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Eloisa May V.


BSN 3 – NA

For our related learning experience, as third year student nurses, the concepts of Medical-Surgical
Nursing now begin to come upon us. It is now the time to accept the fact that we have reached this
stage and will be fielded in the Medical-Surgical Wards and Operating Rooms, both of course when
the whole pandemic is over and the environment is safe for us to go on duty again. My chosen
journal focuses on the role of nurses to ensure patient safety especially during surgical procedures
and helping patients avoid or lessen the chances of acquiring post-surgical injuries.

As I read through some old materials from my siblings, and with the help of their stories especially
from my brother who was a former Operating Room Nurse, they always tell me that 3 rd Year really is
a year to look forward to. Reading their old manuals is always a bit confusing for me but they have
always been very welcoming in teaching me or clarifying things that I do not understand right away.
During our 2nd year duties, I always enjoyed our Delivery Room rotation because I got to witness such
swift and keen procedures and me being a bit shy towards strangers, I appreciated the fact that you
don’t have to talk much in the area. But I liked taking care of patients when they’re waiting for their
turn or when we visit them for the rounds. Now that we are faced with a difficult situation, I have to
admit that I miss being fielded in the hospital a lot. Nothing can replace experience to enhance
learning and that is something this pandemic has shown to me.

Now that I am a 3rd year student nurse, it is important for me to be more aware of the fact that I am
here and it took quite a while for me to do so. When I think of the operating room, I see instruments,
big lights, sterile gowns and equipment, and a lot of blood. I’ve never been the one to be afraid of
gushing blood or a pool of blood in front of me, but I was honestly looking forward to this experience
this year. With my readings and research, I was able to get a glimpse of what could’ve been my
experience now, not just in the OR but also in the Medical and Surgical Wards. The Philippines hasn’t
exactly been the model country when it comes to healthcare facilities but it does produce some of
the best and renowned medical professionals that get recognized abroad. So I can’t really say much
about the facilities here, rather I do wish the government does better in implementing and
budgeting its finances, focusing more on the healthcare issues of the country, and improving salaries
of healthcare workers just so they don’t always have the mindset of leaving the country, hence
forcing many hospitals to close down stations due to the lack of manpower.

As a student nurse, I’m not sure if it is normal to be this enthusiastic about hospital duties, because
truthfully I am very ecstatic when it comes to it. There has always been a sense of pride for me
knowing that I can take care of people a bit closer than the regular individual, and this makes me
very happy and fulfilled. I do hope this continues on until I actually become a doctor soon. I want to
be the doctor that people will not hesitate to converse to and be scared of, especially by nurses and
other hospital staff. In order to achieve this dream, I have to work really hard and try my best to take
in as much information as possible. I also feel like the OR rotation would be my favorite, if we ever
do get to be fielded this year.

Despite being very far away from Cagayan de Oro right now and not having the assurance as to
when things will be back to normal, I do hope to learn a lot this year. The journal and different
procedures I’ve read about are just a glimpse of what this year will be full of, but I truly hope to
engage myself more on learning and becoming a better student nurse, so that I can become a great
physician someday. With the rough journey right now, I hope this will make not only me but also the
people I am close to, a lot stronger for us to reach our dreams in the medical field together.

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