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Werner Nachtigal
Stephan Gängel


Global Outreach Day

Training Book 1
Three Steps to Personal Evangelism

Global Outreach Day

Training Book
The vision of Global Outreach Day (G.O.D.) is for every
Christian to share the Gospel on the last Saturday of May
each year.

Millions of Christians all arround the world are sharing the

Gospel on that day.

“Global Outreach Day is a simple idea for the biggest church

mobilization in the third millennium of Christian history.”

Daniel Oscar, Bible League

The aim is for every believer to reach at least one person with
the Gospel on Global Outreach Day.

When asked who his successor would be, Billy Graham told
Photos: no limit e.V., G.O.D., wikimedia

a large gathering: “All of you.” We can only reach our world

if every Christian takes action. Imagine a day when every be-
liever gets active and shares the Gospel. What an impact that
would make on a lost world!

“There is an army of believers, sitting in churches, waiting

to be mobilized. If we can figure out a way to turn an audi-
ence into an army, it will change the world. Be part of Global
Outreach Day.”
Rick Warren

One Day – One World – One Message: Jesus
Global Outreach Day challenges ordinary believers to share
the Gospel on that day. There is only one important person
we want to mobilize: You!

Many churches and missionary organizations are working

together to reach the people in our world, but on this one
special day, the focus is not on any church or ministry—it is on
the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Global Outreach Day is a catalyst
mobilizing the church for evangelism.

Global Outreach Day Facts

• Activities in most nations of the world. Millions of Christians
trained and sharing the Gospel, some for the first time.
• Over 40 millions of Gospel tracts shared every year.
• Only in one year 2 million salvations reported and
thousands of churches planted.
• Partnering with WEA, many denominations, ministries
like Cru, EE, YWAM, EHC, prayer networks and over 500.000
churches around the world.

“Go out there, step out in faith. Do something you haven’t done
before!” Nick Vujicic, Life Without Limbs

“The Global Outreach Day is a great way to encourage people

to start sharing their faith.“ Steve Douglass, Campus Crusade for Christ

“We want to be evangelizing on that day in every nation of the

world and in all the different districts in the nations.”
Loren Cunningham, Youth With A Mission

“The Global Outreach Day is a day of salvation!”

Reinhard Bonnke, Christ for all Nations

Preparing for Global Outreach Day
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the best message in the world
and the only way to salvation. That is why we have to share
the Gospel. This little booklet will teach you the three main
steps to personal evangelism.
Please answer the following questions:
1. What is the most important decision you have ever
made in your life?
2. What is the best thing you can do for someone who
doesn’t know Jesus?
Many Christians would give the following answers:

1. Inviting Jesus into my life! 2. Lead that person to Jesus!

But 93% of all believers worldwide are not sharing the
Gospel in their everyday life!
Are they living a self-centered life and not obeying God’s word,
or have they never been taught how to share their faith effec-
tively and do not know how to communicate the Gospel clearly?
We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors … 2 Corinthians 5:20

Every believer is called to witness for Jesus; we are Christ’s

ambassadors, called to bring his light to the world.
By the time she was more than 20 years old, a pastor’s daughter
had never shared the Gospel with anyone because she was afraid.
One day, she went out, firmly resolved that fear was not going to
hold her back any longer. A woman came up to her, and she told
her about God’s plan and his love. The woman started to cry. The
pastor’s daughter hugged her to comfort her. The woman pulled a
pistol out of her bag and said that she had been on her way to the
forest where she had planned to kill herself. Before she left, she had
prayed, “God, if you are there, send an angel to stop me. As a sign, he
should hug me.” Today that woman’s whole family believes and tells
others about Jesus, who saved them.

1. Get the person’s attention

Many Christians find it difficult to go up to people and talk to
them about Jesus. But everyone can learn how to do that!
We will show you practical steps for becoming an effective
witness for Jesus.

First of all, it is important to get the person’s attention.

Without that you will only be wasting your words and energy.
Sometimes getting a person’s attention requires courage and

Consider this: This person is someone for whom Jesus

died. This person could be extremely receptive and pre-
pared to accept Christ. This person has only one chance to
get saved: To hear and believe the Gospel of Jesus!

