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CHREA VS CHR (RESOLUTION) additional sources of funding for the staffing modification

July 21, 2006 | Chico-Nazario, J. | CHR – limited fiscal autonomy 4. DBM Secretary Diokno denied the requests for the staffing modification and
upgrading scheme. According to Diokno,
a. There was no specific provision of law allowing the creation of a
PETITIONER: Commission on Human Rights Employees’ Association (CHREA)
Finance Management Office and a Public Affairs Office (and
RESPONDENTS: Commission on Human Rights
according to GAA 1998, no changes in key positions shall be
authorized unless provided by law or directed by the President)
SUMMARY: In its earlier Decision, the Court upheld the disapproval made by
b. The upgrading of certain positions would change the context from
the DBM with respect to the upgrading and reclassification scheme made by the
support to substantive without actual change in functions
CHR. This motion for reconsideration ruled that the CHR only has limited fiscal
5. In light of DBM’s disapproval, the CSC-NCR Office issued a Memorandum
autonomy, as opposed to that granted by the Constitution to the Judiciary,
recommending to the CSC-Central Office that the subject appointments be
Constitutional Commissions and the Office of the Ombudsman. The provision in
rejected owing to DBM’s disapproval of the plantilla reclassification.
the Constitution only mandates that its appropriations be automatically and
6. CHREA then requested the CSC-Central Office to affirm the
regularly released, while expressly excluding the grant of fiscal autonomy to
recommendation of the CSC-Regional Office. It stated that the DBM is the
such body. Automatic and regular release of appropriations is but an aspect of
only agency with appropriate legal authority to evaluate and approve
fiscal autonomy but not the entirety of it.
matters of reclassification, upgrading and creating of positions.
7. CSC-Central Office denied CHREA’s request. It reversed the
recommendation of CSC-Regional Office that the upgrading scheme be
This Court concludes that the 1987 Constitution extends to [CHR] a certain
degree of fiscal autonomy through the privilege of having its approved annual
8. CHREA appealed to the CA. The CA affirmed the decision of the CSC-
appropriations released automatically and regularly. However, it withholds from
Central office and upheld the validity of the upgrading and reclassification
[the CHR] fiscal autonomy, in its broad or extensive sense, as granted to the
scheme in the CHR on the basis of CHR’s fiscal autonomy.
Judiciary, constitutional commissions, and the Office of the Ombudsman.
9. In its Decision, the Supreme Court reversed the CA’s and ruled in favor of
CHREA i.e. the upgrading and reclassification scheme in the CHR was
The grant of fiscal autonomy is more extensive than the mere automatic and
unwarranted in light of DBM’s disapproval.
regular release of approved annual appropriations of the government entity.

FACTS: WoN the Constitution vests the CHR with absolute fiscal autonomy – NO
1. This motion for reconsideration was filed by the CHR with respect to the 1. CHR contends that it is vested with fiscal autonomy by the Constitution
earlier Decision by the SC ruling in favor of CHREA. 2. The 1987 Constitution expressly and unambiguously grants fiscal
2. Earlier, Congress passed the General Appropriations Act of 1998 (GAA autonomy only to the Judiciary, the constitutional commissions, and the
1998). It provided for Special Provisions Applicable to All Constitutional Office of the Ombudsman. The provisions with respect to such offices
Offices Enjoying Fiscal Autonomy. It provided that offices enjoying fiscal consist of two sentences stating that:
autonomy are authorized to formulate and implement the organizational a. The government entity shall enjoy fiscal autonomy
structures of their respective offices. b. Its approved annual appropriation shall be automatically and
3. Pursuant to the Special Provisions, CHR issued: regularly released
a. Resolution adopting an upgrading and reclassification scheme 3. Art XIII, Sec 17 (4): The approved annual appropriations of the [CHR]
among selected positions. It proposed the creation of ten shall be automatically and regularly released
additional plantilla positions. a. This provision does not contain the first sentence expressly
b. Resolution upgrading the salary grade of certain positions and granting fiscal autonomy.
authorized augmentation from savings b. Based on the records of the Constitutional Commission,
c. Resolution collapsing vacant positions in the CHR to provide for Commissioner Davide asked for the deletion of the express grant

