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The Forgotten Skins

A collection of skins for monsterhearts 2nd edition

Rebalances & Designs by Nicholas Francia

“The Forgotten Skins” are a collection of Topher Gerkey’s original Skin for the Skinless supplement written for Monsterhearts 1st
Edition and a few fan favorites that did not recieve updates to 2nd edition. I am not nor do I claim to be the original designer of
these skills. Every skin has gone through some form of conversion or rebalance, through several hours and sessions of playtesting.
“The Forgotten Skins” is a love letter to these skins, and a hope that these skins will help add variety to your next session.
Special thanks to Avery Alder and Jackson Tegu who inspired me to reupdate these skins and Topher Gerkey for creating the
original Skin for the Skinless for which inspired this project. Some skins have been simply rebalanced and look identitical to their
original skins, some skins have new moves, and some skins have their base mechanics completely rewritten. Please enjoy and
remember that this is a free supplement. Please redistribute to your friends and players alike, but I ask that you do so while
paying credit to myself and the original creators. I hope you enjoy “The Forgotten Skins”!

While never required, if you would like to support me you can do so at . I greatly appreciate any
support you give. Thank you all.
Playing the Beast
Repressed and afraid of intimacy. The Beast is the one who bottles up their
passions and whose emotions are so locked away that when they do finally
let them out, they explode with a horrible, uncontrollable intensity. The
Beast’s passion transform them into a beast with killer instincts. However
the Beast keeps a connection to others even ion this twisted and malicious
state. They’ll go out of their way to hunt and attack that teacher who
humiliated them, the boy who they had a crush on, or that person who
got in their way. When they finally do return to normal, the Beast may be
horried but they may also secretly have enjoyed giving into their more base

Your two stat choices when using the Beast bring forth two distinct ways.
One whose feral nature desperatley seeks to make a normal life and risks
letting the Beast loose (Hot 2, Cold 1), or someone who is mysterious and
reserved and believes that shutting everyone out is the only way to keep
the Beast on lock (Cold 2, Hot 1). The Beast can be an outcast afraid or their
own strength, or a social butterfly whose a ticking time bomb. When the
Beast finally gets loose, there will be hell to pay.

Your Moves will shape the triggers and decide how easy it will be for you
to go Feral, but also the abilities you gain while Feral. Taking Tooth & Claw
turns you into a literal monster and makes you to more akin to hunt those
who have done you wrong. While taking Cat’s Eye increases your ability to
give you an edge over people mentally. If you take the advancement that
gives you a gang, you will discover a group of other Beasts who also suffer
from your condition.

The Beast
They were called frigid. A prude. An ice queen. Their friends always thought they
were just too uptight, and that they’d be fine if they just loosen up a little. Have
some fun. But they know the truth. When they let go - when they lose control,
even for a moment - they can feel themselves starting to change. The terrible
animal in them is always roaring at the ones they love, always trying to claw its
way out. And when it gets out, people get hurt. And the worst part? Sometimes
they kind of like it.
Credits The Beast knows it’s nature, it’s being, that it’s dangerous, that it needs to kept
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at away forever. But maybe, just maybe it’s time to let it out.
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Art created by Noeland.
o Beauty & The...
Identity Beast Moves You can spend a string on some-
Names: Blake, Christina, Etienne, Eyes: Intimidating eyes, glacial You get Caged Heat, and choose two one to simultaneously turn them
Irena, Isabeau, Jivan, Natassja, eyes, demure eyes, conflicted eyes more: on and shut them down. Roll once
Paul, Simone, Tobias and apply all the results; you may
Origin: Hexed, drank from a • The Caged Heat choose whether to use Hot or Cold
Look: Pristine, rigid, icy hot, shapeshifter’s pawprint, cursed Whenever you are turned on, your for this roll. On a miss, gain the
sculpted, exotic bloodline, deep hypnosis inner beast begins to assert itself. condition Feral.
experiment You gain the condition Feral, and o Tooth & Claw
for as long as you have that If you are Feral and have lost your
Your Backstory Strings
condition you may use Hot instead human shape, add 1 to your roll
of Volatile to Lash Out Physically. when you Shut Someone Down by
Two of the others have asked you You can attempt to Keep Your Cool frightening them or when you Lash
out in the past, but you turned in order to remove this condition. Out Physically.
them down. Take a string on each Additionally, while Feral choose
of them. two: o Fight or Flight
+You mostly retain your human If you are Feral and have lost your
You try not to have strong feelings shape. human intelligence, when you Lash
about anyone. No one else can +You mostly retain your human Out Physically and roll 10 up you
start with more than one string on intelligence and personality. can pick two options. Roll Cold
you. +You mostly retain self-control instead of Volatile to Run Away.
over your violent and malicious
impulses o Predator & Prey
o You Wouldn’t Like Me If you are Feral and have lost your
impulse control, take a string on
Your Caged Heat move is triggered
Darkest Self Harm
anyone at whom you Lash Out
by intense jealousy, anger, or
Physically and inflict harm.
You are an animal. No trace of hatred in addition to by being
turned on. o Cat Eyes
Experience O O O O O
your human body or mind remains,
only your most primal emotions - When you look into someone’s eyes
lust, fear, anger, jealousy, hatred. • Add +1 to one of your stats. o Scaredy Cat
and gaze into the abyss, on a 10 up
You are drawn to anyone you have • Take another Beast move. Your Caged Heat move is triggered add this option: You know their
such intense feelings for, but your • Take another Beast move. by intense fear, shame, or sorrow deepest fear or secret lust, and add
only means of interacting with • Take a move from any Skin. in addition to by being turned on. 1 to your roll when using that
them is to savagely attack them. If • Take a move from any Skin. information to Shut Them Down or
you can’t fnd someone you know, • You’re in a Bloodline of Beasts. Turn Them On.
any target will do. You cannot
escape your Darkest Self until you
take a life. Conditions

Hot 2 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Sex

Immediately after you have sex with someone, you become
your Darkest Self and gain the condition Feral. That person

Hot 1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Move gains +1 forward when attempting to stop you from your
Playing the Believer
Certain, dedicated, paranoid, out of touch, and a bit unhinged. The Believer
is all about following hunches, taking risks, and somethings being
completely wrong. They pursue the special things in the world in the hopes
that they’ll rub off and make them special as well. Their Obsession drives
them in all aspects of their life. The plot implication of their Obsession
aren’t limited only to them. They are not special because of their Obsession,
they’re reaching for something that’s more interesting than the rest of their

The two stat choices of the Believers are similiar but interchanging Hot and
Cold. Your connection to the supernatural is ever present, do you look at
society with ever hopeful eyes hoping to gain potential allies and
acceptance of your theories (Dark 2 & Hot 1)? Perhaps however you scorn
society for how they denied you and called you crazy throughout your
pursuit of knowledge (Dark 2 & Cold 1)? Whether your intention to protect
society or just for your own personal gain is up to you, and your
motivations behind your Obsession should drive your character as it is as
important as your Obsession itself.

Taking moves such as You Gotta Believe Me, and I Know In My Heart will
allow you to stand strong and fight back against most of the people who
would deny your research as fantasy. Not only does this allow you refute
their claims, it may aid as an important tool in recruiting them to your side.
Trust No One and Precaution serve as means to support breaking the rules
and going deep in the danger when it comes to pursuing your Obsession.

Your Darkest Self represents the dark ends that you’ll go to in order to
prove or find what your looking for. You no longer care about the collateral The Believer
or how many friends you need to bury before you get what you want. You It all makes sense now. The hidden messages, the secret symbol, all the details
built a house of cards that is bound to come down and when it does, it just outside a normal person’s perception that lie just beneath the surface. It
comes down hard. means something, it all has to mean something. You know you’re not crazy, and
once you get the proof you need everyone else will know it too. This is the first
small step in unraveling the whole fucked up mystery.

But remember... knowledge is a dangerous thing.

This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This skin was designed by Learned Knave and updated by Nicholas Francia
Photo by Behind Blue Skies
o Always Watching
Identity Believer Moves When someone is talking about
Names: Sanford, Dana, Jose, Eyes: Distant eyes, wide eyes, dart- You get The Truth is Out There, and you or your Obsession, you may
Mabel, Finn, Chaos, Ruth, Lucas, ing eyes, confident eyes, worrying one more move. give them a String to bust in half-
Alex, Walker, Carmela, Neptune eyes cocked and carry 1 forward to
• The Truth is Out There pursuing your Obsession for that
Look: Haggard, shifty, polished, Origin: Gloryhound, a legacy, You have an Obsession with a scene.
thin, ostentatious, sunday best, close encounter, the people must person, group, location, event or
smelly know object. When you satisfy your o Precaution
curiosity and find something new When pursuing your Obsession, and
about your Obsession, mark
Your Backstory Strings
you’re in over your head, reduce
experience. When you believe any harm you take by 1 and add 1
You have some good evidence that you’ve learned everything you can to any rolls you make to Keep Your
someone you know isn’t human. about your Obsession, change it to Cool. If someone is aiding you in
Take a String on them. something new. When you reveal your investigation, they also gain
your Obsession to someone for the this benefit.
There is one person that you trust first time, they take a String on
absolutely, even if they don’t you. o Trust No One
always see things for what they When you go behind the back of
o You Gotta Believe Me
are. You’ve even shared your an authority figure to pursue your
Obsession with them. Take a String When you preach to the nonbe-
Obsession, mark experience. If you
on them and they take two Strings lievers roll with Hot. On a 10+,
are caught, add 1 to your roll to
on you. they take your side or they gain
Run Away this scene.
the condition Conspirator. On a
7-9, they give you a condition and o I Know in My Heart
choose one:
When you ignore the evidence and
Darkest Self Harm + You take a string on them.
+ They promise something they
double down on what you already
None of them will listen to you. believe, add 1 to all your rolls to
think you want.
Experience O O O O O
Don’t they understand how import- Shut Someone Down and
+ They make a run for it.
ant this is to the world? Pursue Turn Someone On for the rest of the
your Obsession at all costs, dragging • Add +1 to one of your stats. scene.
o Super Sleuth
as many people along as you can. If • Take another Believer move.
you can’t force them, then they’re • Take another Believer move. When you go hunting for physical
just another obstacle on your path • Take a move from any Skin. evidence, roll to Gaze Into the Abyss.
to enlightenment of yourself, and • Take a move from any Skin. If anyone is aiding you, give them a
of others. You escape your Darkest • You’re in an Investigation Squad. String and add 1 to your roll. On a
Self when you come to understand hit, you receive some sort of
how much you have hurt others by physical clue to your investigation.
your obsessive behavior. Conditions