Very often the only thing stopping us from telling people

about Jesus are wrong thoughts such as: 'they are not recep-
tive', 'they do not want to talk about Jesus', 'I cannot do this', etc.

However, when you feel confident about approaching people

and have learned to explain the Gospel, you will win people for
Jesus. When you approach others and start talking to them, re-

member that God can work through you, even if you are fear-
ful, insecure, or do not know what to say. Even saying some-
thing wrong is usually better than not saying anything at all.

To start with, simply say, “Hello!” Smile at the person, and

the conversation usually will develop naturally. Attract
their attention so that they do not feel threatened.

Don’t preach to them. Listen and share!

Start the conversation like this:

• Use a good question
• Make them curious
• Offer a gift
• Be friendly; smile at the person
• Start with something funny or from everyday life

You have only one chance to make a first impression.

Try starting with normal, everyday questions, as you would in

a normal conversation. Start with a personal question, for ex-
ample, you could ask about something that belongs to them
(their dog, their house, their car, their mobile phone, etc.) or
their views on a current news event. In order to communicate
effectively with somebody, you need to establish trust by
asking “open questions”: “What do you think about God?”, “Why
don't you go to church anymore?", or "Why did you move to this
city?" Find out where people stand, and you will be able to
connect with them more effectively.

Try giving them a Gospel tract or something else. See what

works best. Then start going a little deeper. Ask: “What does
God mean to you personally?” Don't worry about getting a
negative response. Sometimes that will happen, because
God has given all of us a free will.

Different situations require different approaches. Pre-
pare your strategy by considering where they come from
and what their specific situation is.

Be relaxed but determined!

2. Build interest
Once you have someone’s attention, the next step is to arouse
their interest.

By asking the right questions and offering appropriate

information, you can increase people’s curiosity.

When you realize they are curious, you can build on that by
continuing to ask questions.

Don’t answer their curiosity with short, pat answers. Instead,

let their interest grow and their curiosity intensify. If you have
a nice Gospel booklet, don’t say: "Here, this is free, please take
it", but instead: "If you knew what I have for you today, you would
beg me to give it to you."

In the conversation in John 4, Jesus did not say everything

right from the start. Please read the whole story in John 4.

Jesus answered, “If you would know the gift of God and who it
is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he
would have given you living water.”
John 4:10

Instead of delivering the message right away, Jesus aroused

the woman’s curiosity. Once aroused, curiosity is a power-
ful tool, because the person wants to know more. You
can use a similar approach. Here are a few examples of state-
ments that make people eager to know more:

• “I’ve found something that has changed my entire life.”
• “What is the best thing that ever happened to you?”
and then you follow up with the question:
• “May I tell you the best thing that ever happened to me?“
“I’ve found hope and a happiness that is unique.
Would you like to experience that, too?”
• “Where would you go if you were to die tonight?“
• “If you only knew what you could experience today, it
would be the best day of your life.”
• “Do you need a miracle? May I pray for you?”
• “Would you like to have more joy and know real peace?”

You definitely will not stimulate interest by talking non-stop.

God gave you one mouth and two ears. That means you
should listen twice as much as you talk.

You know people are interested when they begin to open

their hearts and share their own stories. During that time, be
quiet, listen, and pray silently for the right response.

Take an interest in people and you will arouse

their interest!
3. Create a desire to follow Jesus
If a fisherman wants to be successful, he throws out ground
bait to attract the fish before he uses the real bait.

If you have spent time finding out about the person you are
talking to, you will know what he or she needs and how to
guide the conversation.

You need to be fully convinced that a person without Je-
sus lacks the most important thing in life. Exercise your
faith and assume that the person wants to receive Jesus.

You could even offer to pray for some specific need. Perhaps
the person is ill or someone close to them has recently passed
away. Jesus often met people in their times of need. Today God
is still able to heal sick people, put marriages back on track, or
free people from addiction. However, the greatest need of all
is our eternal separation from God.

You must emphasize things that are important for the

salvation of the person you are talking to and and rein-
force those points through further questions.

Ignore negative themes so that they do not become the fo-

cal point of the conversation.

If you try to take a bone from a dog, the dog will defend his
bone with all the strength he has; but if you offer him a love-
ly piece of meat instead, the dog will drop the bone imme-
diately. Likewise, people will always defend their religions,
opinions, and beliefs, because they know nothing better.

