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Mantra transformational power!

mantra can fix, modify, change, all things , 

there are so many mantras, i would like to write about shreem

our economy is not yet spiritual, when nesara is , if it is , then it shall

what we are taught, compete, work hard, but those who are wealthy
usually do not work as hard as those who work FOR them, who get
LESS money , this is not fair as a capitalist system that does not include
socialism will create mandatory pockets of starvation . and exploitation

one person put it this way , lets say there is only 1 hockey puck, and you
lend it out , then charge interest, now you can lend out 3 -4 hockey
pucks, and you crate a never ending stream of inflation wherein the
money you are issuing does not exist at all, and so you are the only one


shreem is a solution to all financial situations

what do you have that is better than getting very wealthy , very happy ,
full of joy , health, friendships, abundance, family miracles, and such ? i
take a day off and say shreem all of the day long , 
say it abotu 3-4 times a second, 
turn it into a happy song

you will have great dreams, and perhaps some money miracles, shreem
is the energy of sattvic abundance , meaning it will come in good ways. 

this is what a mantra is for, and a sabbath as well, have a sabbath,

saturday , sunday , every day , for your mantra meditation and keep the
mantra going and going and going and going, and watch as life changes
in the beginning was the word.....


This post is about abundance. Lakshmi is a sentient form of

consciousness. With my blog I aspire to write about only what I have
experienced and seen through to be truthful, without copying or pasting
information. This separates the information you see here from many
styles of information. More will be said on this in another entry.

Lakshmi has many mantras. Her function and service

is sattvic  abundance. Lakshmi does not bring wealth in negative
circumstances nor does she bring about situations in which one is not
satisfied within. Lakshmi is seen as the energy of manifestation of
Vishnu, the preserver of the universe. She is seen as his wife and
consort. She is said to herald in abundance of education, enlightenment,
manners, virtue, wisdom, righteous fame and status within society ,
money, food, and many other things.
What does Lakshmi do for you ?
For one thing I have had a few clues given to me by Providence as to
what this mantra will do in my life. One time I went to a gas station and
woman in all pink was radiant with love and so eager to help me,
another tim eI was driving away from my grandparents home after a
visit and a little girl in pink ran outside to wave at me as if she knew my
vibrations and energy as an awakening soul, and as if to confirm " See
this nice house I live in with a nice family ? You will have this. "

lets be clear. Work and money are not equal. That is a trick. Children in
slave shops work very very hard and they get almost nothing. The best
use of society is to give everyone a base of abundance to work with, and
either give them extra capital for their efforts, or to create a system as
prophesized by Edward Bellany in his book Looking Backward. We are
all equal as long as we contribute our TALENTS, if we do not do that
then we serve illusions, lies, fear, stress, fret of lack and poverty , to get
MONEY, which is only a piece of paper just as valuable as a leaf on a
tree, and less so .

This serving money instead of offering our true gift is the cause of great
suffering in the world. Lakshmi surely will help people have enough and
hopefully a great abundance. Wealth may be secondary to love and
enlightenment but it is a noble thing to have an abundance of as long as
the first two come highest.

For example determine to say 1 million Lakshmi mantras , 1008 a day

this will take only a few years. You went to school and most of it was
redundant, you learned basic skills then had to do them over and over
again That took years of your life, imagine what 1 million repetitions of
a form of GOD manifesting as infinite bounty will do for you !

If you become a millionaire through her grace then surely you can help
to feed some of the hungry people, where right now you can't. Think
about the possibilities.

do mantra in free time and attain EVERYTHING

do manra every day
in your free time
on the computer
watching tv
out loud
what is your desire ?
kleem magnetises desires to you in love, relationships, jobs, charming
shreem - gives you divine abundance and incredible gentle love and
Shreem, Lakshmi Maa
Shreem - This is the seed mantra for Maha Lakshmi…the cosmic sound
of The Great Mother of Abundance. This is the seed sound connected to
Her and if you were not able to chant the other mantras and only
chanted Shreem, it would please Her immensely. In track 2 of the
Prosperity Mantras CD, the chorus and I alternate between
chanting Shreem and Lakshmi Maa…2 ways of calling out to Maha
Lakshmi, the remover of material and spiritual poverty. When you
chant Shreem, you can hold the sound of the “ee” and the
“mmmmmmmm” just as people often do with the sound of
Lakshmi Maa - is the Compassionate Mother who is ever ready to
bestow countless blessings upon us. I prefer to address Her as Lakshmi
Maa or Maa Lakshmi because my relationship with Her is one of being
Her child. I know She must take care of me and I call out to Her lovingly
to hear me, see me and bestow Her Grace upon Sacred Peace Center so
it can flourish.

