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AC7120 REV.

E Δ2
Issue Date 2007-10
161Thorn Hill Road AUDIT CRITERIA
Warrendale, PA 15086-7527 Revision Date 06-DEC-2016

Editorial ‘Δ’ Change 28-May-2019

Superseding AC7120 Rev. D




This checklist shall apply to suppliers seeking Nadcap accreditation who are engaged in the
Printed Board Assemblies (PBA) process in accordance with the Class 3 requirements of J-STD-
001 and IPC-A-610. Certification is valid only when valid quality system is verified

The purpose of this Audit Criteria is to provide a means to verify and document that systems are
in place to control the process and that the process procedures are being followed.

1.1 AC7120 is supplemented by additional Audit Criteria [slash sheets] for specific electronics
Scope of accreditation shall include AC7120 plus at least one of the slash sheets (excluding /1).

Slash sheets are available for:

•AC7120/1 Personnel Qualification (in lieu of IPC certification per question 4.13.C)
•AC7120/2 General Soldering of Printed Board Assemblies
•AC7120/3 Plated Through Hole Technology (requires AC7120/2)
•AC7120/4 Surface Mount Technology (requires AC7120/2)
•AC7120/5 Mixed Metallurgy for BGAs (requires AC7120/2 and AC7120/4)
•AC7120/6 Lead Free Soldering (requires AC7120/2)
•AC7120/7 Conformal Coating of Printed Board Assemblies
•AC7120/8 Encapsulation
•AC7120/9 Programming
•AC7120/10 Final Testing
•AC7120/11 Refinishing
•AC7120/12 Depaneling of Printed Board Assemblies

PRI operating procedures provide that "This report is published by PRI to advance the state of technical, engineering, and quality
sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent
infringement arising there from, is the sole responsibility of the user”

PRI values your input. To provide feedback on this document, please contact the appropriate commodity staff engineer. (Contact
information is located at under “Contact Us”.)

Copyright 2019 Performance Review Institute. All rights reserved.

t-frm-15 08-Oct-2019
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 -2-



Nadcap Publications: Available from the Performance Review Institute eAuditNet

( website.
PD1100 Nadcap Program Requirements

OP 1114 Appendix Task Group – Additional Requirements for the

ETG Electronics Task Group

OP 1103 Definitions (Nadcap program)

SAE Publications: Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15086-

AS/EN/JISQ 9100 Quality Management Systems – Requirements

for Aviation, Space, and Defense Organizations

ESD Publications: Available from Electrostatic Discharge Association, 7900 Turin Road,
Building 3, Suite 2, Rome, NY 13440-2069
Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies
and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated
Explosive Devices)

IPC Publications: Available from IPC, 3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 309S, Bannockburn, IL

IPC-T-50 Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and

Packaging Electronic Circuits

IPC-A-610 Acceptability of Electronics Assemblies

IPC 7711/21 Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic


J-STD-001 Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic


J-STD-020 IPC/JEDEC Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification

for Nonhermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices

J-STD-033 Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of

Moisture/Reflow Sensitive Surface Mount Devices

EN Publications: Available from BSI, 389 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 4AL, UK.

EN61340-5-1 Electrostatics. Protection of electronic devices from

electrostatic phenomena. General requirements
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 -3-

EN61340-5-2 Electrostatics. Protection of electronic devices from

electrostatic phenomena. User guide

GEIA-STD-0005-02 Standard for Mitigating the Effects of Tin Whiskers in

Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems

GEIA-STD-0006 Requirements for using solder dip to replace the finish

on electronic piece parts

IEC Publications: Available from IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission 3 Rue de

Varembe PO Box 131 Geneva, Switzerland CH-1211

IEC TS 62647 Process Management for Avionics – Aerospace

and Defence Electronic Systems Containing
Lead-Free Solder

2.1 Instructions for the Auditor

In completing this assessment, auditors are instructed to respond with a “Yes” or “No” to
address compliance with each statement of requirement. For any negative responses, the
auditor must clearly indicate in the Nonconformance Report (NCR) if the “No” reflects
noncompliance with respect to existence, adequacy, and/or compliance. Existence relates to
evidence of a procedure or policy, adequacy relates to the completeness of the procedure or
policy and compliance relates to evidence of effective implementation.

The auditor must verify the list of procedures provided by the supplier at the time of the audit.
Any corrections or updates to the list must be identified using notes inserted at the applicable

All negative responses require a Nonconformance Report (NCR) or explanation. Not

Applicable (NA) responses do not require an explanation unless otherwise noted.

The audit results (eAuditNet) shall not include any customer proprietary information or
Technical information on parts designated "Export Controlled - License Required" (EC-LR).
If auditors have any questions about this, they should contact the Staff Engineer for

If there are nonconformances that may require special attention, please note that in the audit

2.2 Instructions to Supplier to be Audited

2.2.1 Prior to the Audit

All documentation submitted to the Auditor prior to the audit must be in English, unless
otherwise noted by the Auditor.

The supplier must have completed a self-audit to AC7120 and all applicable slash sheets in
preparation for this audit. Sections without NA’s are required and must be answered. At least
one job audit must be completed as part of the self-audit. The selected job(s) must cover the
scope of the audit.
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 -4-

The location and identification (name of procedure and paragraph number, where needed) of
all applicable documentation must be indicated on the self-audit form. This will greatly
expedite the audit and avoid the expense of additional audit days.

NOTE 1: Numbers ending with ‘P’ are procedural questions, numbers ending with a ‘C’ are
compliance questions.

NOTE 2: Auditee should review current audit handbook and applicable open auditor
advisories. These can be found in the Electronics folder in the public documents section of

Performing a thorough, objective self-audit against each question in the checklist is the
critical first step in the Nadcap accreditation process. This can significantly reduce the
number of findings issued by the auditor and the time required to achieve accreditation. All
nonconformances should be corrected prior to the actual audit. Nonconformances identified
as part of the Nadcap audit with potential product impact may, at the Nadcap Electronics
Task Group's discretion, require a Verification Corrective Action (VCA) audit at the supplier's

Supplier shall upload the following into eAuditNet 30 days prior to the scheduled audit:

a) Self-Audit
The self-audit is to be completed with the related document name(s)/procedure number(s)
marked next to checklist question where applicable. With completed job audit.