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex When you have sex with someone, whichever one of you is more

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move immersed in the supernatural take two Strings on the other.
Playing the Calaca
Disarming, cute, freakish, and yet so cheerful. The Calaca is the happiest
person dressed in funeral blacks you’ve ever seened, a wise confidant who
gives the most profound advice one moment, writing odes to death and
decay while using a brightly colored pen. Your Haunting Visage might be
horrificially terrifying but that doesn’t change your devious sunny
disposition. Solve the problems brought forth to you and make sure,
whoever they are, remembers your name.

Your two stat choices both have Dark 2 because of your connection to
death itself, and how integral it is to you. But your secondary stat will
shape your actions, are you the party spirit who tells people to accept death
as a new beginning rather than the end (Dark 2 & Hot 1) or do you show
people how cruel and forebearing death really is, a literal spirit of death,
wings and all. (Dark 2 & Cold 1) The Calaca doesn’t capitlize on
oppurtunities, rather it creates them.

Moves such as Sugar Skull and Morte Alata make your Haunting Visage ever
stronger, allowing you supplment most of your moves for your strongest
stat. Pick those moves if you intend to be in your true form alot and want
to get your mileage out of it. Moves like Day of the Dead and Santa Muerte
are wild card that can change your entire pace pace around. Helping people
you care about especially by giving them guidance should be one of your
main priorities. Your story is the story how made other people’s stories
better. Your meddling creates drama but you best believe they’ll remember
you at the end of it all.

Your Darkest Self is dangerous and dark to the say the least, your wisdom
is even more profound and yet cruel. Convince your friends that death is The Calaca
not the end, it’s the beginning and a beginning they shouldn’t wait to get Death is not the end, in fact it is only the beginning. This is what the Calca
started. believes. Instead of regretting their death like that of the Ghost, or just barely
hanging in as a corpse like the Ghoul, the Calaca is the embodiment of living
it as one of the dead. They want to teach others what death has taught them,
impart the lessons they’ve had over the years. They ocassionally begin to miss
the pleasantries that they had when they were alive, but who cares being dead is
Credits However sometimes they don’t want to accept your knowledge or your gift of
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at death and you can understand. If you could see how great being dead was why
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia can’t they? Maybe they need a little push, from your friendly walking, talking
Photo by Ruines Humaines skeleton.
o Morte Alata
Identity Calaca Moves In your true form, you possess
Names: Cal, Catrina, Charity, Eyes: Hollow eyes, gleaming eyes, You get Haunting Visage and choose a pair of bony wings. Roll Dark
Grace, Daniel, Frida, Jack, Manuel, wise eyes, vivid eyes, kind eyes two more: instead of Volatile to run away by
Mercedes, Scully escaping into the air.
• Haunting Visage
Look: Skin like porcelain, gothic Origin: Bone elemental, corpse At any time you can transform into
o Santa Muerte
lolita, deathly pale, painted face, bride, death spirit, neromantic your true skeletal form. If anyone When you help another character
rail thin construct, summoned ancestor witnesses this process, they take a come to terms with the concept
string on you. You roll Dark instead of death or the death of someone
else, mark experience and roll to
Your Backstory Strings
of Cold to Shut Someone Down, and
cause people to Keep Their Cool in Make Others Feel Beautiful.
Someone is actually a long lost your presence. You can’t Turn
Someone On while using this move.
o Day of the Dead
descendant of yours, take a String
When you throw a party or
on them.
o Ofrendas celebration, it invigorates you. You
When someone offers something may use a move from any playbook
Someone has seen you transform-
to them in your name, give them once for that scene only.
ing into your true form, give them
a String. advice on their issue. If you do
Gaze into the Abyss, if you roll a hit
choose one:
+Your visions show what they
must do, they carry 1 forward.
+The visions heal your friend,
they may remove one condition.
+Take a string on your friend.
Darkest Self Harm o Mi Memoria
Your sweetness and humor is a When you take your fourth harm,
Experience O O O O O
mask, you have denied your true depart from this plane and to the
nature far too long. Spent too land of the dead. As long as you
much time teaching others to not • Add +1 to one of your stats. still have strings on a single person
to fear death and not enough time • Take another Calaca move. you may return.
teaching them to embrace it. Twist • Take another Calaca move.
your words and teachings, bring • Take a move from any Skin. o Sugar Skull
forth others to join your black • Take a move from any Skin. You are more pleasant than most
parade. You can only escape your • You’re apart of a Family Legacy. others in your visage, you can roll
Darkest Self when someone to Turn Someone On while in your
teaches you to love life again, or true form. When using this move
when you drive someone to take Conditions roll with Dark instead of Hot.
their own life.

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex When you have sex with someone, ask them if they will always

remember you. If they say yes, treat it as you had used Ofrendas
Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark 2 and rolled a 10+. Choose all three options instead of one.
Playing the Creature
Protective, territorial, vengeful, and hopeful. The Creature is embodiment of
mother nature rising up to protect itself from industrial expansion.
Whether it be preventing a company from dumping toxic waste into a body
of water, turning a forest preserve into a landfill, using animals in
experiments, or hunting endangered species, the Creature will be there to
stop them. A sort of nature vigilante, the Creature has a cause that they will
pursue considering it their highest priority.

Your two stat choices both have Volatile 2 because your naturally pissed off
that someone is threatening your cause. Whether or not you still believe
that humans can be turned around with some prodding (Volatile 2 and Hot
1) or perhaps that they are beyond reason (Volatile 2 & Cold 1), you put your
environment and your cause first before anything else.

Moves such as Cold-Blooded Fury and Apex Predator allow you to become
more monster than protector. Allowing you to take harm they attempt to
dish out and inflict it right back, but be careful once you draw blood you
might find it hard to avoid all out war against your opposition. Songbird
allows you to make rousing speeches and pursue non-violence, with Frog
Kiss being important when your taking that special someone on a magic
carpet ride of your environment.

Your Darkest Self is when you decide that you can’t stop the inevitable and
perhaps it’s better to turtle up and make best of the time you have. The
bulldozers will be here before dawn, so enjoy the last night you have in
your home. Sometimes you find that you cause is properly protected, and in
that case just take up a new cause to champion towards.
The Creature
All that time and energy on a petition - all the convincing, all the seducing, all
the threatening - and what do they get when they present city hall with a
thousand signatures? They throw it in the trash, and continue to destroy their
home anyway. The Creature wanted to do things peacefully perhaps, they
wanted to believe in the good of man to protect something precious to them.

But it didn’t work out that way, and now it’s time for plan b. If they won’t read
Credits the signatures, listen to the protests, or speak at the debates then it’s time they
felt the horror of a pissed off monster. Maybe when the town has been
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at terrorized they’ll finally get it through their thick heads.
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Photo from The Shape of Water
o Eco-Terrorism
Identity Creature Moves When you turn to violence and
Names: Bessie, Blue, Champ, Gil, Eyes: Aquamarine eyes, teary eyes, You get Missing Link and one more. sabotage in order to further your
Jake, Jenny, Laguna, Madison, limpid eyes, wide-set eyes, black cause, mark experience and take
Ramon, Rico, Thetis eyes • Missing Link
a String against someone who is
Pick an environment, you are against your cause.
Look: Swimmer’s build, Origin: Last of your kind, completely adaptable to it. If it’s
olive-skinned, nearly hairless, chemical spill exposure, first of a body of water you can breathe o Apex Predator
surfer’s tan, fishy smell your kind, cryptid, magic underwater, if it’s a cave system You can shed your human skin to
you can see in the dark and etc. become a scaly monstrosity. In this
Additionally, you have a cause form, you take 1 less harm from
Your Backstory Strings related to your environment. You any attack down to a minimum
get +1 forward to all actions taken of 0. You cannot Turn Someone On
Someone who once an ally to your
to further your cause. and can roll with Volatile to Shut
cause. They take 2 Strings on you.
Someone Down.
o Cold-Blooded Fury
You know someone is secretly When you are filled with righteous o Territorial
involved in workings against your anger in the service of your cause, Your environment is also your
cause. Take 2 Strings on them. you can do extra harm when you territory. When you rest in your
lash out physically. territory, clear all conditions and
heal 1 Harm. If someone invades
o Frog Kiss your territory, you get +1 forward
When you kiss someone while in to attempts to remove intruders
your environment to impart the from your territory.
same adaptability to possess for a
scene. Roll with Hot, on a 10+ they

Darkest Self Harm

take to it fine and adapt as normal.
On a 7-9, their body reacts weird
Everything sucks and nothing you and they take either 1 Harm or a
Experience O O O O O
do can change that. It’s time to condition. On a miss, this fails
leave this world, grab the completely and are harmed greatly.
person you care about the most • Add +1 to one of your stats.
and retreat back to your • Take another Creature move. o Songbird
environment. Defend it against • Take another Creature move. When you speak passionately to
anyone and everyone, and ignore • Take a move from any Skin. convince someone to join your
the rest. You can’t make a differ- • Take a move from any Skin. cause, roll with Volatile. On a 10+,
ence anyway. You escape your • You join some Environmentalists. they mark experience if they help
Darkest Self when someone shows you. On a 7-9, you take a String on
you that you’ve changed things for them. On a miss, they take a String
the better. Conditions on you.

