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To calculate the frequency of an electromagnetic wave, you need to know the speed of the

wave and its__________.

Select one:
d. wavelength. 

Question text

Electromagnetic waves vary in _______.

Select one:
c. wavelength and frequency. 
Question text

Light acts like__________.

Select one:
a. Both a wave and a particle 
Question text

Infrared rays have a shorter wavelength than__________.

Select one:
c. radar waves. 
Question text

X-ray photographs show softer tissue__________.

Select one:
b. as dark, highly exposed areas. 
Question text

Newton’s prism experiments showed that white sunlight is made up of__________.

Select one:
a. all the colors of the visible spectrum. 
Question text

Which of the following occurs as light travels farther from its source?

Select one:
c. Far from the source, photons spread over a larger area. 
Question text
Which of the following occurs as a light wave bends when it passes from one medium into

Select one:
a. refraction 
Question text

Cellular telephones utilize__________.

Select one:
a. microwaves. 
Question text

The visible light spectrum ranges between__________.

Select one:
a. infrared rays and ultraviolet rays. 

Voltage can be induced in a wire by_______________.

Select one:
d. all of these 

Question text

The period of a wave is ______.

Select one:
c. time required to complete one cycle 
Question text

Infrared rays have a shorter wavelength than ____________.

Select one:
c. Ultraviolet ray.
Question text

What would happen if I move a bar magnet in and out of a coil of copper wire?

Select one:
b. Electric current will flow through the wire 
Question text
The type of current where charges shake back and forth in a circuit_______.

Select one:
b. Alternating Current 
Question text

Electromagnetic induction is change in ___________________.

Select one:
c. magnetic flux 

Question text

Current from a battery is __________.

Select one:
b. DC 
Question text

Which description best applies to Lenz's Law?

Select one:
a. When a change in magnetic field occurs to a coil the direction of current goes in the in
the other direction to this change. 
Question text

Light acts like

Select one:
c. Both a wave and a particle 
Question text

Which of the following occurs as a light wave bends when it passes from one medium into

Select one:
a. refraction 
Question text

To calculate the frequency of an electromagnetic wave, you need to know the speed of the
wave and its

Select one:
a. wavelength. 
Question text

X-ray photographs show softer tissue _______________.

Select one:
d. as dark, highly exposed areas. 

Question text

A magnet is moved in and out of a coil of wire connected to a high-resistance voltmeter. If

the number of coils doubles, the induced voltage ____________.

Select one:
d. doubles 

Question text

Current that is used by most household appliances____________.

Select one:
d. AC 

Question text

Electromagnetic waves vary in

Select one:
b. wavelength and frequency. 
Question text

Battery is ________.

Select one:
c. DC source 
Question text

Which of the following occurs as a light wave bends when it passes from one medium into

Select one:
c. Far from the source, photons spread over a larger area. 
Question text

___ Law says that the Induced current is proportional to the change of magnetic flux

Select one:
b. Faraday's 
Question text

The visible light spectrum ranges between _______________.

Select one:
a. infrared rays and ultraviolet rays. 
Question text

A magnet can move in a coil of wire to produce electricity in which system?

Select one:
b. Generator 

When a ray of light enters a glass slab from air_______.

Select one:
b. its wavelength decreases 
Question text

What is the characteristic of image formed when given that u and f have the same value of

Select one:
a. real or virtual, image formed at infinity 

Question text

A concave lens forms the image of an object such that the distance between the object and
image is 10 cm and the magnification produced is 1/The focal length of the lens will

Select one:
a. 4.4 cm 
Question text
To determine the characteristics of image formed we need to a draw ray diagram that

Select one:
d. at least 2 rays that overlap each other 

Question text

An image is formed upside down in front of mirror and seems bigger by 2 times from the
actual size. What might be the type of mirror uses?

Select one:
a. concave mirror 
Question text

Angle of minimum deviation is equal to the angle of prism A of an equilateral glass prism.
The angle of incidence at which minimum deviation will be obtained is __________

Select one:
c. 60∘60∘ 
Question text

An image that is formed at the back of the mirror is said to be_______.

Select one:
b. virtual image 
Question text

A hollow convex lens of glass will behave like__________.

Select one:
d. glass plate 

Question text

Which statement is true about convex mirror?

