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Sex Move Playing The Sasquatch

The person you have sex with smells Shy, awkward, private, honest. The
like you afterward, and gains the Sasquatch is all about watching from
Condition scented. If they face their the sidelines and having a painfully Everyone around you seems
peers before scrubbing it off, they hard time in social situations. to have it figured out. They
mark experience. flirt and joke and walk
When you're right there, you can around holding hands. You
make others act first by using Musk don't have it figured out.
Darkest Self and Icebreaker. When it hasn't been
established that you're somewhere
When people look at you, you
want to disappear.
else right now, you can watch
Now, right now, it's time to rain
the scene unfold using Hidden In
stones down upon the bullies and
The Scenery. To transition from
the excluders. It's time to wreck their
participating in the scene to observing
precious stuff, to shove them back so
it, use Disappear.
hard that they'll never even dream of
messing with you or anyone ever, ever
Pick Icebreaker or Understanding if you
again. You escape your Darkest Self
want to know people better than they
when you hurt one of those people
know you. However, it's quite possible
more than they've ever hurt anyone
people won't want to be around you
else... and more than you meant to.
after you use these moves on them:
that's part of the tension of having
powers like these.

The Sasquatch
Pick The Long Fuse if you want to
 Take another Sasquatch move. explore a kind of after-the-fact anger
 Take another Sasquatch move. where, after you bottle it up, it comes
 Take a move from another Skin. bubbling out later as rage or self-
 Take a move from another Skin. harm. Oh, and “later” means the next
You find a Secret Club.
Add 1 to Hot (max 3).
reasonable opportunity. You'll see it.
Name Look
Your given move, Musk, will kick in Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3).
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). whenever you sweat around people:
whether it's at basketball practice, Ainsley, Amanda, Bjorn, Cedar, awkward, sweet, tentative,
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
outside on a hot day, or because a cute Donavan, Gavin, Heather, Mouse, more to love, hirsute
person is talking to you. Orion, Shizu
sparkling eyes, wide eyes,
You can rid yourself of your backstory a peaceful name, a hippie name, shallow eyes, sensitive eyes,
Condition just like any Condition. an unremarkable name, a hidden name, forgettable eyes
the name of an outsider
The Sasquatch can sometimes be so
good at making themselves scarce Origin
that they write themselves out of the Circle one:
story. To avoid this, keep your eye out
for things you want to see come true, abandoned, transfer student,
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for: and then take a few steps in from the walked out of the forest,
sideline to give those things a good,
Monsterhearts Second Skins solid push.
was a quiet child, no family photos
Name: Carry Forward Sasquatch Moves  The Long Fuse
When you or someone wrapped in
You get this one, and choose two more: your arms would take harm, you may
negate that harm. If you do so, name
 Musk something that you hold dear - if you
Stats You have a distinct smell, unpleasant
to some, intriguing to others. When
don't destroy that something later, do
Add 1 to one of these: yourself the harm then.
you sweat in the presence of other
Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1 Conditions people, roll with volatile. On a 10 up,
the MC gives you a String on someone
 Hidden In The Scenery
When it appears that you're not
there and they choose: around, you may roll with dark. On
SS compliment you, a 10 up, you're there and you remain
 SS apologize to you, completely unnoticed. • On a 7-9, you're
SS give themselves to you. there, and somebody sees. If they don't
• On a 7-9, the MC gives you a String draw attention to you, they gain a
(Turn Someone On, on someone there, and that character String on you at the end of the scene.
Manipulate an NPC) gives you a Condition, delivered in the
Notes most appropriate way.
 Negatives
 When you really, really want specific
 Icebreaker evidence of yourself to disappear,
Cold You radiate awkwardness and people be it a physical object or something
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) don't know how to talk around you. from the memory of someone with no
When someone speaks to break a Strings on you, roll with dark. On a 10
silence or to start a new conversation, up, it happens. Those tracks are gone.
 you may roll with dark. On a 10 up, • On a 7-9 the evidence or memory is
choose two of these questions for gone, but the pieces don't all add up: a
them to blurt truthful answers to, mystery remains.
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
whether or not you actually ask.
• On a 7-9, choose one question and
 Disappear
during this conversation you both blurt
 When you run away, on a 10 up you
out truthful answers to it.
may instead choose this result:
Dark Experience Points:
SS Who do you want to make out with?
SS What don't you want me
SS you slip from view and remain
(Gaze Into The Abyss) there, invisible.
to find out?
>> advance
SS What do you intend to do?
On a 7-9, add this option to the list:
SS you disappear on the spot, causing
SS What do you wish I'd do?
wild confusion, and the witness
Your Backstory Strings SS What are you scared of?
SS What are you ashamed of?
who cares the most about you
gets a String on you.
SS Do you like me?
You've been a wallflower all your life,
but someone finally noticed you.  Understanding
When you hold someone close, gain
Give them a String.
a String on them.
Someone makes fun of you. What do
they say? They give you a Condition,
Other Moves
and you gain 2 Strings on them.
Sex Move Playing The Wyrm
When you have sex with someone, Controlling, manipulative, brooding, You see what most miss,
read them this: "Choose at least one jealous. The Wyrm is a player of mind passing glances that tell
thing from this list, and for each that games and a dealer in social currency. tales of control. You've been
you choose, describe something I learn It's also a rather complicated Skin, transformed by your aching
about you from our intimacy: perhaps best played by those who've desire for power over people.
SS Give me a String on you, and take played before. They're hard to acquire all at
something from my collection. once, but you can win them
SS Give me a String on you, and take During backstory, you'll be asked
bit by bit, piece by piece,
a String on me as well. to select some PCs to be “merely
string by string.
SS Give me a String on you, and I'll currency” and others to be “treasure.”
promise you anything you'd like. Metaphorically speaking, you use one
SS Give me a String on you, and then to get the other. Your opinions of them What you've changed into -
give me a Condition." can change, of course. you're the kind of thing that
runs the world. You don't
You can't use Bargaining Ceremony to have to be liked to be obeyed,
Darkest Self give away Strings that other people
have collected on you. It's great to
or understood to be feared.
There's nothing so excellent
speak as your characters while sliding
You've become too heady, too lax, too as the delicate flavor
trade offers back and forth on index
vague. You need to dominate one of the of power over others.
cards. A bargain can of course include
people-things that you treasure, let it
objects, promises, and especially
know that it's yours, that it doesn't get
things from your Bait collection. Give
to choose who owns it – you do. You
them a good deal, get what you want,

