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The Essentials of

Servant Leadership:
Principles in Practice
Ann McGee-Cooper, Ed.D.
Duane Trammell, M.Ed.
Revised by Matthew Kosec, M.A.

Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc.

4236 Hockaday Drive Dallas, Texas 75229
214.357.8550 • e-mail© 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper &• Associates,
[email protected] Inc.
The Essentials of Servant Leadership:
Principles in Practice
by Ann McGee-Cooper, Ed. D., Duane Trammell, M.Ed
(revised, 2013 by Matthew Kosec, M.A.)

An organizational and spiritual awakening is currently

taking place. More people in the new millennium are Contents
seeking deeper meaning in work beyond financial
rewards and prestige. The desire to make a difference, The Roots of Modern Leadership Models . . . . . . . . . .2
to support a worthwhile vision, and to leave the planet A New Kind of Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
better than we found it all contribute to this new urge.
How Servant Leadership Serves Organizations . . . . .6
At the same time, the sustainability movement is helping
Capitalizing on Employee Knowledge and
raise a new awareness of tremendous waste in our Total Engagement
current ways of doing business. Perhaps no greater Building Strong Interdependence
waste exists than the loss of a true sense of community, Meeting Stakeholder Needs
human imagination and creativity, shared vision, and Making Healthy Decisions
empowered teamwork found in many of our Maintaining a Clear Awareness of Paradox
organizations—all of which ultimately undermines TDIndustries: Embodying the Art of
individual productivity and corporate performance. Servant Leadership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
How Servant-Leaders Grow More Servant-Leaders
We must pay attention to these trends because of the
Building a Shared Vision of Servant Leadership
tightening labor market and the new generations—with The Payoff
different values and expectations— moving into our Linking Learning Organizations: SLLC
working ranks. If companies want to attract and keep
Parkland…Building the Largest Public Hospital
top talent, the old ways of recruiting, rewarding, and in the World Using Servant Leadership. . . . . . . . . . .16
leading won’t get us there. A different type of
Southwest Airlines: Keeping Servant
leadership is required to succeed in the future. Leadership Alive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Servant leadership is one new model that has proved The Power of Internal Motivation
successful in a growing number of organizations. The Culture Committee
Companies ranging from a large airline, a retail store How to Begin Practicing Servant Leadership . . . . . 19
chain, a mechanical/electrical construction and service Why Leadership Styles Matter! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
company to an engineering/construction partnership
with a public hospital are experimenting with
unprecedented and accelerated changes in whom
Employees choose to follow, how they lead, and how
they come together to address constant flux. This
article includes stories from these workplaces,
differentiating servant leadership from traditional,
hierarchical leadership models. It also offers
suggestions for putting servant leadership principles to
work—any time, any place.

Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc.

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

The Roots of Modern Over the last 50 years, our others in looking at
Leadership Models ways of preparing new leaders connections, relationships,
have stemmed directly from systems, and patterns.
What are the roots of the these roots. For the most part,
predominant leadership we still employ the terms As a result, the leader’s role
models of the 20th century? “manager” and “leader” has changed from that of
Start with the machine interchangeably, with no omniscient boss to that of
metaphor and managers who apparent recognition that coach. In this new business
believed that people in environment, managers find
things are managed, but
organizations should operate that they are more successful
people are led. Leadership
like cogs in a well-oiled in accomplishing their goals
training in MBA courses
machine. Businesses in the when they practice the arts of
continues to rely on a case-
Industrial Revolution sought deep listening, persuasion, and
study approach, in which trust rather than rely on the
workers who could complete students study patterns of how exercise of power. Some
repetitive tasks in the most others solved business describe this transformation as
efficient way possible. To problems in the past. This turning the pyramid of power
that end, factories, railroads, process assumes that if you upside down. Others have
mines, and other companies learn enough from successful termed this new paradigm
adopted a top-down view of case studies, you can match “servant leadership.”
leadership, where those at the your company’s challenges
top—the “head” of the against these templates and
organization—controlled all
A New Kind of
superimpose similar solutions.
the information, made all the
decisions. Leaders called However, as the pace of Servant leadership is one
those at the bottom of the change accelerates and the model that can help shift
hierarchy “hired hands,” and world becomes increasingly traditional notions of
rewarded them for conformity complex, many companies leadership and
and unquestioned obedience. must unlearn the mindset of organizations—and prepare
In fact, many viewed any basing the future on the past in companies to face the
questioning of the boss as order to handle emerging challenges of an uncertain
insubordination or grounds for problems that are different future. Robert K. Greenleaf, a
dismissal. from anything they’ve faced lifelong student of
before. organizational change, came
Instead of up with the term “servant
breaking leadership” after reading
issues into Journey to the East by
parts to Hermann Hesse. Greenleaf
understand was reading the book as part
and control, of his effort to help university
today’s leaders deal with the student
leaders must unrest of the 1960s. In trying
learn to step to understand the roots of the
back and conflict, Greenleaf put himself
involve in the students’ shoes and

2 Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc.

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

began to study what material possessions. . . . The growing international—public

consumed their interest. best test for servant leadership hunger for this model. We all
is: do those served grow as love to see the “good guys”
In Hesse’s story, Leo, a persons; do they, while being take on the “bad guys” and
cheerful, nurturing servant, served, become healthier, win. Our movie heroes act
supports a group of travelers wiser, freer, more quickly and decisively,
on a long and difficult autonomous, more likely blowing up buildings and
journey. His sustaining spirit themselves to become wrecking cars and planes in
keeps the group’s purpose servants? And, what is the spine-tingling chases. This
clear and morale high until he effect on the least privileged diet of high drama can fool us
disappears one day. Soon, the in society; will they benefit, or into believing that we can
travelers lose heart and at least, will they not be always depend on one or two
disperse. Years later, the further deprived?” Jesus, “super-people” to solve our
storyteller discovers that Leo Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, crises.
is the highly respected leader Cesar Chavez, and Mother
of a spiritual order. The Theresa stand out as Our collective longing for a
narrator comes to recognize compelling examples of this savior to fix the messes that
that Leo was important to the model. we have all helped create
survival and shared spills over to our work life.
commitment of the travelers Even in impressive corporate
precisely because he served turnarounds, we look for the
others. From this story, hero or heroine of the success.
Greenleaf gained insight into We tend to see anything other
a new way to perceive than decisive quick fixes as
leadership—leading by too slow or “wimpy” to be
serving. In Greenleaf’s mind, effective.
this approach represented a
transformation in the meaning But perhaps we are
of leadership. celebrating and rewarding the
wrong things. In action
What is servant leadership, as movies, although the heroes
it has evolved from always win at the end by
Greenleaf’s early musings? annihilating or capturing the
Greenleaf described it in this Servant leadership contrasts bad guys, they leave behind a
way: “[Servant leadership] sharply with common path of blood and destruction.
begins with the natural feeling Western ideas of the leader as In business, a new leader may
that one wants to serve, to a stand-alone hero (see “The come in, implement a
serve first. Then conscious Heroic Leader Versus the dramatic downsizing, and
choice brings one to aspire to Servant-Leader” on p. 5). show a quick profit. But he or
lead. This is sharply different Hollywood glamorizes the she may then move on before
from the person who is leader image of the lone warrior who the impact of the broken trust
first, perhaps because of the overcomes tremendous that results from these actions
need to assuage an unusual adversity. The movie industry shows up in loss of
power drive or to acquire feeds a national—and productivity, damage to

Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc. 3

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

customer loyalty, and poor • managing self, “A servant-leader is a

stock performance. • fostering high person who begins with the
A leader who sees him- or levels of natural feeling of wanting to
herself as a servant above all interdependence, serve first – to help, support,
else, however, plays quite a • learning from encourage, and lift up
different role than does the mistakes,
traditional hierarchical leader.
others. And because of their
• encouraging
Rather than controlling or creative input
noble role model, others
wielding power, this person from every team begin to lead by serving.”
(1) first listens deeply to member, ─Robert K. Greenleaf
understand the needs and
concerns of others; (2) works • spending time to
question present and development of those
thoughtfully to help build a being served, as well as their
creative consensus; (3) honors assumptions and mental
models, own. Servant leadership
paradox (searches out the comes from a mature
balancing truths from within • modeling and building motivation, which for many
opposing views); and (4) shared trust, and emerges later in life. As we
works to create “third right • embracing a humble spirit. begin to recognize our own
answers” that rise above the mortality, we may begin to
compromise of “we/they” To paraphrase Greenleaf, wonder: “What can I
negotiations. servant leadership is not about contribute that will continue
long after I am gone?”

For some, this quest to leave

behind a legacy involves
having their name on a library
or some other form of public
recognition. For servant-
leaders, it’s about lifting
others to new levels of
possibility and accomplishing
as a team much more than
what one person might
accomplish alone. These
individuals find that the
Robert Greenleaf and Ann McGee-Cooper magical synergy that results
a personal quest for power, when they put aside their
Thus, servant leadership
prestige, or material rewards. egos, share visions, and
focuses on
Instead, the servant as leader nurture true organizational
• sharing vital “big-picture” begins with a true motivation
information essential for learning brings collective joy,
for nurturing others. This
holistic understanding, deep satisfaction, and amazing
leader lifts up others and results!
• building a shared vision, actively engages in growth

Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc.

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

The Heroic Leader Versus the Servant-Leader

1. Begins with a personal drive to achieve top 1. Begins with a desire to serve others from any
position of power place in the organization.
2. Operates in a highly competitive manner. 2. Operates in a highly collaborative and
Possesses an independent mindset. Finds it interdependent manner. Knows that all can
important to receive personal credit for gain by working together to create
achievement. win/win/win solutions. Gives credit to others.
3. Uses personal power, fear, and intimidation to 3. Uses personal trust, respect, and
get what s/he wants. unconditional love to build bridges and do
what’s best for the “whole.”
4. Focuses solely on fast action. 4. Focuses on gaining understanding, input, and
buy-in from all parties on essential issues.
Understands that faster is often slower
because people support what they help create.
5. Relies only on facts, logic, and proof. 5. Uses intuition and foresight to balance facts,
logic, and proof.
6. Controls information in order to maintain 6. Shares big-picture information. Coaches
power others by providing context and asking
thoughtful questions to help them come to
decisions by themselves.
7. Spends more time telling and giving orders 7. Listens deeply and respectfully to others,
than listening. especially to those with dissenting views.

8. Derives a sense of confidence and personal 8. Derives a sense of fulfillment from

worth from building his or her own talents mentoring, coaching, and growing
and abilities. collaboratively with others.
9. Sees supporters as a power base. Uses perks 9. Develops trust across constituencies and sees
and titles to signal to others who has power. the ability to facilitate interdependent
solutions as a core value. Breaks down
needless barriers caused by hierarchy.
10. Speaks first and believes that his or her ideas 10. Listens first. Values others’ input, invites
are the most important. Often dominates the others into the conversation, and is able to
conversation and intimidates opponents. build strength through differences.
11. Understands internal politics and uses them 11. Is sensitive to what motivates others and
for personal gain. balances what is best for the individual with
what is best for the group.
12. Views accountability as assigning blame. 12. Views accountability as creating a safe
environment for learning. Ensures that
lessons learned from mistakes are shared.
13. Uses negative humor (often put-downs and 13. Uses inclusive humor to lift up others and
sarcasm) to control, ridicule, or exclude make it safe to learn from mistakes. Is the
others. first to let themselves become vulnerable.

4 Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc. 5

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

How Servant Leadership leaders help individuals grow with their jobs. It also
Serves Organizations from being mere hired hands supports eliminating the
to having fully engaged minds “that’s not my job” syndrome.
But what benefits can and hearts. Workers then feel
businesses glean from the safe to widely share the The practices of servant
practice of servant leadership? lessons they’ve learned from leadership challenge some
Servant-leaders naturally mistakes in the spirit of seeing basic assumptions often held
awaken and engage Employee the patterns or systems in all about the roles different
knowledge, build strong that they do. People become people play in helping a
interdependence within and leaders company
beyond the organization’s and The practices of servant achieve
boundaries, truly meet and partners leadership challenge success.
exceed the needs of numerous within When we shift
stakeholders, make wise
some basic assumptions our
collective decisions, and team as often held about the roles perspective,
leverage the power of their common
different people play in
paradox. We explore each of management
these capabilities in greater helping a company expressions
detail below. achieve success. such as

