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Design Guide

Arista OpenStack Deployment Guide

[email protected]
Design Guide

Table of contents

Introduction 5
Getting Started 5
Distributions 5
Supported Versions 6
Support for OpenStack Releases 6
Architecture 7
Features 8
Automatic L2 provisioning 8
Automatic VLAN to VNI mapping 8
Arista L3 plugin 8
Arista VLAN type driver 8
OpenStack Neutron Distributed Virtual Router 8
OpenStack Neutron ML2 Hierarchical Port Binding 8
Bare Metal Provisioning (OpenStack Ironic) 8
Security groups for OpenStack Ironic 9
Design Considerations 9
Tenant Network Types 9
VXLAN deployment options 10
L3 Considerations 10
Arista CVX Clustering 11
Scale 11
Recommendations 12
Installing the networking-arista package 13
Configuring L2 automatic provisioning 13
Summary of steps 13
Step 1 - Prerequisites 15
Step 2 - Arista TOR Switch Configuration 16
Design Guide

Table of contents

Step 3 - Arista CVX Setup 18

Step 4 - Configure OpenStack Neutron 18
OpenStack Neutron Configuration 18
Neutron ML2 Plugin Configuration 19
Arista ML2 Driver Configuration 20
Restart OpenStack Neutron 20
Step 5 - Verification 20
Switch Topology Verification 20
Data Center Topology Verification 21
CVX Reachability Verification 21
Network Creation Verification 22
VM Creation Verification 23
VLAN Auto Provisioning 23
Optional L2 configuration 23
Automating VLAN to VNI mapping 25
ML2 Hierarchical Port Binding 25
Configuration Requirements to support HPB 25
On Controller Nodes 26
On Compute Nodes 26
Bare Metal Provisioning 27
Security Groups 27
Arista VLAN type driver 27
Mandatory Regions 28
Configuring the Arista L3 Service Plugin 29
Summary of steps 29
Step 1 - Arista switch configuration 29
Step 2 - Configure OpenStack Neutron to run the Arista L3 Plugin 30
OpenStack Neutron Configuration 30
Arista L3 plugin Configuration 30
Design Guide

Table of contents

Restart OpenStack Neutron 31

Router IP selection for VARP Configuration 32
Appendix A: References 33
Appendix B: Troubleshooting 33
Troubleshooting initial setup 33
CVX - TOR Connectivity 34
Topology 35
Neutron - CVX Connectivity 35
VMs are unable to communicate 36
VM and Tenant Names are Unknown or not updated 37
Removing a region from CVX 38
Appendix C: Release Notes 38
OpenStack integration release notes 39
OpenStack specific Arista EOS release notes 39
Design Guide

Arista Networks was founded to pioneer and deliver software-driven cloud networking solutions for large data centers, storage and
computing environments. Arista’s award-winning platforms, ranging in Ethernet speeds from 10 to 100 gigabits per second, redefine
scalability, agility and resilience. Arista has shipped more than ten million cloud networking ports worldwide with CloudVision
and EOS, an advanced network operating system. Committed to open standards, Arista is a founding member of the 25/50GbE
consortium. Arista Networks products are available worldwide directly and through partners.

Arista was recognized by Gartner as a “leader” in the “2016 Magic Quadrant for Data Center Networking” based on a number
of factors, including high growth, technology solutions and flexible software. The Arista team is comprised of experienced
management and engineering talent from leading networking companies. Arista designs revolutionary products and delivers
them worldwide through distribution partners, systems integrators and resellers with a strong dedication to partner and customer

At the core of Arista’s platform is the Extensible Operating System (EOS™), a ground-breaking network operating system with
single-image consistency across hardware platforms, and modern core architecture enabling in-service upgrades and application

Arista EOS™ has extensive integration with the OpenStack project, giving customers a powerful network platform on which to run
OpenStack deployments. By leveraging the Arista ML2 driver and Layer 3 service plugin, operators can automatically provision
tenant networks across the physical infrastructure. This combination provides a high-performance OpenStack networking
environment over VLAN and VXLAN based fabrics, along with enhanced visibility into how the virtual tenant networks map onto the
physical infrastructure.

This guide provides steps to deploy OpenStack Neutron along with Arista type driver, mechanism drivers and/or L3 plugin in
order to automate provisioning of Arista Networks switches. It walks through the different components in the deployment, design
considerations and finally detailed steps to configure the different components in the solution. Please note that there are other
methods of deploying OpenStack with Arista equipment which are out of scope for this document.

It is assumed that the reader is familiar with OpenStack and has a functional OpenStack deployment before they attempt to perform
this integration. Please note that the different OpenStack distributions differ slightly when it comes to specifying the configuration
files used by OpenStack Neutron. Please refer to the relevant distribution configuration guide for details.

Getting Started
The section below is divided into three (3) subsections, and contains information on supported OpenStack distributions, OpenStack
releases and how to obtain support from the Arista Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

The Arista OpenStack Neutron Modular Layer 2 (ML2) driver, Layer 3 (L3) plugin and all other software provided in the networking-
arista1 package have been tested against different distributions of OpenStack. No code is specific to a distribution.
1 5
Design Guide

Supported Versions
Table 1: OpenStack release support matrix

OpenStack Release OpenStack EOL Date networking-arista version Support Status Minimum EOS Version

Rocky 2020-02-25 (est) >=2018.2,<2019.1 Planned TBD

Queens 2019-08-25 >=2018.1,<2018.2 Supported 4.21.0F
Pike 2019-03-03 >=2017.2,<2018.1 Supported 4.15.5F
Ocata 2018-08-26 >=2017.1,<2017.2 Supported 4.15.5F
Newton 2017-10-25 >=2016.2,<2017.1 Best Effort 4.15.5F
Mitaka 2017-04-10 (EOL) >=2016.1,<2016.2 Best Effort 4.15.5F
Liberty 2016-11-17 (EOL) >=2015.2,<2016.1 Best Effort 4.15.5F
Kilo 2016-05-02 (EOL) >=2015.1,<2015.2 Best Effort 4.15.5F
Juno 2015-12-07 (EOL) N/A Best Effort 4.15.5F
Icehouse 2015-07-02 (EOL) N/A Best Effort 4.15.5F
Havana 2014-09-30 (EOL) N/A Best Effort 4.15.5F

Support for OpenStack Releases

Table 2: Features and corresponding minimum EOS & OpenStack release versions

Feature Arista EOS Release OpenStack Release

Arista ML2 mechanism driver support for automatic L2 provisioning EOS-4.15.5F (or newer) Havana (or later)
Automatic VLAN to VNI mapping EOS-4.15.5F (or newer) Havana (or later)
Arista L3 plugin support EOS-4.15.5F (or newer) Icehouse (or later)
CVX HA support EOS-4.15.5F (or newer) Liberty (or later)
Arista VLAN type driver support EOS-4.15.5F (or newer) Mitaka (or later)
Neutron Distributed Virtual Router EOS-4.18.1F Mitaka (or later)
Neutron ML2 Hierarchical Port Binding EOS-4.18.1F Newton (or later)
Bare Metal Provisioning (Ironic) EOS-4.18.1F Newton (or later)
Security groups for bare metal EOS-4.18.1F Newton (or later)
VLAN Aware VMs (Trunk Ports) EOS-4.18.1F Pike (or later)
Baremetal Trunk Ports EOS-4.21.0F Queens (or later)
MLAG + VRFs with L3 Plugin EOS-4.21.0F Queens (or later)
Note: Arista switches and Arista CVX run Arista EOS. Except during upgrades, it is required to keep both Arista switches and CVX at the same version level.

Please contact Arista TAC for any issues with Arista equipment or drivers. 2

Support for End-of-Life (EOL) designated OpenStack releases

Arista provides support for the integration with all OpenStack releases currently supported by the upstream OpenStack project. As code
patches do not merge upstream for fixes in a release past it’s EOL date, all support for releases marked as EOL are supported best effort and
might require manual patch application. Additionally, there will be no new feature additions for releases that are marked EOL.

EOS version required for new OpenStack features

For using features released with a specific OpenStack release, the Arista EOS release must be a version greater than or equal to the minimum
corresponding Arista EOS release specified in Table 1 above.
2 6
Design Guide

EOS version required for new OpenStack features

OpenStack features supported in a particular Arista EOS release should continue to work with newer OpenStack releases without requiring
upgrading the EOS version for that feature set. Once OpenStack is deployed with a version of EOS, upgrades to OpenStack without enabling
new features should not require an EOS upgrade. However, in some extreme scenarios, this condition might not be true. Please review the
networking-arista release notes and this document for compatibility information.

Deploying the OpenStack master branch

As OpenStack is constantly evolving, deploying and supporting the OpenStack master branch presents a unique set of challenges. With
constant code churn, there often are small windows where OpenStack Neutron code is refactored or modified in a way that could render
the Arista networking driver incompatible. Caution should be exercised when deploying the OpenStack master branch.