The Wyrm
escape your Darkest Self when your
and keep them coming back. Try to
treasured thing proves that you don't
keep notes about everyone's Strings
own it entirely, or when you see the
on one another. A tip to keep the story
difference between objects and people.
rolling: after each offer or refusal,
describe a detail about your poise or

subtle movement - encourage your
bargainer to do the same. Name Look
Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
 Take another Wyrm move. Condition examples in Broker are from
moves from the Ghost, Queen, Ghoul, Alister, Bellinda, Donna, Eustace, sharp, dangerous, expensive,
 Take another Wyrm move.
Selkie, Serpentine, Heir, and Firestarter. Midas, Ormr, Tatsuya, Uther, collected, quiet
 Take a move from another Skin.
Take this when those or other Skins Veles, Vritra
 Take a move from another Skin.
with moves that generate Conditions burning eyes, sly eyes, greedy eyes,
 You find some willing
are in your group. Remember to give a sinister name, a name full of teeth, bored eyes, unblinking eyes
Collection Curators.
out those Conditions yourself, too! a coiling name, a name of wealth,
 Add 1 to Hot (max 3).
a royal name
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3).
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). With Where I Want You, the MC might Origin
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3). have another scene occur first, but it Circle one:
won't include you or your obsession.
To frame a scene, say these five things: slept under a mountain, in your blood,
where it takes place, what time of day awakened, enamored with objects,
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for: it is, how many minutes or hours have heart got so black
passed since the previous scene, who's
Monsterhearts Second Skins there, and what's generally going on.
Name: Carry Forward Wyrm Moves  Broker
You're attuned to how people value
You get these two, then choose one: and weaken one another. Whenever
you gain a String on someone with
 Bargaining Ceremony any Conditions named in a Skin move,
Stats Drinking tea, sharing a cigarette,
playing chess, or sitting back to back
such as blamed, one of them, morbid,
Add 1 to one of these: dazed, snake food, like a sister to me, like
are all ceremonies. a brother to me, or moth to the flame,

Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1

Conditions When negotiating a bargain during
mark down 2 Strings on that person
instead of 1.
a ceremony, both of you can offer
Strings as part of that bargain. This  Where I Want You
 can include Strings you have on others, When you obsess about someone, you
or new Strings that you generate on may spend 4 Strings on them; you'll
yourselves. When you're both satisfied, frame the next scene either of your
(Turn Someone On, the exchange occurs. characters appear in. Frame a scene
Manipulate an NPC)
Notes  The Bait
with just the two of you, and until
you've made a move, no one else can
You have a collection of beautiful enter and they can't leave.

things – maybe zines, jazz records,
Cold or old jewelry. When you show it  Jealous Coils
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) to someone, they inevitably find When anyone gets close to someone
something they fancy. They will mark you covet and you act territorial, roll
experience when it becomes theirs and with dark. On a 10 up, both: they lose
 is no longer yours. Also, choose one: a String on your coveted, and you gain
SS they see something someone else a String on your coveted. • On a 7-9,
would like, and when you show gain a String on your coveted, and your
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
that someone the something, coveted chooses:
carry one forward against them, SS they give you a Condition,
SS the time has flown by and it's SS you say something you'll regret.

hours later than you thought.
Dark Experience Points:  Scales
(Gaze Into The Abyss)  Wingman Once per session, you can transform
When you wax poetic about the beauty
 
>> advance
of another PC, that other PC rolls to
into a terrifying beast of talons and
coils. Give yourself the Condition
turn on the person you're talking to. secretly vulnerable. While transformed,
Your Backstory Strings you can roll to lash out physically with
dark, except do as much harm as
Judge each other PC as either you like. When the scene ends, you
“treasure” or “merely currency.” collapse back into your human form.

If they're treasure, describe the Other Moves

moment they caught your eye, and
give them a String.

