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MEE 07:05

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)


Shahid Mahmood

Master Thesis

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden

March 5, 2007

1 This
work has been conducted under an occupational training scholarship at the In-
stitute for Telecommunications Research (ITR), University of South Australia, and was
sponsored by the Sir Ross and Keith Smith Foundation.
Modem Design for Small UAVs

External Advisor

Prof. Bill Cowley.

Institute for Telecommunications Research (ITR).
University of South Australia.
SPRI Building, Mawson Lakes Campus.
South Australia,
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 8 8302 3858

University Advisor

Prof. Hans-Jürgen Zepernick.

Blekinge Institute of Technology.
School of Engineering.
SE - 371 25 Ronneby, Sweden.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +46 457 385718

Compiled at
Institute for Telecommunication Research (ITR).
University of South Australia.
SPRI Building, Mawson Lakes Campus
South Australia 5095,


Blekinge Institute of Technology.
School of Engineering.
SE - 371 25 Ronneby.
Phone: +46 457 3850 00
Fax: +46 457 271 29

Modem Design for Small UAVs


This project deals with a small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) communication sys-

tem. The considered distance between UAVs is 100 m to 10 km. These small UAVs

are usually used for civil purposes like fire fighting, for farmers etc. This report

presents the modem architecture for a small UAV radio network, which works with

flexible transmission data rates (62 kbps to 744 kbps) by using an Orthogonal Fre-

quency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique with adaptive resource allocation.

It includes the instructions and architecture of an Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) pro-

cessor for a single radix - 2 butterfly engine. The architecture is being modeled in

Altera Hardware Description Language (AHDL). For logic synthesis we have used Al-

tera functions. An OFDM technique with adaptive modulation and coding is used to

readily achieve variable data rates and to provide a multipath resistant solution. We

also investigate different FPGAs’ characteristics including memory, multiplexers and

logic cells, to identify a low complexity and low cost solution. A Cyclone II FPGA is

considered likely to implement the processing required for small UAV communication

with the ground station and between UAVs.

Modem Design for Small UAVs


This work is an outgrowth of my research work at the Institute for Telecommunica-

tions Research (ITR) Adelaide, South Australia, under the supervision of Professor

William G. Cowley. My work was regarding the modem design for small Unmanned

Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). First of all I would like to give profound thanks to my advisor

Prof. William G. Cowley for his outstanding guidance and support during my stay at

ITR. He is a fascinating researcher and a thoughtful mentor, always eager to share his

expertise with his students. I benefited greatly by working under his guidance. His

friendship and encouragement have been invaluable throughout my research work at

ITR. I am especially grateful for his limitless patience during my trying times.

It is also pleasure to acknowledge Dr. Ian Holland who provided assistance in editing

my thesis and gave me important advice regarding OFDM work. I also would like

to thank Marc Mirza and Marc Lavenant for sharing with me their considerable

knowledge regarding the Altera Hardware Descriptive Language (AHDL) and gave

me lots of beneficial advice throughout my research work in ITR.

I want to pay special thanks to Professor, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Zepernick who provided

me the opportunity to complete my research work in a world renowned research

Modem Design for Small UAVs

institute, regarding telecommunications and satellite research.

Finally, I would like to thank my parents for their constant prayers, love and support,

and for the encouragement to pursue my goals.

Modem Design for Small UAVs


Abstract ii

Acknowledgements iii

Contents v

List of Figures vii

List of Tables viii

List of Abbreviations ix

1 Introduction 1

1.1 History of UAVs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3 Future Work and Usages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.4 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2 Modem Design for Small UAVs 8

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.2 RF Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Modem Design for Small UAVs

2.2.1 Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2.2 Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.3 Signal Processing Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.3.1 OFDM Based Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.3.2 OFDM Based Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3 FPGA Implementation 20

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.2 FFT and Butterfly Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.3 Butterfly Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.4 Single FFT Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.4.1 Butterfly Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3.4.2 Dual Random Access Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3.4.3 Read Only Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3.4.4 State Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.5 Available Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.6 Performance Evaluation on Different FPGAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4 Conclusion and Recommendations 34

A Poster in AusCTW 2007 Regarding this Modem Design 36

B Specification of FFT 49

Bibliography 52

Modem Design for Small UAVs

List of Figures

1.1 Small UAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1 Up Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2 Down Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.3 Down Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.4 FPGA Based Transmitter and Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.5 Modulator Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.6 OFDM Based Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.7 OFDM Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.8 Demodulator Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2.9 OFDM Based Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.1 Butterfly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.2 Signal Flow Graph for 8 Point FFT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.3 Schematic of Single Butterfly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.4 Different Butterfly Structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.5 FFT Processor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3.6 State Diagram of Control Processor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Modem Design for Small UAVs

List of Tables

2.1 Allowable modulation modes for the example adaptive modulation

scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.2 Possible Modulation and Coding Modes for the Small UAV Modem. . 17

3.1 Comparison of number of computations in direct DFT and FFT. . . . 23

Modem Design for Small UAVs

List of Abbreviations

UAVs Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

FAA Federal Aviation Administration

NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration

DPI Department of Primary Industries

FPGA Field Programmable Gate Arrays

AHDL Altera Hardware Descriptive Language

VHDL Verilog Hardware Descriptive Language

DOD Department of Defence

FFT Fast Fourier Transforms

DFT Discrete Fourier Transforms

IFFT Inverse Fast Fourier Transforms

CP Cyclic Prefix

OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

LPM Library of Parameterized Modules

Modem Design for Small UAVs

Chapter 1


1.1 History of UAVs

During World War I the first attempt to create an airborne counterpart of the naval

torpedo took place in the United States. A plane without a human pilot was to be

guided to a target and crashed into it in a power dive, exploding its charge.

The Hewitt - Sperry Automatic Airplane (a prototype) made a number of short test

flights proving that the idea was sound in 1916-17. In 1917, the USA Army started a

similar aerial torpedo, or flying bomb, project led by Lieut. Col. Bion J. Arnold for

the Air Service and Charles Kettering for industry.