NOTE: The self-audit may include ‘No’ responses provided the supplier has completed
corrective actions before commencement of the audit.

b) List of Purchased Services

List of purchased services, including names(s) of supplier(s) for calibration, processing,
testing, chemical analysis, etc.

c) List of Specifications
List of processing specifications (military, government, industry and customer) that supplier is
working to.

d) Master List of Procedures with revisions indicated

e) Moisture Control Plan as required in checklist

f) Procedure for Control of Electrostatic Discharge as required in checklist

2.2.2 During the Audit

The Supplier shall provide for an in-briefing with the Auditor. Key members of the applicant's
staff should attend the in-briefing so the audit purpose, methods and assessment processes
can be discussed. These may include the Quality Manager, internal audit personnel and
others as deemed necessary by the Auditor or Supplier. Management present during the job
audit should refrain from responding to questions addressed to production personnel by the

Working space for the Auditor with desks or tables, chair, etc., shall be made available.
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 -5-

A final out-briefing will be conducted at the completion of the audit. Each nonconformance
and observation will be reviewed at least daily and the Supplier will be given the opportunity
to discuss proposed corrective action or to provide any additional information. Note: The
PRI Staff Engineers or Nadcap Electronics Task Group may, upon review, change the
Auditor's determination of a finding.

The following information needs to be accessible upon the Auditor’s arrival on-site:

a. Schedules
Schedule of calibrations, production, internal audits, compliance audits, and solution

b. List of Personnel
List of quality personnel by process

c. List of Trained Personnel

List of trained processing personnel by process and date planned for requalification

d. List of Customers
List of customers for which Supplier is approved

e. Statistical Techniques Program

Statistical Techniques Program or Statistical Process Control (SPC) time/line implementation

f. Organization Chart with Names

2.2.3 After the Audit

In accordance with Nadcap procedures, the Supplier has 21 calendar days from the time the
Auditor submits the audit to submit a corrective action plan, identify effective dates for each
NCR and when applicable, objective evidence. This response shall be entered directly into
PRI’s Electronic Database. The response must address the root cause of the
nonconformance from a systems management approach, the immediate action taken to
resolve the discrepancy and the actions taken or to be taken to preclude recurrence.

PRI Staff Engineers or the Nadcap Electronics Task Group (ETG) may, after review of the
audit report, require additional information or may find cause to issue additional findings.
Note: Final authority over the audit report, acceptability of corrective actions and
accreditation recommendation rests with the Nadcap Electronics Task Group (ETG).

2.3 Definitions of Terms

2.3.1 Terms and definitions shall be in accordance with IPC-T-50 and OP

1103 Definitions or as specified herein:
AUTHORIZED: By customer.

BUILD SHORT: An assembly started without all required parts. Build process will be halted
with a defined stop point at which time the component(s) are installed.

BUILD THROUGH: An assembly built and delivered to the customer without a component(s)
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 -6-

CALIBRATION: As it relates to this checklist it is a validation of the tool / measuring

equipment against an agreed upon standard, using a “third party” source with appropriate
accreditation to national or international standards to establish metrological confirmation.

CERTIFICATION: As it relates to this checklist, certification is a professional (i.e. IPC)

qualification that attests to a person’s ability meeting a standard.

CHARACTERISTIC: In this checklist it refers to a quality characteristic inherent in a product

or process related to a requirement.

CUSTOMER: Reference to customer may include the direct customer (internal / external),
long term contract and / or purchase order issuer.

DEMONSTRATION HARDWARE: Hardware produced without a purchase order (PO) so as

to demonstrate process compliance when actual hardware is not available. The processes
used with demonstration hardware shall be indistinguishable from PO-driven processes.
See OP 1114 Appendix ETG for additional information.


electronic, and electromechanical parts are components designed and built to perform
specific functions, and are not subject to disassembly without destruction or impairment of
design use. Examples of electrical parts include resistors, capacitors, inductors,
transformers, and connectors. Electronic parts include active devices, such as monolithic
microcircuits, hybrid microcircuits, diodes, and transistors. Electromechanical parts are
devices that have electrical inputs with mechanical outputs, or mechanical inputs with
electrical outputs, or combinations of each. Examples of electromechanical parts are motors,
synchros, servos, and some relays.

FIFO: First-in first-out, based upon the date or additional methodology.

FIRST ARTICLE INSPECTION: A complete, independent, and documented physical and

functional inspection process to verify that prescribed production methods have produced an
acceptable item as specified by engineering drawings, planning, purchase order, engineering
specifications, and/or other applicable design documents.

IN PROCESS: Parts have been accepted for processing and released to manufacturing but
not yet accepted at final inspection or scrapped. In process inspections are typically "visual"
(water break, uniformity, coverage, etc.) checks to determine if parts should proceed to the
next processing step.

JOB: All of the hardware processed to a single order control document as a lot or multiple
lots with a unique control number.

KEY CHARACTERISTICS: The features of a material, process, or part whose variation has
a significant influence on product fit, performance, service life, or manufacturability.

LEAD-FREE FINISH: A finish or plating having less than 0.1% Pb by weight of homogenous
finish material.

LEAD-FREE SOLDER: Material having less than 0.1% Pb by weight of homogenous

Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 -7-

LEAD-FREE TIN: For the purpose of this document, lead-free tin is defined as tin containing
less than 3 percent lead by weight as an alloying constituent.

MEASURING EQUIPMENT: It is a measuring instrument, a calibrated source, a

measurement standard, reference material or auxiliary apparatus or combination thereof
necessary to realize a measurement process.

METROLOGICAL CONFIRMATION: It is a set of operations required to ensure that the

measuring equipment conforms to the requirements for its intended use. Metrological
confirmation generally includes calibration or verification, any necessary adjustment or
repair, and subsequent recalibration, comparison with the metrological requirements for the
intended use of the equipment, as well as any required sealing and labeling. Fitness of the
measuring equipment for the intended use shall have been demonstrated and documented.

document, mixed metallurgy for BGAs is defined as the combination of a tin-lead solder alloy
with a lead-free tin BGA for the purpose of printed board assembly.

OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE: As used in this checklist, it is data supporting the existence or

verity of something. It may be obtained through observation, measurement, test or other

OUTSOURCED PROCESS: "Outsourcing" involves transferring or sharing management

control and/or decision-making of a business function to an outside supplier, which involves
a degree of two-way information exchange, coordination and trust between the outsourcer
and its client."

OVERRIDE: As a noun and in relation to this situation is a device or system used to override
a control. Override as a transitive verb in this situation means to prevail over (dominate); to
annul a requirement; to neutralize the action of an automatic control or the act of
neutralization as an automatic control.

PLAN: A scheme or method of acting, proceeding, etc., developed in advance with tasks,
time bound, and assignments.

POLICY: A written company philosophy on how something should be done in very broad
generic terms. The existence of a procedure shall satisfy the requirements for a policy.

POT-LIFE: The length of time that a catalyzed resin system retains a viscosity low enough
to be used in processing. Also known as “working life” or “usable life”.

PROCEDURE: As used in this Checklist, a procedure is a specified way to carry out an

activity or process. A procedure shall be given the same accord as a documented procedure
is given in International Standards. This means that the procedure is established,
documented, implemented and maintained. A single document may address the
requirements for one or more procedures. A requirement for a procedure may be covered by
more than one document. Documentation for the procedure can be in any form or type of
medium, including work instructions and drawings.