If they're merely currency, take

a String on them. Read them this:
"Describe something off-putting that
I said to you."
Sex Move Playing The Cuckoo Others' lives are just so fascinating.
That's why you want to walk a mile
Once you've had sex with someone, Playful, jealous, magical, spiteful. The in their shoes... and pants... and
add 1 to your rolls for passing as them. Cuckoo is a clothes-stealing magical shirt. That's why you want to look
shapeshifter. Play this Skin if you out through their
(List them here, and also add +1's to want to mess with other people's eyes, make a few
your outfit list.) relationships and play with gender.
promises with their
voice and maybe
People you've slept with: The magic of Feathers lets you
be partially undressed passing as kiss someone via
someone and have sexual organs like those sweet lips.
theirs instead of yours. You can only
pass as one person at a time, and
when you're totally naked, you're you. Look at that smile.
Darkest Self Guarding the secret of your
You could be
shapechanging might slow down
Somebody is a hack at playing the story. Shredding the Looking Glass
themselves in their own life. It provides a disincentive to uncover you;
grates on you. It's time for you, the it also interacts with Close To The Sun.
understudy, to take that place in
the spotlight; you portray them so If you have Strings that you got while
much better than they do. It's time passing as someone else, they can be
to take them out of the picture, using explained as new things you've learned
whatever means necessary. Replace about that person rather than social

The Cuckoo
them. You escape your Darkest Self power they've ceded to you.
when something they do surprises
you, or someone shows a genuine care With That Good, your impression is so
for them, or you succeed. polished that those interacting with
you can learn something new about

the actual person you're passing as.
Without it, Strings others gain on you Name Look
might be fruitfully confusing. That's ok! Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
 Take another Cuckoo move. Alex, Checha, Coby, Francis, Garnett, sleek, flashy, comfortable,
 Take another Cuckoo move. Using A Little Bird Told Me is like
shutting people down who aren't even Jay, Jamie, Kealoha, Robin, Taylor exuberant, eclectic
 Take a move from another Skin.
 Take a move from another Skin. in the scene.
an androgynous name, tempting eyes, knowing eyes,
 You've got a Flock of Wannabes. an unconventional name, innocent eyes, flirty eyes, vibrant eyes
 Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Facts about real cuckoos
an artist's name, a bird name,
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3). a name of replacement
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Cuckoos parasitically lay their eggs
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3). in other species' nests. The host birds Origin
then raise the young cuckoos, often Circle one:
feeding them before their own young.
If there isn't enough to go around, the foster kid, left in a basket, miracle baby,
host's own children starve. When the from the stars, middle child
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for: nestling cuckoos first hatch, many
Monsterhearts Second Skins eliminate their nestmates by pushing
them over the side.
Name: Carry Forward Cuckoo Moves  Close To The Sun
When someone suspects that you're
You get these two, and choose one more: not who you appear to be, mark
 Feathers
Stats Your magic lets you pass as the person
whose clothes you're wearing. When
 That Good
Add 1 to one of these: While you're passing as someone, if
you're seen wearing someone else's anyone would gain a String on you,
Hot 1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark -1
Conditions clothes, but aren't yet passing, roll
with hot. On a 10 up, you're passing
they instead gain it on the person
you're passing as.
as them - you'd fool their mother and
their favorite hookup. Mark the outfit
 Brood Parasite
 you're wearing below. • On a 7-9, same
When you can tell that someone wants
as above, but choose one:
SS the magic will dissipate if you kiss
what you have, or wants to be in your
(Turn Someone On, shoes, gain a String on them.
or get kissed,
Manipulate an NPC) SS the magic will dissipate if you lash
Notes out at anyone.  Jumping Out Of Clocks
When you disrobe for someone, take
 1 forward to rolling with volatile, and
While you're passing as someone, give
they choose:
social Conditions you receive to them
instead. Physical Conditions still stick SS offer you an experience point to
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) do what they want,
to you. Anyone who takes Feathers also
gets Shredding the Looking Glass. SS trigger your Darkest Self.

 Shredding the Looking Glass  A Little Bird Told Me
Volatile When someone suspects you're not When you blab vicious lies about
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) someone behind their back, roll
who you appear to be, read them this:
"If the enchantment were to be with cold. On a 10 up, give them a
broken, the edges would be very sharp. Condition. • On a 7-9, give them a
 Condition, but some people don't
You momentarily notice a gap in my
believe you, so gain the Condition liar.
Experience Points:
magic. Choose one:
(Gaze Into The Abyss) SS tear my magic away - my identity
is revealed and the clothes are in
>> advance
tatters, but you get scratched up
in the process and take 1 harm,
Your Backstory Strings SS or, shake your head to clear it - it
was nothing." Other Moves
You've stolen an outfit from someone.
Record it under Outfits and gain a
String on that person. Outfits (Mark while passing as)
You can collect more than four, of course.
Someone gave you an outfit so that
you could impersonate them - discuss 
with them and decide why. Record
it under Outfits and you each get a 
String on one another.

