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Senior High School

Quarter 1 – Module 2:
(WEEK 2)
TVL COOKERY – Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode

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Published by the Tagbilaran City Division

Schools Division Superintendent: Joseph Irwin A. Lagura
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Marcelo K. Palispis

Development Team of the Module

Compiler: Christine Tiara T. Zamora
Editor: Pablita R. Cabarles
Reviewers: Editha G. Gone, Neolita S. Sarabia, Joseph C. Barrete
Layout Artist:
Management Team: CID Chief: Beatriz C. Luga
Division EPS In Charge of LRMS: Neolita S. Sarabia
Division ADM Coordinator: Elizabeth R. Escolano

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education –Region VII

Office Address: Rajah Sikatuna Avenue, Dampas, Tagbilaran City

Telefax: (038) 544-2147, 427-1702
E-mail Address: [email protected]


Quarter 1 – Module 2:



Introductory Message
For the Facilitator:

Welcome to the TVL COOKERY 11 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)


This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by

educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or
facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum
while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also
aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into
consideration their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:

Notes to the Parents/Guardians

This contains helpful tips or strategies
that will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them
to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and
assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the Learner:

Welcome to the TVL COOKERY 11 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)

The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and accomplish.
Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner is capable and
empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and skills at your own pace
and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process
the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to This will give you an idea of the skills or

Know competencies you are expected to learn in the

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to check

what you already know about the lesson to take. If
you get all the answers correct (100%), you may
decide to skip this module.

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link the

current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced to

you in various ways such as a story, a song, a poem,
a problem opener, an activity or a situation.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of the

lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent practice to

solidify your understanding and skills of the topic.
You may check the answers to the exercises using
the Answer Key at the end of the module.

What I Have This includes questions or blank

Learned sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process what
you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will help you
transfer your new knowledge or skill into real life
situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your level of

mastery in achieving the learning competency.

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given to you

to enrich your knowledge or skill of the lesson
learned. This also tends retention of learned


Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the module.

At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in

developing this module.
The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate 1 whole sheet of paper in answering the exercises. Label
this paper accordingly to the part you are answering.

Name: Juan Dela Cruz Gr./Sec: Grade 7-Beige August 24-28, 2020
Module 1-Week 1- Supplying words and expressions that complete an
What I Know
1. B
2. C

2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning
and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
PREMISES. It covers Most Essential Competency (MELC) that a Grade 11 TVL
COOKERY student like you ought to possess, namely:


The module focuses on:

Lesson 2- Clean and Sanitize Kitchen Premises

After going through this module, you are expected to:
 recognize kitchen premises to be cleaned and sanitized.
 classify and describe the uses of cleaning agents.
 clean the kitchen area hygienically.

What I Know

Note: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

A. Multiple Choice: Read the following statements carefully. Choose the letter
that best describes the statement.
Test I. Jumbled Letters. Write the correct spelling opposite the scrambled letters.
1. AINSZTEI - _____________________________
2. PENMEQUTI - ___________________________
3. NGILCAEN - ____________________________
4. CNKTIEH - ______________________________
5. LCEHIMAC - ____________________________
Test II. Multiple Choice: Read the following statements carefully. Choose the letter
that best describes the statement.
1. What cleaning compound is commonly referred to as degreaser and used on
surfaces where grease has burned on?
a. Acid Cleaners b. Abrasives c. Detergents d. Solvent cleaners
2. Which of the following cleaner agent is used generally on removing heavy
accumulations of soil that re difficult to remove?
a. Acid Cleaners b. Abrasives c. Detergents d. Solvent cleaners
3. Which of the following is used in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and
a. Ethyl Alcohol b. Chlorine c. Muriatic Acid d. dishwashing liquid
4. Which of the following refers to removing foods and other types of soil from the
surface, such as a dish, glass, or cutting boards?
a. cleaning b. sanitizing c. sweeping d. cooking
5. What process refers to removing bacteria through using heat or chemicals?
a. cleaning b. sanitizing c. sweeping d. cooking
Test III. Name 5 cleaning agents commonly used in your household.
1. _________________________ 4. _____________________
2. _________________________ 5. _____________________
3. _________________________

