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BSN 3Y1 - 2

Create a conceptual map using the case scenarios as guide. Conceptual map should include
pathophysiology, medical diagnosis, signs and symptoms, and risk factors, if any. Nursing diagnosis, nursing
interventions, medical management (medication and procedures), expected outcomes.

Abe, a 14-year old boy who stoked a fire in a wood burning stove and was hurt by a subsequent explosion. He was
transported to the local burn ICU (BICU). He sustained an 82% total body surface area (TBSA) thermal burn. Abe’s
burns included bilateral full thickness circumferential burns to his legs and feet, arms, and hands, genetalia and
deep partial thickness burn to his head and anterior trunk.

Before Abe’s arrival to the BICU, the medical team stabilized Abe by initiating cervical spine precautions,
endotrachealy intubating him, and providing fluid resuscitation and sedation and analgesia with I.V. propofol and
morphine via two large-bore peripheral venous catheters.

Once Abe was admitted to the BICU, a right brachial arterial line was placed along with right internal jugular central
venous catheter. Initial I.V. fluid resuscitation was calculated based on Abe’s weight of 79 lbs. (36 kg), a urinary
catheter was placed, and a tetanus injection was administered. The morphine drip was discontinued, an I.V.
ketamine drip was started, and wound care began.

Upon reassessment, the nursing staff noted that Abe’s pedal and radial pulses were absent bilaterally, and
emergent bilateral upper and lower escharotomies were performed. At this point of care, Abe’s clinical status was
critical but stable.

After escharotomies were completed and Abe was stable and enteral nasogastic tube was placed in the left nares
and feedings began. Abe received standard wound dressing with silver sulfadiazine until his burn wounds were
grafted (with the exception of his genital burns).

Abe experienced a slow recovery. Within 72 hours of his admission to the BICU, the first surgical excision and
grafting on Abe’s hands, feet, head, and neck were completed. His anterior trunk also required surgical excision
and grafting at this time. Nurses explained to Abe’s parents that further excisions and grafting procedures would
be performed until all of Abe’s burn wounds were closed. The excisions and grafting on Abe’s arms and legs
were completed over the next month. A conservative approach was employed to treat Abe’s genital burn. Initially,
all obvious retained material (loose debridement) and contaminated remnants of Abe’s clothing were removed.

Next, the BICU nurses completed a prolonged cooling down procedure with water. During the duration of Abe’s
admission, topical antibiotic ointments such as Mupirocin were impregnated into gauze and applied over the
perineal area and changed every bowel movement. Scheduled as P.R.N. cleansing as accomplished using 4%
chlorhexidine skin wash.

This approach led to the successful healing of Abe’s genital burns. Abe was weaned from the ventilator on the third
attempt during his second week in the BICU, and the solid foods were introduced gradually. 
Abe, a 14-year old boy who stoked
a fire in a wood burning stove and
CONCEPTUAL MAP was hurt by a subsequent


Tissue destruction results from INTERVENTIONS MANAGEMENT
(TBSA) thermal burn  Blisters.  There are a number of Impaired gas exchange related to
- Those approaches led
coagulation, protein  Pain (The degree of other risk factors for carbon monoxide poisoning, smoke
denaturation, or ionization of burns, including: inhalation, and upper airway - Check/Monitor the vital signs - An I.V. ketamine drip was to the successful
Genital Burn pain is not related to
cellular components.  occupations that obstruction. started, and wound care.
the severity of the burn,
increase exposure to fire; - Monitor the pedal and radial healing of Abe’s genital
as the most serious
Local response - Burns that do  poverty, overcrowding Ineffective airway clearance related pulses - Escharotomies burns. Abe was weaned
burns can be painless.) and lack of proper safety to edema and effects of smoke
not exceed 20% of TBSA from the ventilator on
 Peeling skin. measures; inhalation. - Provide immediate fluid - Surgical excision and grafting
according to the Rule of Nines
 Red skin.  placement of young girls resuscitation and sedation and on Abe’s hands, feet, head, and the third attempt
produces a local response.
 Shock (Symptoms of in household roles such Fluid volume deficit related to
analgesia with I.V neck
as cooking and care of increased capillary permeability and during his second week
shock may include pale
Systemic response. Burns that small children; evaporative losses from burn wound.
and clammy skin, -Administered a tetanus injection - A prolonged cooling down in the BICU, and the
exceeds 20% of TBSA according  underlying medical
weakness, bluish lips Hypothermia related to loss of skin urinary catheter procedure with water solid foods were
to the Rule of Nines produces a conditions, including
and fingernails, and a epilepsy, peripheral microcirculation and open wounds.
systemic response. introduced gradually.
drop in alertness.) neuropathy, and physical - Perform wound care - Topical antibiotic ointments
The systemic response is caused  Swelling. and cognitive disabilities; Pain related to tissue and nerve such as Mupirocin were
 injury. - Perform enteral nasogastric
by the release of cytokines and  White or charred skin.
alcohol abuse and
smoking; tubing
impregnated into gauze and
applied over the perineal area
other mediators into the
 easy access to chemicals Anxiety related to fear and the
and changed every bowel
systemic circulation. used for assault (such as emotional impact of burn injury.
in acid violence attacks);
The release of local mediators  use of kerosene
and changes in blood flow, tissue (paraffin) as a fuel source
edema, and infection, can cause for non-electric domestic
progression of the burn injury. appliances;

 inadequate safety
measures for liquefied
petroleum gas and


 Promoting Gas
Exchange and Airway
 Minimizing Pain and
 Monitoring and
Managing Potential
 Restoring Normal fluid
Balance. Clearance.
 Restoring fluid and
Electrolyte Balance.
 Maintaining Normal
Body Temperature.

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