Sex Moves Playing The Unicorn
You have three intimacy moves:
Desperate, kind, helpful, good. The
When you lay your head in a virgin's lap, Unicorn tries to be a benevolent
gain a point of Integrity and choose: supporting force in the world, but they You try so hard to help, and
SS give them 1 forward to don't believe in themselves. to be good. But you feel like
protecting you, a foal out on the ice and the
SS roll to turn them on. The Unicorn looks at the concept lake is ringed by wolves and
of virginity as a binary thing. Before your inner warmth makes the
When you kiss a non-virgin, take 1 harm. the game starts, tell the MC what ice beneath you weaken.
universally “counts” and "doesn't
When you have sex, lose all your count” as losing your virginity,
One of the best things in this
Integrity. remembering to account for
interactions between people with the world and not long for it.
same genitals. Before someone has
Darkest Self done those things, they are a virgin. If
your group fades to black instead of
describing the sex acts, your MC will
This is it. Everything falls apart, and
ask questions to clarify if characters
you can't hold it together anymore. It's
have lost their virginity or not. Of
not because everything is too much
course, players still say when their
to bear – just that you aren't good
own Sex Moves occur. Speaking of,
enough. So beg their forgivenesses,
read your three intimacy moves!
everyone you've wronged by being too
weak to help; and show them how
You start off able to gain Integrity,

The Unicorn
sorry you are, in whatever small ways
but perhaps have nothing to spend
you can muster before the final curtain
it on. That's ok. If your integrity stat
falls. Don't seek their acceptance.
is highlighted, you mark experience
You don't deserve it. You escape your
when you roll, not when you gain a
Darkest Self when someone reflects to
point. You define what issues matter
you a glimmer of your own self worth.
to you: start with People Should Never.
Name Look
Both Lesser Beasts and Hunted Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
Advancement externalize the Unicorn's power,
Abdul-Rahman, Abilene, Acacia, birthmark, mohawk, actual horn,
populating the world instead of giving
them agency. If you take either of Aedelwine, Aghavni, Aiko, Ajit, Akash, hairstyle, trick of the light
 Take another Unicorn move.
those moves, tell the MC right then Andy, Astrid
 Take another Unicorn move.
what's cool about it to you. Once play translucent eyes, solitary eyes,
 Take a move from another Skin.
is under way, the MC will control the a name beginning with A, stoic eyes, modest eyes, humble eyes
 Take a move from another Skin.
characters from these moves. a brave name, a selfless name,
 You're accepted by a
Circle of Friends.
a nigh-forgotten name,
a fortuitous name
People Should Never
 Add 1 to Hot (max 3). I Believe In You is for after they roll, Circle some and make up your own:
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3). whereas Prophecies is for before -
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). maybe well before. eat meat, lie, talk back, be selfish,
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3). Origin hurt the environment, break the law,
If you take Blessings, remind the other Circle one: support sweatshops, disobey elders,
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for: players that you have it. Ask about the swear, dance, drive a car, do drugs,
things their characters long for using
Monsterhearts Second Skins your character's voice, too.
magic is dying, hunted to extinction, appropriate cultures, bully, gossip,
survivor, blessed, our last hope misgender people, make someone cry
Name: Carry Forward Unicorn Moves  A Good Person
You get this one, and choose two more:
Spend an Integrity to offer someone an

experience point to do what you say.
 With Integrity If they undertake to do that thing, and
Add 1 to one of these four: You judge your own actions harshly, you directed them towards making
Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark -1 holding yourself to a high moral a third party happier at no one's
standard. You have a fifth stat to reflect
expense, mark experience.
 Conditions this, which starts at zero and can climb
to 3. Gain a point of Integrity when
 Speak From The Heart
SS you take the moral highground
When you have someone else's best
(Turn Someone On, about an issue that matters,
interests at heart, add 2 to your rolls to
Manipulate an NPC) SS you follow through on something
manipulate an NPC.
important that you say you'll do.

You can gain up to 1 Integrity per  Lesser Beasts

When you're near them, animals can
scene. When a move calls for you to
Notes roll with integrity, erase 1 Integrity converse in human speech. Full
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) sentences and broad concepts, with
after you roll.
strange gaps of knowledge.

  I Believe In You
When you believe in someone who has
 Hunted
Volatile just done less than their best, make
There are things that hunt you, things
you often catch out of the corner of
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) eye contact with them and roll with
your eye. When one of them comes out
integrity (& then erase 1). On a 10 up,
into the open, choose:
the roll they just made counts as a 10.
 SS stand up to it and award yourself
• On a 7-9, add 1 to the roll they just
a point of Integrity,
Dark Harm
made. When time seems to stop and
fate hangs in the balance, sometimes
SS call out for help and anyone who
(Gaze Into The Abyss) comes to your rescue marks
believing in somebody is enough.
SS look directly at it and ask the MC

 Experience Points:  Prophecies
When you predict the outcome of a
a question about your hunters.

Integrity  
>> advance PC's intended action well before they
 Blessings
undertake it, roll with integrity (&
(If you pick this, read it aloud.)
then erase 1). On a 10 up, the decisive
Your Backstory Strings
When other people seek your blessing
move's roll will succeed as a result of
and erase a String on you, tell
10 up, or automatically miss, choose
them whether you approve of their
Someone is thinking about taking now. • On a 7-9, as above, but you'll
intentions. If you approve, they carry
something from you - discuss with have to be there to help it along.
1 forward to realizing it. If you don't,
them and decide what it is. You each they take that String on you back.
get a String on one another. On a successful roll, read this aloud:
"A PC may defy this prediction by
Someone's in love with you and has breaking their own heart."
told you about their feelings. Gain 2
Strings on them.