So implore Lakshmi Maa with a child’s heart, knowing you are speaking
to your primordial Mother and that She is listening with a kind heart.  
(pronounced Shreem) is a mantra of love, devotion and beauty, relating
to Lakshmi, the Goddess of Beauty and divine grace. Yet SHREEM
works at a deeper level than merely to give us the good things of life,
including health. It takes us to the heart and gives faith and steadiness
to our emotional nature. SHREEM
allows us to surrender to, take refuge in, or be immersed in whatever
we offer the mantra to. It is the mantra of beauty and delight and has a
pleasing lunar quality. It also relates to the head and can be used to
flood the senses with divine beauty and delight. It promotes health and
aids in fertility and rejuvenation.
In Vedic terms SHReeM is a Soma mantra. It gives love, joy, bliss,
beauty and delight. It has the light of the Moon and governs the mind
and the realm between the atmosphere and heaven. It purifies and
integrates the various aspects of our nature and renders them into

Hi all,
The Kleem mantra (spelled Klim) has been discussed in this forum
before. Basically, people (men specifically) are using this mantra to
attract women or love into their life. However, there is much much more
to this bija mantra.
For example, worship this syllable enough, and Krishna can grant you
emancipation from the cycle of rebirth.
Below is an excerpt from David Frawley's new book, "Mantra Yoga and
the Primal Sound":
"...Klim has a magnetic quality that draws things to us. It can also be
used to hold or fix things in place.”

Klim carries the Akarshana Shakti or the 'power of attraction'. It relates
to Krishna, who grants bliss as a deity, and to Sundari, the Goddess of
love and beauty. Klim is the seed mantra of desire (Kama Bija) and
helps us to achieve our true wishes in life. Klim can be used relative to
any deity we would like to access to fulfill our wishes. Klim is the
mantra of love and devotion, increasing the love energy within our
hearts. For this reason, it is one of the most benefic mantras, and one of
the safest and most widely used.
Relative to Aruveda, Klim is mainly a Kapha (water)-promoting mantra
and is particularly good for the reproductive system and for the plasma
and skin... It strengthens the immune system and brings contentment to
the entire being. Klim is not specifically an astrological mantra, but is
sometimes used for Venus or the Moon. For Vastu, it can bring the
energy of Divine love and beauty into the dwelling.

Klim can have a harsh side as well. It can be used to fix, to stop or nail
down, or to hold things under the power of wishes, though such usage is
not as common as its benefic application." 
I am frequently asked several questions about relationships:
1) Are relationships important for everyone?
The need for relationship varies from person to person. Generally
speaking relationship is karmic. The gender attraction is the collective
karma of life itself. You see it in the plant kingdom, animal kingdom and
among human. Human beings dramatize relationship.
2) How can I attract the right person?
Mr. Right and Ms. Right simply don't exist. Everyone is a combination
of good and bad. You have to find out what you can live with or put up
with. As regards attraction, it is simple. You can use mantras and
chants. KLEEM is the mantra for attracting relationship.
3) I just broke up with my boyfriend/girlfriend. The pain is unbearable.
Is there a solution?
The pain resulting from loss/separation/divorce/death is really intense.
A certain amount of grieving is indispensable. Practice the One Minute
Meditation. It will give you peace of mind and heal your heart.
Hello there,
Armaan Y Chopra here from india ..accidentally bumped into ur site
and found ur explanation for SHREEM mantra to be good. I started
chanting it. its been 45 days now, MIRACULOUS CHANGES HAVE
UNIMAGINABLE... problems which used to bother me before dont
5) How can I get rid of an obsessive relationship?
Every relationship, to a degree, is obsessive. The obsessive part is due
to karma that brings two people together. Once the karma is done, the
obsession is gone. Then you will celebrate your aloneness as much as
you do being with another.
Learning Compatibility in Relationships

