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Practical Research 2

Week 2 Worksheet 1
CN: 11
Name: Stephanie Arabela B. Iligan
Grade and Section: 12 – St. Hedwig

If you are to do a study about the effects of using Microsoft Word on the writing
performance of students. Which do you think is the independent variable and which is
dependent variable?

Independent variable: Microsoft Word

Dependent variable: Writing performance of the students


Microsoft Word is the independent variable because it is constant while the writing

performance is the dependent variable because it is always changing and it is the one being

affected by Microsoft Word

Identify the Kind of Quantitative research that is best suited for the following titles:
1. Effects of Aspirin on Reducing the Cholesterol Level of Obese People
2. Effects of Instagram on the Visual Literacy of Teenagers
3. Effects of Utilizing an Interdisciplinary Curriculum on the Health Literacy of Four
Science Classes
4. The Relationship Between a Teacher’s Personality and Performance Evaluation
5. Technical Capability of Water Treatment Device


1. Experimental
2. Ex post facto
3. Quasi-experimental
4. Correlational
5. Descriptive

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