Other Moves
Sex Move Playing The Heir Your family has strong traditions. You've
heard stories about your aunts and uncles:
After you have sex with someone, tell Scared, conflicted, desperate, violent. some of the stories remind you of you and
them about your secret weakness or a The Heir is about terrible sibling your siblings. You all have these little gifts.
peaceful time you shared with one of rivalry and unreasonable parental
your siblings. They tell you about their expectations. They come freighted Maybe your parents even have a speech
relationship with death. with some heavy issues, and require about it. One's gifts should be used,
a mature outlook to play well - they say. And if one's inheritance isn't
mechanically, it's not a Skin for first- appreciated, it should be seized instead
Darkest Self time players, and nor is it structured
for single-session games.
by someone more able to see the value.
Someone more fit for success in
Treason. You've just this instant
To keep the age differences fresh in the Real World.
put the pieces together, and not a
everyone's minds, always say your
moment too soon. There are those They have an expectation that, by
siblings' ages after their names.
who've feigned kindness to you, and adulthood, you'll be an only child.
When you make your siblings at the
you've even let your guard down a
start, don't go into detail. Just give us Either that or one of your siblings
little - but they didn't count on your
their names and ages, and a glimpse of will be.
survivor's instinct. Quickly, cleverly,
what one or two look like. The rest can
before they can retreat or mount their
be discovered later through play. For
defenses, you must strike them down
your sex move, feel free to make up
unerringly. You escape your Darkest
new stuff about your siblings.
Self when your paranoia is revealed to
be unfounded, or when you push away
When you transfer death to one of
everyone who cares about you.
your siblings using Old Family Friend,

The Heir
the MC chooses which sibling is
taken by death in your stead. See the
Advancement Player Reference Sheet for info about
avoiding death - something you can't
 Take another Heir move. do. Incidentally, you can never gain the
 Take another Heir move.
 Create a new Birthright (MC
Ghoul move Short Rest for the Wicked.
Name Look
It's your choice whether you tell Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
approval) and agree who it's in.
 Take a move from another Skin. the other players about your secret
weakness or not. Either is fine. Austin Saylor-Williams, serious, on edge, tired, dirtpoor,
 Take a move from another Skin.
The Condition like a brother to me isn't Baqar al-Kabir, confident
 You've met your
only for use on boys, and like a sister to Bronwyn Joy "Betsy" Bainbridge,
Extended Family.
me isn't only for use on girls. Cain Adams, spooky eyes, haunted eyes, cold eyes,
 Add 1 to Hot (max 3).
Cézar Barbosa, soft eyes, bags under eyes
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3).
In Or Else, the flashback is a mini-scene Donald Buchanan,
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3).
between you and that blood sibling, Hiroko Nakahara,
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
just long enough for you to tell them Liesa Metzger,
Lucille Robicheau,
what to do in this situation. Or Else Circle one:
can't automatically interrupt other Ocella Caecilius
moves. The phrase "blood siblings" hated, favorite, grew up too fast,
here means "can't be used on PCs." a strong name, a royal name,
born leader, consumer
a warrior's name, a biblical name,
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for:
Other PCs can't get Birthrights. They're a name proclaiming ownership
Monsterhearts Second Skins yours alone.
Name: Carry Forward Heir Moves Birthrights
You get these two, and choose one more: Begin with none:

 Old Family Friend  Echo in Here

Stats When you take your fourth harm, fall
down dying. You can't avoid death,
When you want a sibling to parrot back
, who's . . . . . .
Add 1 to one of these:
but you can transfer it to one of your something you told them to remember,
Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1 Conditions remaining siblings. Death, be it as a robed
figure or as a shadow in the door, comes
roll with dark. On a 10 up, they say it
verbatim. On a 7-9, as above, but they
for them instead of you. When you wake sound like you when they say it.
into life again, you're fully healed.
  An Inclusive Family
That is, unless your fourth harm is dealt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , who's . . . . . .
by your secret weakness. Choose one: Characters with either the like a sister
(Turn Someone On,  Oxhorn to me or like a brother to me Conditions
Manipulate an NPC)  Applewood
count as your siblings.
 Obsidian
In that case your next remaining sibling
  Brief Candles
inherits your powers, and you just die.
, who's . . . . . .
When you kill someone, mark
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)  Inheritance of the Eldest experience.
When someone with one of your
Birthrights dies, whether by your hand
or not, fill in that Birthright's circle.
 Pluralize

........................... , who's . . . . . .
Their gift is bestowed on you, and
you've unlocked that power. If a Condition that you're handing out
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) could apply to two people present, give
Harm  Family Portrait it to both of them.
When you remind your siblings that
  Pull The Strings
you're in charge, choose:
Dark Experience Points:
SS gain a String on one of those siblings, ...........................
Siblings that you specify move their
, who's . . . . . .
(Gaze Into The Abyss) SS carry 1 forward to confronting
non-siblings. bodies exactly as you move yours until
>> advance you let them stop.
 Firstborn
Your Backstory Strings When you get someone to attend to  You're All The Same
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , who's . . . . . .
your needs, perhaps combing your hair
or bringing you a glass of water, gain a You can spend Strings on siblings
You've revenged yourself on someone.
String on them. interchangeably.
Agree why and how, and give them 2
Strings on you.

