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Vaalco Etame




A 08-May-2013 Issued for IDC A. McCall T. Cobbs B. Reynolds NA


BY BY BY Client

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Scope of Work For NDE 12022-AMC-ME-SA-XXXX Rev. A

Revision History Details

Doc. Rev. Description
A  Issued for IDC

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Scope of Work For NDE 12022-AMC-ME-SA-XXXX Rev. A


1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................4

2 ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS.............................................................4

3 REFERENCES....................................................................................................5

4 RESPONSIBILITIES...........................................................................................5

5 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SUBCONTRACTOR..................................................5

5.1 SUB-CONTRACTOR SCOPE OF WORK....................................................................5
5.2 PROCUREMENT......................................................................................................... 7
5.3 CONTRACTOR PROVIDED ITEMS (CPI)...................................................................7
5.4 SCHEDULE.................................................................................................................8

6 DOCUMENTATION............................................................................................8

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Scope of Work For NDE 12022-AMC-ME-SA-XXXX Rev. A

VAALCO Gabon (Etame) Inc. is planning on expanding the development of its Etame-Marin field
offshore of Gabon, West Africa. The Etame-Marin Field is located approximately 320 kilometers
southeast of Port Gentil, Gabon and approximately 32 kilometers offshore in 85 meters water depth.

The Etame Expansion Project scope includes the transportation and installation of 2 new fixed
platforms (Etame and SEENT), subsea equipment such as pipelines, flexible flowlines, spools and
valve/WYE skids, and the relocation of existing flexible flowlines. The new Etame WHP will serve as a
first stage processing facility for up to 6 new dry tree wells, 2 existing subsea wells, and 2 future
subsea wells. The Etame WHP products will be exported to an FPSO located about 2.4 km away east
of the platform. The new SEENT WHP production platform will supply fuel gas to the FPSO.


FBE Fusion Bonded Epoxy
FJC Field Joint Coating
GSPU Glass Syntactic Polyurethane
HSSEQ Health, Safety, Security, Environmental, Quality
MT Magnetic Particle Testing
MUT Manual Ultrasonic Testing
NDE Non Destructive Examination
PLEM Pipeline End Manifold
PLET Pipeline End Termination
POB Person Onboard
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
RT Radiography Testing
ToFD Time of Flight Diffraction
WPQ Weld Procedure Qualification


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Scope of Work For NDE 12022-AMC-ME-SA-XXXX Rev. A


/1/ API Specification for Linepipe 5L
Welding of Pipelines and Related 20th
/2/ API 1104
Facilities Ed.
Etame & SEENT Steel Pipelines-
/3/ Vaalco ETAME-100-2.2 0

Vaalco Linepipes and Bends Materials Data

/4/ 09630-ET-305-02 0
Sheets - Etame
/5/ Vaalco Etame 3 Flowline Alignment Sheet 09630-ET-3506 C
/6/ Vaalco Field Joint Coating Details - Etame 09630-ET-3516 C

Vaalco Linepipes and Bends Materials Data

/7/ 09640-SE-305-02 0
Sheets - SEENT

Vaalco SEENT 1 Flowline Alignment Sheet –

/8/ 09640-SE-3505 B
Sheet 1 OF 2

Vaalco SEENT 2 Flowline Alignment Sheet –

/9/ 09640-SE-3506 C
Sheet 2 OF 2
/10/ Vaalco SEENT 2 Flowline Alignment Sheet 09640-SE-3507 B
/11/ Vaalco Field Joint Coating Details - SEENT 09640-SE-3516 D
/12/ Vaalco Rigid Flowline Installation Specification ETAME-GEN-306-01 1
Qualification Plan for Rigid Linepipe
Welding, NDE, & FJC

Spoolbase Fabrication Manager
The Spoolbase Fabrication manger has overall responsibility for managing the pipeline fabrication and
offshore welding, NDE and FJC works for the project. The Spoolbase Fabrication Manager will
interface with the Subcontractors on a project basis and the Spoolbase Production manager on a day
to day operational basis.
Spoolbase Production Manager
The Spoolbase Production manager will be responsible for managing the day to day operations of the
pipeline fabrication during the mainline production and spooling operations.


5.1 SUB-CONTRACTOR Scope of Work
SUBCONTRACTOR is required to provide a competitive proposal for all inclusive pipeline weld
procedure qualification, welder qualification and production NDE work for the Vaalco Etame Expansion
Project including the following
 RT for the onshore production and spooling tie-in welds
 ToFD supplemented with MUT for the offshore tie-in welds

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Scope of Work For NDE 12022-AMC-ME-SA-XXXX Rev. A

