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Task 2 – Writting Production

María Camila Holguín Chaux

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia - UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería

Ingeniería Industrial

Stage 1 – Individual work
B. Introduce yourself.

Hello teacher and companions,

My name is María Camila Holguín, I am 26 years old, I live in Bogota with may
family. My family is composed by my mother, my father and my brother.

I work in a Iberomericana University, I am quality analyst and I have been in that

company for 3 years.

I am environmental engineer but I want to complement my studies with industrial


D. Observe the following picture and write abour it according to your criterion:

➢ Give a name to each person in the picture.

According to the picture, the names of the friends from right to left are Spencer,
Frank, Alisson and Mark.

➢ Describe each one of them.

Spencer in her group of friends is characterized by being the most cheerful, she is
always here to offer advice and to lift her spirits. Her skin is dark and she is a beautiful
woman. She wears black pants, a gray top, and sunglasses.
Frank is characterized by always being aware of the details in the outings of friends,
he is very serious although next to Spencer he does not stop laughing. He has very
short black hair, his skin is white. He is wearing khaki shorts and a white shirt, he
cannot miss the sunglasses.

Alisson is the most shy of the group of friends, she is a beautiful woman
characterized by having short yellow hair, her skin is very white so she must take
care of the sun. She is wearing jeans and a white shirt with green sleeves.

Finally there is Mark, he is characterized by being a good dancer, along with Allison
they are the smartest of the group. He wears black pants, his underpants are white
and combines with a gray shirt and a red shirt. Your sunglasses cannot be faulted.

➢ Where is that place?

This group of friends traveled from the United States to Colombia to discover the
tatacoa desert, one of the most beautiful places with various types of fauna and flora
in terms of the desert ecosystem.

➢ What can you do there?

The Tatacoa desert presents several tourist options, the best known are:
- The astronomical observatory
- The slabs
- Cuzco
- The Cardon
- The Doche
- St nicolas
- Los Hoyos
There are different lodgings in the locals' houses where you can enjoy the customs
and typical dishes

➢ What are you doing?

This group of friends just arrived in the tatacoa desert, they were driving for several
hours and decided to stop to visualize the landscape and took the opportunity to take
photos and remember old moments.

➢ What did they do yesterday?

Yesterday this group of friends camped in the desert, they slept in camping under a
small bonfire where they sang their favorite songs and had one of the typical drinks
of Colombia, aguapanela.

➢ What are they planning to do tomorrow?

For tomorrow, this group of friends is going to visit San Agustin, located in the same
department of Neiva, they will try the typical food of the place and try to learn a little

Stage 2 – Collaborate work

Movie Wonder Woman
Director Patty Jenkins
Producers Geoff Johns
Zack Snyder
Deborah Snyder
Jon Berg.
Who is (are) the Gal Gadot
protagonist(s)? Chris Pine
Robin Wright
Danny Wright
Elena Anaya
Connie Nielsen
Who is (are) the David Thewlis
Chronological time of the It begins by showing the past of Wonder Woman and
movie then focuses on the present of the protagonist
Beginning: Diana receives a Wayne Business photo
plate of her and four men taken during World War I,
prompting her to remember her past. Daughter of Queen
Hippolyta, Diana was raised on the hidden island of
Themyscira, home to the Amazonian warriors created by
Zeus to protect humanity. Hippolyta explains the
Amazon story to Diana, including how Ares became
jealous of humanity and orchestrated its destruction.

Plot Knot: Diana, now a young woman, rescues

American pilot Captain Steve Trevor when his plane
crashes off the coast of Themysciran. The island is soon
overrun by German soldiers who had been chasing
Steve. The Amazons kill the crew, but Antiope sacrifices
himself to save Diana. Steve is interrogated with Hestia's
Lasso and reveals that a great war is consuming the
outside world and that he is an allied spy. He has stolen
a notebook from the main chemistry, Dr. Isabel Maru,
who is trying to design a more deadly form of mustard
gas under the command of General Erich Ludendorff at
a weapons facility in the Ottoman Empire. Believing that
Ares is responsible for the war, Diana is armed with the
"Slaughter" sword, lasso, and armor before leaving
Themyscira with Steve to locate and arrest Ares forever.

In London, they hand over Maru's notebook to the

Supreme War Council, where Sir Patrick Morgan is trying
to negotiate an armistice with Germany. Diana translates
Maru's notes and reveals that the Germans plan to
release the deadly gas on the western front. Although his
commander forbids him to act, Steve, with Morgan's
secret funds, recruits Moroccan spy Sameer, Scottish
shooter Charlie and Native American smuggler Chief
Napi to help prevent the gas from being released. The
team comes to the front in Belgium. Diana goes alone
through no man's land and captures the enemy trench,
allowing Allied forces to help her liberate the nearby town
of Veld. The team celebrates briefly, taking a picture in
town, as Diana and Steve begin to fall in love.

Ending: Morgan appears and reveals himself as

Ares. He tells Diana that, while he has subtly given ideas
and inspirations to humans, using Ludendorff and Maru
as pawns in the process, it is ultimately their decision to
resort to violence, as they are inherently corrupt. When
Diana tries to kill Ares with the "Slaughter" sword, she
destroys it, then reveals to Diana that she is the "Slayer"
herself, as the daughter of Zeus and Hippolyta. He fails
to convince Diana to help him destroy humanity to
restore paradise on Earth. As the two fight, Steve's team
destroys Maru's lab. Steve hijacks and pilots the bomber
that carries the poison to a safe altitude and detonates it,
sacrificing himself. Ares tries to direct Diana's anger and
grief over Steve's death by convincing her to kill Maru,
but memories of her experiences with Steve make her
realize that humans have something good inside of
them. She forgives Maru and redirects Ares' rays
towards him, killing him forever. Later, the team
celebrates the end of the war.

Link of a trailer

What did you learn about S1. From this movie, I learned that the first love is
the movie? never forgotten, additionally that unconditional friends
will always be there to help any situation.
Power, not physical but mental, together with
friendship are values that all human beings must have.

The movie has very interesting moments, from the

beginning of Wonder Woman it generated tenderness
How did the film make but the suspense was maintained throughout the plot
you feel? and to end sadness when the pilot gave his life to save
that of his friends.

The film itself has no relation to the industrial

engineering program, however, there is a part where
How does the movie different experiments are being created that can be
relate to the academic linked to the study of times and methods to get the best
program you are

Another ending for the Another end of wonder woman, it could be that she
movie could be… did not discover who Ades was and could not stop the
second world war; however, she would not have become
the wonder woman who works with batman or superman.

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