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Sex When you have sex with someone, treat protecting them as part

of your cause until you have sex with someone else. Additionally,
Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 treat them as if you had rolled a 10+ while using Frog Kiss.
Playing the Faithful
Judgemental, hypocritical, supportive and commited. The Faithful is
someone who puts their trust in their belief even when they fall short of
their own expectations. The Faithful may lead to questioning the existence
of higher powers, but they also can bring some interesting conflicts with
the supernatural characters forward; especially those with an aversion to
religous symbols.

Your two stat choices both do not mire themselves with Dark, as doing so
would only lead to temptation further down the road. Whether you choose
to preach your word and use your natural charisma to keep to your faith
(Hot 2 & Volatile 1), with a dash of zealotry in the mix or are hypercritical
of these sinners around you (Cold 2 & Hot 1), the road of the Faithful is
about weathering doubt, navigating temptation, and sticking to your faith.

Breath of Life is your most powerful move at your disposal but with having
to tap into Dark, it’s risky and has the potential to harm not only yourself
but the others around you greatly. This move, along with Stigmata and
Unshakeable grant you the ability to defend yourself those who would
tempt you as long as you have a String before hand to spare. If you don’t,
you’ll find yourself drained and having to clear the condition before using
them again. Sanctuary can help with this and any other nasty conditions
and harm you might take throughout your story.

The Faithful is one who can stop and deter violence in their tracks and
avoid those who would attempt to brush aside them. Meant to handle any-
thing thrown at them, however eventually things will break and when they
do it’s going to be biblical. Once you enter your Darkest Self, it’s goodbye
prayer groups and hello smiting the wicked or whoever manages to piss The Faithful
you off. Sure, it might seem unorthodox, but you know you’ll be forgiven in Lost among a sea of ignorance and what they call sin, the Faithful is the lone
the end. paragon amonster the rest. They know the others have no idea what faith is, or
have the humility to commit themselves to anything beyond their petty wants.
But for the Faithful that is ok, it is there job to show them. They’ll preach to
whoever’ll listen and save their souls whether they want it or not.

But your commitments wouldn’t be meaningful without temptation lurking.

Credits Your body screams at you to betray your sacred promises. Your faith may grant
you strength, but it’s not always easy to stand up for what’s right. It’s hard for
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at you to be strong all the time, and something’s gotta give.
This skin was designed by author unknown and updated by Nicholas Francia
Photo by Maria Marchetti We all need forgiveness for something, right?
o Sanctuary
Identity Faithful Moves Whenever you pray and consecrate
Names: Rebecca, Rachael, Noah, Eyes: Sentimental eyes, judgmen- You choose two: a safe place for another, if they
Chastity, Jacob, David, Michael, tal eyes, glimmering eyes, green spend a night there with you, both
Leah eyes • Martyr of you may remove a condition and
When you take harm because you heal 1 Harm.
Look: Cheery, reserved, average, Origin: Raised that way, born were helping or protecting
strong, old-fashioned again, back on the wagon, simple someone, mark experience and
take a String on whoever you were
o Breath of Life
faith, guided by a divine power When you lay your hands on a
helping or protecting.
wounded person and do not have
Your Backstory Strings o Eye for an Eye the condition drained roll with
When someone gives you a Dark. On a 10+, they heal all harm
You watch everyone, practically and you gain a String on them. On
condition, give them a condition in
unnoticed, waiting for them to slip a 7-9, choose one:
return. If you were already going
up. Take a String on everyone. + They heal all harm and you
to give them a condition, add 1 to
your next roll against them instead. take that harm instead.
Someone knows your greatest sin. + They heal all harm and some-
They take 2 Strings on you. o Unshakeable one nearby (MC’s call) takes that
When another PC tries to Turn You harm afterward.
On or Shut You Down, and you do Afterward, give yourself the
not have the condition drained you condition drained.
may spend a String or gain the
condition drained to have their roll When you lay your hands on
be shifted one category lower. (10+ someone recently dead and you
to 7-9, 7-9 to a miss.) don’t have the condition drained,
don’t roll, they come back from the
Darkest Self Harm o Stigmata dead and choose one:
The judgment of the Heaven and + Someone nearby dies (MC’s
When someone inflicts harm in
Experience O O O O O
the divine is upon them! You see call)
your presence, and you do not have
sin and corruption all around you, + You die
the condition drained you may
and it’s your mission to stamp • Add +1 to one of your stats. + Something powerful and dark
spend a String on them or gain the
it out, burn the wicked and cast • Take another Faifthul move. comes back with them.
condition drained to have them
down the prideful! No longer will • Take another Faithful move. Afterwards, give yourself the
take the harm as well.
they mock you for your beliefs. • Take a move from any Skin. condition drained.
You’ll create hell on earth to • Take a move from any Skin.
save their souls. You escape your • You’re apart of a Church Group.
Darkest Self when you repent and
someone forgives you of your
wrongdoings. Conditions

Hot 1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Sex When you deny someone sexually, gain the condition tempted

and take a String on them. When you have sex with someone,
Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark -1 you lose all your Strings on them and remove a condition.
Playing the Fury
Desperate, longing to be accepted and the rage, and constantly pushed
around. The Fury is one that knows rejection and pain well. The Fury
balances their life as depicted in Futile Hope. An engine that drives their life,
ability and most importantly their scorn. The Fury operates around putting
themselves out there, willingly trusting and believing in people even though
they know they shouldn’t, and when they are betrayed they are ready to
massively overreact to the provider of that betrayl.

The two stat choices for the Fury describe two very different but equally
powerful beings. The Fury who when pushed to the edge who physically
lashes out with everything forcing others to feel the very real pain the Fury
suffers (Volatile 2, Dark 1) or the Fury that when pushed to the brink
becomes emotionally numb to everything around them and takes
advantage of the emotional vunerabilities of their fellow teens (Cold 2, Dark
1). The Fury is usually but not always an outcast, but perhaps they are a
well respected member of their community but misunderstood. Whatever
the Fury’s deal is, you can bet it’s going to be a story that doesn’t end well
for them.

Your fellow players will have an incentive to be nice to you and then dump
you, taking advantage of gaining strings against you while forcing you to
lose the strings against them. But their temporary gain is ultimatley the
Fury’s greatest weapon. Being Betrayed is to your advantage since it powers
up all your Fury moves and provides lots of grist for the drama mill. Think
carefully when choosing your moves about what kind of walking
megapsychic catastrophe you’d like to be. Firestarter doesn’t need to imply
pyrokinesis; it’s just a name and can represent any ability that causes chaos
and destruction. Some of the moves are more themed around telepathy or The Fury
clairvoyance than the others, which allow you to enact your Fury in much They never wanted this. They never wanted to be different or special or a freak.
more devious ways. They wanted to fell like every other kid and just fit in. To be liked. To be accept-
ed. Maybe even to be loved. They never felt like it was so much to ask for? The
When you are your Darkest Self, be sure to go all out with your Fury is not a bad person, not inheritantly. However the Fury is drawn to their
descriptions. Your moves can affect crowds and radically alter the abilities by their circumstances. They were hurt, they were betrayed. They were a
environment when you’re in a full-on rage, so cut loose and enjoy your bottle of emotional trauma that has been shaken up one too many times. Guess
revenge. what? Now that bottle is ready to pop.
Credits We always expect those that are pushed around to finally push back. But never
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at like this. The Fury is unbridled anger and power, a teenager scorn. The Fury
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia knows in their being that if they cannot be loved, then damn well they will be
Art created by Youth Ministry feared. Feared by everyone.
o Mind Over Matter
Identity Fury Moves When you Lash Out Physically using
Names: Alice, Bea, Cam, Carrie, Eyes: Desperate eyes, brittle eyes, You get Futile Hope, and choose two your power instead of physical
Charlie, Kim, Jill, Joe, Robin, Will teary eyes, resentful eyes, twitchy more: attacks, you may roll with Cold
eyes instead of Volatile. If you are
Look: Raggedy, unfashionable, • Futile Hope Betrayed, your victim must Keep
nerdy, nervous, beneath notice, Origin: Genetic mutation, Whenever someone acts kind or Their Cool before attempting to Run
frightened government program, confluence accepting toward you, you each Away.
of bloodlines, abused child take a string on the other, and you o Scanners
get the condition Hopeful (which
Roll with Dark to invade some-
Your Backstory Strings
replaces Betrayed if you have it). If
someone you trust betrays or hurts one else’s mind. On a 10 up, take
you while you are Hopeful, lose all a string on them, and they must
You have a secret crush on some-
strings on them, replace Hopeful honestly answer one question. On
one. Take a string on them.
with Betrayed, and roll with Dark. a 7-9, they most honestly answer
On a 10 up, trigger your Darkest one question and choose one:
Someone has been bullying you.
Self. On a 7-9, choose one: + They take a string on you
Give them a string on you.
+ Give them one more string on + Give yourself the condition
you Creepy
+ Take 1 harm from psychic + You each take 1 harm
feedback On a 6 or less, they must answer
+ Trigger your Darkest Self one question with a plausible lie
When you are your Darkest Self, and you must believe it. If you are
your Fury moves are amplifed. Betrayed, do 1 harm to them in
You can affect groups of victims addition to any other results.
in the immediate area, and your o Dominate
Darkest Self Harm destructive powers can affect large You can roll with Volatile instead of
Nobody loves you. Nobody ever structures like buildings Hot to turn someone on by using
your mental abilities. On a 10 up,
Experience O O O O O
will. They only pretended to like o Firestarter
you so they could hurt you even in addition to giving you a string,
more. There’s nothing left for you • Add +1 to one of your stats. Roll with Volatile to unleash your they must follow one short-term
here but revenge, so burn it all • Take another Fury move. powers against your tomentors. command of your choice. On a 7-9
down. Smash everything to pieces. • Take another Fury move. On a 10 up, do 2 harm. On a 7-9, do also give yourself the condition
Rip their secrets out and lay it bare • Take a move from any Skin. 1 harm, give them an appropriate Creepy. If you are Betrayed, also
for the world to see. You escape • Take a move from any Skin. condition, and choose one: give them the condition Enthralled.
your Darkest Self when you are • You’re in a Pyschic Gestalt. + Give yourself the same condition o Just Desserts
confronted by someone who has + Take 1 harm When you successfully Lash Out
never hurt, excluded, or betrayed + Trigger your Darkest Self Physical or Shut Someone Down on
you, or are shown an act of Conditions If you are Betrayed, you may also someone who has wronged you,
kindness that seems genuine. carry 1 forward against them. gain an experience.