After that, various companies worked together and produced 20 complete pilotless

aircrafts and a successful test flight was made Oct. 4, 1918. The further research and

development were closed on these planes. However, the Navy’s Bureau of Ordinance

Modem Design for Small UAVs

decided to follow up one aspect of the over-all problem of the aerial torpedo and

to develop a radio-controlled plane. An N-9 trainer seaplane was used as the basic

“vehicle” and rebuilt with stabilization and radio control equipment developed by the

Naval Research Laboratory and by Carl Norden.

In Sept. 15, 1924 a successful flight without a pilot aboard took place but the plane

was damaged in landing and sank. Thus ended the career of the first of the drones,

as pilotless planes not used for combat are now called. With the advances in tech-

nology and research in electronics the Navy started another drone program which

was intended to provide realistic targets for antiaircraft gunnery practice but which

directly influenced missile development. Lieutenant Commander (later Rear Adm.)

D.S. Fahrney was in charge of the project. In this project the Stearman Hammond

JH -1 plane was used and the radio system was developed by the Naval Research

laboratory. This drone made its first successful flight in Nov. 15, 1937 and was later

used for target practice by the antiaircraft batteries of USS Ranger. After the success

of this project all the torpedos and dive bombers were converted into missiles. The

converted dive bomber was crashed into a raft towed by a tug in Chesapeake Bay

on April 19, 1942. The controlling pilot who “flew”the drone by television was 11

miles distant at the time. These tests proved that assault drones were practical, and

various planes were converted and used in World War II.

Four missiles were developed in the United States: Little Joe, an antiaircraft missile

propelled by solid fuel rockets; and three types of Gorgon, with pulse jet engine,

turbojet engine, and liquid fuel rocket motor, respectively [1].

Modem Design for Small UAVs

1.2 Literature Review

With the recent advances in miniature electronics a new avenue for unmanned aerial

vehicles (UAVs) has emerged. Using today’s low-cost, off-the-shelf miniature actu-

ators, receivers and computers, an affordable and small UAV can be successfully

designed and built within a 9-month period. Unmanned aircraft, known variously as

“drones”, “robot planes”, “remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs)”, and now ”unmanned

aerial vehicles (UAVs)”, have been a feature of aviation for much of its history, though

in limited or secondary roles. In the 21st century, the technology seems to be headed

towards greatly expanded use [2].

Figure 1.1: Small UAV

These planes have been introduced by the Department of Defense (DOD) as powered,

aerial vehicles that do not have any pilot inside to operate them. There are five types

of UAVs:

1. Target and Decoy

These UAVs are used to simulate an enemy aircraft or missile on ground and

aerial gunnery.

Modem Design for Small UAVs

2. Reconnaissance

These UAVs provide battlefield intelligence.

3. Combat

These UAVs are used to get the information about attack capability for high

risk missions.

4. Research and Development

These are used for further development and research of UAV technology.

5. Civil and Commercial UAVs

Usually these types of UAVs are smaller and used for only commercial and civil

purposes [3].

These UAVs can fly autonomously or controlled through remote and can carry pay-

load but according to DOD ballistic, cruise missiles and artillery projectiles are not

considered UAVs. They usually work with one ground control station. DOD currently

has five types of UAVs: the Air Force’s Predator (which is used to extend the eyes

of submarines and in armed helicopters to improve targeting) and Global Hawk, the

Navy and Marine Corps’s pioneer, and the Army’s Hunter and Shadow. Other key

UAV developmental efforts include the Air Force and Navy’s unmanned combat air

vehicle (UCAV), Navy’s vertical takeoff and landing UAV (VTUAV), and the Broad

Area Maritime Surveillance UAV (BAMS), as well as the Marine Corps’s Dragon Eye

and Dragon Warrior [3].

Modem Design for Small UAVs

In 1987 the small UAV was introduced when Dr Paul MacCready’s AeroVironment

company developed the Pointer, the first hand-launched, backpack-carried UAV. That

pointer was combined with an electric motor, propeller and a radio network. It had

some limitations; in particular, it was hard to maintain situational awareness.

Nowadays, thousands of small backpack UAVs are in service. In the 1990s small

UAVs, there was a major problem that it could not get stable image from their

cameras. Many UAVs follow the pointer model with the same few key features as

well and they are operated up to 10km from their launching point. The largest project

regarding the small UAV programme in the US is the US Army’s Small UAV (SUAV).

During the recent Iraq war, many small UAVs have been used by the US Army for

defense purposes [4]. These small UAVs allow the military many possible mission

types including:

• Operation from the battle field by small units

• Surveillance

• Communication relay

• Intelligence gathering

• Identification of chemical or biological warfare

The use of small UAVs for civil purposes is rapidly increasing such as:

• Firefighting

• Police surveillance

Modem Design for Small UAVs

• Communications

• Environmental studies (collecting air samples)

• Technology development for satellite constellations control

1.3 Future Work and Usages

In the future, small UAVs will become part of homeland (border) security. In lots

of countries, like India, Pakistan, and the USA, their homeland security departments

already have plans to deploy UAVs to watch coastal areas and protect major oil and

gas pipelines. The use of small UAVs in the recent US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

has shown many advantages. These days small UAVs are tremendously flexible de-

vices, which can be used for a variety of civil purposes. For example, they can be

used to provide entertaining videotaped scenes to movie-makers, news reporters and

the tourism industry; to search for and rescue people in perilous locations or cir-

cumstances (collapses, spills and fires); and to monitor or deliver mail to important

installations in either highly sensitive locations (borders, ports and power-plants) or

remote or uninhabitable places (polar zones, deserts and off-shore oil rigs) [5]. As

the use of UAVs in these fields is increasing, the Individual Unmanned Air Scout

(IUAS) aircraft will become a more desirable aerial platform because of its safety and

reliability in comparison to other aerial vehicles.

Currently, researchers are trying to make useful UAVs for farmers where they can use

them to check the dam levels and for counting stocks. In Australia, Queensland’s De-

Modem Design for Small UAVs

partment of Primary Industries (DPI) and agricultural organization Kondinin Group

are researching by having aims to explore how UAV technologies can help cut labour

expenses within the beef industry. Australia is already using remote management

technology with UAVs to take high resolution images of crops to predict grain pro-

tein levels. This really saves a lot of time and money for the farmers because they

know everything about their crops without traveling there to have a look.

