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RM2 Suitable for character levels 2-4


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A" by Bruce Nesmith
Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)
Guiseppe's Toy Shop
1st Floor

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)
Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)
' % • • •

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

Table of Contents
Setting the Stage 3
Opening Act 4
Enter the Villain 8
Interlude 12
Dim the Lights 14
Curtain Call 23
Maligno 26
Players' Map of Odiare 29
Excerpts from Guiseppe's Notes 30
MC Entry: Carrionette 31

Designer: Bruce Nesmith
Editor: Dori Jean Watry
Cover Artist: Brom
Interior Artist: Dave Simons
Typesetting: Angelika Lokotz

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Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

(DM™) should be certain to Aduenture Background
read this entire adventure Guiseppe (ji-SEP-pee) is a puppeteer and doll
before beginning play. This maker. He is an elderly man who lives alone and has
module is suitable for no friends. Over the years, he became obsessed
player characters (PCs) of with the idea of creating the perfect puppet, for it
levels 2 through 4. Many of would be the child he never had. Guiseppe dreamed
the monsters in this of the puppet for a long time before he began the
adventure are from the actual work. He knew exactly which wood he would
RAVENLOFT® campaign use, what colors of paint he would select, and so
appendix of the MONSTROUS forth. In his loneliness, he poured so much of himself
COMPENDIUM™. If the DM into the doll that, when it was finally finished, it
doesn't own this product, he became animated with a life of its own.
or she can substitute the Delighted with his work, Guiseppe named the
creatures shown in puppet Figlio (FIG-lee-o) and presented him to the
parentheses. town. While the doll maker adored his creation,
In many places there are most of the townspeople did not. The adults of Odi-
pronunciation guides for are (o-d-R-a) didn't believe in Figlio, and the puppet
words. The syllables are grew to hate them even more than he hated not
separated by hyphens, and the syllable that being real. Even Guiseppe believed Figlio was little
receives emphasis appears in capital letters. more than a puppet, and Figlio's heart filled with
When pronouncing names and pretending to talk hatred for his maker. The children of Odiare were a
like the nonplayer characters (NPCs), the DM different matter, however, for they believed in Figlio.
should adopt an Italian accent to enliven role- The puppet hatched a plot: He would kill all the
playing. Don't worry about accuracy—go ahead adults of Odiare. With only the children left, Figlio
and ham it up! could play all day and be given the adoration he
deserved. The angry puppet coerced Guiseppe into
fear & Horror Checks making more puppets. Each was a "living" doll, but
cold and inhuman, not at all like Figlio. To

ear and horror checks are always optional. If Guiseppe's horror, they obeyed Figlio and ignored
one is called for, it is recommended that the their true creator.
DM allow the players a few moments to During a theater show, Figlio's "carrionettes" (as
decide upon a reaction. If a PC's reaction shows he called the puppets) slew all the adults present,
good role-playing of fear and/or horror, then the but spared the children. This heinous act carved out
DM can let that PC to skip the check. If a a small domain in Ravenloft just for Figlio, and the
character acts nonchalant or cavalier in the face entire town was transported to the demiplane of
of absolute horror, however, then apply the check. dread. That night Figlio renamed himself Maligno
Any player who does a good job of role-playing (ma-LEEG-no). He sent his carrionettes into the
may be able to play the entire adventure without streets to look for other adults so that the puppets
making any checks. The player will remain in could take over those bodies. They would become
control of his or her character as long as the the new "adults" of Odiare, all loyal to Maligno.
player acts appropriately. If the player doesn't do Maligno, in turn, tried to take over the body of
a good job of role-playing, then the dice will Guiseppe. He discovered that the demiplane of
make the decisions for him or her! The PC must Ravenloft confers a curse upon all its lords. He alone
make fear and horror checks and suffer the of all the carrionettes is unable to inhabit a human
consequences. It is possible that the player will body. To this day Maligno burns with rage and frus-
lose control of his or her character (via failed fear tration. He keeps Guiseppe prisoner, forcing him to
or horror checks) for short periods of time. make more carrionettes as the puppet needs them.

: * < •

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

he characters start this adventure old woman gently offers a flower to one of the
in a small town in their normal characters. Neither of these events is significant,
campaign world, before the town but both help to establish the festival atmosphere.
becomes part of the Ravenloft
demiplane. In this product, the
The Town of Odiare

town is named Odiare, but you are
welcome to rename it to suit your he streets are 15 feet wide, and the alleys are
own campaign. You will need to about 5 feet wide. They are all paved with
either place a town of this name cobblestones. Most of the buildings in this
somewhere in your campaign or sleepy little town are two stories tall. Most have a
change the name of this town to basement of some sort. The buildings tend to be
match one of yours. As the adventure made of wood and plaster, with wooden shingles.
opens, there is a festival in the town, Glass windows are common. Unless otherwise
celebrating Bambeen (Bam-BEE-n). specified, all doors to businesses are unlocked
Bambeen is a spring holiday honoring and doors to residences are locked.
life, growth, and children in particular. Most buildings have a trade or business on the
The following text should be read to first floor, and the second floor is living quarters
the players. for the shopkeeper and his or her family. A few of
the wealthier businesspeople have separate homes.
When Maligno commits his vile crime in the
The sun is shining brightly over the sleepy
theater and the domain of Odiare forms, an
town of Odiare. The buildings are decorated
eternal night falls over the town and the vacant
with ribbons and splashed with flowers.
streets become hazy with a light fog.
Everyone is in the streets, gaily bustling along.
Children holding dolls and other toys dash
under foot. Peddlers hawk holiday wares from The Town Map

hastily assembled stalls. Toys and brightly-
efore the incident at the theater (see page
colored scarves predominate the market. Even
10), the town of Odiare is like any other
the adults are buying the goods.
town. The map shown on the gatefold cover
is just of the center of town. At this point, ignore
Choose the player in your group most like to the boundaries and the wrap-around street rules.
respond to the following situation: A pretty On the following pages you'll find a list of
maiden or handsome young man (Sofia or businesses in the town and descriptions of
Antonio as appropriate) approaches this player. important places.
He/she coyly offers a doll—a marionette—to this As soon as Maligno does away with the adults
player's character, saying, "Are you going to the in the theater, Odiare becomes a domain in
puppet show tonight?" The marionette is a gift to Ravenloft. The town is then restricted to the small
the character in the spirit of Bambeen. If the square shown on the map. Each of the roads
character refuses the toy, he/she looks hurt and exiting the map connects to a road on the other
moves away, dangling the toy. As you will see side, which leads right back in. A PC fleeing west
later, this puppet is actually a carrionette (see the (or any other direction) will eventually end up
MC entry in the back of this adventure for more right back where he started.
information). If the character accepts, Sofia/ Along the domain boundaries at the roof level
Antonio arranges to meet the character outside is the infamous misty border of Ravenloft. In the
the Secolo (se-KOE-low) Theater at sunset. unlikely event that a PC climbs across the roofs of
Shortly after this event, a passerby drapes a the buildings or flies out of town without using the
scarf over a different character's shoulder and streets, find a logical place to have him or her
then skips away, laughing merrily. After that an reenter via the opposite side.

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

No. Business 1. Alchemist: Argon is a fraud. Most of his
1 Alchemist mixtures don't do anything.
2 Candlemaker
3 Trade merchant 7. Apothecary: Hazel can make a variety of
4* Tavern potions: potion of delusion, elixir of health, potion
5 Sertino home of heroism, oil of acid resistance, and poison. She
6 Knife grinder is one of the carrionette's first victims. After the
7 Apothecary encounter at the Secolo Theater, she is possessed
8 Leather worker by one.
9* Flophouse
10 Limner (signs, heraldic symbols) 9. Flophouse: For one silver piece, a character
11 Cobbler gets a small bed and a rough blanket in a
12 Woodworker common room.
13 Wizard's charms
14 Silversmith 14. Silversmith: A careful search of the
15 Toymaker (Guiseppe) silversmith's shop will turn up a small case of 36
16* Warehouse silver needles. The PCs will discover that, if they
17 Vegetable market have doll bodies, they can use the needles exactly
18 Tailor the same way the carrionettes can (see page 31).
19 Fishmonger
20 Leech (medieval doctor) 15. Toymaker: This is Guiseppe's shop and
21 Secolo Theater home. A complete map and description of it can
22 Brewer be found later in this adventure (pages 18-22).
23 Potter
24 Butcher 21. Secolo Theater: See pages 8-10 for a
25 Blacksmith complete description and map.
26* Abandoned
27 Baker 29. Boarding house: These are homes that rent
28* Garden courtyard out rooms. Usually the room must be rented for a
29* Boarding house week at a time. It costs three gold pieces to rent a
30 Astrologer room for two people. An evening meal is included
31 Scribe in the price.
32 Basket weaver
33 Fresh game market 35. Constabulary: This is where Aldo works and
34 Jeweler lives. It is a jail and courthouse all in one.
35 Constabulary
36 Inn 36. Inn: It costs a gold piece a night to stay here.
37 Spice merchant Each room can hold two people comfortably and
38 Bowyer/fletcher can sleep up to six packed in like sardines. Each
39 Moneylender extra pallet costs a silver piece a night. Food is
40 Stable & coach house extra—usually a silver piece for a meal.
41 Temple
42 Undertaker 41. Temple: The temple serves many roles for the
43 Town square (with statue) townsfolk. It is the source of magical healing and
H* Private house other cures. Weddings and burials are handled by
the temple, although the body is actually
* Indicates multiple places. prepared in the undertaker's building next door.