PURGE: the planned review, collection, segregation, and disposition of non-conforming

Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 -8-

QUALIFICATION: As it relates to this checklist, TRAINING + CERTIFICATION =


RECORD DOCUMENT: As it relates to this checklist, it could be a quality record; a

completed process notation on a traveler or process sheet; or other documents stating
results achieved or providing evidence of activities performed. Records can be used to
document traceability and to provide evidence of verification.

REQUIREMENT: It is a need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory. In

effect it is an expression in the content of a procedure or process conveying criteria to be
fulfilled if compliance with the procedure or process is to be claimed and from which no
deviation is permitted.

SAPONIFIER: Alkaline chemicals, added to water, that convert rosin/resin flux residues in
the water to soluble soaps. Source: SMT in Line website (

TEST: It is a determination of one or more characteristics according to a procedure.

TRAINING: As it relates to this checklist, training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and
competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that
relate to specific useful competencies. Basically, learning the skills necessary to perform the
process. Both classroom and hands-on / practical are required. Training can be evaluated
and approved by a mentor (i.e. qualified operator / inspector) or Certified IPC Trainer (CIT).

VALIDATION: As it pertains to this checklist it is confirmation, through the provision of

objective evidence, that the requirements for a specific intended use or application have
been fulfilled.

VERIFICATION: As it relates to this checklist, it is the same as validation and is used for an
in-process check of the tool /measuring equipment. The production department using the
tool could perform the verification, or it could be performed by an inspector or manufacturing
engineer who is familiar with the process.

Nature of Business:

In-House Products Only [ ]

Accepts Outside Work [ ]

Total # of Employees:

Number of QA Personnel:

Square Feet of Work Area:

Number of Shifts Worked:

Audit Contact(s) and Position(s):

List of Nadcap Subscribing Customers:

Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 -9-


3.1 Compliance

There shall be a minimum of (1) job audit completed for each compliance section. As many
job audits shall be performed as needed to cover the full scope.

As part of the job audit, auditors shall assess compliance against customer/prime flowdown
requirements (e.g. purchase order, specification, drawing).

3.1.1 Job 1 Identify (Info) Customer: Subscriber: Process: Specification: Part Number: Operator: Equipment/Tool ID: In-Process vs Historical Comments:

3.1.2 Job 2 Identify (Info) Customer: Subscriber: Process: Specification: Part Number: Operator: Equipment/Tool ID: In-Process vs Historical Comments:

3.1.3 Job 3 Identify (Info) Customer:
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 10 - Subscriber: Process: Specification: Part Number: Operator: Equipment/Tool ID: In-Process vs Historical Comments:

3.1.4 Job 4 Identify (Info) Customer: Subscriber: Process: Specification: Part Number: Operator: Equipment/Tool ID: In-Process vs Historical Comments:

3.2 Audit Scope

Process Area
4.0 General
5.0 Outsourced Processes
6.0 Process Control
7.0 Visual Acuity
8.0 Customer Data
9.0 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
10.0 Material Management
11.0 Moisture Sensitive Components and Materials
12.0 Kitting
13.0 In-Process Verification / Inspection
13.1 General
13.2 Visual
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 11 -

13.3 AOI
13.4 X-Ray
14.0 Secondary Assembly
14.1 Mechanical Part Installation
14.2 Wire Cutting & Stripping
14.3 Jumper Wire Installation
14.4 Stranded Wire Tinning
14.5 Compliant Pin (Press Fit) Connector Installation
14.6 Bonding
15.0 Cleanliness
16.0 Final Inspection
17.0 Rework

3.3 Quality System Requirements

Identify any current approvals related to quality systems, as addressed in PD1100.

Auditing / Certifying Audit Criteria Certificate Certificate
Agency Issue Date Expiration Date

The Nadcap Electronics Task Group recognizes all quality systems approvals, as addressed in PD 1100. If
the supplier has been audited and approved by Nadcap or any other Nadcap recognized agency addressed in
PD 1100, then no further assessment for quality systems will be required. Although specific audit criteria for
evaluation of the general quality system are not included within the text of this checklist, the requirements of
PD 1100 approved quality systems do form a part of the standard used in the Nadcap Electronics Accreditation
program. As such, Auditors may identify and record nonconformances related to the quality system. These
nonconformances must be addressed by the supplier in order to obtain Nadcap Accreditation.

This checklist includes process-focused criteria that test the quality system for compliance relative to Printed
Board Assemblies

3.3.1 Is the supplier compliant with the approved Quality System? YES NO
Audit Note: This item should be covered by the quality audit. This
question is to provide the Auditor a location to record any Quality
System deficiencies he might observe during the course of the audit.


3.4.1 Were corrective actions from the most recent audit verified effective? YES NO NA

Audit Note: NA applies for initial audits or if the most recent audit had
no findings.

If this is a reaccreditation audit, has the supplier informed PRI of any
changes of audit contact?
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 12 -

4.2.P YES NO
Is there a procedure that defines the acceptance criteria which is in
accordance with class 3 J-STD-001 and IPC-A-610?
4.3.P Is there a procedure which defines the inspection plan? YES NO
Audit Note: Should contain in-process verifications, inspections plans
by process, and sampling if SPC is used and allowed by customer.
4.4.P Is there a Counterfeit Parts Prevention procedure that specifies:

4.4.a.P YES NO
Procurement from only original electronic components manufacturers or
their authorized distributor unless otherwise approved by customer?
4.4.b.P YES NO
All suspect fraudulent/counterfeit EEE parts are controlled to preclude
their use or re-entry into the supply chain?
4.4.c.P YES NO
All confirmed fraudulent/counterfeit EEE parts are quarantined and
retained for evidence?
4.4.d.P YES NO
That all occurrences of suspect or confirmed fraudulent/counterfeit EEE
parts are reported, as appropriate, to internal organizations, customers,
government reporting organizations, industry supported reporting
programs, and authorities having jurisdiction?
Is there a procedure that requires calibration to traceable National/
International Standards for:
4.5.a.P YES NO
All shop and storage equipment used to set, control or monitor the
control of a process?
4.5.b.P YES NO
All test and inspection equipment used to accept product or control a
4.5.c.P YES NO
Ensures calibration results are reviewed prior to release of equipment
for use?
4.6.P YES NO
Is there a procedure that requires out of tolerance conditions to be
identified, controlled, and actions taken when out of limits?
4.7.P YES NO
Is there a preventative maintenance procedure that covers all
equipment used for the manufacture of product?
Audit Note: For example: ovens; screen printing machines; screens /
stencils; conveyor systems; Work in Process (WIP) containers; ESD
equipment; placement machines; clinch and cutting tools; machine
soldering equipment (e.g. wave, reflow, selective); feeders; Surface
Mount Technology (SMT) placement nozzles; hand held equipment
(e.g. soldering irons, including tip replacement, crimping tools, torque
tools); Automated Optical Inspection (AOI); cleaning equipment; test
equipment and fixtures; visual inspection equipment (e.g. scopes).
4.8.P YES NO
Is there a procedure that requires in-process equipment to be cleaned
after use?
Audit Note: For example: soldering equipment and tools, stencils, spray
nozzles, automated flux dispensers / nozzles, ESD workstations.
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 13 -

4.9.P Is there a documented qualification program for operators and YES NO

inspectors who process and inspect circuit card printed board
Audit note: see definitions for qualification, certification, and training in
section 2.3.