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1 Sex When you have sex with someone, gain two strings on that per-

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Move son and give yourself the condition Hopeful.
Playing the Gargoyle
Guardians, protectors, old souls, and reluctant warden of the walls. The
Gargoyle is the stone sentry who guards their domain whether it be a high
school, church, a summer camp, community center, nightclub, apartment
complex, or any other establishment that has a community and regular
hours of operation. The Gargoyle has two concerns: their domain, and the
timer associated with their curse that forces them to back to stone until
sunrise or sunset. The Gargoyle must accept the fact that the life they live is
only half as normal, and unlike most teens at their age their curfew is one
they cannot break.

The two stat choices for the Gargoyle expresses two possiblities of what
the Gargoyle represents. The Gargoyle who viciously protects the physical
grounds of their domain and punishes those who would cross it (Volatile
2 & Cold 1) or the literal embodiment of their domain’s spirit who push
to keep that spirit alive (Hot 2, Volatile 1). The Gargoyle ponders it’s own
existence but does not concern itself about the dark things that lie off it’s
ground or beyond the curtain. The Gargoyle can be stoic but relatable, excit-
ed but also lonely. Their struggle to make the best of their situation while
forcing themselves to be ever vigilant; the Gargoyle faces exhaustion and
depression about their situation.

Similarly, not all Gargoyles are stone statues in their dormant or animate
forms. You could be a sculpture of metal or wood or plaster, a painting or
mural, an old mascot costume or band uniform. Anything works as long as
it’s at least vaguely an anthropomorphic form, and it should be something
that won’t be easily missed when you are walking around looking like a hu-
man. As a Gargoyle you’re tied to your domain, so protecting and helping it
should always be your first priority. Balancing your duty versus your friends The Gargoyle
will be difficult. Warden & Charge allows you to alleviate this and shift your They remember being a real human kid once, a long time ago. Before they built
protection to the individuals of the community rather than your domain it- the school. Before they were cursed to become the guardian of their domain.
self. If you want to indulge in your monster personality, consider Grotesque But after a while the Gargoyle has come to accept the terms of their eternal
and Gullet in order to become the thing of legends. lease. They are in your classes, attend pep rallies, run for student council. They’ve
enjoyed the same classes over and over again, playing the joys of high school on

Credits They were created to bless this school, and they will continue to guard it for
years to come. The Gargoyle is the warning and the punishment to the various
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at thieves, vandals, and other undesirables who would stain their grounds.
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Art created by Blablover5
o Grotesque
Identity Gargoyle Moves You may transform into your
Names: Arris, Belvedere, Cary, Eyes: Hard eyes, suspicious eyes, You get School Spirit, and choose animate form. In this form you are
Chevron, Gable, Garret, Laurel, protective eyes, dry eyes, glassy one more: an inanimate object brought to life.
Rochelle, Tiffany, Veranda eyes While animate you take 1 less harm
• School Spirit from anything that harms you(to
Look: Dressed in school colors, Origin: animistic spirit, From sunrise to sunset (or vice a minimum of zero harm) and you
greyish skin, sculpted face, large cornerstone sacrifce, magically versa) you appear to be a normal get +1 to Lash Out Physically or Shut
mouth, stiff posture animated statue, cursed victim human being, but when your Someone Down.
period of activity ends, you become
o Rival Schools
Your Backstory Strings
dormant. While in this state, you
are an inanimate object and are For the purposes of School Spirit,
Someone saw you transforming invulnerable to harm, but incapa- acting against a rival school or
into your dormant form. They take ble of taking any action. Choose a people associated with it counts as
2 strings on you. domain. When not dormant, you being within your domain.
gain a +1 to all rolls while in your
domain. o Pep Rally
You’ve been watching someone
who seems to have a great love When rolling to Turn Someone On,
for your school. Take 2 strings on o Raise the Alarm on a hit, you may remove a
them. During your dormant period, if condition from them as well as
someone else is in your domain yourself if you are in your domain.
you can assume your human form.
If you are alone, you can still o Gullet
become human, but take 1 harm. If You can vomit a gout of flame or
you leave your domain, you torrent of freezing water. Roll with
instantly know if someone enters Volatile or Hot: on a 10 up, you
Darkest Self Harm or threatens the domain. do 1 harm to your target and they
Nobody else loves this school like must hold steady. On a 7-9, choose
o Warden & Charge
Experience O O O O O
you do. They just don’t understand one:
how important it is. You’d be For the purposes of School Spirit, + You do 1 harm
nothing without it, and you’re • Add +1 to one of your stats. protecting the people associated + You miss, but they must hold
the only one that can protect it. • Take another Gargoyle move. with your domain (students, facul- steady
All those people that had stained • Take another Gargoyle move. ty, employees) while outside your + You miss, but you get a string
this school- they’re all enemies, • Take a move from any Skin. domain counts as being inside your on them
and they all have to be punished. • Take a move from any Skin. domain. On a 6 or less, you miss and they
Severely. You escape from your • You’re in a Stone Flock. get a string on you.
Darkest Self only when someone
shows you how your actions are
hurting your school. Conditions

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, protecting them counts as
protecting your school for the purposes of School Spirit, and

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Move you cannot lash out physically at them for any reason. This lasts
until you have sex with someone else.
Playing the Minotaur
Violent, lonely, and a downright bullt. The Minotaur is one who secretly
longs for friendship and acceptance, easily manipulated by anyone who
knows how to push their buttons. The Minotaur is often used and aimed
towards specific people in order to carry out the agenda of those who
control the Minotaur.

The two stat choices of the Minotaur highlight similiar schools of thought
with different ways of execution. Your traditional Minotaur is hotblooded
and angry ready to punch their way through anyone while being vunerable
to the jests of others, and being as passionate in their love life as they are
in their violence (Volatile 2 & Hot 1). The other path dictactes a Minotaur
who is as mentally cruel as they are violent pushed this way through years
of loneliness and perhaps even abuse. (Cold 2 & Volatile 1).

The conditions associated with the Minotaur are largely metaphorical. In

the Maze represents a way to express that your dangerous attention has
been drawn to them, whether or not this ends in you beating them up is
up to you. Golden Thread represents someone who is in your good books or
someone who you were asked to leave alone by someone worth listening

The Minotaur revolves around inflicting these conditions as often as possi-

ble. Take the moves Matador and Seeing Red in order to easily dispatch your
conditions to everyone around you. No Way Out represents a more super-
natural move that’ll allow you to track the object of your anger no matter
how far they are.

When your Darkest Self break, you got a list and you’ve checked it twice. The Minotaur
Dispatch as much violence as possible and don’t stop until everyone’s been It wasn’t like you to be a bully. It’s not your fault your bigger than the others, or
given an attitude adjustment. are a little slow in your words, or are as they say naturally scary. But the
Minotaur knows it is what it is. They understand that their friends are afraid
of them or worse want to use them. But atleast if you beat people up for them
they’ll give you the time of day. Anything is better than being alone.

Sometimes you regret it, sometimes it hurts you. But getting angry always seem
Credits to be a fine solution. Anything to escape the labyrinth.