1.4 Objective

Present communication among the UAVs and the ground station is based on the radio

systems in the ultra high frequency (UHF) band and low earth orbiting satellite links.

Both of sources of UAVs communications are long range but have low bandwidth

(50 Kbits/sec). In this project conducted jointly between School of Computer and

Information Science (CIS) and ITR, UniSA, we design a modem for the small UAVs

by considering the distance 100m to 10 km among the UAVs and the ground station

as well. Our main goal is to provide the low cost modem design for small UAVs which

could transmit at flexible data rates by using the adaptive resources (i.e. modulation

technique and coding) and we are expecting to get the flexible data rate up to a

few mega bits per second from this design. The Orthogonal Frequency Division

Multiplexing (OFDM) technique will be used to get the flexible data rate. OFDM is

usually implemented with the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).

Modem Design for Small UAVs

Chapter 2

Modem Design for Small UAVs

2.1 Introduction

The modem design for small UAVs is a quite challenging task with trade off among

different parameters like data rate, hardware complexity, latency, power consumption

and cost. In this chapter we focus on the design of transmitter and receiver. Our hard-

ware design architecture needs to satisfy the market for a low cost and flexible data

rate network. This design aims to offer low power consumption, reliability for control

applications with low to moderate data rates, e.g. 62 kbits/s - 744 kbits/s. Advanced

signal processing techniques such as FIR filtering, FFT and LDPC coding/decoding

are advised for use in baseband signal processing. These are very complex schemes

which require billions of multiply and accumulate operations per second [6].

The Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique is recommended

to readily achieve variable data rates and to provide a multipath resistant solution.

Modem Design for Small UAVs

With this approach, we can send parallel data on different subcarriers by maintaining

the orthogonality condition between the carriers. Usually OFDM systems are imple-

mented with the Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) and Inverse Fast Fourier Transforms

(IFFT). These transforms are used to map the data onto orthogonal subcarriers [7].

These OFDM based systems commonly deal with Quadrature Amplitude Modula-

tion (QAM) or Quadrature Phase Shift Key (QPSK) mapped symbols on each sub -

carrier as shown in Table 2.1 [8].

This chapter describes two main processing sections, one RF (analog signal) section

where down and up conversion is done and secondly the digital domain section. In

the digital domain section, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are a likely

option for low volume production and provide high flexibility in design reconfiguration

of transmitter and receiver.

2.2 RF Section

2.2.1 Transmitter

Usually a simple transmitter consists of a power supply, an oscillator, a modulator,

amplifier and antenna for transmitting radio frequency (RF). In this project we pro-

pose a Yagi antenna for the transmission of the radio frequency signal with 430 to

450 MHz Australian amateur band, because these antennas have high gain and are

very directional. More specifically the Yagi antenna would only be used for ground

stations while the monopole antenna would be used on the UAVs. Here we will de-

Modem Design for Small UAVs

Table 2.1: Allowable modulation modes for the example adaptive modulation scheme.

Modulation scheme Constellation Mode bk (BPS)

index k
None No signal transmitted 0 0

BPSK 1 1

QPSK 2 2

16-QAM 3 4

64-QAM 4 6

Modem Design for Small UAVs

scribe about the RF part of the transmitter, where the analog signal is up converted

for the transmission with the required frequency, while the digital signal processing

is done by the FPGAs, and will be discussed later.

Up Conversion

In the transmitter, for the up conversion the baseband digital signal is passed from

the FPGA to the D/A converter for conversion to an analog signal using a sampling

frequency of 4 MHz to obtain a signal at an intermediate frequency (IF) of 28 MHz. In

the up converter section which consists of band pass filter (BPF), conventional analog

quadrature mixer and oscillator, the continuous time signal (IF signal of 28 MHz) is

multiplied with the oscillator (400 MHz) in the mixer and we get the signal back with

the desired frequency (430 to 450 MHz) for the transmission. The unwanted signal is

eliminated by using the band pass filter (bandpass sampling technique). This signal is

amplified with the power amplifier (80 mW) and then it is transmitted. The complete

up conversion process has been shown in the Figure 2.1 with all components.





Figure 2.1: Up Conversion

Modem Design for Small UAVs

2.2.2 Receiver

A simple receiver consists of demodulator, oscillator, quadrature mixer and antenna

which is used to receive the signal from the transmitter. In the receiver we get the

low IF signal which is then passed to the A/D converter and subsequently the signal

processing section. There are a few reasons to use a low IF analog/digital interface


• It provides the greater flexibility in frequency translation.

• Cost saving.

• Avoids imperfections in quadrature mixers.

Down Conversion

The proposed down conversion architecture for the receiver is shown in Figure 2.2.

The down conversion process consists of a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA), band pass

filter, local oscillator and mixer. At the receiver end, the analog RF signal is received

at the antenna and passed through the LNA, filtered by a band pass filter, and then

multiplied by the local oscillator output (having frequency 400 MHz). After this down

conversion, we get the IF signal and an unwanted frequency signal that is deleted by

the band pass filter by using band pass sampling technique and translated to the

baseband signal which is the requirement of the digital quadrature mixer. The IF

signal is amplified with the power amplifier and then it enters into the analog to

digital converter where this analog signal is converted into the digital signal by using

Modem Design for Small UAVs

the sampling frequency (4 MHz). So after the conversion of analog signal to digital

signal, it is forwarded into digital signal processing section (FPGA).




Figure 2.2: Down Conversion

Mathematical Description of IF Signal

In the down conversion two signals are multiplied, one from the oscillator and other

one which is coming from the antenna as shown in the equation (2.1).

VIF = VLO cos(ω̄LO t) · VRF cos(ω̄RF t) (2.1)

This equation gives two frequencies in terms of sum and difference as shown be-


VIF = (cos[(ω̄LO − ω̄RF ) − φ] + cos[(ω̄LO + ω̄RF ) + φ]) (2.2)

The bandpass filter (IF filter) will reject the unwanted frequency (RF + LO) and

select the required difference frequency (LO - RF). Figure 2.3a shows the RF signal

Modem Design for Small UAVs

- RF
+ RF

0 Hz

2.3a. RF Signal

- LO + LO

0 Hz
2.3b. Local Oscillator Signal

Required Signal

0 Hz
- LO - RF - LO + RF + LO - RF + LO + RF

2.3c. Resultant Signal after the down conversion

Figure 2.3: Down Conversion

which is received by the receiver, Figure 2.3b shows the signal from local oscillator

with high frequency and finally after multiplication of both these two signals, the

required IF signal has been shown in Figure 2.3c.