4.10.P Does the documented qualification program for operators and YES NO
inspectors include periodic training and certification at defined
frequencies to ensure that operators and inspectors maintain

4.11.P If customer specific requirements are flowed down, does the YES NO NA
documented qualification program include these requirements?


4.1.C Did the Auditee upload a copy of their completed self-audit to eAuditNet YES NO
at least 30 days prior to the audit- utilizing the version of the checklist(s)
applicable to this audit?

4.2.C For each question in the checklist, has the supplier identified where the YES NO
means of compliance or evidence* of compliance may be found. (* =
procedure, checklist, physical location of evidence, etc.)

4.3.C Does the self-audit include job audits as required by ETG? YES NO

4.4.C Is there evidence that work instructions are used at the work stations? YES NO

4.5.C Are all previous operations signed off? YES NO

4.6.C Is there evidence that acceptance criteria are available at the work YES NO

4.7.C Are only suppliers that are listed on the approved supplier list or YES NO
customer directive being used for outsourced processes?

4.8.C Have procurement (buyers) and receiving inspection personnel been YES NO
trained in accordance with the Counterfeit Parts Prevention procedure?

4.9.C Is there evidence of current calibration on:

4.9.a.C All shop and storage equipment used to set, control or monitor the YES NO
control of a process?

4.9.b.C All test and inspection equipment used to accept product or control a YES NO

4.10.C If any out of tolerance conditions are noted, are they acted upon per YES NO NA
Audit Note: NA applies if no out of tolerance conditions are observed.
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 14 -

4.11.C Is there evidence of review of calibration results prior to release of YES NO

equipment to production?

4.12.C Is there objective evidence of equipment preventative maintenance per YES NO


4.13.C Is there objective evidence of in-process equipment cleaning after use? YES NO

4.14.C Is there documented evidence that operators and inspectors have a YES NO N/A
current IPC-A-610 and/or J-STD-001 issued certificate(s) as
Audit note: N/A applies if the customer does not require IPC certificates
and AC7120/1 is included in the audit scope.

4.15.C If customer specific requirements are flowed down, is there evidence YES NO NA
that operators and inspectors are aware of these specific
Audit note: The auditor should determine at least one specific customer
requirement and ask the operators and inspectors specific questions to
test the adequacy of the training program to flow these requirements
down. For example, if a customer specifies that no wire damage is
acceptable (a “better than” requirement compared to Class 3 of J-STD-
001), the operators should understand the difference when they
manufacture that customer’s hardware.

4.16.C Is there documented evidence that operators and inspectors have been YES NO
trained to the requirements of the qualification program?
Audit Note: The auditor should look for mentor or CIT signoff / approval,
at minimum, and any other artifact of the qualification program, as
required (e.g. samples or completed logs retained from training).

4.17.C Is there evidence that the inspection plan is being followed? YES NO

4.18.C If Nadcap is not applicable in the entire facility, are contracts or YES NO NA
purchase orders reviewed to ensure flow of Nadcap applicable work to
the Nadcap production area in the facility?
Audit Note: if the supplier does not currently have contracts or purchase
orders that require Nadcap, the entire Class 3 facility / area can be
applicable for the Nadcap audit, and the question can be answered NA.
NA also applies if Nadcap applies in the entire facility.

4.19.C Is Nadcap work being manufactured only in the Nadcap accredited area YES NO NA
of the facility?
Audit Note: NA applies if there is no current Nadcap work. Supplier
needs to ensure that work requiring Nadcap is processed in the
accredited area of the facility. If the entire facility is Nadcap accredited
YES would apply.


5.1.P Are there procedures which ensure that the applicable requirements for YES NO NA
outsourced processes are flowed down to the sub-tier supplier?
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 15 -

Audit Note: Sections marked NA which are outsourced must be

evaluated against this question. NA applies if no processes are


5.1.C Do purchase orders for outsourced processes contain the applicable YES NO NA

5.2.C Is compliance to outsourced process requirements verified at receiving YES NO NA



6.1.P If solder alloys / flux are not specified by customer, is there a procedure YES NO NA
for the qualification of solder alloy / flux?

6.2.P If adhesives are not specified by customer, is there a procedure for the YES NO NA
qualification of adhesives?

6.3.P Are there procedures that define failure analysis for closed loop YES NO


6.1.C Are there process flows defined for the industrial production process up
to the shipment of the products per each product family which includes:

6.1.a.C Main manufacturing, inspection and test phases? YES NO

6.1.b.C Identification of internal and outsourced processes? YES NO

6.1.c.C Defined quality metrics and where the quality metrics are recorded? YES NO

6.2.C If requested by customer, for new products introduced over past twelve YES NO NA
months have risk mitigation actions been adopted and enforced?

6.3.C When major elements of the proven materials, processes or equipment YES NO
are changed, are there validation records for the acceptability of
Audit Note: Major elements may include: adhesive and coating, flux,
solder paste, cleaning media or system, solder alloy or soldering

6.4.C Are internal non-conformances and customer rejections used to YES NO

develop root cause analysis and corrective actions?

6.5.C Are process key characteristics identified, controlled, monitored and YES NO
actions taken when out of limits?

6.6.C Are documents including customer-supplied documents on site and at YES NO

the latest revision?
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 16 -

6.7.C Are all drawings, written instructions, product specific fixtures under YES NO
configuration control and do they match the assembly traveler?

6.8.C Are the work instructions including the sequence of operation being YES NO

Audit Note: For each country, take into account the specific labor laws
on nondiscrimination and non-disclosure of personal health data.
7.1.P Is there a procedure that defines the acceptable visual acuity
requirements for operators and inspectors, including:

7.1.a.P Visual acuity standards for near vision that meet the Snellen 20/20 test YES NO
chart, or equivalent, with at least one eye, either natural or corrected?
Audit Note: For the purpose of this checklist, Jaeger J1 at not less than
14 inches / 35.5 cm, the UK NANDTB tumbling E near vision acuity
test, and Echelle Parinaud are considered acceptable.
7.1.b.P YES NO
Color vision requirements that operators and inspectors can distinguish
and differentiate between red, green, blue and yellow at a minimum as
prescribed in Dvorine Charts, Ishihara Plates, or AO-HRR Tests?
7.1.c.P YES NO
Administration of visual acuity examinations at least every 24 months?
7.1.d.P YES NO
Designation of the individuals(s) or organization(s) responsible for
administering the specific visual acuity examination method(s) to be
7.1.e.P YES NO
Verification that acceptable visual acuity standards are met before
operators and inspectors can perform work on Class 3 product?