Vedic astrology is deep into relationship compatibility that you can

check before you get involved. Astrology is not superstition, and in my
opinion, it is God's gift to humanity to help us.
You are a social being, and it is terribly, terribly important that you
develop interpersonal relationship skills. If there is one principle that I
want to emphasize for success in your personal life, or business life, it is
the importance of having very good interpersonal relationships.
The bottom line in learning to create a good relationship is that you
should not carry on your judgments about the other person. Every
moment is new, and you should be willing to look at that person in a
different way. And even if that person is a scoundrel, you pretend as if
there are no problems between you. Then you not only pretend but you
believe that is true. And then you will find that things do change. You
cannot change the other person. You can only change yourself. So, let
the other person do whatever he or she wants to do. As far as you are
concerned, this is what you are going to do. You are going to be open,
you are going to be friendly, and you are not going to be judging. Or,
even if you judge, that will disappear in the next moment and then you
are open. And then you go on with your life.
This is an important idea to absorb. Every moment is new. Every
moment can open to a new reality.
Becoming Love to be More Loving

God will eventually make you understand that you are God. When you
become God, then there will be no animosity, finger pointing, abuse,
hatred or anger. You will just be love, You will love everyone
unconditionally and not because both of you scratch each other's back,
although that may appear to be kind of nice.
You may reply back to God: 'God, that's all fine. But do you have a
remedy for my tooth-ache?' (meaning your pain in your current
relationship situation). God says, 'Yes, I do. Use the mantra KLEEM.'
KLEEM is a seed syllable for Parvati who is a feminine aspect of the
Divine, a goddess who can assist you with relationships. Some people
say it is selfish to pray for a relationship, but I say it is important to ASK
for what you want.

Kleem mantra to attract and materialize

Written on April 26th, 2010 by Sandeep Gupta.
File Under:Mantra

This mantra is used to attract matter, even relationships  belong to

material prosperity. With Kleem you can attract a home, a car, a
woman, a man, a child and lot of materialistic things.
How to use Kleem Mantra?
You can listen Kleem Mantra, just download some mp3 of this mantra or
record it in your voice and let it play in your home or office.
Write down Kleem Mantra on a paper for 54 or 108 or 1008 times.
You can also chant this mantra loudly or can chant in your mind.
Myth about Kleem Mantra
People think, this mantra attracts to woman only, but this is not true – it
attracts to woman, man, child (baby) or any relationship. Kleem mantra
is used to attract matter and this human body is also a matter. So
relationships, prosperity and all the material success can be attracted
by this mantra.
Important aspect about Mantra
Most of Mantras has no meaning at all, because they are just sound
based, mantra meaning doesn’t bring changes, what bring changes is
the effect of the mantra sound.
The more silent your mind will be while listening, writing or chanting to
a mantra, the more profound impact would be. Silence means space,
and when in that space a mantra sound resonates, it gives full impact.
Benefits of Kleem
Kleem is a mantra
that is usually used
for attracting
lavishness to an
individual’s life. Kleem is believed to work through appealing to the
high powers to offer their assistance. The Kleem mantra offers various
advantages to its users and the following article takes a look at some of
these benefits.
1. Relationship benefits
Kleem mantra may help you in your relationships. Some individuals
claim that it is unnatural to ask your God for a good relationship.
However, people who practice the Kleem mantra believe that it is
essential to request for something they want. Reciting Kleem about 100
times every day may remedy all your relationship complications with
2. Attract prosperity
Kleem is said to attract prosperity through appealing to what a person
wants in their life. Like is said to attract like and thus doing good as you
recite this Kleem mantra might offer various rewards. You are required
to either meditate or say Kleem mantra at least 105 times per day to get
this benefit. It is highly likely that you will observe a difference after 30
days, but in certain cases it might be instant.

Kleem Prosperity Mantra --


Kleem is one of the words of power that engages the Law of Attraction;

it has been used this way for hundreds if not thousands of years.
This is by far the most powerful, general purpose mantra for activating
the Law of Attraction. It is so powerful that it is one of the most chanted
mantras in existence. This is because it works so well and so quickly .
Many people use this mantra to attract love and more friends, but this
can be used as a general Law of Attraction mantra as well.
In this audio, Kleem will be recited subliminally hundreds of times. This
will have a cumulative effect that will produce changes rapidly. If you
chant the mantra as you listen to the audio, your results can be even
As you may know, the Law of Attraction does not make any judgments
about what you want. The Kleem mantras powerful resonance responds
in the same way, it does not make judgments. By using Kleem you will
be engaging the Law of Attraction in a very direct way, so PLEASE use
it wisely, it's incredibly powerful.
This audio comes with:
The Mantra  sound
Shrim is the mantra of beauty and light

Shrim brings glory and fame.