Figure 1: Common OpenStack deployment

Arista CloudVision eXchange (CVX) is an instance or highly available cluster of virtual Arista EOS that communicates with every Arista
switch in the deployment. Using Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) information available from each switch that CVX manages,
CVX builds a view of the entire data center topology.

OpenStack Neutron, running the Modular Layer 2 (ML2) plugin, communicates with CVX through the Arista Mechanism Driver in
order to share information on activities performed in OpenStack.

In the case of virtual machines, port binding information in OpenStack contains information about the hypervisor or compute node
the VM is launched on. For bare metal instances, OpenStack Ironic provides switch identification and switch interface information to
OpenStack Neutron which in turn provides this to CVX.

In response, the OpenStack agent running on CVX appropriately provisions top of rack network switches so that bare metal or
virtual machines hosted on compute hosts have connectivity over the tenant network by identifying the switch and switch port the
compute host is connected to.

Similar to the L2 provisioning above, the OpenStack Neutron api-server handles requests to create or delete logical routers and
handles requests to enable or disable routing between different subnets. When configured to run with the Arista L3 plugin, the API
calls result in Switch Virtual Interfaces (or SVIs) being created on the Arista switches.

The Arista ML2 driver and the L3 Service Plugin may be deployed independently or together. The decision to deploy one or both
comes down to the functionality required in the OpenStack deployment. 7
Design Guide

Arista integration with OpenStack offers the following features.
Automatic L2 provisioning

Using the Arista ML2 mechanism driver, layer 2 (L2) provisioning, such as creating and dynamically mapping VLANs to physical
switch interfaces can be automated.

Automatic VLAN to VNI mapping

Using the automatic VLAN to VNI mapping feature, a VXLAN VNI (Virtual Network Identifier) will be automatically mapped to a VLAN
on Arista hardware once it is created by the Arista ML2 mechanism driver.

Arista L3 plugin

The Arista L3 plugin allows for the automatic creation of SVIs (Switch Virtual Interfaces) which allow for routing to occur at the leaf or
spine switch, instead of in software on an OpenStack host.

Arista VLAN type driver

As OpenStack logical networks are created, OpenStack Neutron allocates identifiers from an available range of configured VLAN IDs.
An alternate to that approach is to use the Arista VLAN type driver which allows a network operator to assign a range of VLANs to
OpenStack from CVX.

Apart from bringing visibility and control of how the VLAN space is segmented to a single entity, this has the added benefit of
allowing the range of identifiers allocated to OpenStack to be modified without requiring an OpenStack Neutron service restart.

OpenStack Neutron Distributed Virtual Router

OpenStack Neutron Distributed Virtual Routers (DVR) route traffic into the destination network at the virtual switch on the
hypervisor. The Arista solution tracks the creation of ports for the distributed router and provisions TOR switches to ensure that the
destination network is provisioned (in addition to the network the instance is connected to).

OpenStack Neutron ML2 Hierarchical Port Binding

ML2 Hierarchical Port Binding (HPB) shares all the benefits of the automatic VLAN-to-VNI mapping solution presented above, but is
different in a few key ways:

• Instead of Arista CVX allocating VNIs for a network transparently, OpenStack Neutron is aware of the fact that there is a L3 fabric
in use and allocates the VNI for each logical network.

• While the L2 agent configuring the virtual switch on the hypervisor still configures it to send out 802.1Q tagged traffic, CVX
configures the Arista TOR to map the VLAN into the VNI provided by Neutron.

• It is possible to scale beyond 4096 tenant networks since each TOR switch can map 4096 VLANs to different VNIs.

• OpenStack Neutron logically groups the TOR and all hypervisors connected to it into a physical network, representing the set
of devices where a VLAN identifier represents the same logical network. Traffic headed north of this TOR is encapsulated and
identified by the VNI associated with the logical network.

Bare Metal Provisioning (OpenStack Ironic)

Through OpenStack Ironic integration with Neutron, it is possible to provision bare metal servers that are attached to Arista switches
and connect them to tenant networks. All of the features that Arista supports for provisioning networks for VMs is extended to bare
metal servers. This includes automatic VLAN-to-VNI mapping and Hierarchical Port Binding.

Security groups for OpenStack Ironic

Security groups can be applied as ACLs on switch interfaces connected to bare metal servers. 8
Design Guide

Design Considerations
OpenStack offers a number of design choices to the user. Based on the design choices made, one or more subsequent sections in
the document might not be applicable for the deployment.

Please note:

• Each solution below has pros and cons and its suitability depends on the required deployment.

• This document focuses on the OpenStack features that require the Arista ML2 driver or L3 plugin.

Tenant Network Types

The section below outlines the differences between deploying L2 VLAN or VXLAN and L3 topologies.


There are different L2 technologies available to isolate tenant traffic from one another in a multi-tenant cloud deployment. The two
relevant OpenStack deployment technologies supported by Arista are VLAN and VXLAN.

VLAN isolation is generally well understood and deployments, however they are limited to less than 4096 tenant networks after
allocating VLANs to management, storage traffic, etc.

Two compute instances hosted on different compute nodes that are part of the same tenant network will require the VLAN be
stretched across the DC fabric, and with a sufficiently large set of hypervisors this will result in a large L2 domain. Beyond scalability
challenges, a large L2 domain has inherent limitations, such as requiring spanning tree and very large broadcast domains. For
smaller deployments, a VLAN deployment will be the easiest to implement.

For larger environments, a VXLAN deployment may be more appropriate. Arista and VMware co-authored the Virtual eXtensible LAN
(VXLAN) protocol to provide virtual overlay networks and extend the cost efficiency gains of virtualized servers in the data center.
VXLAN encapsulates network traffic of virtualized workloads into standard IP packets. As a result, multiple VXLAN virtual networks
can run over the same physical infrastructure to reduce capital expenditure (CAPEX). VXLAN runs over any standard IP network and
benefits from the scaling, performance and reliability characteristics available in current Layer 3 IP data center networks. Standards
based IP underlays are open and allow for best of breed, cost efficient, multi-vendor DC environments. IP underlay networks are
also more reliable, reducing costly network outages in a VXLAN data center infrastructure. VXLAN doesn’t rely on dated spanning
tree protocols, TRILL fabrics or 802.1Q VLAN tagging mechanisms that offer limited reliability, fault isolation and scaling. Using
Hierarchical Port Binding (HPB) with OpenStack, VXLAN also allows administrators to scale up to 16.7 million unique layer 2 networks
in the data center.

VXLAN deployment options

There are three (3) VXLAN deployment options available; software only, hardware only, and software and hardware.

Software VTEPs - In this model, the hypervisor acts as a tunnel endpoint (VTEP) and a 3rd party controller (open-source or
proprietary) or the L2 population driver from Neutron is used to exchange information between VTEPs that have endpoints
connected to the same virtual network identified by a unique Virtual Network Identifier (VNI).

In this scenario, the Arista equipment acts as an underlay or pure IP forwarder and needs no additional integration with Neutron or
OpenStack. 9
Design Guide

Hardware VTEPs - a second option is to use only Arista switches as a VTEPs. In this model, traffic exiting the hypervisor is VLAN tagged
and is mapped into a VNI at the top of rack (TOR) switch. This gives operators the benefit of keeping the hypervisor and virtual
switch deployment simple and increasing performance while receiving all the benefits of a L3 fabric.

In order to go beyond the 4096 VLAN tag limit per network due to the 802.1Q protocol reserving 12 bits for the VLAN identifier, it is
possible to use hierarchical port binding in OpenStack Neutron which allows VLANs to be mapped into different VNIs on each of the
TORs. This allows for creating more than 4096 tenant networks across the deployment while limiting the number of unique networks
seen on any given TOR switch to 4096.

Software and Hardware VTEPs - In this model, there is a mix of software VTEPs (hypervisor) and Arista switches functioning as VTEPs.
VXLAN control information needs to be shared across the set of switches. Typically, 3rd party controllers (open-source or proprietary)
provide this functionality and work with the Hardware Switch Controller (HSC) service on CVX using the Open vSwitch Database
standard (OVSDB) to exchange information with the Arista network.

An experimental alternative that existed prior to the OpenStack Newton release was the OpenStack Neutron L2 gateway that used
the OVSDB protocol to communicate with the HSC service on CVX as well. However, as of the Newton release, the L2 gateway project
is no longer supported by the OpenStack Neutron core team.

L3 Considerations
Logical routers can be used to route between tenant networks. These can be implemented as software routers or on hardware
switches with routing enabled and SVIs (Switch Virtual Interfaces) configured.