7.1.C YES NO
Do the vision examination records provide evidence that near vision
examinations for operators and inspectors meet the Snellen 20/20 test
chart, or equivalent, with at least one eye, either natural or corrected?
Audit Note: For the purpose of this checklist, Jaeger J1 at not less than
14 inches / 35.5 cm, the UK NANDTB tumbling E near vision acuity
test, and the French Echelle Parinaud test are considered acceptable.
Any alternative to the Snellen 20/20 must be defined in the supplier’s
7.2.C YES NO
Do the vision examination records provide evidence that operators and
inspectors can distinguish and differentiate between red, green, blue
and yellow at a minimum as prescribed in Dvorine Charts, Ishihara
Plates, or AO-HRR Tests?
7.3.C Are examination records maintained and available for review? YES NO
Audit Note: An acceptable record can include a letter with outcome of
exams and not the actual data (i.e. the actual data may be protected by
law). Frequency, per 6.1.P.c, is at least every 24 months.
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 17 -

7.4.C YES NO
Is there evidence that trained personnel or qualified medical personnel
administered the vision examinations?
Audit Note: If medically qualified, the medical facility name is sufficient.
If non-medically qualified, the individuals shall be identified.
Designation must be conducted prior to examinations being performed.
The designation must be in writing and may be in the form of a letter or
via electronic means that specifies, by name, those authorized to
perform the vision examinations.
7.5.C YES NO
Is there evidence that visual acuity standards are met before operators
and inspectors performed work on Class 3 product?

8.1.P YES NO
Is there a procedure for customer data processing?
8.2.P YES NO
Is there a procedure which ensures traceability of customer data


8.1.C YES NO
Is the procedure for customer data processing being followed?
8.2.C YES NO
Is there objective evidence for translation of the part number definition
into shop floor instructions / programs, including the translation of
customer part number to shop floor part number?
Is the test coverage in accordance with the customer requirements?
Audit Note: NA applies if there are no customer requirements.

8.4.C YES NO
Are design issues fed back to the customer?


9.1.P YES NO
Are there procedures for the control of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
which meet the requirements of at least one of the following;

ANSI/ESD S20.20, or EN61340-5-1 & EN61340-5-2 ?

Does the ESD procedure define:
9.2.a.P YES NO
Handling, Storage and transportation of ESD sensitive components /
9.2.b.P YES NO
ESD protective containers / packaging?
9.2.c.P YES NO
Training program of personnel?
9.2.d.P YES NO
Instruction and restrictions for visitors?
9.2.e.P YES NO NA
Soldering iron, equipment and systems tip resistances?
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 18 -

Audit Note: NA applies if soldering tools are not used.

9.3.P YES NO
Is there a preventive maintenance plan which includes cleaning,
calibration, verification method, audit frequency, coverage and depth of
audit of all aspects of the ESD protection methods declared in the
9.4.P YES NO
Is there a procedure that defines actions to be taken when the humidity
level falls below 30%?


9.1.C YES NO
Are ESD Protected Areas (EPA) clearly identified, according to the
9.2.C YES NO
Are ESD sensitive items protected from ESD damage during transport
outside the EPA by use of approved ESD protective packaging /
9.3.C YES NO
Are the ESD sensitive items removed from the ESD protective
containers / packaging only within a designated EPA?
9.4.C YES NO
Are the ESD protective containers / packaging clean?
9.5.C YES NO
Are all non-essential insulators removed from the designated EPA,
including packaging waste, document holders, etc.?
9.6.C YES NO
Do the manufacturing personnel meet the requirements for ESD
protection as defined in the procedure?
9.7.C YES NO
Do the personnel working within the defined EPA test and record the
stated personal ESD grounding methods daily as per the procedure?
9.8.C YES NO
Is there objective evidence that personnel have been trained to
understand the principles of ESD control and how to effectively use
ESD protective equipment?
9.9.C YES NO
Does the supplier instruct visitors in the expected behaviors prior to
entering the EPA and assure that visitors entering the EPA are using
the stated ESD protection methods and following the expected
9.10.C YES NO
Are the visitor’s ESD protection methods tested and recorded as per
the procedure?
9.11.C YES NO
Are equipment, workstations and tooling in the EPA checked in
accordance with the preventive maintenance plan?
9.12.C YES NO
Is the equipment used to test ESD protection compliance calibrated
according to at least one of the following: ANSI/ESD / S20.20, or
EN61340-5-1 & EN61340-5-2?
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 19 -

9.13.C YES NO
Is the procedure to address situations in which humidity levels fall
below 30% being followed?
9.14.C YES NO
Are there chart recorders or electronic data collection files for the
humidity readings?
9.15.C YES NO NA
Are tip resistances being verified in accordance with the procedure?
Audit Note: NA applies if soldering tools are not used.

9.16.C YES NO
Has the EPA been setup and verified as per the procedure?
9.17.C YES NO
Is the ESD procedure being followed in all areas of the facility?
Audit Note: areas include receiving inspection, component and PBA
programming, production, in-process and final inspection, storage
areas, and shipping.


Audit Note: These questions apply for all areas including, but not limited
to, receiving inspection, production, in-process and final inspection,
storage areas, and shipping.
Are there procedures that define:
10.1.a.P YES NO
Traceability and configuration control in accordance with customer
10.1.b.P YES NO
Containers and their usages?
10.1.c.P YES NO
The purge process?
10.1.d.P YES NO
Control of storage with environment control limits for temperature and
humidity and prevention of contamination?
10.1.e.P YES NO
Control for the storage of components and materials, to include the
calibration of refrigerators and freezers, timers, and flow meters?
10.1.f.P YES NO N/A
Environmental storage control of bonding materials?
Audit note: N/A applies if bonding is not in the scope of the audit.

