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6/6/2020 Weekly Quiz 3 (AS): PGPBABI.O.

OCT19 Advanced Statistics - Great Learning

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Weekly Quiz 3 (AS)

Type : Graded Quiz

Attempts : 1/1

Questions : 10

Time : 30m

Due Date : Jan 05, 11:59 PM

Your Score : 6.00/10


Attempt History

Date Attempt Marks

Jan 05, 11:09 AM 1 6 Hide answers

Question No: 1 Correct Answer

Marks: 1/1
In factor analysis, highly correlated variables converges to a

Doesn't converge

Common concept You Selected

Different Concept

None of the above 1/6
6/6/2020 Weekly Quiz 3 (AS): PGPBABI.O.OCT19 Advanced Statistics - Great Learning
None of the above

Incorrect Answer
Question No: 2
Marks: 0/1

What is the limit of Factor Loadings?

1.0 You Selected

no limit


-1.0 to + 1.0 Correct Option

Question No: 3 Correct Answer

Marks: 1/1
What helps in determining the optimal number of factors in factor analysis?

Pie chart

Box plot

Scree Plot You Selected

Bell curve

Question No: 4 Correct Answer

Marks: 1/1
The percentage of the variance in the original variables that is captured by the system of
factor equations together is called? 2/6
6/6/2020 Weekly Quiz 3 (AS): PGPBABI.O.OCT19 Advanced Statistics - Great Learning

Scree Plot

Variance Summarized

Communality You Selected

Factor Loading

Question No: 5 Incorrect Answer

Marks: 0/1
The percentage of the initial variance associated with each factor is shown under ?

Scree Plot

Variance Summarized Correct Option

Factor Score You Selected

Question No: 6 Correct Answer

Marks: 1/1
A good factor analysis doesn't help take appropriate decisions on market segmentation and
marketing mix


False You Selected

Question No: 7 Incorrect Answer

Marks: 0/1 3/6
6/6/2020 Weekly Quiz 3 (AS): PGPBABI.O.OCT19 Advanced Statistics - Great Learning
a s: 0/
Numerical values can be computed on each factor for the individual units by substituting the
values of the original variables or better the standard scores on the original variables in the
factor equations, what is it called?

Rotated Factor loading

Factor Scores Correct Option

Factors Loading You Selected

Unrotated factor loading

Question No: 8 Correct Answer

Marks: 1/1
Scree Plot shows

Eigen Value & Factor on X axis

Eigen Value & Factor on Y axis

Eigen Value on Y axis & Factor on X axis You Selected

Shows nothing

Question No: 9 Correct Answer

Marks: 1/1

Following table provides information on standard deviations of Principal Component Analysis

on a certain dataset. There are 15 variables in the data and PCA is run on scaled data.


Stdev 2.3 2.1 1.5 0.960 4/6
6/6/2020 Weekly Quiz 3 (AS): PGPBABI.O.OCT19 Advanced Statistics - Great Learning

What is the proportion of total variability explained by the 4 PCs?


86% You Selected

Question No: 10 Incorrect Answer

Marks: 0/1

You have been given 9 independent variables and 1 dependent variable. You will get __
number of principal components

10 You Selected

Any no. between 1-9 Correct Option

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