Capitalizing on Employee valuable insights become vital

to continuous improvement “subordinates,” “my people,”
Knowledge and Total “staff” (versus “line”),
Engagement and learning.
“overhead” (referring to
Servant leadership is a For example, as part of its people), “direct reports,” and
powerful methodology for commitment to servant “manpower” no longer seem
organizational learning leadership, for the last 15 useful or accurate. The
because it offers new ways for years, TDIndustries, one of standard way of thinking fails
an organization to engage the America’s premier to encompass a respect for
knowledge and wisdom of all mechanical construction and people, a desire to support
its Employees, not just those facility service companies others in fulfilling their
“at the top.” Servant-leaders headquartered in Dallas, potential, and the humility to
share big-picture information Texas, has taught its understand that the work of
and business strategies Employee-owners (called one person can rarely match
broadly throughout the “Partners”) to understand the work of an aligned
company. By communicating financial statements. Partners interdependent team.
basic assumptions and take this responsibility
background information, they seriously; after all, they own Building Strong
empower each person to the company. TDIndustries Interdependence
participate in decision-making and others have found that
sharing this kind of Servant-leaders see all people
and creative problem solving.
information significantly as having the capacity to
By encouraging innovation
increases Employees’ job grow, take initiative, both lead
and making it safe to make
satisfaction and engagement and support others, and come
and learn from mistakes, these
6 Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc.
The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

together around a shared surrender the ‘me’ for the limited to basketball.
vision. They know that a ‘we.’ As Bill Cartwright puts Consider Herb Brooks, the
team with mediocre talent but it: ‘A great basketball team celebrated coach who led the
high levels of trust can will have trust. I’ve seen monumental upset of the then-
typically far outperform a teams in this league where the Soviet hockey juggernaut by
group of stars trying to players won’t pass to a guy the 1980 United States
outshine each other. Servant- because they don’t think he is Olympic Hockey Team. As
leaders work to build a true going to catch the ball. But a critics pointed out, none of his
community, knowing that great basketball team will young players were
close relationships bring throw the ball to everyone. If recognized as the best of the
people together in tough a guy drops it or bobbles it out world. Brooks was unfazed
times. This approach of bounds, the next time by the criticism: “You're
contrasts sharply with the they’ll throw it to him again. looking for players whose
competitive models that pit And because of their name on the front of the
teammates against each other. confidence in him, he will sweater is more important
have confidence. That’s how than the one on the back. I
Phil Jackson, coach of several you grow.’” Interdependent look for these players to play
world-champion basketball teams succeed because they hard, to play smart and to
teams, knows the importance build confidence in members represent their country.”
of fostering supportive by showing them trust, even Brooks’ team soared to the
relationships among team when a member occasionally unexpected “Do you believe
members. In his book, Sacred “drops the ball.” in miracles?” gold medal
Hoops (Hyperion, 1995), he because an interdependent
writes, “Good teams become Highly successful coaches team focused on the overall
great ones when the members who understand the potential goal will always outperform
trust each other enough to of interdependence is not an assembly of individuals
who lack trust and are only
concerned about their
personal agenda.

Meeting Stakeholder Needs

A servant-leader is also
keenly aware of the needs of
a much wider circle of
stakeholders than just those
internal to the organization.
For instance, Ray Anderson,
former chairman and CEO of
Interface, one of the largest
international commercial
carpet wholesalers,
challenged his company to
Phil Jackson and Kobe Bryant join him in leading what he
Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc. 7
The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

called the second Industrial society is to be built, one that managers. Instead, they use
Revolution. He defined this is more just and loving, one crises as opportunities to
new paradigm as one in that provides greater creative coach others and help teams
which businesses find ways opportunity for its people, learn from mistakes. You can
to operate that respect the then the most open course is see the results of servant
finiteness of natural to raise the capacity to serve leadership in some of
resources. His vision, which and the very performance as America’s most interesting
his Employees embraced, servant of existing institutions and progressive companies
was never again to sell a by new regenerative forces (see “Servant leadership at the
square yard of carpet. operating within them.” 100 Best Companies to Work
Instead, the organization for in America”).
challenged itself to lease Making Healthy Decisions
carpeting and then find ways Maintaining a Clear
to achieve 100 percent Too many people in Awareness of Paradox
recycling—“zero to organizations today suffer
landfill!” Ray’s legacy from “hurry sickness.” When “Wholeness is possible only
continues as Interface we focus on doing everything via the coexistence of
embraces Mission Zero. faster than before, our bodies opposites. In order to know
“We’re going for zero. flood with adrenaline. As the the light, we must experience
Mission Zero. Zero effects wear off, we crave the dark.” —Carl Jung
emissions. Zero waste. Zero more of this addictive
Servant leadership operates
oil. It is our promise to substance. To feed this
with a number of paradoxes:
eliminate any negative hunger, we neglect proactive
impact our company may tasks such as coaching, • Two opposing
have on the environment by mentoring, planning ahead, perspectives can be true at
the year 2020. That’s right. and quiet reflection. Instead, the same time.
ZERO oil. It’s a tough we seek out more reasons to • We lead more effectively
challenge since carpet is stay reactive and highly by serving others.
made from oil, and we’re charged.
• We arrive at better
more than halfway there.”
Servant-leaders model healthy answers by learning to ask
Thus, the principles of servant decision-making by taking the thoughtful questions
leadership define profit time to withdraw, to reflect, to rather than providing
beyond financial returns to gather input from a diverse solutions.
include meaningful work, group of stakeholders, and to • We often gain a greater
environmental responsibility, allow experience, intuition, understanding of a
and quality of life for all and wisdom to surface. They situation through fewer
stakeholders. As a result, operate under the premise that words (a metaphor or
Employees feel a deeper “If you want to create story) and learn to build
personal commitment to their sustainable, safe, consistent unity by valuing
work as they truly make the results, slow down!” Servant- differences.
world better in the process of leaders spend far less time in
earning a living. As Robert crisis management or fighting
Greenleaf said, “If a better “fires” than do traditional

8 Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc.

