Crane design
1 Minimum 100 MPa procedures are highly standardized.
2 Maximum 175 MPa Thus it concluded that, we have selected the suitable
Design and Static Analysis of I-Section Boom for Rotary Jib
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is used the analysis is carried out in two load steps. The total [8] Harry M. Pearce, “The Design and Construction of an Intelligent Power
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