2.3 Signal Processing Block

This section is very important because here we control the data rate by using the signal

processing and modulation techniques. All signal processing will be done inside the

FPGA. OFDM has been considered to transfer the data using different modulation

Modem Design for Small UAVs

techniques e.g. Binary Phase Shift Key (BPSK), Quadrature Phase Shift Key (QPSK)

and Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) technique etc. The Decimation In

Time (DIT) and Decimation In Frequency (DIF) algorithms are used to calculate the

Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT). Figure 2.4 shows the block diagram of the transmitter

and receiver in the signal processing section.

Bits in
Encoder Mapper LPF LPF D/A
Up Converter
e-jn /2


Decoder FFT LPF A/D
Bits Out Q
Down Converter

e-jn /2

Figure 2.4: FPGA Based Transmitter and Receiver

2.3.1 OFDM Based Transmitter

Practically OFDM systems are implemented with the FFT and IFFT. In the trans-

mitter, the quadrature mixer receives the signals in the form of multiplication of I

and Q baseband signals with the same local oscillator (LO) and 90 degree phase shift

is also provided on one path of the LO. Thus the signals which are separated by 90

degree are known as orthogonal to each other in the quadrature mixer. Thus we

receive the composite low IF signal which is further processed by the digital to analog

converter. The block diagram for the discrete modulator structure is shown in Figure

2.5. An OFDM based transmitter has been shown in the Figure 2.6 which consists

Modem Design for Small UAVs

LP Filter D/A Up Converter

e-jn /2

Figure 2.5: Modulator Structure

Insert Cyclic Prefix

450 MHz

Parallel to Serial
Serial to Parallel

UP Converter



Figure 2.6: OFDM Based Transmitter

of four major parts, encoder, mapper, IFFT and cyclic prefix. The basic principle

of OFDM is to divide the available spectrum into N orthogonal sub carriers. The

data comes through encoder to the mapper block where it is mapped to signal con-

stellations (e.g. QAM symbols). Next the IFFT is used to map these symbols on to

orthogonal sub-carriers. Then in the Cyclic Prefix (CP) section, samples are added

to the data to get rid of intersymbol interference (ISI) [9]. An OFDM frame is shown

in Figure 2.7.

Data is modulated in the mapper section where the input data is converted into

complex valued constellation points according to given constellation scheme as shown

in the Table 2.1 [8], which shows the different possible constellation points for some

examples of digital transmission techniques. We consider a variety of modulation and

coding schemes for this project, which are shown along with data rates assuming a

Modem Design for Small UAVs

Copy last – 1 samples.

0 -1 N+ -1

Figure 2.7: OFDM Frame

Table 2.2: Possible Modulation and Coding Modes for the Small UAV Modem.

Modulation Code Rate, R Bit Rate, Rb (kbits/sec)

BPSK 1/4 62.0606
BPSK 1/2 124.1212
BPSK 3/4 186.1818
QPSK 1/4 124.1212
QPSK 1/2 248.2424
QPSK 3/4 372.3636
8PSK 1/4 186.1818
8PSK 1/2 372.3636
8PSK 3/4 558.5455
16QAM 1/4 248.2424
16QAM 1/2 496.4848
16QAM 3/4 744.7273

symbol rate of 256 ksymbol/s in Table 2.2.

To combine all the different sub-carriers, a composite time domain signal is achieved

by using the IFFT which converts the signal from frequency domain to time domain.

The complete FFT structure and algorithm will be explained in Chapter 3. The

Modem Design for Small UAVs

addition of CP depends upon the sub-carriers, i.e. for more sub-carriers used the less

overhead introduced by the CP [10]. In the CP section, the data samples are copied

from the IFFT and placed at the front of OFDM frame (Figure 2.7). The reason to do

this is as follows. The convolution between the channel impulse response and data is

circular and interference from the last symbol will affect only the first added samples

in the beginning of the OFDM symbol. Therefore in the receiver this CP is discarded

and circular convolution makes the equalization much easier with the receiver. The

data rate decreases by the following factor due to the CP insertion:

R= . (2.3)
N +η

This shows that data rate will decrease if the number of samples in the CP increase,

so therefore we have to really carefully choose the samples for the addition in CP.

Typically, the CP length should be on the order of the channel impulse response

length. Finally the data is converted back into serial form by using the parallel to

serial converter and this discrete data is sent to modulator.

2.3.2 OFDM Based Receiver

In receiver the demodulator structure is the reverse of modulator which is shown

in the Figure 2.8. The composite I/Q signal is mixed with the local oscillator at

the carrier frequency in two paths, one is at the zero degree and the second one is

at 90 degree phase shift. Thus this composite signal is broken into in phase I and

quadrature Q components which are orthogonal to each other. We also decimate

Modem Design for Small UAVs

using the low pass filter, the signal after the frequency translation, to obtain a single

sample per symbol output signal.


e-jn /2

Figure 2.8: Demodulator Structure

Remove Cyclic Prefix

Channel Estimation
Down Converter

Serial to Parallel

Parallel to Serial


Figure 2.9: OFDM Based Receiver

The OFDM structure for the receiver is almost the reverse of the transmitter struc-

ture as shown in Figure 2.9. In the receiver the FFT block transfers the signal from

the time domain to the frequency domain. In the absence of noise, and other imper-

fections, when the output of the FFT is plotted on the complex plane, we will observe

the transmitted constellation.