DAY 1 - 2
Clean and Sanitize Kitchen Premises
Keeping your kitchen clean, including worktops is essential to keep food safe
as bacteria can grow and spread. It's very important to keep worktops and kitchen
areas clean because they touch the food you are going to eat. If they aren't properly
clean, bacteria could spread to food and make you ill.
What’s In
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Recognize kitchen tools and equipment to be cleaned and sanitized;
2. Classify and describe the uses of cleaning agents
3. Clean the kitchen are hygienically in accordance with food safety and
occupational health regulations.
4. Clean surfaces without damaging property and adversely affecting health.
5. use cleaning agents in sanitizing kitchen premises safely.
6. Following cleaning schedule based on enterprise procedures.
7. Follow safety first aid procedures

What’s New

Direction: Write your answers in a separate paper.

A. Give three approved and commonly used chemical sanitizers.
1. _____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________
B. Give the categories of cleaning materials.
1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________
4. ____________________

What Is It
C l e a n i n g y o
best and make it free from germs and bacteria that usually
accumulate in the kitchen area during food preparations.
In restaurants, sanitizers and disinfectants are used on items from the
restaurant tables to the food prep surfaces to prevent foodborne illness. Cleanliness
leads to an overall better customer experience and can make or break a restaurant.
Sanitizers are used to reduce microorganisms from inanimate
environments to safe levels determined by public health codes and regulations.
Now that you know more about what sanitizers and disinfectants are, we
can talk about things you should know.
Types of Sanitizers and Disinfectants
Abrasives are most used in commercial kitchen
deep cleaning to clean floors, pots, and pans of
built-up grease. They are effective at these types
of jobs because they contain abrasive substances
or components that when scrubbed, cuts through
the layers of dirt and grease to remove and lift
them from hard surfaces. Abrasives usually
feature a gritty consistency that can cause
scratching on some surfaces. As a result, they
should be used with care on materials such as
plastic or stainless steel.

Cleaning agents featuring acids are the most
powerful types of cleaning agents available and
therefore, they should be used with care and with
the appropriate safety equipment. These cleaning
agents are most used to remove rust and mineral
deposits from surfaces and equipment. Acids need
to be diluted correctly because if they are not,
they can be highly corrosive and even potentially
Degreasers, or solvent cleaners, are most used to
remove built-up grease from kitchen surfaces.
Commonly affected areas include oven tops,
exhausts, counters, and grill backsplashes. In a
commercial kitchen environment, it is important
to use only non-toxic, non-fuming degreasers to
prevent potential problems like chemical
Detergents are the safest and most common type
of cleaning agent used in commercial kitchens.
Combined with warm water, detergents break up
and loosen dirt or soil, so it can be washed away.
Most commercial kitchens use synthetic
detergents made from petroleum products that
come in the form of powder, liquid, gel, or
Cleans ground-in dirt and stains from fiberglass, metal, plastic, mica, tile and
painted surfaces. Combines superfine abrasives and chelating agents to lift and
remove stains, grime and oxidation without scratching. This cleaner works on the
really tough stains that others can’t remove! Ideal for cleaning stainless sinks, stove
tops, railings, towers, countertops, shower stalls, swim platforms, coolers, cutting
boards, rub rails and more.
Shake well before using. Pour a small amount onto a sponge or cloth and apply in a
firm, overlapping, circular motion. Rinse or wipe off with a clean cloth. Stubborn
stains may require a second application and light scrubbing with a Star brite fine
scrub pad. Note: Do not use on plastic surfaces. To keep newly-cleaned fiberglass
or polished metal looking its best while repelling stains and dirt, apply a protective
coating of brite Marine Polish.