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

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42. Undertaker: Owned by the temple and
operated by the priests and clerics, it is effectively First Blood

a part of the temple, although it is a separate et the players wander the streets for a while
building with its own special purposes. and enjoy the party. Storm clouds are
building on the horizon. In a few hours the
43. Town square: This open area is filled with clouds will be overhead. The characters don't
people and vendors' carts before the domain is know it, but the sleepy little town of Odiare is
created. In the center of the square is a statue about to enter the demiplane of dread. In a while,
about 10 feet tall of a smiling young woman just as the clouds obscure the sun . . .
holding a laughing child.
After the domain has been formed, there is a
The bright light of the sun goes dim. The
single abandoned cart with two large wooden
storm clouds that have been edging nearer to
wheels in the square. The statue has changed
Odiare are now upon the town. Rain threatens
subtly. The woman's posture and shape are the
to fall. The vendors are hurriedly putting tarps
same, but her face is now an expression of over their stalls, but the darkening skies have
sorrow. The child is now a marionette with an evil no effect on the gaiety of the townsfolk.
expression. Neither of these changes is apparent
Suddenly you hear a shriek from above.
unless someone looks directly at the statue or has
Looking up, you see a woman leaning out of a
cause to examine it.
second-story window. Her face is stricken with
terror. "Help!" she cries. "Murderer! There's a
murderer loose!"
Her cries continue, growing less coherent by
the moment. The crowd below her window
quiets in shock for a moment, and then the
people's voices swell in dismay. Laughter and
joy have been replaced by whispers and horror.

The PCs are in an ideal position to be the first

people on the scene of the crime. The front door
is right before them and is unlocked. They can
barge right in and begin the investigation. The
constable (Aldo) will arrive in a few rounds and
offer to deputize them on the spot.
If the PCs wait too long (several rounds), Aldo
will arrive. He offers to deputize the characters
instantly. If they accept, he orders them to shoo
the bystanders away and then vanishes into the
dark doorway. If they don't follow him of their own
accord, he calls for them after a few rounds.
What the PCs don't know is that Odiare has
begun its transition into the demiplane of dread.
The sun will never again shine on this town. The
rest of this day is overcast with storm clouds.
When night falls, it will never lift.

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)


Sertino Home Investigating the Murder

his is the home of Franco and Maria Sertino iewing the slain body of Franco Sertino is
(ser-TEE-no) and their daughter Giselle cause for a mild horror check (+2 bonus).
(ji-ZEL-la). It is a simple structure, roughly Aldo the constable is of little help. He bustles
20 feet square and two stories tall. It is marked on about, looking busy and asking useless questions.
the domain map. If this mystery is going to be solved, the PCs are
The first floor is a single room that serves as going to have to do it. If Giselle's room is
kitchen, dining room, and living room. It is full of searched, a small, bloody knife is found. It is
the normal clutter of a home. Clothes lay stacked poorly concealed under her bedsheets. The blade
on a table, tools hang on the wall, toys lay dis- is no more than 4 inches long.
carded on the floor, etc. This is not a wealthy home.
The woman on the balcony is Maria Sertino, Giselle is in a state of shock. She will not
and she races to the PCs. She is almost respond to many questions. She will talk about
incoherent, but she manages to babble something her doll, named Knuckles, but she won't let go of
about "He's dead! Upstairs—" it voluntarily. Giselle will state proudly, "He can
The second floor has two small bedrooms. dance and sing, you know!" She hugs it close to
Hanging curtains divide them from the stairs.
Either bedroom can be entered without disturbing herself at all times. If asked about the bloody
the other. The bedroom on the right belongs to knife, she says, "He made me hide it for him."
the parents. The one on the left is for their child She refuses to identify this person further, saying,
Giselle, and it doubles as a storeroom. As the "He said he'd hurt me if I say his name."
characters reach the top of the stairs, they can
hear a child's voice crooning out a lullaby from Although the characters don't know it yet,
the room on the left. Knuckles is a carrionette. With the innocence that
only a child possesses, Giselle accepts the fact
In the parent's bedroom . . . that he can walk and talk. Knuckles is her
"bestest friend," and she will do anything to
The coarse sheets and furs of the bed are protect him. Under no circumstances will the
twisted and stretched between the frame and carrionette harm Giselle or any other child.
the body of a man. He lies tangled amid the
bedclothes, sightless eyes staring at some Franco saw Knuckles moving of his own
imagined horror. His throat has been slit. The accord and talking to Giselle. The puppet killed
sides of his mouth are cut open, making it look Franco to prevent him from spreading the word
like a clown's oversized smile. Rosy circles about the carrionettes. Franco would have ruined
have been painted onto his cheeks with blood.
Maligno's plan to massacre the grown-ups at the
theater tonight. Through a combination of threats
and promises, Knuckles coerced Giselle to hide
In the child's bedroom . . . the knife. Giselle refuses to acknowledge that her
doll did anything wrong. She will also deny that
A little girl, maybe seven years old, sits on a
her father is dead, saying instead that he is away
small bed, hugging a wooden, painted puppet
and will return in a few days. Deep inside she
and singing softly to herself. Her attention is
knows the truth, but she refuses to admit it.
totally focused on the doll. She doesn't even
acknowledge your existence. The room is There is precious little more that the PCs can
clean, but the floor is strewn with toys and dolls. discover here. Nobody on the street saw anyone
enter or leave the home. The alley behind the
house is devoid of clues. When the PCs leave the
Sertino home, Maria has quieted enough to care
for and comfort her daughter.

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

nee the PCs have done as much as 3. Guiseppe's Puppet Theater: This mini-theater
possible at the Sertino home, they is a total of 8 feet tall. The central cavity for the
are likely to attend the play at the puppets is 6 feet wide and 3 feet high. Its floor is
Secolo Theater (see the theater's 3 feet above the stage floor. The puppeteer stands
map on the following page). The on the bench behind the theater. He can reach
theater is actually two buildings. over the back wall and dangle the marionettes
One fronts the street while the other down onto the stage without being seen by the
is accessible only from the alley. audience. The cavity beneath the puppet theater
Both buildings rise two stories high, is filled with stage props and marionettes—real
although the theater proper merely dolls, not carrionettes.
has a high ceiling while the other
actually has two floors. 4. Staging Area: This empty area is where actors
If the characters ever return to this wait until they are cued to enter the stage. The
building after their encounter with door exits at stage height, which is 3 feet above
Maligno, they see a ghostly theater this floor. A small wooden stair has been shoved
program. The spirits of all the dead up to the doorway. Another stair leads down 3
adults can be seen sitting in the seats, feet to a landing. A 5-foot-high door leads from
watching the empty stage. Nothing this landing to the crawlspace under the stage.
happens on the stage the entire time. The door has no lock.
The ghosts comfort and pick up unseen children. In the back of this room is a narrow set of stairs
Seeing this audience is cause for a mild horror leading to the second floor. The hallway in back is
check, with a +2 bonus. quite narrow, just over 4 feet wide. It ends in a
locked door leading to the alley.
1. Audience Seating: The benches are simply
made and hold from five to eight people. Close to 5. Prop Room: This room is about 17 feet square.
the stage, between two rows of benches, is a dead The walls are lined with shelves and cabinets. A
body. When Maligno failed to take possession of wide variety of theater props fill these shelves and
Quiseppe's body, he had one of the captive adults cabinets. Everything looks real at a distance or in
brought forward. He tried to enter this poor man's poor lighting, but is in reality fake. There are
body instead. When the attempt failed, Maligno weapons, armor, furniture, pots, stuffed animals,
killed the man in rage and frustration. The man scrolls, backpacks, and more in here.
was killed in exactly the same manner as was
Franco Sertino. The throat is slit and the face is 6. Changing Rooms: There are two of these, one
grotesquely carved to look like a mockery of a slightly smaller than the other. Men use one room,
clown. women the other when changing costumes.
Mirrors, wall pegs, chairs, and small tables crowd
2. Stage: The stage is 3 feet above the floor level. these 10-foot by 7-foot rooms. Pots of flour and
Shallow steps on the right provide an easy ascent. various berry juices used for makeup sit on small
The stage area has three sets of curtains. The tables near the mirrors.
forward curtain is red, the center one is gold, and
the last curtain is purple. There are six trap doors 7. Upstairs Room: This outer room holds basic
on the stage. They lead to a crawlspace under the supplies for the theater. It is also where Dom, the
stage. The crawlspace is just over 5 feet high and caretaker, lives. Dom is a young man, obviously
filled with wooden supports for the stage. Each unmarried, whose job it is to clean and maintain
trap door has a removable, stout log to brace it the theater. He also acts as a night guard, although
from underneath. A single door, hidden by the he has no combat skills whatsoever. He has keys
final curtain, leads to the rear building. for all doors. By the time the PCs might ever meet
him, Dom has been taken over by a carrionette.