Software routing options

For software routing, an OpenStack Neutron Highly Available (HA) router is deployed, either on the Neutron node or elsewhere
where traffic between tenant networks is required. In this model, the Arista switches require manual and static configuration of the
switch port connected to the Neutron network node(s) to ensure that all permissible tenant VLANs are carried on that port.

Alternatively, the user can choose to deploy Neutron’s Distributed Virtual Router (DVR) where all routing occurs within the
hypervisor, closest to the source of the traffic. This has the advantage of ensuring there is no centralized software router node that
traffic must traverse for east-west traffic and is more efficient. However, the solution requires that the virtual switch in the hypervisor
be programmed with additional information, which makes it more complex to configure and operate.

In deployments that use an external controller for network configuration, routing is typically accomplished in software, with some
controllers requiring specific software perform the routing functionality. The controller is responsible for provisioning the software
router in response to OpenStack Neutron API requests from the user.

Hardware routing options

The Arista L3 plugin can be used to configure SVIs on a selected set of hardware switches. This provides the benefit of keeping
routing functionality within hardware, which allows for greatly improved performance. For a multi-tenant deployment with
overlapping IP addresses, this solution permits creating a virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instance for each logical router
created, but is limited by the number of VRFs supported on the hardware platform. In the Neutron, the software L3 agents provide
metadata services, so the “force_metadata” option must to be set to True in the Neutron DHCP agent configuration file to ensure
instances have metadata service.

Network Address Translation (NAT)

OpenStack Neutron can perform NAT within the software router. If hardware NAT is a requirement, it is possible to have a separate
hardware device handling address translation as traffic enters or exits the OpenStack deployment.

Arista CVX Clustering

While Arista CVX is not involved in the path of data traffic, it is an integral component for auto-provisioning network resources. In the
event that the CVX instance restarts or is unavailable, the ability to provision new resources such as networks and instances is lost
while CVX remains unavailable. 10
Design Guide

Running multiple instances of CVX in a highly available cluster reduces this time window significantly. While running multiple CVX
instances in a cluster, a single instance is the active node and the Arista drivers communicate with it. If the active instance fails or is
restarted, a warm standby instance becomes the new active and the Arista drivers detect the switch over and synchronize state with
the new CVX, restoring functionality.

It is highly recommended that a CVX cluster be created with a minimum of three (3) instances.

More information on configuring CVX HA can be found in Appendix A: References.


While there are multiple metrics that are of interest when it comes to scale, this document focuses on scaling up the number
of tenant networks. Scale on other metrics is typically restricted by other factors such as OpenStack performance or the scaling
restrictions of a third-party controller and are out of scope for this document.

Previous sections of this document have already touched upon scaling up the number of tenant networks in a deployment by
choosing VXLAN over VLANs as the underlying L2 technology and presents the options of using software or hardware VTEPs or a mix
of software and hardware.

Another scalability option available in some environments is creating multiple OpenStack deployments (or regions) on the same
physical infrastructure. Arista CVX supports multiple OpenStack regions with each region mapped to a separate set of TOR switches.
This allows scaling out by creating multiple smaller OpenStack regions. In such a model, an end user needs to know what region
they need to create workloads in and all communication between workloads in different regions has to be performed external to the
OpenStack environment.


While Arista supports all of the different deployment types described above, most deployments tend to favor using an L3 fabric with
VXLAN in order to get the performance, reliability and scaling benefits mentioned above.

A vanilla OpenStack Neutron deployment, with hardware VTEPs removes the need for any additional controller and reduces
operational (day-2) complexity as well. This solution scales up with the use of hierarchical port binding or scales out by repeating the
pattern across multiple OpenStack deployments.

Finally, the solution is rounded out by using software routing, though in the future software routing can be replaced with routing
east-west traffic at the top of rack and moving north-south traffic through additional software or hardware components. 11
Design Guide

Installing the networking-arista package

This step is required for all deployments where the Arista ML2 drivers or L3 plugin are used.

Before beginning

• The steps below assume a functional OpenStack deployment.

• Please make accommodations for file paths, commands etc. as necessary based on:

• Linux distribution used

• OpenStack distribution

• The steps listed below are common to all supported releases.

Installing Arista Networking Drivers

Beginning with the Kilo release of OpenStack, in order for OpenStack Neutron to load any Arista drivers, it is necessary that the
networking-arista package be installed. It contains both the Arista ML2 Type and Mechanism drivers and the Arista L3 plugin. This
package needs to be installed on all nodes where the OpenStack Neutron server is installed.

The networking-arista package can be installed by executing following command:

sudo pip install networking-arista

The above command installs the latest version of networking-arista from the master branch. To install drivers for a specific release,
run the command corresponding to the release:

Queens sudo pip install “networking-arista>=2018.1,<2018.2”

Pike sudo pip install “networking-arista>=2017.2,<2018.1”
Ocata sudo pip install “networking-arista>=2017.1,<2017.2”
Newton sudo pip install “networking-arista>=2016.2,<2017.1”
Mitaka sudo pip install “networking-arista>=2016.1,<2016.2”
Liberty sudo pip install “networking-arista>=2015.2,<2016.1”
Kilo sudo pip install “networking-arista>=2015.1.5,<2015.2”

Note: Using pip to install networking-arista ensures that the version deployed is the latest supported version for the release and is
not a version bundled along with the OpenStack distribution at a particular point in time.

Note: Starting with the Kilo release of OpenStack, the Arista driver code is available at networking-arista repository found at https:// 12
Design Guide

Configuring L2 automatic provisioning

The section below outlines installation steps for deployments where automatic layer 2 provisioning of top of rack Arista switch ports
is required. This includes both VLAN and hardware VXLAN backed tenant networks.

Summary of steps

1. Prerequisites: This step includes connecting compute hosts to Arista Top of Rack (ToR) switches and configuring the underlay for
either VLAN or VXLAN backed networks.

2. Arista TOR Switch configuration: This step needs to be performed on any Arista switch that will participate in automated
OpenStack provisioning.

3. Arista Cloud Vision eXchange (CVX) Setup: This step ensures that CVX can provision Arista switches.

4. Configuring OpenStack Neutron to run the Arista driver: This step ensures that OpenStack Neutron loads the Arista mechanism
driver on startup.

5. Verification of end-to-end operation: This step ensures that all services are running properly and tenants can create or delete
networks and compute instances (VMs). This step also ensures that correct network (VLAN) is provisioned on the appropriate
interfaces of Arista Switches.

Step 1 - Prerequisites

The physical network must be properly configured prior to configuring OpenStack. The steps below include both VLAN and VXLAN
configuration. While both VLAN and VXLAN options share some configuration on the TOR switches, there are significant differences.
For design considerations between the two options, please see VLAN or VXLAN?

Configuring TOR and Spine links for a VLAN backed L2 fabric

For a VLAN backed deployment, ensure that the inter-switch links are configured as trunk interfaces and that all required VLANs are
allowed. Either allow all VLANs or prune them to the range that is provided to OpenStack.

TOR1(config)#interface Ethernet 32
TOR1(config-if-Et32)#switchport mode trunk
TOR1(config-if-Et32)#switchport trunk allowed vlan all

Configuring the network for VXLAN backed fabric

Options for configuring automatic VLAN to VNI mapping, Hierarchical Port Binding and the Arista VLAN type driver are covered in the
section Optional L2 configuration.

Configuring switch ports connecting TOR to compute nodes

Interfaces that are expected to carry VM traffic must be placed in VLAN trunk mode. In the event that the operator needs these interfaces
to carry VLANs for management or storage traffic, those can be configured statically with the allowed VLAN list matching the required
VLANs. All other VLANs including those configured in OpenStack Neutron should not be in the allowed VLAN list and will be automatically

In the following example, the first 10 interfaces are to be automatically provisioned by OpenStack and VLAN 11 is configured on these
interfaces for management traffic. OpenStack will dynamically add the required VLANs. 13
Design Guide

TOR1(config)#interface Ethernet 1-10

TOR1(config-if-Et1-10)#switchport mode trunk
TOR1(config-if-Et1-10)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 11
TOR1(config-if-Et1-10)#spanning-tree portfast edge

In the following example, interfaces 11-20 are configured for attachment to compute nodes and aren’t configured to carry VLAN 11.
OpenStack will dynamically add the required VLANs. Note that these selected interfaces are directly connected to the hypervisor
nodes or bare metal servers.

TOR1(config)#interface Ethernet 11-20

TOR1(config-if-Et11-20)#switchport mode trunk
TOR1(config-if-Et11-20)#switchport trunk allowed vlan none
TOR1(config-if-Et11-20)#spanning-tree portfast edge

Note: All interfaces attached to a compute node must be configured in trunk mode.

Note: On the hypervisor, interfaces that connect to the TOR need to be added as physical ports to the Open vSwitch (OVS) bridges to
ensure that the VM traffic gets forwarded through these interfaces. See an example of this configuration in section VM’s are unable
to communicate.