You're afraid of what someone can &

 Or Else
Spend a String on a blood sibling, then Other Moves
will do. Give them 2 Strings on you. flashback to having told them what to
do in the situation at hand. If you told
You have six blood siblings, each with them to do something that kids can do,
a gift that can become yours. In your they're doing it. If it was out of their
Birthrights section, list their names league, or something which might leave
and ages with at least one born each them worse off than what they think
year after you. Gain a String on each. you'll do if they don't - they aren't.
Bronwyn Joy Bainbridge Caecilia Ocella
aka "Betsy" (Ancient Roman version)
(New England Yankee)
Family name first, given name second.
The family name is modified for each sex.
Two given names, the family name, and
Boys have an additional formal name
an informal-use nickname.
used within the family.
Anthony Richard Bainbridge "Dickey"
(Marcus) Caecilius Ambustus
Arthur Lindall Bainbridge "Finn"

Naming The Heir's Siblings

(Gaius) Caecilius Bestia
Calvin Michael Bainbridge "Chip"
(Titus) Caecilius Bucco
David Winthrop Bainbridge "Win"
(Gnaeus) Caecilius Canius
Garrett Scott Bainbridge "Skip"
(Servius) Caecilius Catulus
Henry Mason Bainbridge "Kip"
(Decimus) Caecilius Malleolus
John Brooks Bainbridge "Brooks"
(Tiberius) Caecilius Proculus
John Hubbard Bainbridge "Hub"
(Aulus) Caecilius Quadratus
Theodore Ford Bainbridge "Tad"
(Lucius) Caecilius Varro
William Tawe Bainbridge "Billy"
(Vibius) Caecilius Vespillo
A support document for
Kendall Quinn Bainbridge "Quinny"
Caecilia Atella
Keaton Sloane Bainbridge "Keats"
Caecilia Avita Monsterhearts Second Skins
Parker Morgan Bainbridge "Trip"
Caecilia Fullo
Caecilia Helva
Anne Kimball Bainbridge "Posey"
Caecilia Laenas
Beatrice Margaret Bainbridge "Bea"
Caecilia Lupa
Bethany Louise Bainbridge "Beth"
Caecilia Merga
Dorothy Bettina Bainbridge "Bunny"
Caecilia Regula
Elizabeth Adeline Bainbridge "Poppy"
Caecilia Strabo
India Hastings Bainbridge "India"
Caecilia Taura
Julia Beals Bainbridge "Topsy"
Martha Helen Bainbridge "Mimi"
Mary-Sara Wade Bainbridge "Sissy"
Sarah Peyton Bainbridge "Paige"

This support written by Jackson Tegu with the help and works of
Eric J. Boyd,
Jason Morningstar,
Igor Toscano,
Gregor Hutton,
Christopher Stone-Bush & Tomoko Onishi,
Christian Griffen,
Élise Guérin-Bouchard,
and Jessica Hammer.
Cézar Barbosa Liesa Metzger
Naming The Heir's Siblings (Brazilian) (German)

Armando, Bonifacio, Fausto, Hugo, Bastian, Boris, Dennis, Florian, Frank,

To play the Heir, one must name their Each list is titled with a first-and-last Leandro, Marco, Oscar, Silvio, Ulisses, Juergen, Johann, Nicolaus, Sven, Tobias
six siblings. To support the player who name pairing from the Heir as well Valerio
wishes to have their siblings named in as the culture those names were Sascha
the same culture as their own name, taken from. I've sought names that Ariel, Darci
I offer this humble collection. read correctly with only an American Andrea, Annika, Brigitte, Fabienne,
understanding of English, and Anabela, Beatriz, Bruna, Calixta, Ines, Inga, Kathrin, Melanie, Petra,
Lists are of boy names, unisex names restricted myself to the acute accent. Emiliana, Frederica, Iolanda, Leonor, Sabine
where possible, and then girl names. Madalena, Rosa

Donald Buchanan Lucille Robicheau

Austin Saylor-Williams Bronwyn Joy Bainbridge (Scottish) (Québécois)

Alastair, Dougal, Finlay, Gregor, Alain, Étienne, Francis, Louis, Mathieu,

(Suburban American) (New England Yankee)
Graeme, James, Keith, Lachlan, Olivier, Pascal, Remi, Serge, Yannick
Malcom, Rory
Anthony, Bryce, Chase, Colton, Conner, See Reverse
Michel/Michèle, Samuel/Samuelle,
Dylan, Jared, Kyle, Spencer, Zachary
Cameron, Drew, Jo, Logan, Morgan Frédéric/Frédérique (all pronounced
the same), Claude, Camille
Jade, Riley, Shelby
Ailsa, Faye, Fiona, Catriona, Elspeth,
Irene, Isobel, Morag, Morven, Ruth Alice, Annie, Céleste, Chantal, Éliane,
Brooke, Cassidy, Dallas, Haley, Jenna,
Éveline, Joséphine, Marianne, Mélissa,
Mackenzie, Makayla, Savannah, Sierra,

Baqar al-Kabir Cain Adams Hiroko Nakahara Ocella Caecilius

(Westernized Japanese) (Westernized Ancient Roman)
(Westernized Arabic) (Biblical American)
Hiroto, Isamu, Kenichiro, Koike, Ambustus, Bestia, Bucco, Canius,
Amr, Ghazi, Hamzah, Imran, Khalid, Abel, Abraham, Gideon, Hiram, Jonah,
Mitsuo, Mukai, Noboru, Okada, Catulus, Malleolus, Proculus,
Mahmud, Rashid, Sharif, Yusuf, Zahir Levi, Mordecai, Noah, Saul, Seth
Takahiro, Yujiro Quadratus, Varro, Vespillo
Banujah, Chanda, Faiza, Jihan, Abigail, Delilah, Dinah, Judith, Leah,
Jun, Kohaku Atella, Avita, Fullo, Helva, Laenas,
Kashifah, Ramisa, Maira, Namyla, Naomi, Rachel, Rebekah, Ruth, Sarah
Lupa, Merga, Regula, Strabo, Taura
Suraya, Urshia
Ayumi, Haruna, Hikaru, Hiromi,
Kanon, Kaoru, Saori, Yukari, Yuuko,
Sex Move Playing The Neighbor Sometimes when you watch
scary movies you wonder if
When you scream out someone's name Uncertain, messy, helpless, undecided.
monsters and creatures and
during sex, gain a String on them. The Neighbor is all about making
choices, pushing others into making things from beyond the grave
choices, and throwing themselves are really real. It freaks you