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)


^i i
8. Costume Room: This room is about 30 feet by Sertino's home. Aldo is convinced that the wretch
20 feet in size. The walls are filled with racks of committed the murder. Of course, he has no
clothes. Boxes under the racks hold shoes, evidence, no confession, and no witness.
fabrics, and fake jewelry. In the center of the room Eventually he releases the poor man with an
are a couple of tables, chairs, and a good admonishment: "—and don't ever let me catch
selection of tools for tailoring costumes. you again!"
Meanwhile, at the performance, Guiseppe calls
all the children forward so they can see better.
Terror at the Theater While they watch the show, enchanted, Maligno's

t sunset a puppet show is planned at the carrionettes are busy paralyzing and carrying
Secolo Theater. It is most likely that the PCs away the adults. This single act wipes out more
will attend the show after calming Maria than half the adults in the town. It seals Maligno's
Sertino. (Remember: They were invited by either fate to become a domain lord in the demiplane of
Sofia or Antonio.) If they do not, however, have dread.
Aldo collect them after he is contacted by a man None of the children see what happens behind
named Gerrardo (gair-RAR-doe). them; they are all too busy watching the show.
At the start of the show, Guiseppe introduces Afterward, Maligno tells the children lies about
himself and then Figlio as his prize puppet. The why their parents vanished. As the children
show begins with a typical Punch-and-Judy wander into the streets and to their empty homes,
routine, and nothing should seem amiss. the other adults of the community find them and
Shortly after the show has started, the PCs are discover that many people "vanished" in the
called out of the theater by Aldo the constable. He theater. Alarmed, they send someone to find Aldo
has a suspect at the jail. The suspect is a nearly and his newly sworn-in deputies. All the while,
comatose bum who lives in the alley behind the carrionettes ambush the few remaining adults in

Secolo Theater
2nd Floor

I * *OBW-V

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

Odiare with the intent to take over their bodies.
The inside of the theater is dark. Rows of
A man named Gerrardo bursts into the
empty benches face the stage at different
constabulary, where Aldo and the PCs have just
angles. Illuminated in lantern light on the stage
finished interrogating the suspect bum. He cries
is an old man wearing well-worn finery,
out, "The show at the Secolo tonight—
standing next to a puppet theater that has been
something's happened! They've all vanished.
erected on the stage. A wooden puppet stands
Only the children are left. You have to do
motionless in the puppet theater, strings
something!" He urges Aldo and the PCs to go to
stretched taut.
the theater and find the missing people. He will
The old man startles as he notices you. Fear
guide them to the theater if they insist, but he
sweeps over his face as he cries, "Stop them!
leaves for home as soon as possible.
Figlio, don't let them get me!" The wooden
When describing the streets, remember that it
puppet's head snaps up; its eyes swivel to seek
is now nightfall. The streets are dark, empty, and
you out. It shrieks, "Carrionettes, attack the
hazy. Lamplights on the streetcorners, held aloft
trespassers!" and chills sweep your spine.
on lamp poles, flicker gently, shedding a soft
Suddenly, small shapes swarm out from under
radiance in a small circle. The buildings are
the front row of benches. Each is a puppet,
mostly dark. A few show a single lamp in the
with strings trailing behind on the floor. The
window, but they are empty, as if someone had
lantern light glints off of the vicious little blades
hastily left.
and sharp needles that they carry.
The cobblestone alleys are devoid of people.
This is the way Odiare looks for the rest of the
adventure. The sun will never again rise here, and The carrionettes were seated under the row of
there is no moon. A thin haze limits visibility to benches closest to the stage, listening to Maligno
about 120 feet. Beyond that the street lights can't (or Figlio, as Guiseppe insists on calling him) and
penetrate. From this time forward, the streets of Guiseppe. Seeing Maligno and the wave of
Odiare twist in on themselves (see the map on animated marionettes is cause for a horror check.
the cover and the domain description [page 4]). While the characters battle the carrionettes,
All roads lead back into the town. Guiseppe sweeps up Maligno and flees for the
door at the back of the stage. He is out of view
Investigation almost immediately. It is possible that the PCs will
have a chance to shoot arrows or some other
• M+ hen the PCs arrive at the theater to missile weapon at Guiseppe. Regardless of how
I I I investigate, they see a darkened building. much damage they do, the old man isn't killed. If
^ ^ F A hand-painted sign above the doorway Guiseppe loses all his hit points due to wounds, a
reads "GCJISEPPE THE POPPETMASTER PERFORMS squad of carrionettes carries his unconscious
TONIGHT!" The two side doors are locked, although body away.
they can be picked. The large double doors are
unlocked. Carrionettes (12): AL CE; Int Avg; AC 6;
The children are all gone. The adults have been MV 6; HD 2; hp 10 each; THACO 19; #AT 1;
done away with, leaving an empty theater— Dmg 1; SA paralyzation, possession;
empty, that is, except for Guiseppe and the SD immune to poison, cold, electricity,
carrionettes. If the PCs attended the beginning of mental spells; MR nil; SZ T (6"-2'tall);
the show, they will immediately recognize ML fearless (20); XP 975 each.
Guiseppe and Figlio.

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

s the PCs try to chase down when they wake up.
Maligno and Guiseppe, they will As the characters wander the streets of Odiare,
inevitably wander the streets. Give searching for clues to the whereabouts of Maligno
the players a photocopy of the and Guiseppe, they are also subject to normal
town street map provided in the attacks by carrionettes. There is no set time
back of this adventure (page 29). It period or die roll to determine when such an
shows them what they remember attack occurs. You should decide for yourself
of Odiare's layout, roughly when the time is right. Below are a few sample
centered on the town square. A few encounter beginnings that you can use. They can
landmark buildings are shown as be used any time the characters are walking
well. If they spent any significant around in the streets.
amount of time in any particular
building before the events at the Carrionettes: AL CE; Int Avg; AC 6;
theater, mark it in for the players. As MV 6; HD 2; hp 10 each; THACO 19; #AT 1;
the PCs wander around the town, let Dmg 1; SA paralyzation, possession;
them fill in their photocopy of the SD immune to poison, cold, electricity,
map. As they reach the edges, where mental spells; MR nil; SZ T; ML fearless (20);
the map wraps around on itself, tell XP 975 each.
them when they pass landmark
buildings on the other side of the map. They will Charge!: A batch of six carrionettes grab a
quickly get the idea that the map circles back on pitchfork from the stable. They hide around a
itself, although they may not actually figure out corner, in an alley, or in a darkened doorway.
how. When the PCs come by, they level the pitchfork at
Characters that wander off by themselves are knee height and charge. Roll for surprise. The
especially vulnerable. Any character alone for five pitchfork has a THACO of 19 and inflicts Id6
or more rounds is automatically overwhelmed by points of damage. After the charge, the dolls
carrionettes and his body taken over. DO NOT might stay and fight, using their needles, or flee.
Let the player keep controlling his character. Peek-a-boo: One carrionette lets itself be seen at
The now-carrionette will just "go with the flow," the opening of an alley. It immediately turns and
letting his actions be dictated by the group's flees into the alley. Just inside the entrance to the
decisions. Whatever the character was doing by alley, obscured by shadows, is a trip wire. Anyone
himself automatically amounts to nothing. Even if running full tilt into the alley LU(7/fall. Normal
you must outright lie, tell the player that his movement allows the character a Dexterity
character saw nothing of interest, found nothing, check. Cautious movement automatically detects
the door was locked, or whatever is appropriate. the wire. Once on the ground, four carrionettes
Basically, the carrionette in control of the PC will swarm over the downed character and thrust
not give away anything of importance. needles into his or her limbs, with a +3 bonus to
Any character who wanders off for five or more hit.
rounds with another character who is controlled
by a carrionette is also automatically taken over Other Denizens: The creation of the domain of
by a carrionette. It is actually possible for all the Odiare has caused a few other creatures to
PCs to be taken over by carrionettes before they become menaces. Giant rats now roam the alleys
know what really happened. If this happens, they and are sometimes bold enough to attack people
awaken in the birdcages described in "Awakening in the streets. Be sure to use the morale rules with
in the Toy Shop" in the section on Dim the Lights. the rats (see the DMG). The odds are that they
Tell the players what really happened to them will flee before doing any serious harm.

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

Giant Rats (ld6+6): AL N(E); Int Semi; Ankle Biters: A horde of carrionettes (10)
AC 7; MV 12; HD K; hp 4, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, swarms out of a sewer hole as the PCs cross over
2, 2, 1, 3; THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg Id3; it. The puppets race up to the characters and
SA nil; SD nil; MR nil; SZ T (2' long); attack. One carrionette per PC attempts to climb
ML unsteady (5); XP 15 each. its victim's back, using its climb walls ability. All
the other carrionettes attack the legs of the PCs,
Runaway Carriage: The carrionettes have trying to paralyze them. On the second round of
commandeered a carriage from the stable. The combat, the carrionette on a PC's back will attack
carriage has two horses, each with a carrionette his or her arms, trying to paralyze those limbs.
clinging to its mane. Another carrionette holds the
reigns in the driver's seat. Four more stand atop Shadowed: The PCs hear noises on the roof of a
the carriage, ready to leap upon the PCs as they nearby house. Anyone looking up sees tiny,
go by. manlike shapes nimbly scooting across the roof.
Since the carrionettes are lousy coach drivers, There is no combat in this encounter, but the
they have little control over the horses. The PCs sight of the carrionettes following the characters
first hear the clatter of hooves and wagon wheels should give them the creeps.
coming toward them. Then the carriage bursts out
of the haze-shrouded mists, careening toward the
PCs. Any PC who declares he is seeking cover
can automatically avoid the horses. Any PC who
tries to remain in the street for even a single
round must make a saving throw vs. breath
weapon to avoid being trampled. Being trampled
causes 6d6 points of damage. This could well kill
a character, so if you wish to avoid that result,
have the character be reduced to 1 hit point

Children: There are frequent encounters with

wandering children. Most are just playing in the
streets. None are in any danger.

Boarding Party: A band of seven carrionettes tied

strings to lamp posts and are waiting nearby on
roofs. When the PCs are in position, the
carrionettes launch themselves and swing down
onto the PCs. The puppets are, of course, wearing
pirate hats and eye patches. As it swings, each
doll holds a silver needle forward like a lance,
with a THACO of 20. The force of the swing allows
it to do 1 point of damage as well as the possible
paralyzation. Each puppet that scores a hit has a
50% chance of clinging to the PC. Once there, it
automatically hits for 1 point of damage or it can
attempt to paralyze a limb with a normal attack.