Host configuration

The Arista solution requires an LLDP daemon to be run on each OpenStack compute hypervisor. The following example shows the
steps required for an Ubuntu 14.04 distribution. If it is a different distribution, please use the appropriate command to accomplish

sudo apt-get install lldpd

sudo service lldpd start

this step.

Note: Compute and switch hostnames in the entire data center should be unique. 14
Design Guide

Step 2 - Arista TOR Switch Configuration

The following configuration is necessary on each TOR switch connected to OpenStack compute nodes.

Configure the switch to communicate with CVX

The switch must be configured to communicate with all CVX instances.

TOR1(config)#management cvx
TOR1(config-mgmt-cvx)#server host
TOR1(config-mgmt-cvx)#no shutdown

The IP address above is the management IP address of the CVX controller.

Note: For CVX clusters, please repeat the “server host <IP>” configuration for each instance.

Verify LLDP is running on the TOR switch

The Arista solution requires LLDP to be run on each TOR switch. Though Arista switches run LLDP by default, the following example
displays the output seen if LLDP has been manually disabled.

TOR1#show lldp
% LLDP is not enabled

Enable LLDP on the TOR switch

If LLDP is not running on the TOR switch, it can be enabled with the following command.

TOR1(config)#lldp run

For VXLAN backed networks

Options for configuring automatic VLAN to VNI mapping, Hierarchical Port Binding and the Arista VLAN type driver are covered in
the section Optional L2 configuration.


Please run the verification steps in Switch Topology Verification to ensure that all the neighbors of a given switch are visible. 15
Design Guide

Step 3 - Arista CVX Setup

The section below assumes Arista CVX is already running in the environment, for details on installing CVX please see the CloudVision
configuration guide.

Note: All CVX instances should have identical configuration (barring hostname, IP address). Repeat the following configuration on all
CVX instances

Enable the CVX service on CVX instances

CVX1(config-cvx)#no shutdown

CVX1(config-cvx)#no shutdown
CVX1(config-cvx)#service openstack
CVX1(config-cvx-openstack)#no shutdown

Configure CVX to query OpenStack

This step is optional and enables CVX to query OpenStack for VM and Tenant names from OpenStack, granting the network
operations staff visibility into OpenStack from Arista switches.

Note: The region name specified above must match that configured in the Arista mechanism driver configuration in Step 4 below.
CVX1(config-cvx)#service openstack
CVX1(config-cvx-openstack)#region <region-name>

CVX1-openstack-<region-name>)#username <admin or valid keystone user>

tenant <tenant-name> password <password for user>

CVX1-openstack-<region-name>)#keystone auth-url <URL of keystone

authentication server> port <authentication port number> version
<authentication API version>

Note 2: The Keystone service catalog must contain internal endpoints for Neutron and Nova. This limitation will be addressed in a
future release.

Note for OpenStack Pike and Queens: Beginning in the OpenStack Pike release, the community updated it’s recommended
deployment guide to make Keystone available from an HTTP service running on the traditional HTTPS (443) port or insecurely on
HTTP (80) port. Current versions of CVX only support Keystone at the server root ‘/’ and not on a unified OpenStack REST endpoint
using a subpath such as ‘/identity’. The current workaround is to configure the endpoint to additionally make Keystone service
available at the server root on an alternate port such as 5000. Future releases of CVX will not require this workaround.
Example Devstack Apache2 configuration for port 5000 proxy to the Keystone uwsgi service:

Listen 5000
<VirtualHost *:5000>
ProxyPass “/” “unix:/var/run/uwsgi/keystone-wsgi-public.socket|uwsgi://
uwsgi-uds-keystone-wsgi-public/” retry=0
</VirtualHost> 16
Design Guide

Enable eAPI on CVX

The Arista ML2 and L3 drivers utilize the Arista API (eAPI) to communicate with CVX.

CVX1(config)#management api http-commands

CVX1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#no shutdown CVX1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#no
protocol http CVX1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#protocol https

Note: OpenStack integration through eAPi is not supported with an enable password set on CVX.


Arista CVX requires functioning DNS servers and DNS entries for each TOR switch in the Arista network. If DNS is not in place, static
DNS entries may be added on all CVX instances.

CVX1(config)#ip host TOR1

For VXLAN backed networks

Options for configuring automatic VLAN to VNI mapping, Hierarchical Port Binding and the Arista VLAN type driver are covered in
the section Optional L2 configuration.


It is advisable to perform verification steps to ensure that:

1. The physical topology is visible in the CVX. Execute the steps described in Topology Verification to ensure that all the hosts and
network connectivity is displayed as expected.

2. CVX is reachable from HTTPS port (TCP/443). The Arista driver uses this port to connect with CVX. If CVX is not reachable from
this port, the Arista driver will fail causing OpenStack Neutron to exit. Execute steps described in CVX Reachability Verification
for more details. 17
Design Guide

Step 4 - Configure OpenStack Neutron

This section describes how to enable the Arista Mechanism Driver within OpenStack Neutron.
Prior to this step, the following steps should be completed:
• OpenStack has been installed
• networking-arista package installed on all the nodes running the OpenStack Neutron server
OpenStack Neutron Configuration
This step configures OpenStack Neutron to run the Arista ML2 plugin.
Verify that OpenStack Neutron is setup to use the ML2 plugin in the OpenStack Neutron configuration by ensuring that the core_
plugin is set to neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.Ml2Plugin

admin@openstack:~$ grep “core_plugin” /etc/neutron/neutron.conf

core_plugin = neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.Ml2Plugin

Optionally, ensure that OpenStack Neutron has OpenStack Keystone authentication parameters configured to allow for the Arista
ML2 driver to share information with CVX as CVX polls OpenStack Keystone to query tenant and VM names. If OpenStack Neutron is
not configured to use OpenStack Keystone authentication information, provide the OpenStack Keystone authentication parameters
via the CVX command line or Tenant and VM names will not be resolved.

Note: It is highly recommended that Keystone v3 be used rather than Keystone v2.0

Search for [keystone_authtoken] in the OpenStack Neutron configuration file and add the following line after it:

auth_uri = <keystone service endpoint eg. >

Or if running a release prior to OpenStack Mitaka, add the following three (3) lines after it:
auth_protocol = <http or https>
auth_host = <keystone service endpoint IP address or DNS>
auth_port = <port that the service is reachable on; usually 5000 or 35357>

Note: Please provide the OpenStack Keystone endpoint IP address. Execute the “keystone endpoint-list” command on the OpenStack
controller to get this information and ensure that the address is reachable from CVX.

Neutron ML2 Plugin Configuration

By default, the OpenStack Neutron ML2 plugin does not start any vendor specific mechanism drivers. Edit the /etc/neutron/
plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini file and append ‘arista’ to the list of mechanism drivers in order to register the Arista driver.

admin@openstack:~$ grep “arista” /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini

mechanism_drivers = openvswitch,arista

Note: Do not remove any mechanism drivers already listed, only add arista as an additional driver. 18
Design Guide

Additionally, in the same file ensure that the network type is set to vlan and the range of VLANs reflects the VLANs available for the
OpenStack deployment.

tenant_network_types = vlan


Arista ML2 Driver Configuration

The Arista mechanism driver provides several configuration knobs to help optimize communication between the mechanism driver
and CVX based on the deployment.

Configuration options are divided into two parts; mandatory configuration and optional configuration.

Mandatory Configuration

Edit /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_arista.ini as follows:

eapi_host=set a comma separated list of IP addresses for each CVX instance
eapi_username=<user name>
eapi_password=<password for above user>

Note: If CVX has been deployed in a highly available (HA) cluster, specify each instance IP separated by a comma.

If the ml2_conf_arista.ini file is not present in the /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2 directory, copy it from etc/ml2_
config_arista.ini under the networking-arista installation directory or from

Optional Configuration

The following optional configuration elements can be configured in /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_arista.

Configuration Element Default Description

use_fqdn True Use this option to ensure that the hypervisor names used within OpenStack
matches those learned on CVX through LLDP information from switches.
sync_interval 30 Seconds The mechanism driver periodically checks to see if Neutron and CVX are in
synchronization. Use this option to set how frequently sync will occur.
Note: Older arista_networking releases had a default sync_interval of 180
region_name RegionOne Unique region name of the OpenStack deployment.
Note: A single Arista CVX (cluster) may manage one or more OpenStack
deployments. The region name must be globally unique to represent each
OpenStack controller cluster.
This name must also match the region name used when configuring the
OpenStack Keystone service used by the OpenStack controller. CVX authenticates
this information with the OpenStack Keystone service.
Note: TOR switches should not span multiple regions, though all other
infrastructure such as spine switches may be shared. 19
Design Guide

Restart OpenStack Neutron

Please restart the OpenStack Neutron server on all nodes it is running on after completing the configuration steps above and
passing the ml2_conf_arista.ini file as a --config-file parameter to OpenStack Neutron.
Consult the relevant distribution’s documentation to determine how to pass additional configuration files to OpenStack Neutron.
Step 5 - Verification

This section contains several steps that verify that the solution works as configured.