Muriatic acid is one of the strongest cleaners and etching agents that you can get
without a license. How strong is it? It's hydrochloric acid strong. It has the same
chemical formula as hydrochloric acid—HCL—but it has been diluted to a
concentration between 15 and 30 percent. Don't be fooled by the fact that your
stomach is full of HCL. In concentrations high enough to be considered
hydrochloric acid—and not muriatic acid—HCL is one of the most corrosive acids in
nature, eclipsing even sulfuric acid in hydrogen ion production.
 Always pour acid into water, never the other way around. When you pour water
into acid, the mixture bubbles and spits acid throughout the immediate area in
a mini-explosion.
 Avoid breathing the fumes. Muriatic acid has a strong, stifling odor. It's
corrosive and can do serious damage to your respiratory system and your lungs.
Wear a respirator when working with it.
 Never mix any other chemical with muriatic acid. You should only mix it with
water. Other chemicals, such as bleach and ammonia, can cause reactions that
produce dangerous fumes or worse.
 Wear gloves, goggles and protective clothing, and avoid pouring muriatic acid on
grass, plants or trees. The acid is strong enough to burn your skin and eyes,
and it kills vegetation. When working around vegetation, keep some garden lime
handy to neutralize any spills.

 Removes 100% soap scum and grease
 Cleans, disinfects, degreases and deodorizes
 Leaves a pleasant scent
 Kills 99.9% of viruses^ & bacteria* when used as directed on hard non-porous
 Multi-purpose daily cleaner

Detergents can be used on all non-food contact surfaces in the kitchen such as the
floor or shelves holding packaged goods. They do not kill bacteria.


How To Clean Greasy Kitchen Walls, Backsplashes, and Cupboards
What You’ll Need :
1. Paper towels
2. Warm water
3. Clean dishcloths
4. Dishwashing liquid
5. Sponge
6. 1 cup baking soda
7. Distilled white vinegar
8. Clean towels
9. Equipment
12. Spray bottle
1. Blot: Blot any grease splatters or stains off kitchen surfaces immediately
with a paper towel.
2. Then soften the residual splatters: Run a clean dishcloth under warm water
and gently wipe grease splatters to soften.
3. Get your cleaning solution ready: Combine a drop or two of dishwashing
liquid with warm water in a bucket. Soak sponge in solution.
4. Use the sponge: Wring out the sponge and press and hold it to grease
splatter and then gently wipe surface in a circular motion.

5. Call in reinforcements: For stubborn grease stains, combine 1 cup warm
water and 1 cup baking soda in a bowl and stir into a paste. Apply paste to
grease stains and let dry. Remove paste with a clean, soft dishcloth. If grease
splatters and stains are still visible, combine equal amounts vinegar and
warm water in a spray bottle. Spray on grease; let sit for 5 minutes.
6. Rinse the surface: Run a dishcloth under warm water and gently rinse
surface. Then, dry surface with a clean towel.

How to Clean Your Kitchen Floor

What You’ll Need :
1. Broom
2. Mop or sponge
3. Warm water
4. Mild dish detergent such as Ivory
5. Bucket

1. First, sweep the floor thoroughly. Don’t forget the corners and under the edges
of appliances.
2. Next, fill the bucket with warm water.
3. Add dish detergent if there are sticky or greasy spots on the floor. Otherwise,
warm water should work just fine.
4. Mop or sponge the floor, rinsing frequently.
5. Allow floor to dry before use.

How to Clean a Kitchen Sink

What you’ll need:
1. Rubber gloves
2. Non-abrasive scrubber
3. Dish soap
4. Baking soda
5. White vinegar
6. Hydrogen peroxide
7. Lemon
8. Salt

1. Sanitize the Sink Basin. First, make sure
your sink is completely cleared of food
items, coffee mugs, or dish racks. Then, give
your sink a quick pre-rinse to wash down
any visible crumbs. Once that’s done, grab
your rubber gloves and get ready to scrub!
Remember, kitchen sink cleaning varies by
material—so be sure to follow the method
that works best for yours.