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)
fter the attack at the Secolo Carrionettes (18): AL CE; Int Avg; AC 6;
Theater, Maligno recognizes that MV 6; HD 2; hp 10 each; THACO 19; #AT 1;
the PCs are a genuine threat to Dmg 1; SA paralyzation, possession; SD
him, so he prepares a trap at the immune to poison, cold, electricity, mental
toy shop. Guiseppe's Toy Shop is spells; MR nil; SZ T (1 'tall); ML fearless (20);
lit up like a lighthouse beacon, for XP 975 each.
every lamp in the place is lit. All
the PCs will notice the light as soon Maligno: AL CE; Int Exc; AC 4; MV 9; HD 6;
as they round a corner and sight hp 30; THACO 15; #AT 1; Dmg Id3; SA
the shop. Otto's irresistible dance, ventriloquism, taunt,
To ambush the PCs, Maligno takes paralyze, animate toy; SD immune to poison,
five life-size rag dolls and ties their cold, electricity, most spells; MR nil; SZ T.
hands behind their backs and puts
sacks over their heads. Maligno then If the tide turns and it looks like he will be
animates them with his innate power defeated or even captured, Maligno will flee. He
so that they struggle and wiggle will not animate any toys until the situation gets
around a bit—very lifelike. Since all this desperate. He can flee through either door or
that is visible are the clothes the dolls up the stairs. If he is out of view for two rounds or
are wearing (their hands and heads more, he is gone and cannot be found.
are hidden), they look for all the world like real When running this encounter, be strictly
people. Maligno and four of his carrionettes then honest. The adventure will work quite well
use their ventriloquism power to make muffled whether the PCs are captured or are victorious. If
cries for help. they defeat Maligno here, they can investigate the
At some point, one of the PCs will pull a sack toy shop and learn how to escape the domain
off of a doll's head or do something else that
alerts the PC to the ruse. At that point, Maligno
and his carrionette crew attack. Eight carrionettes
on the roof throw a net over any PCs standing
outside the building; a save vs. breath weapon is
necessary to avoid it. The carrionettes then leap
from the roof onto the PCs and begin to stab them
with silver needles.
Any PCs who have been taken over by
carrionettes now turn traitor. As DM, pass a note
to each player controlled by a carrionette, telling
him or her to help the puppets capture (not kill)
the other PCs.
Inside the toy shop, Maligno himself leads ten
carrionettes to the attack. He uses whatever
powers are necessary to subdue the characters. In
particular, he attempts to touch PCs and make
them dance. If he sees anyone running away, he
uses his taunt ability to try to make them return
to the fray.

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

(see "Guiseppe's Toy Shop," page 18). If the PCs chains that hold the cages suspended from the
are defeated, then they end up in doll bodies (see ceiling. Any character can reach through the top
"Awakening in the Toy Shop," below). Let the of the cage and unclasp the chain.
players' skill and luck determine how the Of course, undoing the chain means that the
encounter goes. cage will fall. The cage will take quite a jolt,
enough to give it a 50% chance of cracking or
Awakening in the Toy Shop bending a vital piece that will allow the PC doll to

escape. Naturally, the PC doll also suffers a fall—
his section of the adventure is played only if and he or she takes Id6 points of damage unless
all the PCs are captured by the carrionettes. a save vs. fall is made. If none of the cages are
When the characters wake up, they are in the harmed enough to crack open, then the last cage
bodies of dolls. Their new doll forms have been to fall cracks open automatically.
placed in round, wooden birdcages and There is a clever way to avoid having the cage
suspended about a foot from the ceiling. The fall. Several strings dangle from each PC doll.
sight of their possessed bodies and their current Tied together, each PC's strings form a single
plight is cause for a horror check. strand about 6 feet long; working together, the PC
dolls might get enough string to lower one doll's
cage to the floor. If this string is looped through
You awaken to find yourself in a round,
the chain and tied to the top of the cage, the PC
wooden cage, suspended from the ceiling by a
can undo the cage from the chain and keep it
massive brass chain. Your first movements
suspended by holding tight to the string. By
make the cage sway slightly. Carefully peering
letting out the string a little at a time, the cage
out, the sight that greets your eyes chills you
can be gently lowered to the floor.
to the bone. You see a giant-size doppleganger
Once even a single doll is free, he or she can
of yourself and of each of your companions
release the others. Two dolls working together
that stand fully 30 feet tall! The room must be
can untwist the wire that closes a cage door. The
40 feet at the ceiling, where your cage hangs.
combat abilities of the PCs as dolls is found on
One of the doppleganger giants gives you a
pages 17 and 18.
cold, malicious glance as it files out of the
shop with the others
Escaping the Toy Shop: The toy shop is littered
As they depart, your perceptions correct
with animated toys, all set to prevent the
themselves. You feel as though you are looking
characters from escaping. In fact, there are so
at an inverted, flat, line drawing of a three-
many that if all of them immediately assault the
dimensional object. Your doppleganger body
PCs, they are doomed.
was normal size—it's you who have shrunk!
Maligno wants the PCs alive, but trapped in doll
Then, a glance at your body reveals an even
bodies. If they die while in the doll bodies, then
more horrifying fact: You are inhabiting the
the carrionettes inhabiting their living bodies die
body of a doll!
also. Therefore, Maligno has given orders to the
toys to prevent the escape of the PCs, but not to
Escaping the Cages: The doors to the cages have kill them. The toys will generally act to drive the
a stiff piece of wire twisted about them, making PCs back from the windows, doors, and stairs.
them impossible for the characters to open. The They don't mind causing damage, but they will
bars of the cage are too thick and sturdy for the avoid attacking with a good chance of
"puppets" to break, bend, or squeeze through. destruction.
These birdcages were never meant to hold For example, the toys will knock the PCs off of
creatures with hands, however. While the tables, drag them away from doors and windows,
carrionettes in the PCs' stolen bodies secured the block exits, etc. As long as the PCs stay well
doors, they neglected to do anything about the away from the doors, windows, and stairs, the

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)


Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

toys will leave the PC dolls alone. The toys will Size & Movement: With the PCs being only 1 foot
also chase the PCs upstairs, should they try to go tall, they are M the height of a normal man. To
there. Note: The toys don't consider the fireplace keep the math easier, assume they are V> a man's
to be an exit, and they will not take action if the height and that ail distances are five times
PCs attempt to climb the flue. Of course, the normal. Therefore, a table whose surface is really
animated toys will defend themselves if attacked. 3 feet off the ground is effectively 15 feet high. A
Once outside the shop, the animated toys won't room 20 feet across is treated as if it were 100
pursue the characters. They have done their job feet across.
and failed. A carrionette has a movement rate of 6
The one creature in the toy shop that is not compared to a human's movement rate of 12.
following Maligno's rules is Gatto (GOT-toe). The carrionette is far less than half the size of a
Gatto is a normal house cat who spends most of human, but its magical nature allows it unnatural
his time upstairs. If the characters venture up speed at that size. Unfortunately for the PCs, they
there in their attempt to escape, they are sure to don't get the benefit of that magic. They move at
run into him. Gatto loves to chase small creatures % normal speed, which is 20 feet per round—half
—such as PCs in doll bodies! He will attack the that if attacking in the same round.
PC dolls. Gatto is curled up in the bed (Area U).
His morale is normally a 2, but against the dolls it Falls: A carrionette body can take a lot of abuse
is an 11. He is capable of a one-round burst of that a flesh body cannot. The wooden doll body
speed, for a movement of 18. gets an item saving throw vs. fall to avoid all
falling damage. However, since they are built
Gatto (house cat): AL N; Int Animal; AC 6; more delicately than a simple block of wood,
MV6 (18); HD 1; hp 4; THACO 20; #AT 3; there is a -3 penalty. Thus, they have a saving
Dmg Id2/1/1;SA rear claws Id2/ld2 if both throw vs. falling of 5. Simply put, they rarely take
front paws hit; SD nil; MR nil; SZ T (1 'tall); damage from falls. If the doll fails his save, he
ML2(11);XP7 takes Id6 points of damage for each 10 feet (or
fraction thereof) that he falls.
Rules for falling are also used for being batted
The PCs as Dolls around, thrown, propelled, or otherwise heaved
While in the bodies of dolls, the PCs do not have across the room. Unless unusual force is used,
their character class abilities. Wizards and priests only Id6 points of damage is possible when
can't cast spells, warriors don't have their combat throwing or batting the doll.
abilities, and rogues lose their thieves' skills.
Death: The PCs do enjoy some benefits as dolls.
The principle benefit is that it is almost impossible
PC Doll Combat Abilities to destroy their doll bodies. Reducing them to
Armor Class: zero hit points or below will render the body inert,
Movement: 2 (12 in small scale) not dead. The doll can't move until repairs have
Hit Dice: 2 been made, but the character in that body is still
Hit Points: 16 alive. Only fire will permanently destroy the
THACO: 19 carrionette body. Burns can never be repaired,
No. of Attacks: 1 and once the body suffers full hit point damage in
Damage/Attack: 1 burns, the doll body and the character are both
Special Defenses: Immune to poison, cold, dead.
electricity, mental spells
Save vs. Falls: 5 Making Repairs: Assuming the PCs in their doll
Size: Tiny (1'tall) bodies have some string and some glue, they can
actually repair themselves. Repairs can be