Switch Topology Verification

Verify that each Arista Switch can see its neighbors - this includes all the compute hosts as well as other switches connected to this

On an Arista TOR switch execute ‘show lldp neighbors’ command and ensure that all the connected neighbors are listed. If
there are missing neighbors or duplicate hosts, please follow steps in Appendix B: Troubleshooting to correct the condition.


TOR1#show lldp neighbors

Last table change time : 0:00:05 ago
Number of table inserts : 6
Number of table deletes : 0
Number of table drops : 0
Number of table age-outs : 0

Port Neighbor Device ID Neighbor Port ID TTL

Et1 os-ctrl1 eth5 180
Et8 os-comp1 eth3 180
Et9 os-comp2 eth4 180
Et17 TOR2 Ethernet9 120

Data Center Topology Verification

Verify that the network topology for entire data center shows up correctly in CVX.

Execute the ‘show network physical-topology hosts’ command on the CVX cluster to ensure that all hosts and
switches that are in the OpenStack deployment are listed.


CVX1#show network physical-topology hosts

Unique Id Hostname
---------------- ------------------------------
001c.7301.bb01 TOR2
90e2.ba2e.d300 os-comp1
90e2.ba2e.d3ec os-clrl
90e2.ba21.eb4c os-comp2
001c.7308.09ec TOR3 20
Design Guide

Execute ‘show network physical-topology neighbors’ command and verify that the connectivity information is as


CVX1#show network physical-topology neighbors

Host Interface Neighbor Host Neighbor Intf
---------------------- --------------- ---------------------- -------------
os-clrl eth2 TOR2 Ethernet4
os-clrl eth3 TOR1 Ethernet7
os-clrl eth5 TOR2 Ethernet1
os-clrl eth6 TOR2 Ethernet2
os-comp1 eth3 TOR2 Ethernet8
os-comp1 eth4 TOR1 Ethernet3
os-comp2 eth4 TOR2 Ethernet9
os-comp2 eth5 TOR1 Ethernet4
TOR1 Ethernet3 os-comp1 eth4
TOR1 Ethernet4 os-comp2 eth5
TOR1 Ethernet7 os-clrl eth3
TOR1 Ethernet9 TOR2 Ethernet17
TOR2 Ethernet1 os-clrl eth5
TOR2 Ethernet2 os-clrl eth6
TOR2 Ethernet4 os-clrl eth2
TOR2 Ethernet8 os-comp1 eth3
TOR2 Ethernet9 os-comp2 eth4
TOR2 Ethernet17 TOR1 Ethernet9

If CVX has no topology information, but LLDP is correctly shown on the switch, this could mean that CVX and TOR switches are not
connected or communicating correctly. Please follow the troubleshooting steps described in CVX/TOR Connectivity.

CVX Reachability Verification

Verify Arista eAPI is enabled by launching a browser and entering ‘https://<cvx-ip-address>/’ in the browser address
A simple command, such as ‘show version’ can then be executed to ensure that commands are able to be executed on CVX.

Network Creation Verification

Once all the steps above are complete, create a test network using OpenStack Horizon or using ‘neutron net-create’ in the
OpenStack Neutron CLI ().
Verify that the network was successfully created as follows:
1. Log in to OpenStack Horizon and verify that the network was successfully created. Alternatively, use the OpenStack Neutron CLI
command ‘neutron net-list’ to verify the creation of the network. Note the segmentation ID allocation for a given network
2. Log in to Arista CVX and verify the created network. To verify, use the ‘show openstack networks’ command. Verify that the
segmentation ID of the created network matches with the segmentation ID allocated by OpenStack Neutron. 21
Design Guide

CVX1#show openstack networks

Region: RegionOne
Tenant Name: Tenant-Enterprise
Tenant Id: c605204020f34320adf70f101ace3c57
Network Name Network Id Seg Type Seg Id
------------------- ------------------------------------------ -------------- ------
R&D-Network ffe11aeb-6dc1-4d65-a30b-98ca63bfc24d vlan 1002
Sales-Network f4fe3cbe-66d3-4a9f-a43e-220c0306ff81 vlan 1003

Tenant Name: Tenant-Retail

Tenant Id: 7ab54896083645d68c63e43357fb3076

Network Name Network Id Seg Type Seg Id

----------------------- ------------------------------------------ -------------- ------
HR Network 46162753-279b-4872-8ead-6244c8040527 vlan 1005
Marketing Network 0195b6c1-63fa-4c71-8b05-5b7a8ff2037e vlan 1004

VM Creation Verification

Using OpenStack Horizon or the nova boot command in the OpenStack Nova CLI, create a VM and attach it to one of the networks
which were created in the previous step.

Verify that the VM was successfully created as follows:

1. Log in to OpenStack Horizon and verify that the instance (VM) was successfully created. Alternatively, use OpenStack Nova CLI
to verify the creation of the VM using ‘nova list’)

2. Login to Arista CVX and verify the created VMs. To verify, use ‘show openstack vms’ command.

CVX1#show openstack vms

Region: RegionOne
Tenant Name: Tenant-Enterprise
Tenant Id: c605204020f34320adf70f101ace3c57

VM Name VM Id Host Network Name

---------------- ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- -------------
Bob’s VM 8136bcea-a965-4eb2-8397-99631be52b35 Sales-Network
DevTest VM 70c53069-5911-4902-b87a-60246388b66f R&D-Network

Tenant Name: Tenant-Retail

Tenant Id: 7ab54896083645d68c63e43357fb3076

VM Name VM Id Host Network Name

---------------- ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- -----------------
Admin VM 2 80f29a24-ec5b-41f3-bb09-55cec11458b0 HR Network
Marketing Network
Payroll VM 61c37e04-371d-4d8b-a0bc-9df8120af2e7 HR Network
Tom’s VM 753541b8-009d-4042-a16a-d3e8544140ec Marketing Network 22
Design Guide

Additionally, verify the details of the network to ensure that the DHCP port was created and matches with the DHCP port selected by
Neutron. Use ‘show openstack networks detail’ command to get this information.


CVX1#sh openstack networks detail

Region: RegionOne
Tenant Name: Tenant-Enterprise
Tenant Id: c605204020f34320adf70f101ace3c57

Network Name: R&D-Network

Network Id: ffe11aeb-6dc1-4d65-a30b-98ca63bfc24d
DHCP VM Id: dhcpf30f7f6c-f5de-53c9-b6ac-8ffc7cd9c321-ffe11aeb-6dc1-4d65-a30b-98ca63bfc24d
Port Id: f618d372-433a-4e0d-ac8b-078dd2ff5f14
Port Name: Unknown

Host Switch Name Switch Id Switch Interface Seg Type Seg Id

--------------------------- ------------- --------------- ------------------ --------- -------
os-h-ctrl1 TOR1 001c.730b.0d5e Ethernet17 vlan 1002

VLAN Auto Provisioning

After verifying the creation of networks and VMs on CVX, verify that correct VLANs are configured on the individual Arista switches.

On each TOR switch, verify if the VLANs are correctly provisioned. If VLANs are not configured correctly, ensure that the VLAN pools
are correctly configured. See Arista VLAN type driver below.

TOR1#show vlan
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- ---------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1 default active Et17
1000* VLAN1000 active Et1, Et2, Et4, Et8, Et9, Et17
1001* VLAN1001 active Et1, Et2, Et4, Et8, Et9, Et17
1002* VLAN1002 active Et1, Et2, Et4, Et8, Et9, Et17
1003* VLAN1003 active Et1, Et2, Et4, Et8, Et17
* indicates a Dynamic VLAN

Optional L2 configuration

The section below contains information on optional Layer 2 (L2) configuration, including configuring OpenStack to automatically
perform VLAN to Virtual Network Identifier (VNI) mapping which will enable the use of a L3 fabric with hardware VTEPs.

Automating VLAN to VNI mapping

This feature automates mapping a dynamically provisioned VLAN to a VNI on the TOR, enabling using a Layer 3 (L3) fabric to
interconnect TOR switches without the use of any software VTEPs. 23
Design Guide

From OpenStack Neutron’s perspective, the logical networks are backed by VLANs. Consequently, the L2 agent on the hypervisor will
configure the virtual switch to send out 802.1Q tagged traffic for each tenant network.

Once the VXLAN interfaces are configured on the Arista switches, the OpenStack agent automatically adds the required VLAN to VNI
mappings to these VTEPs. Traffic ingressing the TOR switch is mapped into a VXLAN tunnel and on egress, it is mapped back to the
VLAN associated with the VNI, making it transparent to all devices other than the participating HW VTEPs.

