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Discussion meetings are cornerstone of Soka Gakkai practise as it

brings in all members together to understand and share key tenets
(Faith, Practise & Study) of the philosophy amongst themselves.
Welcome all to the another lively Feb19 discussion meeting.
This meeting give opportunity to share the practise with friends hence
I would request member who have (Chetan, Pranjal, Shashi) to this
meeting to introduce their guest and further would urge the guest to
say few words about themselves and what they know about the
(As a brief all members are leaders within their own right who are
further ably supported by senior leaders who have been in the practise
for a while.
Thank you, all our esteemed guests, to take out your value time to be
amongst us and would urge you to share or ask anything you would
like to seek about the philosophy).
With this I would commence our today meeting by sharing
important dates:
February 4: 1961 – Marked as Indian Kosen Rufu day. Daisaku Ikeda
travels to Bodh Gaya in India to mark the first step of Kosen-rofu in
February 11: 1900 Josei Toda's Birthday (1900)
February 16: 1222 Nichiren Daishonin (the originator of the
philosophy) was born in Awa province Japan
This month has a special significance for Bharat Soka Gakkai as:

In February 1961, Daisaku Ikeda, the young and newly inaugurated

third president of the organization, visited Bodh Gaya, the place
where Shakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, is said to have attained
enlightenment some 2,500 years ago. During the visit, Ikeda and his
party buried a plaque there on which he had inscribed a vow to help
actualize the peace and prosperity of Asia.
To make morning enthralling, we are now going to have a vibrant
Sokka Gakki song. Todays song is “Dawn of India” – which is
being lead by Ms Charu Rekha and supported by all of us.
Request all to stand for the song.
Thank you all for a vibrant joy filled rendition.
President Ikeda says “ the main purpose of an experience is to
illuminate the process of human revolution that we undergo when
we challenge ourselves based on Faith practise and study.
- Mr Chetan will be sharing his experience
I will now request anyone to share any further impression or any
experience they would have encountered thru this practise.
Today’s Concept is on Fresh Beginnings & Soka Victory
Concept Incharge – Amba along with Mr Bansal, Parul
If anyone would like to ask or share any thought on the concept,
please be feel to do so.

In the end I would like to thank you all for making this a
wonderful experience. Now I leave the floor open for any
discussion and would like if our new friends have any question or
views to share.

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