Modem Design for Small UAVs

Chapter 3

FPGA Implementation

3.1 Introduction

With the rapid progress in communication technologies, the DSP market is also grow-

ing. Once an algorithm has been chosen, the custom Application Specific Integrated

Circuit (ASIC) chips can be implemented to get a low cost, size and power consump-

tion system [11]. However, for prototyping and low volume production, FPGAs are

typically used. In this chapter we focus on the design and processing of the FFT

engine and also its implementation on different FPGAs (Cyclone I and II). The first

section of the chapter introduces the theory and algorithm of FFT and in the second

section, the implementation of butterfly operation and FFT has been described. The

FFT is a very important part in multicarrier systems. The Cooley Tukey algorithm

is used to calculate the Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT). These DFTs are im-

plemented on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). For real time processing

Modem Design for Small UAVs

applications, dedicated FFTs are used to get fast computations, which increases the

system’s efficiency.

3.2 FFT and Butterfly Operation

The Fast Fourier Transform is an algorithm through which the Discrete Fourier Trans-

form (DFT) is calculated with less number of computations as compare to the direct

computations of DFTs. Table 3.1 shows the comparison of the number of complex

multiplications and additions between the direct computation and FFT algorithm.

In FFT complex multiplications and additions are considered. A Discrete Fourier

Transform (DFT) for a sequence x(0), x(1), x(2), ...., x(N − 1) is defined as

N −1
X −j2πnk
X(k) = x(n)e N , (3.1)

where k = 0, 1, 2,...., N − 1, x(n) is the time domain sequence and X(k) is the
frequency domain representation of the sequence. If WN = e N , which is also called

twiddle factor, then equation (3.1) can also be written as

X −1
X(k) = x(n)WN nk . (3.2)

For the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT), we just need to invert the DFT

as shown in equation (3.3). The IFFT is used to get the time domain signal from the

Modem Design for Small UAVs

frequency domain signal.

N −1
1X j2πnk
x(n) = X(k)e N (3.3)
N n=0

To calculate and implement the FFT, either the Decimation In Time (DIT) or

a A = a + bWN

b B = a - bWN

Figure 3.1: Butterfly.

Decimation In Frequency (DIF) algorithm is used. The DIT algorithm is referred to

as the Cooley Tukey algorithm and the algorithm is DIF referred to as the Sande

Tukey algorithm. A divide and conquer approach is used in these algorithms to make

the system more efficient. The basic principle of this divide and conquer approach is

N point DFTs computations are divided into two N/2 points and then from these N/2

points DFT two N/4 point DFT computations are obtained and it continues until we

get the final transforms [12]. For more detail about these algorithms consider [13].

In this project, the DIT algorithm has been considered to implement the fast Fourier

transforms for 64 points with radix-2. These kinds of DFTs are calculated by using

radix - 2. There are three radix options (r = 2, 4, and 16) that are usually used to

calculate the transforms. By increasing the radix we can decrease the computations

in the processor, i.e. using high radix decomposition reduces the number of passes

through the FFT processor and make them more efficient. In radix - 2 the total

number of complex multiplications and additions are reduced to 2
log2 N and N log2 N

Modem Design for Small UAVs


Table 3.1: Comparison of number of computations in direct DFT and FFT.

Number Direct Direct Radix-2 Radix-2

of Additions Multiplications FFT FFT

Points N N (N − 1) N2 additions N log2 N multiplications 2
log2 N

4 = 22 12 16 4 × log2 22 = 8 4/2 × log2 22 = 4

8 = 23 56 64 8 × log2 23 = 24 8/2 × log2 23 = 12

16 = 24 240 256 16 × log2 24 = 64 16/2 × log2 24 = 32

32 = 25 992 1024 32 × log2 25 = 160 32/2 × log2 25 = 80

64 = 26 4032 4,096 64 × log2 26 = 384 64/2 × log2 26 = 192

128 = 27 16,256 16,384 128 × log2 27 = 896 128/2 × log2 27 = 448

To calculate the FFT transforms for radix - 2, N must be that N = 2m where m is

number of decimations which can be calculated as m = log2N . Therefore for FFT

with length of 64 points, 6 times decimations will be calculated. In other words

there will be 6 stages of butterfly operations and each stage will process 32 butterflies

operations for DIT radix- 2. The butterfly operation for the DIT - FFT is shown in

Figure 3.1.

The DIT butterfly structure is different than DIF butterfly because in DIT, the

twiddle factor is multiplied before the addition and subtraction is performed. In

the DIT algorithm, the initial data is divided into even transform samples and odd

transform samples and it continues until the initial transforms are reduced to set of

Modem Design for Small UAVs

two point transforms of the initial data. The data is processed in bit reversed order

at the input of butterfly. For example, if the binary address of the sequence of data

is 110, then its bit reversed order would be 011. The block diagram and signal flow

graph for an 8 point DIT FFT with radix-2 is shown in Figure 3.2, with a single

butterfly illustrated in the dotted box.

X(0) X(0)

W20 X(1)


W20 X(3)

W80 X(4)

X(5) W20 W81 X(5)

W40 W82 X(6)


W20 W41
X(7) W83 X(7)

Figure 3.2: Signal Flow Graph for 8 Point FFT.

3.3 Butterfly Operation

In the butterfly operation, there are two inputs A and B (both A and B are complex

numbers i.e. Ar, Ai, Br, Bi) and the outputs are C and D complex numbers (Cr, Ci,

Dr, Di) as shown in Figure 3.3. The schematic of the butterfly consists of a complex

multiplier, complex adder and complex subtractor. A library of parameterized mod-

ules (LPM) mega functions are used for multiplexers, additions and subtractions in

Modem Design for Small UAVs

the AHDL model. The butterfly operation is processed in two stages. In the first

stage, complex multiplication is performed between the pair of WN (Wi, Wr) coef-

ficients and pair of inputs B (Br, Bi). In the second stage an addition is performed

between the inputs A and the product of WN (Wr, Wi) and B (Br, Bi) input to get

C (Cr, Ci) output. In the third stage the product of WN and B is subtracted from

the inputs A to get D (Dr, Di) output. In this model there is no checking of overflow

or underflow.

Real Ci = Ar + BrWr – BiWi
Bi +


Cr = Ai +BrWi + BiWr
+ +

Ai Wr

Di = Ar – BrWr + BiWi

Dr = Ai – BrWi – BiWr

Figure 3.3: Schematic of Single Butterfly.