Are there Receiving Inspection Procedures that define:
10.2.a.P YES NO NA
If required by customer, a procedure for Printed Board (PB) inspection,
including mechanical dimension control?
10.2.b.P YES NO NA
Method of PB coupon retention including any customer requirements?
10.2.c.P Counterfeit component identification, disposition, and reporting?
10.2.d.P YES NO
Packaging integrity for receipt of ESD and Moisture Sensitive Device
(MSD) materials?
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 20 -

10.2.e.P YES NO NA
If tin-lead finishes are required by customer, is there a procedure that
requires incoming X-ray fluorescence (XRF) inspection to screen for
component finish?
Audit Note: Applies when lead free and/or pure tin finishes are
prohibited. NA also applies when there is no specified customer
requirement. If testing is outsourced, a procedure is still required, and
evidence of testing is required.
Are there Shelf Life procedures that define:
10.3.a.P YES NO
General age sensitive material control?
10.3.b.P YES NO NA
Age sensitive material control of flux if used?
10.3.c.P YES NO NA
Age sensitive material control of flux-cored solder and solder paste if
10.3.d.P YES NO NA
Age sensitive material control for conformal coating material, if used?
10.3.e.P YES NO NA
Age sensitive material control for encapsulation material, if used?
Is there a Final Product handling procedure which defines:
10.4.a.P YES NO
Packaging type and labeling including customer requirements for
finished goods?
10.4.b.P YES NO NA
Shelf life requirements for finished goods, if applicable or specified by
the customer?
10.4.c.P YES NO
Controls for mishandled product?


10.1.C YES NO
Is the control of traceability and configuration control in accordance with
the procedure, including any requirements for serialization and date
codes, etc.?
Is Receiving Inspection performed per procedure, including:
10.2.a.C YES NO NA
If required by customer, are PB's inspected for compliance, including
mechanical dimensions?
10.2.b.C YES NO NA
Are PB coupons being retained as per the procedure and customer
10.2.c.C Inspection for counterfeit components?
10.2.d.C YES NO
Verifying packaging integrity for ESD and MSD?
10.2.e.C YES NO NA
If tin-lead finishes are required by customer, is there evidence of
incoming XRF inspection to screen for component finish?
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 21 -

10.3.C YES NO NA
Is there evidence of control of storage for temperature, humidity and
prevention of contamination?
10.4.C YES NO
Is there control of containers and their usages?
10.5.C YES NO
Is there identification and segregation of components according to
10.6.C YES NO
Is there evidence that the purge process is being followed?
10.7.C YES NO
Are all materials (including PB with different finishes) handled according
to the procedure?
10.8.C YES NO
Is the packaging type and labeling in accordance to procedure for
finished goods?
10.9.C YES NO NA
If there are finished goods shelf life requirements, are they being
10.10.C YES NO
Is there evidence of age sensitive material control?

Audit Note: NA applies if no SMT or other MSL parts are used.

11.1.P YES NO
Are there procedures for the Moisture Control Plan for the Packing,
Handling & Storage of components and materials, which meet the
requirements of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033, of components and of
materials manufacturers and/or of customers?
11.2.P YES NO NA
If baking of components is part of the Moisture Control Plan, are baking
parameters defined in the procedure?
11.3.P YES NO
Is there a procedure which addresses moisture control and/or baking
for PBs / PBAs?


11.1.C YES NO
Are moisture sensitive components handled in accordance with the
moisture control plan including the logging of the time of exposure?
11.2.C YES NO NA
If baking is used as part of moisture control plan, are baking
parameters established, and is there evidence they are being followed?
11.3.C YES NO
Are the PBs / PBAs being controlled to minimize moisture ingress in
accordance with the procedure?
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 22 -

Audit Note: NA applies if conformal coating only.

12.1.P YES NO
Is there a procedure which defines the method of verifying that the kit of
components has been prepared and setup correctly?
Audit Note: If kitting is outsourced there should be a procedure for
verifying the kit. Also, includes items such as identification /
segregation of components for each placement / assembly method.

12.1.C YES NO
Is there objective evidence of independent verification of the kit?


Are there procedures that define:
13.1.1.a.P YES NO
Overall inspection plan?
13.1.1.b.P YES NO NA
Verification system of part placement that includes a check for missing
parts, orientation, polarity and wrong part selection?
Audit Note: NA applies if conformal coating or repackaging only.

13.1.1.C YES NO
Is there evidence that the inspection plan is being followed?
13.1.2.C YES NO NA
Is the verification system for part placement being followed?
Audit Note: NA applies if conformal coating or repackaging only.

13.1.3.C YES NO NA
If the inspection plan requires the use of optical magnification tools, are
they being used?
13.2.1.P YES NO
Is there a documented visual inspection plan?

13.2.1.C YES NO
Is the procedure for visual inspection being followed?
Are there procedures that define:
13.3.1.a.P YES NO
Setup and use of AOI?
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13.3.1.b.P YES NO
Method of initial program validation, and validation of revisions
including authorization rules?
13.3.1.c.P YES NO
Acceptance of false defects by authorized personnel?
13.3.1.d.P YES NO
Prevention of modification of programs by unauthorized personnel?

13.3.1.C YES NO
Are the programs used for AOI validated as per the procedure,
including any revisions?
13.3.2.C YES NO
Is the setup of AOI equipment according to procedure?
13.3.3.C YES NO
Is the acceptance of false defects only carried out by authorized
personnel per procedure?


Are there procedures that define:
13.4.1.a.P X-Ray training?
13.4.1.b.P YES NO
Setup of X-Ray equipment?
13.4.1.c.P YES NO NA
Method of initial program validation and validation of revisions including
authorization rules, if programmable inspection equipment is used?
13.4.1.d.P YES NO NA
Acceptance of false defects by authorized personnel, if programmable
inspection is used?


13.4.1.C YES NO NA
If programmable X-Ray is used, are the programs validated as per the
procedure, including any revisions?
13.4.2.C YES NO
Is there evidence of X-Ray training?
13.4.3.C YES NO
Is the setup of X-Ray equipment according to procedure?
13.4.4.C YES NO NA
If programmable inspection is used, is the acceptance of false defects
only carried out by authorized personnel per procedure?
13.4.5.C YES NO NA
If programmable inspection is used, are the staff who generate the X-
Ray programs trained to perform this activity?


Mechanical Part Installation SECTION NA
14.1.1.P YES NO NA
If used, is there a procedure for the installation/removal and
replacement of self-locking screws/nuts as per the manufacturer’s
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 24 -

14.1.2.P YES NO NA
If used, does the procedure prevent the re-use of self-locking screws
and nuts after removal?
14.1.3.P YES NO NA
If used, is there a procedure for the fitment, removal, replacement and
post replacement inspection of rivets as per the manufacturer’s
specifications/customer requirements?
14.1.4.P YES NO NA
If used, is there a procedure for the use and application of thread
locking agents as per the manufacturer’s specifications and/or
customer requirements?


14.1.1.C YES NO NA
If used, are self-locking screws and nuts only used once?
14.1.2.C YES NO NA
If specified by the manufacturing documentation, is the correct torque
being applied?
14.1.3.C YES NO NA
If a specified torque is being applied is the tool calibrated or set /
adjusted against the calibrated gauge prior to use?
14.1.4.C YES NO
Is the mechanical assembly personnel trained for the task being
performed and are training records available and up to date?
14.1.5.C YES NO
Are all drawings, written instructions, product specific fixtures under
configuration control and do they match the assembly traveler?
14.1.6.C YES NO
Are all parts clearly identified during all kitting and fitment operations
including consumable materials / shelf life?
14.1.7.C YES NO NA
If the assembly instructions detail an assembly sequence, is it being
14.1.8.C YES NO NA
If used, is the rivet fitment, removal, replacement and post replacement
inspection being performed as per the procedure?
14.1.9.C YES NO NA
If used, is the use and application of thread locking agents as per the
manufacturer’s specifications and / or customer requirements?