This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at

This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Art created by Takao Shigeyama.
o The Matador
Identity Minotaur Moves When someone asks you to beat
Names: Aster, Bastien, Doracas, Eyes: Dull eyes, red-glinting eyes, You get Labyrinth, and one more. someone up for them, you may
Ferdie, Johnny, Manny, Nandi, furious eyes, threatening eyes, treat it as if they had spent a String
Norman, Rosie, Shamala lonely eyes • Labyrinth and mark experience. Give their
When you do harm to someone target the condition In the Maze.
Look: Beefy, sweaty, looming, Origin: Bestial demigod, abused gain a string. You gain +1 on all
shaggy, bodybuilder animal growth hormones, cursed, rolls against someone except Turn o Seeing Red
experiment, anger issues Someone On when they have the
When you Gaze into the Abyss
condition In the Maze. You take -1
about someone your furious with,
Your Backstory Strings
on all rolls against someone except
roll Volatile instead of Dark. On a
Turn Someone On when they have
hit give them the condition In the
You regulary act as an enforcer for the condition Golden Thread.
Maze, on a 10+ the next time you
someone. They take two Strings on would damage you do an
you. o Bestial Lust additional 1 Harm.
When you roll to Turn Someone On,
You recently bullied someone. Take
remove a condition from yourself. o Ariadne
a String on them.
If you do this give your target the When someone with In the Maze
Golden Thread condition. condition asks for your forgiveness
and you comply, take a String on
o Bully that person and give them the
When you use physical force to Golden Thread condition.
intimidate or harass, roll Volatile
instead of Cold to Shut Someone
Darkest Self Harm
You’re nothing but a violent animal o No Way Out
You have a link to people who
Experience O O O O O
and everybody knows it. They used
you like a weapon pointing at their incur your wrath. When someone
enemies. So it’s time, be the violent • Add +1 to one of your stats. has the condition In the Maze you
animal. Track down anyones that’s • Take another Minotaur move. can always track where they are.
In the Maze, and show them how • Take another Minotaur move.
bestial you truly are or find new • Take a move from any Skin.
victims. You escape your Darkest • Take a move from any Skin.
Self when you’ve taken vengeance • You have a a Herd of Cronies.
against someone In the Maze or are
confronted by someone with the
Golden Thread. Conditions

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, give them a string on you and
the condition Golden Thread. They may choose to ask you to spare

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Move one person; if they do, give that person the condition Golden
Thread as well.
Playing the Mummy
Royal, confident, powerful, and fallen. The Mummy is a person out of time
that has lost their former glory with a unquenchable thirst to get it all
back. They are aware of exactly how great they are, and completely
convinced of their own innate royalty. Never questioning whether they
deserve it or not, because of course they do. Only the best of the best will
suit someone with their lofty status. Any actions they take to aquire these
things is justified to them. Selfish at their core.

The two stat choices paint the same story but different themes, the
Mummy can be as glorious as they think they are with beautiful stature
that truly makes them feel like the ruler they truly are (Hot 2 & Dark 1),
however the Mummy can be someone drapped in the mysticism that is
often associated with the lore, a priest or priestess that uses their magic in
order to ensnare everyone around them, forcing them to submit (Dark 2 &
Cold 1).

Taking the move Soulmate adds another whole new field of play to the
Mummy allowing you to pick another character and giving you the task to
force them under you, as your second in command, but your second
nonetheless. Mummy’s Curse deters others from attemping to harm you, and
Soul Eater giving you a powerful weapon to use against those who try to
cross you. The Cursed Artifacts is by far the most powerful move the Mum-
my has in terms of versatility but also is a double edge sword. Use it wisely.

Pursue your former glory, whether you do this through subversion or

directly, the Mummy may attempt to sate themselves with their new life
but in the end it will never be enough. When you finally enter your Darkest
Self, your plan trumps all and it’s time to go to work. The Mummy
The Mummy once had it all. Wealth, power, station, the adoration of followers,
love, magic. They were the kings and queens of old civilizations, at the head of
the table, and that life was good. However something took it away from,
wretching them from glory and leaving them with nothing but darkness and the
cruel tides of time.

However now they have awakened, and while the world has moved, some things
Credits still remain the same. They’ll have their rightful place again, and it doesn’t
matter what they have to do to get it.
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Photo by Helen Stifler
o Royal Decree
Identity Mummy Moves
You may roll with Hot to Shut
Names: Ampata, Ananka, Ardath, Eyes: Haugthty eyes, unsleeping Take Mummy’s Curse and two more. Someone Down.
Cleo, Johann, Juanita, Kharis, Otzi, eyes, dry eyes, heavily made up
Ramses, Xin Zhui eyes, lonely eyes • Mummy’s Curse
o Cursed Artifacts
When anyone inflicts at least 1
You possess a large collection of
Look: Imperious, old-fashioned, Origin: Betrayed royalty, peat bog harm on you, they are forced to
cursed artifacts. You can use these
wealthy, foreign, compelling, murder, sacrificial offering, watery roll to Keep Your Cool. If they are an
artifacts to your own advantage if
powerful grave, frozen solid NPC, give them a condition.
you are willing to endure the side
effects. Each time you use an arti-
o Soul Eater
Your Backstory Strings You feed off the life force of others
fact, choose a Boon:
+ Add 1 to one of your stats for a
Someone has accepted their place with a kiss. When you feed roll scene.
at your feet. Take a String on them. with Dark. On a 10+, deal 1 Harm + Do 1 Harm to someone.
and mark experience. On a 7-9, deal + Remove 1 Harm from someone.
You see someone as a threat to 1 Harm and they take a string on + Give someone a condition from
your position, they take a String on you. someone.
you. + Remove a condition from
o Soulmate someone.
A lover from a past life has been + Treat one roll as if you had
reincarnated. Choose someone to rolled a 10+.
be your soulmate, you add 1
ongoing to all rolls against one Also the MC chooses a Curse:
another. You may spend a String + Subtract 1 from one of your
you have on your soulmate to enter stats for a scene.
any scene they are in. + Take 1 Harm.
Darkest Self Harm + Gain a condition of the MC’s
You have been patient for lon- o Past Life choice.

Experience O O O O O
ger than most civilizations have Whenever you meet a new + Someone gains a string on you.
existed, and now your patience is character you may declare if you + One of your Mummy moves
exhausted. No more planning, no • Add +1 to one of your stats. knew them in a past life, roll with stops working for a scene.
more manipulating. Claim your • Take another Mummy move. Dark. On a 10+, the person’s past
riches, retake your birthright, • Take another Mummy move. life was a friend or ally, take a
eliminate the kin of your enemies. • Take a move from any Skin. String on each other and mark
If you have a soulmate, pursue • Take a move from any Skin. experience. On a 7-9, they were
them relentlessly. You escape your • You’re in a Ancient Cult. an acquaintance, make a request
Darkest Self when you achieve one of them if they take it they gain a
of your goals or someones manages String of you or mark experience.
you to force you into submission. Conditions On a miss, they were an enemy.

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, take a String on them and
give them a command. They carry 1 forward toward any action

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move they take that is intended to benefit you. If they are your
soulmate, mark experience.
Playing the Muse
Misunderstood genius, passionate, and obsessed. The Muse is a savant who
can elevate their skill to truly be called a master, or they could if something
wasn’t holding them back. A terrible injury, disfigurement, or other obsta-
cle prevented them from truly reaching the heights they were destined for.
Both those who cannot do, teach. So the Muse takes on a Prodigy, someone
to pass down their art. The Muse is crazed brilliance manifested directed at
their one chosen student. They’ll do anything - no matter how vile - to see
them succeed.

The two stat choices for the Muse both contain Cold because they are indif-
ferent and hardened to most of the outside world. Whether you approach
furthering your Prodigy as something increasingly violent (Dark 2 & Cold 1)
or perhaps you prefer to ensure to keep your Prodigy under your thumb as
long as possible (Cold 2 & Volatile 1), your moves and your actions revolve
around your Prodigy.

If you wish to eliminate the obstacles around your Prodigy choose Punjab
Lasso in order to give the upper hand as your targets become embroiled
within your schemes and traps. Taking Grasshopper or Scorpion and Don Juan
Triumphant allows you to focus on grooming your Prodigy to become your
eternal love. When your Darkest Self strikes it’s now the time to enact that
plan and whisk them away to the land of your fantasies.

The Muse
You’ve always had an amazing talent, something that could set you beyond the
rest. But the others never could see past your flaws, whether it was your past, or
your own appearance and so you remained scorned that is until you met them.
They got your attention whether it was their own skill, beauty, or just passion.
You knew in an instant that you needed them, you wanted them, and their
success became your own.