Shrim is the aspect of Divine Energy that brings abundance .
Abundance of food, friends , family , health
and prosperity .
Shrim is Godddess Laxmi , the Goddess of Wealth
and Prosperity.
Hindu Goddess (Maha) Lakshmi

I began playing/listening/chanting (in my head) the KLEEM and

SHREEM mantras today, one after the other. First SHREEM and then
KLEEM for 108 times plus. 

I read about these mantras on the Internet as taught by Guru Datta

Dattreya Siva Baba (‘Datta’ or 'Babaji’ for short) who is the guru to
author Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of The Shift, Manifesting Your
Destiny and more. 

These two mantras represent and honor the sweet Hindu Goddess
Lakshmi, the Goddess of Light, Purity and Abundance. Activating Her
sweet spirit through mantra will embody spiritual wisdom, luck,
prosperity and fertility in one’s life 

SHREEM Mantra is a powerful bija (seed) mantra. By chanting this bija

108 times a day (takes about 7 minutes), you will have success with
finances, abundance, spirituality and material goods.

KLEEM Mantra is also a powerful bija mantra which activates the

spiritual Law of Attraction. It’s the love mantra and attracts good
friends, strong and positive relationships and love into one’s life. Babaji
says it is a very important mantra for attracting people as well as
material wealth. 
These two bija mantras can also be combined and chanted 108 times a
day as ‘Om Kleem Shreem Lakshmi’.

From the below given list, which is the problem that you face often?
I do not look attractive; whereas my friends do!
I am overweight/ fat for my age group
I look old for my age group
I belong to an ethnic group that no one even respects!
Friends say am not well accomplished or well mannered
I neither have a job nor money
I am so short tempered that I can't maintain a relationship!
Friends feel I am self centered and I do not care for the other person
I have always been in a dysfunctional family where my father and
mother constantly keep fighting
Deep down you think that it is better to be single than being in a
You do not want a relationship because you do not want to be hurt
Read below for the accurate remedy measures suggested by Dr. Pillai:
The above list is by no means exhaustive; you can probably add a dozen
or more reasons to the list. But Dr. Pillai states a spiritual reason for
having a bad relationship or not having a good relationship.
Basically relationship is karmic. You simply do not meet someone by
accident; relationship is always the continuation of your past lifetimes
as quoted earlier. Two people come together to complete an unfinished
relationship from previous lifetimes. You stay together until the karma is
done. Once it is done, you break up or divorce. This is what happens
spiritually in a relationship.
You may ask, what about people who do not have a relationship? Do
they not have the karma to meet a man or a woman? Yes they do, but
they ultimately do not exercise that karma. Perhaps they came here live
the life of being single. Perhaps they had been a monk or a nun and
enjoyed loneliness in their past lifetime, and that karma is still
continuing. Dr. Pillai can definitely help you to create a new
relationship for yourself. Yes, you must have karma for it, but do you not
realize that you have already had inexhaustible karmic relationships
that you have faced in millions of lifetimes? You simply need to pull
someone from your karmic bank! Here comes the role of Dr. Pillai.

The magical sound that will bring a relationship into your life
is "Kleem". Kleem will do the magic. It is impossible to know how it
works. It is a gift from God to create a relationship. The scriptures say
that if you write Kleem 10 million times, you will attract relationships
from even the three worlds! Now, your question might be--Is it
humanly possible to write Kleem 10 million times? Yes it is, but we
do not have the time or commitment!

Kleem is the seed mantra of para shakti in its action aspect formed
as such. 
Sabda brahma is the knowledge of the supreme spirit manifesting
itself in 
indistinct sound called Anahata. This sound kleem comes from Ka + La
+ Eem. KLA 
denotes creation coming to preservation stage where knowledge is
towards action. We saw what eem stands for the desire as well as the
conception for the desire. The seed letter Kla ending with bindu
connotes non 
dual Brahman known as Para Shiva or Para shakthi. Therefore the seed
Kleem stands for the predominance of kriya shakthi which manifests like
lustre of moon. Kleem also means the state, where there is no
assumption. It is 
the junction where fulfilment of all desires takes place and therefore this
also known as the Kamaraja mantra. 

The deity kriya shakthi is Mahalaxmi who is evident in two forms - the
and the benignant. 