Darkest Self into situations that won't necessarily out pretty bad. But then you
end up in their favor. Play this Skin if just snuggle down onto the
you're not too worried about having couch with all your friends
You feel... you feel like a monster.
the game reward you mechanically, and know that everything is
What kind of monster do you feel
but you want interesting things to be going to be alright.
like? A werewolf, a vampire, a ghost,
happening all around you all the time.
a queen... it can be anything you can
think of. Tell the MC, and they'll hand
Most of the Neighbor's moves include
you that Skin or the closest thing to
something to choose, and lots of
it. It can be different each time. Read
those choices might bite the Neighbor
their Darkest Self: you are drowning
instead of assisting them - that's what
in metaphor. Choking on it. Your body
kind of a mess you are. The moves to
isn't supernatural, but you're gonna
the right of the page are the ones in
take it right to the line. You become
which another player makes a choice.
that Darkest Self.
Hints: make others decide everything
for you, and never settle with their
Advancement decisions. Remember to gaze into
the abyss, even though you're not a

The Neighbor
 Take another Neighbor move. monster.
 Take another Neighbor move.
 Take a move from another Skin. Whenever one of your moves trigger,
 Take a move from another Skin. read the whole thing aloud (except
 You've started a for the list in Nap Fan - it's too long.)

Special Interest Club.
Add 1 to Hot (max 3).
Transparency is very important when
playing the Neighbor. Show everyone Name Look
how to push your buttons. Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3).
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3).
With Mixed Messages, the Neighbor is Hamish, Luke, Margaret, Ming, boyish, hot mess, stilted, easy-going,
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
making assumptions about the other Muhammad, Natalie, Sasha, Sofia, femme
character's intentions. The two parts Vicente, Wei
of it aren't symetrical - if you fail to smiling eyes, confused eyes,
shut them down, that doesn't mean a common name, a friendly name, hopeful eyes, sunny eyes, averted eyes
they're turned on. an unassuming name, a lucky name,
a human name
If you choose Precarious, read the Origin
move aloud. Also, use your character's Circle one:
voice to drop none-too-subtle hints
about presents you'd like, and beg for boy next door, girl next door,
another chance where appropriate. Be newly social, latchkey kid, divorce kid
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for: prepared to remind the other players
about the move.
Monsterhearts Second Skins
Name: Carry Forward Neighbor Moves  Precarious
(If you pick this, read it aloud.)
Choose three: When someone gives you a gift or
another chance, give them a String.
 Last One Picked
Stats When someone special overlooks
you, choose:
 Spooked
Add 1 to one of these: When you run into someone's arms,
SS publicize it and give them they choose:
Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark -1 Conditions a Condition,
SS let them see you crying and
SS you mark experience,
SS they become their Darkest Self.
take a String on them. If it's an NPC, MC chooses: you mark
experience, or they make a hard move.
  Mixed Messages
When you're alone with someone,  Self-Deprecating
decide if you're attracted to them or
(Turn Someone On, When you talk shit about yourself to
not. someone, they choose:
Manipulate an NPC) SS If you are, tell them why you can't
Notes be together and roll to shut them
SS argue and give you a String,
SS let it slide and shut you down.
down, adding 1 to the roll. If it's an NPC, MC chooses: they argue

SS If you're not, tell them all the and give you a String, or they mock
Cold things they've got going for them you and the MC makes a hard move.
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) (to let them down easy) and roll to
turn them on, adding 1 to the roll.
 Home Life
When a monster sees what a normal
  Two Eyes life you have, they choose:
When you take your glasses off, add
1 to your hot. You actually need your
SS they gain the Condition monstrous,
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) SS you gain the Condition delicious,
glasses, so subtract 1 from rolls where SS you carry 1 forward to making
sight matters. them feel human.

 Lucky I Guess  Nap Fan
Dark Experience Points: When you remain oblivious to As soon as you fall asleep somewhere,
(Gaze Into The Abyss) troubling or supernatural occurrences, choose two below for the MC to detail.
carry 1 forward.
>> advance The MC will tell you when you wake
up, and then tell you the details.
 All the Wrong Places SS something has been left for you,
Your Backstory Strings When you help someone you're sweet SS someone unexpected is nearby,
on look for love elsewhere, choose: SS someone's been trying to
You live next to someone; your SS they carry 1 forward to realizing contact you,
bedroom windows face. Choose: that love, SS something happened at home,
SS you watch them through the SS the two of you gain Strings on SS something has been canceled,
blinds and they've noticed, each one another. SS something has been broken,
gain 1 String on one another; SS you had a nice dream.
SS you leave your blinds up while
you change, each gain 2 Strings

Other Moves
on one another.