Credits You’ll do anything to make sure they get ahead in life, taking out the
oppositon, teaching them personally, or leaving a trail of bodies and bribery. You
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at will become their guardian angel, the phantom behind their genius, the man
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia behind the curtain.
Photo taken by @A_Star_Guardian
o Don Juan Triumphant
Identity Muse Moves When you are wearing your mask,
Names: Abner, Erika, Etta, Jason, Eyes: Broken eyes, hopless eyes, You get Masked Phantom, and you can roll with Cold instead of
Karla, Petrie, Santini, Shawna, Song, fanatical eyes, inspired eyes, jealous Prodigy, choose one more: Hot to turn someone on. Add 1
Winslow eyes to your roll if your target is your
• Masked Phantom Prodigy.
Look: Fidgety, scarred, pale and Origin: Born disfigured, faustian When you wear a mask, no one can
sickly, disabled, well-dressed bargain, terrible accident, targeted perceive your true identity. Other
o Punjab Lasso
by a rival, crippling insecurity players who roll a hit to lash out When you spend time planning
physically towards you can choose and observing someone, you can
roll Dark instead of Volatile to lash
Your Backstory Strings
to forgo all other effects and rip
your mask off instead. out physically. When you lash out
physically at someone within your
Choose one person to be your
• Prodigy lair, you may this move regardless
Prodigy. Take three Strings on
if you have time to plan or not.
them. Give them one String on you. You always have exactly one
Prodigy. The first is chosen during o Grasshopper or Scorpion?
Somebody spins tales of your Your Backstory. If you deny and When you force your Prodigy to
masked alter ego, and is one of scorn your Prodigy, lose all strings make a choice between you and
your biggest fans. Take one String on them and choose a new one. If someone else, they choose one:
on them. they deny and scorn you, they lose +They stay with you, you take a
all strings on you and you choose a String on them, and they add 1
new one. When you choose a new on their next roll against you.
Prodigy, give them a String. You +They leave you, they lose a
always carry 1 forward to String on you if they have any,
furthering the career or fame of and you add 1 on their next roll
your Prodigy.
Darkest Self Harm
towards interfering with or
harming their other interest.
There is only one person in the o The Lair
Experience O O O O O
world who truly understands Your school or setting contains o Toccata & Fugue
your genius and torment, and you your secret lair, accessed through When someone unmasks you for
will do anything to make them • Add +1 to one of your stats. a variety of hidden passages and the first time, give them a String
yours forever. It’s time to enact • Take another Muse move. ways only you know and have and mark experience. If this was
your plan. Kidnap them, eliminate • Take another Muse move. made your own. When you’re done willingly, you gain a String on
anyone who interferes and bound • Take a move from any Skin. nearby your lair and you run away, them and they may clear a
them to you for eternity. Only • Take a move from any Skin. you can treat a miss as a 7-9, or a Condition. If they did this against
when your Prodigy takes harm as • You recruit Benefactors to your 7-9 as a 10, but the person chasing your will, give them a Condition
a result of your actions can you cause. you is now aware that your lair and add 1 forward toward harming
escape your Darkest Self. exists.
Conditions them for this scene.

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2

When you have sex with your Prodigy, they can act as if they had The
Sex Lair move until either of you has had sex with another. If you are

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Move intimate with someone other than your Prodigy, you can treat them as
your second Prodigy until either of you is intimate with someone else.
Playing the Proxy
Victim, villain, slaver, and slave. The Proxy is under the eye of a cruel entity,
forcing them to choose between their own survival or the survival on
others. Aware of their actions some times and other times not, the Proxy
dawns the mask in order to serve it’s master. Their task, to torment the
target that It gives them and bring these poor unfortunate souls closer to
It’s grasp. When their target’s spirit is broken and consumed, the Proxy can
rest easy if only for a bit. Another one in it’s ranks.

The two stat choices for the Proxy allow you to choose a path of a violent
and dangerous being (Volatile 2 & Dark 1) or the silent watcher who waits
among the tree (Dark 2 & Cold 1). With a consistenly low Hot stat, they
are unhinged and the feeling of something being off is ever present. From
their masked alter ego to their increasing paranoia and prey mentality; the
theme of desperation and survival are big for the Proxy.

While you play the Proxy, your information gathering is your greatest toll.
Use the Proxy’s ability to quickly gain strings in order to entice your targets
into the grasp of It. Entice and over experience for investigating your clues,
taking trips into the woods or abandoned houses at night, or convincing
them to poke around in things they probably shouldn’t; then use The Sick-
ness to force them to take their own The Sickness and continuing the chain.

If you take Cryptic Bullshit, try to describe your notes, videos, or voicemails
as disturbingly and puzzlingly as possible. Inflicting the right conditions is
how you can gain leverage against your target and force them deeper into
It’s control. Make them vunerable, your goal is not to break them instantly
but rather wear them down and when they are at their weakest, It will
come for them. The Proxy
It has chosen it’s champion, it’s slave, it’s hunter. It doesn’t have a known origin,
and cannot be comprehended but one thing for sure: It is dangerous. Ever swell-
ing darkness, and living in our deepest and darkest of imaginations. The Proxy
is a plaything of It. The Proxy may not understand why the Sickness has been
passed onto them, but it knows that if it does not play the game It is presenting
to them, than a fate worse than death awaits them.

Credits But the Proxy has a way out, pass the Sickness on and hunt for It’s favor. Every
victim the Proxy stalks and hunt is another few years, days, or perhaps only
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at hours added onto the Proxy’s lifespan. As long as they continue to be useful to It
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia they can survive.
Art created by Catonice
o Am I Interrupting?
Identity Proxy Moves Gain a string when you
Names: Aimee, Alex, Emi, Evan, Eyes: Angry eyes, dead eyes, You get The Sickness, and choose successfully gain access to your
Jessie, Kevin, Noreen, Tim, Tyler, paranoid eyes, sorrowful eyes, one more: subject’s home or their social
Zack veiled eyes media accounts and leave a sign
• The Sickness for them to find. When infiltrating
Look: Baby face, carrying a Origin: Stalked since childhood, Choose one character to be your your subject’s home you do not
camera, clinging briars, gangly, delved too far, created a hoax that subject. You may change which trigger security, or leave accidental
sickly, shifty became true, student flmmaker, character is your subject at any traces of your prescence.
time, but you must have least
o Stalk
Your Backstory Strings
three strings on your new subject.
Everytime you spend a string on When you gaze into the abyss
You’ve been spying on everyone for your subject, It takes a string on about your subject, On a 10 up,
a while now. Gain one string on them. gain a string on them and you
everyone. Gain two extra strings on know exactly where they are
your subject. o Cryptic Bullshit and what they’re doing. On a 7-9
When you Shut Someone Down choose one:
You’ve also been obsessively indirectly, through sending them a + You can see what they’re doing,
recording yourself, and someone written or video message, roll Dark but It gains a string on you.
has discovered and watched some instead of Cold. This can consist of + You can see what they’re doing,
of your footage. That person takes mysterious but meaningful images, but take 1 harm.
a string on you. phrases written in ciphers, or re-
o Masked and Dangerous
curring symbols. Add +1 to the roll
When you are masked, others
It starts with five strings on you. if it’s against your subject.
must Keep Their Cool before they
o Path of Black Leaves can attempt to Turn You On, Shut
Darkest Self Harm
You Down, or Lash Out Physically at
When a character attempts to run
you. If you successfully Run Away
You’ve become desperate now - It away from you, you may spend
while masked, people will only
Experience O O O O O
is closing in, and your time is a string. Unless you allow it, you
have vauge and hazy recollections
running out. You’ll do anything to cannot be run away from. You will
of you.
save yourself, and you know what • Add +1 to one of your stats. always be around the next corner,
It wants. Find someone close to • Take another Proxy move. hiding behind a nearby tree, or
your subject and offer them up - • Take another Proxy move. your victims will find themselves
either kill them yourself in Its • Take a move from any Skin. repeatedly passing through the
name, or offer them up to It • Take a move from any Skin. same hallways and doors without
directly. You escape your Darkest • You’re in a Secret Cult. actually getting anywhere. Gain a
Self when you have sacrificed string on your subject if you allow
someone else in your place or you them to escape, instead of
face the music yourself. Conditions spending a string.

Hot -1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark 1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, make them your new
subject (even if they don’t meet the criteria), and both of you

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move mark experience. This counts as spending a string on them.
Playing the Reaper
Legendary, sought after, burdened, and inadequate. The Reaper has a great
deal of power, but it comes with responsibility and using it to benefit
themselves personally is problematic. Others suck up to the Reaper, but the
Reaper wonders if anyone cares about them, personally, or just their job.
They often live in the shadow of their predecessor. It’s hard to live up to
the name.

The two stat choices for the Reaper present two very different sides of the
same coin. A character who is cruel and very much in touch with their
position as the ferrymen of the dead (Dark 2 & Cold 1) or a Reaper who is
much more in touch with their emotions and very much here to stop to
punch a timecard (Volatile 2 & Hot 1). Your powers of death make you leaps
and bound stronger than most people and other skins, however just keep
in mind the code of the reaper, which is a guillotine that hangs over your
neck at all times.