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

Servant Leadership at the 100 Best Companies to Work for in America

TDIndustries (TD), Southwest Airlines, Synovus Financial Corporation, and The Container
Store have all appeared within the top ten on Fortune Magazine’s list of 100 Best Companies to
Work for in America. All four serve as excellent examples of servant leadership in action. At
TD, Employee-owners are called “Partners”. The company’s founder, Jack Lowe Sr., decided
to make the organization Employee-owned in the early 1950s after discussions with Employees
about converting an annual cash bonus plan to a stock bonus plan. All agreed that it would be
fair and desirable for those doing the work to share in the benefits of ownership.
At Southwest Airlines, the words “Employees”, “Customers”, and “People” are always
capitalized, to emphasize their importance. A part of the company’s philosophy is that
Employees come first and Customers come second, because “we as leaders must treat our
Employees as we want them to treat our Customers!” Another unique feature is that every team
member is seen as a leader and a follower, eager and ready to support others and take
responsibility for his or her unique part of the business.
In its 122-year history, Synovus has never had layoffs. The atmosphere of trust and personal
caring within the organization is evidenced by the 80 percent of Employees who say they want
to retire at Synovus. Said James H. Blanchard, former chairman and CEO, “We have learned
some humbling and inspiring lessons from our peers in this group (100 Best Companies), and
every year we work harder to assure that the Synovus experience continues to be fulfilling and
enriching for our team members, customers, and the communities we serve.”
One of the six guiding principles of The Container Store is that one average person can do the
work of three mediocre people; one good person can do the work of three average people; and
one great person can do the work of three good people. Based on that premise, the company
seeks to hire only great people and pays them well (50-100 percent above the industry average).

What can we learn from the with an easy consensus. They met with a paradox. Now we
concept of paradox? The learn to honor and leverage have some hope of making
main lesson is that there is paradox to ensure sustaining progress."
usually another side to every balance in decision-making,
story. Maintaining an problem solving, and
planning. Where many TDIndustries: Embodying
awareness of paradox alerts us the Art of Servant
leaders feel trapped by
to an opposite and balancing paradox for fear of having to Leadership
truth in most situations that choose between apparent
might otherwise remain opposites, servant-leaders are On average, the companies on
hidden. Servant-leaders know comfortable in paradox. Fortune’s 100 Best
to explore what is not being Servant-leaders may even Companies list operate at
said or what might be seek paradox as they know the approximately 50 percent
overlooked, especially when best course is contained higher return to shareholders
solutions come too quickly or within. As Neils Bohr stated, than do competitors that did
“How wonderful that we have

Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc. 9

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

not make the list.

These organizations
perform better than
their rivals on
Employee retention,
morale, worker safety,
and other measures as
well. Some examples
from the inner workings
of these companies can
bring a clearer insight
into how and why
servant leadership is so
powerful .
TDIndustries (TD) is an
excellent specimen –
between 1992 and 2012
TD experienced a stock TD Partners on-site during construction of AT&T Cowboy Stadium
value gain of 641%, outpacing improvement, and so on. Once Bruce was free to join
the S&P’s gain of 385%. The Within this broad definition of the Dallas job, he saw that
financial success of TD is leadership, each person David’s performance in
important, but how these becomes infinitely valued and leading the team was
results were achieved contains valuable. outstanding. Together, with
the important lessons in the approval of the Client,
servant leadership. they decided that it would be
How Servant-Leaders Grow
Over 50 years, TDIndustries More Servant-Leaders in the best interest of the
has evolved into what the project for David to continue
company calls a “leaderful” Years ago TD won the in the lead position and for
culture. In this organization, contract for building the Bruce to go into the field and
Dallas Convention Center. head up the installation of the
leadership is not about having
Bruce Arapis, a former vice ductwork.
others report to you as a president, was scheduled to
supervisor. TD seeks to help In giving up the leadership
serve as the senior project role on this contract, Bruce
each Employee/Partner to superintendent and the renounced not only the
view him- or herself as a contract was awarded partly personal recognition that he
valued leader. From this due to the Customer’s
would receive as senior
position, each person must confidence in Bruce. Bruce
project superintendent but also
take responsibility for was delayed two months
completing a previous job. In the nice bonus that
nurturing others, initiating accompanies this position.
ideas, asking for help, his absence, David Hollowell
served as project Not long after this event,
collaborating, calling others to David took a similar action,
action, challenging stepping aside to give Mike
assumptions, offering Wilson an opportunity to
suggestions for continuous

10 Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc.

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

expand his experience and Associates, Inc. have intimidation confessed his
leadership. worked for initial doubts
over three During the servant about servant
When Bruce went to another
decades to leadership course, leadership.
job at Texas Stadium, David
create and He found it
pitched in by arranging for
each participant difficult to
extra staff to work overtime as
materials, creates a personal change his
needed. David also helped to
DVDs, action plan, choosing words and
assemble roof curbs on his
simulation actions, even
personal time to meet the fast- at least one new skill
games, and when he
track schedule for the football
other to practice from each wanted to.
season. The project came in
resources to Out of
on time and beat the original
create a day- new skill area. frustration,
long he often fell
These memorable stories are learning experience to back into old behaviors.
examples of the synergy that introduce servant But he asked for help and
results when egos and leadership. Subsequent expressed deep
personal self-interest are growth in servant appreciation for his
replaced by the desire to serve leadership is encouraged coworkers’ patience and
others. Greenleaf understood through three additional support. He explained to
the importance of stepping sessions that teach them, “When I sound the
aside and allowing others to advanced skills. toughest, I’m usually afraid
lead. He advised, “It is because I don’t know how
2. Build a foundation of to get us there. Please hold
terribly important that one
credibility for the servant me accountable when I slip
know, both about oneself and
leadership process. Jack and start bullying. Just
about others, whether the net
Lowe Jr., when he served remind me of my
effect of one’s influence on
as president and CEO, commitment to work
others enriches, is neutral, or
initially introduced every respectfully.”
diminishes and depletes.”
servant leadership class
himself to ensure that each To give the program
Building a Shared Vision of person understood TD further credibility,
Servant Leadership leaders’ commitment to the “sponsors” (servant-
program. As he began to leaders) are selected from
Building a shared vision based plan for his retirement, he the field or office to co-
on servant leadership is an delegated this teach servant leadership
essential piece of TD’s unique responsibility to other classes. Their presence
culture. Here’s how they senior leaders. Each has reinforces the importance
approached this challenge. been candid about his or of the process and links the
1. Build a curriculum of her personal journey, subject matter to real
servant leadership tools. including early skepticism business challenges.
TD and its training and and frequent backsliding. Managers and supervisors
development partner, Ann One senior executive also attend advanced
McGee Cooper and known for using power and refresher courses.

Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc. 11

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

3. Add other levels of in a full-day workshop, teach and coach new

servant leadership. entitled “TD Partners in Employees in applying
Through the years, TD Quality.” The success of these concepts, a sponsor is
added sessions on diversity this and other change carefully selected to help to
and Stephen Covey’s Seven initiatives at TD is built on facilitate each class. They
Habits of Highly Effective the foundation of high trust review all materials in
People. Covey’s Four that has resulted from advance and choose which
Imperatives of Great servant leadership. The skills they feel ready to
Leaders, as well as his facilitators for all TD teach and which stories
Inspiring Trust (a spin off courses reinforce how all they want to tell, linked to
one of the Four these concepts and skills the different servant
Imperatives) are now core work together seamlessly leadership skill sets. The
classes in the servant to build strong teams, diversity represented
leadership curriculum. As effective servant-leaders, through the sponsors adds
mentioned above, the and continuous credibility for servant
organization also offers performance improvement. leadership in all
advanced servant For example, some of the dimensions of the
leadership development to work-process improvement company.
fill in skill gaps and deepen tools help improve the
understanding of the people development 5. Be accountable for skills
concepts. processes and vice versa. learned in class. Each
class is opened by a senior
In 1990, TD embraced 4. Solicit feedback and fine- executive sponsor,
Total Quality Management tune the process. Every modeling and giving voice
as a way to increase participant provides to the importance of
operational performance. feedback at the end of each servant leadership growth
Every Partner participates day-long session. These and development. The
comments and senior sponsor then turns
suggestions are the class over to the class
used to improve sponsor and AMCA, Inc.
future classes. for the remainder of the
This process instruction. During the
models servant servant leadership course,
leadership in that each participant creates a
the class personal action plan. In the
participants teach plan, the individual
the facilitators how chooses at least one new
to make the skill to practice from each
program even more of the six to eight
effective. Because leadership areas covered in
“graduates” of the the curriculum. They also
program reported bring to class their
how valuable it APPLES (TD’s evaluation
Sponsor handing out certificates after TD Leadership Class was to return to and career development

12 Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc.

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

plan), noting skill deficit The Payoff and profitability with

areas and how they can investing in people. Jack
Jack Lowe Jr., then-CEO and
improve their performance explains, “The first 20 years,
now Board Chair, understood
based on what they are Partners trusted the leader and
the importance of traditional
learning in class. At the founder, Jack Lowe Sr. The
measurements of success. “In
end of class, the senior next 16 years, we trusted the
the past, I believed that being
sponsor returns and asks team. In 1989 the bottom
a great place to work would
for a commitment from dropped out of the
limit our ability to pay top
each participant for a skill construction market, as the oil
wages, grow our business, and
improvement action item, and gas and banking
have outstanding financial
challenges them to identify industries collapsed. Our
performance,” says Jack.
who they will teach one bank went under and our
“My paradigm has shifted. I
new learned skill within the bonding company’s support
now believe that being a great
next twenty-four hours, became tenuous. Again, the
place to work allows us to pay
then awards each high trust built on servant
top wages, grow our business,
participant a certificate to leadership was the glue that
and have outstanding career
recognize his or her held us together and allowed
opportunities” (see “Servant
development as a servant- us to survive this very
Leadership Success at TD”).
leader. threatening situation. At a
TD now links productivity meeting of all Partners with

Servant Leadership Success at


Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc. 13

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

five or more years of service, as the umbrella for everything performance as a leaderful
it was decided we should we did. Internally, this helped organization. One senior
terminate our defined benefit us realize and leverage all leader stated, “If we, each of
retirement plan and ask being on the same team. us, don’t hold ourselves to
Partners to invest a portion of Instead of one part of the high standards of continuous
the distribution back into the company protecting turf, performance improvement
company. A ‘fair share’ Partners began to extend based on our vision, mission,
formula was developed that resources across previous values, we are not being
would have yielded $1.5 boundaries, and we began to accountable to ourselves and
million if everyone leverage a powerful new level our Partners.”
participated. Soon, over $1.25 of interdependence.
million was invested, and the Thus, it isn’t enough to build
company was saved. Some “With this newly discovered an engaging curriculum. If
Partners took a severance flexibility, the company the majority of the Employees
package and left to slim down moved rapidly ahead don’t live and reinforce the
the ranks. We were all and1990–2010 showed high principles of servant
astounded as we literally levels of profitability and leadership, then it won’t be
discovered the power of all productivity, as we built real. “Early on, we worked
pulling together from quality improvement and hard to be respectful and nice
whatever we could contribute. strategic planning on the to each other,” said the same
foundation of servant leader. “But servant
“In 1997, we undertook the leadership. Now we had leadership is far more than
most comprehensive strategic grown trust in ourselves as simply being pleasant. The
rethinking of the company in owners, servant-leaders, and first measure is, do you grow
our history. Once again, trust Partners. We became a the people you lead? Do you
was the foundation for its community of powerful, provide honest, thoughtful
success. We trusting feedback and set expectations
decided to sell But servant Partners.” for meaningful continuous
one regional performance improvement?
leadership is far At TD, leaders
part of our And are they inspired to
business, so more that simply are accountable become servant-leaders?”
we let the for both
being pleasant. The achieving TD’s dual-commitment to
there choose first measure is, do business profitability and servant
results and leadership has been tested.
the new you grow the people
owner. We modeling For example, one leader
decided to
you lead? servant achieved excellent business
think and act leadership. results, but was leaving
more like one Using 360- behind organizational
company—The Power of degree feedback and other wreckage. In a situation
One. On the surface, we instruments, the organization where many companies may
dropped the separate names of has continued to work to have tolerated poor relational
several parts of our company improve commitment, behavior for the sake of
and began using TDIndustries accountability, and

14 Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc.