2. Wipe Down
Faucets and Handles. No matter the
material, all faucets and handles can be
cleaned using soapy water. Use a sponge
or brush to wipe them down and a
toothbrush for those super hard-to-reach
areas. Still seeing white spots after your scrub? That’s lime buildup from the
minerals in your tap water. Adding a spoonful of vinegar to the soapy water
mixture and doing one final scrub should do the trick.
3. Rinse the sink with hot water to loosen any
stuck-on food and debris. Clean drain
strainers or stoppers.
4. Plug the drain and sprinkle baking soda in
the sink basin, and along the sink rim and
faucet. Baking soda is a great natural
cleaner because it’s abrasive enough to
scrub away stuck-on food and grease, but
not so abrasive to scratch the surface.
5. Fill a spray bottle with white distilled vinegar
and spray over baking soda. The solution will
fizz. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant that
also helps to remove hard water stains.
6. Gently scrub the baking soda-vinegar
solution with a soft bristle brush in a circular
motion. A toothbrush works well around the
faucet and where the sink basin meets the
7. Rinse with hot water. Dry with a soft cloth to prevent water stains.
8. To shine the surface, you can use flour or olive oil. For the flour, sprinkle it
in the sink and then rub with a soft cloth. For the olive oil, add a few
teaspoons to a soft cloth and rub into sink.
Kitchen Sanitation and Food Safety Guidelines
1. The preparation, packaging and handling of foods should take place
separately from other domestic activities, such as family meal preparation,
dishwashing, clothes washing, kitchen cleaning or guest entertainment. No
infants, small children or pets should be present in the kitchen during food
 Do not allow anyone with a contagious illness to work in the food
operation while ill.
 Wash hands and exposed portions of arms before any food preparation
or packaging.
 Minimize bare hand by using utensils, single-use gloves, bakery papers
or tongs, especially when preparing/packaging ready-to-eat foods.
2. Keep all kitchen equipment and utensils used to produce food products
clean and in a good condition.
 Wash, rinse and sanitize all food contact surfaces, equipment and
utensils before each use.
 Ensure water used during the preparation of cottage food products
meets potable drinking water standards.
 Keep all food preparation and food and equipment storage areas free of
rodents and insects.
3. Keep all food that is manufactured, produced, prepared, packed, stored,
transported, and kept for sale free from adulteration and spoilage.
 Get ingredients from approved sources.

 Protect food from dirt, vermin, unnecessary handling, droplet
contamination, overhead leakage, or other environmental sources of
 Prevent cross contamination of foods and ingredients with raw animal
products and chemicals.
 Prepackage all food to protect it from contamination during transport,
display, sale and purchase by consumers.

What’s More
NOTE: Please use a separate sheet of paper in answering each
Activity 1.1 FILL ME IN
Direction: Below are some of the kitchen surfaces that needs deep cleaning. In
column A, draw a smiling face 😊 if your are familiar with the areas in the kitchen
and a sad face ☹ if your are not. In Column B, put a check √ if you have
experienced cleaning, sanitizing, and storing the given kitchen tools and
equipment, and X if no experience

Kitchen Tools and COLUMN A COLUMN B

Equipment’s I know I can clean, sanitize
and store
1. walls
2. floors
3. sinks
4. shelves
5. tool caninet

DAY 3 - 4
Activity 1.2 Think and be Enlightened
Test your understanding by answering the following questions.
1. Discuss procedure involved in Cleaning Kitchen surfaces.
2. Explain:
a. Why is it important to deep Clean the Kitchen Areas and Surfaces?
b. Why is there a need to practice kitchen sanitation and food safety
guidelines in any food operation?
Your answers shall be assessed using the rubrics below:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
CLEAR Exceptionally Generally clear, Lacks clarity, Unclear,
clear, easy to able to follow difficult to impossible to
follow follow follow
CONCISE The explanation The The The explanation
posed and explanation explanation posed and
methods used posed and posed and methods used are
are advanced methods used methods used inadequate
are appropriate are somewhat
COMPREHENSIVE Thorough and Substantial Partial or not Misunderstanding
comprehensive explanation comprehensive or serious
explanation misconception on
the explanation
RELEVANT Highly relevant Generally Somewhat Irrelevant
relevant relevant

What I Have Learned
Note: Please use another sheet of paper.