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

attempted only once the doll's body is at or below Animated Toys: AL LE; Int Avg; AC 6; MV 6;
zero hit points, however. The PCs are not skilled HD 2 (9 each); THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1;
craftsmen like Guiseppe. When they make SA special power; SD immune to poison,
repairs, it takes half an hour and leaves the PC cold, electricity, mental spells; MR nil; SZ T;
doll with ld6+2 total hit points, regardless of how ML fearless (20); XP 175.
far below zero the doll went. Remember, burn
damage cannot be repaired. Al—Display Shelf
Animated toys:
• Darts, 4 (fly, MV 12, charge for Id2 points of
Giuseppe's Toy Shop damage).

here are two entrances to the store—one • Jack-in-the-box, 1 (automatic surprise when
opening onto the main street, the other into a popping out of box, 2 attacks for 1 d3 points of
back alley. The back door is kept locked for damage). This toy is the one shown on the
the duration of this adventure. The front door is cover of this adventure. It was altered by
unlocked unless the PCs are captured and Maligno to have a skull head and clawed
possessed by the dolls; then it is kept locked. The hands. It is the leader of the toys.
store front has two large glass windows. The first • Tin soldier, 1 (AC 0, sword inflicts Id3 points
floor is the store and workshop. The upstairs is of damage).
Guiseppe's living quarters. There is no basement • Rag doll, 1 (immune to falls & bashing
or cellar. attacks).
When the PCs enter the toy shop, lay out the • Wheeled horse, 1 (MV 12, charge for Id2
large map found on the inside of the cover. This is points of damage, save vs. breath or be
the players' map, and they can see everything knocked down).
shown on that map. (A copy of the map is
included on page 19 for your use. It has all of the Nonanimated toys:
keyed locations described below. There is no Dominos, card deck, ring toss, stick acrobat
player map for the second floor.) puppets, music box, wooden sword, ceramic
The windows of the second floor are all shut, dolls.
but not locked. It will take the cooperative effort
of three doll-size PCs (one normal-size one) to A2—Display Shelf
open a window. The doorways are all covered Animated toys:
with a hanging cloth instead of doors. The cloth • Wooden dragon, 1 (fly 12 [C], breath fire,
blocks sight and retains some heat, but it does 12" x 6" cone, 1 d6 points of damage, save for
nothing to stop movement. half).
• Punch & Judy puppets, 2 (clubs inflict Id3
Al to A4. Display Shelves: These shelves are points of damage).
filled with a wide variety of toys. Many of them • Wooden bear, 1 (16 hit points).
have been animated by Maligno. Below is a • Battering ram, 1 (charge for Id6 points of
sampling of toys to be found on each shelf. damage).
Animated toys are listed first, with special abilities
shown in parentheses afterward. Some of these Nonanimated toys:
special abilities will work only against unarmored, Bouncing ball, stick puppets, jacks, marbles,
size T (tiny) or smaller opponents. The wooden animals, straw dolls.
nonanimated toys are listed last. There are many
other nonanimated toys on these shelves, as well
as duplicates of those listed.

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

A3—Display Shelf A4—Display Shelf
Animated toys: Animated toys:
• Doll-in-a-doll, 1 (creates five duplicates, each • Roller skates, 1 pair (MV 12, charge for Id3
with 1 less hit point). This is one of those points of damage).
hollow wooden dolls that has a smaller version • Tops, 3 (touch requires save vs. breath
of itself inside. That doll in turn has yet weapon or be flung 1 d4 feet away and suffer 1
another, smaller, version inside, etc. In this point of damage).
case, there are 6 total dolls all nested within • Marionette, 1 (uses strings as whips, range 2
each other. Each can "slide" around to move feet, save vs. breath weapon or have one limb
and has a pair of articulated arms that it uses entangled).
to attack.
• Sling shot, 1 (range attack with marbles, Id3 Nonanimated toys:
points of damage). Whistles, child's tea set, ice skates, kaleidoscope,
• Marionettes, 2 (use strings as whips, range 2 pinwheel, Chinese finger trap, juggling balls,
feet, save vs. breath weapon or have one limb chalks, peg board, yo-yo.
B. Work Shelf: Quiseppe keeps supplies and
Nonanimated toys: partially finished projects on this shelf. To the
Dice, cone pop-up puppet, ceramic animals, ball right of the shelf is a hooded cloak hung on a
& peg machine, backgammon, chess, checkers, wooden peg. To the right of that is the back door,
pick-up sticks, building blocks, wooden puzzles. leading to the alley.
On the shelves are piles of fine cuts of various
woods, jars of paint, sheets of lizard skin (used as
sandpaper), scraps of cloth, one jar of tar (sticky

Guiseppe's Toy Shop

1st Floor

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

and flammable), bars of soap, lumps of clay, F. Stairs: These stairs lead up to Guiseppe's
pieces of chalk, balls of string, strips of wire, and living quarters. Each step is about 8 inches high
laces of leather. There are also many toy pieces, and 1 foot wide.
such as wheels, gears, puppet arms, painted
boxes (empty), etc. G. Under the Stairs: Like many darkened areas
under stairs, this one is used for storage. Bolts of
C. Cabinet: Supplies and tools are kept here: cloth and paper, small barrels (water, oil, and
pins, needles, thread, glue, paint brushes, nails, grease), and a pile of rags are the principle
screws, wooden pegs, tar paper (very sticky), features of this one.
glass vial of acid, ball of string, whetstone. On the
bottom shelf there is a mouse trap, baited with H. Tools: The wall here is littered with small pegs
stale cheese. upon which are hung the tools of a toy maker.
There are saws, knives, chisels, hammers, tongs,
D. Workbench: This large table measures 7 feet drills, pliers, T-squares, clamps, and myriad other
by 4'A feet and stands 3 feet tall. Scraps of tools. Most are small, delicate devices suitable for
material, wood chips, and snippets of thread litter making tiny items. Underneath the tools is a box
the scarred, paint-splattered surface. Underneath of straw. The straw is used to stuff dolls and to
the bench are several wooden crates containing pad small chairs or other such items.
scraps of metal, wood, and cloth.
There is a partially built marionette lying here. II to 12. Display Tables: Each of these two tables
The body has been assembled, but it has not sits directly below a window. Toys and dolls are
been painted or dressed. It has not been turned set out here to lure passersby into the shop. The
into a carrionette yet, but it could be animated by II display table has three wooden puppets (not
Maligno if he so chose. carrionettes) that have been animated. The 12
Next to the doll is an open book that contains display table has two of them.
Guiseppe's notes on carrionette creation as well These are animated toys, with the special
as his personal ramblings. The carrionette is ability to use their strings like a whip. Each has a
created just like any other marionette, so the range of 2 feet and does no damage, but the
notes are worthless in that regard. It is Guiseppe victim must make a save vs. breath weapon or
himself who provides the magic of animation. have one limb tangled in the string. This attack
Among his ramblings are his observations about only works against size T (tiny) opponents.
how the carrionettes work. This is where the
player characters can find out how to get their Animated Toys: AL LE; Int Avg; AC 6; MV 6;
bodies back. If they take the time to read this HD 2 (9 each); THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1;
book, give them a photocopy of the handout SA tangling strings; SD immune to poison,
found at the end of the booklet. cold, electricity, mental spells; MR nil; SZ T
(1'tall); ML fearless (20); XP 175.
E. Fireplace: This is a typical fireplace, with a low
fire burning in it. A pile of wood is stacked to its The glass in the shop windows can be broken,
left, and a small hatchet hangs on the wall above. but not as easily as the characters might
Fireplace tools (including a poker, broom, shovel, assume—after all, they're only 12 inches tall! An
and tongs) lean in the corner to the right. individual PC doll pounding on the window or
Climbing the flue, which takes six rounds, is throwing something at it will not break it. It takes
one way out of the toy shop. However, any PC the cooperative effort of three or more doll-size
doll caught in the fire suffers 1 d6 points of characters to shatter a pane. They must use their
irreparable damage per round. Climbing the flue collective strength, not just attack as three
without putting out the fire causes 1 d3 points of individuals. For example, if they all pick up a
heat damage for three consecutive rounds. hammer too heavy for only one or two of them to

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

wield, or run at the window with a battering ram- victim. As long as the victim remains inside the
like object, the window will break. The shattered hoop, the stick can strike it twice a turn. If there is
glass has no effect upon their wooden bodies. no target inside the hoop, the stick must spend a
Obviously, normal-size PCs would have little round flipping up the hoop and then roll it forward
problem breaking the windows, but to the PC to find a new victim.
dolls, this will be quite an endeavor.
Animated Toy: AL LE; Int Avg; AC 6; MV 12;
J. Doll House: This miniature house is two stories HD 2; hp 8; THACO 19; #AT 2; Dmg Id3;
high, plus an attic. It is sized just right for the PCs. SD immune to poison, cold, electricity,
Like most doll houses, the front wall is missing, mental spells; MR nil; SZ S (2'tall); ML
leaving nowhere to hide inside. fearless (20); XP 175.

K. Hobby Dragon: The head of this "hobby horse" IN. Kite: With a griffon painted on it, this kite is
is that of a dragon. This is a larger than normal able to sail around the room and "bump" into
animated toy—and a fearsome opponent. It will things, doing 1 point of damage.
only animate against human or humanoid
intruders. It ignores the PCs while they have doll Animated Toy: AL LE; Int Avg; AC 6; Fly 6
bodies. Its breath weapon extends in a cone 10 (D); HD 2; hp 8; THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1;
feet long and 5 feet wide, inflicting 2d6 points of SD immune to poison, cold, electricity,
damage upon anyone in it (save vs. breath mental spells; MR nil; SZ S (3'tall); ML
weapon for half damage). fearless (20); XP 175.