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

profits, TD coached, and then MacDowell’s use of • Southwest Airlines;

later removed, the leader. combined humor and humility • Tempo, a heating and air-
has been helpful in continuing conditioning business that
A pivotal moment in TD’s the heritage of servant
history came in 2005 when spun off from TD;
leadership, not to mention
Jack Lowe, Jr. retired from the remain profitable. • Celebration Restaurant;
CEO role. Not wanting senior MacDowell has also • Coppell, Texas, Police
leadership to become continued the application of Department;
stagnant, Lowe set a target mutual accountability at all
age for retirement, and then • Comanche Peak Nuclear
levels. For example, during Power Plant;
started the successor selection his tenure he has successfully
process four years before his encouraged the TD Board to • Parkland Health and
retirement. Lowe and his transition from mostly Hospital Systems;
father were the constant face company insiders to outside • Balfour Beatty
of servant leadership within members. Why? Because he Corporation
TD, and thus servant wanted a Board that would
leadership was a key factor in • Luminant Fossil
provide him feedback and Generation
choosing a successor. “We hold him accountable to all of
never wanted to bring the TD Partners he serves. • Dallas County
someone in from the outside; Community College
we should have been Linking Learning District;
developing leaders for Organizations into SLLC® • Collin County
succession all along the way” Community Supervision
said Lowe. A servant-led organization
and Correction
causes big ripples in the
The four-year selection Department;
organizational pond. Several
process was calculated and other companies and • Publishing Concepts;
deliberate, and while the community groups that heard • Tex Energy Solutions; and
candidates’ history of business of TD’s experience expressed
results was important, • Ann McGee-Cooper &
interest in developing a
indicators of servant Associates.
culture of servant leadership.
leadership were equally So, AMCA along with Participation in this group
considered. From servant TDIndustries and Southwest reminds TD of the special
leadership assessment tools, to Airlines (SWA) as role nature of its culture and the
moving candidates within the models of servant leadership, critical responsibility of all
organization to identify those formed a learning community Partners for keeping this spirit
who can build trusting around the work emerging at alive in everything they do.
relationships and teams, Lowe TDIndustries and SWA. In Moreover, it exposes outside
examined every possible the fall of 1999, the Dallas groups to an advanced culture
angle. Servant Leadership Learning of servant leadership and
Community® (SLLC) was provides a wide variety of
In January 2005, Harold
born. To date the fourteen implementation models. And
MacDowell was promoted
partner organizations include: the learning community
from within to become the
company’s third CEO. creates valuable synergies.
• TDIndustries;
Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc. 15
Parkland…Building the BARA. Eight weeks later on consultants offered
Largest Public Hospital in June 3, 2009, AMCA met expertise…and the vision
the World Using Servant with the key leaders of began to take form. The new
Leadership Parkland, BARA, Corgan, and Parkland hospital would be a
CH2M Hill. On July 16, safe, welcoming, patient-
In August 2007, the Dallas 2009, the first meeting was centered healing environment,
County Commissioners Court held and a Vision and serving as a sustainable green
approved a Blue Ribbon Covenant were created based resource for Dallas County. It
Panel’s report to build a on the principles of servant would promote excellence in
replacement hospital for leadership. Two phrases clinical care, teaching, and
Parkland County Hospital. In stood out which would research and a technologically
2008, Dallas become the symbols of this advanced and accessible
County voters project—“the most patient environment.
overwhelmingly approved the and family-centric facility in
bond election. The new the country” and “iconic , Sam Moses was selected by
Parkland facility would be timeless, and enduring.” BARA as general
over 2 million square feet with superintendent and
a budget of construction
$1.27 billion. began. He tells
the about the
Balfour Beatty role attitude and
formed a teamwork play
coalition of in creating an
companies environment of
including Servant
Balfour Beatty, Leadership:
Commercial, “I am a true
Russell, and believer in
Azteca and attitude. It’s
Parkland Hospital under construction contagious. I
called the team BARA.
Balfour Beatty had worked The team knew there would can get excited about a
with Ann McGee-Cooper and be differences, so AMCA led concrete pour and then the
Associates on several large the team through a process to next thing you know, those
projects using servant create a Covenant guys pouring the concrete get
leadership as a model. They documenting how they would excited. In addition to the big
knew that in order to be settle differences and treat one goal at the end of finishing the
successful on a project of this another as they worked using project, you celebrate those
size, with this many the principles and practices of many little goals in between
contractors, an interdependent servant leadership. and it gets everybody pumped
teaming model would be up. I want that excitement
Then the work began. Design and attitude not only for me,
needed. On April 22, 2009
teams met. Patient advocate those that work around me,
Parkland officials awarded
groups weight in. Technology but also for those all the way
construction of the project to

16 Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc.

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

out to the subs, labor, and high and Customers loyal. will happen when Herb
gate guards.” Much of the media attention retires?” Because most
on the Company focused on people’s view of leadership
Parkland and BARA knew Herb Kelleher, Southwest’s includes a traditional “in-
that waves of talent would be former CEO. Colleen Barrett, charge” hero who wields power
coming on the project across Kelleher’s 1970’s legal and calls the shots, they fail to
the five years. It would be secretary who rose to see that, like TD, Southwest is
important to offer on-boarding President, also gained her own also an abundantly “leaderful”
classes of servant leadership attention and fierce loyalty culture. Herb is and always
to keep the teaming from both Customers and the will be loved. Yet servant
momentum high. ranks of Southwest People. leadership is so deeply woven
into the culture—into the
Kathy Harper, Vice President Kelleher is a natural servant- hearts, minds, beliefs, and
of Clinical Planning offers leader who recruited, behavior of every leader at
inspiration to new team rewarded, and surrounded every level—that it has become
members as they arrive on site himself with a diverse team of Southwest.
and captures the essence of equally committed servant-
servant leadership on this leaders. “I have always Kelleher’s successor, Gary
amazing project: believed that the best leader is Kelly, has not wavered from a
the best server. And if you’re focus on Employees,
“We have a greater
a servant, by definition, you’re explaining the priority should
vision…not just to build the
not controlling. We try to be on Employees, so they can
best hospital in Dallas, but we
value each person individually care for the Customer. For
are going to change public
and to be cognizant of them as sure, Kelly operates in a world
healthcare in this country, and
human beings—not just that is concerned with
nothing less. On the days that
People who work for our profitability, but what is
it gets a little hard, think
Company.” different about Southwest is
about the legacy we are
how they choose to treat their
leaving.” “Your Employees come first. People in pursuing
There’s no question about profitability. There is another
As of 2013, the new Parkland
that. If your Employees are Southwest hallmark that Kelly
hospital is on schedule,
satisfied and happy and has not neglected: “Fun
within, budget and is
dedicated and inspired by LUVing.” Although he has
scheduled to open in 2015.
what they are doing, then they yet to apply Kelleher’s tactic
make your Customers happy of challenging an industry
Southwest Airlines: Keeping and they come back. And that peer to an arm wrestling duel,
Servant Leadership Alive makes your shareholders around Halloween time it is
happy. Think about Customer not uncommon to see Kelly
Our second example of
service. Profit is a by- dressed as a “Kiss” band
servant leadership in action
product.” member or Edna Turnblad
centers on Southwest Airlines.
In the late 1980s, Southwest from “Hairspray!”
One of the questions that
Airlines began receiving people frequently asked about
acclaim for its ability to create Southwest Airlines was, “What
a fun culture and keep energy

Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc. 17

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

The Power of Internal less than their industry environment where you
Motivation average, yet another trait of feel good about what you
servant leadership. do, about yourself, and
As we noted earlier, a true about your position
servant-leader is motivated by Southwest’s Employees are within this Company.
contributing to a collective equally loyal to the Company, But, if I do that, what I
result or vision rather than by Much of this is derived from want in exchange is for
personal recognition, power, the loyalty they feel from top you to do the same thing
or material gain. Very often, a leadership, as evidenced in by offering our
servant-leader purposely now-President Emeritus Passengers – who are our
refuses to accept the perks of a Colleen Barrett’s leadership second Customer in terms
position. So it is with philosophy: of priority – the same
Kelleher and others at kind of warmth, caring,
Southwest. Kelleher had a Our entire philosophy of
and fun spirit (Blanchard
reputation as the most Leadership is quite
& Barrett, 2011).
underpaid CEO in the airline simple: Treat your
industry and was the first to People right, and good Loyalty to the organization
work without pay when things will happen. When and its mission is rampant
Southwest faced serious we talk to our People, we throughout Southwest,
financial threats. For instance, proudly draw a pyramid regardless of organizational
in asking pilots to agree to on the chalkboard and position. People want to feel
freeze their wages for five tell them: You are at the valued and connected to the
years, he froze his own wages. top of the pyramid. You mission of the Company they
are the most important choose to join, and leaders
In fact, all of the Company’s Customer in terms of throughout Southwest find
top leaders are paid well priority. Therefore, I am ways to consistently do this.
below the industry average. going to spend 80 percent It seems that those outside of
As a result, big salaries and of my time treating you Southwest also crave loyalty
attractive perks are not the with Golden Rule and connectedness: In 2012
motivators of this leadership behavior and trying to Southwest received nearly
team. Rather, executives stay make sure that you have 115,000 job applications and
at the Company because they an enjoyable work only hired 2,499!
are making history together.
Their purpose is to connect
People to what’s important in
their lives through friendly,
reliable, and low-cost air
travel. To keep fares low, they
must watch their operating
costs, which include salaries.
But, instead of cutting salaries
on the front lines, the top
leaders at Southwest choose to
serve at salaries significantly

18 Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc.

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

The Culture Committee staff carefully builds a trusting

environment in which
One way that Southwest Executives appreciate
integrates servant leadership challenging questions that
throughout the organization is derive from caring about the
through the Companywide future of the Company, and
Culture Committee. Created Employees are comfortable
initially in 1990 by then- asking them without fear of
Executive Vice President of retribution. The trust that is
Customers Colleen Barrett, built emanates from
the Culture Committee is a Committee Members to their
special gathering of a cross- thousands of peers; an
section of Employees from all incredible feat in a highly
ranks and locations. Members unionized environment.
of the committee are
volunteers, picked because
they exemplify the Southwest
Southwest Airlines Culture Committee Meeting How to Begin Practicing
spirit. The Committee’s initiatives within the Servant leadership
mission is to help create the Company. They also
TDIndustries and Southwest
Southwest spirit and culture complete an array of service
Airlines each created a unique
where needed; to enrich it and visits throughout the network,
culture based on servant
make it better where it already showing care and support to
leadership owing to the
exists; and to liven it up in their peers.
natural persuasion and beliefs
places where it might be of a founding leader. But any
The SWA Culture Committee
floundering. In addition to kind of organization can
functions as an incubator for
active Members, hundreds of successfully adopt and apply
servant leadership, especially
Alumni support the many these principles. How can
the building of trust across the
creative projects that bubble you begin to practice the skills
now 46,000+ (with the
up. and behaviors of servant
acquisition of AirTran
Airlines) Member company. leadership, especially when
As testament to internal
Young leaders are mentored such skills have not always
motivation, Members of the
and learn to trust the senior been rewarded in your
Culture Committee volunteer
members who have a deeper organization? Here are some
their personal time, often
appreciation of the company’s initial steps you might take:
amounting to over a dozen
full days per year. Members history. Intentional trust-
1. Listen Without Judgment.
from around the country travel building is most evident
When a team member
to Dallas and other locations during the Culture Committee
comes to you with a
for several, multi-day Officer Panel, during which
concern, listen first to
meetings per year. At the senior executives give
understand. Before giving
meetings they build servant Company updates and receive
advice or solutions,
leadership skills, work on direct questions and feedback
practice repeating back
special projects, and receive from Employees. A
what you thought you
important updates on dedicated “Culture Services”
heard and your

Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc. 19

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

understanding of her 4. Share Power. Ask those so that they can step into
feelings. If you have you supervise or your job? Take time each
accurately heard her, then collaborate with, “What week to develop others to
ask how you could best decisions or actions could I grow into higher levels of
help. Did the person just improve if I had more input responsibility. Give
need a safe sounding from the team?” Delegate colleagues opportunities to
board, or would she like meaningful assignments attend meetings that they
you to help brainstorm that challenge people and would not normally be
solutions? Listen for develop their skills. Plan a invited to. Find projects
feelings (empathizing) as way to get this feedback that you can co-lead and
well as for facts (solving). into your decision-making coach your Partner through
process. Ask thoughtful the process. Introduce
2. Be Authentic. Admit questions that encourage team members to other
mistakes openly. At the people to come up with leaders to show your
end of team meetings, do a ideas and solutions rather respect for their abilities.
“plus (what worked?), delta than offering an answer for Invite others’ concerns,
(what needs improving?)” everything. Appreciate ideas, and challenges.
process check. Be open even those times when Provide honest, thoughtful
and accountable to others others take issue with your feedback and make
for your role in projects position. These moments performance reviews two-
that didn’t go so well. will break down mindless way. Dare to challenge
3. Build Community. Find obedience and encourage self and others with high
ways to show appreciation the risk-taking that leads to expectations. Expect
for those who work with free-flowing collaboration. greatness and provide the
you. A hand-written conscientious coaching that
5. Develop People. What gives others opportunities
thank-you note for a job would happen if you
done well means a lot. A to grow into that
suddenly fell ill and expectation.
servant-leader finds ways couldn’t work for a year?
to thank team members for Have you mentored others 6. Co-Create Shared Vision.
every day, routine work
that is often taken for
granted. Create frequent
celebrations and include
families to build a network
of friendship, fun, and
caring. Enjoying
recreational activities
together helps people get to
know each other in a
broader and deeper sense
and builds a foundation of
trust and friendship critical
in high-performance teams.
Southwest Airline Volunteers help with tornado relief efforts in Oklahoma
20 Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc.
The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

As Joseph Jaworski determine the ends.” We the full talents of all

summed up, “Robert cannot encourage a flexible stakeholders, and to create a
Greenleaf, the originator of organization through culture that nurtures spirit and
‘Servant Leadership’ – one inflexible means, nor create a true community, then growing
of the most influential vibrant, into the new
business concepts of our productive We cannot paradigm of
time - called foresight ‘the community servant
encourage a flexible
central ethic of leadership.’ through fear leadership
‘To see the unforeseeable’ and organization through provides a
and ‘know the intimidation. inflexible means, nor clear pathway.
unknowable,’ Greenleaf
said, is the mark of the If Greenleaf create a vibrant, If your
leader” (2012). Servant is right—and productive company’s
leaders strive to practice it really does survival were
matter how community through at risk, would
foresight, but more
we lead, fear and your
importantly they involve
whom we Employees
others in creating the vision intimidation.
choose to sacrifice their
of where the organization
follow, and own financial
is going. To be sure, Herb
how we come together to security to see the firm
Kelleher always held a through a critical challenge?
vision of growth for address our organizational
challenges—then servant At various points, the people
Southwest Airlines, but at both TDIndustries and
he’ll be the first to tell you leadership can be a powerful
Southwest Airlines did so.
that growing from a avenue for significantly
They believe that, when a
regional airline to one of improving the performance of
community stands together,
the largest in the world was organizations that embrace it.
the collective possibilities are
realized because he listened As we noted above, if you
endless. This rare shared
to his People along the look at the Fortune list of the commitment grows out of
way. People are 100 Best Companies to Work servant leadership, which
committed to something for in America, their cultures dares to lead by building
they have helped build, and are more characteristic of shared trust and—even
this is nowhere more servant leadership than of more—unconditional love.
important than building the traditional power-based As more leaders break free
future. models. They distinguish from the patterns of the past
themselves from their and find the courage to
competitors by truly valuing explore this promising new
Why Leadership Styles people—and their stock paradigm, a new vitality will
Matter! market performance over the fill our lives and workplaces.
Some management theorists past 10 years has been double
believe that any leadership that of the S&P 500. So if
style is fine as long as it gets your goal is to significantly
the intended results. Robert enhance the performance of
Greenleaf disagreed. He your company as a living
believed that “The means system, to respect and engage

Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc. 21

The Essentials of Servant Leadership: Principles in Practice

. Further Readings:
Blanchard, Ken and Barrett, Colleen. Lead with LUV: A
Different Way to Create Real Success. FT Press, Upper Saddle
River, New Jersey, 2011.
Cheshire, Ashley, A Partnership of the Spirit. TDIndustries,
Ann McGee-Cooper, Ed.D., is Dallas, TX, 1987.
founder of Ann McGee-Cooper
& Associates (AMCA), a small Frick, Don M. Robert K. Greenleaf: A Life of Servant
team of futurists who specialize Leadership. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, San Francisco, 2004.
in servant leadership, growing Frick, Don M. and Sipe, James W. Seven Pillars of Servant
high performance teams, creative Leadership. Paulist Press, New Jersey, 2009.
solutions, and the politics of
change. Since 1976 including 10 Frieberg, Kevin, and Freiberg, Jackie, Nuts. Bard Press, Austin,
years working directly with 1996.
Robert K. Greenleaf—she and Greenleaf, Robert K. The Servant as Leader. Newton Center,
her Partners have worked to Mass. Robert K. Greenleaf Center, 1970.
understand, become, and grow
servant-leaders. Greenleaf, Robert K. On Becoming A Servant Leader, eds. Don
M. Frick & Larry C. Spears: Jossey-Bass Publishers, San
Francisco, 1996 .
Hesse, Hermann. The Journey to the East. The Noonday Press,
New York, NY, 1956.
Jackson, Phil, Sacred Hoops. New York: Hyperion, 1995.
Jaworski, Joseph. Source: The Inner Path of Knowledge
Creation. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, San Francisco, 2012.
Duane Trammell is COO and co-
founder of Ann McGee-Cooper Kouzes, Jim, and Posner, Barry, The Leadership Challenge.
and Associates, Inc. and has been Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Fransisco, 1987.
partners with Ann for 30 years.
Mackey, John and Raj Sisodia. Conscious Capitalism. Harvard
Business Review Press, Watertown, MA, 2014.
McGee-Cooper, Ann and Trammell, Duane. Awaken Your
Sleeping Genius: A Journaling Approach to Servant Leadership.
Dallas, TX, 1997.
Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Ross, Smith, The Fifth Discipline Field
Matthew Kosec, Adjunct Partner Book. Currency, Doubleday, New York, 1994.
at Ann McGee-Cooper and Spears, Larry C. (ed.). Insights on Leadership. John Wiley &
Associates, Inc., updated and Sons, Inc. New York, 1998.
revised this article in 2013.
Spears, Larry C. (ed.). Reflections on Leadership. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. New York, 1995.

22 Copyright © 2001, 2013 Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc.

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