3.4 Single FFT Processor

To design an FFT we not only consider the speed by inserting pipelines but also

we have to reduce the hardware resources as far as possible. Thus to increase the

computational speed of DIT FFT in FPGAs, there are usually four different types

Modem Design for Small UAVs

of architectures as shown in Figure 3.4. Figure 3.4a shows the single butterfly ar-

chitecture which consists of only one random access memory (RAM). During this

butterfly processing the outputs are stored back to the same memory locations used

by butterfly inputs. Figure 3.4b shows the dual memory architecture in which the

butterfly consists of two memories, with one used for the input and the other used

to store the output. These architectures are used for low throughput with high clock

[14]. Figure 3.4c shows the parallel architecture of the butterfly which increases the

number of processing elements as well. Figure 3.4d shows the pipeline architecture

for the butterfly process, which produces a non-stopping process on a clock frequency

eual to the input data sampling rate. These two architectures are used to get high

throughput of FFT. We focus on the dual memory structure as shown in Figure 3.5

with introducing some buffer elements as well. The butterfly processor is the combi-

nation of one complex multiplier, adder and subtractor. The hardware structure of

the FFT processor in the FPGA has been shown in the Figure 3.5.

The FFT hardware structure consists of two RAMs, one for the inputs of the butterfly

in which data is stored in the form of array x and y, while the second RAM is used to

store the output from the butterfly operation. This makes the process fast; one Read

Only Memory (ROM) is also used in which two constant arrays of Wr and Wi for

look up tables are stored for use in the butterfly operation. The third important part

is the controller through which it is confirmed that the right pair real and imaginary

is going into the input of the butterfly and also from the ROM as well. Two buffers

are also used at the front end of the butterfly, which read the inputs from RAM 1 and

make sure that the right signal is processed in the butterfly operation. Two buffers

Modem Design for Small UAVs

Butt Butt
RAM erfly RAM erfly RAM

a. Single Memory Architecture

b. Dual Memory Architecture

RAM Butt Butt RAM

erfly Buffer erfly

c. Pipeline Architecture


R Butt

d. Parallel Architecture

Figure 3.4: Different Butterfly Structures.

are also connected to store the output of the butterfly and to make sure that the

output has been received after the butterfly operation and then it is written in the

RAM 2. It is often advantageous to store the output from the butterfly into a buffer

instead of using the single RAM circuit where the output from the butterfly is stored

back to the same memory locations (in place algorithm). This makes the processing

fast but it also requires more resources. For details consider [15]. By examining the

FFT processor architechture in Figure 3.5, it can be observed that there are two

main operations are involved. One is the butterfly operation and the second one is

indexing (to access the right array of signals from the RAM). Our main focus remains

Modem Design for Small UAVs

Buffer Buffer
Buffer Buffer

ROM (Twiddle Factors)


Figure 3.5: FFT Processor.

on the butterfly operation and the indexing operation in the memory. A sequence

generator (state machine) has been considered to reduce the indexing complexity in

the FFT structure. The function of each hardware component in the FFT structure

is described below.

3.4.1 Butterfly Processor

The butterfly processor section performs the butterfly operation, with each 8 bit in-

put data width. A complete butterfly operation requires one complex multiplier and

a complex adder and a complex subtractor. This corresponds to four real multiplica-

tions, three real adders and three real subtractors. The four real multiplications are

executed in parallel which enhances the processing speed [16]. The input size in the

multipliers is 8 × 8 bits and the result is 16 bits while all the adders and subtractors

Modem Design for Small UAVs

are operated with 16 bits input and 16 bits output. The final 16 bits result of the

butterfly operation is truncated to the 8 most significant bits and is saved into the

memory. A second option, which would provide higher precision for this operation is

we can keep 16 bits results and then perform 16 × 16 operation in the rest of stages

and the final result would contain 16 bits. In the butterfly operation when first cycle

is finished then the first result bit of each real multiplication is ready, then the ad-

ditions and subtractions are operated. Therefore, the butterfly operation is operated

efficiently as all the operations are synchronous.

3.4.2 Dual Random Access Memory

In this double buffering FFT processor design, dual port RAM is used. One port is

used to access the real 8 bits input and other one is used for imaginary 8 bits inputs.

Each port is used as a unidirectional port to transmit the data in and data out for

both real and imaginary parts. The output from the butterfly is stored in RAM2 and

written back to RAM1 with the same memory locations. This is called the in place

algorithm [17]. Read and write operations in RAM are controlled with the sequence

generator or state machine.

3.4.3 Read Only Memory

All the twiddle factors WN are stored in the ROM and output is specified by the

address “addr” as an integer. Both the Wr and Wi numbers are read out at the

same time. ROM is also used with 16 bit width, with 8 bit real and 8 bit imaginary

Modem Design for Small UAVs

part. For the butterfly operation ROM with all coefficients is initialized with the

sequence generator. For a 64 point FFT, 64 sets of coefficients are stored in ROM


3.4.4 State Machine

All the hardware components of the FFT processor work concurrently. The controller

is used to trigger the hardware. The control process is described with the help of a

state machine because it gives lot of advantages regarding the debugging of the system.

The state machine is also coded up in AHDL. To implement the state machine in

AHDL requires the following [18]:

• Declaration.

• Control equations.

• State transitions by using case statements.

The transitions in the state diagram with the associated conditions have been shown

in Figure 3.6. A transition in state machine occurs at the positive cycle of the clock

and the actions always happen at the negative cycle of the clock [19]. “if statements”

based on the clock conditions are used in the control process. When the clock = 1,

the next state is determined by using the case statements. A change of state will

never occur until the actions of current state are finished at the second half of the

clock cycle. When the clock = 0, the current state action is activate and implemented

in the case statement. At the end it changes the state to next state and renews the

Modem Design for Small UAVs

When clock = 1 When clock = 0

S0 S0 = Reset

S1 S1 = Buffer takes input data

S2 = Multiplication

S3 = Butterfly operation

S4 S4 = Data write in RAM

S5 S5 = Stage done

Figure 3.6: State Diagram of Control Processor.

cycle again.

3.5 Available Resources

Cyclone I

• 2,910 to 20,060 logic elements are available.

Modem Design for Small UAVs

• 52 M4KRAM block (128 × 36bits).

• 239,616 total RAM bits including M4KRAM.