Animated Toy: AL LE; Int Avg; AC 6; MV 6;

HD 3; hp 15; THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg Id6
bite; SA fire breath; SD immune to poison,
cold, electricity, mental spells; MR nil; SZ S
(4'tall); ML fearless (20); XP 270.

L. Rocking (Jnicorn: Built like a normal rocking

horse, this one has a unicorn horn on its
forehead. It is a larger than normal animate toy.
Like the hobby dragon, it will only animate
against live intruders and will ignore the PCs if in
their doll bodies. Its only attack is to charge an
opponent and gore him or her for 1 d6 points of
damage. To attack again, it must back up and
charge. It can do this every round.

Animated Toy: AL LE; Int Avg; AC 6; MV 12;

HD 3; hp 18; THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg Id6
charge; SD immune to poison, cold,
electricity, mental spells; MR nil; SZ S (3'
tall); ML fearless (20); XP 270.

M. Hoop and Stick: This animated toy works by

having the stick hit the hoop rapidly, thus making
it roll forward. The hoop cannot cause any
damage itself, but it can fall down and encircle a

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

O. Table: This table is where Guiseppe has most R. Food Pantry: Shelves of food and other
of his meals. There is a mug, dirty food bowl, and common household supplies fill this closet. There
wooden spoon on the table. A soiled cloth lies are two mouse traps on the floor.
crumpled next to it, loose threads beginning to
unravel on one end. S. Table: This is one of Guiseppe's favorite places
in his humble home. Here he can plan new toys,
P. Fireplace: This fireplace is the same shape and read or write, and look out over the streets of the
size as the one on the first floor. However, it has town all the while.
its own flue that runs next to, but does not
connect to, the flue from the downstairs fireplace. T. Bed: This is where Guiseppe sleeps. It is
It is currently unlit. rumpled and unkempt. Gatto the cat is curled up
Q. Kitchen Table: This is where Guiseppe
prepares his meals. There are several knives, 0. Closet: This small area holds clothes, books,
forks, spoons, and cleaning rags here. Plates, and other personal effects.
bowls, and cups are stacked neatly along the
back, while pots, pans, and firewood are under
the table. There is a mouse trap behind the wood

Guiseppe's Toy Shop

2nd Floor

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

nee the PCs have escaped Julio the Wild Man: This middle-aged man has
from the toy shop, they still been driven crazy by the recent events in Odiare.
need to get their own He is determined to destroy as many carrionettes
bodies back. First, they as he can—and he won't know the difference be-
need to find some silver tween the PC dolls and true carrionettes. Julio will
needles. Then they need to attempt to attack with surprise. He is carrying a
find their carrionette- burning torch, which he swings like a club. Any
possessed bodies. As they carrionette or doll that it touches must save vs. nor-
wander the town searching mal fire, using the item saving throw table (see Table
for these things, they are 29 in the DMG) for thick wood. Failure means the
subject to random encounters. doll is now burning and will lose Id3 hit points per
The encounters described round.
below can happen whenever
you want them to, and in any Wild Man (Julio): AL CN; Int Avg; AC 9;
order. It is completely up to MV 12; HD 1; hp 5; THACO 20; #AT 1;
you to decide when and where Dmg Id4 (club); SA fire; SD nil; MR nil;
to throw in these encounters. SZ M (6'tall); ML elite (14); XP 35.

Suspicious Carrionettes: The Innocence: Angelica is a little girl about 8 years

animated marionettes will know immediately that old. She is just wandering aimlessly, playing with
the PC dolls are not carrionettes. They will move whatever is around her. When she spots one of
to attack. This encounter should always be set up PCs in a doll body, she gets very excited and tries
to allow the PCs a full round to escape before to pick him or her up to play with. She has a
combat begins, should they choose to do so. movement rating of 6, but no other combat
There is no real need to fight more carrionettes at abilities. Remember, none of the carrionettes in
this point in the adventure. Odiare will harm a child.

Carrionettes (1-3): AL CE; Int Avg; AC 6; Other Denizens: The creation of the domain of
MV 6; HD 2; hp 10 each; THACO 19; #AT 1; Odiare has caused a few other creatures to
Dmg 1; SA paralyzation, possession; SD become menaces. Giant rats now roam the alleys
immune to poison, cold, electricity, mental and are sometimes bold enough to attack people
spells; MR nil; SZ T (1 'tall); ML fearless (20); in the streets. If the PCs play dead, the rats will
XP 975 each. sniff their bodies and leave them alone.

Dog Pack: Dogs are a common part of any town. Giant Rats (5): AL N(E); Int Semi; AC 7;
With the streets largely empty, small packs have MV 12; HD'A;hp 4, 2, 3, 1, 2; THACO 20;
begun to roam about. They will attack #AT 1; Dmg Id3; SA nil; SD nil; MR nil; SZ T
carrionettes and dolls that they see moving. The (2' long); ML unsteady (5); XP 15 each.
easiest way to avoid this encounter is to play
dead. The dogs will sniff the doll bodies and then Dumb Luck: If the PCs are having trouble finding
leave. their real bodies, you might choose to use this
encounter, but only after the PCs have gotten the
Dogs (4): AL N; Int Animal; AC 7; MV 15; silver needles. You can choose a character, and
HD 1; hp 6, 5, 4, 3; THACO 20; #AT 1; then the PC dolls encounter that body under the
Dmg Id3; SA nil; SD nil; MR nil; SZ S (2'-3' control of a carrionette. It has all the powers and
tall); ML unsteady (6); XP 15 each. abilities of the character.

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

Bad Luck: This encounter should be used only if All the characters are alone, except for the one
you feel things are going too easy for the PCs. in the tavern. He or she is among a crowd of other
Here, the PCs run into Maligno. He knows possessed adults, all drinking and carousing.
immediately that they are not under his control, Fortunately, none of them have any class skills. If
and he knows he cannot control them with his any spot the PC dolls, they know immediately
power to animate toys. However, he is traveling that these are not fellow carrionettes. However,
with three carrionettes and can summon 2d4 PCs who have already regained their bodies have
more, which arrive in three rounds. The PCs a chance to fool this crowd. The bodies still have
probably have to flee to survive. any wounds that they might have had from
Maligno: AL CE; Int Exc; AC 4; MV 9; HD 6;
hp 30; THACO 15; #AT 1; Dmg Id3; SA Celebrating People (13): AL CN; Int Avg;
Otto's irresistible dance, ventriloquism, taunt, AC 10; MV 12; HD 1; hp 4 each; THACO 20;
paralyze, animate toy; SD immune to poison, #AT 1; Dmg Id3 (makeshift weapon);
cold, electricity, most spells; MR nil; SZ T (1' SA nil; SD nil; MR nil; SZ M (5'-6'tall);
tall). ML steady (12); XP 35 each.

Carrionettes (3): AL CE; Int Avg; AC 6; When each PC regains his or her body, the
MV 6; HD 2; hp 10 each; THACO 19; #AT 1; carrionette body remains lifeless for an hour (see
Dmg 1; SA paralyzation, possession; SD the MC entry on carrionettes, page 31). The doll
immune to poison, cold, electricity, mental is easily destroyed while it is helpless.
spells; MR nil; SZ T (1' tall); ML fearless (20);
XP 975 each.
Finding Maligno
Where the Bodies Are
he evil puppet has been busy while the PCs
were dealing with the toy shop and regaining

efore the PC dolls can recover their bodies, their human bodies. Confident that there is
they will need silver needles. The silver nothing in Odiare that can threaten him, he has
needles can be found only in the decided to put on a show for the children. Their
Silversmith's Shop. Once inside, there are no applause and laughter is one of the few things
encounters. It takes an hour to find the stash of that can make Maligno feel good again.
36 needles. As the PCs are wandering around Odiare, they
Finding the PCs' live bodies is another story. hear noises when they pass the Secolo Theater. If
The carrionettes have all wandered off to enjoy they are cautious, they can peek in without being
having a real body. Each player character's body seen. Inside, Maligno is performing with several
is in a different location. You can decide which carrionettes on the stage. The show is called "Sir
body is in which location, using the map on the Arduin and the Wyrm" (a variant of "St. George
gatefold. and the Dragon"). Maligno plays the part of Sir
Arduin and is dressed in armor. An animated
Key Location wooden dragon plays the part of the villain. Four
4 Taverns (pick one) carrionettes form the rest of the troupe, each
22 Brewer dressed in a costume (squire, damsel in distress,
27 Baker king, and court jester).
28 Garden courtyards (pick one) The characters have two basic options: to
34 Jeweler attack now while the children are in the theater, or
43 Town square to wait until the show is over and the children