In the former case Kali as durga works fear and panic in the heart of the
and unwary. In the latter case kali is as lakshmi, is the foster mother to
knowing and tenacious. The bindu connotes that in all ways the import
in the non 
dual Brahman. Kleem corresponds to the second stage of speech
madhyama vak. Its 
place of pronunciation is the head, where the ideas begin to take the
form of 

> dear anand

> dont get confused into that matter . iwould give
> the exact sadhna practice once more step by step
> 1 sit in a calm position and take pranayam for 10
> times
> 2 chant guru mantra one rosary and then think of a
> triangle red in colour in its centre kleem beej
> mantra originates. keep meditating on triangle with
> kleem and chant 10000 times kleem beej mantra in one
> sitting.
> 3 the benefits are u have gain much attraction
> power and spiritual power. after this sadhana u cant
> be ignored in any way. the activation of third eye
> took place after this sadhana. and aura gets
> strengthened.
> the second type sadhna is
> u can do tratak on an candle flame with chanting
> 10000 kleem beej mantra. this will greatly increase
> your attraction power and u could be able to
> hyptonise other by this process.

In my book (details of my book are listed in the About Sunil Padiyar

section of this Blog), I teach poker, slot and blackjack players how to
chant the mantra once they have activated the appropriate energy
centers. Poker players, for example, are provided with mantras to use
pre-flop and post-flop with focus on different energy centers to achieve
desired results. The examples in my book have to do with attracting a
desirable outcome in games of chance. Here, instead of a winning hand
in poker or a jackpot in a slot machine, we are going to attract a
specific job interview or a job promotion. 

The bija mantra we are going to use is called the Klim mantra. Just like
the Shrim, the Hrim and other bija mantras, the sound and vibratory
effect of Klim is said to attract whatever outcome it is that you seek in
life. Klim is said to use the power of attraction present in nature to draw
things into your life. Many people use the Klim mantra to attract a date
or a mate into their life. Here, we are going to “attract” that desired job
interview or a job promotion.
First, sit in a comfortable posture and close your eyes and start with the
4-2-5 breathing system. You inhale taking as long as 4 seconds, keep the
air inside your body for about 2 seconds such that it circulates and
gathers all the toxins, and then take as long as 5 seconds to exhale
sending out the toxins. According to scientific studies, this sort of
breathing expels as much as fifteen times more toxins out of the body! It
is no wonder then that ancient Indian sages lived in good health and
vitality for hundreds of years!
Second, as you continue to breathe this way, clear all doubts, anxieties
and thoughts in your mind. One effective way that I find is to take any
thought that arises and put it in a bubble and watch it float away. Do
not engage with the thought – put it in a bubble and watch it float away.
Third, focus on the area dead center between your eyes on the forehead.
This is the so-called third eye and also the home of the powerful Ajna
chakra, the second most powerful energy center in your body. Now
chant the Klim mantra.
Kleeeeeeem. Kleeeeeeem. Kleeeeeeem. Kleeeeeeem.
If you notice, the correct intonation of the Klim mantra is
“Kleeeeeeem”. The mantra is chanted as you exhale and you should
spread the middle part of the mantra as long as for 5 seconds (the
amount of time it takes you to exhale in the 4-2-5 breathing system).
Do this a minimum of seven times and more if you can spare the
time. You should not consciously think of the job interview or the
promotion or anything at this time. In fact, your conscious mind needs
to be clear and silent. The Klim mantra will automatically extract this
desire from the subconscious and convey it to the cosmic force,
Prana. Once communicated, just trust that Prana now will do all that is
needed for you to get that job interview or that promotion. Do not doubt
the powers of this mysterious universe that we live in.
Recite the Klim mantra as often as you can during the day. The
recitation can even be silent.
The Klim mantra is one of the most powerful bija mantras. Again,
please understand that while no one really knows how they work, the
sound and vibratory effect they create in the body produce remarkable
powers. We live in a mysterious universe and there are many things we
don’t understand or comprehend about life and the universe. Science
cannot even tell you where the so-called human consciousness lies in the
human body. They acknowledge its existence but have no clue where it
is in the body. We do not know where we came from or where we are
going. In spite of all the arrogance that science can control nature, we
can’t stop an oil spill from one well in the gulf from spreading a disaster
for which we will pay the price for years to come.
I have used the Klim mantra in poker to get great starting hands and in
slot machines to get symbols that you desire on the reel leading to a
jackpot. Other bija mantras exist which can provide you with other
powers such as luck, intuition and foresight. I cover these in my book
given that luck, intuition and foresight, are very necessary in games of
chance in order to win and make money. They are also as applicable in
real life to combat the many challenges that are presented to us in life.
Kleem Prosperity Mantra --