Cyclone II

• 4,608 to 68,416 logic elements are available.

• 13 to 150 (18 × 18bits) Multipliers.

• 119,808 to 1,152,000 RAM bits including M4K memory blocks.

3.6 Performance Evaluation on Different FPGAs

The butterfly architecture has been modeled in AHDL. To analyze the different FP-

GAs characteristics regarding the memory space, logic elements and other require-

ments, the butterfly model has been simulated with the Cyclone I and Cyclone II

FPGAs at the clock rate of 100 MHz and the word length has been assumed as 8

bits. We get the following synthesis results:

Cyclone I

• Device : EP1C4F324C6

• Total logic elements: 526/4,000 (13%).

• Total pins : 178/249 (71%).

Cyclone II

Modem Design for Small UAVs

• Device : EP2C20F484C6

• Total logic elements : 73/18,752 (<1%).

• Total registers : 71

• Total pins : 178/315 (57%).

• Embedded Multiplier 9 bit element : 4/52 (8%).

For N = 64, there are 6 stages and 192 = (64/2) × log2 64 butterflies are computed.

According to the simulation results one butterfly operation completes in two cycles,

therefore 2 × ( 64
) × log2 64 + 6 = 390 clock cycles are required for the 64 point FFT

[20]. The total time taken by the FFT is 3.9 µs.

Modem Design for Small UAVs

Chapter 4

Conclusion and


In this master thesis report an OFDM based modem architecture for small UAVs has

been proposed for achieving flexible data rates (62kbps to 744kbps) depending the

on link quality, where the signal processing is done using the FPGAs. The 430 - 450

band has been considered for this small UAV project.

To meet with project requirements we recommend the use of low cost hardware com-

ponents for up and down conversion which can be easily obtained from the market.

We also recommend the OFDM technique because it facilitates the use of adaptive

modulation and coding, and provides robustness in frequency selective fading environ-

ments. OFDM has been implemented with the FFT. We have proposed the symbol

rate of 256 ksymbols/sec. We also proposed to adapt the data rate according to

the link quality by using adaptive modulation and coding. To complete the modem

Modem Design for Small UAVs

design we also need the decoder and encoder, which is the next task to be designed.

Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes have been proposed for the coding.

In the third chapter of this report we described the FFT processor design and im-

plemented the single butterfly operation on different FPGAs (Cyclone I and II) by

using the Quartus II software. All the FFT design has been modeled in AHDL. We

calculated the processing time for the FFT processor as 3.9µs from the presented

design. From the results, it is noted that the Cyclone I (EP1C4F324C6) takes 526

logic elements which is the 13% of the total 4,000 logic elements while the Cyclone II

(EP2C20F484C6) takes only 73 out of 18,752 which is the less than 1% of the total;

it also use 71 registers and 4 embedded multipliers (9 bit) for a single butterfly oper-

ation. From these results, for the Cyclone II FPGA we note assume that only about

10% of the FPGA will be consumed by the FFT processor. We can assume that the

whole modem design will consume less than 50% of Cyclone II resources. The project

is ongoing and still many changes have to be done in the total FPGA design so that

probably either of the Cyclone I and II will be useful for our modem design. It is

noted that the use of a radix - 4 DIT algorithm to calculate the Fourier transforms

could be advantageous since our FFT uses 64 points, which is a power of four. The

use of radix - 4 can reduce the number of complex additions to (3N/2) log2 N and

the number of complex multiplications to (3N/8) log2 N .

Modem Design for Small UAVs

Appendix A

Poster in AusCTW 2007

Regarding this Modem Design

We have presented our work as a poster in the Australian Communication Theory

Workshop (AusCTW) 2007.

Modem Design for Small UAVs1
By: Shahid Mahmood
Supervisors: Prof. William G. Cowley
Dr. I. D. Holland
Institute for Telecommunications Research
University of South Australia

This work has been conducted under an occupational training scholarship at
the Institute for Telecommunications Research (ITR), University of South Aus-
1 of 12
Modem Design for Small UAVs


• Overview of the Small UAVs project.

• Objectives.

• Uses of small UAVs.

• Concept of adaptive modulation with OFDM.

• OFDM based transmitter and receiver model.

• Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).

• Available resources.

• Conclusions and future work.

2 of 12
Modem Design for Small UAVs

Small UAVs Project Overview

• Aim
–To build a complete modem inside a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) using low-cost compo-
nents for consumer and/or commercial applications by using the Australian amateur band (e.g. 430 -
450 MHz).
• Participants
–Institute For Telecommunications Research (ITR), University of South Australia.

–School of Computer and Information Science (CIS), University of South Australia.

–Sponsored by Sir Ross and Keith Smith Foundation.

3 of 12
Modem Design for Small UAVs

Uses of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

• Homeland Security.
• Traffic surveillance/monitoring systems which serves as Intelligence Transport Sys-
tems (ITS) [1].
• Forest fire surveillance.
• Hurricane monitoring.
• Weather measurements.
• In media industry, for example, for news reports, movie makers, etc.

4 of 12
Modem Design for Small UAVs

System Diagram

Bits in
Encoder Mapper IFFT LPF LPF D/A

/2 Up Converter


Decoder FFT LPF A/D
Bits Out Q
Down Converter

5 of 12
Modem Design for Small UAVs

Adaptive Modulation with OFDM

• Intersymbol interference (ISI) is removed with the sufficient cyclic prefix (CP) length.
• Provide flexible data rate depending on link quality.
• Possible data rates for BPSK and 16QAM modulation is 62.0606 and 744.7273 kbits/sec
respectively, assuming the symbol rate of 256ksymbol/sec BPSK with LDPC coding with
min. code rate 1/4 and 16QAM with LDPC coding with max rate is 3/4.
• Table of constellation points with different modulation techniques is shown below [3].
Modulation scheme Constellation Mode bk
index (BPS)
None No signal transmitted 0 0
1 1

2 2

3 4

4 6

6 of 12
Modem Design for Small UAVs

OFDM Based Transmitter

• Australian amateur band (430 to 450 MHz) may be used for transmissions.

• Bandpass sampling technique is considered for the up conversion of baseband signal

(e.g. 28 MHz).

