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S.Y 2019-2020

BETTURON: Better Type of Turon

In fulfillment for the requirement

in Practical research 1

Compiled by:

Abenalis, Mylene S.

De Jesus, Chrissa Gail

Gripon, Angelo L.

Isaac, Charlotte Q.

Narciso, Venjo C.

Pimentel, Jethro

Reyes, Bryan
Submitted to:
Ms. Sarah Jane Cabatuan


Our mission is to innovate the traditional merienda snack by looking for alternative and
creative way of making turon; trying different flavors that suit the product and to educate people
about the benefit they will gain from the product.


Betturon is looking forward to create a job opportunity, to give significant growth in the
country and to be recognize in a global market.
SWOT Analysis

Strength Weakness
 unique and new flavor of turon  short shelf life
(Ex. Cheese, mango, etc.)  lack of supply of saba banana
 Assurance of patronizers.  lack of advertisement budget
 Product familiarity
 employees with advance skills and
Opportunity Threats
 can improve the economy of the  unexpected increased of supplies of
Philippine by introducing it in global products
market  large well-funded competitors
 ability to build up a new stall

The researchers have taken into consideration a local food production for business named
"BETTURON". The aforementioned business focused on producing a nutritious and affordable
better type of turon, making every bit of turon appealing yet tasty and healthy to the consumers,
who are passing by Victory Mall and Monumento Araneta Square in Caloocan. The researchers
have decided to choose a business that can help to promote healthy life style. Although the name
of business is unknown by many people, still decided to take the name "betturon" and gave it
some more creative meaning "The Better and Nutritious type of turon". Betturon has many
flavors. The following flavors are Plain, Cheese, Jack Fruit, Mango, Vanilla Ice Cream, and Milk

• Earn up to 10% boost production by building 2 stalls specifically on Victory Mall and
Monumento Caloocan.

• Introduce the websites to foreign participants in International Food Expo by giving

flyers, conducting free taste and creating official websites.

• Gain new knowledge in strategic business through continuous upgrading and

Significance of Study

The result of making this product will help in many different ways:

Consumers. The main ingredients of betturon is banana which has many benefits; Eating
bananas as part of regular diet can reduce risk of death by strokes, bananas are high in b vitamins
that have been shows to improve nerve function, banana fruit also have a ability to reduce the
risk of blood pressure, eating this kind of fruit can reduce the risk of kidney cancer, bananas
contain tryptophan an amino acid that can be converted serotonin, leading to improve mood, also
banana contains iron that helps the body's hemoglobin function etc.

Community. The business will create Job opportunity. The business is already profitable and
has many stalls, it will need a lot of staffs or employees to operate different stalls in different
places that creates jobs for people.

Researchers. In doing this study, researchers can expand their knowledge about starting,
operating, and growing the business in future.

Environment. It can help the environment to be clean because betturon can easy to eat anywhere
without mess. Also can help the Philippines platforms like (clean and green) to reduce using
plastic because betturon will use paper bags instead of plastics.


Turon, also known as ‘lumpiang saging’, is a popular Filipino snack consisting ripe saba
banana rolled together in a flour lumpia wrapper and sometimes has a jackfruit to fried to a
golden crisp that usually coated with caramelized sugar. Filipino Americans with their ancestor’s
culture in the Philippines often refer to turon as “banana lumpia” which sounds hilarious to real
Filipinos. The word turon is Spanish in origin in Batangas, Philippines turon is also known as

Turon Is typically served for merienda a Filipino afternoon snack or dessert. Which is
very easy to make. Saba banana (Musa acuminate x balbisiana) the main ingredient of Betturon
can provide the heart and muscle nerves due to high dose of potassium, can increase the
performance of kidneys and bones, can act as a mood enhancer; is one of the naturally available
vitamin B6. Slices of jackfruit are the normally filling of this dessert. It adds other dimensions
of sweetness. The addition of jackfruit to the betturon is optional.

It is one of the more common street foods in the Philippines, being sold by many street
vendors in both urban and rural areas. It is often plainly served in a plastic and had been eaten
anywhere. Turon is often sold alongside other banana-based snack foods, such as banana cue and
Similar Study

Turon is a popular street food amongst Filipinos. That is why some people are
selling turon that has the same product as Betturon. The following are:

SM Supermarket

The advantage and disadvantage of SM Supermarket to the Betturon. It is famous than

Betturon and it has a lot of branches. SM Supermarket turon is big and they introducing new
flavor of turon that can attract more customer to buy their turon. And also SM Supermarket is
trusted by many people. But some of the turon of SM Supermarket is sometimes not well
cooked, difficult to eat because, it is big and it is expensive.


Advantage and disadvantage of Ministop in Betturon. Ministop is known by many people

as convenient store. And Ministop has a table and chair so their costumer can eat properly. But
not all the branch of Ministop is selling turon. Ministop is a convenient store and people will
hard to believe that they are selling turon.