 MUT and MT of bevels for spooling tie-in and offshore welds

5.1.1 Scope of Work – Summary
The SUBCONTRACTOR scope of work includes NDE during the fabrication and installation of the
following pipelines.
 Etame 3 Flowline – 4.5” x 0.337 wt, API 5L PSL 2, X-52, 1.3km total length, FBE coating
 SEENT 1 Flowline – 4.5” x 0.337 wt, API 5L PSL 2, X-52, 5.7km total length, FBE coating
 SEENT 2 Flowline – 8.625” x 0.500 wt, API 5L PSL 2, X-52, 1.8km total length, FBE / GSPU
All pipeline stalks shall be fabricated into 5200ft (1585M) stalk lengths, NDE clear, field joint coated,
gauged and cleaned prior to spooling operations. In addition to all mainline and intermediate joints, as
required, field welding, NDE testing, FJC, etc. required to facilitate the spooling operations.
Flowline Details
Flowline Coating Number of Field
Flowline Pipe OD WT Thickness Cutback Joints
FBE – 6” +/1”
219.1mm 12.7mm GSPU – 16” & 8” +/- 1” 148
8.625” 14 mils + 2.3in
30 Deg
Etame 3 FBE FBE – 6” +/1”
141.3mm 8.6mm 106
4.5” 16 mils
SEENT 1 FBE FBE – 6” +/1”
141.3mm 8.6mm 468
4.5” 16 mils
Note: The qty of field joints shown above includes contingency flowline.
SUBCONTRACTOR responsibilities on the EMAS Marine Base Spoolbase and onboard the vessel
shall include:
• Mobilization of own personnel and equipment, preparation, modifications and demobilization
• Provision and maintenance of all own equipment.
• NDE examination of all pipeline welds inclusive of flange tie in welds which will be completed
The NDE method for the onshore fabrication and offshore installation shall be RT in accordance with
the project scope of work and welding specifications, References /1/, /3/ and /13/.
5.1.2 General
This document shall be read in conjunction with the COMPANY documents and drawings listed in
Section 3 of this document. The COMPANY documents and drawings detail the technical
specifications and requirements for the fabrication of the flowline.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible for provision of all project management, project specific NDE
procedures, HSSEQ, project controls, material coordination, document control and other administrative
functions normally associated with works of such a scale and scope.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall at their own cost ensure that all personnel mobilised to the spoolbase and
vessel and considered POB for the project shall have all relevant offshore safety certificates applicable
to the GOM in date and available for inspection by vessel HSSEQ representative.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide all transportation costs/logistics (airfares, transit visas etc.) for
SUBCONTRACTOR personnel to travel to the work site or the initial mobilization and on a day to day
basis and shipment of SUBCONTRACTOR provided equipment and materials to the worksite and

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Scope of Work For NDE 12022-AMC-ME-SA-XXXX Rev. A

Any exceptions, including substitution of items, which the SUBCONTRACTOR deems “equal”, shall be
approved in writing by CONTRACTOR prior to the execution of any WORK or procurement. The cost
of any remedial WORK or purchase of materials resulting from the SUBCONTRACTOR failing to
obtain such approval shall not be included in a compensation adjustment.
The WORK shall be completed in every respect, constructed in accordance with relevant specifications
and drawings and current good practices of the trades involved.
SUBCONTRACTOR is responsible for completing the WORK in accordance with the CONTRACTOR /
SUBCONTRACTOR agreed schedule durations in a manner that does not compromise HSSEQ
standards, working to the agreed fabrication method and maintaining the online and offline
CONTRACTOR / SUBCONTRACTOR agreed shift production rates.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall supply all other permanent and temporary works, materials and equipment
including spares required to complete the WORK, including but not limited to NDE consumables,
intermediary transport, and all remote fabrication site facilities and offices where required.
Mainline pipe stalk production will be based on 6 days per week and 12 hours per day. Spooling and
offshore operations will be based on 7 days per week and 24 hours per day.
The scope of SUBCONTRACTOR’s WORK includes all NDE required for the fabrication of the
flowline. This WORK shall include all mainline welds, spooling tie-in welds and offshore flange tie in
welds to complete the entire pipeline, bevel checks as required and NDE associated with repair
SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible for submittal for approval of all required documents prior to
start of any work.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all testing and QA/QC tasks associated with the
fabrication scope including, but not limited to, RT technique sheets and reference block manufacturing,
SUBCONTRACTOR shall maintain and track weld repair statistics for CONTACTOR’s review.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide all NDE personnel, equipment and consumables required for all
NDE verification and production for the onshore fabrication and offshore pipeline installation work.
All SUBCONTRACTOR personnel shall be certified by the respective certifying authority.
5.2 Procurement
SUBCONTRACTOR shall supply all materials, equipment and services, with exception to the CPI,
which are necessary to complete the flowline fabrication, testing in accordance with the relevant
documents referenced in Section 3.
5.3 CONTRACTOR Provided Items (CPI)
SUBCONTRACTOR shall consider all items listed below as CONTRACTOR provided items.
CONTRACTOR provided items will be as follows
 Bare / uncoated Pipe and weld coupons for RT techniques and & reference block manufacture
 Fully functional spoolbase located at the EMAS Marine Base located in Ingleside, TX
(Subcontractor to confirm requirements for the spoolbase)
 Offshore Pipelay vessel LEWEK EXPRESS; complete with power utilities (Subcontractor to
confirm requirements for the vessel)
 Food and accommodation for all SUBCONTRACTOR personnel considered POB the vessel
5.4 Schedule
Spoolbase Stalk Fabrication – Dec - Jan 2014
Spoolbase Spooling Operations – Jan 2014
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Scope of Work For NDE 12022-AMC-ME-SA-XXXX Rev. A

Offshore Installation - Feb 2014

The Technical Section of the quotation shall include the following as a minimum:-
SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit an execution plan. This document shall contain the following
minimum details:
 NDE methodologies for respective scopes and proposed Vendors, including proposed
techniques, etc.
 Details of equipment to be used
 General overview NDE methodology.
 Current and prospective workload
 Resume of key NDE personnel
 List of subcontractors to be used if any
 Proposed schedule and durations for production NDE
 Proposed org chart
 Project history
 HSE and Quality Information, including the following
o Work Exposure Hours
o Number of Fatalities
o Number of Lost Time Incidents
o Number of Other Recordable Incidents
 Other information as appropriate
SUBCONTRACTOR shall include resumes of NDE personnel proposed for the Project and respective
SUBCONTRACTOR shall clarify if noted personnel shall be assigned full-time, part-time, or on an ad-
hoc basis.

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