All in a Day’s Work and Don’t Fear the Reaper allow you to play to the duality
of your nature, rewarding you for just following orders if you choose to
simply stick to the protocol or encouraging you to go off-book and aid in
whatever problems you deem fit. Are you a Reaper because you are fulfill-
ing a debt or an obligation, or perhaps you see yourself as a dark avenger
ready to strike at those that would bring the realm of the Underworld into

Your powers of death make you ever so versatile for every situation, choose
The Reaping and Gate of the Underworld if you wish to play as something
more akin to the Chosen. Choosing to go with Convene, and License to
Depart puts you more on the role of a spiritual medium than your typical The Reaper
loose cannon Reaper. They are the teens with the strange jobs they are always going to, always
cancelling at the last minute because they got “called in”. They might not want
Using your Sex Move not only brings them into the messy business of this job but deep down they know it’s what makes them special. The Reaper is
reaping but may also aid them at their darkest hour. When Darkest Self is a defender, a salary man, and most of the time it’s errand boy. The Reaper is
in effect, you are “fired” from guiding, ferrying, and executing, those powers called in to face the threats to the sanctity of life and death, the Ghoul that lives
should be lost as well. It is important that, without the mantle of Reaper, forever, he’s on the list. That Ghost that keeps attacking the students after dark,
you are just a normal person. they’re another name for the reaping.
Credits The Reaper is an ally to all things living and scourge to everything undead or
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at immortal. Armed with great power, and even greater responsibility.
This skin was designed by Jadanol and updated by Nicholas Francia But sometimes you just need to let loose and break a few rules.
Photo from “Stranger Things”, owned by Netflix.
Identity Reaper Moves Powers of Death
Names: Alexander, Chandra, Cla- Eyes: Hollow Eyes, Normal Eyes, You get Code of the Reaper and Choose two Powers of Death to
rice, Delphine, Edward, Hannibal, Ashamed Eyes, Judgmental Eyes, choose one more move. begin with.
Isis, Rex, Somchai, Yukio Sarcastic Eyes, Nurturing Eyes
• Code of the Reaper o The Reaping
When you call upon your Powers of You have a specially made reaper
Look: Concealed, pale, average, Origin: stumbled on to the power,
Death for official Reaper business. weapon. When using this weapon,
lanky, nervous the replacement, heir to the scythe,
you roll your powers normally. treat rolling a 7-9 on lash out
it’s just my day job
When you use them for any other physically checks against your
reason, roll Dark. On a 10+, your targets as if you have rolled a 10+.
Your Backstory Strings powers work normally. On a 7-9,
o Convene
choose one:
Someone knows your secret, and + Your superiors take notice of You can call for the spirits of the
how to reach your superiors. They your violation. deceased and speak with them as
take a String on you. + Someone learns a secret of long as you possess a personal item
your trade, they gain a String. of theirs.
You know someone who is terrified + You pay the blood price, take 1 o License to Depart
of death and all it’s friends, take a Harm. With a short prayer, you may
String on them. instantly send any spirit, demon,
o All in a Day’s Work
or otherworldly power back to
When you successfully complete a whence they came. If this entity is
task assigned by your superiors or stronger than you, however, you
when you risk your job for must weaken it in order to
someone, mark experience. successfully send it.
o Not Their Time o Alter Fate
Darkest Self Harm When you intercede and attempt By touching a person, you may
You’ve abused your powers too to bring someone back from the clear them of ailments or
dead or perhaps saving yourself. conditions. They are healed but
Experience O O O O O
long and are now fired. Losing the
title and the perks that come with Roll Dark. On a 10+, fate is rewrit- choose yourself or someone else
being a Reaper. You have thrown • Add +1 to one of your stats. ten and they/you return on the willing to gain that condition or
away what makes you special, • Gain the remaining Powers of brink with 3 Harm. On a 7-9, they ailment. You may spend a string on
and now no one will care about Death. only come back to finish their goal. someone who is unwilling to have
you. You will do anything to get it • Take another Reaper move. o Don’t Fear the Reaper them gain it instead.
back. To escape your Darkest Self, • Take a move from any Skin. When someone flirts with you, o Gates of the Underworld
you must resolve and repent for • Take a move from any Skin. bribes you, or attempts to turn You can bring yourself and anyone
your violations of the code to the • You are apart of a Reaper Squad. you on successfully, take a string you are touching to the
satisfaction of your superiors, or on them. If you refuse, they lose a underworld and your headquarters.
when you take on an even greater Conditions String on you. Beware many things call the
mission. underworld it’s home.

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex

When you have sex with someone, they hold 1. The next time
they would mark their fourth Harm Box, they instead spend

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile 2 Dark -1 Move their hold.

Playing the Succubus
Lonely, heartless, public, dangerous. The Succubus is temptation in the
literal flesh: always there to give everyone what they want, to make up for
their weaknesses, to save them the trouble of becoming a better person. All
they have to do is ask. But deep down they know, everytime they ask, the
Succubus takes something from them and eventually they’ll be nothing left
to take.

The two stat choices for the Succubus both have Hot 2, because turning
people on and enticing them with your assets is exactly what you were
born to do. If your looking to play a mega bitch who isn’t afraid to be a
tease and put down those lesser than them (Hot 2 & Cold 1) or perhaps
maybe your more in touch with your infernal side and want to better emu-
late the true legend of the Succubus (Hot 2 & Dark 1), the Succubus has got
you covered. The Succubus relies on buying their friends rather than mak-
ing them. Horde all the strings you can, and keep them under your spell.

Your Infernal Gifts allow you turn the whole tide of the game, the trade
off is you never decide how they get used. Don’t get directly involved with
conflicts, instead play the role of the arms dealer and fuel both sides with
your infernal delight. Take Addictive to help better keep NPCs and other
players under your thumb. Take advantage of the fact it doesn’t require a
full sexual act to activate. Wet Dreams is a powerful tool that allow you to
better manipulate and position for your agenda, but note that while pow-
erful you’ll need to be cunning in order to be in someone’s prescence while
they sleep.

Your Sex Move is going to be going off alot, netting alot of Strings on ev-
eryone you take a turn with and giving you more leverage for your other The Succubus
actions. When you Darkest Self finally comes to light, your not worrying Everybody wants them. Hell, you can’t deny that you want them to. They are lust
about playing a sensitive game anymore. You want to mess with enough incarnate. People come to them begging for a moment of pleasure in the school’s
relationships until the whole social order of the school comes down. toilet, or to help seduce the object of their desire. Everyone wants something and
the Succubus is there to give to them. They understand that their relationships
are based off a system of give and take, and that the people who claim to love
them are nothing more than junkies of their flesh.

Credits The Succubus feeds of people desire and hidden kinks that make them feel a
bit better about their own jostled existence. When their partners get what they
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at want, ultimately they do as well. Mama always said your body was a temple, she
This skin was designed by Ernesto Pavan and updated by Nicholas Francia never said it couldn’t be open for a priced admission.
Photo from Golden Darkness Cosplay.
Identity Succubus Moves Infernal Gifts
Names: Bastien, Damon, Eve, Eyes: Amazing eyes, “a bit off” You get Infernal Gifts and choose Choose two Infernal Gifts to begin
Georgina, Judith, Lilith, Salem, Sa- eyes, otherworldly eyes, piercing one more move. with.
lome, Saoul, Vincent. eyes
• Infernal Gifts o Gift of Beauty
When you have time and intimacy Anyone bestowed with this gift
Look: Boy/Girl next door, chase Origin: demonblood, from Hell,
with someone, you can bestow may spend it to get an automatic
and pure, jailbait, dark and sexy, genie out of the bottle, possessed,
upon them an infernal gift. They 10 when Turning Someone On.
just a bit too nice sold your soul
must be willing. If they accept, you
take a string on them and they o Gift of Might
Your Backstory Strings gain the gift until it is spent. When Anyone bestowed with this gift
your gift is spent, you mark may spend it to get an automatic
Somebody asked you for a Gift, experience. You can bestow as 10 when Lashing Out Physically.
and did something horrible with it. many Gifts as you want, but
Ask them what they did and take 3 nobody can have more than one o Gift of Prescence
Strings on them. gift bestowed upon them at once. Anyone bestowed with this gift
o Addictive may spend it to get an automatic
Someone caught you by surprise, 10 when Shutting Someone Down.
by doing something for you with- When you give physical pleasure to
out expecting anything in return. somebody else; they gain the
You don’t understand but you’re condition addicted to [your name]. o Gift of Knowledge
going to discover why, ask them Anyone bestowed with this gift
o Taboo may spend it to get an automatic
what they did for you and give
When you spend a string to offer 10 when Gazing into the Abyss.
them 2 Strings.
someone experience to do some-
thing against the community’s
o Gift of Protection
Darkest Self Harm moral and sexual standards and
they accept mark experience. Anyone bestowed with this gift
You thought you were using may spend it to counter the effect
o Wet Dreams
Experience O O O O O
others, but they are really using of any skin move.
you. You are their whore, their When in the presence of someone
harlot, their toy, and you always • Add +1 to one of your stats. who is sleeping, roll with Dark. On
have been. Why not be exactly • Gain the remaining Infernal Gifts. a hit, you can see their dreams. Ask
what they all want? You give • Take another Succubus move. 2 on a 10+, 1 on a 7-9:
yourself to everybody and • Take a move from any Skin. +What is this person’s heart’s
anybody. You don’t react when • Take a move from any Skin. desire?
mistreated, because you believe • You have the help of an Incubus. +Who does this person hate the
you deserve it. You escape your most?
Darkest Self when someone shows +What does this person
you unconditioned kindness. Conditions desperately need?

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, you always bring them to
climax and take a String. If you reach it too, give them a String;

Hot 2 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark -1 Move if not, inflict them with an appropriate condition.
Playing the Unchained
Repressed, looking to be freed, addictive, and wrapped up in immense
dysphoria. The Unchained is violent dysfunction wrapped in a package and
topped with a pretty bow. The Unchained has their other self as an outlet
for all their secret needs. Constantly warring between accepting
accountability for the actions of the other, or living the life they always
wanted to. There is no obstacle the Unchained can’t break through with the
aid of his alter ego.