14.2 Wire Cutting & Stripping SECTION NA

14.2.1.P YES NO
Is there a procedure for the control of wire stripping and wire cutting,
which includes limits for wire damage to at least the minimum
requirements of J-STD-001?
14.2.2.P YES NO NA
If performed, is there a procedure for removal of insulation from wire
using thermal methods?
14.2.3.P YES NO NA
If used, does the procedure limit chemical stripping to solid wire?


Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 25 -

14.2.1.C YES NO NA
If jumper wires are thermally stripped, are charred wires prevented from
being used?
14.2.2.C YES NO NA
If damage to wires exceeds the limits specified in procedure, are they
prevented from being used?
14.2.3.C YES NO NA
If used, are stranded wires prevented from being stripped by chemical
stripping methods?
Jumper Wire Installation SECTION NA
Is there a procedure which details the jumper wire installation including:
14.3.1.a.P YES NO
Termination method?
14.3.1.b.P YES NO
Bonding requirements?
14.3.1.c.P YES NO
Tools to be used?
14.3.1.d.P YES NO


14.3.1.C YES NO
Is the wire selection, routing, bonding and termination performed as per
the drawing and procedural requirements?
14.3.2.C YES NO
After jumper wire installation is the product inspected for compliance to
requirements, including solder joint / bonding integrity and absence of
damage to the wire / assembly?
Stranded Wire Tinning SECTION NA
Is there a procedure for control of stranded wire tinning, which
14.4.1.a.P YES NO
Solder alloy and flux type to be used (meeting J-STD-001 / customer
14.4.1.b.P YES NO
Appropriate cleaning methods?
14.4.1.c.P YES NO
Inspection criteria?
14.4.1.d.P YES NO
Limits for solder wicking?


14.4.1.C YES NO
Are the correct alloys and fluxes being used for tinning stranded wires,
in accordance with the procedure?
14.4.2.C YES NO
Is the wire tinned according to procedure prior to mounting?
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 26 -

14.4.3.C YES NO NA
If solder wicking has occurred into a portion of the wire that is to remain
flexible are they prevented from being used?
14.4.4.C YES NO NA
If bird caging of stranded wires beyond the limits of J-STD-001 has
occurred are they prevented from being used?
14.4.5.C YES NO
Are the soldering tools being controlled as per the procedure?
Compliant Pin (Press Fit) Connector Installation SECTION NA
14.5.1.P YES NO
Is there a procedure for compliant pin insertion process that includes
the tool to use per connector type, alignment?
14.5.2.P YES NO NA
If rework is performed, is there a procedure for the rework of compliant



14.5.1.C YES NO
Is the compliant pin assembly personnel trained for the task being
performed and are training records available and up to date?
14.5.2.C YES NO
Is the tool defined in the procedure being used?
14.5.3.C YES NO NA
Are the assemblies inspected for compliant pin insertion compliance in
accordance with the requirements?
14.5.4.C YES NO NA
Does the supplier control the press to prevent compressive damage to
the assembly and ensure compliance?
14.5.5.C YES NO NA
If rework is performed, is it done according to the procedure?
Are there procedures that define:
14.6.1.a.P YES NO
Cleanliness acceptance criteria of assembly and applicable
components prior to bonding?
14.6.1.b.P YES NO NA
Surface preparation, if required?
14.6.1.c.P YES NO
Configuration of tools?
14.6.1.d.P YES NO
Tool selection?
14.6.1.e.P YES NO
Packaging during process / transit?
14.6.1.f.P YES NO NA
Mixing requirements for adhesives?
Audit Note: NA applies to single part dispensed and /or self-mixing
dispensable adhesives only.
14.6.1.g.P YES NO
Working time of adhesives?
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 27 -

14.6.1.h.P YES NO
Curing for adhesives?
14.6.1.i.P YES NO
Application processes for adhesives (dispensing, etc.)?
14.6.1.j.P YES NO NA
Verification that adhesive preforms are to dimensions provided, if
preforms are used?
14.6.1.k.P YES NO NA
Specification and verification of intensity of ultra-violet (UV) light source
per bonding material manufacturer’s information, if UV cure is used?
14.6.1.l.P YES NO NA
The wavelength for the cure of UV light source per bonding material
manufacturer’s information, if UV cure is used?
14.6.1.m.P YES NO NA
Retention of coupons, if required?
14.6.1.n.P YES NO
Cure and alignment?
14.6.1.o.P YES NO
Workmanship requirements?
14.6.1.p.P YES NO NA
Lamination parameters, if lamination is used?
14.6.1.q.P YES NO NA
Recorded test results (lap shear after curing, adhesive bond level
strength), if required?
14.6.1.r.P YES NO
Rework methods by material type?
14.6.1.s.P YES NO NA
Control of the use of under fill, if used?


14.6.1.C YES NO
Have assembly and applicable components met the cleanliness criteria
as established in procedure?
14.6.2.C YES NO NA
If required, is surface preparation performed according to procedure?
14.6.3.C YES NO
Is the work instruction for bonding being followed?
14.6.4.C YES NO
Is the tooling marked with the correct identification?
14.6.5.C YES NO
Are the tools specified in the procedure being used?
14.6.6.C YES NO
Is the packaging being used as required in the procedure?
14.6.7.C YES NO NA
Are adhesives mixed according to procedure?
Audit note: NA applies to single part dispensed and /or self mixing
dispensable adhesives only.
14.6.8.C YES NO
Are the working times of adhesives within time limits defined in the
14.6.9.C YES NO
Are adhesive curing procedures being followed?
14.6.10.C YES NO
Are adhesives applied by the processes defined in the procedure?
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 28 -