450 MHz



UP Converter

Parallel to Serial

Serial to Parallel
Insert Cyclic Prefix

7 of 12
Modem Design for Small UAVs

OFDM Based Receiver

• Continuous time signal is down converted into Intermediate Frequency (IF) signal
(e.g. 28 MHz).

• Band pass sampling technique is used.



Down Converter
Serial to Parallel
Parallel to Serial

Channel Estimation

Remove Cyclic Prefix

8 of 12
Modem Design for Small UAVs

Architecture For Fast Fourier Transform(FFT)

• Decimation in Time (DIT) with radix-2 algorithm is proposed to calculate the FFT.

• Pipeline model for butterfly operation has been considered.

• Single butterfly operation requires one complex multipliers and two complex adders
and subtractors.

• Signal flow graph for 8 point FFT. (single butterfly is highlighted).

X(0) X(0)

W20 X(1)


W20 X(3)

W80 X(4)

X(5) W20 W81 X(5)

W40 W82 X(6)


W20 W41
X(7) W83 X(7)

9 of 12
Modem Design for Small UAVs

Available Resources

• Cyclone I FPGA
–2,910 to 20,060 Logic Elements.

–52 M4KRAM Blocks (128 × 36 bits).

–239,616 total RAM bits including M4KRAM [2].

• Cyclone II FPGA
–4,608 to 68,416 logic elements are available.

–13 to 150 18bit × 18bit Multipliers can be used.

–119,808 to 1,152,000 RAM bits including M4K memory blocks[2].

10 of 12
Modem Design for Small UAVs

Conclusion and Preliminary simulation for single butterfly.

• Preliminary Simulation Results for One Butterfly

–Timing simulations are based on a clock rate of 100 MHz.
–One butterfly operation takes two clock cycles.
–526 logic elements are used by Cyclone I (EP1C4F324C6).
–73 logic elements and 4 multipliers (9bit × 9bit) are also used by Cyclone II (EP2C20F484C6).

• Conclusions
–This is an ongoing project and many additional features would also be added in the FPGA total design.
–OFDM with adaptive modulation and coding provides flexible data transmission rates to UAVs com-
–DIT with Radix-4 can reduce the number of passes and complex additions.

11 of 12
Modem Design for Small UAVs

Thank You.



[1]Raja Sengupta, Tim Macgee, Eric Frew. Vision-based road-following using a small autonomous aircraft., in Proc. IEEE
Aerospace Conference 2004, March. 2004.
[2]Altera Product Catalog,October 2006.
[3]I. D. Holland, “Effective explicit and implicit link adaptation techniques for wireless communications”, PhD. Thesis, Curtin
University of Technology, Perth, Australia, Dec. 2004.

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Modem Design for Small UAVs

Modem Design for Small UAVs

Appendix B

Specification of FFT

The performance of FFT has big impact on data width and twiddle factors be-

cause of memory resources and logic elements required by FPGAs are essentially

linear to these values. So here are some general formulas to calculate the different


RAM (in bits) is given by: 2 × datawidth × points Twiddle factors in ROM (in bits)

is given by: twiddlewidth × points/4 for Stratix FPGAs

twiddlewidth × points/4 for all other FPGAs

The performance of the core also dependent on:

• clock rate of the system.

• number of clock cycles required to compute the FFT.

Clock cycles are calculated by the number of stages and the number of clock cycles

Modem Design for Small UAVs

per pass.

number of stages = ceiling ((log2 (points))/2 clock cycles per stage (for internal mem-

ory) =

points + ceiling(log2 (twiddlewidth))+15

clock cycles per stage (for external memory) =

points + ceiling(log2 (twiddlewidth)) + 19

The total number of clock cycles per transform is given by

total number of clock cycles per transform =

(number of passes× number of clock cycles per pass) + 6.

Modem Design for Small UAVs


[1] P. T. Sleeper, The ’Aerial Target’ and ’Aerial Torpedo’in the USA, Copyright
1999 CTIE,, June

[2] G. Goebel, “Unmanned aerial vehicles”,

htm, January 07.

[3] “Unmanned aerial vehicles (uavs)”,, Jan-

uary 07.

[4] Cyber Aerospace, UAV History, Copyright 2004, Proxity Digital Network.Inc,
December 06.

[5] B. Sweetman, Mini UAVs - the next small thing., Copyrights 2006 Janes Infor-
mation Group., October 2005.

[6] S. Naveen, Reconfiqurable Modem Architecture, January 2004.

[7] W. G. Cowley L. Berry, S. Bose, Satellite Communications, Number 0-7923-

9333-3. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993.

[8] I.D. Holland, Effective explicit and implicit link adaptation strategies for wireless
communications., PhD thesis, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia,

[9] Anders Ollson Fredrik Kristensen, Peter Nilsson, “A generic transmitter for
wireless ofdm system”, IEEE Proceedings on. Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Communications., vol. 3,pp.2234- 2238, 2003.

[10] Agilent, “Digital modulation in communications systems”, An Introduction,


[11] J.H. Lee. K.L. Heo, S.M. Cho, “Application - specific dsp architecture for fast
fourier transforms”, IEEE, 2003.

[12] E.E. Fabris., “A bit serial fft processor”, UFRGS Federal University, 2004.

[13] A.N. Kani, Digital Signal Processing, RBA, Chennai, India, 1998.

Modem Design for Small UAVs

[14] H. Jiang and H. Luo., “Design of an efficient fft processor for ofdm systems”,
IEEE Transactions on. Consumer Electronics, vol. 51,pp.1099- 1103, 2005.

[15] L.R. Rabiner and B.Gold, Theory and Applications for Digital Signal Processing,
Prentice Hall, 1975.

[16] K.K. Parhi., VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems., John Wiley and Sons,

[17] Orfanidis and Sophocles., Introduction to Signal Processing., Prentice Hall, 1996.

[18] AUSPACE Limited, Preliminary Design Documentation.

[19] C.H. Lee., “Top down system design using vhdl.”, IEEE Proceedings on. ASIC
Conference and Exhibit, vol. 34,pp.256-265, 1993.

[20] Altera Cooperation, FFT MegaCore Function User Guide.


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