of fiscal autonomy. It would be a “surplusage” because the 8. Moreover, the Administrative Code on the fiscal autonomy of the
autonomy actually intended is the automatic release of the constitutional commissions, the Office of the Ombudsman and the CHR
appropriations. Commissioner Bengzon also made it clear that merely follow the phraseology of the 1987 Constitution.
“the sentence means what it says and it is clear” and that “it only a. CHR asserts that it is granted fiscal autonomy based on Book VI,
refers to the release which should be automatic and regular.” Chapter 1, Section 1, paragraph 9 of the Administrative Code
c. This Court is convinced that the ConCom had intended to (Title: Constitutional Policies on the Budget): Fiscal autonomy
grant to the [CHR] the privilege of having its approved annual shall be enjoyed by the Judiciary, Constitutional Commissions,
appropriations automatically and regularly released, but Office of the Ombudsman, Local Government and Commission on
nothing more. Human Rights.
d. While it may be conceded that the automatic and regular i. As the title suggest, the provision is supposed to merely
release of approved annual appropriations is an aspect of re-state the policies on budget as declared by the 1987
fiscal autonomy, it is just one of many others. Constitution, and therefore, cannot grant or extend to the
4. Bengzon vs Drilon: the fiscal autonomy enjoyed by the Judiciary, CSC, [CHR] a privilege not found in the 1987 Constitution.
COA, COMELEC and the Office of the Ombudsman contemplates a
guarantee of full flexibility to allocate and utilize their resources with the WoN the approval by the DBM is a condition precedent to the enactment of an
wisdom and dispatch that their needs require upgrading, reclassification, creation and collapsing of plantilla positions in the
a. The grant of fiscal autonomy is more extensive than the mere CHR – YES (MAIN ISSUE OF THE CASE BUT FIRST ISSUE IS MORE RELEVANT)
automatic and regular release of approved annual appropriations 1. The grant of fiscal autonomy notwithstanding, all government offices must,
of the government entity. all the same, comply to the Salary Standardization Law.
b. In Bengzon, the Court only recognized the fiscal autonomy of the 2. Being a member of the fiscal autonomy group does not vest the agency
aforementioned offices, leaving out the CHR. with the authority to reclassify, upgrade and create positions without the
5. Moreover, the ConCom deliberations (Monsod specifically) showed that approval of the DBM.
fiscal autonomy would include other rights than just merely automatic and 3. Although the Judiciary is allowed to reorganize, any such reorganization
regular disbursement. must, nevertheless, be in strict adherence to the Salary Standardization
6. The Constitutional Fiscal Autonomy Group (CFAG) defined the term “fiscal Law. Ergo, any reorganization therein must be in conformity of the DBM
autonomy” in its Joint Resolution, which stated that, “fiscal autonomy xxx inasmuch as it is the government arm tasked by law to implement the
does not mean mere automatic and regular release of approved Salary Standardization Law.
appropriations xxx” 4. If the Judiciary, which was expressly granted by the Constitution with fiscal
a. Since then CHR Chairperson Navarette-Reci a duly signed the autonomy, required to conform to the Salary Standardization Law and is
Joint Resolution, the CHR should be bound by the definition. subject to the scrutiny of the DBM, the CHR cannot be deemed to enjoy a
b. Fiscal autonomy includes, among other things, budget preparation better position than the Judiciary.
and implementation, flexibility in fund utilization of approved
appropriations, and use of savings and disposition of receipts. RULING: The MR is partially granted. The assailed Decision is modified, declaring
7. This Court concludes that the 1987 Constitution extends to [CHR] a the respondent CHR as a constitutional body enjoying limited fiscal autonomy, in
certain degree of fiscal autonomy through the privilege of having its the sense that it is entitled to the automatic and regular release of its approved
approved annual appropriations released automatically and regularly. annual appropriations; nonetheless, it is still required to conform to the Salary
However, it withholds from [the CHR] fiscal autonomy, in its broad or Standardization Law.
extensive sense, as granted to the Judiciary, constitutional
commissions, and the Office of the Ombudsman.
a. Expressio unius est exclusion alterius = the express mention of
one person, thing, or consequence implies the exclusion of all

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