VLAN to VNI mappings are also specific to an OpenStack region. Multiple regions can be configured to use the same VLAN ranges
where each region has its own set of TORs as those VLANs will be mapped into different VNIs which can share the same spine or
other IP infrastructure devices that are part of the L3 fabric, such as firewalls.

VLAN to VNI mapping can be configured on CVX as follows:

CVX1(config-cvx)#service openstack
CVX1(config-cvx-openstack)#region RegionOne
CVX1(config-cvx-openstack-R1)#networks map vlan 10-20 vni 100010-100020

The above command creates a mapping of VLAN range 10-20 to VNI range 100010-100020 for RegionOne. Once VMs are created
using a VLAN in the 10-20 range on the OpenStack compute nodes the VLAN to VNI mapping is created on that TOR switch

This feature requires the use of the Arista CVX VXLAN Control Service (VCS) to distribute MAC addresses and VTEP flood lists for each
VNI to the hardware VTEPs. To enable VCS on CVX:

CVX1(config-cvx)#service vxlan
CVX1(config-cvx-vxlan)#no shutdown

On the TOR switches, a VXLAN interface needs to be created and the VXLAN controller-client needs to be enabled. This can be
configured with the following commands:

Create a loopback interface

Create a loopback interface and assign it an IP address. The assigned IP address is the IP address of the VTEP.

TOR1(config)#interface loopback0
TOR1(config-if-loopback0)#ip address A.B.C.D/32

Configure a VXLAN interface

Create a VXLAN interface and associate with the loopback that was created above. Additionally, enable the VXLAN control service.

TOR1(config)#interface vxlan 1
TOR1(config-if-Vx1)#vxlan source-interface loopback0
TOR1(config-if-Vx1)#vxlan controller-client 24
Design Guide

ML2 Hierarchical Port Binding

ML2 Hierarchical Port Binding (HPB) shares all the benefits of the automatic VLAN-to-VNI mapping solution presented above, but is
different in a few key ways:

• Instead of Arista CVX allocating VNIs for a network transparently, OpenStack Neutron is aware of the fact that there is a L3 fabric
in use and allocates the VNI for each logical network.

• While the L2 agent configuring the virtual switch on the hypervisor still configures it to send out 802.1Q tagged traffic, CVX
configures the Arista TOR to map the VLAN into the VNI provided by Neutron.

• It is possible to scale beyond 4096 tenant networks since each TOR switch can map 4096 VLANs to different VNIs.

• OpenStack Neutron logically groups the TOR and all hypervisors connected to it into a physical network (or physnet),
representing the set of devices where a VLAN identifier represents the same logical network. Traffic headed north of this TOR is
encapsulated and identified by the VNI associated with the logical network.

An OpenStack Neutron network is associated with a VNI that is globally significant across the physical infrastructure. On each of the
TOR switches, this VNI is mapped into a locally significant VLAN identifier that is allocated from a range of available VLAN identifiers
specific to that TOR switch or port - also known as physnet.

To enable hierarchical port binding, configure OpenStack Neutron to load both the VXLAN and VLAN type drivers. Additionally,
configure the range of available VLANs on a per-physnet basis in the OpenStack Neutron configuration file.

Configuration Requirements to support HPB

In order to support HPB the following sections in ml2_conf.ini on controller and compute nodes should be configured.

On Controller Nodes -

Execute the following changes on OpenStack controller nodes.

Section ‘ml2’:

tenant_network_types = vxlan
mechanism_drivers=..., arista

The mechanism_drivers option should include ‘arista’ driver.

Section ‘ml2_type_vlan’:

In this section VLAN ranges per physical network need to be defined for all
physical networks in the topology. The physical network is identified by switch name in the topology.


network_vlan_ranges = TOR1:100:200,TOR2:300:400

The configuration above enables VLANs 100-200 for switch TOR1 and 300-400 for switch TOR2.

Note: The format of switch name used above depends on the ‘use_fqdn’ setting in ml2_conf_arista.ini; if it is set to ‘True’ the switch FQDN
needs to be used.

Note: MLAG pairs’ physical networks should be named peer1_peer2 25
Design Guide

Section ‘ml2_type_vxlan’
This section defines the VXLAN ranges used by tenant networks in the topology.
vni_ranges = 5000:6000

Section ‘ovs’
In this section the ‘bridge_mappings’ option needs to be set. This option defines the mapping between physical network and
Open vSwitch (OVS) bridge. This mapping shows the connectivity between physical switches and VM instances on the controller

bridge_mappings = TOR2:br-eth3

Note: The switch name should use the same naming format as section ‘ml2_type_vlan’.
Additonally in ml2_conf_arista.ini:

manage_fabric = True

On Compute Nodes -
Execute the following changes on OpenStack controller nodes.
Section ‘ovs’
The setting in this section is similar to the setting configured above for controller nodes. The bridge_mappings configuration
option should be set to switch name that compute node is connected to.

bridge_mappings = TOR1:br-eth3

Bare Metal Provisioning

Through OpenStack Ironic integration with Neutron, it is possible to provision bare metal servers that are attached to Arista switches
and connect them to tenant networks. All of the features that Arista supports for provisioning networks for VMs is extended to bare
metal servers. This includes automatic VLAN-to-VNI mapping and Hierarchical Port Binding.

Additionally, there are several features that are only supported for bare metal provisioning. The additional features that Arista
supports for bare metal provisioning are:

• Automated provisioning network to tenant network switchover during bare metal boot. This feature allows for the use of a
quarantine or provisioning network during the initial boot and configuration of a bare metal host on a dedicated network that
is separate from tenant networks.

• Security groups can be applied as ACLs on switch interfaces connected to bare metal servers

Documentation for configuring networking for bare metal servers can be found in Appendix A: References.

When creating an OpenStack Ironic port, the chassis ID and switch interface that are connected to the bare metal server must be
specified in --local-link-connection. The chassis ID can be found by running “show lldp local-info” on the switch that the host is
connected to. The switch interface can be found by locating the switch port the bare metal host is connected to and takes the form
EthernetX[/X], for example Ethernet48/1. 26
Design Guide

Security Groups

In order to enable security group provisioning for bare metal servers, the IP address of the switch’s management interface must also
be specified in the optional switch_info parameter in ml2_conf_arista.ini.

The following configuration must be added to ml2_conf_arista.ini:

sec_group_support = True
switch_info = <switch-IP>:<switch-username>:<switch-password>,<switch2>

All switches connected to bare metal servers must be specified in the comma separated switch_info parameter.

There are some caveats to note for security group support:

• Only TCP, UDP and ICMP rules are supported

• Only IPv4 ACLs are supported
• Only one security group may be applied to an interface connected to a bare metal server

Arista VLAN type driver

As logical networks are created, OpenStack Neutron allocates identifiers from an available range of VLAN IDs that the operator
configures in a configuration file. An alternate to that approach is to use the Arista VLAN type driver which allows a network operator
to assign a range of VLANs to OpenStack from CVX. Only one VLAN type driver should be enabled within a single OpenStack region
and therefore the Arista VLAN type driver may not be used in conjunction with the default VLAN type driver within a single region.

Apart from bringing visibility and control of how the VLAN space is segmented to CVX, this has the added benefit of allowing the
range of identifiers allocated to OpenStack to be modified without requiring an OpenStack Neutron service restart.

When this type driver is enabled, the VLANs for tenant networks are allocated from a VLAN pool configured on CVX. The Arista VLAN
type driver must be enabled in OpenStack as well as on CVX.

As a caveat, the Arista VLAN type driver currently only supports a single physnet, and it must be named ‘default’.

Enable type driver in the ML2 configuration

Edit the ML2 configuration file used when OpenStack Neutron is loaded and alter the fields below.

tenant_network_types = vlan
type_drivers = arista_vlan

Enable the type driver on CVX

Enable the VLAN type driver and specify a VLAN resource pool in CVX.

CVX1(config)# cvx
CVX1(config-cvx)# service openstack
CVX1(config-cvx-openstack)# type-driver vlan arista
CVX1(config-cvx-openstack)# region RegionOne
CVX1(config-cvx-openstack-regionone)# resource-pool vlan <range> 27
Design Guide

Mandatory Regions

On supported EOS releases, it is possible to configure CVX to require that a specific region by in sync with CVX before CVX configures any
switches. This removes the possibility that CVX disrupts the datapath in deployments where a single CVX cluster manages multiple regions
and also allows regions to be configured as optional if CVX is managing both production and test networks. Mandatory and optional
regions can be configured as follows:

CVX1(config)# cvx
CVX1(config-cvx)# service openstack
CVX1(config-cvx-openstack)# region RegionOne
CVX1(config-cvx-openstack-regionone)# provision sync [mandatory|optional]

In single region deployments, the sole region is always considered mandatory (regardless of this config.) In multi-region
deployments, all regions are considered optional by default. 28
Design Guide

Configuring the Arista L3 Service Plugin

In addition to the Arista ML2 driver which provisions Layer 2 networks, the Arista L3 Service Plugin provisions SVIs on Arista switches
in order to provide routing between different logical networks. L3 functionality can be enabled on either the TOR or Spine switches.

