J.M. Tuason & Co., Inc. v. Estrella Vda. de Lumanlan and The Court of Appeals

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J.M. Tuason & Co., Inc. v. Estrella vda.

De Lumanlan and The Court of Appeals

G.R. No. L-23497. April 26, 1968.

A complaint was filed by plaintiff, J.M. Tuason & Co., Inc., hereinafter called Tuason, on 30 April, 1959,
with the basis that it being the registered owner of the property known as Santa Mesa Heights
Subdivision, situated at barrio North Tatalon, Quezon City.

The defendant, sometime in April, 1949 unlawfully entered into possession of 800 square meters, and
constructed his house. Later on, the plaintiff prayed for ejectment and damages for the occupancy.

However, defendant in her answer, set forth affirmative defense that on 12 March, 1949, she had bought
the property she was occupying from one Pedro Deudor, and that in a compromise agreement between
Pedro and Tuason, she was one of the buyers therein recognized. So now, she is asking that her rights
be recognized and the complaint dismissed.

But on the basis of the evidence presented by both parties in the trial, Lower Court sustained plaintiff,
holding that Tuason being the registered owner, and the question being purely one of possession,
therefore, defendant's said evidence was 'completely immaterial' .

Upon appeal, the CA held that, pursuant to this Supreme Court's ruling in Evangelista vs. Deudor, the
Compromise Agreement between the petitioner Tuason & Co. and the Deudors constituted a valid
defense against the possessory action filed by Tuason & Co.; that under paragraph 7 of said Compromise
Agreement, petitioner bound and committed itself to sell to respondent Lumanlan the lot occupied by her
at a reasonable price; that said respondent had a right to compel petitioner to accept payment for the lot
in question; and that the compromise agreement legalized the possession of respondent.

However, these pronouncements are assailed by the petitioner in this appeal as legally incorrect and
contrary to the decisions of this Court.

The terms of the compromise agreement between the heirs of Telesforo Deudor and J.M. Tuason & Co.
have been taken cognizance of in many decisions of this Court. The Deudors had therein recognized the
registered site of Tuason & Co. over the lands claimed by them, and received payment of certain sums of
money; but as the Deudors had, prior to the compromise, sold their possessory rights to various persons.

The compromise agreement will show that while the same created "a sort of contractual relation" between
the J.M. Tuason & Co., Inc., and the Deudor vendees, the same in no way obligated Tuason & Co. to sell
to those buyers the lots occupied by them at the price stipulated with the Deudors, but at "the current
prices and terms specified by the OWNERS (Tuason) in their sales of lots in their subdivision
known as 'Sta. Mesa Heights

Further, it imports that these buyers of the Deudors must "recognize the title of the OWNERS (Tuason)
over the property purportedly bought by them" from the Deudors, and "sign, whenever possible, new
contracts of purchase for said property"; and, if and when they do so, "the sums paid by them to the
Deudors . . . shall be credited to the buyers."
All that Tuason & Co. agreed to was to grant the Deudor buyers preferential right to purchase "at current
prices and terms" the lots occupied by them, upon their recognizing the title of Tuason & Co., Inc., and
signing new contracts to credit them for the amounts they had paid to the Deudors.

Nowhere in her answer did the respondent Estrella Vda. de Lumanlan claim that she had signed a new
contract with J. M. Tuason & Co., Inc. for the purchase of the lot occupied. And instead of recognizing the
title of the owners (Tuason & Co.), respondent Lumanlan in her answer, repudiated and assailed the
compromise between the Deudors J.M. Tuason & Co.

It is thus apparent that no legal basis exists for the pronouncement in the appealed decision that Tuason
& Co. had committed itself to sell to Lumanlan the lot occupied by her at a reasonable price, or that the
compromise agreement legalized the possession of the respondent, since the latter does not rely on the
compromise but, on the contrary, she assails it.

The Court of Appeals ruled that the price to be paid by Lumanlan to Tuason & Co., Inc., is governed by
Article 1474 of the new Civil Code of the Philippines, which provides that:

"Where the price cannot be determined in accordance with the preceding articles, or in any other manner,
the contract is inefficacious. However, if the thing or any part thereof has been delivered to and
appropriated by the buyer, he must pay a reasonable price therefor. What is a reasonable price is a
question of fact dependent on the circumstances of each particular case."

Since there has been no contract between petitioner Tuason & Co., and respondent Lumanlan for the
sale of the lot occupied by the latter, Tuason & Co. did not consider itself bound by the sales made by the
Deudors, but demanded that the Deudor buyers should sign new contracts with it at current prices
specified for the sales of lots in "Sta. Mesa Heights Subdivision" (ante) the aforequoted Article 1474 can
have no bearing on the case, Lumanlan not being a buyer from Tuason & Co.

W/N Lumanlan is a builder in good faith.

NO. A similar contention has been rejected in Tuason & Co. vs. Macalindong, L-15398, December 29,
1962, where We ruled that there being a presumptive knowledge of the Torrens titles issued to Tuason &
Co. and its predecessors in interest since 1914, the buyer from Deudors (or from their transferees)
cannot, in good conscience, say now that she believed her vendor had rights of ownership over the lot

Had he investigated before buying and before building his house on the questioned lot, he would have
been informed that the land is registered under the Torrens system in the name of J.M. Tuason & Co.,
Inc. If he failed to make the necessary inquiry, appellant is now bound conclusively by appellee's Torrens

However, Lumanlan had chosen to ignore the Torrens title of Tuason & Co., Inc. and relied instead upon
the Deudors' claim of ownership perhaps because such course appeared her as more advantageous;
hence, she has only herself to blame for the consequences now that the Deudors' claim has been
abandoned by the Deudors themselves, and cannot pretend good faith. The Court of First Instance,
therefore, did not err in holding that she was not a rightful possessor and sentencing her to vacate.

Respondent could have asked that she recover or be credited with the amounts paid by her to the
Deudors, but as no claim to such credit was ever advanced by her in the trial Court, no pronouncement
can be made thereon in this appeal. Equity demands, however, that her right to claim such return, or to
have the amount offset against the sums she was sentenced to pay, should be, as it is, reserved.

WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals is reversed and that of the Court of First Instance
reinstated. Costs against respondent, Estrella Vda. de Lumanlan.

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