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

If the PCs charge in now, they endanger the If the battle goes poorly, Maligno will try to
innocent children. Any PC causing harm to a child escape. If the PCs have not blocked the exits or if
automatically fails a powers check (as stated in it looks like he will actually get away, the ghosts
the Forbidden Lore boxed set, "Oaths of Evil," of the theater rise up. The spirits of the murdered
"Ultimate Acts of Darkness"). Maligno will not parents appear, barring the exits from Maligno.
harm the children, but he is not above using them The doors and windows slam shut. A ghostly
to shield himself. The children will flee if chant of "Burn him! . . . Burn him!" echoes
threatened, yelled at, or intimidated. However, the throughout the theater. Between the efforts of the
crowd of scrambling kids will delay the PCs for a ghosts and the PCs, Maligno will not be able to
round, allowing Maligno to get a head start. escape the theater.
If the PCs wait until the show is over, the The lanterns hanging on the walls are a readily
children playfully file out of the theater, leaving available source of fire. Once a flame touches
Maligno and his carrionettes. The evil puppets will wood or cloth in the theater, it burns quickly. It is
remain in the theater for half an hour. During that impossible to put out the flames. The ghosts will
time, Maligno plots while the carrionettes cavort not make any effort to help or hinder the PCs.
around the stage. Afterward, they all leave the The characters can open the doors and escape
building by the back door. without any trouble, although the doors slam shut
If the PCs let Maligno and his band get out of behind them. If the characters are foolish enough
the building, you will have to decide what not to escape before the flames engulf them too,
happens next. Maligno could go back to the toy the ghosts will not help them. The spirits are only
shop or to any other location. If he is being interested in vengeance upon Maligno.
chased by the PCs, he is certain to conduct
guerrilla-style attacks on them with a seemingly

unlimited supply of carrionettes and animated
toys. Maligno will also defend Guiseppe from the aligno is destroyed in the theater fire. At
PCs with his life, and he will prevent the puppet that time, all carrionettes and animated toys
maker from contacting the PCs. fall limply to the ground, inert and lifeless.
Misty borders form at the edges of the domain. If
Maligno: AL CE; Int Exc; AC 4; MV 9; HD 6; the PCs enter these mists, they are transported to
hp 30; THACO 15; #AT 1; Dmg Id3; SA wherever you want to take the party next. This
Otto's irresistible dance, ventriloquism, taunt, can be back to their normal campaign world or to
paralyze, animate toy; SD immune to poison, another domain in Ravenloft. This low-level
cold, electricity, most spells; MR nil; SZ T adventure will garner from 1,000 to 3,000
(1 'tall). experience points for the party.
If you want to use this setting again, the spirit
Animated Wooden Dragon: AL LE; Int Avg; of Maligno can live on. Should Guiseppe make
AC 6; MV 6, Fl 12 (C); HD 2; hp 15; THACO another marionette, it might be possessed and
19; #AT 1; Dmg 1; SA breath fire, 12" long, animated by Maligno. The theater would remain
Id6 damage; SD immune to poison, cold, burned down, and the ghosts in the theater would
electricity, mental spells; MR nil; SZ T still be laid to rest.
(2'tall); ML fearless (20); XP 175. Alternately, Guiseppe might escape the domain
himself. He could begin making carrionettes on
Carrionettes (4): AL CE; Int Avg; AC 6; his own back in the PCs' campaign world.
MV 6; HD 2; hp 10 each; THACO 19; #AT 1; Maligno himself is trapped in Odiare, but
Dmg 1; SA paralyzation, possession; SD Guiseppe and the carrionettes are not: The evil
immune to poison, cold, electricity, mental can rise again.
spells; MR nil; SZ T (1 'tall); ML fearless (20);
XP 975 each.

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

h, the innocence of a child! selfish and evil creature. Blinded by his paternal
That innocence can act as a feelings, Guiseppe is unable to see the puppet for
shadow where evil can hide, what he really is.
protected by its dark cloak. This is Guiseppe's delight with his new creation knew
the tale of an innocent toy, so no bounds. He named the puppet Figlio and
harmless in the hands of a child showered him with love. Delighted with his work,
. . . so deadly when it steps from Guiseppe presented Figlio to the town. While the
the shadows into the cold light of doll maker adored his creation, most of the
reality. townspeople did not. The adults of Odiare didn't
believe in Figlio, and the puppet grew to hate
Appearance them even more than he hated not being real. His
envy and rage and hatred grew until it included
aligno is a 1 -foot-tall wooden even Guiseppe. But the children of Odiare were a
marionette (a puppet controlled different matter, for they believed in Figlio. The
by strings). He is painted and puppet loved the children, for they loved him in
carved to look like a happy, friendly return.
little boy. He wears loose green shorts The puppet hatched a plot: He would kill all the
that have suspenderlike shoulder adults of Odiare. With only the children left, Figlio
straps (called lederhosen), a white could play all day and be given the adoration he
short-sleeved shirt, a long-sleeved jacket, and a deserved. The angry puppet coerced Guiseppe
cap with a single white feather stuck in it. into making more puppets. Each was a "living"
His creator, Guiseppe, is a superb craftsman. doll, but they were cold and inhuman, not at all
Maligno's body and face have dozens of like Figlio. To Guiseppe's horror, they obeyed
articulated parts. His eyebrows, eyes, lips, mouth, Figlio and ignored their true creator.
even individual fingers, can all move During a theater show, Figlio's "carrionettes"
independently. This gives him great (as he called the puppets) slew all the adults
expressiveness and agility. present, but they spared the children. This
Maligno's voice is like that of an eight-year-old heinous act carved out a small domain in
boy, pitched high and even a bit shrill. He is a Ravenloft just for Figlio, and the entire town was
consummate voice actor. Maligno can sound transported to the demiplane of dread. That night,
honest, naive, bullying, petulant, fearful, or just Figlio renamed himself Maligno. He sent his
about anything else. He is not able to imitate carrionettes into the streets to look for other
other people's voices though. adults so that the puppets could take over those
bodies. They would become the new "adults" of
Background Odiare, all loyal to Maligno.

Maligno, in turn, tried to take over the body of
aligno is the unique creation of the mad toy Guiseppe. He discovered that the demiplane of
maker Guiseppe. Driven by his own Ravenloft confers a curse upon all its lords. He
demented fantasy of creating a son for alone of all the carrionettes is unable to inhabit a
himself, Guiseppe crafted a marionette—a human body. In fact, any harm befalling Guiseppe
marionette like no other. So strong was seemed to affect Maligno as well.
Guiseppe's desire that this puppet actually came
to life.
Current Sketch

There is an old adage that says, "Be careful
what you wish, for you might get it." That is what o this day Maligno burns with rage and
happened to poor Guiseppe. Though the frustration. He abhors his own body and
marionette's body looks like that of an innocent wishes always that he were human. Most of
school boy, the puppet is actually a thoroughly his plots have one of two major themes. He is

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

either trying to get a human body for himself, or
he is trying to kill all adults that he can find.
Maligno keeps Guiseppe prisoner, forcing him
to make more toys and carrionettes as he needs
them. He gives many of these to the children of
Odiare as friends and protectors.
The evil little puppet still needs the adoration of
a crowd. He puts on regular shows in the Secolo
Theater for the children. He is a wonderful actor,
drawing gasps of wonder and peals of laughter
from his young audience. Maligno basks in the
glow of their attention for that brief time. When a
show is over and he is again forced to
contemplate his true nature, Maligno is at his
worst. Woe to the grown man or woman that
meets this malevolent marionette soon after.

Confronting Maligno
Carrionette: Maligno
Intelligence: Exceptional
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: 4
Movement: 9
Level/Hit Dice: 6
Hit Points: 30 for details of this type of attack form.)
THACO: 15 Once a character is completely immobilized, a
No. of Attacks: 1 normal carrionette can drive one more needle into
Damage/Attack: Id3 the person's neck to transfer its essence into the
Special Attacks: Taunt, ventriloquism, Otto's live body. Not so with Maligno. He can call one of
irresistible dance, animate his carrionettes to take over the body, though.
toy, paralyzation Maligno is far more likely to carve up his victims
Special Defenses: Repair hit points, immune to like a side of beef, particularly if he is in a foul
poison, cold, electricity, and mood.
most spells Maligno has a few other special abilities. He
Magic Resistance: Nil can climb walls with an 85% chance of success,
Size: T (1 'tall) just like a thief. Using string or thread to help him,
the odds rise to 95%. He can cast taunt and
Maligno is a type of doll golem called a ventriloquism at will. His touch has the effect of
carrionette. However, he is far more powerful than Otto's irresistible dance, except the victim gets a
a normal carrionette. He carries a folding straight saving throw that is not allowed under the normal
razor whose blade is a full 4 inches long. He spell description.
wields it with unnatural viciousness. Unlike other carrionettes, which are immune
Like other carrionettes, he carries ten silver only to mind-affecting spells, Maligno is immune
needles. He can throw them up to 15 feet away, to almost all spells. He can only be directly
where they paralyze whatever limb they strike affected by spells that cause burning damage (eg,
(his choice). (See the MC entry on carrionettes burning hands, magic missile, flaming sphere,

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

fireball, flame arrow, etc.). Spells with indirect climbing, silver needles, or ventriloquism abilities,
effects such as web, wall of fog, darkness 15' however. It is immune to poison, cold, electricity,
radius, and so forth affect him normally. He is and mind-affecting spells. Each toy will have a
immune to cold and electricity in all forms. A special ability related to its design. For example,
warp wood spell will inflict 3d6 points of damage a jack-in-the-box automatically gets surprise
upon Maligno and slow him for Id3 rounds. A when it pops out of its box. A toy horse moves
turn wood spell works normally on Maligno, so with a speed of 12. A toy soldier does Id3 points
much so that he doesn't even get a saving throw. of damage. You will have to determine the special
If Maligno is injured, he can be repaired. Any of ability of each toy as necessary. All the animated
his carrionettes or Guiseppe can, and will, fix him toys used in this adventure have defined special
up. A single carrionette or Guiseppe can repair 1 abilities.
hit point a round. Up to four carrionettes can work
on him at a time. However, they cannot do the
Odiare: The Domain