14.6.11.C YES NO NA
If used, are pre-forms dimensions verified?
14.6.12.C YES NO NA
If UV cure is used, is the intensity of UV light source verified per
bonding material manufacturer’s information?
14.6.13.C YES NO NA
If UV cure is used and wavelength is relevant for the cure, is the
wavelength of the UV light source per bonding material manufacturer’s
14.6.14.C YES NO NA
Where required, are coupons retained according to procedure?
14.6.15.C YES NO NA
If lamination is used, are lamination parameters being met as defined in
14.6.16.C YES NO NA
If required, are test results recorded and available?
14.6.17.C YES NO NA
If underfill is used, is the procedure being followed?
14.6.18.C YES NO
Is the rework being performed per the procedure?
14.6.19.C YES NO
Are the bonding materials being used and stored as per the procedure
and to manufacturer’s recommendations?
Are there procedures that define:
15.1.a.P YES NO NA
Method to control cleanliness level, if final clean is not required?
15.1.b.P YES NO
Arrangement / placement in the machine of Printed board Assemblies?
15.1.c.P YES NO
Cleaning of non-hermetic components?
15.1.d.P YES NO
Temporary fixtures?
15.1.e.P YES NO
Control of dryness?
15.1.f.P YES NO
Selection and use of machine / manual processes?
15.1.g.P YES NO NA
Configuration management of tools and jigs?
15.1.h.P YES NO
Prevention of contamination or damage after cleaning (clean containers
and racks, continuous flow)?
15.1.i.P YES NO NA
A method of monitoring concentration of cleaning solution, if saponifier
is used?
15.1.j.P YES NO
Prevention of cross contamination of cleaning chemistries?
15.1.k.P YES NO
Method, frequency, and recording of variable data related to the
verification of cleanliness to be less than 1.56 microgram/cm2 (10
microgram/in2) of NaCl or customer specification?
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 29 -

15.1.l.P YES NO
Maximum time between soldering and cleaning?
Audit Note: Maximum allowed time of 8 hours unless otherwise
specified by customer or manufacturer’s recommendation.
15.1.m.P YES NO NA
A method of monitoring the resistivity / conductivity of final rinsing
solution if required by the Customer?


15.1.C YES NO
Are assemblies being arranged / placed in the machine per the
15.2.C YES NO NA
If final clean is not required, is the cleanliness of assemblies controlled
as specified in procedure?
15.3.C YES NO NA
If components are identified as incompatible with cleaning process, are
they protected during cleaning?
15.4.C YES NO NA
If temporary fixtures are required, are they used?
15.5.C YES NO
Are dryness controls specified in the procedure being applied per
customer requirements?
15.6.C YES NO NA
If specified to be used, are all tools and jigs under configuration
15.7.C YES NO NA
If the cleaning chemistry has defined upper and lower concentration
levels are they being monitored and controlled as per the procedure?
15.8.C YES NO
Are controls in place to prevent cross contamination of cleaning
chemistries according to procedure?
15.9.C YES NO
Is cleanliness verified and recorded according to procedure?
15.10.C YES NO
Is there objective evidence that the time between soldering and
cleaning has been limited to the maximum value specified in
15.11.C YES NO NA
If required, does the resistivity / conductivity of final rinsing solution
meet the level specified in procedure, and is it monitored according to
the procedure?
15.12.C YES NO NA
If ultrasonic cleaning is being performed, is it in accordance with J-STD-
15.13.C YES NO
Has personnel been trained on the use of the equipment?
15.14.C YES NO NA
If unclean or mechanically damaged assemblies are found, are they
identified and is there evidence of containment and corrective action?
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 30 -

15.15.C YES NO NA
If rework has been performed, is there evidence that the cleaning steps
required for the material used have been performed (no-cleaning for
no-clean or cleaning performed subsequent to the rework)?
Are there procedures that define:
16.1.a.P YES NO
Work instructions?
16.1.b.P YES NO
Assembly identification including customer specific requirements?
16.1.c.P YES NO
Identification and segregation of passed and failed assembly?
16.1.d.P YES NO
Serialization and traceability of inspection results?
16.1.e.P YES NO
Workmanship standards to be used according to customer


16.1.C YES NO NA
If needed, is there evidence that the list of controls and their
acceptance criteria have been updated in accordance with the part
number revision?
16.2.C YES NO
Is there evidence of operator training on handling and acceptance
16.3.C YES NO
Is the product identified as required by the procedure?
16.4.C YES NO
When a failed product is found, is it segregated and identified as
required by the procedure?
16.5.C YES NO
Is there evidence of inspection results recorded as required by the
16.6.C YES NO
Is there evidence of assembly acceptance?

Are there procedures which define:
17.1.a.P YES NO
Methods and equipment to be used to perform rework?
17.1.b.P YES NO
Approved tools and materials to be used per component type?
17.1.c.P YES NO NA
Product / component specific instructions regarding programmed pre-
heating temperature profiles and use of specialized tooling?
Audit Note: NA applies to conformal coating only suppliers.

17.1.d.P YES NO NA
Component / assembly specific temperature profiles for component
removal and replacement, if performed?
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 31 -

17.1.e.P YES NO
Subsequent stages / methods to be performed after rework including
cleaning, inspection, test or other validation?
17.1.f.P YES NO
Method of preventing parts removed during rework from being reused
in the future unless authorized by customer?
17.1.g.P YES NO
Method of recording component removal / replacement against
individual assemblies to identify the type of rework performed, which
components have been reworked, number of reworks per location /
component identification?
17.1.h.P YES NO NA
Maximum number of permitted reworks, if specified by the customer?
17.1.i.P YES NO NA
Specific requirements for the rework of assemblies based upon
customer requirements?
17.1.j.P YES NO
Authorization for the performance of rework based upon the type of
rework and the stage within the build sequence (including completed /
closed order rework) where the non conformity was identified?


17.1.C YES NO
Is the rework performed being defined and authorized in accordance
with the procedure and by the approved personnel?
17.2.C YES NO NA
If customer specific instructions / approvals are required, are the
instructions being followed / approvals being obtained as per the
17.3.C YES NO
Are the methods, equipment, tools and materials being used to perform
rework in accordance with the procedure?
17.4.C YES NO NA
If product specific instructions are required, including pre-heating
temperature profiles, use of specialized tooling, and use of validated
temperature profiles during removal and replacement, are the
instructions being followed?
17.5.C YES NO
Is component removal / replacement being recorded against individual
assemblies to identify the type of rework performed, which components
have been reworked, number of reworks per location / component
17.6.C YES NO NA
If the procedure specifies a maximum number of reworks, is there
objective evidence this limit is being observed?
17.7.C YES NO
Are parts removed during rework prevented from being reused unless
authorized in accordance with the procedure?
17.8.C YES NO
Is there evidence that the personnel performing rework are trained and
Nadcap AC7120 Revision E Δ2 - 32 -

17.9.C YES NO NA
If rework requires specific subsequent stages to be completed as
detailed in the procedure, is this being performed?
17.10.C YES NO
During the rework process do the handling, storage and control of the
assembly, components and materials meet the requirements of the
applicable sections of this checklist, including moisture sensitivity
management, ESD management, etc.?
17.11.C YES NO
Does the rework process being used meet the requirements of the
applicable sections of IPC 7711/7721 or the equivalent or customer
17.12.C YES NO NA
If BGA assemblies are being removed / replaced, does the process
utilize a validated temperature profile during the removal and
replacement stages?
17.13.C YES NO
Is the procedure which defines cleaning method and control of
reworked assemblies being followed?

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