Summary of steps
1. Arista switch configuration

2. Configure Neutron to run the Arista L3 Plugin

Step 1 - Arista switch configuration

Enable Arista eAPI on the switches the Arista L3 plugin will create SVIs on - typically a TOR or spine pair.

TOR1(config)#management api http-commands

TOR1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#no shutdown
TOR1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#no protocol http
TOR1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#protocol https

Verify that the Arista eAPI is enabled by launching a browser and entering ‘https://<switch-ip-address>/’ in the browser address bar.

A simple command, such as ‘show version’ can then be executed to ensure that commands are able to be executed on the

Step 2 - Configure OpenStack Neutron to run the Arista L3 Plugin

The steps below walk through installing the Arista L3 plugin in OpenStack Neutron.

Prior to this step, the following prerequisites should be completed:

• OpenStack has been installed

• networking-arista package has been installed on all the nodes running the OpenStack Neutron service

OpenStack Neutron Configuration

When OpenStack Neutron L3 services are enabled, the L3_Router service plugin is installed by default. In order to use Arista switches
for routing, the Arista L3 service plugin needs to be installed and enabled.

Execute the following steps to configure OpenStack Neutron to run the Arista L3 service plugin:

Edit the OpenStack Neutron configuration file

Edit the /etc/neutron/neutron.conf file and add the Arista L3 driver to service_plugins.

For OpenStack Liberty or newer releases:

service_plugins =

For OpenStack Kilo and older releases:

service_plugins =,
adbalancer.plugin.LoadBalancerPlugin 29
Design Guide

Note: Please replace L3RouterPlugin with AristaL3ServicePlugin and ensure that this is the first service plugin in the list.

Arista L3 plugin Configuration

The Arista L3 Plugin provides several configuration knobs to help optimize communication between the mechanism driver and CVX
based on the deployment.

Configuration options are divided into two parts; mandatory configuration and optional configuration.

Mandatory Configuration

Edit /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_arista.ini as follows:

primary_l3_host: IP address of Arista Switch
primary_l3_host_username: <user name>
Primary_l3_host_password: <password>

If the ml2_conf_arista.ini file is not present in the /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2 directory, copy it:

cp /opt/stack/neutron/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_arista.ini

Optional Configuration

The following optional configuration elements can be configured in /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_arista.

Configuration Element Default Description

secondary_l3_host None This is IP address of the second Arista switch. This address is needed if the Arista
switches are configured as MLAG pair.
Note: The credentials for the secondary Arista switch must match the primary.
mlag_config False By default, the plugin assumes a single Arista switch. This configuration must be
set to “True” if a pair of switches are configured with MLAG (Multi chassis Link
Aggregation) and will be managed by this plugin. If this flag is set to True, both
primary_l3_host and secondary_l3_host fields must be set to the IP addresses of
primary and secondary switches.
use_vrf False This flag dictates if the router is to be associated with a VRF. By default, the router
is created/associated in default VRF. If this flag is set, the router is created/
associated with a specific VRF. The name of the router specified at the time of
creation (neutron router-create <name>) is used as the VRF name. Hence, the VRF
name is not required.
Note: VRFsupport in MLAG configurations was added in the Queens release
Note: Please be aware of VRF scale limitations for the Arista switches in your
sync_interval 180 (seconds) This identical to sync_interval specified for ML2 configuration. This is used to sync
L3 configuration between OpenStack Neutron and Arista switches performing
routing functionality.

Restart OpenStack Neutron

Please restart the OpenStack Neutron server on all nodes after completing the configuration steps above and passing the ml2_
conf_arista.ini file as a --config-file parameter to OpenStack Neutron. 30
Design Guide

Router IP selection for VARP Configuration

When mlag_config is specified in /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_arista.ini the router IP address for each

instance of the router is automatically selected by the Arista L3 Plugin.

The router instance on the primary switch (primary_l3_host) gets the second highest IP address for a given subnet and the
router instance on the secondary switch (secondary_l3_host) gets the highest IP address.

For example, for IPv4 subnet, the router instance on primary switch is assigned with address of and
secondary switch is assigned with 31
Design Guide

Appendix A: References
Arista OpenStack Neutron drivers and plugins can be found at:

Instructions on installing CVX can be found at:

Instructions on CVX High Availability (HA) can be found at:

Additional information about CloudVision and services available on CVX can be found at:

Configuring Bare Metal Provisioning networks:

Open vSwitch ovs-vsctl Documentation: 32
Design Guide

Appendix B: Troubleshooting
The section below contains troubleshooting steps for diagnosing issues in an Arista backed OpenStack deployment. For additional
assistance, please contact Arista TAC.

Troubleshooting initial setup

The steps below are intended for troubleshooting initial setup steps.

CVX - TOR Connectivity

For troubleshooting connectivity between Arista CVX and Arista Top of Rack switches, first ensure that the CVX server is enabled on
the CVX node(s) by executing the following command and ensuring that the status is “enabled.” If it is not enabled, please see Step
3 - Arista CVX Setup.

CVX01#show cvx
CVX Server
Status: Enabled
Heartbeat interval: 30.0
Heartbeat timeout: 300.0

If the Arista CVX server is enabled, verify that CVX can connect to all the TOR switches:

CVX01#show cvx connections

Switch 00:1c:73:00:ae:a0
Hostname: TOR1
Status: up
Last heartbeat sent: 20899.7651362
Last heartbeat received: 20907.1354178

If the TOR switch is not listed, verify the steps in Step 2 - Arista TOR Switch Configuration and Step 3 - Arista CVX Setup..

Also, verify that appropriate services are enabled and running. Execute the following command and ensure that Arista CVX and
OpenStack are enabled.

CVX01#show cvx service

Status: Enabled
Supported versions: 1
Switch 00:1c:73:00:ae:a0
Status: Enabled
Status: Enabled
Supported versions: 1
Switch 00:1c:73:00:ae:a0
Status: Enabled
Negotiated version: 1 33
Design Guide


If the network topology shows incorrect information, verify LLDP operation on each TOR switch. For example, the following
command lists each compute hypervisor and adjacent switch connected to the TOR switch:

TOR2#show lldp neighbors

Last table change time : 0:00:05 ago
Number of table inserts : 6
Number of table deletes : 0
Number of table drops : 0
Number of table age-outs : 0

Port Neighbor Device ID Neighbor Port ID TTL

Et1 os-clrl eth5 180
Et8 os-comp1 eth3 180
Et9 os-comp2 eth4 180
Et17 TOR1 Ethernet9 120

Verify LLDP is running on the TOR switch

The Arista solution requires LLDP to be run on each TOR switch. Though Arista switches run LLDP by default, the following example
displays the output seen if LLDP is disabled.
TOR1#show lldp
% LLDP is not enabled

Enable LLDP on the TOR switch

If LLDP is not running on the TOR switch, it can be enabled with the following command.

TOR1(config)#lldp run

Additionally, perform the troubleshooting steps described in CVX-TOR Connectivity.

Duplicate hosts in topology

If all verification steps above have been performed and hosts are showing up as duplicates, this can be caused by any one of the
following conditions:

1. LLDPD as well as LADVD are both enabled and running (or any other combination of multiple daemons that speak LLDP are
running). Please ensure only a single LLDP daemon is running.

2. More than one interface from a given host is connected to switch. This is by design and is not an issue. If the desire is to see a
single interface, turn off the LLDPD/LADVD on the other interfaces. 34
Design Guide

Missing hosts in topology

This can happen for the following reasons:

1. Physical connectivity - please verify that the missing host has physical connectivity to the switch.

2. LLDPD/LADVD is not properly configured on a given host or is enabled on the wrong interface of the host - for example host
interface eth3 is connected to the TOR switch, but LLDP is enabled on interface eth4.

Neutron - CVX Connectivity

Once OpenStack Neutron is configured to run the Arista drivers, Neutron server logs can help verify that the Arista ML2 driver is
able to connect to the active CVX instance. There should be a log entry indicating that the Arista driver is syncing its state with CVX:

2013-10-11 18:24:49.151 9419 INFO neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_arista.mechanism_arista [-]

Syncing Neutron <-> EOS
2013-10-11 18:24:49.151 9419 INFO neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_arista.mechanism_arista [-]
Executing command on Arista EOS: [‘enable’, ‘configure’, ‘management openstack’, ‘region
0/ user neutron password’, ‘exit’, ‘exit’]

If the log entry above is not present, verify that the steps in Step 4 - Configure Neutron to load the Arista mechanism driver and that
CVX is reachable from the OpenStack controller node running OpenStack Neutron.