The two stat choices of the Unchained reflect not just yourself but also
your other self. Is your base identity someone who is cold and has
immersed themselves in keeping others at bay before transforming into a
social butterfly of flirting and violence (Cold 2 & Dark 1)? Or maybe your
base identity is someone who is outspoken and slightly vunerable, leaving
your other self as a cold uncaring beast who only wants to hurt others (Hot
2 & Dark 1)? Because of your natural connection to both sides of yourself,
you are naturally immersed in Dark.

Taking Dysphoria/Eurphoria allows benefits for each stat spread you can
choose from allowing you to perform normal actions to your transformed
form’s strength rather than their weakness. Taking Addiction and Unholy
Glee allows you to play as someone who enjoys their transformation rather
than fearing it, but be careful it’s a slippery slope. If you want to make your
other self a truly frightening change, take Your Not Me! for the potential to
turn your other self into a full blown menace.

Play to your strengths of versatility and don’t be afraid to cause a mess,

by transforming there is no problem you can’t solve. Understand that one
cannot exist without the other and balance is always needed. When your The Unchained
Darkest Self you are at your strongest but you are also at your most Most people wonder about the person they should be, doing the things they
vulnerable. shouldn’t do. The Unchained doesn’t need to wonder because their id and ego are
in constant war with one another. All day, every day, burying their real desires
because giving in would mean losing everything - family, friends, and a place
in the world. So they kept their head down, and hated themselves. Everything
feeling wrong to them.

Credits But now it’s time for that to change, have your cake and eat it to. Indulge in
every pleasure you can imagine. People get hurt all the time, it’s a small price to
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at pay for tasting the forbidden fruit, right?
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Photo by Shutterstock
Identity Unchained Moves o Freedom of Consequence
Whenever you transform from
Names: Bruce, Eliza, Fanny, Hank, Eyes: Yearning eyes, dilated eyes, You start with The Formula, choose your other self back to normal, heal
Jackson, Jacqueline, Julia, Marlowe, frightened pupils, bloodshot eyes, one more. 1 Harm and clear a condition.
Mary, Tom smoldering eyes, hungry eyes
• The Formula
o Unholy Glee
Look: Pristine, stuffy, nerdy, Origin: Checmical concotion, You have an other self, this
When you are your normal self
average, tailored, sickly, unkempt, invocation of Janus, mathetmatical alternate version of may look or
and take happiness or pride in the
tendy, hulking, stunning, small formula, sensory deprivation act completely different. It to fulfill
violent or shameful incidents your
your repressed desires. Transform-
other self was involved in, you may
ing in either direction requires
Your Backstory Strings preparation, although you will
mark experience.
always transform back when you
Someone is important to you and o Enemy Unknown
are unconscious. When you
someone is important to your Your other self is a true separate
transform into your other self, all
other self. Give a string to each identity. Neither of you
stats below 0 add 2 to their
person. remembers the actions of the
respective stats and all stats above
2 subtract 2 from their respective other. Track strings as if you were
Someone has accidentally two separate characters, you and
witnessed your transformation into your other self get a string on the
your other self. Each of you takes a o Addiction other when you take this move.
string on one another. You no longer need a preparation
process and may become your oth-
er self at will. Only being uncon-
scious will return you to normal.
When you become your other self,
carry 1 forward. If you go a full day
Darkest Self Harm without becoming your other self,
You transform into your other self, roll to Keep Your Cool. If you don’t
Experience O O O O O
but now things are different. You roll a 10+, give yourself the
are truly free because it is in condition Withdrawl.
complete control. No limits, no • Add +1 to one of your stats.
constraints, no regrets. Use and • Take another Unchained move. o Dysphoria/Euphoria
abuse anyone in your way. Nothing • Take another Unchained move. When you’re transformed into your
is important but satisfying your • Take a move from any Skin. other self, you may roll Hot when
every whim. You escape your • Take a move from any Skin. you Shut Someone Down or Keep
Darkest Self when you cause some • You form a Collective. Your Cool. You may also roll Cold to
sort of unforgivable harm to Turn Someone On or Run Away.
someone your normal self cares
about. Conditions

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Sex When you have sex with someone, your other self carries 1 for-

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Move ward to harm that person. When your other self has sex with
someone, take a string on that person.
Playing the Unseen
Voyeuristic, constantly tempted, and watched by no one. The Unseen is
alone and unnoticed. An urban legend and a phantasm, unseen and usually
forgotten. For some reason the Unseen is gone from this world, whether
she is literally invisible or just unable to be noticed. The Unseen is alone but
they are free, they don’t have to go to class if they dont want to. It’s easy
for them to skulk around and spy on everyone, and go about unchalleneged
by anyone.

The two stat choices for the Unseen set you on two different paths. Are
you a being who is cold towards everyone and out of touch, looking to
torment those for her lonliness (Cold 2, Volatile 1), or perhaps you are the
embodiment a literal urban legend and a connection deeply ingrained with
the Abyss (Dark 2, Cold 1). With a low Hot stat across the board, the Unseen
cannot interact with others to the point were perhaps they have forgotten
what it means to interact with people in the first place. Whether it be the
mystery of tracking down the reason for your condition or learning to live
in a world that recognizes you one moment and forgets you the next.

When playing the Unseen, your main mechanic is your gift as well as your
curse. While you won’t be able to interact with others most of the time,
you will be able to use your talents to gather information and complete
your agenda unopposed. Taking Voyeur allows you to capitilize on this more
and allows you universal prescence in a game. Blackmailer grants you
bonuses on collecting dirt on all the PCs and NPCs within the game
allowing you to rack up strings and free to spend your social leverage. If
you have They’re Not There, think about how to inadvertenly shut your
target down, you won’t be able to directly interact or even leave stuff but
by pushing others you can get to the people you want to get to. The Unseen
They’ve seen every dirty secret that this place has to offer. From the secret
Give into the temptation to do all sort of things since nobody can see you. hookups, to the secret drug users, the murders, the thieves, all of them thought
Your not accountable to anyone, after all. As your Darkest Self, go all out: no one had seen them. But the Unseen saw them. Nobody every noticed them,
create a new aspect of your legend, whether it’s causing major chaos, but they see everything. All the things they do when they no-one is watching.
inflicting heavy violence, or creating a spectacle that they cannot ignore And maybe it’s time they started taking advantage of that.
your name. They will worship you eventually.

This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This skin was designed by Topher Gerkey and updated by Nicholas Francia
Art created by James Green.
o Blackmailer
Identity Unseen Moves When you spy on someone in a
Names: Billy, Cecily, Grifn, Grover, Eyes: Knowing eyes, translucent You get They’re Not There or See private moment, take a string.
Jacques, Kitty, Laura, Lyle, Marcy, eyes, downcast eyes, pearly eyes, Right Through You, and choose one When you a spend a string to offer
Sebastian, Sue forgettable eyes more: experience, keep the string if they
Look: Bad posture, peering Origin: invisibility formula, • They’re Not There
through bangs, beiges and creams, psychic blank spot, cursed to fade You are unnoticeable. No one can o Voyeur
t-shirt that is a hand-me-downse away, someone-else’s problem see, hear, smell, or otherwise sense You may spend a string on some-
you or anything in your posses- one to insert yourself into any
sion. People will avoid you with scene that person is in. When you
Your Backstory Strings being aware of it. Evidence of your gaze into the abyss about someone
prescence is also ignored. Cameras you have a string on, spend it in
You are beneath notice. Erase all
and non-sentient devices can still order to change a miss into a 7-9,
strings that other characters have
record and register you. If you or a 7-9 into a hit.
on you so far.
want to make yourself known, roll
Cold. On a hit, you can interact o Urban Legend
You watch everyone in their When you do something extreme
with others for one scene. On a
private moments. Take 1 string on in order to attract attention, roll
7-9, you stay invisible but can leave
everyone else. Volatile. On a hit, mark experience
whispers, notes, or small indirect
actions. and treat anyone who is affected
Someone inadvertantly showed you as if you had shut someone down.
some very juicy blackmail material. • See Right Through You On a 7-9, gain the condition Urban
Take 1 extra string on them. Legend and treat them as if you’d
You are perfectly transparent.
Nothing including cameras can see shut someone down.
you. This only affects your body,
o Enemy Unknown
Darkest Self Harm
not anything you wear or carry.
You can still be sensed by anything When you are invisible and lash out
Such a bland and boring wallflow- but sight. Interacting with others physically, add 1 to your roll. Others
Experience O O O O O
er. You’re not even interesting normally may involve wearing take -1 to attempts to lash out
enough to torment. None of them bandages, full covered clothing, or physically at you.
know you even exist. What will it • Add +1 to one of your stats. a mask. If your disguised and your o Fade to Black
take to get them to notice you? • Take another Unseen move. nature is exposed roll Cold. On a
Something big. Something bloody. • Take another Unseen move. You can run away as if rolled a 10
hit, you can retain self-control and without having to roll, but choose
Something vile and terrifying and • Take a move from any Skin. make a hasty escape. On a 7-9, you
above all, something showy. They • Take a move from any Skin. one:
are enraged and embarrassed. All + They take a string on you.
won’t be able to ignore you after • You become an Urban Legend. onlookers get a string on you.
this. You can escape your Darkest + You take 1 harm.
Self when someone makes it clear + You gain the condition Urban
that they know you exist. Conditions Legend.

Hot -1 Cold 2 Volatile 1 Dark -1 Sex

When you have sex with someone, give up all strings on them.
They develop an uncanny sense for your presence and notice

Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move you without rolling. This lasts until either of you have sex with
someone else, or until they harshly ignore you.

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