The Lawson turon and its advantage and disadvantage on Betturon. Lawson is a convenient store
and people don’t know that they are selling turon because, they are not literally known by many
people. And their turon has an ube flavor that can attract people to buy their turon and also they
have table and chairs so their customer can eat without hassle.

Street Vendor

Street Vendor has an advantage on Betturon. Vendors can sell turon by walking around
on their street and vendors can cook turon on their houses or even on their store so they can
easily facilitate their business. And also street vendor has a disadvantage because, it doesn’t have
any licenses or certificate to sell turon or any food and you can’t secure your health.

Management Feasibility

Types of Business

Service companies

Are firms that generally use their employees to provide the customers needs, the
employees should have a professional skill, and how to advice, expertise and other-related to the
products. Service companies are also known as “Service revenues” because the primary source
of service companies is the performance services. Some example of service companies is a law
firm which provides legal advice to the client and school to educate students.

Merchandising companies

Merchandising companies sell tangible products. This company resells the finished goods
they buy from their suppliers then sell it ton their customers. This company earns revenues from
the sale of goods or merchandise.

Manufacturing companies

Manufacturing companies create their own products, but they use raw materials which
processed to be finished goods. Manufacturers employ large-scale production, which made in
manufacturing plants. They can earn revenues from the sale manufactured products. The
products of manufacturer can be sold directly to the customers, retailers and also to the other
Non-profit organization

Nonprofits are tax-exempt or charitable, meaning they do not pay income tax on the money that
they receive for their organization. They can operate in religious, scientific, research, or
educational settings.

Forms of Business Ownership

Sole proprietorship

‘Sole’ means ‘only one’ and ‘proprietorship’ implies ‘ownership’. Hence, a sole
proprietorship is a form of business organization, wherein a single person owns, manages and
controls, all the business activities and the individual who operates the business is called as a
sole proprietor or, a sole trader.


A partnership is a formal arrangement by two or more parties to manage and operate a

business and share its profits therefore, the business owner is called “Partners”. There are
several types of partnership arrangements. In particular, in a partnership business, all partners
share liabilities and profits equally, while in others, partners have limited liability. There also is
the so-called "silent partner," in which one party is not involved in the day-to-day operations of
the business.


A corporation is a business or organization formed by a group of people, and it has rights

and liabilities separate from those of the individuals involved. A corporation is represented by
stocks owned by the owners who called “stockholders, stakeholders, or shareholders”

Cooperative is a private business organization that is owned and controlled by the people
who use its products, supplies or services. Although cooperatives vary in type and membership
size, all were formed to meet the specific objectives of members, and are structured to adapt to
member's changing needs. A cooperative is formed in accordance with the provisions of the
Philippines cooperative code of 2008. The owners are called “Members”
Organizational Chart

Partners Partners
Mylene Abenalis Angelo Gripon

Bryan Reyes

Cashier Cook Turon Vendor Cook

Chrissa Gail De Jesus Venjo Narciso Charlotte Isaac
Qualification for Hiring

 Graduated in Bachelor Business Management
 Minimum of 5 years for managerial experience
 Must have Problem solving skills
 Knowledge about marketing is a must and sales principles
 21-50 years old
 male/female

 Graduate of Home Cookery NC II
 25-55 years old 
 At least know how to cook a turon and know how to be creative
 Male

Turon Vendor
 18-35 years old 
 1 year experience in selling products
 Female
 Strong communication and management skill

 At least senior high school graduate
 20-30 years old
 Male/Female
 Honest
 Attention to detail and mathematics skills
 Comfortable working in fast paced environment

 Male/Female 
 18-25 years old
 Brgy. Clearance
Job Description

 Having enough knowledge and understanding in business
 Have enough knowledge to manage a business
 Know how to control and monitor
 Having a better than average written and spoken communication skills

 Making sure that the product is in good quality
 Designing and improving recipes
 Crafting and creating new and exciting turon
 Ensuring the work station is clean

Turon Crew
 Making sure her hand is sanitized
 Making sure the packaging of the product is good
 Ensuring she is not easily irritated when their is too much costumer

 Knows all about the product when the costumer asks about the product
 Know how to compute right

 Ensuring the all equipment and tools are sanitized and prepared for the next day
Rules and Regulations

Company Policies

 30 minutes late considered as absent.

 Lunch break 30 minutes only.
 Proper dress code wear white t-shirt, slacks, and black shoes.
 Employees are prohibited from wearing clothing or accessories that interfere with their
 No smoking.
 Gadgets or any technologies are also prohibited during work hours.
 Keep the working areas clean and orderly.
 Use hair net and face mask.