Select one:
b. image formed is virtual and diminished 
Question text

A real image is formed by a convex lens, then it is put in contact with a concave lens and
again a real image is formed. This image is ______________
Select one:
c. shift away from the lens system 
The three types of nuclear radiation in increasing order of penetrating power are ____.

Select one:
c. alpha, beta, gamma 
Question text

Negatively charged particles emitted from a nucleus at a high speed are ____.

Select one:
d. beta particles 

Question text

A helium nucleus with two protons and two neutrons is called a(n) ____.

Select one:
d. alpha particle 

Question text

Radioactive materials have unstable___________.

Select one:
c. nuclei 
Question text

The process of the production of lighter nuclei from heavier nuclei is called ___________.

Select one:
b. fission 
Question text

What is Half-life?

Select one:
a. The amount of time it takes for half the nuclei in a sample of the isotope to decay 
Question text

The process by which nuclei having low masses are united to form nuclei with larger masses
is ____.
Select one:
d. fusion 

Question text

When a nucleus undergoes nuclear decay by gamma rays, the atomic number of the
element _______.

Select one:
d. remains the same 

Question text

The most penetrating type of radiation is the ____.

Select one:
c. gamma ray 
Question text

The type of radioactive particle that can be stopped by a sheet of paper is the ____.

Select one:
a. alpha particle 

___ Law says that the Induced current is proportional to the change of magnetic flux

Select one:
a. Faraday's 

Question text

Voltage can be induced in a wire by__________.

Select one:
b. all of these
Question text

What would happen if I move a bar magnet in and out of a coil of copper wire?

Select one:

c. Electric current will flow through the wire 

Question text

What is one way to increase the current in a wire?

Select one:

c. Increase the number of coils 

Question text

Voltage can be induced in a wire by

Select one:

b. all of these 

Question text

A magnet can move in a coil of wire to produce electricity in which system?

Select one:

c. Generator 

Question text

Electromagnetic induction is change in ___________________.

Select one:

c. magnetic flux 

Question text

Which description best applies to Lenz's Law?

Select one:
d. When a change in magnetic field occurs to a coil the direction of current goes in the in
the other direction to this change. 

Question text

What benefit is gained by the addition of the iron core in an electromagnet?

Select one:
c. It makes a weak magnet stronger 
Question text

A magnet is moved in and out of a coil of wire connected to a high-resistance voltmeter. If

the number of coils doubles, the induced voltage ___________

Select one:
b. doubles 

Question text

The period of a wave is

Select one:
a. time required to complete one cycle 
Question text

Battery is ________.

Select one:
d. DC source 

Question text

In a circuit containing resistance only, the voltage and current are with one another.

Select one:
a. in phase
Question text

When frequency decreases, capacitive reactance _____.

Select one:
b. increases
Question text

The power factor is the ratio of __________________ power to _________________ power.

Select one:
c. true and apparent
Question text

Current from a battery is _____________.

Select one:
b. DC 
Question text

Current that is used by most household appliances____________.

Select one:
d. AC 

Question text

The current in an inductive circuit _____.

Select one:
c. lags the voltage
Question text

Which of the following is true of the current in a capacitive circuit?

Select one:
b. It leads the voltage.
Question text

The type of current where charges shake back and forth in a circuit

Select one:
b. Alternating Current 

Question 1
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Question text

Infrared rays have a shorter wavelength than ____________.

Select one:
b. X-rays.
c. gamma rays
d. Ultraviolet ray.

Question 2
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Question text

Which of the following occurs as a light wave bends when it passes from one medium into

Select one:
d. constructive interference

Question 3
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Question text

The visible light spectrum ranges between _____________.

Select one:
b. television waves and infrared rays.
Question 4
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Question text

Electromagnetic waves vary in__________.

Select one:
a. wavelength and frequency.
Question 5
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Question text

To calculate the frequency of an electromagnetic wave, you need to know the speed of the
wave and its ___________.

Select one:
d. a wavelength.

Question 6
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Question text
Light acts like _______

Select one:
b. Both a wave and a particle 
Question 7
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X-ray photographs show softer tissue____________.

Select one:
b. as invisible.
Question 8
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The full range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation is called ______________.

Select one:
b. radio waves. 
Question 9
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Question text
The waves with the longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum are __________.

Select one:
b. Infrared rays.

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