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Structural Composites

These are the composites which are prepared by stacking layers. Each layer may be a composite itself or any
homogeneous material such as alloy or any other material.
The properties of the structural composites depend on the composition of each layer as well as on the
alignment of reinforcement in each layer if the layer is a composite itself. The properties of these composites
also depend on the orientation of layers throughout the composite material.
Types of Structural Composites
There are two most common types of Structural Composites
 Laminar or Laminate Composites  Sandwich Composites or Sandwich Panels
Laminate Composites
Laminate Composite consist of layers with different anisotropic orientations or of a matrix reinforced with a
dispersed phase in form of sheets.
 When a fiber reinforced composite consists of several layers with different fiber orientations, it is
called multilayer (angle-ply) composite.
 When there is a single ply or a lay-up in which all of the layers or plies are stacked in the same
orientation, the lay-up is called a lamina.
 When the plies are stacked at various angles, the lay-up is called a laminate.
Example of Laminated Composites
Continuous-fiber composites are normally laminated materials (Fig. 1) in which the individual layers, plies, or
laminae are oriented in directions that will enhance the strength in the primary load direction. Unidirectional
(0°) laminae are extremely strong and stiff in the 0° direction. However, they are very weak in the 90°
direction because in this direction the load is carried by the much weaker polymeric matrix. Since, the fiber
orientation directly impacts mechanical properties, it seems logical to orient as many of the layers as possible
in the main load-carrying direction. While this approach may work for some structures, it is usually necessary
to balance the load-carrying capability in a number of different directions, such as the 0°, +45°, -45°, and 90°
directions. A balanced laminate having equal numbers of plies in the 0°, +45°, –45°, and 90° degrees directions
carries equal loads in all four directions and is called a quasi-isotropic laminate.



Figure 1. Lamina and laminate lay-ups

The longitudinal tension and compression loads are carried by the fibers, while the matrix distributes the
loads between the fibers in tension and stabilizes the fibers and prevents them from buckling* in
compression. The matrix is also the primary load carrier for interlaminar shear (i.e., shear between the layers)
and transverse (90°) tension. The relative roles of the fiber and the matrix in determining mechanical
properties are summarized in Table 1.
Buckling is sudden change in shape of a structural component under load such as the bowing of a column
under compression or the wrinkling of a plate under shear. If a structure is subjected to a gradually increasing
load, when the load reaches a critical level, a member may suddenly change shape and the structure and
component is said to have buckled.

A column under a concentric axial load exhibiting the characteristic

deformation of buckling

A tension force is one that pulls materials apart.

A compression force is one that squeezes material together.

Shearing forces are unaligned forces pushing one part of a body in one specific direction, and another part of
the body in the opposite direction.
When the forces are aligned into each other, they are called compression forces

General Comparison of Strength of Fiber, Matrix and Composite

If a high-strength fiber can have a tensile strength of 500 ksi* (3500
Mpa*) or more, a typical polymeric matrix normally has a tensile
strength of only 5 to 10 ksi (35 to 70 Mpa). When such a high-strength
fiber is reinforced in the typical polymer matrix then the resulting
composite has strength about 400 ksi as shown in Fig. 2.
 ksi stands for force in kilo pound per square inch
 Mpa stands for megapascal

Figure 2: Comparison of tensile

properties of fiber, matrix, and composite

Sandwich Composites
Sandwich Composites which are also known as Sandwich panels are
considered to be a class of structural composites. These are
designed to be light-weight beams or panels having relatively high
stiffnesses and strengths. A sandwich panel consists of two outer
sheets, or faces, that are separated by and adhesively bonded to a
thicker core (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Schematic diagram showing the cross section of a sandwich panel.
The outer sheets are made of a relatively stiff and strong material, typically aluminum alloys, fiber-reinforced
plastics, titanium, steel, or plywood; they impart high stiffness and strength to the structure, and must be
thick enough to withstand tensile and compressive stresses that result from loading. The core material is
lightweight, and normally has a low modulus of elasticity. Core materials typically fall within three categories:
rigid polymeric foams (i.e., phenolics, epoxy, polyurethanes), wood (i.e., balsa wood), and honeycombs.
Structurally, the core serves several functions. First of all, it provides continuous support for the faces. In
addition, it must have sufficient shear strength to withstand transverse shear stresses, and also be thick
enough to provide high shear stiffness (to resist buckling of the panel). (It should be noted that tensile and
compressive stresses on the core are much lower than on the faces.)

Another popular core consists of a

“honeycomb” structure—thin foils that have been formed into interlocking hexagonal cells, with axes
oriented perpendicular to the face planes; Figure 4 shows a cutaway view of a honeycomb core sandwich
panel. The honeycomb material is normally either an aluminum alloy or aramid polymer. Strength and
stiffness of honeycomb structures depend on cell size, cell wall thickness, and the material from which the
honeycomb is made. Sandwich panels are used in a wide variety of applications including roofs, floors, and
walls of buildings; and, in aerospace and aircraft (i.e., for wings, fuselage, and tailplane skins).

Figure 4: Schematic diagram showing

the construction of a honeycomb core
sandwich panel

Isotropic and anisotropic, Materials

Materials can be classified as either isotropic or anisotropic. Isotropic materials have the same material
properties in all directions, and normal loads create only normal strains. By comparison, anisotropic materials
have different material properties in all directions at a point in the body. There are no material planes of
symmetry and normal loads create both normal strains and shear strains. A normal strain is perpendicular to
the face of an element and a shear strain is parallel to it.
Bulk materials, such as metals and polymers, are normally treated as isotropic materials, while composites are
treated as anisotropic. However, even bulk materials such as metals can become anisotropic depending upon
the conditions applied.

Normal strain Shear strain

A material is isotropic if the properties are independent of direction within the material. For example,
consider the element of an isotropic material shown in Fig. 5. If the material is loaded along its 0°, 45°, and
90° directions, the modulus of elasticity (E) is the same in each direction (E 0° = E45° = E90°).

Figure 5: Element of isotropic

material under stress

However, if the material is anisotropic (for example, the composite ply shown in Fig. 6), it has properties that
vary with direction within the material. In this example, the moduli are different in each direction (E 0° ≠ E45° ≠

Figure 6: Element of anisotropic

material under stress

The property modulus of

elasticity is used in the example, the same dependence on direction can occur for other material properties,
such as ultimate strength, poisson’s ratio, and thermal expansion coefficient.

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