Kleem is one of the

words of power
that engages the
Law of Attraction;
it has been used
this way for
hundreds if not
thousands of years.
This is by far the most powerful, general purpose mantra for activating
the Law of Attraction. It is so powerful that it is one of the most chanted
mantras in existence. This is because it works so well and so quickly .
Many people use this mantra to attract love and more friends, but this
can be used as a general Law of Attraction mantra as well.
In this audio, Kleem will be recited audibly and subliminally hundreds
of times. This will have a cumulative effect that will produce changes
rapidly. If you chant the mantra as you listen to the audio, your results
can be even greater.
As you may know, the Law of Attraction does not make any judgments
about what you want. The Kleem mantras powerful resonance responds
in the same way, it does not make judgments. By using Kleem you will
be engaging the Law of Attraction in a very direct way, so PLEASE use
it wisely, it's incredibly powerful.
Just say "KLEEM" 108 times in a row. It doesn't matter if you say
it outloud or mentally, try both then see what's better for you. 

Last night I went out and the girls where much more hands on then
usual, I met a potential girlfriend, and even stranger was the fact that
the girls who had no interest in me where friendly, as where the guys. 

KLEEM is not for a hookup, it invokes true love and friendship. It makes
you resonate with love, and this in turn attracts women who want love.
Make sure that is what you want before you use it. 
KLEEM is the Kama-bija - of transcendent knowledge, pleasure,
victory, royal power. SHREEM is the mantra of Mahalakshmi
A seed sound originating from the yoga traditions of India. Mantra for
Attraction & Manifestation of your Desires. The Goddess Parvati is in
charge of the mantra's power.

The Shreem mantra is a Bija mantra – ie a primal sound which taps into
the very essence of the universe to function as a mantra all in itself.
Each Bija mantra typically corresponds to a singular deity. This mantra
is the essence of the Goddess of Wealth, Lakshmi.
How it works
The Shreem mantra basically aligns your energy/spirit/aura/prana with
abundance according to your meditation. Initially, it will speed up the
process of attracting wealth that was already on its way to you, or is
owed to you. However, once mantra siddhi is achieved, it is said that
there are no limits.
How to use it
Just repeat the word. The usual target count is 10,008 – preferably in a
single sitting. Given the brevity of the sound, it is not too tough to
complete a set within a 2-3 hours.
The practice of tratak is a great complement to this mantra, for those of
you in the know.
Mahalakshmi will give you prosperity, abundance harmony, peace &
beauty in your life.
Shreem is her seedvibration. With her in your heart your will always be
Life is never without relationship problems, be it with your spouse,
children, family or friends. Relationship is the pillar of life and your
success depends very much on it. In business, how well you perform and
how successful you are all depends on your relationship with your
fellow workers, bosses, suppliers and customers.
There are also problems with the lack of relationships. People go
through life without having the right partner or switching from one
partner to another in the search for the right one. With working hours
getting longer as people spend more time building their careers,
relationship building often take its toll.
So how do you mend or attract relationships? In the oneness of yoga
and the divine connection among all humans, the sound or mantra that
attracts and builds relationships is KLEEM. KLEEM is the primordial
sound that exists since the beginning of time, and the archetype behind
this sound is Goddess Parvati, who rules relationships. Just by chanting
this sound daily will change your brain patterns and thought frequency
and cause your surroundings to change and vibrate with your own
If you are having a problem with your spouse or partner, chanting
KLEEM repeatedly while picturing the person in your mid-brain will
cause him or her to vibrate with your frequency. The result will be that
that person will come to an agreement with you. Speaking or
counselling seldom works and even if they do, the change will not be
100%. What you need is divine technology to help you alter the problem
at its root cause. This mantra will go deep into your consciousness and
repair the relationship at the particle level and change its form. Divine
technology is the solution for humankind and in essence we are all
divine beings in human forms.
In attracting a relationship, chanting KLEEM repeatedly will cause
your vibrational frequency to connect with the person that your soul is
searching for. Your soul will identify the right person and will cause the
two souls to meet. As if by magic, the right person will turn up as you
attend a seminar, shop at the supermarket or through other friends.
Your soul knows you better so a soul mate is always the best mate.
So KLEEM is the mantra or sound to use and the best thing about it is
that it is free. It is the sound used by yogis and seers in India who
received this divine gift in their deep states of 'samadhi' or meditation.
The sound can be found and downloaded from YouTube for easy
Shreem Kleem Namah - Day 5
This mantra affirms that you deserve the fulfillment of all your deepest
desires. Shreem is the mantra associated with Nature’s beauty, love, and
abundance. Kleem is the sound that attracts those qualities to you.
Shreem Namah - Day 14
This mantra helps to manifest divine abundance to bring us closer to
spiritual fulfillment. Shreem is the mantra associated with Nature’s
beauty, love and abundance. As we magnify this aspect of our
awareness, we open our life to receive unlimited blessings and
1. Research by Dr. T. Temple Tutler, Cleveland University, indicates
that chanting (repetition of a sound or word) produces serious
physiological effects. How long? Minimum of Two-Minutes.

