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This mantra is for Kama deva

"Kleem Kaamdevaaya Vidmahe 

Push-Pa-Baanaaya Dhimahi

Tannon-Angaa Prachodayaat "

Procedure : 1 mala (108 repetitions) for 40 day is usually required (repeat the
cycles if need be). (From the Brahma-Puran) The traditional Mala-jap can be

Kama Gayatri is one of the most potent gayatri mantras and has immediate effect
upon the chanter. If you are ever suffering from lack of love, whenever you are
searching for the right love partner in vain, whenever your sexual life has gone
stale - chanting Kama Gayatri is the answer for you. It is the solution for all the
troubles associated with desire be it sensual or relational.

Note - Make sure you pronounce the mantra correnctly dont divert your mind light
a ghee deep in your room face West and start your mantra
2 years ago
Kleem is the seed mantra of para shakti in its action aspect formed as such. 
Sabda brahma is the knowledge of the supreme spirit manifesting itself in 
indistinct sound called Anahata. This sound kleem comes from Ka + La + Eem.
denotes creation coming to preservation stage where knowledge is essential 
towards action. We saw what eem stands for the desire as well as the clear 
conception for the desire. The seed letter Kla ending with bindu connotes non 
dual Brahman known as Para Shiva or Para shakthi. Therefore the seed mantra 
Kleem stands for the predominance of kriya shakthi which manifests like the 
lustre of moon. Kleem also means the state, where there is no assumption. It is 
the junction where fulfilment of all desires takes place and therefore this is 
also known as the Kamaraja mantra. 

The deity kriya shakthi is Mahalaxmi who is evident in two forms - the malignant 
and the benignant. 

In the former case Kali as durga works fear and panic in the heart of the timid 
and unwary. In the latter case kali is as lakshmi, is the foster mother to the 
knowing and tenacious. The bindu connotes that in all ways the import in the non 
dual Brahman. Kleem corresponds to the second stage of speech madhyama vak.
place of pronunciation is the head, where the ideas begin to take the form of 

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