When people hear about Jesus and what he has done for
them, about God’s plan for their lives and his offer of forgive-
ness, peace, real joy, and eternal life, they will let go of their
false beliefs. Confrontation only hardens hearts.

To win people for Jesus, you must first befriend them.

Even when your views are completely different than theirs,

try to understand them and respond respectfully.

Your testimony
Your story is very important and can change a life forever.
Perhaps you could share a specific story from your past or
present life, for instance, how God answered your prayers or
helped you.

It is not only important what you say, but also what the oth-
er person understands!
You can give a testimony in either a boring or a very interest-
ing way. Your story is unique. Tell it in a way which captures
their attention. Choose something from your life with which
your listeners can easily identify. Be honest and give God the
glory with your life.

You can share your testimony in 3 parts:

1) How was my life like before I knew God personally?

2) Why and how did I encounter Jesus?
3) How did my life change after receiving Christ?

Train by talking with other Christians and asking for their

feedback. Spend 1-2 minutes on each part.

Focus on what God has done and can do. Make sure the peo-
ple understand what you are saying and ask what they think
about it. Be sensitive to the signals they are sending that indi-
cate their interest. It is vitally important for you to pick up on
those signals and follow up with relevant questions. Find out
how much the person already understands, then share your
testimony and create a desire in that person's heart to say: "I
want that!"


The Gospel can only save someone if he understands what

you are saying. That is why you must learn to share the Gos-
pel in a language that is easy to understand. The people you
share with must understand the following points:

1. God’s Plan
It was God’s plan from the beginning to be friends with mankind.
In the beginning, everything was all right in the world. There were
no wars, no injustice, no sickness—everything was perfect. Man-
kind lived in peace and harmony with God.

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
Genesis 1:31

Consider this: God’s plan for the person you are talking to
right now is the best plan there is for their life. God wants to
have an eternal relationship with this person.

2. The Problem
Mankind decided to go his own way and turned away from God.
Today we can see the results of this decision. Instead of being

able to live in peace and harmony with each other, lies, hate,
jealousy, sickness, and war are everywhere. But even worse
than that is being separated from God forever.

The problem is that out of his own efforts, mankind cannot re-
store the connection to God. The various religions are a desper-
ate attempt to get closer to God again. Because of guilt, mankind
has been separated from God.

There’s nobody living right, not even one. … We’ve compiled this
long and sorry record as sinners … and proved that we are ut-
terly incapable of living the glorious lives God wills for us.
Romans 3:10, 23 The Message

Consider this: Before the person you are talking to can desire
to get saved, he must understand that he is lost.

3. God’s Love
God is just and therefore cannot simply ignore our guilt. Because
God loves us so much, he came up with a perfect plan for redeem-
ing everyone, which means you also can be brought back into con-
tact with him. God showed this love by sending his only Son, Jesus
Christ, into our world to die on the cross for everyone. In doing so,
Jesus took the punishment for our guilt upon himself. On the third
day, Jesus rose from the dead, just as he said he would. He is alive
today, and through him the way to God has been re-opened.

This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one
and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed;
by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life.

John 3:16 The Message


Consider this: If a ship on the high seas is sinking and the pas-
sengers are drowning, it is not enough for a life raft to come
along and have a “good talk” with them. Nobody would un-
derstand that! We have to do more than just share the Gospel.
Jesus came to seek and save the lost. He wants to use you, too,
to bring eternal salvation to people. Learn how to lead some-
one to Jesus.

Say something like this:

Our good deeds and efforts, even meditation and going to

church, are not enough to come to God. There is only one way:
Turn to Jesus and receive what he has done for you.

Ask him for forgiveness and follow him. Jesus is risen from the
dead! He is alive and here right now. He is waiting for you to an-

Say the welcoming word to God—”Jesus is my Master”—em-

bracing, body and soul, God’s work of doing in us what he did
in raising Jesus from the dead. That’s it. You’re not “doing“ any-
thing; you’re simply calling out to God, trusting him to do it for
you. That’s salvation. With your whole being you embrace God

setting things right, and then you say it, right out loud: “God has
set everything right between him and me!”
Romans 10:9-10 The Message

1. Invite them to make a decision

Now we come to the stage where you request a response
from your listener. Don’t be afraid of this step! Simply ask: “Do
you want to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior now?”, or:
“Do you want to get right with God now?”