Direction: Write a reflection on the following statement:

A. Why do we need to observe cleanliness in the kitchen area?

What I Can Do
Note: Please use another sheet of paper.

Situation: You are assigned to deep clean your kitchen area. Ask the assistance of
your older siblings or mother. Use appropriate cleaning materials. Follow the
procedures given to you in this module.
Things to do:
1. Prepare needed materials
2. Document your activity with BEFORE AND AFTER pictures.
3. Post it on your social media account FACEBOOK. And caption it with DEEP

Tag me on my account FB CHRISTINE TIARA ZAMORA.

Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:
4 Follows correctly the procedures in cleaning and sanitizing tools and
equipment and performs the skill without supervision and with initiative
and adaptability to problem situations.
3 Follows correctly the procedures in cleaning and sanitizing tools and
equipment and performs the skill satisfactorily without assistance or
2 Follows the procedures in cleaning and sanitizing tools and equipment
with minor errors and performs the skill satisfactorily with some
assistance and/or supervision.
1 Was not able to follow the procedures in cleaning and sanitizing tools
and equipment and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.



Please use another sheet of paper

Test I. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Usually features a gritty consistency that can cause scratching of some surface.
A. Abrasive B. Acids C. Degreasers D. Detergents
2. Used to removed built-up grease from the kitchen surfaces.
A. Abrasive B. Acids C. Degreasers D. Detergents
3. Used to removed built-up grease from kitchen surfaces.
A. Abrasive B. Acids C. Degreasers D. Detergents
4. Safest and most common types of cleaning agents.
A. Abrasive B. Acids C. Degreasers D. Detergents
5. Your mother ask you to clean the counter which has oil splashes during cooking.
What cleaning agents should be used?
A. Abrasive B. Acids C. Degreasers D. Detergents
6. When cleaning the kitchen floor. What is the ideal cleaning agent should you
A. Abrasive B. Acids C. Degreasers D. Detergents
7. To clean your sink cleaning agent should be used to removed grease and scum.
A. Abrasive B. Acids C. Degreasers D. Detergents
8. When cleaning kitchen floors these are the tools that you need except for one:
A. Bucket B. Broom C. Knife D. Mop
9. Cleaning kitchen sinks is tricky. You need to be very careful on what cleaning
agent you should use. For sink that are made of stainless aluminum, what cleaning
agent is best to use?
A. Acid B. Chlorine C. Detergent D. Baking Soda
10. To remove grease on kitchen walls you must prepare these following materials
except one:
A. Paper Towel B. Sponge C. Bucket D. Abrasive brush

Test II. True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. And FALSE if
the statement is wrong.
__________ 1. Packaging and handling food should be in one place together with
other domestic activities like washing clothes or dishes.
__________ 2. Keep all kitchen equipment and utensils used to produce food
products clean and in good condition.
__________ 3. Get ingredients from trusted suppliers.
__________ 4. Disinfectants are used to reduce microorganisms.
__________ 5. Keeping the kitchen clean is not so important.

Answer Key


A. Activity 1.1
1. Chlorine 1. 😊, ☹
2. Quaternary Ammonia
2. 😊, ☹
3. Iodine
Lee, Merlyn, ed. et. al., (2016) Technical – Vocational- Livelihood Home
Economics COOKERY Manual. First Edition. Seoul, Korea: Prinpia
Co., LTD. 2016
Peralta, Joanna. (2016) Modules in Home Economics Cookery 10.
Philippines: St. Bernadeth Publishing House Corporation
Rondilla, Aida H., (2017) Home Economics: Cookery Volume 1.
Philippines: Adriana Publishing House Co., Inc. 2017
Sumasim, Corazon M., (2015) Technology and Livelihood Education
Cookery 9. Philippines: The Library Publishing House, Inc. 2017

Electronic Sources:
Clean Pedia (n.d) Retrieved July 29, 2020.
Word Mint (n.d.) Retrieved July 29, 2020.



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