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Bring your own chairs,

FALL RIVER or toss out a blanket and pack
(Thu. 9/4) Deke Dickerson a picnic or enjoy the great food
(Tuesdays) Ballroom Danc- Deke has one of the funnest sold at the concession stands - a
ing shows you’ll ever see. High winner either way! $10 donation;
Door prizes, raffle, line dancing. energy rockabilly that is not just kids under 12 free. Holy Ghost
Live music by the Nu-Sounds. a throwback to the 50s, but takes Grounds, 171 Sodom Rd. West-
Singles welcome. 12:30-4pm. the musical style well into the port MA. 508-636-8346 www.
$6. Liberal Club, 20 Star St, Fall 21st century. He’s such a hot
River. 508-994-7240 guitarist that he writes for Guitar
Player magazine. Pencil this one (Fri. 9/5-Sun. 9/7) Twelfth
(Wednesdays) Open Mic into your calendar. You gotta love Night
Audience members are welcome the Deke! $13 advance, $15 day Shakespeare’s popular comedy
and performers are encouraged of show. Narrows Center for the involving mistaken identity,
to sign-up and take the stage on Arts 16 Anawan St. Fall River. drunken revelry, and love tri-
Wednesday evenings. Sign-up 508-324-1926 umphant! Come enjoy a pic-
begins at 6:45 p.m. Arrive early nic, a bottle of wine, and great
to insure your performance, bring (Fri. 9/5) Catie Curtis fun!Presented by The Classical
a friend and keep spreading the A song Players Theater Company. Sept.
news! As a bonus, admission of hers 5,6 at 7pm Sept. 7 at 11am.
tickets are raffled once monthly was used Westport Rivers Vineyards, 417
for free concert tickets. The Nar- on the Hixbridge Rd, Westport, MA.
rows books a featured performer “Grey’s 508-287-6306 classicalplayers@
for most every open-mic. $3. To Anato-
receive information or to be a fea- my” tele-
tured performer, email openmic@ vision (Sat. 9/6) Rock, Rhythm & Narrows Center for the show; Blues Motorcycle Run
Arts 16 Anawan St. Fall River and her
508-324-1926 compo-
(thru Sat. 9/13) Portuguese have
Artists been featured on other TV shows
Curated by Dr. Stephen Cabral, as well as movies. Opening
anthropologist. Cherry & Webb Act: Rebecca Pronsky. Doors
Gallery, 139 South Main St. Fall open 7pm, all shows start 8pm.
River. Hours M-F 9am-7pm; Sat. $20 advance, $23 day of show. Come and ride for the kids! Reg-
9am-1pm. Closed Sunday. 508- Narrows Center for the Arts 16 istration opens at 9:00 am and
679-8419; 508-672-6602 www. Anawan St. Fall River. 508-324- will run until 11:00 am - what 1926 a blast, and what a sight to see
- there were over 180 bikes last
(thru Tue. 9/30) 11th Annual (Fri. 9/5-Sun. 9/7) Westport year! Starts at Dave’s Beach,
Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition Rock Rhythm & Blues Festival Jefferson St, Fall River MA.
The Sculpture park is open to the Friday night kickoff - a chicken Ends at: Holy Ghost Grounds,
public for viewing during day- BBQ and music from 6-10 pm! Westport MA. $20 registration
light hours. Saturday and Sunday, the gates fee, includes bike ride and admis-
The Four Corners ARts Center open at 12 Noon - a great time sion to the RR&B festival. 508-
located on the grounds of The to be with friends and family! A 675-5531
Meeting House, 3582 Main Rd, $10 donation gets you in to enjoy
Tiverton RI. 401-624-2600 the music, and kids under 12 are (Sat. 9/6) Wild Edibles Walk
Southeast Massachusetts is home Cocktail Party Pardon Gray
to more than 150 species of wild Pardon Gray Preserve, Main
edible plants. Join us for a walk Road (Route 117) Tiverton RI.
and a natural snack. 1pm-3pm. 401-625-1300, email info@
Free. Copicut Woods, Biore-, or www.
serve. Trustees of Reservations.
508-679-2115 www.greenfutures.
org (Thu. 9/11) Rite of Reflec-
tion Ceremony at Battleship
(Sat. 9/6) Annual Used Book Cove
Adult and Children’s paperback Tiverton Land Trust presents a
and hardcover books. 10am-4pm. day of fun activities at Pardon
Westport Public Library, 408 Old Gray Preserve. (Rain date 9/14)
County Road, Westport, MA. Entertainment and fun for all
508-636-1100 ages! Live music, pie contest,
great food & vendors, hay rides,
(Sat. 9/6) Craft Fair and Battleship Cove, unveils Mas- guided trail & cemetery walks,
Yard Sale sachusetts’ permanent memorial kids crafts & games, demonstra-
8am till ? Rain for shine. Ha- to the victims of September 11th. tions, produce market & craft