most delicate work, which means that they
cannot raise his hit points above 24. Only he streets of Odiare twist back upon the town
Guiseppe can fix those last few hit points. He is like the thoughts of a madman. This
also the only one who can repair damage caused condition prevails for as long as Maligno is
by fire. Thus, Maligno protects Guiseppe from "alive." He can be killed only by fire or by magic.
harm: Only his "father" can fix him up when he is Even then his spirit lives on until a suitable body
really hurt. is fashioned for him. If he is "killed," the edges of
If Maligno is reduced to 0 hit points or fewer the domain revert to the misty border. Anyone
through normal damage, he remains alive but entering the mists is transported to another place
cannot move or attack. He can still talk, taunt, by the normal rules of the demiplane. Maligno
and use his animation powers. can open his borders purely by concentrating, but
Even if Maligno is burned to 0 or fewer hit he has never chosen to do so.
points, he is not utterly destroyed. Guiseppe can Guiseppe is intimately linked to the structure of
rebuild his body and, by using a bit of the ashes, this domain. He is the one person immune to the
restore Maligno to that new body. There is possession power of the carrionettes, and he is
probably a way to utterly destroy Maligno, but no the only person who can completely repair
one has determined what it is. Maligno. As such, he is both hated and revered by
Maligno's most potent ability is without a doubt Maligno and the puppets. They will do whatever is
his power to animate toys. He can do this to any needed to keep Guiseppe safe. If necessary,
toy that he can see within 30 feet of him. He can Maligno will even have his cohorts paralyze
animate no more than 6 toys a round and can Guiseppe with their silver needles so that they can
have no more than 24 total toys animated at a carry him off to a hiding place.
given time. The toy stays animated until Maligno Odiare is inhabited mostly by carrionettes and
decides to remove his control. Animating toys wandering children. Maligno makes sure that the
does not prevent the puppet from moving or children are all well cared for. There are animals
attacking in the same round. here, such as dogs, cats, rats, and even giant
rats. There are also a few adults, hiding in cellars
Animated Toy: AL LE; Int Avg; AC 6; MV 6; and attics. They grimly attack any toy, especially
HD 2; hp 8; THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1; puppets, that they encounter. Most avoid the
SA special power; SD immune to poison, cold, children for fear that the carrionettes guarding
electricity, mental spells; MR nil; SZ T (6 "-2' them will spot them. These adults will befriend
tall); ML fearless (20); XP 175. other adults.

An animated toy has the same basic combat

abilities as a carrionette. It does not have the wall

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)


Sertino Home


Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)


I have created a son! It does not matter that he is made of wood, cloth, and paint; he is my son. I have
named him Figlio. He is not like other marionettes. He can walk and talk on his own. I am so proud!

Figlio begged me to make him some friends. How could I refuse him? Strangely, they are not like
him. They move and talk, but they are flat and emotionless, like dolls and not children. Figlio seemed
disappointed at first, but he will get over it, I'm sure. He's such a good little boy.

Figlio was hurt badly today. Two dogs tore him in half. I used some glue and string and was able to fix
him up just like new. I have told him to be careful around the fireplace, though. If he became too badly
burned, I would not be able to repair him. I suspect that fire is the only thing that can really harm my
little boy.

I have discovered a horrible secret. The friends of Figlio are all bad boys. They stole silver needles
from the silversmith. They stick people with the needles and paralyze their limbs. Figlio and his friends
wrestled me to the ground and used the needles to numb all of my own limbs. 1 didn't mind. Young boys
need to roughhouse with their father. They would never really hurt me. Figlio even stuck a needle into
my neck. Then he got really mad and said, "Why can 1 not control you?" Oh, that prankster! He is truly
my pride and joy.

Figlio has been a bad boy. He captured a grown-up and put his mind into the body of one of his
wooden boys. How naughty! Figlio says that the only way the man can escape is to drive a silver needle
into the neck of his true body. Then they will trade minds again. I sent him to bed without his supper for
being so bad.

I am worried about Figlio. He isn't happy very often. Tonight at the show he told his boys to capture
all of the parents in the theater. The little wooden boys carried off the adults' numbed bodies while Figlio
and I entertained the children. Figlio says it's really better this way. We can take much better care of the
children than their parents could. He also changed his name to Maligno, declaring that he is now the
ruler of Odiare. Figlio says that, as the ruler of Odiare, nobody can leave unless they kill him first. That
boy has such an imagination! He wants me to call him Maligno, but he will always be my Figlio. We had
to leave the theater quickly when some bad men in armor showed up and tried to hurt Figlio. Figlio says
he has to capture these bad men. I wish he wouldn't play sheriffs and thieves so often. I hope those bad
men don't hurt my little boy.

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

ind © 1993 TSR. Inc. All Rights Reserved.

CLIMATE /TERRAIN: Any town or city

FREQUENCY: Very rare
ORGANIZATION: Solitary or pack
INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
No. APPEARING: 1 or 2d4
SPECIAL ATTACK: Paralyzation, possession
SIZE: T (6"-2' tall)
MORALE: Fearless (20)

Carrionettes are living, animated puppets or marionettes.

They are essentially wooden dolls, painted and clothed, that
have come to life. All of their limbs are jointed and have
small eye-holes for a puppeteer's strings. Carrionettes vary
in size from 6 inches to 2 feet. They can look like anything—
from clowns, to knights, to farm animals. Most look like
people. The voice of a carrionette is hollow and shrill.
normal body. The carrionette cannot destroy the doll body,
Combat: A carrionette must have a miniature, sharp for that would kill its own essence as well as the life force of
weapon to attack with and cause damage; they cannot use the person. Therefore, the carrionette tends to lock up its
blunt weapons. They can only do 1 point of damage per former body or send it far away. To return things to normal,
attack. The nature of this weapon does not affect how much a silver needle must be driven into the live body (it does no
damage the carrionette does. Typical weapons for damage). The doll body must hold either the needle or a
carrionettes are large sewing needles, small kitchen knives, silver wire no more than 15 feet long attached to the needle.
razor blades, etc. The doll's essence is returned to its body, which remains
Each carrionette carries a small quiver of ten silver inert for an hour. The person's essence is returned to his
needles. They can throw these needles like spears, aiming at body and is active again in a round.
a leg or an arm. The needle has a maximum range of 15 feet
and trails a magical silver cord attached to the carrionette's Habitat/Society: Carrionettes are parasites that live off
hand. It does no damage; however, the character must make humans and human society. They tend to hide in plain
a saving throw vs. paralyzation. If the roll fails, that limb sight, such as in children's toy rooms, toy shops, theaters, or
becomes paralyzed and the silver cord becomes invisible. A other places where toys and marionettes are not unusual.
character who has a single paralyzed leg moves at half They can remain inanimate for extremely long periods of
speed. The needle itself is not magical. The magical energy time, until they find a reason to exert their free will.
cord is created by the carrionette itself. If the character can The carrionette is driven by a single desire: to get a host.
remove the needle, he regains use of that limb in Id4 They desperately want to have a living body. Usually they
rounds. operate in packs to drag down the bodies of the living, but
An immobilized character, whether paralyzed, asleep, or they are known to operate alone. Carrionettes have no
unconscious, is particularly vulnerable to the carrionette. social structure. They do not interact with each other except
The evil puppet can drive a needle into the base of the when in a pack. Once the carrionette has a human body, it
character's neck, which has the effect of transferring the ignores other carrionettes, though it is capable of detecting
essence of the carrionette into the person and vice versa. their presence.
The person inhabiting the doll's body is inanimate for a full
hour after the transferral. The carrionette in the person's Ecology: A carrionette can be made of any material. Typical
body is unconscious for only a round, after which it can materials include wood, straw, ceramic, cloth, and tin. For
remove all the needles. game purposes they are all treated the same. It takes a
The carrionette has two other special abilities. It can climb month to craft the carrionette body. Only a dedicated
walls like a thief, with an 85% chance of success (with string craftsman can do it right. In Ravenloft, Guiseppe is the only
or thread, 95%). Secondly, the carrionette is able to do dollmaker that can animate carrionettes. His craftsmanship
ventriloquism at will, like the spell. It is immune to poison, and love of his work are so great that the creation is infused
cold, electricity, and all mind-affecting spells. A warp wood with life. Other people must follow the normal rules set
spell permanently destroys it. down for creating golems.
The person in the carrionette's body can recover his

Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

The secret wo
"I am compelled by conscience to write
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Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)

Odiare • 10' Each colored street exit connects to the same colored street exit on the opposite
end of the map, forcing the player characters into a continuous loop and
effectively making Odiare an infinite city.

No. Business 12 Woodworker 24 Butcher 36 Inn

I Alchemist 13 Wizard s Charms 25 Blacksmith 37 Spice Merchant
2 Candlemaker 14 Silversmith 26* Abandoned 38 Bowyer /Fletcher
3 Trade Merchant 15 Toymaker (Guiseppe) 27 Baker 39 Moneylender
4* Tavern 16* Warehouse 28* Garden Courtyard 40 Stable & Coach House
5 Sertino Home 17 Vegetable Market 29 Boarding House 41 Temple
6 Knife Grinder 18 Tailor 30 Astrologer 42 Undertaker
7 Apothecary 19 Fishmonger 31 Scribe 43 Town Square (with statue)
8 Leather Worker 20 Leech (medieval doctor) 32 Basketweaver H* Private Home
9* I" lop ho use 21 Secolo 1 heater 33 Fresh Game Market
10 Limner (signs, heraldic symbols) 22 Brewer 34 Jeweler * Mi.:[tiple buildings have this lab
II Gobbler 23 Potter 35 Constabulary
Bo Banducci (Order #27095253)
By Bruce Nesmith

eware what you wish, for it might the adults of Odiare. When the player
come true" is an old Vistani saying. In characters are trapped within this town,
the small town of Odiare, a toymaker Maligno the puppet and his animated toys
has wished a puppet to life—only this begin to hunt them down. The PCs' only
puppet is not a friendly, playful toy. It chance for escape is to defeat the mad
is a thing of evil, bent upon killing all marionette.

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