Also, examine the trace or logs for the Neutron server and verify that the Arista driver has been loaded and there have been no

VMs are unable to communicate

If all the above steps work correctly, but there are still noticing issues with VMs being unable to communicate successfully, verify the
Open vSwitch (OVS) or Linux bridge configuration.

The following is an example which shows the OVS bridge configuration on compute hypervisor host os-comp2. It shows that
interface eth4 is added to the OVS physical bridge br-eth4, which is what the integration bridge is connected to. This should be the
same interface which shows up in the topology connected to the TOR switch:

os-comp2@os-comp2:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl show

Bridge br-tun
Port br-tun
Interface br-tun
type: internal
Port patch-int
Interface patch-int
type: patch
options: {peer=patch-tun} 35
Design Guide

Bridge “br-eth4”
Port “phy-br-eth4”
Interface “phy-br-eth4”
Port “eth4”
Interface “eth4”
Port “br-eth4”
Interface “br-eth4”
type: internal
Bridge br-int
Port “qvo78334931-99”
tag: 113
Interface “qvo78334931-99”
Port “qvo81d550bb-6d”
tag: 113
Interface “qvo81d550bb-6d”
Port “qvo2131fa66-92”
tag: 114
Interface “qvo2131fa66-92”
Port “int-br-eth4”
Interface “int-br-eth4”
Port “qvob603dbb0-9d”
tag: 113
Interface “qvob603dbb0-9d”
Port “qvoa8b768e1-48”
tag: 114
Interface “qvoa8b768e1-48”
Port br-int
Interface br-int
type: internal
ovs_version: “1.4.0+build0”

For details on the ovs controller commands, use ‘sudo ovs-vsctl --help’ or refer to the Open vSwitch documentation for
more information.

VM and Tenant Names are Unknown or not updated

The Arista OpenStack Agent periodically communicates with the OpenStack Keystone service to update the names of VMs and
Tenants. In order to identify the OpenStack Keystone service endpoint, the OpenStack agent attempts to use information the Arista
ML2 driver sends to Arista CVX, which in turn obtains it from configuration files specified in Step 4 - Configure OpenStack Neutron.
However, it is possible to override those values, please see optional configuration in Step 3 - Arista CVX Setup. 36
Design Guide

By default, this communication takes place every 6 hours as it is anticipated that these names do not change on a regular basis. This
interval is configurable by executing the following command:
CVX01(config-cvx)#name-resolution interval <value in seconds>

If a name is changed and is not updated, it is possible to force name resolution by executing the following command:

CVX01(config-cvx)#name-resolution force

Note: If no tenant name is configured, it is displayed as “Unknown”

Steps to troubleshoot name resolution issues

Please use following steps to troubleshoot and fix name resolution issues:

Step 1 - Verify that CVX has valid URL to reach the OpenStack Keystone endpoint
Assuming there is no configured OpenStack Keystone URL, the following steps will help determine if Arista CVX has a valid
OpenStack Keystone URL.
On Arista CVX, execute “show openstack regions” and inspect the value of “Authentication URL” and ensure that
it is reachable. If the value is the same as shown below, name resolution will not succeed. If it’s a valid URL, and reachable from CVX,
proceed to step B below.

CVX01()#show openstack regions

Region Service Authentication URL User
--------------- -------------- -------------------------------- -------
RegionOne keystone neutron

Note1: In the above example, the URL is pointing to localhost, which is not correct. Please update the OpenStack Neutron
configuration files to reflect the correct URL. Be sure to restart the OpenStack Neutron service after making this change.

Note2: In the Pike release of networking-arista (2017.2.0), the arista ML2 driver no longer registers keystone authentication endpoint
with CVX. The user is required to configure the authentication URL when running EOS-4.18.x releases. In the absence of the keystone
authentication endpoint the ’show openstack regions’ displays no output.

Example of configuration in RegionOne:

switch(config-cvx-openstack-RegionOne)#keystone auth-url port 35357 version v3

Step 2 - Valid Keystone URL, but names are still showing unknown
After executing the step above and verifying that:
• A valid Keystone URL is present in the configuration file
• Verified that the OpenStack Keystone endpoint is reachable from CVX
If names are still showing unknown, please execute the steps described in Step 3 - Arista CVX Setup.
Removing a region from CVX
The following command may be used to manually force the cleanup of the entire configuration for a given OpenStack controller.
This will delete every tenant, network, and VM for a given region.
CVX01(config-cvx)#service openstack
CVX01(config-cvx-openstack)#no region <region name> 37
Design Guide

Appendix C: Release Notes

The section below contains both OpenStack integration notes as well as EOS specific release notes.

OpenStack integration release notes

The following section lists features added per OpenStack release.
• Improved efficiency and reliability of CVX synchronization
• Added support for baremetal trunk ports
• Added support for MLAG + VRFs in the L3 Plugin
• Added support VLAN aware VMs via Neutron Trunk Ports
• Miscellaneous bug fixes
• Added support for Neutron-Ironic integration
• Added support for configuring security groups (access control lists) on bare metal ports
• Added support for hierarchical port binding
• Added support for dedicated OpenStack endpoint on CVX
• Added support for a new type driver: Arista VLAN type driver. This type driver allows the operator to control the range of VLANs
used for tenant networks from the CVX
• Added support for the OpenStack Neutron Distributed Virtual Router by automatically provisioning the switch port to carry all
VLANs corresponding to subnets reachable by the VM
• Added support for project Astara which simplifies deployment of OpenStack Neutron’s network services by bundling a number
of L3-L7 network services like routing, load balancers and firewalls into a virtual machine
• Added support for creation of unattached ports that can be bound to an instance at a later point in time
• Miscellaneous bug fixes
• Added support for CVX High Availability (HA)
• Added support for Neutron Router High Availability (HA)
• Further enhancements to the Arista ML2 driver sync mechanism
• Completed transition to the networking-arista repository
• Use python requests library instead of jsonrpclib for communication between the Arista ML2 driver and CVX as concurrent
requests using jsonrpclib would result in intermittent SSL errors.
• Added support for Neutron’s shared networks which are created by admin and are visible to all tenants. Tenants can use these
networks to create inter-tenant VM connectivity without using routing.
• Added support for OpenStack Neutron Controller High Availability
• Supported community decision to move vendor drivers out of the OpenStack Neutron tree and into a vendor repository
• Support for OpenStack Neutron Router High Availability has been subsequently backported to this release. 38
Design Guide

• Added support for the Arista Layer 3 Service Plugin, which automates provisioning of L3 features on Arista switches. In response
to API calls to create/delete a router and add/remove interfaces, appropriate SVIs (Switch Virtual Interfaces) are created on
respective switches.

• Enhanced the Arista ML2 driver re-sync mechanism: In the event of a CVX reboot (or cold restart), it needs to re-synchronize
with neutron. This enhancement, reduces the time taken to do so and requires no user intervention.

• Enhanced eAPI models: The API between the Arista ML2 driver and CVX has been enhanced.

• Enhanced devstack the Arista ML2 driver can be installed in a single step along with OpenStack Neutron. Additionally, no more
patches are required when installing the Arista driver.

Note: Newer OpenStack and networking-arista releases include all features introduced in older versions.

OpenStack specific Arista EOS release notes

The following list lists features added per Arista EOS release.


• Added support for OpenStack Queens

• Improved stability of OpenStack JSON API


• Added support for Neutron-Ironic integration (bare metal provisioning)

• Added support for configuring security groups on bare metal ports

• Added support for DVR

• Added support for hierarchical port binding

• Added support for Keystone v3

• Added support for configuring Keystone URL on EOS


• Added support for CVX clustering and high availability. On a CVX instance failure, this reduces the time before neutron can
continue to provision new resources as a standby instance can take over.


• Added support for automatic VLAN to VNI mapping from CVX. With this enhancement, CVX can be configured to automatically
map a VLAN associated with a tenant network with a VNI in order to provision a L3 fabric without incurring the encap/decap
penalty in software.

• Added support for CVX Graceful Restart which prevents reprogramming VLANs associated with tenant network on Arista
switches in the time duration between CVX restarting and resyncing with Neutron.

Note: Newer EOS releases include all features introduced in older versions. 39
Design Guide

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Copyright © 2016 Arista Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. CloudVision, and EOS are registered trademarks and Arista Networks
is a trademark of Arista Networks, Inc. All other company names are trademarks of their respective holders. Information in this
document is subject to change without notice. Certain features may not yet be available. Arista Networks, Inc. assumes no
responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Sept 4, 2018 07-00010-03 40

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