2. Chanting a meaningless sound (Ex. Shreem or Kleem) in a UP &

DOWN (divided) tone (ex. SH-H-REE & EM, or Klee-e & Em-m) causes
the following: lowers your blood pressure, normalizes your heart beat,
balances your brainwaves, lowers Adrenalin & Cholesterol. And it
attracts your present GOALS into your life.

3. We suggest to our students and graduates to do a Mind Experiment,

and though this Chanting-strategy may seem “goofy”, test test']);">test
it. If it works, USE IT.

After two-thousand have tried it & told us it really works, we

recommend it to you. You be the judge.

4. a) Sit down, in a private place, please close your eyes and Chant
(aloud) in a Sing-song fashion, the mantra (sound) Shreem. Do a dozen
(12) reps (repetitions). How?

5. Take a Diaphragmatic (deep belly) breath, and chant the two-sounds

like this.

6. b) It has two-syllables, with equal emphasis: “SH-H” & “REE-EM”.

This is NOT “The VOICE” TV show. Anyway you vocalize this chant is
excellent and works. It works for you because the secret is your

7. If you chant to reach your specific goal, your brain works with your
body to accomplish it. (Brainiacs: Google: (RAS) Reticular Activating

8. c) How many Diaphragmatic-Breaths in two-minutes? Twelve (12), at

a minimum, to obtain maximum results. Require 21-days daily, for two-
minutes or so to become a HABIT.

9. d) While chanting, Daydream, let your mind-wander. Create a

mental-movie (visualization), of YOU winning a promotion, or getting-
a-raise, or gaining a BONUS of say, $10,000.

10. The mantra – Shreem is a YOGA exercise to program your left &
right brains (hemispheres) to WIN financial success in your occupation,
profession or business. It has a history of one-thousand years of
allegedly successful usage. Try it.

11. e) End the two-minutes of chanting with a Facial Expression of a

wide- smile. Take a deep breath, and count down from 1-3,
snap your fingers and open your eyes, feeling better than when you

12. Is there a secret to chanting for financial-success? Yes, you cannot

just mentally visualize, you must Emotionalize your desired GOAL.
How? Act-as-if, Feel-as-if, Believe-as-if, it has happened in your
material reality.

13. Mentally see it happening, experience the feeling deeply, enjoy the
Emotion, and S-M-I-L-E in acceptance. It’s your Intention and your
Emotion that makes this nonsense “sound-chant”, Attract your present
14. “But what makes it work, (if it does)?”
Answer: Your conscious and subconscious minds accept
“unconditionally”, your “VOICE” as the authority, leader, &
programmer. Does your computer question your typed “commands”?
Your voice, above all others, is the final authority.
15. Mind (intention & emotion) leads your body through your consistent
thoughts. When your beliefs and goals are in alignment, balanced, &
centered, you attract your GOALS.

16. Now try chanting, KLEEM, (KLEE-E-EM). This is different in that

you repeat the mantra KLEE-E-EM three (3) times in the same chant.
How? KLEEM-KLEEM, KLEEM, 12x in each diaphragmatic breath.
That’s a total of 36x of the mantra KLEEM.

17. But what the difference between Shreem and the Kleem mantras?

Answer: “Kleem” chanting will attract, (test it, don’t laugh at it)
anything tangible you choose as a Present-Goal. Example, a new car, a
new Home, wealth-creation of say, $100,000.

