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Marikina Polytechnic College

Eng. 211 Survey of Philippine Literature


NAME: _________________________________________________ SCORE: ___________

YEAR/SEC./MAJOR:_____________________________________ DATE: _____________


Directions: Write True if the statement is true. Otherwise, write the correct word to
substitute the erroneous underlined word in the statement. Write your answer
on the space provided.(1pt.@)

1. Fiction works of a fact/theory (e.g. letters, diaries, essays)

2. Denouement is the final unraveling or solution of the plot.
3. Climax is the highest point of interest, in which all of the action builds.
4. Pantomime is a play in which the story is told by action.
5. Puppet play is a play in which characters are exaggerated.
6. In Dramatic Monologue, a clearly defined character speaks, but to himself or
herself. He or She is alone, but the speaker is responding or reacting to the words
being spoken.
7. Metrical tale is a relatively long poem which tells a completely developed story in
verse. These can be the length of a short story or of a complete novel.
8. In Metonymy, a part is used to suggest a whole, or that of the whole for a part.
9. An Apostrophe is an address to an inanimate object, a muse, God or an absent
deceased person.
10. When a poet abandons rhyme altogether & his poem is metrically regular but
without rhyme, it is called free verse.
11. When the poet drops off both metrical regularity & rhyme scheme, his poem is
called blank verse.
12. Settings of stories in traditional literature are specific.
13. Characters in traditional literature have one outstanding quality.
14. Epics are grounded in mythology, and their characters can be both human and
15. The characters in fables are usually people whose actions teach a lesson or
universal truth.


Directions: Supply the correct words that correspond to the given information. Write your
answer on the space provided.(1pt.@)

16. Hud – Hud : Epic – Wedding Dance : ___________________

17. The Magat River: _______________ - What Causes Earthquake: Myth
18. Lamp: Knowledge – Flag: _____________
19. Honesty is the best policy: Theme – Sorrowful: ________________
20. Comedy: Ending happy - Tragedy: ____________________
21. _________: Beyond reality – Plays of Fantasy: Imagination of writer
22. Lyric Poem: Confessional Lyric Poetry - ______________: Dramatic Monologue
23. Irony: “Cry out loud, for he is a God”
________________:“Check out anytime you like, but you can never leave”
24. “The World is an Apple: Metaphor –“My love is like a red rose”: __________________
25. Onomatopoeia: Buzz - ___________: Love- Dove
26. “And all is seared with trade; Bleared, Smeared with toil: Assonance
“The cold, hard diamond was held in her hand: ______________
27. Three sisters, Three wishes: Motifs of recurrent events
“Mirror, Mirror on the wall”: ___________________
28. Good vs. Evil: ___________ - “In the beginning”: Patterns of beginnings and endings
29. Hud- Hud: Epic – The story of Maria Makiling: ______________________
30. David and Goliath: Religious Story – The Turtle and the Monkey: __________________


Directions: Read each item below and Circle the best answer for each question. (1pt. @)

31. What is prose?

a. It is the product of writer’s imagination.
b. It is a long narrative which is divided into chapters.
c. It deals with the life of a person which maybe about himself or that of others.
d. It consists of those writings written within the common flow of conversation in a
32. What is poetry?
a. It is a fictitious narrative, usually about origin
b. It is a formal treatment of a subject and to be spoken in public
c. It expresses the viewpoint of writer about a particular problem/event
d. It is highly imagistic and it is written in condensed language and not found in ordinary
33. What is plot?
a. It means exactly what the word implies
b. It is the manner in which the story is written
c. It is the stuff out of which drama is made
d. It is the plan of the story and sequence of events and actions
34. What is tragedy?
a. A play which the situations are too ridiculous to be true
b. A play which some events of history is dramatized
c. A play which the story is told entirely by action
d. A play in which the leading character is overcome by a trouble of some kind
35. What is a play?
a. It is a story told in series of incidents
b. It is a story that arouse some feeling in the reader
c. It is the gateway into the wonderland of “Let’s pretend”
d. It is a story told by means of dialogue and action on stage
36. Which of the following lyric poems celebrate a specific occasion or praise an object or
a. Ode
b. Sonnet
c. Confessional lyric poetry
d. Descriptive lyric poetry

37. Which of the following narrative poetry tells the accomplishments of a traditional or
historical hero who faces and meets trials in order to aid a race or a nation?
a. Ballad
b. Elegy
c. Epic
d. Metrical life

38. Which of the following literary imagery is used in reference to a person, place or thing
outside of the confines of the poem?
a. Allusion
b. Apostrophe
c. Hyperbole
d. Metonymy
39. Which of the following literary imagery is seemingly contradictory statement that turns
out to be partly true?
a. Irony
b. Metonymy
c. Oxymoron
d. Paradox
40. What is the repetition of identical consonantal sounds, usually at the beginning of words
in close proximity, throughout a poem?
a. Alliteration
b. Assonance
c. Consonance
d. Rhyme
41. Which of the following literary imagery sound like their meaning- that imitate actual
a. Assonance
b. Consonance
c. Rhyme
d. Onomatopoeia
42. Why it is the plot of stories in traditional literature is shorter than any other genres of
a. because the plots are simpler
b. because some parts of the plot are unnecessary
c. because some parts of the plot are not interesting
d. because essential details are omitted during retellings
43. Which of the following is NOT true about stories in traditional literature?
a. Language is sparse
b. Setting are not important
c. Endings are usually tragic
d. Style is characterized by story beginnings and endings
44. What are the stories which are based on the marvelous deeds of either real or supposedly
real individuals?
a. Epics
b. Fables
c. Legends
d. Myths
45. What do you call the stories that recount and explain the origins of their marvelous
a. Epics
b. Fables
c. Legends
d. Myths
Directions: Read the following sentences carefully. Identify what is being described in each
item. Write your answer on the space provided before each number. (1pt. @)

___________46. This is a narrative involving one or more characters, one plot and one single
___________47. This is a report of everyday events in society, government, and accidents, etc.
___________48. It is the writer’s attitude toward his or her subject and character.
___________49. This tells when and where the events happen in the story.
___________50. A play in which some events of history is dramatized.
___________51. It is a poem of fourteen lines, with a prescribed rhyme of scheme
___________52. It is a lyric poem written in memory of someone-often, someone famous- who
has died.
___________53. It is a literary imagery which can directly compares things without using the
word “like” or “as”.
___________54. It is a literary imagery that occurs when the poet bestows human characteristics
on inanimate objects, abstract qualities and animals.
___________55. It is the repetition of like sounds throughout a poem. These sounds become
significant if they are repeated often enough to show a pattern.
___________56. It is an element of poetry which can help to unify a poem by keeping thought
groups together. It exists when words have the same vowel and succeeding
sounds with different preceding sounds.
___________57. It refers to the entire body of the stories passed down from ancient time by oral
___________58. It is a common feature of stories in traditional literature which keeps the
audiences alert and interested.
___________59. These are long stories of human adventures and heroism recounted in many
___________60. These are stories that grew of the lives and imaginations of people or folk.


Directions: In three to five sentences, answer the following questions below. (5 pt. @)

1. What is Literature?
2. Why is there a need to study Philippine Literature?

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