thaway Park on Water St. in Battleship Cove, Fall River. 508- vendors including Sakonnet
Assonet. Hot dogs, lemonade. 678-1100 Growers Market. Open to the
To reserve a space call Nancy. Public. 10am–4pm. Children: $5
508-644-5374 (Fri. 9/12) Karla Bonoff for all activities. Pardon Gray
She had one of the top perfor- Reserve, Main Rd, Tiverton RI.
(Sun. 9/7) 7th Annual Nar- mances at the Narrows in 2007. For info: Linda 401-625-5682
rows Festival of the Arts Her songs have been performed
by the likes of Linda Ronstadt.
Doors open 7pm, all shows start (Sat. 9/13) Tom Rush
8pm. $28 advance, $31 day of A Narrows fave. This will sell-
show. Narrows Center for the out quickly. Doors open 7pm, all
Arts 16 Anawan St. Fall River. shows start 8pm. $35 advance, $35
508-324-1926 day of show. Narrows Center for
the Arts 16 Anawan St. Fall River.
(Fri. 9/12 & Sun. 9/13) 508-324-1926
Fine Art-Fine Music-Fine Food Ghost Hunters University
-2 stages of music featuring; The Come and learn how to use para- (Thu. 9/18) WCSWANS and
Holmes Brothers, Eric Lindell normal investigative equipment WNRI Joint Women’s Event
Band, Jim Lauderdale Trio, Car- and conduct an investigation of Two popular women’s groups
rie Rodriguez also Mark Small, the Lizzie Borden house. Eve- in RI, Womens Network RI and
Jeremy Wallace Trio, Andrea ning event $99, overnight stay Womens Club SWANS, are
Belanger, Low Anthem. An $150. Dinner provided for all working to together to support
interactive children’s area, fun guests & breakfast is included w/ women by having a joint dinner
for the whole family. 11am. Free. overnight stay. The Lizzie Bor- event. Allison Alexander, news
Narrows Center for the Arts 16 den Bed & Breakfast. 92 Second anchor of ABC6 News, is the
Anawan St. Fall River. 508-324- St., Fall River MA. 508-675- speaker for the evening. 6-9pm.
1926 7333 $30/non-members, $20/members
includes crackers and cheese
(Thu. 9/11) Clambake and (Sat. 9/13) A Country Day at reception, dinner, dessert, pre-
sentation and social and busi- Artists, craftspeople, & musi- An infectious night of folk-
ness networking opportunities. cians. 12-4pm. Purchase Street rock is guaranteed! Opening
at McGovern’s on the Water, from Bank Street to Cherry Act: Lonesome Brothers. Doors
Fall River. 401-694-1284 www. Street. Call James Bartley at open 7pm, all shows start 8pm. or 401-480-2465 (508) 679-8871 or email bart- $15 advance, $17 day of show. [email protected] for more infor- Narrows Center for the Arts 16
mation. Anawan St. Fall River. 508-324-
(Sat. 9/19) Mose Allison 1926
Born in the Mississippi Delta, (Thu. 9/25) Justin Townes
this pioneering pianist’s songs Earle
have been covered by The Clash, He’s Steve Earle’s son, but is
The Who (They did “Young making a name for himself on the
Man’s Blues”), Eric Clapton, circuit.
Elvis Costello etc. Doors open Doors open 7pm, all shows start
7pm, all shows start 8pm. $20 8pm. $13 advance, $15 day of
advance, $23 day of show. show. Narrows Center for the
Narrows Center for the Arts 16 Arts 16 Anawan St. Fall River.
Anawan St. Fall River. 508-324- 508-324-1926
(Fri. 9/26) Donna Jean and the
(Sat. 9/20) Cheryl Wheeler Tricksters
Certainly one of the funnest,
most compelling performers
you’ll ever see. Singer, songwrit-
er, social commentator. Doors
open 7pm, all shows start 8pm.
$25 advance, $28 day of show.
Narrows Center for the Arts 16
Anawan St. Fall River. 508-324-
1926 Donna Jean was with the Grate-
ful Dead and you’ll no doubt feel
(Sun. 9/21) Fun Day in the the Dead groove during the show.
Forest She and her crew have played the
A wonderful assortment of expe- Narrows several times, drawing
riences: music, Regal Reptiles, a great crowd and good vibra-
Mad Science, owls, arts& crafts, tions. Doors open 7pm, all shows
climbing wall, hay & pony rides, start 8pm. $18 advance, $20 day
archery, auction, field games of show. Narrows Center for the
exhibits and good food. It’s all Arts 16 Anawan St. Fall River.
happening in your local forest 508-324-1926
and it’s free! 11am-4pm. Friends
of the Freetown/Fall River State (Sat. 9/27) The Kennedys
Forest HQ, Slab Bridge Rd., As-
sonet MA. 508-672-2417 www.

(Sun. 9/21) Arts Around

The Block Festival

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