Management Policies

 Responsible for everything happens inside the store.
 Should know how to set aside the personal problem to the problem of business.

 Always check the ingredients in making turon.
 Wear mask and hairnet while cooking

Turon crew
 Always make sure to deliver the food to the right costumer.
 If the money is not exact he/she is responsible.

 Separate the equipment’s and tools the ingredient.
 Should ensure the cleanliness in the working station.

Marketing Study

Marketing Aspect

Betturon planned to build two stalls, particularly in Victory mall and Monumento
Araneta square Caloocan City. Betturon’s target customers are students and employees since
there are many schools and workplace around Victory mall and Monument Araneta square
Caloocan City.


Customers will like the product due to the nutrients that they’ll gain if they partake
Betturon. Betturon is good for those people who wanted to be full without spending too much
money. It would be suitable for Betturon’s profit because of best quality product they offer.

Market Segmentation

Age: 5 to 60 years old

Gender: applicable to both Male and Female

Time: 1:00-4:30 pm

Location: Barangay 78 Monumento, Zone 7, District II, Caloocan City


Betturon can supply at least of 50% of population in Barangay 78 Monumento, Zone 7, District
II, Caloocan City. Betturon already compute all the expenses like rent expense, salary expense,
utilities etc..

Population of Target Market

Location No. of Population Year

1,842 2015
Barangay 78 Monumento,
Zone 7, District II, Caloocan 1,909 2016
1,976 2017

2,043 2018

2,110 2019

Historical Data (Barangay 78 Caloocan City)

Based on the data given of Barangay 78 Monumento, Zone 7, District II, Caloocan City
there is 3.65% growth of population annually. The computation starts on year 2015. The
3.65% is equal to 67.

Year Population

2015 1,842
2016 1,909

2017 1,909

2018 2,043

2019 2,110

Survey Questionnaire

1. How often you eat Saba banana?

 Everyday  Often
 Occasionally  Oftentimes

2. How often you eat turon?

 Everyday  Often
 Occasionally  Oftentimes

3. What flavor of turon have you eaten yet?

 Chocolate  Milk

 Mango  Others

4. As a customer, what kind of turon do you prefer?

 With Cheese  With Jackfruit

 With Chocolate  With Ube

5. How much are you willing to pay for Betturon?

 15 pesos  25 pesos

 20 pesos  30 pesos

6. Would you rather explore the new taste of turon?

 Yes, why not

 Stick with original turon

7. Flavor would you like to add in betturon?

 Vanilla  Cheese
 Ube  Chocolate

8. What time you prefer to buy betturon?

 7:00-8:00 am
 11:00-12:00 am
 1:00-4:00 pm
 5:00-7:00 pm

9. Do you prefer to eat turon in afternoon


 Yes, as always
 No, I rather eat other famous food

10. Where you wanted to put the product

you bought in Betturon?

 Plastic
 Paper
Price Rate

Product Price
Plain turon P15

Mango turon P25

Vanilla ice cream turon P30

Milk chocolate turon P20

Cheese flavor turon P20

Product Description

Product Description
Plain Ingredients
3 pieces bananas saba or plantains, cut in half
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 pieces lumpia wrapper
Betturon 2 cups cooking oil
1/4 cup jackfruit
Betturon Cheese flavor Ingredients
3 pieces bananas saba or plantains, cut in half
125 gram of cheese
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 pieces lumpia wrapper
2 cups cooking oil
Betturon Mango flavor Ingredients
3 pieces bananas saba or plantains, cut in half
1 pcs. Ripe Mango
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 pieces lumpia wrapper
2 cups cooking oil
Betturon Vanilla ice cream flavor Ingredients
3 pieces bananas saba or plantains, cut in half
2 scoop of vanilla ice cream
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 pieces lumpia wrapper
2 cups cooking oil
Betturon Milk Chocolate flavor Ingredients
3 pieces bananas saba or plantains, cut in half
1/4 cup chocolate syrup
¼ cup condensed milk
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 pieces lumpia wrapper
2 cups cooking oil
Marketing Strategy


Betturon is going to use poster as marketing strategy to promote the Betturon. It will
help the Betturon to notice easily because of the size of the poster and it will be post in front of
the store.

Buy 6 get
P15 1 free

“Better type of Turon”
Gantt chart

Description Planning Planning, Business Permit Buying of Hiring Promotion Buying

for Gathering and Stall Utensils Employees and Ingredients
business Finances Construction and advertisement Opening of
Equipment the











Betturon will produce flyers to be given to the costumer so they are aware about Betturon
and to know the business offers.

“Better type of

Located at Brgy. 78
Monumento Zone 7,District II,
Caloocan City
Social Media (Facebook page)

Customers can like Betturon page and they can see the entire product selling of Betturon.

 SM Supermarket

 Lawson

 Ministop

 Street vendors

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