You made out with someone a while

ago. Gain a String on them and give
them 2 Strings on you.
Sex Move Playing The Selkie The weight and crash of the water was your first
home. There are times you miss it terribly, and raise
your keening voice, and those that can hear are
When you have sex with someone, Confused, homesick, beckoning. Their
moved... closer. You have a removable pelt that you
it counts as submerging yourself in moves evoke homesickness and draw
were born in beneath the waves. When you wear it,
water. Since all oceans tell you their elemental power from bodies of water.
you look just like a seal. And when you remove
secrets, gain a String on someone else Selkies have an inner yearning that
it, you feel raw and beautiful.
they’ve had sex with. other people instinctively respond to.
You’re living on land now, far
The Selkie is a creature caught
away from everything you’ve
Darkest Self between kingdoms. When she removes
her pelt she appears human and can
known; shocked by newness and
possibility, burdened by longing
walk the land as humans do. When
People have mistreated you and made and the tyranny of choice. The air
she dons her pelt she resembles a seal
you an outcast here. It’s time to show moves fast over you.
and can return to the ocean kingdom.
them how it feels to be lost at sea,
Except, if she returns to that ocean
to be apart from the things you have What do they call it?
kingdom, she can’t leave again.
loved, to have parts of your identity Ah, wind.
stolen from you. So you will flood
When your seal pelt is missing, you
the Earth. You will destroy what they
are still able to enter the water and
cherish. And you will take their pelts.
swim as well as a human can. Outer
You escape your Darkest Self when this
Skin doesn’t work, but all your other
place reminds you of home, or when
moves do.
you recognize what you came here for.
Mechanically, it’s great for you when
someone else has your pelt. If you
The Selkie
throw yourself into doing the tasks
they put before you, Their Word will
 Take another Selkie move. provide Strings, bonuses, and plenty of
 Take another Selkie move. interesting situations. It also gives you
 Take a move from another skin. a reason to care about the same things
Take a move from another skin.
You’ve enchanted a
other characters care about. Forcing
them to return it might not be as fun. Name Look
Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
Group of Fishermen.
 Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Your sex move counts as submerging
yourself in water for Body of Water, Bersh, Dominic, Fiona, Jasdeep, John, mussed, bedraggled, damp, sleek,
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3).
as being soaking wet for Siren Song, Louie, Mattieu, Nula, Phillipa, Rowan riveting, unforgettable
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3).
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3). and would easily trigger Salt if you
were crying. a distant name, a watery name, confused eyes, deep eyes,
a name that implies change, glistening eyes, oil-drop eyes,
Outer Skin states that if you return a name that has undergone translation far away eyes
to your homeland, the character’s
story is over and you need to create
a new character. This only applies if Origin
The Selkie returns home to its family Circle one:
and its former life. Merely swimming
around in the ocean won’t trigger this like grandmother,
Revised Version requirement. enticed from the sea by art,
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu breaking the rules about land-dwelling, curious about the human form
Name: Carry Forward Selkie Moves  Siren Song
When you’re soaking wet, you can sing
You get the first two, then choose one: a haunting song and roll with cold.
On a 10 up, all who hear it stumble
 Outer Skin entranced toward you, though a
Stats When you wear your pelt you look like
a seal. Without it, you can swim like
character that takes harm will stop
Add 1 to one of these: suddenly and gain the Condition dazed.
a human, but with it you can breathe • On a 7-9, all who hear it stumble
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1 Conditions underwater and swim like the dickens,
and, if you want to, return to The Deep
entranced toward you until they would
face harm or physical danger, and then
Kingdom. If you do return there, it’s for they choose:
good, so make a new character. SS press forward and take the harm,
 SS or stop suddenly and gain the
 Their Word Condition dazed.
People can steal your pelt, but never
(Turn Someone On, destroy it. When someone withholds
Manipulate an NPC)
 Salt
your pelt and demands that you do
Notes something for them before they’ll
Whenever your tears mix with water,
roll with dark. On a 10 up, choose
give it back, add 1 to rolls you make someone you want to see. They show

in pursuit of that task. If they don’t up, with or without reason. • On a
Cold return your pelt, take a String on them, 7-9 they still do, but they have the
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) and they'll give you another task. Condition drained and they bring
trouble with them.
Pelt Held By:
  Ocean’s Breath
Volatile  Body of Water
When you feel homesick, roll with
cold. On a 10 up, choose one for the
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
Harm When you go a day without
submerging yourself in water, take
MC to detail:
SS the ocean brings forth something
 1 harm. Whenever you submerge that it thinks will make you feel
yourself in water and can relax, heal 1 better,
Dark Experience Points: harm and 1 Condition. SS the ocean takes away something
(Gaze Into The Abyss) that it thinks is bothering you.
 Catch of the Day On a 7-9, choose as above, but the
>> advance
Whenever you don’t understand what’s ocean doesn’t understand the human
going on or what someone means, world very well and causes serious or
Your Backstory Strings and it gets you into trouble or leads unexplainable damage in the process.
you to make unwise choices, mark
You’ve seen someone swimming, experience.
but they either didn’t see or didn’t
recognize you. Gain a String on them.

Someone stole your pelt, withholding Other Moves

it from you to make you their errand
boy. They said they'll give it back. Each
gain a String on one another, and they
say the first task they've given you.

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