We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were

making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf:
Be reconciled to God.
2 Corinthians 5:20

At the end of a conversation, there should always be a respon-

se. Challenge the person you are talking with to make a de-
cision. Many Christians are often much too hesitant at this
point. If people mean what they say, they will make a decision.

2. Questions which lead to a decision

1. Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your
sins? – “Yes.”
2. Do you believe that Jesus rose again from the dead?
– “Yes.” (Faith is not a feeling; it starts with a decision.)
3. Do you want to follow Jesus and make him your Lord
and Savior now? (Wait for the answer.) – “Yes.”

Don’t hesitate to pray with the person. Nothing more needs

to be said. We do not want to force or manipulate people, but
we are not talking about joining some sort of club—this is a
matter of life and death!

Symbols used with permission of THE FOUR

3. Ask them to pray the following prayer
Now ask the other person to close his or her eyes and pray a
prayer out loud after you. Pause at each dot, so that the other
person can repeat what you have just said. Start praying loud
and clear like this:

“Lord Jesus • I believe you are the Son of God • I believe

that you died for my sins • Please forgive me • Come
into my heart • I believe that you rose from the dead •
and are alive today • I accept you as my Lord and Sav-
ior • I will follow you for the rest of my life • Amen.”

4. Explain the important points of Christian life

1. Prayer: Talk to God and build a relationship with Jesus.

2. Bible: Read God's Word and learn about God and his ways.

3. Church: Find a local church (a place where Christians meet

and believe the Bible).

4. Share: Share the Gospel and your experiences with others.

Finally, you should exchange contact details and arrange to

meet with them again within the next 72 hours. Disciple the
person or find somebody else to do it. Invite the person to
attend a church service or a follow-up group. If possible, pick
him up at his home and accompany him to the meetings.

God’s goal for your life is to be a disciple who

makes disciples of others.


Everyone can reach someone!

Be creative! Consider ways that suit you, your situation, and
the people you want to reach. Here are a few examples:

There are unlimited ways of reaching people on this day.

One on One
Call or visit someone and invite him or her over for a coffee
and talk about Jesus.
Two by Two
Meet at your church and split up into teams. Then go two by
two to reach people where they are: on the streets, in the mar-
ket places, in hospitals, etc.
Care and Share
Do something good for someone and then share the Good
News with him or her.
Reach your local area
Plan how to reach your neighborhood or your whole city or
region from home to home.

Gospel Sharing Ideas from A to Z
From airport evangelism to sharing at the zoo, there are so
many ways to reach people and so many different places
where they can be reached: book tables, playgrounds, events,
door-to-door or street outreaches (with 1:1 evangelism, music,
drama, megaphone, or other activities), hospitals, prisons, or-
phanages, parks, neighborhoods, railway stations, shopping
malls, and even the Internet.

At you can find more ideas

and training resources. Please upload your reports to our
website to encourage others, too.

Movement - Evangelistic Lifestyle

Following the Global Outreach Day, continue to share the
Gospel regularly.

We invite churches to commit to organizing ONE outreach

every week or month.

We challenge each individual to reach ONE person every day

or week with the Gospel.

Imagine this: If 100,000 Christians were to share the Gospel

every day, that would amount to 36.5 million conversations
about Jesus in one year's time! See

Everyone can reach someone,

together we can reach the world!


Training Book
The Gospel is the greatest message of all times. God wants
to use you to take it to other people.
In this 3 STEPS Training Book, you will learn how to win
people for Christ!

Step 1: How to start and lead a conversation.

Step 2: How to share the Gospel message.
Step 3: How to get a response and follow up.
Following these three steps can unleash an unimagined po-
tential in you, allowing you to be a blessing to people who
do not know Jesus, despite all of your weaknesses and fears.

Werner Nachtigal and Stephan Gängel are the initia-

tors of Global Outreach Day and travel the world to in-
spire, mobilize, and train Christians for evangelism.
The principles explained in this book have been proven
to be extremely effective.

Everyone can reach someone.

Together we can reach the world!

Please visit our web page to watch training videos.

You can also download copies of this 3 STEPS Training
Book in various languages: ob a loutreach d a m

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