How does all this work to positively change our life situations, like
increasing prosperity? Taking the example of prosperity, the “seed”
sound of abundance is Shreem (seed sounds are words that are
untranslatable because of their esoteric nature and yet are extremely
powerful). Repeating Shreem can change not only one’s consciousness
of abundance, but practiced enough over time, it can apparently change
your karma (fate or destiny based on deeds from other lifetimes) related
to prosperity. When you combine the mantra practice with a specific
intention, like reciting Shreem to experience an abundance of career
success, you further clarify and amplify the results.Magical Mantras &
Mantra Spellwork
Love Charged Infinite Wealth Questions
Questions released into the mind with a relaxed, curious, open mind can
actually open up your higher consciousness.
These questions, combined with chanting the ancient, powerful sound of
“Shreem” can help you develop your consciousness of wealth on much
deeper levels of your mind, body, and energy.
Shreem is an ancient, Sanskrit seed sound associated with the Goddess
of Abundance, Lakshmi.
Here is a few ways to work with them:
1. Soft, whispering way: Chant “Shreem” (pronounced just like it
reads) 12 times. Then take deep breaths, and on each long exhale,
mentally repeat or lightly whisper an Infinite Wealth Question, feeling it
sink into your cells, atoms, and deeper. Keep your breaths deep and
continuous, whispering another question on each exhale, until you come
to the next 12 Rama’s. Then keep going.
2. Out loud, passionate way: Chant “Shreem” 12 times, and then
proceed to ask the questions out loud with a strong, passionate voice.
Deeply speak and reflect these questions into your mind. When you
come to the next 12 Shreem’s, do the same thing, and keep going.
3. In both of the above two methods, you will be chanting Shreem 48
times, and asking 36 questions. Be sure to reflect the questions into your
mind with a deep and overwhelming sense of conviction, inner
authority, gratitude, and vibrational intensity, while totally relaxing
your body. This will help to manifest the truth contained within them
much faster.
4. Both the whispering and the out-loud methods mentioned above take
about 5 minutes.
5. Ask, deeply concentrate, reflect, and release these questions into your
mind in these ways every day and see how much more abundant you
feel and know you are.
6. Have fun, smile, and enjoy the process.
The Cosmic Sound of Shreem is very powerful, and will help to 
carry the questions into your deepest intelligence.
(Chant SHREEEEEMMMM 12 times, then ask 12 questions, and keep
going. Relax your body and just ask with a playful, open heart.)
Why am I so Infinitely Blessed and Blessedly Infinite?
How is the Light of my inner smile growing wider now?
Why do I know how Loved and blessed I truly am?
Why am I overflowing with so much gratitude all the time?
What abundance yet to come am I so grateful for now?
Why am I so wealthy in mind, body, spirit and finances?
How is my radiant heart opening to greater and deeper flows of
What powerful, rich, abundant, wealthy thoughts am I always holding in
Why do I absolutely know that I am one with the Energy of all Wealth in
the Universe?
In this eternal now moment - how am I so Divinely Prospered?
What Divine Abundance is cascading ecstatically through my life right
How deeply am I now resting in Oneness with all Light, Love, Joy,
Wealth and Abundance everywhere?

How joyously and gracefully am I now manifesting real abundance in
my life?
Why is it so clear to me that money is Energy?
How is the Energy of money in my life increasing in vibration and
How effortlessly am I breathing pure Light, Love, and Joy into money?
Why do I so clearly see and feel that all the money I have is Love, Light,
and Joy?
How are all the Light-Dollars I release coming back to me in 20 fold
waves of Abundance and Joy?
How am I witnessing 20 fold increases in Abundance and Joy flooding
into the lives of people all over the world?
How and why does the abundance of light and joy increase and multiply
so fast?
Why is wealth so powerfully magnetized to me all the time?
Why do I absolutely know that Universal Light, Love, and Joy is the real
source of wealth for me?
What powerful, affirmative, global prayers could I write into all the
Light-Dollars that I release?
Why am I so grateful to release these Light, Love, and Joy Dollars?
How am I pouring Love, Joy, and Light into the global economy of all
hearts and minds?
How am I witnessing the vibration of the global economy increase now?
How is the global economy becoming more just and sustainable for all
of life?
How is my growing consciousness of wealth making everyone better off?
How is my expanding abundance increasing the abundance of all life on
this planet?
How can I more clearly serve the awakening of unconditional love in
this world?
Why am I such a unique and beautiful blessing to the lives of others?
Why do I know that Loving myself is the most direct way to heal this
How may I more clearly, deeply, and powerfully love myself now?
How is my growing love for myself opening up more and more channels
of abundance in my life?
In what wonderful ways is my inner capacity for abundance growing
wider now?
How can I more clearly give the world the gift of who I really am?
How joyously does giving my true Self to others bring back so much
wealth and abundance in my life?

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